Netbook of Proficiencies v.2.0

When I first picked up this netbook up a few months ago I thought, hey there’s a book to have. But lo and behold it didn’t have a lot of things I thought it should have, like certain proficiencies and maybe a warning on what kind of a bad effect certain profs might have on your campaign. Like for example Alchemy (advanced) let me tell you I am just happy none of the people in my group wanted to use that one (not that it would of mattered I would of shot them down but hey, if they DM they might not.)

So I scoured the web looking for any and all proficiencies I could find.

Thanks go out to-

* The Black One, the author of v. 1.0

* All the netbooks out there (esp. The book of sex).

* (great page).

* and where I usually ‘shop’ for all my netbooks.

* my mom and dad (for being horny that night).

* whoever made the "some non weapon proficiencies" document that I found at (you know who you are.)

Be sure and submit any proficiencies (not involving kiddie porn or beastiality, also I reserve the right to fix grammar, spelling, foul language or put in anything you might have missed on the description/add things [requirements to use] if I deem it appropriate. Your NWP/WP might not get put in if a similar proficiency exists, so be creative) you don’t see to I am going to try and put out a new edition anywhere between every 6 months to every year or maybe sooner if I get a lot of submissions or free time to make up more profs. Also before I forget, send


2. questions,

3. cool stuff (anything that isn’t too inappropriate, not just profs. Anything you think is cool and want more people to know about. I love that stuff.).

4. spelling errors / your rulings on any of this stuff.

5.Suggestions to better this book for future generations.

6. Thanks for being so cool as to do this.

I will answer. Criticisms, however, can be sent to


February 1999

P.S. Any prof that looks like it takes too many proficiencies is probably overpowered FYI.
























THE TIGHT/BROAD GROUPS (From the Complete Ninjas Handbook)




MARTIAL ARTS (as per The Complete Ninjas Handbook)








































Most of what a player character can do is defined by his race, class, and ability scores. These three characteristics don't cover everything, however. Characters can have a wide range of talents, from the potent (and intricate) arts of magic to the simple and mundane knowledge of how to build a good fire. The character's magical ability (or lack thereof is defined by his class. Lesser abilities, such as fire building, are defined by proficiencies.

A proficiency is a learned skill that isn't essential to the character's class. A ranger, for example,

may find it useful to know something about navigation, especially if he lives near an ocean or sea

coast. On the other hand, he isn't likely to suffer if he doesn't know how to navigate; he is a ranger,

not a sailor.

Proficiencies are divided into two groups: weapon proficiencies (those related to weapons and combat) and nonweapon proficiencies (those related to everything else).

All proficiency rules are additions to the game. Weapon proficiencies are tournament level rules, optional in regular play, and nonweapon proficiencies are completely optional. Proficiencies are not necessary for a balanced game. They add an additional dimension to the characters, however, and anything that enriches characterization is a bonus. If weapon proficiencies are used in your game, expect them to apply to all characters, including NPCs. Nonweapon proficiencies may be used by players who enjoy them and ignored by those who don't without giving unfair advantages to anyone (provided your DM allows this; he's the one who must deal with any problems). Once a proficiency slot is filled, it can never be changed or reassigned.


Acquiring Proficiencies

Even newly created, 1st-level characters have proficiencies. The number of proficiency slots that a character starts with is determined by his group, as shown in Table 5-1. Each proficiency slot is empty until the player "fills" it by selecting a proficiency. If your DM allows nonweapon proficiencies, the character's Intelligence score can modify the number of slots he has, granting him more proficiencies (see Intelligence). In both cases, new proficiencies are learned the same way.

Consider the case of Rath, a dwarf fighter. Table 5-1 gives him four weapon proficiency slots (he is a warrior). If nonweapon proficiencies are used, he has three slots and his Intelligence of 11 gives him two additional proficiency slots (see intelligence) for a total of five nonweapon proficiency slots. The player must assign weapon or nonweapon proficiencies to all of these slots before the character goes on his first adventure. These represent what the character has learned before beginning his adventuring career.

Thereafter, as the character advances in experience levels, he gains additional proficiency slots. The rate at which he gains them depends on the group he belongs to. Table 5-1 lists how many weapon and nonweapon proficiency slots the character starts with, and how many levels the character must gain before he earns another slot.

Initial Weapon Proficiencies is the number of weapon proficiency slots received by characters of that group at 1st level.

# Levels (for both weapon and nonweapon proficiencies) tell how quickly a character gains additional proficiency slots. A new proficiency slot is gained at every experience level that is evenly divisible by the number listed. Rath (a warrior), for example, gains one weapon proficiency slot at every level evenly divisible by 3. He gets a new slot at 3rd level, another at 6th, another at 9th, and so on. (Note that Rath also gains one nonweapon proficiency at 3rd, 6th, 9th, etc.)

Penalty is the modifier to the character's attack rolls when he fights using a weapon he is not proficient with. Rath, a dwarf, chose to be proficient with the war hammer. Finding himself in a desperate situation, he snatches up a flail, even though he knows little about it (he is not proficient with it). Using the weapon awkwardly, he has a -2 penalty to his chance to hit.

Initial Nonweapon Proficiencies is the number of nonweapon proficiency slots that character has at 1st level. Even if you are playing with weapon proficiencies, nonweapon proficiencies are optional.

Table 5-1: Proficiency Slots

Weapon Non-Weapon

Group Initial # Levels Initial # Levels Penalty

warrior 4 3 3 3 -2

wizard 1 6 4 3 -5

priest 2 4 4 3 -3

rogue 2 4 3 4 -3




Like all skills and abilities, proficiencies do not leap unbidden and fully realized into a character's mind. Instead, a character must train, study, and practice to learn a new proficiency. However, role-playing the training time needed to learn a new skill is not much fun. Thus there are no training times or study periods associated with any proficiency. When a character chooses a proficiency, it is assumed that he had been studying it in his spare time.

Consider just how much spare time the character has. The player is not role-playing every second of his character's life. The player may decide to have his character spend a night in town before setting out on the long journey the next day. Perhaps the character must wait around for several days while his companions heal from the last adventure. Or he might spend weeks on an uneventful ocean voyage. What is he doing during that time?

Among other things, he is studying whatever new proficiencies he will eventually learn. Using this "down time" to handle the unexciting aspects of a role-playing campaign lets players concentrate on more important (or more interesting) matters.

Another part of training is finding a teacher. Most skills are easier to learn if someone teaches the character. The DM can handle this in several ways. For those who like simplicity, ignore the need for teachers-there are self-taught people everywhere in the world. For those who want more complexity, make the player characters find someone to teach them any new proficiency they want to learn. This can be another player character or an NPC. Although this adds realism, it tends to limit the PC's adventuring options, especially if he is required to stay in regular contact with his instructor. Furthermore, most teachers want payment. While a barter arrangement might be reached, the normal payment is cash. The actual cost of the service depends on the nature of the skill, the amount of training desired, the availability of tutors, the greed of the instructor, and the desire of the DM to remove excess cash from his campaign.


A good player character is more than a collection of combat modifiers. Most people have a variety of skills learned over the years. Consider yourself as an example-how many skills do you possess? If you have gone through 12 years of school, were moderately active in after school programs, and did fairly well on your grades, the following might be a partial list of your skills:

English reading and writing

Geometry, algebra, and trigonometry

Basic chemistry

Basic physics

Music (playing an instrument, singing, or both)

Spanish reading and writing (or French, German, etc.)

Basic Shop or Home Economics




Basic biology

In addition to the things learned in school, you have also learned things from your parents, friends, scouts, or other groups. You might be able to add any of the following to your list.






Horseback riding

First aid

Animal training





If you consider all your hobbies and all the things you have done, you probably know many more skills. In fact, if you make a list, you probably will be surprised by the large number of basic skills you have. And, at this point, you are (or were) still young!

Now, having graduated from school, you get a job. Are you just a carpenter, mechanic, electrician, salesman, or secretary. Of course not, you are a lot more than just your job. All those things you learned in school and elsewhere are part of what you are. Shouldn't it be the same for your player character?

For a really complete role-playing character, you should know what your character can do. There are three different ways to do this:

using what you know, using secondary skills, and using nonweapon proficiencies. Each of these is optional, but each increases the amount of detail that rounds out your character.


If your DM decides not to use secondary skills or nonweapon proficiencies, situations will arise in which you'll have to determine whether your character has certain skills. For example, Delsenora the mage slips at the edge of a steep riverbank and tumbles into the water. The current sweeps her into the middle of the river. To escape, she must swim to safety. But does Delsenora know how to swim?

One way to answer this is to pretend that your character knows most of the things that you know. Do you know how to swim? If you do, then your character can swim. If you know a little about mountain climbing, horseback riding, carpentry, or sewing, your character knows these things, too. This also applies to things your character might want to build. Perhaps your character decides he wants to build a catapult. If you can show your DM how to make such a device, then the DM may allow your character the same knowledge. Indeed, you might visit the local library just to gain this information.

There are real advantages to this method. You can learn something at the library or school and bring it into your game. Also, there are fewer rules to get in the way of your fun. Since there are fewer rules, your DM has a lot of flexibility and can play out all the drama inherent in a scene.

There are also problems with this method. First, you probably know a lot of things your character should not- basic electronics, the components of gunpowder, or calculus, for instance. You have a lot of knowledge that is just not available to someone in a medieval world (even a fantasy medieval world). Likewise, there are things that a typical person in a medieval world would know that you, as a modern person, have never needed to learn. Do you know how to make armor? Skin a deer? Salt meat away for the winter? Turn flax into linen? Thatch a roof? Read heraldry? You might, but there is no way you can consider these common skills anymore. But in a medieval world they would be common.

Also, knowing something about a skill or trade doesn't mean you know a lot, and there is a big difference between the two. When Delsenora fell into the raging river, she had to swim out. But was she a strong enough swimmer to pull free of the current? The DM must make up a rule on the spot to handle the situation. Perhaps you can swim, but can you swim well enough to escape a raging torrent?

The biggest drawback to this method is that there are no rules to resolve tricky situations. The DM must make it up during play. Some players and DMs enjoy doing this. They think up good answers quickly. Many consider this to be a large part of the fun. This method is perfect for them, and they should use it. Other players and DMs like to have clear rules to prevent arguments. If this is the case in your group, it is better to use secondary skills or nonweapon proficiencies.


The second method for determining what your character knows is to assign secondary skills. Secondary skills are broad areas of expertise. Most correspond to occupations that your character may have been apprenticed in or otherwise picked up before beginning his adventuring life. Secondary skills are much more general than nonweapon proficiencies. They should not be used in combination with nonweapon proficiencies, which are explained later.

Every player character has a chance at a secondary skill. Either choose one from the table below or take a chance and roll randomly. A random roll may result in one, two, or no secondary skills.


D100 Secondary Skill

01-02 Armorer (make, repair, & evaluate armor and weapons)

03-04 Bower/Fletcher (make, repair, & evaluate bows and arrows)

05-10 Farmer (basic agriculture)

11-14 Fisher (swimming, nets, and small boat handling)

15-20 Forester (basic wood lore, lumbering)

21-23 Gambler (knowledge of gambling games)

24-27 Groom (animal handling)

28-32 Hunter (basic wood lore, butchering, basic tracking)

33-34 Jeweler (appraisal of gems and jewelry)

35-37 Leather worker (skinning, tanning)

38-39 Limner/Painter (map making, appraisal of art objects)

40-42 Mason (stone-cutting)

43-44 Miner (stone-cutting, assaying)

45-46 Navigator (astronomy, sailing, swimming, navigation)

47-49 Sailor (sailing, swimming)

50-51 Scribe (reading, writing, basic math)

52-53 Shipwright (sailing, carpentry)

54-56 Tailor/Weaver (weaving, sewing, embroidery)

57-59 Teamster/Freighter (animal handling, wagon-repair)

60-62 Trader/Barterer (appraisal of common goods)

63-66 Trapper/Furrier (basic wood lore, skinning)

67-68 Weapon smith (make, repair, & evaluate weapons)

69-71 Woodworker/Carpenter (carpentry, carving)

72-85 No skill of measurable worth

86-00 Roll twice (reroll any result of 86-00)

Once a character has a secondary skill, it is up to the player and the DM to determine just what the character can do with it. The items in parentheses after each skill describe some of the things the character knows. Other knowledge may be added with the DM's approval. Thus, a hunter might know the basics of finding food in the wilderness, how to read animal signs to identify the types of creatures in the area, the habits of dangerous animals, and how to stalk wild animals.

Like the previous method ('Using What You Know"), this method has strengths and weaknesses. Secondary skills do not provide any rules for determining whether a character succeeds when he uses a skill to do something difficult. It is safe to assume that simple jobs succeed automatically. (A hunter could find food for himself without any difficulty.) For more complicated tasks, the DM must assign a chance for success. He can assign a percentage chance, have the character make a saving throw, or require an Ability check (see Glossary). The DM still has a lot of flexibility.

This flexibility means the DM must sometimes make up the rule to cover the situation, however. As mentioned earlier, some DMs enjoy this; others do not, their strengths being elsewhere. While secondary skills define and limit the player's options, they do not greatly simplify the DM's job.

Nonweapon Proficiencies

The most detailed method for handling character skills is that of nonweapon proficiencies. These are much like weapon proficiencies. Each character starts with a specific number of nonweapon proficiency slots and then earns additional slots as he advances. Initial slots must be assigned immediately; they cannot be saved or held in reserve.

Nonweapon proficiencies are the most detailed way to handle the question of what the player character knows. They allow the player to choose from a broad selection and define the effects of each choice. Like the other methods, however, this system is not without drawbacks. First, nonweapon proficiencies are rigid. Being so defined, they limit the options of both the player and DM. At the same time, there will still be questions unanswered by these proficiencies. Whereas before such questions were broad, they will now tend to be more precise and detailed. Secondly, using this system increases the amount of time needed to create a character. While the end result is a more complete, well-rounded person, set-up time can take up to two or three hours. Novice players especially may be overwhelmed by the number of choices and rules.

Unlike weapon proficiencies, in which some weapons are not available to certain character classes, all nonweapon proficiencies are available to all characters. Some nonweapon proficiencies are easier for certain character classes to learn, however.

Table 5-4 lists all nonweapon proficiencies. They are divided into categories that correspond to character groups. The proficiencies listed under each group can be learned easily by characters of that group. A fifth category-"General"-contains proficiencies that can be learned easily by any character.

Refer to Table 5-3. When a player selects a nonweapon proficiency from those categories listed under "Proficiency Groups" for his character's group, it requires the number of proficiency slots listed in Table 5-1. When a player selects a proficiency from any other category, it requires one additional proficiency slot beyond the number listed.

Table 5-3: Nonweapon Proficiency Group Crossovers

Character Class Proficiency Groups

fighter Warrior, General

paladin Warrior, Priest, General

ranger Warrior, Wizard, General

cleric Priest, General

druid Priest, Warrior, General

mage Wizard, General

Illusionist Wizard, General

Thief Rogue, General

Bard Rogue, Warrior, Wizard, General

Using Nonweapon Proficiencies

When a character uses a proficiency, either the attempt is automatically successful or the character must roll a proficiency check. If the task is simple or the proficiency has only limited game use (such as cobbling or carpentry), a proficiency check is generally not required. If the task the character is trying to perform is difficult or subject to failure, a proficiency check is required. Read the descriptions of the proficiencies for details about how and when each can be used.

If a proficiency check is required, Table 5-3 lists which ability is used with each proficiency. Add or subtract the modifier (either positive or negative) listed in Table 5-3 to the appropriate ability score. Then the player rolls 1d20. If the roll is equal to or less than the character's adjusted ability score, the character accomplished what he was trying to do. If the roll is greater than the character's ability score, the character fails at the task. (A roll of 20 always fails.) The DM determines what effects, if any, accompany failure.

Of course, to use a proficiency, the character must have any tools and materials needed to do the job. A carpenter can do very little without his tools, and a smith is virtually helpless without a good forge. The character must also have enough time to do the job. Certainly, carpentry proficiency enables your character to build a house, but not in a single day. Some proficiency descriptions state how much time is required for certain jobs. Most, however, are left to the DM's judgement.

The DM can raise or lower a character's chance of success if the situation calls for it. Factors that can affect a proficiency check include availability and quality of tools, quality of raw material used, time spent doing the job, difficulty of the job, and how familiar the character is with the task. A positive modifier is added to the ability score used for the check. A negative modifier is subtracted from the ability score.

Rath, skilled as a blacksmith, has been making horseshoes for years. Because he is so familiar with the task and has every tool he needs, the DM lets him make-horse shoes automatically, without risk of failure. However, Delsenora has persuaded Rath-to make an elaborate wrought-iron cage (needed to create a magical item). Rath has never done this before and the work is very intricate, so the DM imposes a penalty of -3 on Rath's ability check.

When two proficient characters work together on the same task, the highest ability score is used (the one with the greatest chance of success). Furthermore, a +2 bonus is added for the other characters assistance. The bonus can never be more than +2, as having too many assistants is sometimes worse than having none.

Nonweapon proficiencies can also be improved beyond the ability score the character starts with. For every additional proficiency slot a character spends on a nonweapon proficiency, he gains a +3 bonus to those proficiency checks. Thus, Rath (were he not an adventurer) might spend his additional proficiency slots on black smithing, to become a very good blacksmith, gaining a +3, +6, +9, or greater bonus to his ability checks.

Many non-player craftsmen are more accomplished in their fields than player characters, having devoted all their energies to improving a single proficiency. Likewise, old masters normally have more talent than young apprentices-unless the youth has an exceptional ability score!. However, age is no assurance of talent. Remember that knowing a skill and being good at it are two different things. There are bad potters, mediocre potters, and true craftsmen. All this has much less to do with age than with dedication and talent.







Proficiency # Slots Ability Mod.

Accounting 1 Intelligence 0

Acting 1 Charisma -1

Agriculture 1 Intelligence +1

Alertness 1 Wisdom +1

Animal Handling 1 Wisdom -1

Animal Training 1 Wisdom 0

Artistic Ability 1 Wisdom 0

Balance 1 Dexterity 0

Bargain 1 Wisdom -2

Bar keeping 1 Intelligence 0

Bartending 2(3) Special spe.

Beekeeping 1 Wisdom 0

Blacksmithing 1 Strength 0

Blazoning 1 Intelligence +1

Boasting 1 Charisma +3

Boating 1 Wisdom +1

Boatwright 1 Intelligence -2

Body Language 1 Wisdom -2

Brewing 1 Intelligence 0

Butcher 1 Intelligence +1

Candler 1 Intelligence 0

Caravaner 1 Wisdom 0

Carpentry 1 Strength 0

Carpentry (Spelljammer) 1 Strength 0

Cartography 1 Wisdom 0

Cartwright 1 Intelligence 0

Catching 1 Dexterity 0

Chanting 1 Wisdom +3

Cheese Making 1 Intelligence 0

City Lore 1 1 Intelligence +1

City Lore 2 2 Intelligence -2

City Lore 3 2 Charisma -1

City Lore 4 2 Intelligence -2

Cobbling 1 Dexterity 0

Comedy 1 Charisma 0

Commerce 1 1 Wisdom -1

Commerce 2 2 Wisdom -2

Contortion 1 Dexterity 0

Cooking 1 Intelligence 0

Craft Instrument 2 Dexterity 0

Cream Pie 1 n/a n/a

Crowd Working 1 Charisma +2

Cryptography 1 Intelligence spe.

Dairyman 1 Intelligence 0

Dancing 1 Dexterity 0

Danger Sense 2 Wisdom -2

Debate 1 Intelligence 0

Differencing 1 Intelligence +2

Diplomacy 1 Charisma 0

Direction Sense 1 Wisdom +1

Disguise Drunkenness/Hangover 1 Intelligence -4

Distance Sense 1 Wisdom 0

Distillation 1 Intelligence 0

Diving 1 Dexterity 0

Draftsmanship 1 Dexterity 0

Drinking/Boozing 1 Special spe.

Drinking Skills/Tricks 1 Dexterity spe.

Drover/Shepherd 1 Intelligence +1

Dyer 1 Intelligence -1

Eavesdropping 1 Intelligence +1

Epicure 2 Intelligence +2

Etiquette 1 Charisma 0

Falconry 1 Wisdom -1

Farming 1 Wisdom 0

Fashion 1 Wisdom +1

Fasting 1 Constitution -1

Find Water 1 Intelligence 0

Fire Building 1 Wisdom -1

Fire Control 1 Dexterity 0

Fishing 1 Wisdom -1

Freefall 1 Dexterity 0

Fungi Recognition 1 Intelligence +3

Gaming 1 Charisma 0

Geography 2 Intelligence 0

Geology 2 Intelligence -1

Glazier 2 Dexterity 0

Goldsmithing 1 Dexterity 0

Grooming(animal) 1 Wisdom 0

Grooming(humanoid) 1 Wisdom 0

Heat Protection 1 Intelligence -2

Heraldry 1 Intelligence 0

Hiding 2 Intelligence -1

History, Family 1 Intelligence 0

Intimidation 1 Special 0

Jewelry Making 2 Dexterity -2

Kissing 1 Charisma -2

Laijutsu 1 Dexterity 0

Languages, Modern 1 Intelligence 0

Law 1 Intelligence 0

Leatherworking 1 Intelligence 0

Massage 1 Intelligence 0

Masseur 1 Strength 0

Mathematics 1 Intelligence 0

Merchant 2 Intelligence -1

Miller 1 Intelligence 0

Mime 1 Charisma +1

Mind Over Body 1 Wisdom -2

Mining 2 Wisdom -3

Monster Trivia 2 Intelligence -2

Mortician 1 Intelligence +1

Navigation 1 Intelligence -2

Navigation, Underground 1 Intelligence 0

Night Sight 1 Wisdom -2

Observation 1 Intelligence 0

Orienteering 2 Wisdom 0

Persuasion 1 Charisma 0

Pharmacy 1 Intelligence 0

Poetry 1 Charisma 0

Poison 2 Intelligence spe.

Pottery 1 Dexterity -2

Psionic Detection 1 Wisdom -2

Rapping 1 Special spe.

Riding, Airborne 2 Wisdom -2

Riding, Land Based 1 Wisdom +3

Riding, Sea Based 2 Wisdom -2

Riding, Space Based 2 Wisdom -3

Rogue Skill 2 Special spe.

Rope/Net Making 1 Dexterity 0

Rope Use 1 Dexterity 0

Sail Manipulation 1 Dexterity 0

Scribing 1 Dexterity 0

Seamanship 1 Dexterity +1

Seamstress/Tailor 1 Dexterity -1

Seduction 1 1 Charisma -2

Seduction 2 1 Charisma 0

Semaphore 1 Intelligence 0

Sexual Endurance 1 Constitution 0

Sexual Knowledge 1 Intelligence 0

Shipwright 2 Intelligence -2

Sign Language 1 Intelligence +2

Signaling 1 Intelligence +2

Signaling, Underground 1 Intelligence +2

Signaling, Wildspace 1 Intelligence +2

Silversmithing 1 Dexterity 0

Singing 1 Charisma 0

Skiing 1 Special spe.

Skilled Perversion 1 Special spe.

Skinning 1 Intelligence 0

Skydiving 2 Dexterity -1

Slow Respiration 1 Constitution 0

Smelting 1 Intelligence -1

Sound Analysis 1 Wisdom 0

Spacemanship 1 Dexterity +1

Spell Mimicry 2 Intelligence -2

Spelljammer History 2 Intelligence -1

Spying 1 Intelligence 0

Statecraft 1 Intelligence 0

Stealth 1 Dexterity 0

Stewardship 1 Intelligence 0

Stone Masonry 1 Strength -2

Stooge Fu 1 Dexterity spe.

Story Telling 1 Charisma 0

Survival, Wildspace 2 Wisdom -3

Swimming 1 Strength 0

Teaching 1 Wisdom 0

Throwing/Shooting 1 Dexterity 0

Time Sense 1 Wisdom 0

Toasting 1 Intelligence -2

Torture 1 Intelligence 0

Torture Resistance 1 Constitution -2

Waterproofing 1 Intelligence -1

Weather Sense 1 Wisdom -1

Weaving 1 Intelligence -1

Whistling/Humming 1 Dexterity +2

Wine Making 1 Wisdom 0

Wine Pouring 1 Wisdom 0

Wine Tasting 1 Wisdom 0

Wound Binding 1 Wisdom -1

Yelling 1 Charisma 0


Proficiency # Slots Ability Modifier

Alchemy (base) 3 Intelligence -2

Ancient History 1 Intelligence -1

Astrology 2 Intelligence 0

Astronomy 2 Intelligence -1

Botany 1 Intelligence -1

Bureaucracy 1 Intelligence 0

Calligraphy 1 Dexterity -1

Diagnostics 1 Wisdom -1

Divining 1 Wisdom -2

Energy Control spe. Special spe.

Engineering 2 Intelligence -3

Genie Lore 1 Intelligence 0

Healing 2 Wisdom -2

Herbalism 2 Intelligence -2

Languages, Ancient 1 Intelligence 0

Languages, Space 1 Intelligence 0

Librarian 1 Intelligence 0

Local History 1 Charisma 0

Magical Energy Conservation 2 n/a n/a

Magical Engineering 2 Intelligence -3

Meditation 2 Special -2

Musical Instrument 1 Dexterity -1

Navigation, Celestial 1 Intelligence -2

Navigation, Phlogiston 1 Intelligence -2

Organic Preservation 1 Intelligence -1

Planar Geography 1 Intelligence -1

Planar Geometry 1 Intelligence 0

Planet Lore 1 Intelligence 0

Planetology 2 Intelligence -1

Psychology 2 Wisdom -2

Quick Tongue 3 Dexterity -1

Read/Tie Quipu 1 Intelligence -1

Reading/Writing 1 Intelligence +1

Religion 1 Wisdom 0

Somatic Concealment 1 Dexterity -1

Speed Casting 2 Wisdom -2

Spellcraft 1 Intelligence -2

Spelljamming 2 Intelligence -2

Veterinary Healing 1 Wisdom -3

Vision Quest 2 Wisdom -3


Proficiency # Slots Ability Modifier

Ancient History 1 Intelligence -1

Appraising 1 Intelligence 0

Astrology 2 Intelligence 0

Begging 1 Charisma spe.

Blind Fighting 2 Wisdom 0

Bribery 1 Charisma spe.

Bureaucracy 1 Intelligence 0

Camouflage 1 Intelligence 0

Climbing 2 Strength -4

Concealment 1 Dexterity -4

Dark Sense 2 Wisdom -2

Dirty Fighting 1 Wisdom -2

Dirty Fighting 2 2 Dexterity -3

Disguise 1 Charisma -1

Endurance 2 Constitution 0

Escapology 1 Dexterity spe.

Evasion 1 Dexterity -2

Fast Talking 1 Charisma spe.

Foraging 1 Intelligence -2

Forgery 1 Dexterity -1

Fortune Telling 2 Charisma spe.

Gem Cutting 1 Dexterity -2

Haggling 1 Charisma 0

Harness Subconscious 2 Wisdom -1

Herbalism 2 Intelligence -2

Hunting 1 Wisdom -1

Hypnosis 1 Charisma -2

Information Gathering 1 Intelligence spe.

Juggling 1 Dexterity -1

Jumping 1 Strength 0

Legerdemain 1 Dexterity -1

Lock Picking 2 Dexterity -4

Locksmithing 1 Dexterity 0

Looting 1 Wisdom 0

Mechanics 3 Intelligence -2

Meditation 1 special -2

Meditative Focus 1 Wisdom +1

Musical Instrument 1 Dexterity -1

Pest Control 1 Dexterity -4

Reading/Writing 1 Intelligence +1

Rejuvenation 1 Wisdom -1

Sabotage 1 Intelligence -1

Seance 2 Charisma -2

Set Snares 1 Dexterity +1

Sideshow Talents 1 Dexterity 0

Sleight of Hand 1 Dexterity -2

Space Fighting 2 Dexterity +2

Street Sense 2 Charisma 0

Telepathy 4 Intelligence -2

Thief Skills Improved 1 n/a n/a

Tightrope Walking 1 Dexterity 0

Trailing 1 Dexterity spe.

Trail Hiding 1 Intelligence 0

Trail Signs 1 Intelligence -1

Trap Detection 2 Intelligence -4

Tumbling 1 Dexterity 0

Ventriloquism 1 Intelligence -2

Voice Mimicry 2 Charisma spe.

Water Divining 1 Wisdom -2


Proficiency # Slots Ability Modifier

Air Walk 2 Dexterity -2

Animal Lore 1 Intelligence 0

Armorer 2 Intelligence -2

Armor Optimization 1 Dexterity -2

Arms Appraising 1 Intelligence 0

Battle Sense 1 Intelligence 0

Blind Fighting 2 Wisdom 0

Blocking 2 n/a n/a

Bower/Fletcher 1 Dexterity -1

Bribery 1 Charisma spe.

Camouflage 1 Intelligence 0

Charioteering 1 Dexterity +2

Close Quarter Fighting 2 Dexterity 0

Dark Sense 2 Wisdom -2

Dirty Fighting 2 2 Dexterity -3

Display Weapon Prowess 1 Dexterity 0

Endurance 2 Constitution 0

Energy Control spe. Special spe.

Fencing 2(4) Dexterity n/a

Foraging 1 Intelligence -2

Grappling Hook 1 Dexterity +1

Gunnery 1 Intelligence -2

Heraldic Law 1 Intelligence -1

Hunting 1 Wisdom -1

Jousting 1 Dexterity +2

Leadership 1 Charisma 0

Marksmanship 3 Special spe.

Mechanics 3 Intelligence -2

Military Tactics 1 Intelligence -2

Mountaineering 1 n/a n/a

Navigation, Celestial 1 Intelligence -2

Navigation, Phlogiston 1 Intelligence -2

Perfect Cutting 5 n/a n/a

Quick Draw 2 n/a n/a

Revelations 1 Intelligence 0

Running 1 Constitution -6

Shadow Skill 3 Strength -6

Space Fighting 2 Dexterity +2

Spelunking 1 Intelligence -2

Street Fighting 2 Dexterity 0

Strategy/Tactics 2 Wisdom spe.

Style Analysis 1 Intelligence -1

Survival 2 Intelligence 0

Tracking 2 Wisdom [-6]

Trail Hiding 1 Intelligence 0

Trail Marking 1 Wisdom 0

Trail Signs 1 Intelligence -1

Underground Fighting 1 Wisdom 0

Vision Quest 2 Wisdom -3

Weapon Improvisation 1 Wisdom -1

Weapon Loader 1 Dexterity +1

Weapon Sharpening 1 Intelligence -1

Weaponsmithing 3 Intelligence -3

Weaponsmithing, Crude 1 Wisdom -3

Wheel Lock Pistol 1 Dexterity 0

Wild Fighting 2 Constitution 0

Zero Gravity Combat 1 Intelligence -2


Proficiency # Slots Ability Modifier

Alchemy (Base) 3 Intelligence -2

Alchemy (Advanced) 3 Intelligence -3

Alternate Magic's 1 Intelligence -1

Ancient History 1 Intelligence -1

Astrology 2 Intelligence 0

Astronomy 2 Intelligence -1

Botany 1 Intelligence -1

Calligraphy 1 Dexterity -1

Chemistry 2 Intelligence -2

Divining 1 Wisdom -2

Dweomercraft 3 Intelligence -3

Engineering 2 Intelligence -3

Field of Study 1 Intelligence -1

Genie Lore 1 Intelligence 0

Herbalism 2 Intelligence -2

Languages, Ancient 1 Intelligence 0

Languages, Space 1 Intelligence 0

Librarian 1 Intelligence 0

Magical Energy Conservation 2 n/a n/a

Magical Engineering 2 Intelligence -3

Meditation 2 special -2

Mind Spell 5 Intelligence n/a

No Noticeable Effect 2 Intelligence -2

Navigation, Celestial 1 Intelligence -2

Navigation, Phlogiston 1 Intelligence -2

Organic Preservation 1 Intelligence -1

Pharallax 4 Intelligence -2

Planar Geography 1 Intelligence -1

Planar Geometry 1 Intelligence 0

Planet Lore 1 Intelligence 0

Planetology 2 Intelligence -1

Quick Tongue 3 Dexterity -1

Read/Tie Quipu 1 Intelligence -1

Reading/Writing 1 Intelligence +1

Religion 1 Wisdom 0

Researching 1 Wisdom 0

Somatic Concealment 1 Dexterity -1

Speed Casting 2 Wisdom -2

Spellcraft 1 Intelligence -2

Spelljamming 2 Intelligence -2

Specific Spell 2 Intelligence -2

Subtle Casting 2 Dexterity -2

Telepathy 4 Intelligence -2

Theory of Magic 2(3) Intelligence n/a

Underground Casting 1 Wisdom 0


The following proficiency descriptions are arranged alphabetically, not according to character class. Each description gives a general outline of what a character with the proficiency knows and can do. Furthermore, some descriptions include rules to cover specific uses or situations, or exact instructions on the effects of the proficiency.

Accounting - (1 slot, general, Intelligence 0) A character with the accounting proficiency can save himself and his party from 11-18% (1d8+10%) of the taxes and/or levies they would pay on their treasure and income. The amount saved may have to be invested in some business or public project, but the value of the money would stay with the character or party (i.e., a business has a specific value, but it is not in currency form). Note that this does not necessarily exempt PC-owned businesses from paying income taxes... this proficiency is describing the ability to find some form of tax shelters.

Acting - (1 slot, general, Charisma -1) this proficiency allows a character to skillfully portray various roles, often as entertainment. It can also be used to enhance a disguise. If a character has both acting and disguise proficiencies, the check for either is made at a +2 bonus. Proficiency checks are required only if the actor must portray a particularly difficult role or is attempting to 'ad lib' without rehearsal.

Agriculture - (1 slot, general, intelligence +1) The character has a knowledge of the basics of farming. This includes planting, harvesting, storing crops, tend animals, butchering, and other typical farming chores.

Air Walk (2 slots, warrior, dexterity-2) Characters possessing this proficiency can, with proper equipment (I’ll leave the price up to the individual DM) and with a successful check, glide for 10d8+10 feet in any direction, enabling them to leap over tall obstacles or gain access to higher elevations ( i.e., building tops, rock ledges, etc.). Characters also suffer no ill effects from fall damage unless the check is failed. (From

Alchemy (Base) - (3 slots, wizard, intelligence -2) allows a chance to identify potions, poisons & recognize potential ingredients for alchemical potions (said ingredients being useful parts of recently-slain creatures or discovered plants). Does not allow brewing of potions, etc. if taken on its own {from Barbara Haddad}

Alchemy (Advanced)- (2 slots, wizard, Intelligence -2) An individual skilled in the science of alchemy can perform a variety of feats when he has access to a well-stocked laboratory. Given time and the proper materials, the alchemist can create such things as smoke bombs, sleep gas, nonmagical potions, dusts, powders, Greek fire, strong glue, various drugs and mild poisons, both natural and otherwise. Furthermore, a character with this proficiency can conduct experiments to determine the properties and content of unknown substances.

A laboratory, including the specialized equipment and the innumerable chemicals necessary for its operation, costs at least 5000gp. For every additional 5000gp invested in the laboratory, the alchemist's chances of success in any given project should modified by +1. However, since there is always a chance of failure, any roll of a natural 20 indicates that something has gone wrong, most probably damaging the alchemist and some of his equipment. Other failures may result in worthless potions, creations with wildly different effects, or whatever else the DM can think of.

This skill is almost useless outside of the laboratory, and the character's abilities should be limited accordingly when this is the case. Some characters may wish to carry small analysis kits with them while adventuring. These typically cost as much as 500 gp each. The delicate equipment is not likely to stand up to the rigors of normal adventuring, and the chances of success on any project will incur penalties ranging from -1 to -10 depending on the situation.

Possession of this skill grants a +1 bonus on all brewing, herbalism, and poison proficiency checks.

Note - to have this proficiency, a character must already have both herbalism and chemistry non weapon proficiencies. This skill allows the character to make the following items (description, NWP penalty applied to the check when making this substance, cost to make the substance, number of days to make the item, and other information):-

acid - weak, +2 nwp, 10gp, 1 day, 1-4 dam/Rnd, lasts 1-4 rnds, makes 2-5 flasks

acid - medium, 0 nwp, 25gp, 2 days, 1-6 dam/Rnd, lasts 2-5 rnds, makes 2-8 flasks

acid - strong, -2 nwp, 50gp, 3 days, 1-8 dam/Rnd, lasts 1-3 rnds, makes 1-12 flasks

acetone, +2 nwp, 50gp, day, removes almost all sticky substances (poisons, glues, web, etc.)

alloy, -8 nwp, 3000gp, 25 days, can make combination of any 2 metals

glue - weak, +5 nwp, 3gp, day, same as wood glue

glue - OK, 0 nwp, 6gp, 1 day, this is the same as super glue

glue - awesome, -3 nwp, 15gp, 2 days, unbreakable

heal salve - weak, +3 nwp, 10gp, 1 day, heals extra 2 HP when applied & rest for 8 hours (overnight)

heal salve - medium, 0 nwp, 25gp, 2 days, heals extra 4 HP when applied & rest for 8 hours (overnight)

heal salve - strong, -4 nwp, 100gp, 4 days, heals extra 6 HP when applied & rest for 8 hours (overnight)

matches, +2 nwp, 25gp, 1 day, same as normal waterproof matches

you buy in a store, makes 3-36

poison antidote, , same NWP penalty to make as poison type,

cost = poison type, days = as per poison

poison - inject - A, +2 nwp, 50 gp, 1 day

poison - inject - B, 0 nwp, 100 gp, 2 days

poison - inject - C, -1 nwp, 200 gp, 3 days

poison - inject - D, -3 nwp, 400 gp, 4 days

poison - inject - E, -10 nwp, 1600 gp, 10 days

poison - inject - F, -6 nwp, 800 gp, 6 days

poison - inject - O, -4 nwp, 500 gp, 5 days

poison - inject - P, -4 nwp, 500 gp, 5 days

poison - ingest - G, +1 nwp, 100 gp, 2 days

poison - ingest - H, 0 nwp, 200 gp, 3 days

poison - ingest - I, -3 nwp, 400 gp, 5 days

poison - ingest - J, -8 nwp, 1200 gp, 8 days

poison - contact - K, 0 nwp, 200 gp, 3 days

poison - contact - L, -3 nwp, 400 gp, 3 days

poison - contact - M, -6 nwp, 800 gp, 3 days

poison - contact - N, -10 nwp, 2000gp, 3 days

Note for all poisons: cost is per dose. Up to a maximum of 12 doses can be made at a time (cost = no. of doses * price for 1 dose). A roll must be made for each batch of poison on the table below to determine the relative strength of each poison batch.

potion, -6 nwp, cost = 5 * XP value, 7 days, must have list of ingredients, makes 1 potion

smoke bomb, 0 nwp, 20gp, 2 days, 20'*20' cloud, obscures vision to 3', make up to 5 (at 5*cost)

stink bomb, -4 nwp, 100gp, 5 days, 25'*25' cloud, same as stinking cloud

Note - if any item is made and the NWP check is failed by 5 or more (or a 20 is rolled), then the item produced is harmful in some way to the user or maybe the maker. If a poison is successfully made, roll on the table below to determine modifiers to the saving throw roll. The modifiers are rolled on 1d30

die roll (1d30) result

1 +4 save

2 - 3 +3 save

4 - 6 +2 save

7 - 10 +1 save

11 - 20 no modifier

21 - 24 -1 save

25 - 27 -2 save

28 - 29 -3 save

30 -4 save

(author note: This is one you might not want to allow in your campaign)


Alertness - (1 slot, general, Wisdom +1) this proficiency allows a character to instinctively notice and recognize signs of a disturbance in the immediate vicinity. This reduces a characters chance of being surprised by 1, if he makes a successful proficiency check.

Alternate Magic's (1 slot, wizard, intelligence -1) This skill grants a familiarity with magic that does not originate with conventional spellcraft. Examples of this include the innate abilities of fairies, demons, djinn, and other known magical creatures, as well as the unusual spell casting done by dragons and their ilk. A successful skill check indicates that the wizard has correctly identified the source and nature of the magical phenomenon. {from Net Wizard Handbook}

Ancient History - (1 slot, priest/wizard, intelligence -1) The character has learned the legends, lore, and history of some ancient time and place. The knowledge must be specific, just as a historian would specialize today in the English Middle Ages, the Italian Renaissance, or the Roman Republic before Caesar.

The knowledge acquired gives the character familiarity with the principal legends, historical events, characters, locations, titles, breakthroughs (scientific, cultural, and magical), unsolved mysteries, crafts, and oddities of the time. The character must roll a proficiency check to identify places or things he encounters from that age.

Animal Handling - (1 slot, general, Wisdom -1) Proficiency in this area enables a character to exercise a greater-than-normal control over pack animals and beasts of burden. A successful proficiency check indicates that the character has succeeded in calming an excited agitated animal. In contrast, a character without this proficiency has only a 20% chance of succeeding in the attempt.

Animal Lore - (1 slot, warrior, intelligence -1) This proficiency enables a character to observe the actions or habitat of an animal and interpret what is going on. Actions can show how dangerous the creature is, whether it is hungry, protecting its young, or defending a nearby den. Furthermore, careful observation of signs and behaviors can even indicate the location of a water hole, animal herd, predator, or impending danger, such as a forest fire. The DM will secretly roll a proficiency check. A successful check means the character understood the basic action of the creature. If the check fails by 4 or less, no information is gained. If the check fails by more than 5 or more, the character misinterprets the actions of the animal.

A character with animal lore adds a +2 bonus when using the set snares proficiency (for hunting) since the character knows the general habits of the creature hunted.

Animal Noise - (1 slot, rogue, Wisdom -1) a character with this proficiency can imitate the noises made by various animals. A successful check means the characters noise cannot be distinguished from that of the actual animal, except by magical means. A failed check produces a sound that varies from that of the animals in some slight way. Those who are very familiar with the animal will recognize the intended mimicry at once. Other characters will recognize the imitation on a successful perception roll.

Animal Training - (1 slot, general, Wisdom) Characters with this proficiency can train one type of creature (declared when the proficiency is taken) to obey simple commands and perform tricks. A character can spend additional proficiencies to train other types of creatures or can improve his skill with an already chosen type. Creatures typically trained are dogs, horses, falcons, pigeons, elephants, ferrets and parrots. A character can choose even more exotic creatures and monsters with animal intelligence.

A trainer can work with up to three creatures at one time. The trainer may choose to teach general tasks or specific tricks. A general task gives the creature the ability to react to a number of non-specific commands to do its job. A specific task teaches the trained creature to do one specific action. With enough time, a creature can be trained to do both general tasks and specific tricks.

Training for a general task requires three months of uninterrupted work. Training for a specific trick requires 2d6 weeks. At the end of the training time, a proficiency check is made. If successful, the animal is trained. If the die roll fails, the beast is untrainable. An animal can be trained in 2d4 general task or specific tricks, or any combination of the two.

An animal trainer can also try to tame wild animals (preparing them for training later on). Wild animals can be tamed only when they are very young. The taming requires one month of uninterrupted work with the creature. At the end of the month, a proficiency check is made. If unsuccessful, the beast is suitable for training. If the check fails, the creature retains enough of its wild behavior to make it untrainable. It can be kept, though it must be leashed or caged.

Appraising - (1 slot, rogue, intelligence) This proficiency is highly useful for thieves, as it allows characters to estimate the value and authenticity of antiques, art objects, jewellery, cut gemstones, or other crafted items they find (although the DM can exclude those items too exotic or rare to be well known). The character must have the item in hand to examine. A successful proficiency check (rolled by the PC enables the character to estimate the value of the item to the nearest 100 or 1,000 gp and to identify fakes. On a failed check the character cannot estimate a price at all. On a roll of 20, the character wildly misreads the value of the item, always to the detriment of the character.

Armorer - (2 slots, warrior, intelligence -2) This character can make all of the type of armor listed, given the proper materials and facilities. When making armor, the proficiency check is rolled at the end of the normal construction time. The time required to make armor is equal to two weeks per level of AC below 10. Dwarves are more skilled at this than humans, and only take 1.1/2 weeks per level of AC below 10. E.g., a suit of chain mail (AC 5) would take a human 10 weeks to manufacture, but only 7.1/2 weeks for a dwarf to make.

If the proficiency check indicates failure but is within 20% of the amount needed for success, the armorer has created usable but flawed, armor. Such armor functions as 1 AC worse than usual, although it looks like the armor it was intended to be. Only a character with armorer proficiency can detect the flaws, and this requires careful and detailed inspection.

If the flawed armor is struck in melee combat with a natural die roll of 19 or 20, it breaks. The character's AC immediately worsens by 4 additional classes, and the broken armor hampers the character's movement. Until the character can remove the broken armor, the character moves at ½ of his normal rate and suffers a -4 penalty to all of his attack rolls.

If an armorer is creating a suit of field plate or full plate armor, the character who will use the armor must be present at least once a week during the creation of the armor, since such types of armor require very exact fitting.

Armor Optimization - (1 slot, warrior, dexterity -2) This allows a character to use his armor to the best advantage against a particular opponent. A successful check in the first round of combat reduces AC by 1. This benefit is lost if the character goes for 2 full rounds without combat. Shield or armor must be used. {from Dark Sun}

Arms Appraising - (1 slot, intelligence, warrior) This ability allows the character to appraise the workmanship of various weapons and armor. A character is able to determine, without a proficiency check, the average price that normal weapon or suit of armor would fetch. He is also able to tell the condition of the weapon or armor, and if the previous owner cared for it properly. With a proficiency check, the character is able to tell if the weapon or armor is of quality, and what type of bonuses (although not the exact bonuses) can be determined. This requires constant scrutiny of the item, and perhaps significant use in battle, for no less time than one day. With another proficiency check, the apparent creators of the weapon or armor may be determined, unless this is obvious by design.

Magical weapons and armor may be identified as such under extreme conditions. After using the weapon or armor for a period of at least 1 week, in battle, the character may roll a proficiency check with a -50% penalty. Success indicates that the character notices some indications that perhaps magic was involved in the creation of the item. Under no circumstances can specific powers or pluses be found out in this way. Characters with this proficiency are knowledgeable in the proper care for any weapon they are familiar with. A proficiency check allows the character to care for unfamiliar weapons as well. {from Vince Carr}

Artistic Ability - (1 slot, general, Wisdom) Player characters with artistic ability are naturally accomplished in various forms of the arts. They have an inherent understanding or color, form, space, flow, tone, pitch, and rhythm. Characters with artistic ability must select one art form to be proficient in. Thereafter, they can attempt to create art works or musical compositions in their given field. Although it is not necessary to make a proficiency check, one can be made to determine the quality of the work. If a 1 is rolled on the check, the artist has created a work with some truly lasting value. If the check fails, the artist has created something aesthetically unpleasant or just plain bad.

Artistic ability also confers a +1 bonus to all proficiency checks requiring artistic skill--music or dance--and to attempts to appraise objects of art.


Astrology - (2 slots, priest/wizard/rogue, intelligence) This proficiency gives the character some understanding of the supposed influence of the stars. Knowing the birth date and the time of any person, the astrologer can study the stars and celestial events and then prepare a forecast of the future for that person. The astrologer's insight into the future is limited to the next 30 days, and his knowledge is vague at best. If a successful proficiency check is made, the astrologer can foresee some general event. The DM decides the exact prediction. Note that the prediction does not guarantee the result--it only indicates the potential result. If the proficiency check is failed, no information is gained unless a 20 is rolled, in which case the prediction is wildly inaccurate.

Characters with the astrology proficiency gain a +1 bonus to all navigation proficiency checks, provided the stars can be seen

Astronomy - (2 slots, priest/wizard, intelligence -1) This proficiency gives the character an understanding of celestial mechanics for both standard and non-standard systems. In any system, the character may be able to determine the relative placement and future courses of celestial bodies (even variable orbits of comets and asteroids) by studying the overall system pattern. The smaller celestial body, the more difficult the task becomes. Phases of heavenly bodies are also easily determined.

Characters with this proficiency may also construct and use all of the instruments related to this field, such as astrolabes, sextants, and even simple telescopes. Time and materials are required, and an unmodified proficiency check with a -10 penalty is required for success. Failure indicates that the object is flawed in some way and is useless.

The character can also use this proficiency to determine which planets have intelligent creatures, civilizations, etc. This use of the proficiency may require preparation by the DM, since information regarding a new crystal sphere might be discovered when the characters first enter it. Characters with this proficiency and the navigation proficiency, gain a +1 bonus to all navigation proficiency checks, as well as a +1 bonus to all astrology proficiency checks.

Balance - (1 slot, dexterity, general) This proficiency serves to aid the character when attempting to keep his balance on a rocking ship. When attempting to keep from falling, the character makes a proficiency check. If this check is successful, the character has managed to compensate for the movement, grab onto a nearby object, or quickly move to sturdier ground. If the check fails, the character has fallen and suffers normal consequences. This can be used not only on ships, but also any time the character encounters a situation in which he may slip or fall due to movement of the ground or a slippery surface. {from Vince Carr}

Bargain - (1 slot, general, Wisdom -2) Bargainer gets to roll 3d6+CHA rather than 2d6+CHA in protracted bargaining. In DS, bargaining is done over 3 rounds; whoever wins reduces/increases price by 10% each round. {from Dark Sun}

Barkeeping - (1 slot, intelligence, general) The PC in possession of this skill is able to determine the quality of alcoholic liberation's and fashion mixed drinks. Successfully rolling this skill allows the character to note foreign elements - such as poison (at a +4 to the normal saving throw allowed, with a save indicating no damage, and a failed save indicating only a successfully rolled damage) - in drinks. {from dragon #156}

Bartending - (2(3) slots, special, general) A character with this proficiency has a great knowledge of mixed drinks and can make a perfect mixed drink on a successful Wisdom check. Note that the mixed drink must be known (i.e. ingredients, preparation, etc.). The DM may require an Intelligence to see if the character is familiar with the drink.

Wine is the drink of the rich, but a small tavern having a large supply of wine in stock isn't practical or economical. Thus, a bartender has the skill to mix wines together to make an entirely different wine. The bartender has the ability to mix wines to make them look and/or taste a certain way. The maximum number of wines the bartender can mix together is two with one more wine added for every Wisdom point over 12 (ex. a bartender with a 14 Wisdom can mix a maximum of 4 wines together). Whether it be a dreadful odor, an unwholesome sticky taste, or a fantastic texture, the bartender can attain this on a successful Wisdom check. If the bartender fails the check while trying to do this, he/she gets the exact opposite result (i.e. good tasting wine becomes bad tasting wine).

Bartenders have the uncanny ability to raise morale. This abilities another benefit bestowed from this proficiency. On a successful Charisma check, the character can raise the morale of those he/she serves by +2. DMs should make sure characters don't abuse this ability. A character shouldn't be able to hand a beer to a soldier in a middle of a battle in hopes to raise his morale. It is intended to be used in a tavern setting. Also, DMs should require that the player role-plays the situation. Just stating that the character wishes to raise morale isn't enough.

A lot of people go to taverns when depressed, and the bartender has a tendency to raise their spirits. A bartender can bring a person out of a non-magical depression on a successful Charisma check with a positive modifier equal to the character's level. A bartender can bring a person out of a magical depression on a successful Charisma check with a modifier of -1 for very level under 8th.

A lot of taverns, bars, and inns have a tendency to doctor drinks to make them more potent or make them less potent than they should be. Usually it is making drinks less potent which is the tendency, better known as watering them down. Sometimes a bartender may wish to make drinks more potent to cause certain patrons to get really inebriated. Why would a bartender want to make a drink more potent? Well many people, like thieves or adventurers, would like certain people in a drunken state so their job (whatever it may be) can be easier and a few coins to a bartender is a small price to pay to make sure a person is drunk. The key to doctoring drinks is making the customer not notice a change. A successful Wisdom roll indicates that nobody will notice a change in the drink. Failure indicates that a customer may notice a change. The customer must make a successful Intelligence check to notice a change.

A more seedier skill of this proficiency allows him to mix other liquids together to make them taste like a wine. The bartender must have knowledge of the wine's taste that he/she wishes to duplicate, almost to perfection, and gets a -3 to his/her roll if he/she has the wine with him/her. On a successful Wisdom check, the character creates a fake of the original wine. This ability can be counteracted with a successful Wine Tasting proficiency check.

Another skill of this proficiency is the ability to make alcohol drink additives (discussed elsewhere in the guide). A character needs to make a Intelligence check with a -3 modifier. Failure indicates that the additive is worthless and the process must start over (i.e. get new ingredients, etc.).

Another skill of this proficiency is the ability to slide drinking containers down a bar or another flat surface like a table. A character needs to make a Dexterity check. If successful, the character slides a drinking container down the bar and can even make it spin around a 90 degree angle (only once). If the check fails, the glass slips, spills its contents, and will probably break.

If the player devotes a third slot to this proficiency, the character gains the skills of the Wine Pouring and the Wine Tasting non-weapon proficiencies. {from Reid Guide To Alcohol}

Battle Sense - ( 1 slot, Intelligence, Warrior)This proficiency allows a warrior to have a sense of what is going on in the battle around him. It is a proficiency that is often taken by combat leaders (lieutenants in militia and so forth.) The warrior can tell when members of his troop have taken severe wounds, when the other side is leading an advance or attempting to herd his group in a certain direction, which are the enemy leaders, and so forth. This allows him to give orders about troop movements while still involved in the melee himself. None of the above abilities require a proficiency check.

On a successful proficiency check, the warrior can determine whether an area is ripe for an ambush, and which part of a terrain holds the advantage for combatants. This check cannot be performed while in melee combat.

Beekeeping - (1 slot, general, Wisdom) bee raising & knowledge of how to harvest wax & honey without destroying hive {from Barbara Haddad}

Begging - (1 slot, rogue, Charisma (special)) begging serves two functions. First, it allows characters to pose convincingly as beggars. Success in this function is automatic, and no checks must be made. Secondly, it allows a character to make a minimum daily income. To use this proficiency to earn money, it must be used in an area where people are present (a city, town or village etc.). The following modifiers do not take into account the wealth of a particular locale, just population density. Impoverished regions may have a greater penalty, as will regions where a long tradition of stinginess is maintained.

Locale Modifier

uninhabited / wilderness failure

countryside -7

hamlet, village -5

town -2

city 0

A successful check enables a character to beg for enough money, goods or services to meet his basic needs (a little food, drink, and a place to sleep). Begging cannot force PC's to give away money, players are always free to decide how generous there characters are.

Blacksmithing - (1 slot, general, strength) A character with the blacksmithing proficiency is capable of making tools and implements from iron. Use of the proficiency requires a forge with a coal-fed fire and bellows, as well as a hammer and anvil. The character cannot make armor or make weapons, but can craft crowbars, grappling hooks, horseshoes, nails, hinges, plows, and most other iron objects.

Blazoning - (1 slot, general, Intelligence +1) A blazon is a formula describing exactly what a certain heraldic device looks like. Characters with this proficiency can reconstruct a coat of arms from its written description or encode an image in blazon form. This skill must be used to perform several other heraldic arts.

Blind Fighting - (2 slots, rogue/warrior, Wisdom) A character with blind fighting is skilled at fighting in conditions of poor or no light. In total darkness, the character suffers only a -2 penalty to his attack roll. Under starlight or moonlight, the character incurs only a -1 penalty. The character suffers no penalties to his AC because of darkness. A successful proficiency check is required to use the skill in this way. Each round, the character may roll until success is achieved, in which case the character need not roll again during that battle.

Furthermore, the character retains special abilities that would normally be lost in darkness, although the effectiveness of these are reduced by one-half. This proficiency is effective only against opponents or threats within melee distance of the character. Blind fighting does not grant any special protection from missile fire or anything outside the immediate range of the character's melee weapon.

While moving in darkness, the character suffers only half the normal movement penalty of those without this proficiency.

Furthermore, this skill aids the character when dealing with invisible creatures, reducing the attack penalties to -2. However, it does not enable the character to discover invisible creatures; he has only a general idea of their location and cannot target them exactly.

Blocking (2 slots, Warrior) This proficiency costs two slots, but, depending on what level the character is, you want to change it to three slots. It’s not recommended to have any more or less slots taken up for this. For using this proficiency, you must choose a melee weapon. When holding this weapon, your AC is decreased by a 1. (from

Boarding Pike - (1 slot, warrior, dexterity +2) This governs use of the boarding pike. It is initially available only to spaceborn beings. Groundlings must learn that such a pike cannot be used to hook and yank when boarding, unless one yearns to be a helplessly-snagged target.

Boasting - (1 slot, general, Charisma +3) Heralds use this seeming simple skill to proclaim their lord's ancestry and triumphs. By making a successful boast, a herald can improve the morale of one unit of troops by 5% (one point under 1st or 2nd Ed. BATTLE SYSTEM miniature rules). A boast can also impress other nobles in diplomatic missions. When a herald successfully boasts for his liege, give the noble +10% on reaction rolls. One cannot use boasting without a history proficiency that applies to the noble who is the subject of the boast. A person who studies both boasting and family history can boast effectively for himself.

Boating - (1 slot, general, Wisdom +1) a character with the boating proficiency is needed to guide a boat down a rapid stream and to reduce the danger of capsizing a canoe or kayak. It also allows a PC to make minor repairs and improvements in these boats, such as waterproofing them and patching holes. He also assures the maximum speed of the boat. This proficiency is distinct from Navigation and Seamanship, which applies to ships on oceans, seas, and large lakes.

Boat wright - (1 slot, general, intelligence -2) the boat wright proficiency allows a character to construct all kinds of watercraft up to a maximum length of 60 feet. The time required to build a boat depends on size. As a general rule, a boat requires one week of construction time per foot of length. Two characters with the boat wright proficiency cut this time by half; three reduce it to one third. A maximum of one boat wright per five feet of length can work on the same vessel. The basic boat includes hull, masts (if applicable), deck and benches are required. Features such as sealed hold or cabin add about a week apiece to complete. Characters without the boat wright proficiency can aid the boat wright in construction, but two such characters equal the time savings that one additional boat wright could provide.

Body Language - (1 slot, Psionicist, intelligence) A PC with this NWP is able to interpret subtle changes in behavior of another creature that gives away its moods and attitudes. Sitting posture, vocal tone, gesticulations, facial movements, and expressions all contribute to this. This skill is only effective on beings of the same race as the user or a closely related race, e.g., a human could not 'read' a dragon, but could 'read' a dwarf or elf. Only intelligent (int = 5+) beings can 'read' like this, and the reader must be able to see the subjects body. On a successful secret check, the reader can determine the general mood of the subject; happy, scared, depressed etc. A failed check determines another mood (DM's choice). If he concentrates, the reader can also tell if the subject is lying or not. This requires a check at an additional -4 penalty, and the PC must announce that he is doing this, it is not automatic. {from dragon #200}

Botany - (1 slot, priest/wizard, intelligence -1) A PC with this NWP is readily able to identify vegetation of all kinds and is familiar with the properties, life cycles, and habitats. This knowledge is limited to the terrain and climate the PC has studied (forests, desert, mountains, plains, coastal/wetlands, etc.). One ability check is required to identify the plant in question, and a second die roll to determine whether the character can recall any specific information concerning it. Elves and other forest dwellers generally have a good grasp of botany, allowing each of them a +1 bonus to all botany ability checks they make in their own terrain and climate. Possession of this skill grants a +2 bonus on all agriculture and herbalism skill checks. {from dragon #169}

Bower/Fletcher - (1 slot, warrior, dexterity -1) This character can make bows and arrows of the types listed. A Weapon smith is required to fashion the arrowheads, but the bower/fletcher can perform all other necessary functions. The construction time for a long or short bow is one week, while composite bows requires two weeks, and 1d6 arrows can be made in one day.

When the construction time for the weapon is completed, the player makes a proficiency check. If the check is successful, the weapon is of fine quality and will last for many years of normal use without breaking. If the check fails, the weapon is still usable, but has limited life span: An arrow breaks on the first shot; a bow breaks if the character using it rolls an unmodified 1 on his attack roll.

When making a bow designed for Strength bonuses, a proficiency check is made. Failure in this case means the weapon is totally useless. A roll of 1 means that the range of the bow is increased by 10 yards for all range classes or is of such fine work that it is suitable for enchantment.

Brewing - (1 slot, general, intelligence) The character is trained in the art of brewing beers and other strong drink. The character can prepare brewing formulas, select quality ingredients, set up and manage a brewery, control fermentation, and age the finished product.

(additional information) A normal proficiency check is not made because normal proficiency checks only judge success or failure and not quality. Instead the percentage dice is rolled to decide the quality of the brew (using the table below). An initial modifier of 6 will guarantee that a brewer will never make a terrible drink. A one time modifier equal to Wisdom is added. Also for each slot given to this proficiency, a modifier equal to Intelligence is added.

Die Roll Quality

01-05 Terrible

06-15 Very Poor

16-35 Poor

36-65 Normal

66-85 Good

86-95 Very Good

96-00 Excellent

Thus, our hero Rath (Intelligence: 15, Wisdom: 8) has three non-weapon proficiency slots allocated to brewing because he hopes to be a master brewer some day and retire from the life of adventuring. He decides to whip up a batch of malt liquor beer. After completing the brewing process, it is time to sample the quality of Rath Malt Liquor Beer. He rolls a mere 13 on the percentile dice, which would normally produce a poor (13+6=19) quality brew. However, due to Rath's experience, Intelligence (3*15=45), and Wisdom (8); he gains a modifier of 53. Therefore, the quality of Rath's beer is good (72). {from Reid Guide To Alcohol}

Bribery (1 slot, Charisma (special), warrior/rogue) This is the art of avoiding trouble and gaining favors through the use of illicit payments, either cash or goods. The size of the bribe required is proportional to the loyalty of the bribee, and the amount of danger this would place the bribee in should the act be discovered. A check is made

with the following modifiers:

Danger Level Loyalty Size of Bribe

None +2 Unloyal -2 1d10 sp 0

Average -2 Average 0 1d10 gp +2

High -4 Loyal -4 1d10 x 10 gp +4

Very High -6 Very Loy. -6 1d10 x 100 gp +6

Note that the size of the bribe is multiplied by the bribees level (0 level characters count as level 1), and the bribee's Wisdom mind attack adjustment is counted as a penalty to the roll. If the roll is successful, then the bribe is accepted, with commensurate consequences. {from Vince Carr}

Bureaucracy (1 slot, priest/rogue, intelligence) The use and abuse of bureaucratic systems. In DS it allows you to avoid/reduce tax payments, reduce the time you spend in prison, arrange meetings etc.{from Dark Sun}

This proficiency encompasses a working knowledge of governmental protocol and the skills necessary to navigate bureaucratic organizations. A character with this proficiency knows which official to approach and the best time to approach him (a tax collector's aid may have better access to information than the tax collector himself; a city clerk may be less harried and more helpful at the beginning of the month than at the end). He knows where government records are kept and the procedures for examining them. He knows how to circumvent sluggish or uncooperative bureaucrats. He obtains permits and other government documents in half the normal time. No proficiency checks are needed for any of these functions.

A character can also use Bureaucracy to turn the system against someone else. A successful proficiency check doubles the amount of time to make a government decision, causes a permit to be issued under the wrong name, or temporary misplace an important document. A paladin must be careful with this ability, to avoid breaking the law and violating his ethos.

The bureaucracy proficiency covers the governmental organizations in a particular region, usually the characters homeland. He may spend additional slots to expand the proficiency to other regions. Official organizations include government councils, regulatory boards, and church hierarchies. This proficiency is only effective when dealing with organizations of 10 or more members. {from the complete Paladins Handbook}

Butcher - (1 slot, general, intelligence +1) meat sectioning/preserving {from Barbara Haddad}

Calligraphy - (1 slot, dexterity -1, priest/wizard) The handwriting of an individual with this proficiency is controlled and beautiful to the point of being considered art. A PC could earn a tidy income copying documents, books, formal letters, etc. for the wealthy public. Skilled calligraphers are often sought by the courts of the aristocracy and religious institutions that wish to illuminate their holy writings. The reading/writing NWP must have been taken before this skill can be selected. Possession of this skill grants a +1 bonus on all artistic ability skill checks involving the painting or lettering of signs, documents, etc. {from dragon #169}

Camouflage - (1 slot, rogue/warrior/Psionicist, intelligence) An individual with this skill is an expert at outdoor camouflage. Using natural substances (grass, mud, sticks, etc.), he can attempt to blend himself and his companions into the undergrowth. This takes about a turn per person to carry out and is effective only as long as the characters are still and silent. It can be useful for hiding from attackers or as an ambush weapon, granting up to a +4 bonus to surprise others. Buildings can also be camouflaged, taking about 2 hours to hide a small cottage, although they require maintenance about every week to repair and replace the disguise. On a successful check, the PC has become effectively invisible to all those more than 30' away, so long as he remains still. Individuals passing closer than 30' are likely to spot something amiss (half perception check), unless the check was passed easily (5 or more below the number required, in which case, they get a ½ perception chance to spot only when within 10').

Note that camouflage only works for normal visual sightings, creatures with excellent senses of smell, or with infravision, are not affected. Camouflage is only successful in areas with moderate to heavy vegetation; the DM should use common sense. {from dragon #200}

Camouflage Modifiers

Modifier To Size Success Chance

Tiny/Small +2

Medium 0

Large -1

Huge -4

Gargantuan -10

Carpentry - (1 slot, general, strength) The carpentry proficiency enables the character to do woodworking jobs: building houses, cabinetry, joinery, etc. Tools and materials must be available. The character can build basic items from experience, without the need for plans. Unusual and more complicated items require plans prepared by an engineer. Truly unusual or highly complex items require a proficiency check.

Carpentry (Spelljamming) - (1 slot, general, strength) The character is familiar with the techniques for building wooden spelljamming ships, and can oversee normal carpenters working on spelljamming vessels. The tools, machinery, and materials necessary must be available. Unusual and complicated jobs may require a shipwright to oversee the work. Jury rigging to restore hull points, masts, or spelljamming rigging requires a successful proficiency check. If this check fails, the character either fails to repair the damage or the repair must save as thin wood vs. crushing blow each time it is stressed, at the DM's option.

Candler - (1 slot, general, intelligence) ability to make tallow & wax candles. This skill also allows a PC to completely waterproof an item with wax, without damaging the item (by using wax coated rags etc.). This increases the weight of the item by 1 / 10th. Items such as backpacks, spell books, scroll cases, bows, etc., can all be done in this way with specially treated rags, which must be carried by the PC. The time to apply the wax cover takes 1-12 rounds, depending on the item. A heat source must also be available to do this effectively (e.g., fire, torch, etc.) {from Barbara Haddad}

Caravaner - (1 slot, general, Wisdom) ability to manage caravans -- to estimate food/water needed for a caravan of 'x' size for 'x' days {from Barbara Haddad}

Cartography - (1 slot, Wisdom, general) A PC with this NWP is skilled in making maps, making him essential to any group of adventurers exploring unknown territory. A cartographer is a keen eyed artist with a well developed sense of distance and depth, whose perception of the physical world is so exacting that with amazing accuracy he can copy onto a sheet of paper whatever he looks upon. He can also copy other maps professionally, and this makes him a valuable addition to the retinue of the aristocracy and other land holders.

In map making, time is important when considering the detail and accuracy of the resulting product. Outdoors, this is best left to the DM to decide in accordance to the type of terrain and the detail the players desire. Underground in a dungeon setting, however, accuracy and detail are much more important; often the survival of an entire adventuring party will depend on a single map. Once again, the DM must decide how long it takes to map any particular area, but this should take a minimum of one round plus the time it will take the cartographer to pace out the area. Another round or two should be added for increased detail or specific notes. A cartographer need only make an ability check on three occasions; when he maps a VERY unusual area, when he attempts to copy another map, and when he attempts to read a map that he has not manufactured himself. If he fails in the first, it is assumed that he has made a blunder that has rendered the map useless; if a failure is indicated in the second, he cannot read the map because symbols have been used that he is not familiar with, or the map lacks a legend or a key. In a fantasy setting, map symbols are unlikely to be universally known.

A small travel kit consisting of a waterproof leather case (with stiff sides so that it may be used as a drawing surface), 2 bottles of ink, a half dozen quills and a like number of parchment sheets will cost the cartographer about 25gp. Additional colored inks and drawing instruments should be available in most cities. It is not necessary for the reading/writing NWP to have been taken prior to selecting this skill. However if the mapmaker cannot read or write the languages he knows, his maps, while accurate, will have keys understood by himself only. This skill grants a +2 bonus on all navigation and orientation skill checks. {from dragon #169}

Cartwright - (1 slot, general, intelligence) A character with this proficiency is skilled in the construction of carts of all types. Chariots, wagons, and other transport vehicles of that nature may also be created. The metal parts must be fashioned by a blacksmith, but the remaining parts can be put together by the cartwright. Typical construction time of a single-horse drawn cart is two days, if all the parts are available. Chariots take about three days to construct, if made of wood, while large covered wagons take up to a week to build

Catching - (general, 1 slot, dexterity) A character with catching can catch any object that weighs less than 1/3 of the characters strength that is thrown to him from a character who has throwing. This includes catching an egg without damaging it. A catcher can catch any object of the allowed weight that has fallen no more than 100 ft. straight down. {from Rob Bertora}

Chanting - (1 slot, Wisdom +3, general) Chanting is used to keep fellow workers or soldiers in pace. NWP checks mean that those who can hear the chanting character become slightly hypnotized by the rhythmic sound, causing time spent on arduous tasks to pass quickly. The DM, at his discretion, can adjust results for forced marches, rowing, digging, and other similar tasks accordingly. {from complete book of humanoids}

Charioteering - (1 slot, warrior, dexterity +2) A character with proficiency in this skill is able to safely guide a chariot, over any terrain that can normally be negotiated, at a rate one-third faster than the normal movement rate for a chariot driven by a character without this proficiency.

Note that this proficiency does not impart the ability to move a chariot over terrain that it cannot traverse.

Cheese Making - (1 slot, general, intelligence) This proficiency allow the character who has it to expertly create cheese from the curds of soured milk. A proficiency is required only when attempting to prepare a truly magnificent wheel of cheese as a special gift or for a special celebration. {from PHBR10, humanoids handbook}

Chemistry - (cost = 2, wizard, Intelligence -2) Can attempt to brew poisons and acids. Can only make weak acid at no penalty to the NWP roll, and may make medium acid at a NWP penalty of -4 (see alchemy), can make all poisons as alchemist (with an extra penalty of -2 to NWP roll) except for the following types:- types E, F, J, K, L, M, N, O, P. If gunpowder is used, it requires this proficiency to make. Requires the use of a chemist's lab equal to half the price of an alchemist's lab.

City Lore 1 - (Slots 1, General, Intelligence +1) This general knowledge skill grants the character general knowledge and memory of the City of the players choice (and surrounding towns and villages). Without rolling, characters know the names of streets and general landmarks, and a roll allows characters to reference this DM for information like the name of a certain inn or its proprietor or where to get translations done. (This skill does not require City Lore 2, 3, or 4 as a pre-requisite). {from FR: city of Splendors boxed set}

City Lore 2 - (Slots 2, General, Intelligence -1) This specialized skill is not for the general populace of a city; officers of the watch and the guard are typical users of this skill (PCS can learn the skill without these affiliations after three months of dedicated study of the city). It allows characters a basic working knowledge of the city's history, its defenses, and its sewer systems (to be provided by the DM on a need to know basis). This also gives basic knowledge and history about a cities less well know and 'seedy' facts. (This also includes surrounding towns and villages under the protection of the main city). (This skill does not require City Lore 1, 3, or 4 as a pre-requisite). {from FR: city of Splendors boxed set}

City Lore 3 - (Slots: 2, General, Charisma -1) Primarily a rumormonger's talent, this skill allows characters to remember rumors and tavern talk or to get it from other characters. It is best used as an information gatherer and role-playing trigger and as a DM's mnemonic when players forget clues. (This skill does not require City Lore 1, 2, or 4 as a pre-requisite). {from FR: city of Splendors boxed set}

City Lore 4 - (Slots 2, General, Intelligence -2) Other secrets of the chosen city are entailed here. This skill represents knowledge and secrets that only the Lords, rulers or king of a city would know. This is not available to PCS or NPCs unless they become Lords/Rulers or are direct agents of said Lords/Rulers. (This skill does not require City Lore 1, 2, or 3 as a pre-requisite). {from FR: city of Splendors boxed set}

Climbing - (1 slot, rogue, strength -4) A character with this proficiency is able to negotiate walls and other surfaces in the same manner as a rogue. Tools are not necessary for this type of climbing, and even smooth or very smooth surfaces may be climbed. This proficiency adds +10% to the character's base climbing skill of 40% for every additional slot spent on it after the first. A proficiency check must be made if the character would fall. Success indicates that the character managed to stop his descent, while failure means the character has fallen, taking damage appropriately.

Close Quarter Fighting - (2 slots, warrior, dexterity) PC's with this proficiency have learned to fight in the cramped confines of small rooms, caves and dungeons in underground lairs etc. In such locations, characters armed with bludgeoning or piercing weapons receive a +2 bonus on their 'to hit' roles. Slashing weapons cannot be used in close quarter fighting. This bonus is not cumulative with wild fighting. A successful proficiency check at the start of combat yields this bonus. A failed roll indicates the PC fights normally. This proficiency is very useful for unarmed combat.

Cobbling - (1 slot, general, dexterity) The character can fashion and repair shoes, boots, and sandals. Tools are necessary when making shoes, but everyday items may be used to repair a pair of shoes, with a proficiency check.

Comedy - (1 slot, general, Charisma) A character with this proficiency is an entertainer who tells jokes, riddles and funny stories and/or performs various other comic acts. The character can make anything funny, but DMs may require a proficiency check to see if the audience responds well to the comedy or not.

When performing, the comedian can raise morale by 2 on a successful proficiency check. A failed check lowers morale by 2. For each failed check, a cumulative -1 modifier is assigned for this comedy set. For each success check, a cumulative +1 modifier is assigned for this comedy set.

DMs may allow modifiers to the comedian's proficiency check. For comedians who prepare well for a comedy routine (i.e. the player prepares for a good role-playing session), the proficiency check is modified by +1. Failure to prepare gives a modifier of -1. Intelligence plays an important part in comedy. Knowing what the audience wants and how to deliver it is important. On a successful Intelligence check, a +1 modifier is applicable.

On a roll of 20 the crowd tries to kill the comedian, or at least throws him/her out. The comedy was that bad! On a roll of 1 the comedy was so good that people are falling out of their chairs and rolling on the floor. The comedian might have to stop until people regain the composure. The comedian will also gain a bonus modifier of + 1d4 when performing for this audience again.

The audience must make a morale check after each joke or after the entire performance (DM's decision). Usually, a tougher crowd requires more morale checks. If the audience succeeds in a morale check, then the audience will tolerate the comedian, for now. If the audience fails a morale check, then the audience acts unfavorably, if not hostile, towards the comedian. Note that alcohol effects the morale of the audience. If the audience, in general, is slightly intoxicated the morale is modified by +1. If the audience is moderately intoxicated the morale is modified by +2. If the audience is greatly intoxicated the morale is modified by +3. {from Reid Guide To Alcohol}

Commerce 1 - (Slots: 1, General, Wisdom -1) Characters with this skill know how business works in a particular city and its surrounding towns and villages, and can predict when certain commercial activities will take place (i.e. when the Market is at its fullest, when and where some smaller street markets open, etc.). While the skill doesn't allow for any special contacts, the character knows:

* the guilds and their duties (and guild contacts);

* the location of major shops and their wares; and

* where to find particular nonmagical goods for sale. {from FR: city of Splendors boxed set}

Commerce 2 - (Slots: 2, General, Wisdom -2) This skill is a character's limited knowledge of smuggling, black market goods, and the illegal trade of stolen goods. This skill gives the character one lesser contact dealing in a particular type of illegal goods or a contact with one of the known fences of a particular city, its surrounding towns and villages. This does not give the PC free reign with the criminal element, nor does it expose every secret of the character's contact. This sets the stage for role-playing between character and criminal contact. {from FR: city of Splendors boxed set}

Concealment - (1 slot, rogue, dexterity -4) With this proficiency, the character can try to disappear into shadows or any other type of concealment - bushes, curtains, crannies, etc. The character can hide this way only when no one is looking at him; he remains hidden only as long as he remains virtually motionless. The success roll is made secretly by the DM, as the character always thinks he is hidden. Concealment in shadows cannot be done in total darkness, since the talent lies in fooling the eye as much as in finding real concealment. However, hidden characters are equally concealed to those with or without infravision. Spells, magical items, and special abilities that reveal invisible objects can reveal the location of a concealed character.

Contortion(1 slot, Dexterity 0, General) - A character with this skill is able to contort his body and limbs into extraordinary positions.(From the AD&D Book of Sex)

Cooking - (1 slot, general, intelligence) Although all characters have rudimentary cooking skills, the character with this proficiency is an accomplished cook. A proficiency check is required only when attempting to prepare a truly magnificent meal worthy of a master chef. A PC with this skill can also detect poison in food the same way that a person with the bar keeping NWP can detect poison in drinks.

Craft Instrument (2 slots, dexterity, general) Those who take this proficiency must specify whether they are skilled at crafting wind, stringed, percussion, or keyboard instruments. It takes an additional proficiency slot to gain one of the other skills. Three additional slots allow the character to take the title "master craftsman" as he is able to craft instruments of all forms.

A craftsman must buy materials equal to a quarter of the instrument's sale value. It then takes 1d6 days to craft a wind or percussion instrument, 2d8 days to form a stringed instrument, and 3d10 days to create a keyboard instrument. These times assume that the craftsman is spending 10 hours a day working on the instrument. If craftsman tools are not available, all times are doubled.

The quality of an instrument is determined by a final proficiency check. Failure results in an instrument or poor quality, while success indicates good quality. A natural 96% or above indicates that the instrument is non-functional, while a natural 5% or below results in a masterpiece worth twice the normal value.

Simple repairs take only 1d4 hours and require no proficiency check unless the proper tools are not available. However, repairing severe damage requires 1d8 hours and a check is mandatory for success. {from Vince Carr}

Crowd Working - (1 slot, general, Charisma +2) Characters with this proficiency are familiar with how to handle crowds. They are skilled at observing crowds and adjusting their behavior accordingly. This skill also can be used to adjust the encounter reaction of a crowd. A successful proficiency check will alter the crowds reaction by two levels (or convince them to donate more money to entertainers, beggars etc., as they normally would, usually twice as much).

Cream Pie - ( 1 slot, general) Cream pie allows you to hit someone with a soft object &

cause it to do damage 1d3\1d2+1 (from

Cryptography - (1 slot, general, intelligence (special)) Possession of this proficiency allows the character to create and break codes and ciphers. Reading/writing is required in order to learn this skill. Multiple picks of this proficiency are often very helpful.

Codes and ciphers fall into four levels of difficulty (equivalent to the number of slots of "cryptography" taken by the person that does the encryption). Their specific requirements are as follows:

Difficulty Base Breaking Time Check Mod.

0 10 minutes +1

1 1 day 0

2 1 week -1

3 1 month -2

The person encrypting the text can use a difficulty level no higher than the level of cryptography skill s/he possesses. The base breaking time is the unit of time that a person must spend to have any chance of "breaking" the code. Each day of code breaking must be 8 hours of uninterrupted thought or the period must be begun anew. The check modifier is an additional bonus/penalty applied to breaking a code that is dependent on its difficulty only.

The DM may choose to add more modifiers because of the length of the text or successive failures. Codes/ciphers can only be broken by a person familiar with the language that the normal text is in.

If encrypted documents are to be used for general communications, both the encryptor and decryptor must know the key. The impracticality of changing keys frequently is the only thing that tends to keep codes in use for long enough that breaking them becomes worthwhile.

In order to change codes, the encryptor must merely decide to. It is a very quick job to create a code (of the type usable without supercomputers), generally taking 4 hours per skill level. Codes should be referenced (code A, code B, etc.) so that the DM can remember which ones are in use. {from Net Wizard Handbook}

Dairyman - (1 slot, general, intelligence) cattle handling & ability to make dairy products: cream, cheeses, butter, curds, whey {from Barbara Haddad}

Dancing - (1 slot, general, dexterity) The character knows many styles and varieties of dance, from folk dances to formal court balls.

Danger Sense - (2 slots, general, Wisdom -2) This proficiency provides a character with a sixth sense which warns of all types of impending danger. On a successful proficiency check, the character would get a message such as, "You get very bad vibes about walking down that corridor" (wherein the corridor there may be a pit trap a couple of feet ahead of the PC, or a group of invisible monsters waiting to ambush the character). On another check the warning may be "As you reach down toward the glowing sword, your hand stops involuntarily, as you are overwhelmed with the tingling sensation of foreboding doom".

Dark Sense - (2 slots, warrior/rogue, wisdom -2) The character has an uncanny ability, if moving at half speed or less, to sense objects or empty space in complete darkness. This requires total concentration and so is useless in combat. Using this ability, the character could navigate through a dark room, avoiding collisions with furniture and stopping before stepping into a gaping pit. The DM should require a roll whenever the character comes close to anything that could be sensed. Success means that the character is aware that his or her path is blocked by an object or that there is no solid ground under his feet. Failure is oblivious because of the resulting collision or plunge.(from Dragon #254)

Debate (1 slot, General, Intelligence) Characters with this proficiency can hold their own during heated discussions, remaining quick-witted and cool-tempered. They do not gain the ability to convince guards or holy warriors of their viewpoints, however. Nor can they sway the thinking of unruly hordes or skeptical masses.

This proficiency does allow them to engage in meaningful arguments, impressing others with their mental faculties. As a result, debaters gain a +2 bonus to encounter reactions. When they're attempting to smooth ruffled feathers, the bonus is subtracted from the result on the dice. When they're attempting to enrage another character with cheek and guile, the bonus is added to the dice roll.

An individual with the debate proficiency is quite engaging. As a result, a character verbally battling one-on-one with such a debater is less watchful of his or her surroundings. Pickpocket attempts against that character are at +5 percent, the character's initiative is at +3, and the character's ability or proficiency checks are at -3. (The debater does not suffer these penalties unless doing battle with another debater.) Debaters cannot automatically preoccupy others, however. An individual must be willing to talk in the first place before a debater can use this proficiency. Further, the proficiency does not work unless the targeted individual is at least cautious toward the debater (if they saw eye to eye, there'd be nothing to debate). Assuming these conditions are met, the debate begins. It continues until the target makes a d20 roll HIGHER then his or her intelligence score. (The smarter the individual, the livelier the debate, and the harder it is to end it.) Debate also ends if a sudden action or activity interrupts it -- i.e.: a failed pickpocket attempt, a sudden attack, scream, etc.) As soon as debate ends, so do the penalties noted. Two individuals with debate proficiency can seek to best each other in verbal sparring. In this case, both make proficiency checks each round until one fails. Both characters are preoccupied; they both suffer the penalties as noted above. {from Aaron Ranta}

Diagnostics - (1 slot, priest, Wisdom -1) Both the healing and diagnostics proficiencies aid victims of trauma and disease. But while the healing proficiency can be used to restore lost hit points, diagnostics is mainly concerned with determining the cause of the damage and the prognosis; diagnostics alone will NOT heal the damage.

With a successful NWP check, a PC becomes aware of all the following information applicable to a particular patient:-

* If the patient has suffered physical damage the character can determine the extent of the damage, though he may not be able to ascertain the exact cause (if a victim was attacked by a tiger, the PC would know that the victim was clawed by a large animal, but not necessarily the species). The PC can recommend treatments and offer prognoses, as with victims of diseases.

* If the patient has been poisoned, the PC knows the antidote (if one exists) and how to prepare it, Note that even if the PC knows how to prepare the antidote, he may not have access to the necessary ingredients.

* The PC knows the name of the disease, its cause, and how long the patient has had it, and the optimum treatment. If the patient is treated as specified, he suffers the mildest form of the disease and its shortest duration. If the patient declines treatment, or the treatment doesn't work, the character can determine the patients prognosis with reasonable accuracy ('The patient will recover by the end of the month', or 'the patient will become permanently blind if not treated by the end of the year'). The PC may diagnose both magical and natural diseases.

* When examining a corpse the PC can determine how the victim died and approximately how long its been dead. If the victim died of unnatural causes, the character will only be able to determine the general circumstances of the death. For example, if an evil wizard incinerated the victim with a fireball, a successful NWP check might reveal that the victim burned to death very rapidly as a result of some type of magic, but not that it was affected by a fireball.

A PC with this proficiency may diagnose himself or any other character, or animals, except for supernatural creatures (such as undead, etc.) or creatures from another plane of existence (like an aerial servant). He may attempt to diagnose an individual or creature only once.

If a character also has the Healing proficiency, he may modify all diagnostic checks by +1.

Differencing - (1 slot, general, Intelligence +2) Since there may be thousands of shields in use in a campaign world, distinguishing between them requires great skill. To understand differencing, a character needs the blazon proficiency; records of arms are kept in this written code, and characters need access to the college of herald's library to use this proficiency properly. Without a library, penalize differencing checks by an additional modifier of +3. A successful differencing check lets a character identify a given achievement and its bearer. Once a differencing check has succeeded on an insignia, the herald can always recognize that particular insignia.

Diplomacy - (1 slot, Charisma, general) An individual who knows the art of diplomacy has a unique way with people that draws them to his person almost irresistibly. He has a flair for words, an extensive vocabulary, and is articulate and practiced in the arts of subtle and overt coercion. Any character with this ability who makes a successful check against his Charisma score, and has at least one round of uninterrupted conversation with any creature that can understand him, adds +5 to his reaction adjustment. For every additional round the character manages to speak, an additional +1 is added, to a maximum of +15 (including the original +5).

Furthermore, the loyalty vase of any associates of the individual is adjusted by a +2 bonus for every slot devoted to this NWP.{from dragon #169}

Direction Sense - (1 slot, general, Wisdom +1) A character with this proficiency has an innate sense of direction. This direction sense applies to different types of terrain. The specific type is chosen when the proficiency is taken.

In the wilderness, the character can try to determine the direction the party is headed. If the check fails, the character errs by 90 degrees. If the roll is 20, the direction chosen is exactly opposite the true heading. (The DM rolls the check). Furthermore, when traveling in the wilderness, a character with direction sense has the chance of becoming lost reduced by ½.

Underground, a character with this proficiency can determine direction and the shortest route to the surface. By careful analysis of air currents and contents, a character can even determine whether there are any pockets of poisonous gas in the air with a successful proficiency check. A failed check indicates failure to identify the correct direction. A roll of 20 results in an error in direction. (The DM rolls the check).

In the water, a character with this proficiency is able to determine the direction of travel underwater. A failed proficiency check means the character errs by 90 degrees. A roll of 20 indicates the direction chosen is exactly opposite the true reading. (The DM rolls this check). While on the water, the character is able to tell the direction of the party, even in unfathomable weather conditions, with a successful proficiency check, rolled by the DM. A character with this proficiency adds +1 to navigation skill rolls.

Dwarves with this skill, receive a +2 modifier when using this skill underground, and a -2 penalty when using this skill outdoors.

Dirty Fighting - (1 slot, rogue, Wisdom -2) Any character who has this prof. has a natural knack for fighting dirty. This enables them to make called shots, and gain extra damage when attacking unarmed. The benefits are as follows(with successful check only): no penalties for a called shot to the designated place, and +2 hit and damage. (From

Dirty Fighting 2 - (2 slots, warrior/rogue, dexterity -3) A character with this proficiency is familiar with a number of cheap shots and tricks that can be used in fighting. This proficiency should never be taken by someone who has to uphold a moral code. A paladin, for example, would never result to dirty fighting unless he wanted to lose favor with his deity.

When a character wants his character to use this ability, s/he should state what his character is attempting to do, then make a proficiency check. Success means that the trick worked, and the character gains an extra attack in that round with a +2 to hit and damage. Failure means the move was noticed or anticipated, and the intended victim instead gains an extra attack in that round against the character with no dexterity bonuses to armor class for the character for that attack only.

After the first attempt, a cumulative -2 penalty should be applied to any further attempts made against the same opponent.

For example, Krik the thief is fighting a city guard. He picks up a handful of sand (rolls a successful check) and throws it in the guard’s eyes. As the guard yowls in pain and rubs his eyes, Krik gives him a nasty cut with his dagger. The fight continues and Krik attempts to kick the guard in the shin. This time the proficiency check is made at a -2 penalty, as the guard has grown wary of Kriks cheap shots. Krik misses (fails the check); as he recovers his footing, the guard smashes him with his mace.(from Dragon #254)

Disguise - (1 slot, rogue, Charisma -1) The character with this skill is trained in the art of disguise. He can make himself or another individual look like any general type of person of about the same height, age, weight, and race. A successful proficiency check indicates that the disguise is successful, while a failed roll means the attempt was too obvious in some way.

The character can also disguise himself or another person as a member of another race or sex. In this case, a -7 penalty is applied to the proficiency check. The character may also attempt to disguise himself as a specific person, with a -10 penalty to the proficiency check. These modifiers are cumulative, thus it is extremely difficult for a character to disguise himself as a specific person of another race or sex.

Disguise Drunkenness/Hangover - (1 slot, general, intelligence-4) A person with this proficiency has the uncanny knack for concealing his/her unattractive alcoholic problems of drunkenness and hangovers.

The character must make a proficiency check after moving into anew state of intoxication. A successful proficiency check indicates that the character seems to be at the previous state of intoxication. The character still suffers the penalties for the new state of intoxication, but it will appear at face value that he/she is at the previous state.

For example, Rath (who is proficient in this), just went into a state of slight intoxication. His stats are adjusted accordingly. He makes his proficiency check. So it seems at face value that Rath is not intoxicated, although he is slightly intoxication. Of course, if he would need to use an ability like intelligence (intelligence attribute check), then his -1 intelligence penalty will manifest itself.

If a character has a hangover and makes a successful proficiency check, he/she can suppress 1 or 2 (DM's option) of the hangover effects.

For example, Rath has a hangover. He rolls a 13 on the hangover effects table. The effects are blinding headache, the squats, and trembling. He suppresses "the squats" effect, but still suffers from a blinding headache and trembling. If he only suffered from one effect like vomiting, then he wouldn't have any hangover problems. NOTE: All checks are made at the current intelligence (i.e. with modifiers from being intoxicated).

Another benefit of this proficiency is the ability to hide the fact that the character has an alcohol addiction problem. An intelligence check is made when a character is not drunk or hungover. If successful, the character disguises his/her alcohol addiction from people. The character is so nonchalant that people don't realize that he/she has a problem. {from Reid Guide To Alcohol}

Display Weapon Prowess (1 slot, Warrior, Dexterity) Characters who have this proficiency can put on an impressive display of weapon prowess without fighting at all -- swords whooshing in a blur, daggers flashing, arrows splitting melons in two. An individual must use a weapon with which he or she is already proficient, but specialization has no further effect. The 'show' takes at least a round. Those who are impressed are forced to make a morale check. (results outlined below) Not everyone is swayed by weapon prowess. Characters must pay attention before this proficiency has an impact. i.e.: it might be useful staring down a guard at the city gate, but would do nothing against a screaming mob or a charging band of desert riders. Further, characters who have this proficiency must be of equal or higher level (or HD) then their audience to impress them.

Morale check results: characters who make successful morale checks can see that an individual with this proficiency handles a blade well; otherwise they're unaffected. Characters who fail their morale checks react in a manner suited to the circumstances at hand. If the situation isn't desperate, and violence isn't inevitable, characters who fail their checks are likely to try talking to the individual with weapons prowess; else they'll simply back away. They won't surrender outright, but they'll realize that the individual is not the sort to trifle with. Sometimes walking away and talking things over are not viable options. i.e.: the guards at the sultan's treasury (after failing their checks) will stay at their posts and remain willing to fight. If forced into combat, however, they'll suffer a -1 attack penalty.

PC's are not affected by morale checks, though if the attempt is made, the DM should provide a frank evaluation of the display based on level of success. {from Aaron Ranta}

Distance Sense - (1 slot, Wisdom, general) This NWP allows a character to estimate the total distance he's traveled in any given day, part of a day, or a number of consecutive days equal to his level. For instance, a 7th level character can estimate the distance he's traveled in the previous week. The estimate will be 90% accurate. {from PHBR11, complete rangers handbook}

Distillation (1 slot, Intelligence, general) This is a specialized function of alchemy which deals in condensing a substance to its most potent form. It allows the creation of various essences and extracts, and allows almost any substance to be concentrated. This skill can also emphasize one function or effect of the substance in question over another effect.

For example, if a nightshade leaf were to be distilled, the distiller would have two options (or more) available to him. He could choose to emphasize the poisonous qualities of the leaf, which would result in a very concentrated substance which would cause the exact same poisonous effects as a large quantity of nightshade. The smell and taste of this essence would be reduced (might be eliminated if a 1 is rolled for a proficiency check) as the chemicals causing these effects are reduced or eliminated. If the character wished, however, to condense it such that it emphasized it's spicy flavor, rather than poisonous qualities, then an extract would be produced which would act as a strong spice, but would have only mild, if any, poisonous effects on the victim. A character MUST take the Alchemy proficiency first in order to take this proficiency.

Diving (1 slot, dexterity, general) A character with this proficiency is an accomplished diver. The character may attempt a normal dive from a height equal to 20' plus an additional 10' per level of experience. This use requires no proficiency check. If the character wishes to dive from a higher distance, perform a truly awe-inspiring dive, or wishes to improvise on the dive, modifiers to the chance of success are applied. For every added level of complexity (a somersault, twist, pike, etc.), the character must subtract 5% from his chance of success. In addition for every additional 5' in height, an additional -1 penalty is applied to the chance of success. These modifiers are cumulative, and the DM may add other penalties or bonuses based on the circumstances. A 'safe' depth of water equal to the diver's height plus an additional 1' of water per 10' of height (or fraction thereof) depth is needed to avoid injury.

A character can perform one fast maneuver (somersault, for example) for every 10 feet of travel, or one slow maneuver (holding a pike, for example) for every 20 feet of travel. Use of a springboard adds an additional 5' height to the initial jump, giving a total distance increase of 10'. Adding proficiency slots has the effect of increasing the maximum height by 10'. A diver may dive outwards five feet plus an additional one-third the distance that he travels downward. {from Vince Carr}

Divining - (1 slot, Wisdom-2, Wizard, Priest) When a character put a slot on this proficiency, he must chose a Way of Divining. He can gain as many Ways as he puts slots (one per slot), or he can specialize in a single Way (up to a max. of 4 slots per way). By means of this proficiency, the character can divine things, by observing the components required, which must be in sight (e.g. pyromancy needs a fire source). These components cannot be used more than in a single power per day, e.g. if a pyromancer uses a fire source to detect magic means that this fire source will only function to detect magic that day. But another fire source can be used.

Ways of Divination Divination By/Through/Using

Acultomancy needles

Aeromancy observation of atmospheric phenomena (comets, etc)

Alectormancy sacrifice of a rooster

Aleuromancy flour

Alomancy salt

Alphitomancy means of loaves of barley

Alveromancy means of the sounds

Amniomancy means of the caul (afterbirth that envelops the head of a


Anthropomancy means of human entrails

Apantomancy means of any objects which happen to present themselves

Arithmancy means of numbers

Armomancy means of inspection of ones's shoulders

Aspidomancy means of drawing a circle, sitting within it, and chanting


Axinomancy means of a hatchet or woodcutter's axe

Batraquomancy frogs

Belomancy arrows

Botanomancy means of burning branches

Capnomancy studying smoke

Cartomancy means of cards (tarot...)

Catop/Enoptromancy means of a mirror

Causimomancy means of fire

Chaomandy examination of the phenomena of the air

Ceroscopy wax

Cleromancy study of thrown black & white beans/ stones/ bones/ dice/


Critomancy study of viands and cakes

Crystalomancy use of a crystal globe

Dactylomancy rings

Daphnomancy means of a laurel

Emonomancy means of demons

Eromancy a water's vessel

Gastromancy from the belly

Geomancy the signs of the world

Grafology writing

Gyromancy continually going in a circle marked by letters on the


Hippomancy study of movements by white horses

Hydromancy water

Ichthyomancy inspection of fish entrails

Kephalonomancy inspection of the baked head of an ass

Lithomancy use of stones

Margaritomancy pearls

Myomancy rats or mice

Necromancy means of spirits of the dead

Onomancy a donkey

Onychomancy studying one's fingernails

Ornithomancy studying the flight or songs of birds

Palmistry looking at the lines and marks on the human hand

Pyromancy fire

Rhabdomancy rod or staff

Rhapsodomancy means of opening the works of a poet at random and reading

the verse which first presents itself oracularly

Sortilege lots

Stolisomancy from observing the manner in which one dresses oneself

Sycomancy the leaves of a fig tree

Tephramancy ashes of a fire that consumed a sacrifice

Tiromancy means of cheese

Xylomancy means of wood found in one's path

Powers list

First slot - detect magic

- detect undead

- detect evil/good

- detect poison

- detect snares & pits

- detect charm

Second slot - detect lie

- detect invisibility

- know alignment

- locate object

Third slot - augury

- speak with spirits (as per speak with dead)

Fourth slot - legend lore

(author note: overpowered, should only be allowed with special permission from DM)

Draftsmanship - (1 slot, Dexterity, general) This skill is used to physically draw the coat of arms. It is most useful when combined with a blazoning proficiency, since the character can then create a perfect achievement from written records. Without blazoning, the draftsman must work from a perfect copy of the achievement and is penalized by a +2 modifier on the die roll. Draftsmanship requires a set of paints and brushes, as well as the shield or other materials to be emblazoned. If the color "or" (gold) is to be used, a jeweler must be employed to apply gold leaf.

Heraldic Coloring

Tinctures - azure, blue, gules, red, purple, purple, sable,

sanguine, mulberry, tenne, chestnut, vert, green

Metals - Argent, silver, ore, gold

Furs - Ermine, white, Vair, light blue

Drinking/Boozing - (1 slot, general, special) A person with this proficiency has a great love of alcohol. He/she has the skill to consume more alcohol then most people without suffering the ill effects as bad.

Also, the character can tell the quality of any alcoholic drink by taste. This knowledge goes deeper than just general quality knowledge. He/she can know interesting facts about alcohol drinks if a successful intelligence check is made. For example, he/she may know the year it was made, what race created it, its value, specific ingredients, etc..

When consuming a serving of alcohol, the character now gets a bonus for his/her constitution checks. Thus, the penalties for constitution checks are as followed:

Beer +5 A 20 on the constitution check

Ale +4 always fails.

Wine +3

Mead +2

Liquor +1

When the character is in a state of great intoxication, he/she doesn't receive a penalty when he/she saves vs. poison. With each saving throw a character has a cumulative 2% instead of 5% of permanently lowering his/her constitution by 1 point.

Unfortunately, this proficiency has an evil side to it. The character's alcohol addiction can never be at 0 for amount and drinking levels. Furthermore, the character suffers a -1 penalty to poison saves for alcohol addiction checks. {from Reid Guide To Alcohol}

Drinking Skills/Tricks (1 slot, general, dexterity) This proficiency bestows many benefits to the character although they tend not to have any enlightened value.

"The Chug", "The Gulp", "The Neck" are all names for the ability to consume a single serving of alcoholic beverage in a seconds. A proficiency check (cumulative -1 penalty per serving) is required when competing against another person. If both make the check, the person with the highest score loses. If both fail the check, neither wins because they either choke, spit up the booze, etc.. Of course, if one fails the check and the other makes the check, then the winner is the successful one.

"Fire Breather" is the ability to spit alcohol, through a flame, and hit a target. The spitter must have a flame source of at least candle power and the target must be within 9 feet. The spitter must make a successful proficiency check with a penalty based on range between him and the target. Success indicates a hit and the target suffers burn damage based on range. Failure indicates a miss unless a 20 is rolled. A 20 indicates that the flame back tracks into the characters mouth and cause 1d6 points of burn damage.

Range Damage (*) Check Mod.

0' to 3' 2d6 -2

3' to 6' 1d6 -3

6' to 9' 1d4 -4

(*) save vs. Breath Weapon for half damage. Dexterity bonus apply.

"The Big Belch" is the incredible and slightly disgusting ability to produce long-lasting burps while drinking alcohol. A character can burp continuously for 1d10+10 rounds after having only one serving of any alcoholic beverage. If the character makes a successful proficiency check, he/she gains an additional 1d10+10 rounds to the burp.

"The Mouth Catcher" is the ability to throw a small object into the air and catch it in his/her mouth. Typical small objects are a nuts, popcorn, pretzels, etc.. The character can throw the object up to 5 feet into the air and catch it without requiring a check. A proficiency check is required if the character tries for over 5 feet. The check requires a modifier of -1 for every additional foot the character wants. A failed check indicates that the small object misses the character's mouth. Roll on the following table to see where the object lands: Roll


1: Lands in character's nose.

2: Pokes character in left eye. Can't see through eye for 1d6 turns.

3: Pokes character in right eye. Can't see through eye for 1d6 turns.

4: Bounces off head and hits nearest person.

5: Bounces off head and lands in character's drink.

6: Bounces off head and lands in nearest drink other than character's drink.

DMs should modify effects that would not apply to a given situation.

"Bottle Cap Flick" is the ability to take a bottle cap and flick it at a target. A proficiency check is required if the character aims for a target over 5 feet away. The check requires a modifier of -1 for every additional foot the target is away. A successful check indicates that the bottle cap hits the intended target. A failed check indicates that the bottle cap misses the target a number of feet equal to the number of points the check was missed. Thus, if the check was missed by 4 points, then the bottle cap lands four feet from it's target. The direction the bottle cap is randomly determined by the DM.{from Reid Guide To Alcohol}

Drover/Shepherd - (1 slot, general, intelligence +1) care of herd animals {from Barbara Haddad}

Dweomercraft - (3 slots, wizard, intelligence -3) This rare nonweapon proficiency is generally only available in a world with a high degree of magical knowledge. It represents much in-depth study of Metamagic -- the forces which underlie magic itself. Hence, it usually must be learned from a university or academy. On a successful proficiency check during spell research, the wizard can reduce the time required to complete the spell by 25%. The expenses that would have arisen during this extra time are, naturally, not accrued. {from Net Wizard Handbook}

Dyer - (1 slot, general, intelligence -1) the making of vegetable & mineral dyes & use of same {from Barbara Haddad}

Eavesdropping - (1 slot, general, Intelligence +1) This skill is similar to the thief's hear-noise ability, except not as powerful, it allows a character to 'home in' to a particular conversation being spoken, and remember what is being said, while appearing to be doing something else, such as hiding, sitting at a bar drinking, etc. This also gives a normal character a base chance of 10% to detect noise as a thief, with no bonuses for race, but with all the same penalties that a rogue would receive. Each time this NWP is chosen, the hear noise percentage increases by 5% {from dragon #153}

Endurance - (2 slots, warrior/rogue, Constitution) A character with endurance proficiency is able to perform continual strenuous physical activity for twice as long as a normal character before becoming subject to the effects of fatigue and exhaustion. In those cases where extreme endurance is required, a successful proficiency check must be made. Note that this proficiency does not enable a character to extend the length of time that he can remain unaffected by a lack of food or water. Dwarves, being a hardy and resilient race, automatically receive the endurance proficiency at no cost at the start of their career.

Energy Control - (see below) This proficiency costs five NWP slots and three WP slots . . . it's a very powerful proficiency to have. Only the warrior class and priest class may have this proficiency. The controller harnesses the raw material of life and shoots it at a selected yet an unlucky target (Yes!) . At the start of a turn the controller may choose to use this Proficiency, but must warn the DM first, the controller rolls a 1d100 or %dice and gets a 5% chance to use it successfully for each level he is. If the controller passes the test, he deals 1d4 damage per level he is to a target. The energy blast goes 10 feet per level of the controller . . . but if the chance is failed the controller does 1d4 damage per level to himself! (Authors note: one I wouldn’t approve of except for the fact of the possible backlash and huge cost. If they get to 20th level 20d4 damage with no backfire shouldn’t be a whole lot )(from

Engineering - (2 slots, priest/wizard, intelligence -3) The character is trained as a builder of both great and small things. Engineers can prepare plans for everything from simple machines to large buildings. A proficiency check is required only when designing something particularly complicated or unusual. An engineer must still find talented workmen to carry out his plan, but he is trained to supervise and manage their work.

An engineer is also familiar with the principles of siege craft and can detect flaws in the defenses of a castle or similar construction. he knows how to construct and use siege weapons and machines, such as catapults, rams, and screws.

Epicure - (2 slots, general, Intelligence +2) This character is an expert in food and drink, and can tell (on a successful check) whether or not food has been prepared by a master chef, what ingredients were used, what year a specific wine was bottled, and what region it came from. If this character also has the cooking skill, then no check is required to make a masterful meal.(from Dragon #254)

Escapology - (1 slot, dexterity (special), rogue) This is the ability to escape shackles, ropes and even straight-jackets by body contortions and limb manipulation. Tight ropes impose a -1 penalty, locked metal cuffs impose a -3 penalty and straight-jackets impose a -5 penalty. For multiple bonds, these values are cumulative. Note that having the rope use skill, and making a successful check, increases the escapology skill roll for rope bonds by +2. {from Vince Carr}

Etiquette - (1 slot, general, Charisma) This proficiency gives the character a basic understanding of the proper forms of behavior and address required in many different situations, especially those involving nobility and persons of rank. For extremely unusual occurrences, a proficiency check must be made for the character to know the proper etiquette for the situation.

However, having the character know what is correct and actually do what is correct are two different matters. The encounter must still be role-played by the character. Knowledge of etiquette does not faux pas; many people who know the correct thing manage to do the exact opposite.

Evasion - (1 slot, rogue, Dexterity -2) This proficiency allows the thief to lose someone who is following him/her or keep a particular person from finding them in a public place. {from Willie Baer}

Falconry - (1 slot, Wisdom -1, general) A PC with this proficiency is an expert in training and handling falcons (as well as hawks at a -1 NWP check. Owls can also be trained, but at a -2 NWP check), enabling him to teach them tricks and tasks. A PC can teach a falcon 2-8 tricks or tasks in any combination. It takes 2-12 weeks to teach a trick, and 9-12 (d4+8) weeks to teach a task (these times are halved if the teaching NWP is known with a successful teaching NWP check). At the end of the training period, the PC makes a NWP check. If the check succeeds, the falcon has learned the trick or task. If the check fails, the falcon is incapable of learning that trick or task. If not using falconry training equipment (cost 10gp, weight = 1 lb.), the success roll for training is made at -2.


Hunting - the falcon is trained to hunt its natural prey; small mammals and game birds; and to return with them to the falconer. Nearly all trained falcons receive this training 1st.

Ferocity - the falcon receives a +1 bonus to all attack and damage rolls, and a +2 morale bonus.

Guard - the falcon shrieks at the approach of strangers. If approached closer than 20-30', the falcon will attack unless ordered not to. The bird can recognize designated friends.

Homing - the falcon recognizes one place as its roost and returns there upon command.

Loyalty - the falcon is exceptionally loyal to an individual selected by its trainer. It has a +4 saving throw bonus against charm, control, empathy, or friendship attempts by others. Further, it comes when its master summons it, guards its master from attack and may perform unusual acts of loyalty as decided by the DM.

Species Enemy - the falcon is trained to recognize an entire species as a natural enemy. Its basic reaction is to be hostile, it will reject empathy, and have a +4 saving throw bonus against the enemy's charm or control attempts. It will attack the species enemy in preference to others.

Track - the falcon can track a designated creature and return. It can retrace its path to lead the falconer to the creature.

Sample Tricks:-

Attack - the falcon will attack on command a creature designated by the falconer until called off. The falcons base morale is at least 11. The falcon receives a save Vs rods against a rangers animal empathy ability.

Capture Prey - a hunt trained falcon will return with the prey alive and unharmed.

Catch Object - upon command, the falcon will catch a small object thrown into the air or a small falling object an return to the falconer.

Distract - the falcon is trained to feint at an opponent. The opponent must make a save Vs paralysis or lose its next action.

Eye Attack - the falcon is trained to strike at an opponents eyes. A beak hit has a 25% chance of striking an eye. An opponent struck in the eye is blinded for 1-4 rounds and has a 10% chance of losing sight in the eye permanently.

Hand Signals - the falcon can be commanded by hand signals as well as by voice.

Hide Object - the falcon takes an object from the falconer, flies away with it, and conceals it. The falcon will retrieve the object on command.

Nemesis - the falcon is trained to attack a specific individual. The falcon need never check morale when attacking this individual.

Pit Fighting - the falcon is trained as a fighting bird. It has a +2 attack bonus against any fighting bird that is not so trained.

Recall - the falcon will immediately return to the falconer upon receiving this command. {from PHBR11, rangers handbook}

Farming - (1 slot, Wisdom, general) A PC with this skill is able to evaluate soil quality for plant growth, to identify the best methods of growing plants (particularly fruits, vegetables and spices), and to identify edible plants in the wild with a chance equal to 1/3 of their normal NWP roll (this is the same as the foraging skill). {from dragon #156}

Fashion - (Slots: 1, General, Wisdom +1) The character knows what particular modes of dress are "in fashion" at any given season among commoners and nobility alike, and the character is always conscious of changing patterns. However, this skill is applicable only for places characters know; if new to a place, they need 2d20 days to determine the fashions of their current location. {from FR: city of Splendors boxed set}

Fasting - (1 slot, general, Constitution -1) This proficiency allows a character to go long periods of time without food, though liquids are still necessary. Any amount of time less than one week spent fasting causes no ill effects to the character. At one week, a proficiency check is required. Success means that the character suffers no ill effects and loses 5 lbs. Failure means that the character temporarily loses one point from Strength, one point from Constitution and ten pounds. The character weight will not fall below 15 pounds per foot of height.

At the end of each week after the first the check is made with a cumulative penalty of -1. If the character’s Strength or Constitution falls below 1, the character dies. Once the character is able or decides to end the fast, s/he must begin to eat slowly. Each day the character recovers one point each of Strength and Constitution, and may only eat normally once fully recovered. Lost weight may be regained after this time if desired.

This can be used as a survival technique, though it is most often used in religious or mystical situations. The DM should consider granting a bonus where applicable to any character who chooses to fast before performing some sort of mystical or religious ceremony. The longer the fast, the greater the bonus.(from Dragon #254)

Fast Talking - (1 slot, rogue, Charisma (special)) This is the art of distraction and conning NPCs. If a successful proficiency check is made, the fast-talker weaves a successful scam. Modifiers are based upon the intelligence and Wisdom of the NPC target, as shown below. DM's may also offer modifiers based upon plausibility, what the character is attempting, as well as racial preferences of the target. Modifiers are cumulative. Targets of intelligence of 3 or less are so dim that attempts to fast talk them fail automatically, because they cannot follow what is being said. Targets with intelligence of 20 or more, or Wisdom of 19 or greater are immune to fast talking.

Targets Int. Mod. Targets Wis. Mod.

4 - 5 -3 3 -5

6 - 8 -1 4 - 5 -3

9 - 12 0 6 - 8 -1

13 - 15 +1 9 - 12 0

16 - 17 +2 13 - 15 +1

18 +3 16 - 17 +3

19 +5 18 +5

Fencing - (2(4)slots Dexterity n/a, Warrior) Fencing is a special way of fighting with a sword unlike the regular method. To fence a character must use a long sword, short sword, rapier, or scimitar only; other swords are ineligible. It is also impossible to fence while using a shield larger than a buckler. In addition, the character must already have proficiency with the sword before he/she can learn fencing. There are two levels of fencing, each costs two non-weapon proficiency slots.

The first level of fencing allows the character to use his/hers sword as a piercing weapon regardless of the normal usage of the sword type. It also gives him a bonus of -1 on the weapon speed. The second level gives an additional -1 on weapon speed. Also, it allows the character to parry once per round and still attack normally. This parry is only effective against frontal or flank attacks, not rear or missile attacks. It gives a bonus of +1 on AC for a single attack only. The parry can be announced at any time, but it must be announced before the to hit roll.

Fencing must be taught to the character be someone who is at least two levels higher in actual level than the character and at least equal to the fencing level that the character wants to obtain. Fencing masters are very secretive about their abilities and selective as to their students. Note that fencing proficiency is independent of the fighter's ability to specialize and the bonuses are cumulative.

Fire Building - (1 slot, general, Wisdom -1) A character with fire-building proficiency does not normally need a tinderbox to start a fire. Given some dry wood and small pieces of tinder, he can start a fire is 2d20 minutes. Flint and steel are not required. Wet wood, high winds, or other adverse conditions increase the time to 3d20, and a successful proficiency check must be rolled to start a fire.

Fishing - (1 slot, general, Wisdom -1) The character is skilled in the art of fishing, be it with hook and line, net, or spear. Each hour the character spends fishing, roll a proficiency check. If the roll is failed, no fish are caught that hour. Otherwise, a hook and line or a spear will land fish equal to the difference between the die roll and the character's Wisdom score. A net will catch three times this amount.

Of course, no fish can be caught where no fish are found. On the other hand, some areas teem with fish, such as a river or pond during spawning season. The DM may modify the results according to the situation.

Field Of Study - (1 slot, wizard, Intelligence -2) This covers everything else in a sage's field of study not already covered under existing proficiencies. The more detailed a category, the more detailed and expensive the information obtained. Typical major fields of study are: art, folklore, cryptography, languages (doubles number of languages spoken by wizard), folklore, genealogy, geography, geology, mathematics, mathemagics, philosophy, and sociology. A failed skill role means no information (failed by 4 or less) or misinformation (more than 4).

Find Water (1 slot, general, intelligence) This NWP takes one hour to use, during which time the character can only move at half the normal rate. It can only be used once per day, and if successful it allows the character to find enough water to sustain himself for one day [very useful in DS].{from Dark Sun}

Fire Control (1 slot, dexterity, general) Characters with this proficiency can fight fires more efficiently than others. Whenever a fire is being fought on a ship, the character who makes a successful proficiency check is able to cut the size of the fire by two points. If the save fails, the character lessens the fire's size by only one point. Also, if properly prepared (i.e., spends 2 rounds wetting oneself with water, putting clothing on all exposed body parts etc.), and on a successful NWP check, a PC with this skill subjected to burning (magical or non magical), can subtract 2 points from each die of damage to a minimum of one point per die. This skill also allows a PC to put out fires on people (including himself) if they get hit by a Greek fire etc., so they only take one rounds worth of damage, on a successful NWP check, no other action can be taken in the round.{from Vince Carr}

Foraging - (1 slot, intelligence -2, warrior/rogue) By using this NWP, a PC can search a wilderness area to locate a small amount of a desired material, such as a branch suitable for carving into a bow, enough kindling to start a fire, a medicinal Herb, or a component required for a spell. The PC must spend 2-8 hours searching, and the material must theoretically be available in the area being searched. The DM doesn't confirm if the material sought is actually available until after the PC has searched for the designated period. If the DM decides the material isn't in the area, no NWP check is necessary; he merely reveals that the search was in vain.

If the DM decided the material is indeed available, a successful NWP check means the PC has found what he's been looking for. As a rule of thumb, the PC locates no more than a handful of the desired material, though the DM may make exceptions (e.g., a field full of a particular Herb or plant, etc.). If the check fails, the material isn't found. The PC may however search a different area, requiring another NWP check and another 2-8 hours. {from PHBR11, rangers handbook}

Forgery - (1 slot, rogue, dexterity -1) This proficiency enables the character to create duplicates of documents and handwriting and to detect such forgeries created by others. To forge a document where the handwriting is not specific to a person, the character needs only to have seen a similar document before. To forge a name, an autograph of that person is needed, and in addition, a proficiency check with a -1 penalty must be successfully rolled. To forge a longer document written in the hand of some particular person, a large sample of his handwriting is needed, with a -3 penalty to the check. The DM rolls the proficiency check in secret.

If the check succeeds, the work will pass examination by all except those intimately familiar with that handwriting or by those with the forgery proficiency who examine the document carefully. If the check is failed, the forgery is detectable to anyone familiar with this type of document or handwriting--if he examines the document closely. If the die roll is 20, the forgery is immediately detectable to anyone who normally handles such documents without close examination. The forger will not realize this until too late.

Furthermore, those with forgery proficiency may examine a document to learn if it is a forgery. On a successful proficiency roll, the authenticity of any document can be ascertained. If the die roll is failed, the answer is unknown. If a 20 is rolled, the character reaches the incorrect conclusion.

Fortune Telling - (2 slots, rogue, Charisma (special)) With this proficiency, characters know a variety of methods for divining the future - and they are all fake. Characters with this skill employ odd-looking devices, sonorous oratory, or other methods to convince others that they are authentic soothsayers. Common methods include cards, palm reading, counting bumps, casting runes, examining animal entrails, and more. Fortune tellers put on a good show, then tell any prediction they want. This is done to gain money from the gullible, to impress other NPCs, or even to substitute for a true diviner when none are available. A successful proficiency check indicates that the target believes the fortune. If it fails, the sham is discovered or the fortune is simply not believed. Note that other PC's are not forced to believe, regardless of the roll. (Note, on a roll of 1, for the NWP check, the actual fortune foretold actually comes true).

Free fall - (1 slot, general, dexterity) This proficiency is handy when a ship's gravity plane shifts. This can cause objects, cargo, weapons, and crew members to fly across the deck, or even straight up! This proficiency gives the character the chance to personally counter these shifts. If the proficiency check is successful, the character does not need to roll the usual Dexterity check. The character recovers quickly enough and continues with his current duties as though nothing happened. If he is manning a weapon, he can still attack. If loading, he is not interrupted. If the proficiency check fails, the character is required to roll the standard Dexterity check to see if he maintains his balance. This proficiency does not negate the disruption of activity due to a Ship Shaken hit.

Fungi Recognition - (1 slot, intelligence +3, general) When on extended periods underground, it is useful to be able to tell the difference between edible and poisonous fungi (or which 50% of underground fungus is poisonous). It is impossible to harvest edible fungi without this NWP. If the PC has plenty of light and an opportunity to study the fungus in question closely and uninterrupted for 10 minutes, no NWP check is required. If he is unable to see the fungus properly, often the case when using infravision, or has to make a hasty decision about edibility, a NWP check must be made. {from PHBR6, dwarves handbook}

Gaming - (1 slot, rogue, Charisma) The character knows most common games of chance and skill, including cards, dice, bones, draughts, and chess. When playing a game, the character may either play out the actual game or make a proficiency check, with success indicating victory. If two proficient characters play each other, the one with the highest successful die roll wins. A character with gaming proficiency can also attempt to cheat, thus gaining a +1 bonus to his success chance. If the proficiency check for the game is 17 or above, however, the character has been caught cheating.

Gem Cutting - (1 slot, rogue, dexterity -2) A character with this proficiency can finish the rough gems that are discovered through mining at a rate of 1d10 stones per day. A gem cutter derives no benefit from the assistance of nonproficient characters. A gem cutter must work with a good light source and must have an assortment of chisels, small hammers, and specially hardened blades.

Uncut gems, while still of value, are not nearly as valuable as the finished product. If the cutting is successful, the gem cutter increases the value of a given stone to the range appropriate for its type. If a 1 is rolled, the work is exceptionally brilliant and the value of the gem falls into the range for the next most valuable gem.

Dwarves with this skill may cut 2d8 gems per day instead of the usual 1d10. They may also increase the value of a gem by rolling a 1 or a 2 on the d20 proficiency check instead of just rolling a 1.

Genie Lore (1 slot, wizard/priest, Intelligence) Characters with this proficiency are versed in the nature and background of all genie kind, from the smallest elemental gen to the grandest noble pasha or caliph. They know the proper manner for greeting and conversing with a genie -- in other words, the manner least likely to offend the creature. In contrast, other characters must rely on successful Charisma checks both initially and ever time they commit a potential faux pas (in the DM's opinion). Characters who have genie lore also know the hierarchy and organization of genie kind. At a glance, they can tell whether a creature is a marred, djinni, dao, or efreeti. They can also say whether a creature they're conversing with is noble or base. If a genie is masquerading as a common human, a successful proficiency check reveals the ruse. If this check fails, perception is completely reversed from the truth. i.e.: the genie seems definitely to be a common person, and a common person seems definitely to be a genie. A character can perform only one such check per 'suspect'. If the character has no reason to be suspicious, the check is made with half the usual proficiency score, rounded down.

Genie lore also enables a character to detect the work of genies. i.e.: the physical manifestation of genie spells, as well as items created by a genies spell-like abilities. The chance of success is limited. The check is made using half the proficiency score, rounded down. If successful an individual may discern, for example, whether a wall has been constructed by a djinni, or whether a princess is enamored magically by the effects of a dao granted limited wish. Genie lore does not enable a character to detect genies moving invisibly through the immediate area. Nor does it help the character see through an extraordinary disguise unless the genie is working some wonder of magic at the time. {from Aaron Ranta}

Geography (2 slots, intelligence, general) A character with the geography proficiency must choose a specific area of the world no larger than a large country to be familiar with. Additional slots may be spent to learn about other areas. The character has knowledge of all naturally occurring geographical features, including prominent mountains, rivers, deserts, forests, etc. This knowledge extends to the local level, enabling the character to recall details about small streams and deep caverns. No proficiency check is required to recall prominent knowledge. However, if details of small or obscure regions is to be recalled, a proficiency check is required. Recent natural formations would also require a proficiency check, unless the character has personally visited them. A character traveling within the area he is knowledgeable in has his chances of becoming lost reduced by half. Proficiency checks with penalties also enable the character to recall information in the immediate area surrounding his specific area of knowledge.

This skill allows the character to treat any spot within it as casually seen for the purposes of teleportation or other instantaneous methods of travel. {from Vince Carr}

Geology - (2 slots, intelligence -1, general) A PC with this proficiency is able to identify different types of rocks and minerals, including metals and gems. Though he cannot accurately appraise the value of such items, he can differentiate between ornamental, semiprecious, and precious stones, and can make an educated guess at the purity of any vein of precious metal. He is also familiar with underground formations and functions of the natural world related to this science, such as earthquakes, volcanic activity, and the processes involved with the creation of the various rocks and minerals. There are few dwarves who are not familiar with the basics of geology, and it is also a favorite with gnomes, especially deep gnomes. This skill adds a +2 bonus to all mining skill checks. {from dragon #169}

Glazier - (2 slots, general, dexterity) This proficiency allows the character to create small and delicate items of glass. While a modest living may be made from the construction of baubles, trinkets, and other glass sculptures, other uses are apparent. Beakers, flasks, and tubes may be constructed for use in an alchemist's lab or as storage containers. All that is required is a very hot flame, the glass to start with, and several instruments for the shaping of the glass. A proficiency check is required only when creating extremely delicate constructions or using rare glass. A completed small flask may be created in two hours time. Larger or more complicated items take proportionately longer to create, from several hours to over one days time.

Goldsmithing - (1 slot, general, dexterity) A character with this proficiency is skilled in the art of fashioning objects from gold and it's alloys. This requires delicate attention to detail. A shop must be set up to do any intricate type of work. Objects such as gold cufflinks, pendants, spectacle rings, and candlesticks require the use of this proficiency. Times required depend strongly on the type of item being created. Gold alloys are used to construct durable items such as rings and pendants. Any type of gold inlay into weapons, armor, or other items requires a character with the goldsmithing proficiency. A proficiency check is required when dealing with pure gold, since it is easily bent and ruined. A proficiency check is also required when constructing truly magnificent gold works or highly intricate items.

Grappling Hook - (1 slot, warrior, dexterity +1) This governs the use of the space grappling hook. Marine sailors who have grappled ships and thrown lines may have this proficiency when they start their space careers. Otherwise limit it as a starting proficiency for beings native to space.

Grooming(animal) - (1 slot, General, Wisdom 0) The character is adept in grooming a specific species of animal that must be chosen when the proficiency is taken. This can be used to increase the price of the animal for sale, or simply to make the specific animal look and feel its best. For instance, after a hard ride Gallaina might choose to spend an hour in the stable giving her horse a thorough rubdown and hoof cleaning. Or Brent always gets the best price for his war dogs because he always spends extra time cleaning and trimming their coats.(from Dragon #254)

Grooming(humanoid) - (1 slot, General, Wisdom 0) The character knows how to make people look good through use of makeup, hair styling, and clothing. A character with the grooming proficiency can temporarily increase or decrease another character’s Charisma by 2 (maximum 18), affecting the reactions of those able to view the character. This improvement can last anywhere from an hour to a full day, depending on the character’s activity and the elements (DM’s discretion). This proficiency also gives a +2 bonus on all disguise proficiency checks (from Dragon #254)

Gunnery - (1 slot, warrior, intelligence -2) This proficiency teaches a character what he needs to know to function as an artillerists or gunners mate. He knows the basic procedures and safety precautions involved in firing a cannon. Devoting a second slot to gunnery qualifies the character to be a master gunner. He can now aim the piece and command the mates who serve it. Note that this is considered a NWP, even though it applies to a (very large!) weapon. {from HR4, A Mighty Fortress Campaign Source book}

Haggling - (1 slot, rogue, Charisma) A successful roll allows the PC to buy an item at 10% less than its asked price (or 10% over the base price if selling); a roll of 4 or less means a 25% change. A roll of 19 or 20 means the other party is outraged by the last offer and refuses to negotiate further. DMs might require that this be role-played; naturally charming characters should have an edge, while PCS who are arrogant or simply demand the 'right' price may blow it on any die roll. Remember, many shopkeepers and merchants have this skill, usually more than 1 slot is devoted to this ability also.

Harness Subconscious - (2 slots, Psionicist, Wisdom -1) This meditative proficiency lets a Psionicist temporarily boost his total PSP’s. In effect, the proficiency lets him tap into energy reserves that lie deep in his subconscious--reserves which are usually unavailable to him. It's like enjoying a shot of psychic adrenaline.

Before he can harness subconscious energies, the Psionicist's PSP total must be at its maximum. He then must spend two days ciphering this energy, taking only necessary breaks for eating and sleeping. At the end of that time, the character makes a proficiency check. If he passes, he increases his PSP total by 20%, rounded up.

The increase in PSP’S last 72 hours. At the end of that time, the character loses as many strength points as he initially gained, regardless of his current total. This loss can never reduce his total below 0 points, however.

During the 72 hours of heightened strength, the character cannot recover PSP’S if his current total equals or exceeds his usual maximum. Once his current total drops below his usual maximum, he can begin regaining PSP’S normally. He cannot recover the lost bonus points, however; he can only recover enough points to return to his usual maximum.

Healing - (2 slots, priest, Wisdom -2) A character proficient in healing knows how to use natural medicines and basic principles of first aid and doctoring. If the character tends another within one round of wounding (and makes a successful proficiency check), his ministrations restore 1d3 hit points that were lost in the previous round. Only one healing attempt can be made on a character per day.

If a wounded character remains under the care of someone with healing proficiency, that character can recover lost hit points at the rate of 1 per day even when traveling or engaging in nonstrenuous activity. If the wounded character gets complete rest, he can recover 2 hit points per day while under such care. Only characters with both healing and herbalism proficiencies can help others recover at the rate of 3 hit points per day of rest. This care does not require a proficiency check, only the regular attention of the proficient character. Up to six patients can be cared for at any time.

A character with healing proficiency can also attempt to aid a poisoned individual, provided the poison entered through a wound. If the poisoned character can be tended to immediately and the care continues for the next five rounds, the victim gains a +2 bonus to his saving throw (delay save to the last round of healing). No proficiency check is required, but the poisoned character must be tended to immediately and cannot do anything himself. If the care and rest are interrupted, the poisoned character must immediately roll a normal saving throw for the poison. This result is unalterable by normal means. Only characters with both healing and herbalism proficiencies can attempt the same treatment for poisons the victim has swallowed or touched. If the character also has the poison proficiency, a +2 bonus is added to this attempt.

A character with healing proficiency can also attempt to diagnose and treat diseases. When dealing with normal diseases, a successful proficiency check automatically reduces the disease to its mildest form and shortest duration. Those who also have herbalism knowledge gain an additional +2 bonus to this check. A proficient character can also attempt to deal with magical diseases, whether caused by spells or creature. In this case, a successful proficiency check diagnoses the cause of the disease. However, since the disease is magical in nature, it can be treated only by magical means.

Heat Protection (1 slot, intelligence -2, general) Allows the use of clothing to optimize endurance against the heat of the sun. A successful check means that only half the usual amount of water is required that day. Also useful for combat in metal armor - it is possible to last longer under the heat of Athas's sun. {from Dark Sun}

Heraldic Law - (1 slot, warrior, Intelligence -1) A character uses this proficiency to understand the nuances of custom and law that govern heraldry. Heraldic law not only controls heraldry but also regulates jousts and lethal duels. Whenever a character requests a special favor from the college of heralds or is summoned before a court of chivalry, the heraldic law skill becomes vital. Characters who don’t have it may hire NPC lawyers to argue for them.

Heraldry - (1 slot, general, intelligence) The knowledge of heraldry enables the character to identify the different crests and symbols that denote different persons and groups. Heraldry comes in many forms and is used for many different purposes. It can be used to identify noblemen, families, guilds, sects, legions, political factions, and castes. The symbols may appear on flags, shields, helmets, badges, embroidery, standards, clothing coins, and more. The symbols used may include geometric patterns, calligraphed lines of script, fantastic beasts, religious symbols and magical seals. Heraldry can vary from the highly formalized rules and regulations of late medieval Europe to the knowledge of different shield patterns and shapes used by African tribesman.

The character automatically knows the different heraldic symbols of his homeland and whom they are associated with. In addition, if the character makes a successful proficiency check, he can correctly identify the signs and symbols of other lands, provided he has at least a passing knowledge of the inhabitants of that land. His heraldry skill is of little use upon first entering a foreign land.

In space, this is a matter of interpreting the decorations and pennants on ship hulls, knowing the various types of ships and which races use them.

Herbalism - (2 slots, priest/wizard/rogue, intelligence -2) Those with herbalist knowledge can identify plants and fungus and prepare nonmagical potions, poultices, powders, balms, salves, ointments, infusions, and plasters for medical and pseudo-medical purposes. They can also prepare natural plant poisons and purgatives. The DM must decide the exact strength of such poisons based on the poison rules in the DMG. A character with both herbalism and healing proficiencies gains a bonuses when using his healing talent. In addition, a +1 bonus is gained when using the botany proficiency as well, if both are possessed.

To be able to cure poison and diseases, the PC must collect various herbs while traveling and make them into small salves (this is due to the fact that most poisons are fast acting, and the PC wouldn't be able to make up a salve and find the components in say 1 to 4 rounds). The weight of all these herbs and salves is 5 pounds. To cure the poison or disease, the PC must make a number of NWP rolls. These are;

1 - a NWP roll to see if he possesses the knowledge to deal with that particular toxin or disease.

2 - a NWP roll made against half his normal skill roll to determine if he neutralizes that particular agent.

3 - if the poison/disease is from a monster, and there is any chance of curing the malady, the skill roll is at 1/4 the normal NWP roll. If the poison or disease is magical in nature, then no mundane cure will work.

On any given day in the wilderness, the PC may also be able to find some particularly helpful herbs in use against injury gained by an individual. These herbs can only be used within 7 days of them being found to be of any use (unless the PC also has the pharmacy NWP, in which case he may preserve these herbs for a maximum of 1 month, before they lose their effect). The chance to find these herbs is equal to 1/4 their normal NWP check if the character is 'just looking out for them while traveling', and half normal NWP check if actively searching (half normal movement rate for that day). The number of herbs that will be found, is equal to the number of successful NWP checks rolled consecutively, so if the first roll for the day fails, then none will be found that day (although the PC still searches, and movement will be ½ normal for the rest of the day if actively searching). The list of herbs are;

Adders Tongue - Location: Moist meadows, shady clearings (late spring).Uses: Leaf Tea: heals 1d3 hp/day (drink 3/day). Ointment: immediately heals 1d2 hp (usable 1/day)

Birthwort - Location: Hedges, fences, sunny thickets

(mid-summer). Uses: Juice: +2 on poison saves if applied with 1 round.

Poultice: +1 hp/day for 2 days

Comfrey - Location: ditches, watersheds, moist fields (mid, late summer). Uses: Root: heals 1d4 hp when applied to a wound. Tea: same as Adder's Tongue

Garlic - Location: damp meadows, sparse forests (spring-fall).

Uses: Juice: antiseptic, heals 2 hp/day for 3 days, insect repellent, 50% chance

Herb True-Love - Location: woods (mid, late spring). Uses:

Leaves: antiseptic, heals 1 hp/wound. Berries: +2 on poison saves if eaten with 2 rounds, +3 for dwarves and halflings

Juniper Berry - Location: sparse evergreen forests (any). Uses:

Berries: stimulant, heals 1d4 hp if brought below 0. Antidote, +1 on poison saves if eaten within 2 rounds. acts as a powerful aphrodisiac (sp?) in elves and half elves (save Vs. poison or fall in lust with the first person of the opposite sex they see)

Sphagnum Moss - Location: swamps, bogs (any). Uses: Dressing:

heals 25% faster

Woundwort - Location: ditches, fields, marshes (mid-summer).

Uses: Dressing/Poultice: regain 20% of damage if applied within 2


Type Properties Game Effect Cost/Dose

Abaas Healing 1-2 hp 1 gp

Adder's tongue Healing 1-4 hp 10 gp

Agrimony Cures blood diseases 15% chance 3 sp

Alkanet Poison antidote +1 save in 1 Rnd 5 sp

All-Heal increases healing +25% effective 10 gp


Amaranth Stops hemorrhaging clots bleeding 5 sp

Anemone Cures eye disorder 20% cure eye dis. 3 sp

Angelica Cures lung disorders 3 sp

Asarabaca Cures violent mild opiate 5 sp


Asparagus Cures paralysis +1 save 1 round 1 sp

Awn Anti-inflammatory no joint pains 3 cp


Balm Antidote for depression 1 sp

Baranie Reduces Nausea cure seasickness 1 sp

Barberry Cures BURNS heal double rate 2 sp

Basil Draws poison -25% pois. dmge 2 sp

Belladonna Cure 20%cure (1%death/dose) 5 gp


Bindwood Eases pain 1 sp

Bishop's weed Cures apathy increased energy 5 sp

Bitter sweet Removes minor curses 25% remove cur. 25 gp

Borate Removes fear 20% 1 round 5 gp

Bryony Healing 1-2 hp 5 sp

Calamint Cures mental disorders 10% cure insanity 10 gp

Caranan Healing/pain reliever 1-4 hp 3 gp

Carefree Mustard Heals Concussions -25% conc. effect 10 gp

Carneyar Coagulator Stops bleeding Immediate 15 gp

Coriander Cures disease +5%/ day of use 4 sp

Daffodil Healing 1 hp 3 sp

Doilan buds Nourishment 5 buds = 1 meal 6 gp

Elendil's Basket Purify H2O, Purify 1 pt.,

slow poison + 6 hour survive poison 8 gp

Eyebright Cures blindness 10% cure blind. 2 sp

Fiis flower Healing 1-6 hp 13 gp

Flax-Weed Cures skin irritations prevents itching 1 sp

Fumitory Cures melancholia focus mind 5 sp

Germander Relieves pain 5 sp

Gladwyn Cures paralysis gives extra save 4 gp

Grarig Potent Healing Herb 2-20 hp 60 gp

Groundsel(mtn) Relieves pain 1 gp

Garlic Antiseptic, insect repellent (+ attract monsters) 6 cp

Harlindar Assures safe childbirth 5 sp

Hellebore Cures love sickness new save vs. charm 2 sp

Himrose Relieves inflammation 6 sp

Hyssop Anti-parasitic parasites away 5 gp

Klandum Removes Paralysis Get extra save 20 gp

Klynyk Depilatory Removes hair 5 sp

Lavender Restores speech soothes sore voice 1 gp

Maiana Decongestant 2 cp

Maragath Anaesthetic (local) Numb 1 area for 1-4 hrs 3 sp

Moonwort Heals double healing (1d6 days) 1 gp

Nelthadon induces Vomiting save vs. ingested 1 sp

Peony Cures insanity 15% cure(5%/day addict) 12 gp

Periwinkle Promotes happiness 3 sp

Plantain Relieves skin irritations eases itching 1 sp

Rampion Relieves fever 2 sp

Red Willow Breaks Fever Break Fever 1 day 5 sp

Rose Cures eye disorders 1% cure Blindness 1 sp

Rosemary Promotes healing 1-3 hp 3 sp

Rumareth Coagulant/sedative stop bleeding 7 sp

Sage Restores memory +2 Int. check 2 sp

Self-Heal Promotes healing 1-6 hp 15 gp

Sindoluin Anti-coagulant Bleed + 1 hp/min 10 gp

Shepherd's Purse Heals burns heal 1-4 hp burns 3 sp

St. John's Moss Heals burns heal 1-3 hp 12 sp

Tamarisk Poison antidote extra save (w/in 5 rnds) 10 gp

Tharm Protection vs. Sun prevent blister 2 sp

Thistle Poison antidote +2 save (2 rnds) 4 gp

Thyme Anti-parasitic +1 save vs. infestation 3 sp

Trefoil Antidote insect bites reduce swelling/itch. 6 sp

Whortle Relieves fever 3 sp

Wormwood Anti-parasitic gives 2 saves Vs. parast 7 sp

Yarrow Mild sedative save poison @ +3 or sleep 2 gp

Hiding - (2 slots, general, intelligence -1) Hiding is the ability to instinctively select the best hiding place under nearly any condition. PC's who make successful checks can virtually disappear from view. Success is determined by modifiers based upon the intelligence (and perception) of the character being hidden from. This ability operates independently of any other natural or special hiding abilities the character may have.



Opponents Int. Mod. Opponents Int. Mod.

3 or less -5 16 - 17 +2

4 - 5 -3 18 +3

6 - 8 -1 19 +5

9 - 12 0 20+ +7

13 - 15 +1

History, Family - (1 slot, general, Intelligence) This proficiency allows a character to understand the genealogy and great deeds of a certain noble family. A separate proficiency slot must be used for each family studied, although this skill applies even to very distant relatives of the same house. History can be used as a minor, nonmagical form of legend lore, which is useful only for researching ancestors of the appropriate family. The character must make a successful roll to learn accurate information, modified by +1 for every 100 years old or 100 miles distant the subject of research is.

Hunting - (1 slot, warrior/rogue, Wisdom -1) When in wilderness settings, the character can attempt to stalk and bring down game. A proficiency check must be made with a -1 penalty to the ability score for every nonproficient hunter in the party. If the die roll is successful, the hunter (and those with him) have come within 101 to 200 yards of an animal. The group can attempt to close the range, but a proficiency check must be made for each 20 yards closed. If the stalking is successful, the hunter automatically surprises the games. Type of animal stalked depends on the nature of the terrain and the whim of the DM.

Hypnosis - (1 slot, Psionicist, Charisma -2) With this proficiency, a Psionicist can hypnotize another character, placing the subject into a relaxed state in which he is very susceptible to suggestions. However, hypnosis is not possible unless the subject is willing and knows he is being hypnotized. Psionicists with this NWP can hypnotize humans and demihumans at ease. Non-humans can be hypnotized too, but the DM should assign a penalty, e.g., a half orc should have a -2 penalty, while a lizard man would have a -8 penalty to the NWP check. The act of hypnotizing someone takes about 5 minutes. The subject is then very relaxed and willing to do almost anything that isn't very dangerous or against his alignment. Note however, that a hypnotized subject can be very easily fooled; the subject can be convinced that he is doing one thing, when in fact, he is actually doing another. Lawful or good psionicists who trick their subjects is this fashion should beware. Psionicists who use hypnotism to make people do chaotic or evil things may find themselves with alignment problems of their own.

Hypnosis can have the following (or similar effects):-

- a PC can be induced to remember things he has forgotten by reliving a frightening or distant event

- a PC can be made calm and unafraid in the face of a specific situation that he has been prepared for

- a PC can be cured of a bad habit or addiction (but not magical afflictions or curses)

- a PC can be prepared to impersonate someone by thoroughly adopting the individuals personality

Hypnotism cannot be used to increase a PC's attributes, give him powers or abilities that he does not naturally possess, let him do things that are beyond his capabilities, or give him information that he couldn't possibly know. {from complete psionics handbook}

Information Gathering - (1 slot, rogue, intelligence (special)) Through the use of this ability, a character can gain information about a specific person, place, or thing. In appropriate circumstances, a character will be aware of major rumors circulating around a town or area. With a successful check, information can be gleaned. The following modifiers are used;

Characters reaction adjustment (based on Charisma), thieves guild member receive a +2 bonus (due to resources of guild at their disposal), when outside friendly territory a -3 penalty results (e.g., an elf in a dwarven community etc.), money or treasure is required or a -3 penalty is imposed (Money is used for bribes etc., this will usually cost between 1 and 30 gp [1d30], this must be spent before the NWP roll is made, the investment is lost whether or not the desired information is made).

Intimidation - (1 slot, general, special) This proficiency allows characters to bend others to their will through fear tactics. NPCs who are intimidated are quite likely to do as they are told. They are also very likely to harbor much resentment against the character that intimidates them. NPCs will keep their resentment hidden until the first opportunity to avenge their pride arises. Intimidation can be attempted with either strength or Charisma. Strength indicates a threat of immediate bodily injury. Charisma uses more subtle threats which need not be physical in nature. PC's are never required to submit to intimidation.

When intimidating a creature of a different level than the PC, a modifier based on the level difference is made to the roll. For example, Rath, a 6th level fighter, is going to intimidate Norbett, a 0 level beggar. Rath would receive a (6-0) +6 point modifier. If Rath were to try the same trick on a storm giant (HD 20 = level 20), Rath would have a (6-20) -14 point penalty (i.e., Raths chances are slim).

When attempting to intimidate more than one, the number of characters is used as a negative modifier. If a dwarf is attempting to intimidate 5 goblins, he would receive a -5 penalty.

Player characters are never forced to submit to intimidation, and choose how they are going to react to the attempt.

Jewelry Making - (2 slots, General, Dexterity -2) A character with this proficiency is capable of producing works of jewelry, given the proper tools, workplace, and materials. Proper use of this proficiency requires a complete workshop. The building cost varies according to a characters needs, but the tools involved are expensive and difficult to get. A basic set of tools can cost anywhere from 2,000 to 6,000 GP, and more elaborate jewelry may require more exotic tools. The DM should determine what is needed and be careful to balance the cost with the potential profit.

The time required to make an item varies and should be determined by the player and the DM. After the allotted work time has expired, a proficiency check is made. If a natural 20 is rolled, then the piece is ruined and the materials wasted. Any other failed check means that the item is flawed in some way that only those with the appraising proficiency can detect and is only worth the cost of materials.

If the proficiency check is successful, multiply the cost of the materials by 100% plus 10% for each point by which the check succeeded. For instance, Bargar the Gnome wishes to make a ring out of the particularly nice topaz he has acquired. The topaz is worth 500 GP, and he uses 20 GP worth of platinum. The DM decides that, to do a good job, Bargar needs to spend at least one week working on this item. At the end of the week, a proficiency check is made. Bargar has a Dexterity of 16 and so needs a 14 or lower to succeed. He rolls a 9, succeeding by a margin of 5 points. This means that Bargar now has a nice ring that he can keep or sell for 780 GP, 150% the cost of materials.(from Dragon #254)

Jousting - (1 slot, warrior, dexterity +2) This NWP includes the combat skills necessary for a successful joust, as well as the manners, behavior and flair needed to impress an audience.

To take this proficiency the PC must first have a weapon specialization in the jousting lance.

A character with this proficiency modifies his attack rolls in a jousting match by +2. The use of this proficiency assumes the character has an adequate lance, shield and mount.

Should a character win a match, his stylish performance favorably impresses the audience. Audience members with a special interest in the match (such as royalty, gamblers, or potential paramours) who later encounter the jouster modify their reaction rolls by +2. If he wins several matches in a tournament, the bonus doesn't rise above +2. If he later loses a match or two in the same tournament, he still earns the bonus. However, if the jouster has an especially disastrous day - say, if he follows a winning joust with a long string of losses - the audience may dismiss the win as a fluke, and the DM may cancel the bonus. {from The Complete Paladins Handbook}


Juggling - (1 slot, rogue, dexterity -1) The character can juggle, a talent useful for entertainment, diversions, and certain rare emergencies. When juggling, normally, no proficiency check is required. A check is made when trying spectacular tricks. However, juggling also enables the character to attempt desperate moves. On a successful attack roll vs.. AC 0 (not a proficiency check), the character can catch small items thrown to harm him. Thus the character could catch a dagger or a dart before it hits. If this attack roll fails, however, the character automatically suffers damage. The character is able to catch one missile per round (if at least one hand is free, plus two additional missiles if he forgoes all attacks that round and has both hands free, whether he has initiative or not. If additional slots are spent on this proficiency, the character may catch an additional missile for every slot spent. Alternately, the character may take a +1 bonus on the attack rolls to catch the missiles for each slot spent. No character can catch more than 5 missiles per round, regardless of their skill.

Jumping - (1 slot, rogue, strength) The character can attempt exceptional leaps both vertically and horizontally. If the character has at least a 20-foot running start, he can leap (broad jump) 2d6 + his level in feet. No character can broad jump more than six times his height, however. With the same start, he can leap vertically (high jump) 1d3 plus half his level in feet. No character can high jump more than 1& ½ times his own height.

From a standing start, a character with this proficiency can broad jump 1d6 plus half his level in feet and high jump only three feet.

The character can also attempt vaults using a pole. A vault requires at least a 30-foot running start. If a pole is used, it must be four to 10 feet longer than the character's height. The vault spans a distance equal to 1 & ½ times the length of the pole. The character can clear heights equal to the height of the pole. He can also choose to land on his feet if the vault carries him over an obstacle no higher than ½ the height of his pole. In all cases, the pole is dropped at the end of the vault.

Kissing (1 slot, general, Charisma -2) Kissing is an artform of itself. A good kiss can melt the hardest of hearts, and a bad kiss can split a couple apart. Like many other things in life, kissing is something that is learned by practice.

A kiss can be used for three reasons. One is between a couple. If the giver is attempting a "special" kiss, a comeliness (or Charisma) check is required. For every month the couple has been together, there is a plus one modifier. A successful check puts the receiver into a mood that he/she feels like they're on top of the world. Kind of like an instant feel good feeling.

The second reason for kissing is for attempted seduction. The check for this is a comeliness (or Charisma) check with racial relation modifiers. It is accompanied by a strong hug and often (but not always) is followed by serious attempts to get the receiver into bed. A successful check is much like a successful charm person spell. This form of a kiss cannot be used by a person of good alignment unless the ultimate goal is truly a seduction and not control. Failure to follow this rule is grounds to change the alignment of the character with all appropriate penalties.

The third reason is to show gratitude. This is easy to do and requires no check. It is little more than a peck on the cheek usually accompanied by a small hug. The receiver immediately feels slightly better about life in general. {from Christopher P Morton}


Laijutsu - (1 slot, dexterity, general) Laijutsu is the art of fast drawing a melee weapon; unsheathing and sheathing it with blinding speed. Upon learning this NWP, the player must state what weapon it applies to. This is a specific weapon, not just a general class. Thereafter, the character can change to or from that weapon without penalty (changing a weapon, normally requires 1 round), and under certain situations, has a better chance of surprising opponents. To surprise an opponent, the weapon must be sheathed, and the PC must be in a peaceful situation (drinking at a pub, walking down the street, talking to a person at a table, etc.). The PC may then decide to attack, if he makes his NWP check, he may then make a normal surprise check, modified by dexterity reaction adjustment. If the opponent is expecting an attack (in a dungeon standing off waiting for attack, etc.) and the PC's weapon is sheathed, then they may surprise also, but instead use 1d20 to determine surprise chance of success instead of 1d10, with the same chances and modifiers as above. {from oriental adventures}(gotta love it for one reason "draw pilgrim")

Languages, Ancient - (1 slot, priest/wizard, intelligence) The character has mastered a difficult and obscure tongue, now primarily found in the writings of pedantic sages and sorcerers. The main use of the language is to read tomes of ancient secrets written by long-dead mystics. This proficiency enables the character to either read and write or speak the language.

Languages, Modern - (1 slot, general, intelligence) The character has learned to speak a language of the known world. To do so, there must be a teacher available. This could be another player character, an NPC hireling, or simply a local townsman.

Languages, Space - (1 slot, priest/wizard, intelligence) The character has mastered a difficult and obscure language once spoken in wildspace, now primarily found in the writings of pedantic sages. The main use of the language is to read tomes of ancient secrets writing by long-dead mystics. This proficiency enables the character to either read or speak the language (his choice).

Law - (1 slot, intelligence, general) The character is knowledgeable in aspects of the legal codes in a specific region or city. This skill allows the user to deduce whether a crime has been committed given some evidence, to represent himself or someone else in a court of law, and to realize the legal implications of an action. The law does not always favor the innocent, therefore good lawyers are always in demand in large cities. {from Vince Carr}

Leadership - (1 slot, Charisma, warrior) By asserting himself (making a successful proficiency check) the PC can give the crew/henchmen/followers bonuses if they rally to his cause and follow him into battle. They gain an additional +1 to their morale score, as well as a +1 THAC0 bonus for 1d4 rounds. If the check fails, the crew suffers a -1 morale penalty, and a -1 THAC0 penalty for one round. {from Vince Carr}

Leather working - (1 slot, general, intelligence) This proficiency enables a character to tan and treat leather and to make clothing and other leather objects. The character can make leather armor, as wells backpacks, saddlebags, saddles, and all sorts of harnesses.

Legerdemain - (1 slot, rogue, dexterity -1) The character is accomplished at all manner of "magician" tricks, including sleight of hand, palming, etc. A character with this proficiency is able to perform a wide range of "magic" tricks from the nutshell game to any number of card tricks. A proficiency check is made when the trick is performed. Success means the character pulled the trick off with full audience belief. Failure, however, indicates that the target or audience noticed something which made the trick unbelievable. If the proficiency is used to palm an item or place an item somewhere, a failed check indicates that the character was noticed. This skill differs from the pick pockets proficiency in that the former can not be used to remove a hidden item from another creature, such as held in a pouch. However, obvious items such as lapel pins could be removed.

Librarian(1 slot, Intelligence 0, Wizard/Priest)This proficiency allows much knowledge on the proper handling, care, and filing of tomes. If a Librarian wishes to find a tome in a filing system he is familiar with, no roll is required. An unfamiliar filing system requires a proficiency check, while a library that has no standardized classification system calls for a check at -3 (the Librarian asks himself, "Where would I put that book if this were my library?").

The handling of brittle tomes is best left to a Librarian. A proficiency check allows them to handle brittle pages without further damage to rare, ancient tomes.

In addition, Librarians are experts at quick research, and can skim any book they could normally read at 2-4 (1d3+1) times the speed it would take the average person to read the tome. Because one is actually only looking for key words and ideas, one cannot skim one's spells to decrease memorization time, but it may help reduce spell research time at the DM's option. The skill assumes that the Librarian speaks the language that the books are written in, or has some similar method to discern the contents of the book or piece of information he is looking for.

Local History - (1 slot, priest, Charisma) The character is a storehouse of facts about the history of a region the size of a large county or a small province.

The DM will provide information about local sites and events as the character needs to know them. Furthermore, the character can try to retell these events as entertaining stories. Once the subject is chosen, he can either make a proficiency check and, if successful, add that tale to his repertoire, or actually tell the story to other characters. If the character succeeds in entertaining them, the player need not make a proficiency roll for the character. The character can tell these stories to entertain others, granting him a +2 bonus to his Charisma for the encounter. But telling stories to hostile beings is probably not going to be any good.

Lock Picking - (2 slots, rogue, dexterity -4) This proficiency allows the character a chance at picking padlocks, combination locks, and puzzle locks. Picking a padlock requires tools. Using typical thief type tools gives the normal chances for success, while using improvised tools gives a penalty on the chance for success. The amount of time required to pick a lock is 2d12 rounds. A character can try to pick a lock only once per experience level, or until his chance increases for some reason. If the attempt fails, the lock is simply too difficult for the character until learns more about picking locks.(Authors note: I may have stated it before but thief skills are for THIEVES. And maybe wizards with the right spells. Anyway, you won’t see this NWP in any campaign I run.)

Locksmithing - (1 slot, rogue, dexterity) With this proficiency, a character can make and repair all kinds of mechanical locks. Thieves with this proficiency gain a +10% bonus to their lockpicking skill, because they are intimately familiar with the internal structure and workings of locks.

Looting - (1 slot, rogue, Wisdom) This proficiency represents a knack for grabbing the best loot in the shortest amount of time. A successful NWP check allows a character to recognize and grab the most valuable combination of items that is feasible, given the situational limits of time and space.

Magical Energy Conservation - (2 slots, wizard/priest, no check) Only priests and wizards may take this proficiency. It allows the spellcaster to conserve energy that might otherwise be wasted during spellcasting, collecting it for use as cantrips or orisons (if the optional rules from players option: spells and magic are used) Each day a character with this proficiency may cast one cantrip or orison per spell level they have attained at no additional cost. This mans that a seventh level mage would be able to cast four cantrips per day, whereas a fourth level cleric could use two orisons per day.(from Dragon #254)

Magical Engineering (2 slots, priest/wizard, intelligence -3) A character that has this proficiency can determine the nature of a magical item more easily. S/he does this by examining the item and looking for clues in its composition, form, and decoration. A successful proficiency check indicates that the character has correctly identified the item. Some particularly unusual magic items would apply significant penalties to this roll (e.g. while a Sword + 1 and Ring of Invisibility would have no modifiers, a Sword of Sharpness and Staff of the Magi might be harder to identify correctly.

Whether or not the ability check succeeds, the character using this skill will think that s/he has correctly identified the item. However, if the roll fails, the DM should tell the character that it is something that it in fact is not.

The person using this skill may also be able to detect magical constructs for what they are (i.e., that's and iron golem, etc.), but not their special abilities (i.e., this is an iron golem and you need '+X' weapons to hit it and blah blah.....). To use this ability, a person must make their Magical Engineering roll at half normal chances.

This skill also reduces the amount of time needed to construct a magical item by a percentage equal to the intelligence of the wizard/cleric. {from Net Wizard Handbook}

Marksmanship - (3 slots, Warrior) The person who takes this proficiency gets a +5 to hit with any bow or crossbow and can shoot up to 5 arrows in one round, minus one to hit with every arrow more than two.

(E.g., shoot 1 arrow with +5 to hit

shoot 2 arrows with +5 to hit

shoot 3 arrows with +4 to hit

shoot 4 arrows with +3 to hit

shoot 5 arrows with +2 to hit)

(from seems overpowered somehow, but I just can't figure out how. :)

Massage - (1 slot, Intelligence 0, General) - A character with this skill is a master of massaging. The character has a great knowledge of stroking, kneading, and striking certain muscular parts of the body. It is used to improve circulation, sooth the nerves, and stimulate the digestive organs. Massage is also useful in increasing the tone of muscles after a long illness. Thus, the character gains knowledge of anatomy and is able to use his hands skillfully in stroking motions on certain muscles and nerves. A male who gives massage is called a masseur; a female is known as a masseuse. A skill check isn't necessary unless it is critical for the massage to be good (ex. soothing a savage before picking his pockets).

This skill also allows the character the ability to strike pressure points on an opponent. A successful "to hit" and skill check indicates that the victim suffers a -2 on his/her "to hit" rolls for 1d4 rounds (due to pain and sudden muscle cramps).(From the AD&D Book of Sex)

Masseur - (1 slot, strength, general) ability to give soothing massages. A 1 hr massage allows body to heal as though it has received 1 full day of bed-rest {from Barbara Haddad}

Mathematics - (1 slot, general, intelligence) The ability to handle Euclidean geometry and very basic algebra. If it is possible to take this proficiency multiple times in a given campaign, later picks will grant basic logic, solid geometry, and basic trigonometry. {from Net Wizard Handbook}

Mechanics - (3 slots, warrior/rogue, Intelligence -2) With this proficiency you are able to rememorize three traps or one war weapon. (Example: a catapult, a battle ram on wheels, and anything you and your DM can think of) When you have gone up to ten level with the proficiency you are able to learn how to make mechanical parts to make robots and anything your DM approves of. At fifteenth level you gain a tool that is able to cut though every material except for water, fire, and human flesh. This tool is called The Carver. (Authors note: some things I do not approve of with certain NWP’s the following of them.)


The carver is a tool that mechanics get magically when they have gone fifteen levels with the proficiency. This tool can cut though any metal or rock or any other material except for water, fire, and flesh. If the DM agrees with the proficiency he doesn’t have to let you get THE CARVER and he or she could run you though an adventure to get it. (From


Meditation - (1 slots/2 for mage and priest, Psionicist/ mage/priest, Wis or Int. for mage -1) If used correctly, the user falls into a relaxed state, where he/she can review thoughts and past actions in a semi-detected form (q.v. Reverie - Elven handbook) Also, for the Psionicist it enables him to regain PSP's at the sleeping rate (12 PSP's / hour). The mediator is in a state of relaxation and is still aware of his surroundings, but not totally (changed from Psionic NWP). In this state the mediator notices things outside of himself, but cannot be an effective guard in this mode as he only notices the obvious, not the small signs. (-3 or more to a perception check?).

The meditation nonweapon proficiency allows a bonus to all intelligence checks for a person if they follow an hour of meditation. For example, if a wizard wanted to use his Magical Engineering proficiency on a ring, he would get a +2 bonus to his intelligence check if he spent an hour beforehand meditating on the problem.

The method of meditating varies considerably from person to person. For some, it involves measured breathing while in lotus position -- for others, it means puffing silently on a pipe while watching the clouds. It is up to the player and DM to come up with an appropriate meditation method.

For a mage, use of this technique halves the amount of rest needed before reimmersion of spells. This is due to the total relaxation and the reviewing of thoughts encompassed in the proficiency. For a priest, you may make it a requirement for prayer, thus spells. Although it would give little bonus. Maybe a bonus spell for proper prayer, or maybe the opposite, penalizing a priest who doesn't?. {from Graham Caine (Firedancer)}

Meditative Focus - (1 slot, Psionicist, Wisdom +1) Through this proficiency, a Psionicist can focus his mental energy on one particular discipline. As a result his power scores in that discipline temporarily increase, while those in other disciplines decline.

The proficiency requires the character to meditate, uninterrupted, for 12 hours. The last four hours of this meditation are spent in a deep, sleep-like trance. The Psionicist can recover PSP’S

normally during the entire period.

When the meditation is complete, the player makes a proficiency check. If the character passes the check, he has successfully focused his mind on one particular discipline (which was chosen when the process began). All of the character's psionic power scores in that discipline are increased by two points for the next 24 hours--or until the character's PSP’S have been reduced to zero, whichever comes first. All of his power scores in other disciplines are reduced by one for the same period.

Merchant - (2 slots, intelligence -1, general) allows merchant to buy in bulk at a 1-20% price discount & sell bulk goods at a +1-12% profit. {from Barbara Haddad}

Military Tactics - (1 slot, Warrior, Intelligence -2) A character with this proficiency is skilled in the arts of war. The character can coordinate groups of various sizes in battle and can give orders and direct attacks at specific targets. A character trained in military tactics can study his opponents and attempt to determine the combat tactics of his opponents. If he makes a successful proficiency check, the character will gain a -1 to his initiative in the first round. (From

Miller - (1 slot, intelligence, general) grain treatment for preservation {from Barbara Haddad}

Mime - (1 slot, Charisma +1, general) This is the ability to entertain others using only gestures and actions, and without the use of voice. Mimes can be serious or humorous, the latter being the easiest and most common. The skill blends well with others, such as tumbling or possibly ventriloquism. {from Vince Carr}("oh my goodness he’s trapped in an invisible box. I’ll get him out... with my hammer. Oh your a mime, oops sorry about fracturing your skull.")

Mind Over Matter - (1 slot, Wisdom -2, general) Characters with this proficiency are able to cause their minds to reduce pain induced upon their bodies. For instance, a character using this proficiency would be able to walk across a path of hot coals, lie upon a bed of nails, or have stone blocks broken across his chest. Preparation to use this proficiency is equal to 1 turn. After this, the character may undertake actions which would normally cause great pain or damage for up to two rounds per point of Wisdom that he possesses. During this time any pain caused by situations similar to the above mentioned ones is negated, and any damage is reduced to 2 points per die, or 20% of the total damage, whichever is less. This does not count against melee damage or damage caused by spells or the like. However, the character could stick his hand into a roaring campfire and retrieve a necklace with only very minor burns. When time has expired, the character will feel a slight numbing in any areas which were injured. This disappears within minutes, however. {from Vince Carr}

Mind Spell - (5 slots, Wizard, Intelligence n/a) Good to only take read and write and then wait for enough slots to get this prof. When someone has this proficiency, they can cast any spell, regardless of if the spell is learned or not, 5 times a day for each spell. Spell components are not needed either.

Very useful. (Authors note: this is another one I don’t approve of. If you have to ask why then I would like to know how many vorpal swords +9 your character has given to little kids because they were too weak in comparison to your other weapons)(from


Mining - (2 slots, general, Wisdom -3) A character with mining proficiency is needed to site and supervise the operations of any mine. First, the character can attempt to determine what type of ores or gems can be found in a given area. To do this, he must spend at least a week searching a four-square-mile area. The DM may rule that more area must be searched to find anything of value and may thus increase the amount of time required. At the end of the search, the character can say what is likely to be found in this area. After this, the character can site the mine. On a successful proficiency check (made by the DM), the character has found a good site to begin searching for any minerals that may be in the area. The check does not guarantee a successful mine, only that a particular site is the best choice in a given area. The DM must determine what minerals, if any, are to be found in the region of the mine. On a failed check, the character only thinks he has found a good site. Much effort is spent before the character is proved wrong, of course.

Once the mine is in operation, a character with mining proficiency must remain on-site to supervise all work. Although this is a steady job, most player characters will find it better to hire an NPC for this purpose.

Monster Trivia - (2 slots, intelligence -2, general) A PC with this skill has picked up some knowledge of various monsters from friends or family who were former adventurers. If the DM questions whether the PC would actually know of a certain monsters ability that the actual player is aware of, the DM can call for a roll against this skill. Success indicates that the PC may act upon the players knowledge. Under no circumstances, may a player reference a rule book detailing a monsters powers. It means that a player may run his character as though the latter possessed the formers knowledge of the creature in question. If the roll is made but the player doesn't know what the creature is or does, tough, you are not to tell the player any information at all, its only what they know already. {from dragon #156}

Mortician - (1 slot, general, intelligence +1) corpse handling &treatment (for presentation value) plus corpse disposal techniques {from Barbara Haddad}

Mountaineering - (1 slot, warrior, N/A) A character with this proficiency can make difficult and dangerous climbs up steep slopes and cliffs with the aid of spikes, ropes, etc. If a character with mountaineering proficiency leads a party, placing the pitons and guiding the others all in the party can gain the benefit of his knowledge. A mountaineer can guide a party up a cliff face it could not otherwise climb. A character with this proficiency gains a 10% bonus per proficiency spent to his chance to climb any surface. Note that mountaineering is not the same as the thief's climbing ability, since the latter does not require aids of any sort.

Musical Instrument - (1 slot, priest/rogue, dexterity -1) The character can play a specific musical instrument. An additional instrument can be added for every extra slot devoted to this proficiency. The character plays quite well, and no proficiency check is normally required. The DM may expect the character to make a proficiency check in what he feels are extraordinary circumstances.

Navigation - (1 slot, priest/warrior/wizard, intelligence -2) The character has learned the arts of navigating by the stars, studying currents, reefs, and hidden danger. This is not particularly useful on land. At sea, a successful proficiency check by the navigator reduces the chance of getting lost by 20%.


Navigation (Celestial) - (1 slot, general, intelligence -2) The character has learned the arts of wildspace navigation, avoiding hazards and using planetary motion to improve speed over long journeys. This proficiency is not useful on land or sea. In wildspace, a successful proficiency check allows the navigator to know his position relative to his destination, course, speed, and approximate arrival time. In addition, a successful proficiency check allows the character's spelljamming vessel to arrive at its wildspace destination 10% faster than normal. An unsuccessful proficiency check indicates that no time is saved; on a roll of 20, travel time increases by 50%. A navigator can bypass large (celestial) obstacles and return easily to the desired course. A character with this proficiency on a ship equipped with a pool or series helm can use his THAC0 at half level to direct a ram attack.

Navigation (Phlogiston) - (1 slot, wizard/priest/warrior, intelligence -2) This is the art of navigating from one sphere to another, a separate skill from navigating within a single crystal sphere. It is a difficult and risky activity, but it is sometimes necessary when a planetary locator is not available. A spelljamming ship that enters the Flow normally moves randomly, arriving at some other crystal sphere within 10-100 days. With a successful proficiency check from the ship's navigator, the ship arrives at the chosen destination within that time. Of course, the destination must be one that is normally reachable.

If the proficiency check is failed, the ship arrives at a random sphere. This check is made in secret. On a natural roll of 20, the ship drifts in the phlogiston for 20-200 days; such ships may be in grave danger of exhausting their air supply before returning to a random crystal sphere.

Navigation, Underground - (1 slot, general, intelligence) A character with this proficiency can determine underground direction and the shortest route to the surface. By careful analysis or air and currents, a character can even determine whether there are any pockets of poisonous gas in the air. A successful NWP check is required to use this ability.

Night sight - (General, 1 Slot, Wisdom -2) Druids/Rangers get an extra +4 to modifier to this skill (working at night in the forest), as do thieves (working in dark places). Takes a round to adjust eyesight, then see double/triple distance with a small source of light (starlight). Cannot see colors, but even small movements easily detected. Works on things hiding in shadows, only if there is very little light around in the first place. Lowers chance of being surprised in dark places by +1. Does NOT affect/enhance blind fighting at all.{from Colin Winfield}

No Noticeable Effect - (2 slots, wizard, intelligence -2) This works on the premise that many spells have visual components that are not connected to their function. For instance, the appearance of fire is required for Fireball because the spell's primary function is to release a ball of flames. Ray of Enfeeblement, on the other hand, need not create a visible beam as it weakens its target. Other possibilities include the various Detect... spells, Fire Shield, and anything else the individual DM thinks is appropriate. Whether or not a particular spell has a visible component that is secondary to its function is up to the DM.

This proficiency allows the wizard to totally remove all secondary visual traits from his spells if he makes a successful skill roll before casting them. {from Net Wizard Handbook}

Observation - (1 slot, general, intelligence) This proficiency represents a characters trained powers of observation. The character must state what the character is trying to observe (secret door, being followed, detecting poison gas, trying to find pits or snares, etc., which is also modified by perception, then if this roll fails, he then gets a normal perception roll to detect what he is looking for like everybody else.). It also allows the character to detect things out of the ordinary (like if he is about to be ambushed, as long as there is a chance for him to detect this [i.e., he could not detect a thief who has successfully hidden in shadows etc.]). Characters with this proficiency also have their chances of finding secret doors increased by 1.

Orienteering - (2 slots, Wisdom, general) A PC with this NWP is capable of reading and following any normal map he comes across. He can even follow, in general terms, maps labeled in unfamiliar languages as long as he makes a successful NWP check. Furthermore, if the sky is clear, the PC can determine direction, night or day, by using the stars and daytime shadows as guides. The latter method requires one turn to make the proper measurements and calculations. A PC with this skill and an appropriate map gains a +1 bonus to any survival skill roll. He also gains a +1 bonus to any navigation skill roll he makes if he has the right map for the area. {from dragon #169}

Perfect Cutting - (5 slots, Warrior) Need weapon smithing, dancing, and quickdraw. When using this skill, a fighter must hit 4 over the targets AC, then the cut is perfect and it takes double damage, on top of any other critical hits, like rolling a 20.

Persuasion - (1 slot, Charisma, general) This NWP enables the PC to make a compelling argument to convince a subject NPC character to see things his way, respond more favorably, or comply with a request. The PC engages the NPC for at least 10 rounds (meaning that the subject must be willing to talk with the PC in the 1st place); subjects whose attitudes are threatening or hostile aren't affected by this proficiency. A successful check means that the subjects reaction is modified by +2 in favor or the PC (see table 59, in chapter 11 of the DMG). This bonus is not cumulative with any other reaction modifiers, such as those derived from Charisma; other reaction modifiers don't apply. For every additional slot a PC spends on this NWP, he boosts the reaction modifier by +1 (e.g., spending 2 slots allows for a +3 reaction bonus)

Pest Control (1 slot, Wisdom, rogue) This proficiency is used to keep underground strongholds free of pests like rats, carrion crawlers, jermalaines, kobolds, and other small creatures. Similar to the set snares proficiency, it is concerned with catching underground pests and does not use snares. Traps are set to trigger metal cages, drop nets, or iron doors which shut off individual tunnel sections. Spring traps or small dead falls may be rigged (1d6 max. damage) using this proficiency. There is no -20% modifier when using pest control to trap larger creatures.

Only thief characters may use this proficiency to rig larger traps suitable for human or orc sized creatures. These traps may include crossbows, larger dead falls, and spike springboards.

A character with this proficiency does not have the ability to make the items required for these devices, he can only set the traps and their triggers.

A proficiency check must be rolled when the trap is set. A failed proficiency check means that the trap will fail to operate. It may not have been set properly, was poorly concealed, or it was too small or too large for the creature to trigger.

Setting a trap takes one hour and the character must have the proper equipment and materials with him.

Characters with the animal lore proficiency gain a +10% bonus when attempting to set traps to catch animal pests. {from Vince Carr}

Pharallax - (4 slots, wizard, Intelligence -2) Pharallax is a skill that any time mage or person that is interested in time travel should definitely get this skill. It will help you in time traveling in that it will:

1)increase your knowledge of past and future, to help you survive when there.

2)increase all rolls of getting back and items back are lowered by 2 to make it easier.

This is a very good skill to have

It takes up 4 spaces on proficiency’s table.

Pharmacy - (1 slot, priest, intelligence) This skill allows a PC to preserve herbs and chemicals and prepare medicines from both natural and inorganic ingredients. On a successful pharmacy check, the pharmacist can create a medicine to cure certain ailments (the DM should assign a +3 to -10 modifier, depending on the severity and rarity of the disease) using herbs and chemicals. A failed check either does nothing or has non-lethal side effects (DM choice), but a check of 20 results in poisoning. Using this skill with both herbalism & healing, with cure an extra 1HP per application. This skill is needed to preserve all the healing herbs mentioned in Herbalism NWP for longer than 2 game weeks. {from dragon #200)

Pick Pockets - (2 slots, rogue, dexterity -4) This proficiency allows the character to filch small items from other people's pockets, sleeves, girdles, packs, etc. Palming and some sleight of hand is possible with this proficiency as well.

A failed attempt means the character did not get an item, but it does not mean that his attempt was detected. To determine whether the victim noticed the attempt, subtract three times the victim's level from 100. If the character's roll was equal to or greater than this number, the attempt is detected.

Planar Geography - (1 slot, wizard/priest, intelligence -1) This skill gives the possessor basic knowledge of the geographies of other planes of existence. This includes basic knowledge only -- the kinds of things that are mentioned in the Manual Of The Planes, for instance -- but not specifics about politics, national borders, and demographics. {from Net Wizard Handbook}

Planar Geometry - (1 slot, priest/wizard, intelligence) This proficiency prevents the possessor from becoming disoriented in the unusual environments of other planes. Thus, the wizard will not be confused by directionless planes such as the astral, elemental air, and elemental water. He will also be able to fully comprehend the multidimensional aspects of interplanar travel and extradimensional spaces (e.g. bags of holding and Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansions). {from Net Wizard Handbook}

Planet Lore - (1 slot, wizard/priest, intelligence) The character has learned the legends, lore, and history of some planet or thread of time in some distant sphere. The knowledge must be world specific. The DM can restrict the selection to certain planets, or can allow the player to choose. Thus, a player could know details about the Unhuman Wars, or the history of the planet Glyph, or whatever else is available in the specific campaign. The knowledge acquired gives the character familiarity with the principal legends, historical events, characters, locations, battles, breakthroughs, unsolved mysteries, crafts, and oddities of the time or place. The character must roll a proficiency check to identify places or things he encounters from that age or location.

Planetology - (2 slots, wizard/priest, intelligence -1) A character with the planetology proficiency has studied the various types of planets that may be found within crystal spheres. He is able to identify signs of groundling civilization from space and can determine the climate and probable inhabitants of a world by studying it for a short time, and making a successful proficiency check.

Poetry - (1 slot, general, Charisma) Proficiency in poetry includes the skills of reciting poetry and judging its quality. It also indicates that the character has a repertoire of poems memorized for recital at any time. No proficiency check is required for a normal recital.

If the character can read and write, original poems can be written. A successful proficiency check indicates that the poem is of above average quality.

Poisons - (2 slots, intelligence (special), general) This proficiency gives the character knowledge of manufactured poisons of all types. With this ability, the character is able to manufacture poisons of all kinds, given the time and materials needed. The types of poisons decide any penalties to the chance of success, from -1 to -12 for rare immediate death poisons. In addition, the character can also make the antidote for any poison he has manufactured himself with an additional normal proficiency check.

The character may also identify poisons he did not create. This requires a proficiency check and close examination of the poison or object thought to be poisoned. At times, the character must sample the poison (putting himself at risk) to determine it's effects. However, any saving throws are made with a +4 bonus when a successful proficiency check is made. Once a poison has been identified, and it's effects known, an antidote may be created. This always requires the character to sample the poison. A proficiency check at half the normal chance for success is made, assuming the poison is available. If successful, the character is able to concoct the appropriate antidote, assuming the materials are nearby. If a creature has already been poisoned, or the poison is not available for sampling, then the character has only a 1 in 20 chance of concocting an antidote. The rolls for antidote concoction are made secretly by the DM. If the roll fails, the character knows he is unable to concoct an antidote. However, if the roll is 20, an antidote is made, but is ineffective, wasting the character and perhaps the victim's time.

This skill also allows a PC to remove the poisonous glands from an animal/arachnid/monster that uses poison. He must make a successful NWP check at -2 to succeed (Note that this roll is vs.. dexterity, not intelligence). If he fails his roll by more than 2, or rolls a 20, the PC has managed to poison himself with all the consequences. Wearing special gloves (cost = 10gp), the PC must fail the NWP roll by 6 or more to get poisoned. {from Vince Carr}

Pottery - (1 slot, general, dexterity -2) A character with this proficiency can create any type of clay vessel or container commonly used in the campaign world. The character requires a wheel and a kiln, as well as a supply of clay and glaze. The character can generally create two small or medium-sized items or one large-sized item per day. The pieces of pottery must then be fired in the kiln for an additional day.

The raw materials involved cost 1 cp to make a small item, 5 cp to make a medium item, and 1 sp to make a large item.

Psionic Detection - (1 slot, Wisdom -2, general) Able to detect the expenditure of PSP’S around oneself. Concentrate for one round, and a successful check detects expenditure of points within 50 yards. Nothing more can be detected, but the power can be maintained if successful.{from Dark Sun}

Organic Preservation - (1 slot, wizard/priest, Intelligence -1) Organic materials come from animals and plants, and have a habit of decomposing once the life process has been interrupted. A character with this proficiency is experienced in using materials and processes that can prolong the usefulness of these organic substances. Whether it is properly wrapping or sealing food so it won’t spoil, using a certain tree sap to preserve a spell component, or pickling a baby cockatrice in a specimen jar, this character knows how to keep things from rotting. The amount of time for which these things may be preserved varies and should be determined by the DM. The shelf life of wrapped or sealed materials may be extended up to three times as long, whereas something preserved in chemicals may be kept indefinitely.(from Dragon #254)

Psychology - (2 slots, priests, Wisdom -2) This character is familiar with the twists and turnings of the mind and can use this knowledge to help or harm people. A character can treat madness and phobias or help modify psychopathic or sociopathic behavior. This is not an automatic cure-all, and copious amounts of time would be required to help someone who is deeply insane. Each case should be determined based on the time spent and the Intelligence of the person undergoing treatment. It is not uncommon for a patient to fool his psychologist by pretending to be cured.

This skill has been used by those of lesser moral virtue to attempt to brainwash victims, or as an aide to torture or interrogation. Good/neutral characters who use this proficiency in such a way may find their alignment changed.

This proficiency can also be used to aid characters who are under a fear or charm spell at the DM’s discretion, a successful proficiency check allows the affected character to make a additional saving throw. If no saving throw is normally allowed, then the affected character may save at -2. This can only be attempted once in any given situation.

Lastly, a character with this proficiency is a scholar of human (or humanoid) motivations and behavior. If he knows a specific individual, the character can make a proficiency check to guess the individuals motives in a given situation or to sense whether the persons being dishonest or deceptive. He also has a chance (equal to half of his/her proficiency check) of applying the same ability to a stranger. This proficiency also grants a +1 bonus to any proficiency where deception might be involved (i.e., disguise, haggling, story telling, etc.).(from Dragon #254)

Quick Draw - (2 slots, Warrior) Lowers your initiative with a weapon by 1. Every extra slot put into it lowers your initiative with that weapon by an additional 1. Must be taken separately for multiple weapons. (From

Quick Tongue - (3 slots, wizard/priest, Dexterity -1) This proficiency is designed for the mage or priest who wants to cast that spell just a little quicker that usual. A character with this proficiency is able to speak quickly when required and may attempt to do so during spellcasting. When preparing to cast a spell, a character who makes a successful proficiency check can reduce the casting time of a spell by 2 (to a minimum of 1). A failed check means that the character has a 25% chance of mispronouncing the spell in haste, causing the attempted spell to be flubbed and lost(or maybe the DM might say they created another spell/spell effect, maybe good, maybe bad.).(from Dragon #254)

Rapping - (1 slot, General, Special) The rapping proficiency allows players to attempt to entertain crowds by stringing together rhymes in a fast paced verse form. There are two types of rap, freestyle and written. In order to rap, a player needs to make a dexterity check to see if he can flow properly, and an intelligence check to see if he makes any sense. If the player is free styling, there is a -2 penalty applied to both rolls. There is no penalty on a written rap check. For fun, the DM should make the player act out the rap.

Read/Tie Quipu - (1 slot, Intelligence-1, Wizard / Priest) The character can read and tie quipus. Quipus are a means of recording information by the use of knotted strings of differing colors and lengths. Since each culture ties their quipus uniquely, the character must select the language in which he is proficient; examples are Common, Elven, and Halfling. Other options may exist to these standard languages, such as the dialect of the merchant houses, at the DM's discretion.

Whenever, a PC attempts to read or tie a quipu, a proficiency check must be made. When tying a quipu, characters add any reaction adjustment for high or low dexterity as an additional check modifier; for example, a PC with a DEX of 17 would need to roll under his INT. +1 (-1 + 2). A failed check means that the quipu is unreadable by that character until he gains a level or that the quipu has been tied incorrectly and is unreadable. On a roll of 20, the character misreads/misties the quipu in such a manner that the mistake is undetectable and results in an outcome to the character's detriment (e.g., a spell memorized from a mistied quipu might not function or have the reverse effect).

Additional languages may be added by devoting more slots. This proficiency does not convey the ability to read quipus from ancient cultures.

This nonweapon proficiency was written for the Dark Sun setting, where wizardry magic is illegal and paper more scarce than water. While originally designed for Dark Sun, it is quite transferable to other settings (e.g., you're not having that barbarian witch-doctor using a paper spell book are you? tsk-tsk).

Reading/Writing - (1 slot, priest/wizard/rogue, intelligence +1) The character can read and write a modern language he can speak, provided there is someone available to teach the character. This proficiency does not enable the character to learn ancient languages.

Rejuvenation - (1 slot, Psionicist, Wisdom -1) This proficiency allows a character to recover PSP’S while he meditates, as quickly as if he were sleeping. The character achieves a state of deep concentration, in which he focuses and regains his energies. He is still conscious and aware of his surroundings, so he does not suffer any penalties on surprise or initiative rolls, and he is not helpless if attacked. He still can't expend PSP’S, however. To use this proficiency, the character must make a successful check. If this check fails, the character is unable to achieve the mental control necessary for the rejuvenation to work. However, normal PSP recovery for resting is still applicable for the duration.

Religion - (1 slot, priest/wizard, Wisdom) Characters with religion proficiency know the common beliefs and cults of their homeland and the major faiths of neighboring regions. Ordinary information of any religion is automatically known by the character. Special information, such as how the clergy is organized, requires a proficiency check.

Additional proficiencies spent on religion enable the character to either expand his general knowledge into more distant regions or to gain precise information about a single faith. If the latter is chosen, the character is no longer required to make a proficiency check when answering questions about that religion. Such expert knowledge is highly useful to priest characters when dealing with their own and rival faiths.

Researching - (1 slot, Wizard, Wisdom) Researching is a skill that allows the player to find his way around libraries, and cuts the time it takes a mage to restudy his spells in half.

It only takes up one slot and fits under the wizard section.

For example: Anion the elven, third level illusionist enters an ancient gray elven library. The other mages in the group don't have researching, and hopelessly rummage through all of the books. Anion knows that he wants a book about illusions, so he sets about it and finds it. When he is done, he studies his spell book, rememorizes his spells and is ready to go before the other mages in the group find the book they were looking for. :)

Revelations - (1 slot, warrior, Intelligence) Coats of arms reveal a myriad of details about their owners, and this skill lets a character learn them. A character who makes a successful revelations check can learn about any of the following features of an arms-bearer:

alliances, marriages, conditions of birth (rank of family and order of birth), disgraces, magnitude of political authority (offices held, size of land, etc.), and triumphs. This includes any major exploits of the arms bearer or his ancestors. For game purposes, it lets heralds roughly determine a character's experience level.

Riding, Airborne - (2 slots, general, Wisdom -2) The character is trained in handling a flying mount. The particular creature must be chosen when the proficiency is chosen. Additional proficiency slots can be used to learn how to handle other types of mounts. Unlike land-based

riding a character must have this proficiency (or ride with someone who does) to handle a flying mount. In addition, a proficient character can do the following:

* Leap onto the saddle of the creature (when it is standing on the ground) and spur it airborne as a single action. This requires no proficiency check.

* Leap from the back of the mount and drop 10 feet to the ground or onto the back of another mount (land-based or flying). Those with only light encumbrance can drop to the ground without a proficiency check. In all other situations, a proficiency check is required. A failed roll means the character takes normal falling damage or misses his target. A character who is dropping to the ground can attempt an immediate melee attack, if his proficiency check is made with a -4 penalty to the ability roll. Failure has the consequences given above.

* Spur his mount to greater speeds on a successful check, adding 1d4 to the movement rate of the mount. This speed can be maintained for four consecutive rounds. If the check fails, an attempt can be made again the next round. If two checks fail, no attempt can be made for a full turn. After the rounds of increased speeds, its movement drops to two-thirds its normal rate and its maneuverability Class becomes one class worse. These conditions last until the mount lands and is allowed to rest for at least one hour.

* The rider can guide the mount with his knees and feet, keeping his hands free. A proficiency check is made only after the character suffers damage. If the check is failed, the character is knocked from the saddle. A second check is allowed to see if the character manages to catch himself. If this fails, the rider falls. Of course a rider can strap himself into the saddle, although this could be a disadvantage if his mount is slain and plummets toward the ground.

Riding, Land-Based - (1 slot, general, Wisdom +3) Those skilled in land riding are proficient in the art of riding and handling horses of other types of ground mounts. When the proficiency slot is filled, the character must declare which type of mount he is proficient in.

A character with riding proficiency can perform all of the following feats. Some of them are automatic, while others require a proficiency check for success.

* The character can vault onto a saddle whenever the horse or other mount is standing still, even when the character is wearing armor. This does not require a proficiency check, however, if he wishes to get the mount moving during the same round in which he lands in its saddle. He must also make a proficiency check if he attempts to vault onto the saddle of a moving mount. Failure indicates that the character falls to the ground-presumably quite embarrassed.

* The character can urge the mount to jump tall obstacles or leap across gaps. No check is required if the obstacle is less than three tall or the gap is less than 12 feet wide. If the character wants to roll a proficiency check, the mount can be urged to leap obstacles up to seven feet high, or jump across gaps up to 30 feet wide. Success means that the mount has made the jump. Failure means that it balks, and the character must make another proficiency check to see whether he retains his seat or falls to the ground.

* The character can spur his steed on to great speeds, adding 6 to the animal's movement rate for up to four turns. This requires a proficiency check each turn to see if the mount can be pushed this hard. If the initial check fails, no further attempts can be made, but the mount can move normally. If the second or subsequent check fails, the mount immediately slows to a walk, and the character must dismount and lead the animal for a turn. In any event, after four turns of racing, the steed must be walked by its dismounted rider for one turn.

* The character can guide his mount with his knees, enabling him to use weapons that require two hands while mounted. This form does not require a proficiency check unless the character takes damage while so riding. In this case, a check is required and failure means that the character falls to the ground and sustains an additional 1d6 points of damage.

* The character can drop down and hang alongside the steed, using it as a shield against attack. The character cannot make an attack or wear armor while performing this feat. The character's Armor Class is lowered by 6 while this maneuver is performed. Any attacks that would have struck the character's normal AC are considered to have struck the mount instead. No proficiency check is required.

* The character can leap from the back of his steed to the ground and make a melee attack against any character or creature within 10 feet. The player must roll a successful proficiency check with a -4 penalty to succeed. On a failed roll, the character fails to land on his feet, falls clumsily to the ground, and suffers 1d3 points of damage.

Riding, Sea-Based - (2 slots, general, Wisdom -2) The character is trained in handling a swimming mount. The particular creature must be chosen when the proficiency is taken. Additional proficiency slots can be used to learn how to handle other types of mounts. A character must have this proficiency (or ride with someone who does) to handle an aquatic mount. In addition, a proficient character can do the following:

* Leap onto the saddle of the creature (when it is on the surface) and spur it into motion in the same combat round. This requires no proficiency check.

* Urge the mount to leap over obstacles in the water, so long as the obstacles are less than 3' high and 5' wide. There must be water on the opposite side of the obstacle, or the mount takes 1d6 points of damage from the impact. If the character wants to roll a proficiency check, the mount can be urged to leap obstacles up to 5' high and 10' wide. Success means that the mount has made the jump. Failure indicates that the mount has balked, and the character must make another proficiency check to see if he remains his seat or falls from the saddle into the water.

* The character can spur his steed on to great speeds, adding 2d6 to the movement rate of the animal for up to two turns. This requires a proficiency check each five rounds to see if the mount can be pushed this hard. If the initial check fails, no further attempts can be made, but the mount can move normally. If the second or subsequent check fails, the mount slows to half speed and will be unable to bear the rider for a full turn. In any event, after two turns, its movement drops to two-thirds its normal rate until the mount is allowed to rest for at least one hour.

* The character can guide his mount with his knees and feet, enabling him to use weapons that require two hands while mounted. This feat does require a proficiency check to use initially and also if the character takes damage while so riding. In this case, a check is required and failure means that the character falls from the mount and is stopped by the water currents. A second check is allowed to see if the character manages to catch himself. If this fails, the rider falls

into the water. Of course a rider can strap himself into the saddle, although this could be a disadvantage if his mount is slain and plummets deeper into the water. This ability is useful both above and below the water.

* The character can attempt to control the mount if it panics. Under ordinary circumstances, aquatic creatures who take damage from an attack from above the water will dive below the surface unless they make a morale roll. Should the mount fail the roll, it will attempt to dive below the water, where it will remain for 1d10 rounds. The character may try to force the mount to the surface with a proficiency check. However, the character is considered to be exerting himself for purposes of avoiding drowning. A successful check will bring the mount back to the surface. Characters who fail to make their proficiency check may repeat it every round until successful, or until further action becomes impossible.

Riding, Space-Based - (2 slots, general, Wisdom -3) The character is trained in handling a flying mount in wildspace. The particular creature must be chosen when the proficiency is taken. Additional proficiency slots can be used to learn how to handle other types of mounts. A character must have this proficiency (or ride with someone who does) to handle a mount in wildspace. In addition, a proficient character can do the following:

* Leap onto the saddle of the creature (when it is on a flat surface in space) and spur it into motion in the same combat round. This requires no proficiency check.

* Propel 10 feet from the back of the mount and onto solid surface or onto the back of another mount. This leap is possible in all encumbrance levels, assuming the character is in the weightlessness of wildspace, requiring a proficiency check if another mount is the target. If within an atmosphere or within a gravity plane, only those with light encumbrance can drop to the ground without a proficiency check. In all other situations a proficiency check is required. A failed roll means the character takes normal falling damage or misses his target, perhaps floating in wildspace. A character who is dropping to the ground can attempt an immediate melee attack, if his proficiency check is made with a -4 penalty to the ability roll. Failure has the consequences given above.

* The character can spur his steed on to great speeds, adding 1d6 to the movement rate of the animal for up to two turns. This requires a proficiency check each five rounds to see if the mount can be pushed this hard. If the initial check fails, no further attempts can be made, but the mount can move normally. If the second or subsequent check fails, the mount slows to half speed and will be unable to bear the rider for a full turn. In any event, after two turns, its movement drops to two-thirds its normal rate until the mount is allowed to rest for at least one hour.

* The character can guide his mount with his knees and feet, enabling him to use weapons that require two hands while mounted. This feat does require a proficiency check to use initially and also if the character takes damage while so riding. In this case a check is required and failure means that the character falls from the mount and either floats in wildspace or descends towards a gravity plane, taking damage appropriately. A second check is allowed to see if the character manages to catch himself. If this fails, the rider falls off the mount with the above consequences. Of course a rider can strap himself into the saddle, although this could be a disadvantage if his mount is slain and is descending toward a gravity plane.

Rogue Skill - (2 slots, General, Special) This proficiency allows any class to have some type of rogue skill. The "Relevant Ability Score" is the ability score that the ability relies on (e.g., Pick Pockets is dexterity). The PC starts out with a 10% score. This score goes up 5% per level of the PC, to a maximum of 85%. In the case of Climb Walls, the PC starts out with 50%. (Authors note: Why bother playing a thief when I can just do this? One I personally will never allow in any campaign I run.)

Rope/Net Making - (1 slot, general, dexterity) allows crafting of ropes & nets {from Barbara Haddad}

Rope Use - (1 slot, general, dexterity) This proficiency enables a character to accomplish amazing feats with rope. A character with rope use proficiency is familiar with all sorts of knots and can tie knots that slip, hold tightly, slide slowly, or loosen with a quick tug. If the character's hands are bound and held with a knot, he can roll a proficiency check with a -6 penalty to escape the bonds.

This character gains a +2 bonus to all attacks made with a lasso. The character also receives a +10% bonus to all climbing checks made while he is using a rope, including attempts to belay companions.

Running - (1 slot, warrior, constitution -6) The character can move at twice his normal movement rate for a day. At the end of the day he must sleep for eight hours. After the first day's movement, the character must roll a proficiency check for success. If the die roll succeeds, the character can continue his running movement the next day. If the die roll fails, the character cannot use his running ability the next day. If involved in a battle during the day he spent running, he suffers a -1 penalty to his attack rolls.

Sabotage - (1 slot, rogue, Intelligence -1) This proficiency allows the character to plan or cause a malfunction in a construct or machine or to cause the collapse of a portion of a building. This can be as simple as rigging a crossbow to misfire or a wagon wheel to fall off or a complex as collapsing a tower. The time involved depends on the complexity and size of the object. A failed check indicates that the object is obviously damaged, or that the sabotage failed completely, whichever the DM thinks would be most disadvantage the character. Also the DM should give additional penalties more complicated contraptions or larger structures. A wagon wheel, for example, would not require additional penalties. A catapult, however, may require an additional penalty of -2, being a larger and more complicated object. Causing the potential of a stone tower would require much time and elaborate efforts (removal of stones/tunneling), at the end of which a -5 penalty should be applied to the proficiency check.(from Dragon #254)

Sail Manipulation - (1 slot, dexterity, general) This proficiency allows a sails master (officer) to control the use of sails with such skill that the ship gains a one step bonus to its Maneuverability Class for one turn. The ship's MC cannot go above A. If more than one character succeeds in using the sail manipulation proficiency in one round, the ship's Maneuverability Class is reduced by one step, to a minimum of MC F. The person controlling the sail can not do any other task otherwise the benefit is immediately lost. A PC must have some other boat craft proficiency before this NWP can be chosen. {from Vince Carr}

Scribing - (1 slot, dexterity, general) A character with this proficiency is skilled at making exact copies of any written material. The character could earn a modest living copying rare tomes, letters, or even arcane runes for the wealthy. To be successful, the character must have an original in front of him during the entire process. A proficiency check is made, and if successful, the copy is a perfect copy of the first, without loss of any words or meaning. The new copy is obviously in a different hand than the original (this is not a substitute for forgery). The character need not understand the language of the original, as long as the letters are easily readable.

Characters must take the reading/writing proficiency prior to this one, although the specific language is not important. A typical scribing kit, complete with carrying case, magnifying lens, 2 bottles of ink, a dozen pages of parchment, and a like number of quills costs around 50 sp. Special inks and quills are available in large cities. A character with the forgery proficiency adds a +5% bonus if the scribing proficiency is also known. {from Vince Carr}

Seamanship - (1 slot, general, dexterity +1) The character is familiar with boats and ships. he is qualified to work as a crewman, although he cannot actually navigate. Crews of trained seamen are necessary to manage any ship, and they improve the movement rates of inland boats by 50%.

Seamstress/Tailor - (1 slot, general, dexterity -1) The character can sew and design clothing. He can also do all kinds of embroidery and ornamental work. Although no proficiency check is required, the character must have at least needle and thread to work.

Seance - (2 slots, Psionicist, Charisma -2) A PC with the seance proficiency knows the method used to contact spirits, deities, or extra planar powers. Using Ouija boards, pyromancy (divination by candles), tarot cards etc., the PC can ask questions of these powers as if using a speak with dead spell (no body required and no time limit given). Before beginning the contact the PC must prepare himself for half an hour, making sure the area has no spirits around to confuse readings. Contact with the dead can be established if a successful check is made; a failed roll reveals nothing. If the roll is 10 under the roll needed, a specific individual can be contacted. A roll 4 or more above the number needed (or a 20) reveals incorrect information; a malevolent spirit etc. The Psionicist can ask questions of these spirits, but the spirits are not obliged to answer. If annoyed, the spirit can sever the link at will. The character can ask 1-3 questions plus 1 for every slot spent above the initial 2 spent on this NWP. Contact cannot be made more than once per day and is inadvisable more than twice per week. The dead hate being disturbed, and some may take revenge. However, the dead are not omnipotent, and mistakes can be made, as noted on the seance table below:- 1d100

Force Contacted General Specific

01-40 spirit, Int. 11 70% 20%

41-60 spirit, Int. 12-14 80% 30%

61-70 spirit, Int. 15-17 90% 40%

71-75 spirit, Int. 18+ 95% 50%

76-80 outer planar creature 98% 60%

81-99 malevolent spirit gives plausible incorrect answer

100 deity*

*deities hate to be bothered, and will ignore or punish those who annoy them unless the gods are especially merciful or the question directly concerns them {from dragon #200}

Seduction 1 - (1 slot, Charisma -2, general) adds +2 to reactions for the character (you don’t need Seduction 1 to get Seduction 2 or vice versa){from Barbara Haddad}

Seduction 2 - (1 slot, Charisma 0, general) A character with this skill is better at seducing people than the average person. Thus, he/she gets a +2 bonus when seducing somebody if the skill check is made.(you don’t need Seduction 1 to get Seduction 2 or vice versa){From the AD&D Book of Sex}

Semaphore - (1 slot, intelligence, general) This proficiency allows the character to use semaphore flags to signal other ships. Organized war fleets use these flags as a standard communication tool. Most fleets have at least two persons on each ship who can use the semaphore flags. No proficiency check is required under normal circumstances. In times of combat, however, a proficiency check is required for receiving a signal. Failure means the signal was unclear. In this case, the sending character can start over the next round.

When one semaphore proficiency is owned, the character can send ten words in a round, and can receive ten words the next round. For every additional proficiency, increase the number of words that can be sent or received by five. The characters should be careful that the messages they send are at the speed that the receiver can understand, and vice versa. Fast senders and receivers are often used to code the transmissions. {from Vince Carr}

Set Snares - (1 slot, dexterity +1, rogue) The character can make simple snares and traps, primarily to catch small game. These can include rope snares and spring traps. A proficiency check must be rolled when the snare is first constructed and every time the snare is set. A failed proficiency check means the trap does not workmanship was bad, the character left too much scent in the area, or he poorly concealed the finished work. The exact nature of the problem does not need to be known. The character can also attempt to set traps and snares for larger creatures. A proficiency check must be rolled, this time with a -4 penalty to the ability score. In both cases, setting a successful snare does not ensure that it catches anything, only that the snare works if triggered. The DM must decide if the trap is triggered.

Thief characters (and only thieves) with this proficiency can also attempt to rig mantraps. These can involve such things as crossbows, dead falls, spiked springboards, etc. The procedure is the same as that for setting a large snare. The DM must determine the amount of damage caused by a man-trap.

Setting a small snare or trap takes one hour or work. Setting a larger trap requires two to three people (only one need have the proficiency) and 2d4 hours of work. Setting a man-trap requires one or more people (depending on its nature) and 1d8 hours of work. To prepare any trap, the character must have appropriate materials on hand.

Characters with animal lore proficiency gain a +2 bonus to their chance of success when attempting to set a snare for the purposes of catching game. Their knowledge of animals and the woods serves them well for this purpose. They gain no benefit when tempting to trap monsters or intelligent beings.

Sexual Endurance(1 slot, Constitution 0, General) - A character with this skill is able to perform continual sexual activity longer then most before becoming subject to fatigue and exhaustion. When a character makes constitution ability checks during sex, he/she makes a skill check. If a successful skill check is made, then the cumulative modifier to constitution is canceled.(From the AD&D Book of Sex)

Sexual Knowledge (1 slot, Intelligence 0, General)- A character with this skill has a knowledgeable understanding of sex. Thus, he/she gets a bonus of +1 to constitution ability checks during sex if a successful skill check is made.

This knowledge is allows the character to know proper "etiquette" when it comes to sex. Knowledge of sexual customs, preferences, pleasures, and dislikes, and so forth of people he/she comes in contact with.(From the AD&D Book of Sex)

Shadow Skill - (3 slots, Warrior, Strength-6) If check is successful, character loses 1d6 A.C. for an amount of turns equal to his or her level and has both a 2d12 energy blast (80 ft.) and a 3d6 punch combo for 1d4 turns. Failure means the player is exhausted for 1d4 turns. Must have at least strength 12 for this skill. (Authors note: Can you say ‘Overpower’? Sure I knew you could.)(From

Shipwright - (1 slot, general, intelligence) The character is knowledgeable regarding techniques for ship construction and repair. He can design and build ships of all types over 50' in length, with a proficiency check only being required for an unusual feature. The character can perform routine maintenance on sailing vessels or galleys, including repairing sails and caulking the hull, without a proficiency check. Vessels of any size require large crews of shipwrights and other laborers to build or repair.

The time required to build a ship depends on size. As a general guide, a ship requires one week of construction time per foot of length. For every characters with the shipwright proficiency reduce this time by 20% (to a maximum of 60%). A maximum of one shipwright per five feet of length can work on the same vessel.

The basic boat includes hull, masts, deck, and benches as required. Features such as a cabin or a sealed hold add about a week apiece to complete. Characters without the shipwright proficiency can aid the shipwright in construction, but three such characters equal the time savings that one additional skilled boat wright could provide.

Side-show Talents - (1 slot, dexterity, rogue) Characters with this proficiency are knowledgeable in the area of activities associated with the side-show of carnivals. These include sword swallowing. In this respect, the character is capable of swallowing or appearing to swallow any number of small items such as coins, dice, cloth, etc. No proficiency check is required for small items. Larger items may appear to be swallowed with a successful proficiency check.

In addition, characters with the side-show talents are able to contort their bodies into a wide range of positions to fit into spaces just big enough to contain their body. Boxes, crates, closets, etc. can be used as hiding places by these characters. This use requires a proficiency check before the character attempts to position his body. {from Vince Carr}

Sign Language - (1 slot, general, intelligence +2) This proficiency permits silent communication with anyone who sees and understands the signals. The maximum range is line of sight in a lit area (to a maximum of 60 feet). Sign may be an extensive language capable of handling long conversations, or simply a means of communicating a few easy to understand phrases such as 'attack', 'orcs behind the rock', or 'you three move left'. A proficiency check is made when speaking or interpreting sign. The +2 bonus should only be used when giving short, easily recognized commands. More detailed signals require a -1 modifier.

Signaling - (1 slot, general, intelligence +2) This proficiency allows a character to communicate to another person over a long distance. Only messages of less than 10 words per minute or so can be sent this way. The type of signal method used must be chosen along with this proficiency, i.e., smoke signal, drum signals, mirrors, trumpets, naval flags, etc. A person must make a successful NWP check to send the signal as intended, and the receiver must also make a successful NWP check to decipher the signal sent accurately. A failed NWP check does not automatically indicate failure, as the signal may be interpreted incorrectly, sometimes with dire consequences. A character with this proficiency may also decipher signals that they are not proficient in, with a 1/3 normal chance of success, e.g., a drum signaler sees a mirror flashing in the distance and thinks it some type of signal, his normal chance for signaling with drums is 17 on 1d20, so his chance to identify the mirror signal would be 1-6 on 1d20 (1/3 * 17). Note that this skill is used by heralds and employed extensively in times of war and especially on the battlefield where generals need to communicate with their subordinates etc. {from PHBR11, rangers handbook}

Signaling, Underground - (1 slot, general, intelligence +2) This allows a character to send a message underground using noise. To send a signal, tap on a section of wall with a hammer, rock, or bit of metal. The sound will echo through the rock to a distance of 1d4 miles. The sound transmitted will resemble Morse code and unlike Signaling (above), extensive messages can be sent. The chances for success are the same as for Signaling (above).

Signaling (Wildspace) - (1 slot, general, intelligence +2) This proficiency gives the character the ability to use signaling equipment to send complex messages across wildspace. While any character can use a red smoke grenade to signal danger, a character with this proficiency can send coded messages to other ships using a signaling mirror, light, or flags. The signal transmitted by this proficiency will cross up to 3 miles in wildspace, although it must travel in a straight line. A skilled signaler can send as many as 10 words each combat round.

To send a message and have it understood, the sender and receiver must both have the proficiency and both must roll proficiency checks. If both succeed, the message is understood perfectly. If one fails, the message is distorted, but in an obvious way, so that it can be retransmitted next round. If both checks fail, or if either check is 20, an erroneous message is received and conveys a message that is opposite of the real meaning.

Silversmithing (1 slot, dexterity, general) This proficiency provides the character with knowledge on the construction of silver items. These include chalices, pewter figurines, and other adornments. In addition, any type of silver etching in weapons or amour requires a silversmith. A proficiency check is only required when creating truly magnificent pieces or highly intricate detailing. {from Vince Carr}

Singing - (1 slot, general, Charisma) The character is an accomplished singer and can use this ability to entertain others and perhaps earn a small living (note that certain bards can do this automatically). No proficiency check is required to sing. The character can also create choral works on a successful proficiency check.

Skiing - (1 slot, general, special) A character proficient in skiing is able to move over snowy ground much faster than a non-prof. character. It is rather difficult to learn unless you're grown up with it, suggested training time is 8-10 months.

Depending on the conditions, movement is at least 1.5 times that of walking, often more. During cold weather (-8 Centigrade or below) movement may be something like 15 (for characters with base 12), walking under these conditions is suggested to 6. Wet snow will lower this rate as far down as 6 (walking here will be about 2). This is cross-country skiing. The ability check for this version is Constitution +2.

Depending on how advanced the ski is, the DM may allow telemark/slalom skiing (the equipment for this wasn't developed until the 19th century), the ability check for telemarking is Dexterity -2. Movement down a hill or slope may be very high (but you better be VERY good...), a character proficient will have no problems outrunning most animals/monsters that doesn't fly assuming the slope is relatively free of trees. {from Adne Brunborg}

Skilled Perversion(1 slot, General) - This skill actually gives the character a number of skills. Unfortunately (to normal people), these skills allow the character to master the art of perversion.

The skill of voyeurism allows the character on a successful Charisma check to ogle a person of the opposite gender and make lewd, suggestive comments equal to the prose of bards. If the check is made by 2, the character can successfully peep in windows to look at sexy people without being caught.

The skill of cleavage allows the character on a successful Wisdom check to accurately determine the direction and distance to the nearest female with a minimum bust size of 36 and/or minimum cup size of D.(From the AD&D Book of Sex)

Skinning - (1 slot, intelligence, general) This proficiency gives the character knowledge of the proper ways to skin and prepare an animal for food or for sale. Furs may be obtained with this skill, as long as the proper type of knife is available. A successful proficiency check indicates the fur is acceptable to be sold or the animal is fit to be eaten. Failure indicates a damaged fur or improper cleaning of an animal. One small animal may be skinned in one hour. Medium sized animals may be skinned in two hours, while large animals require four hours of time for proper skinning. {from Vince Carr}

Skydiving - (2 slots, General, Dexterity -1) This proficiency allows the owner to jump from 400+ foot cliffs with a Parachute without suffering damage. If a jump is attempted from 200 to 399 ft., then D10 damage is suffered. If 150 to 199 is attempted, then D10 + 10 damage is dealt.

If your character attempts anything less than 150 feet, he suffers normal falling damage. (From

Sleight Of Hand - (1 slot, rogue, Psionicist, dexterity -2) A rogue with this NWP is highly trained with legerdemain. They can, with a flick of the wrist, cause coins and other small objects to vanish up their sleeve, and they can perform many other hand-is-quicker-than-the-eye tricks. This manifests itself as a +10% bonus to the thieves pick pocket chances, rolled whenever this skill is used (for performing sleight of hand tricks only, not picking pockets). Characters without thief abilities who take this ability gain a sleight of hand skill (similar to thief skills) at a base chance of success of 20% (modified as thief for Dex, armor, race). Easy tricks may be granted a bonus of up to +50%. {from dragon #200}

Slow Respiration - (1 slot, general, constitution) A character with this proficiency has the ability to enter a deep trance and reduce the amount of air he needs to stay alive. To induce the trance, he must be in a resting position, either resting, or lying down. After concentrating for one turn, pulse and breathing drop well below normal (on a successful NWP check, if this fails, the character cannot slow his breathing), so that breathing requires only 10% of the rate when resting. The character emerges from his trance at will, fully aware of anything that has occurred nearby.

Smelting - (1 slot, general, intelligence -1) The smelting proficiency is closely tied to the mining proficiency, since between them they provide all of the metal used in the campaign world. A character with this proficiency can operate a smelter, which is essentially an extremely hot forge. Using this forge and the occasional application of certain liquids, including water and acids, the smelter separates the metal from the rocky ore with which it is usually mined.

The amount of ore that can be processed is more a function of the size of the smelter than the character's working rate. A small smelter can process ore as fast as four miners can produce it. A medium smelter can process the ore excavated by up to 20 miners. A large smelter can process the ore excavated by up to 100 miners.

Because of the materials needed to operate it, a smelting operation costs money to maintain. This expense is in addition to the cost of the smelting equipment itself. A small smelting operation costs five sp per day to operate; the cost of a medium smelting operation is 12 sp per day, and a large smelting operation costs 25 sp a day to run. The smelter only costs money when it is in operation. Thus, it is common practice to collect a stockpile of ore before beginning to smelt it, so that the smelter can run at maximum efficiently until all the stockpiled ore has been processed.

Somatic Concealment - (1 slot, dexterity -1, priest/wizard) A successful check at the start of casting means that anyone watching does not recognize the spell caster's gestures as magical in nature. {from Dark Sun}

Sound Analysis - (1 slot, general, Wisdom) This proficiency allows a character to gauge the size of underground areas by generating noise and analyzing the echoes that return. Using this skill, he can calculate distance up to one mile, and determine sound direction. To use sound analysis, the character must work in absolute silence. The sound created must have a sharp, staccato quality. A howl or wail is ineffective, but a clicking sound, or a loud 'hey' works well. The PC must make a NWP check, if successful, he accurately determines the size of the area in question to within 25% or its height, width, and length. If the check fails, the character has no idea to the size of the area, and no further checks are allowed, although others with this skill can succeed if they try. A proficiency check of 5 or less means that the character not only determined the size of the area, but other details as well; the number of branching side passages, whether it is a straight or wandering corridor, and whether or not water exists. The disadvantage of this ability is that, while it is useful for learning about a completely unknown area, it announces the characters to all creatures in hearing range. They will certainly be prepared and may even go looking for the intruders. {from PHBR6, dwarves handbook}

Space Fighting - (2 slots, rogue/warrior, dexterity +2) Beings do not suffer an attack penalty while adrift in space, and instead gain +1 AC bonus in situations in which they can drift freely, simulating their ability to move in space to avoid attacks.

If this proficiency is used, it must be chosen initially by spaceborn characters and its effects must be given naturally to experienced space faring monsters, not just to PC's. Groundling PC's may not begin their space careers with this proficiency; it can’t be taught while on a world.

Spacemanship - (1 slot, general, dexterity +1) The character with this proficiency is familiar with spelljamming ships. He is qualified to work as a crewman, although he cannot actually navigate.

Trained spacemen have general knowledge of all parts of their ship, can recognize the insignia of all ship's ranks, know basic information about air consumption, gravity plane orientation, and phlogiston safety, as well as being trained to perform common shipboard tasks. Crews of trained spacemen are necessary to manage any spelljamming ship.

Specific Spell - (2 slots, wizard, intelligence -2) This very special nonweapon proficiency represents that a wizard might, through much study and dedication, be able to specialize in a spell in the same way that a fighter can specialize in a weapon. Wizards can only specialize in a given spell once, and they can !never! begin at first level specialized.

When the wizard first decides to specialize in a particular spell, he must decide what component of the spell he wishes to emphasize. This can never be changed.

Offensive Spell Only:

1.) Reduce target's saving throw by -1.

2.) +1 point of damage per die.

Any Spell:

1.) Increase duration by +50%

2.) Increase range by +50%

3.) Increase area of effect by +50%

Note that some spells can have any of these applied (e.g. Melf's Minute Meteors), while others cannot. For instance, any spell with an "instantaneous" or "permanent" duration cannot be increased by +50%. Likewise, a spell with a range that is either "0" or "touch" cannot have its range improved by +50%. Finally, a spell with an area of effect of "caster only" cannot be increased. {from Net Wizard Handbook}

Speed Casting - (2 slots, priest/wizard, Wisdom -2) This skill, taken once, allows the wizard or priest to reduce the initiative modifier of any spell by one if she makes her skill roll. If the wizard has chosen this skill more than once, she must make a skill roll for each level of speed casting she possesses. This skill cannot be taken more than three times, and no spell may have its initiative modifier reduced below one.

Examples of use: The wizard in these examples has three levels in speed casting and a Wisdom of 13 (thus, he has a +1 modifier because he has three levels of speed casting).

Example one: The wizard wants to cast Chaos (initiative modifier of 5). He rolls a 10, 5, and 13. Since he made all of his skill checks, the initiative modifier on Chaos is reduced to 2.

Example two: Again, the wizard wants to cast Chaos. This time, he rolls a 12, 2, and 20. The Chaos spell has its initiative modifier reduced to 3.

Example three: This time, the wizard rolls a 5, 19, and 4. Since the second roll failed, it does not matter what the third roll was (in this case, it would have passed). The Chaos spell has its initiative modifier reduced only to 4.

Spells that have an explicit casting time instead of an initiative modifier are in no way speeded up by this spell.

Design note: Wisdom is the relevant ability here because it was felt that mental toughness and concentration are required to rush out the spell without distraction, rather than memory or analytical ability(INT.). {from Net Wizard Handbook}

Spell Mimicry - (2 slots, intelligence -2, general) This proficiency gives the character knowledge into the manner in spells are cast. While this does not give the character any spell casting power, it does make him knowledgeable into the ways of spell casting, the gestures, arcane words, and materials. This differs from the spellcraft proficiency in that no specific spells can be identified. The character simply goes through the motions of "casting" a spell, during which time he mutters incomprehensible words, waves his arms, and uses inexpensive components. This is difficult to master and useful for those characters who have powers that they wish to appear as spell casting or for those characters masquerading as spell casters. Colorful displays or non-magical effects such as flash paper are useful in the ruse.

A true spell caster, upon careful observation has a chance to detect the falsehood. This percentage chance is equal to the spell caster's combined Intelligence (or Wisdom for priests) and

Perception scores minus the character's Intelligence score. Since no specific spells are ever imitated, being a specialist wizard grants no additional bonuses. {from Vince Carr}

Spellcraft - (1 slot, priest/wizard, intelligence -2) Although this proficiency does not grant the character any spell casting power, it does give him familiarity with all different forms and rites of spell casting. If he observes and overhears someone who is casting a spell, or if he examines the material components used, he can attempt to identify the spell being cast. A proficiency check must be rolled to make a correct identification. Wizard specialists gain a +3 bonus to the check when attempting to identify magic of their own school. Note that since the spell caster must be observed until the very instant of casting, the spellcraft proficiency does not grant an advantage against combat spells. The proficiency is quite useful, however, for identifying spells that would otherwise have no visible effect.

Those talented in this proficiency also have a chance (equal to 1/4 of their normal proficiency check) of recognizing magical or magically endowed constructs for what they are.

Spelljamming - (2 slots, priest/wizard, intelligence -2) Characters with the spelljamming proficiency are experts at manipulating a spelljamming helm to maneuver a vessel. Any spell-caster can operate a helm, but this proficiency provides additional benefits.

* The character can boost the SR of his ship by 1 with a successful proficiency check. This boost lasts only one combat turn in the Spelljamming campaign.

* The character can boost the maneuverability of his ship with a proficiency check. This boost lasts only one turn. A character cannot boost both the speed and maneuverability of his ship at the same time.

* The character gains a -1 to his die rolls to determine which vessel gets initiative each turn.

In order to use these benefits, the character must be operating the ship's spelljamming helm. Bystanders cannot help, regardless of their proficiency.

Spelljamming History - (2 slots, general, intelligence -1) The character is a storehouse of facts about the history of spelljamming as it pertains to the various creatures of space. This knowledge includes when a certain race gained spelljamming capabilities, the types of ships they have used in the past, the participants in the Unhuman Wars, the major breakthroughs in spelljamming technology, and various other facts. While the breadth of knowledge is generally wide, a proficiency check is required to recall any type of specific information. Exacting information requires a proficiency check with penalties between -2 and -10 depending on the obscurity or exactness of the information. On a failed roll, no knowledge may be recalled. If the roll is 20, erroneous information is related. The DM roll should be made in secret.

Spelunking - (1 slot, intelligence -2, warrior) A PC with this NWP has a thorough understanding of caves and underground passages, including their geology, formation, and hazards. The PC generally knows what natural hazards are possible and what general equipment a spelunking party should outfit itself with. A successful NWP check can reveal the following information:-

1.- Determine, by studying cracks in the walls an pebbles on the floor, sniffing the air, etc., the likelihood of a cave-in, flash flood, or other natural hazard. This only works with respect to natural formations, and is negated if the natural formation has been shored up, bricked up or otherwise tampered with.

2.- Estimate the time required to excavate a passage blocked with rubble.

3.- While exploring extensive underground caverns, a successful check reduces the chance of getting hopelessly lost when confronted by multiple passages, sinkholes, etc., to a maximum of 30%, assuming good lighting (see DMG table 81-82). {from PHBR11, rangers handbook}

Spying - (1 slot, general, intelligence) Ability to infiltrate organizations & locate information {from Barbara Haddad}

Statecraft - (1 slot, general, intelligence) This NWP includes the knowledge and understanding of politics within the state and the states dealings with other states. It also encompasses the diplomatic skills needed to analyze, guide and influence people and events to achieve government and personal ends. A PC with this NWP knows and understands the significance of current events and the major personalities that shape them. He is knowledgeable about the cultures and ambitions of foreign allies and enemies. He also understands the conflicts between prominent counts, churchmen, and royal officers, and he studies the will and whim of the king. {from Charlmagnes paladin Source book}

Stealth - (1 slot, general, Dexterity) This talent is like the thief's silent-movement ability, with a successful NWP check meaning that any person or monster who would normally hear the character will now have a ½ normal perception check to detect the character, instead of normal perception chance. Wearing armor results in the same penalties as for thieves, as expressed on a d20. {from dragon #153}

Stewardship - (1 slot, general, intelligence) This NWP provides the administrative knowledge and skills to run a large estate. Land is wealth, and proper management of land resources and the servants and freemen on that land is essential to a nobles well being. The noble himself needs at least a rudimentary understanding of stewardship, but loyal subordinates are usually entrusted with the management of day-to-day affairs. A PC who has this NWP understands not only the technical business of land and estate management, but the politics and personalities of the manor and palace. He is alert and sensitive to power and influence in families and retainers of a noble household. He knows where to seek information and how to apply pressure to achieve the objectives of his lord and his own personal ends. He recognizes strengths and weaknesses in a noble household, and he knows how to take advantage of them. He also understands quality and luxury, and he knows how to impress and influence others with hospitality. {from Charlmaignes paladin Source book}

Stonemasonry - (1 slot, general, strength -2) A stonemason is able to build structures from stone so that they last many years. he can do simple stone carvings, such as lettering, columns, and flourishes. The stone can be mortared, carefully fitted without mortar, or loosely fitted and chinked with rocks and earth. A stonemason equipped with his tools can build a plain section of wall one foot thick, ten feet long, and five feet high in one day, provided the stone has already been cut. A stonemason can also supervise the work of unskilled laborers to quarry stone; one stonemason is needed for every five laborers. Dwarves are among the most accomplished stonemasons in the world; they receive a +2 bonus when using this skill.

Stooge Fu - (1 slot, general, dexterity) Stooge-fu allows you to stymy your opponents with a flurry of punches & kicks that never quite make it. It is countered by intelligence, but its relevant score is dexterity.

opponents intelligence - your dexterity=mod..

A negative modifier is equal to the positive # left over.

A bonus is equal to the negative # left over.

It also gives you a +2 to called shots & a unique WP called cream pie.

Example: Larry(Dex 14)tries using stooge-fu on Moe(Int. 12) Moes 12 intelligence minus Larries 14 Dex equals -2 or a 2 bonus Larry rolls and gets a 17 oh that poke to the eyes gets blocked at the last second.(From

Story Telling - (1 slot, Charisma, general) This is the ability to tell good, entertaining stories to individuals or groups of people. A good storyteller has a large repertoire and knows how to select the best story for the current audience. The level of success determines how well a tale has been told, and thus determines the crowds reaction. If singing or accompanied by music the teller gets a +1. Combining the two gets him/her a +2. A successful proficiency check modified by the characters magical defense adjustment means a given statement will be believed by the listener. The DM is encouraged to also modify the check based on gullibility of the listener and believability of the falsehood. Bards receive a +2 bonus to this roll. {from Vince Carr}

Strategy/Tactics - (2 slots, Wisdom, special, Warrior) A character with this proficiency understands strategies and tactics of large scale combat. The character can predict the actions of armies in combat. The parties are generally of more than 20 men, and must be under command, acting in unison, and with intelligence. It is impossible to predict the actions of a mob or any other party that acts without direction. A successful proficiency check allows the character to hear the plans of the enemy before making his/hers own. A new check must be made each round. When leaders with this proficiency are attempting to outguess each other, the DM makes secret checks for each leader. The leader with the highest margin of success gets the real information, the other general gets false information.

The character can set successful ambushes with a proficiency roll at a -1 penalty. He/she can also avoid ambushes by making a check at -3, thus negating the ambush and the surprise.

The proficiency is also somewhat useful in single combat situations. The character gains a +1 on his/hers surprise roll due to his/hers alertness in combat situations.

In addition, because soldiers appreciate professionalism, armies lead by someone with this proficiency add +1 to their morale.

Street Fighting - (2 slots, dexterity, warrior) This NWP is extremely beneficial to a PC who is engaged in unarmed combat. An individual with this NWP may add their strength score (+3% for each CATEGORY above 18 strength, i.e. +15% at 18-100% strength, +18% for normal Str.., total = +33%) to the chance for a KNOCKOUT on the unarmed combat table when a successful attack is made. Also, if the fighter makes a successful dexterity check, he may make another unarmed attack in the same round, but without the unarmed knockout bonus given for this NWP. {from dragon #169}

Street Sense - (2 slots, Charisma, rogue) A rogue with this proficiency is adept at making a good impression on underworld contacts in the less savory neighborhoods of towns and cities, allowing him to better use the information gathering NWP. Those who the rogue contacts are not necessarily moved to trust the rogue using this skill, but they may decide the rogue is worth talking to because he is entertaining or a person of importance. A street sense skill check can be attempted once whenever the rogue is talking to a contact. Success indicates that the contact becomes favorably inclined toward the rogue and will reveal additional information to him, possibly unrelated to the rogues enquiries, at the DM's discretion. Success also indicates that the contact will act positively towards the rogue in future situations, unless circumstances dictate otherwise. Possession of this skill also gives a +2 bonus to any information gathering NWP check. {from dragon #169}

Style Analysis - (1 slot, warrior, Intelligence -1) This specialized proficiency gives the character knowledge about (not skill in) armed and unarmed combat. After watching someone fight for at least one round, a character with this proficiency can make a Style Analysis check to learn some facts about his subjects sighting style.

If the character makes his check by the following amount, he learns the facts following that number.

0 - The general style used (e.g., karate, kenjutsu, fencing, etc.).

2- How good the practitioner is (e.g., a basic student, an expert, a grand master of the style, etc.).

4 - What school of the style is being used (e.g., Odo family sumo wrestling).

6 - Superficial or transitory weaknesses that the practitioner is currently exhibits (such as favoring a injured leg). The character with Style Analysis gets a +2 to all attack rolls when fighting the practitioner (unless the practitioner changes styles. The +2 wears off after one day.

8 - Who was the practitioners teacher (e.g., Odo Kusuke).

10 - General weaknesses in the practitioner’s learning (such as a tendency to favor left side attacks to right side ones) the character with this NWP gains a +2 on all attack rolls when fighting this practitioner. The +2 wears off after one year.

Subtle Casting - (2 slots, wizard, dexterity -2) A wizard with this skill can cast spells so sneakily that no observer can detect any somatic spell components unless they make a successful Spellcraft skill check. If the wizard combines this with a Vocalize spell, the only outward sign that he is casting a spell might be the visible effects of the spell itself. {from Net Wizard Handbook}

Survival - (2 slots, warrior, intelligence) This proficiency must be applied to a specific environment. The character has basic survival knowledge for that terrain type. Additional proficiency slots can be used to add more types of terrain.

A character skilled in survival has a basic knowledge of the hazards he might face in that land. He understands the effects of the weather and knows the proper steps to lessen the risk of exposure. He knows the methods to locate or gather drinkable water. He knows how to find basic, not necessarily appetizing, foot where none is apparent, thus staving off starvation. Furthermore, a character with survival skill can instruct and aid others in the same situation. When using the proficiency to find food or water, the character must roll a proficiency check. If the check is failed, no more attempts can be made that day.

The survival skill in no way releases the player character from the hardships and horrors of being lost in the wilderness. At best it alleviates a small portion of the suffering. The food found is barely adequate, and water is discovered in minuscule amounts. it is still quite possible for a character with survival knowledge to die in the wilderness. Indeed, the little knowledge the character has may lead to overconfidence and doom!

Survival (Wildspace) - (2 slots, general, Wisdom -3) This proficiency gives the character an understanding of the hazards he might face in wildspace. He knows the methods required for survival in the emptiness between the celestial objects. A character with this proficiency can survive on one-half food, water, and air rations each day he makes a successful proficiency check. Each day the character fails the proficiency check, he uses a full day's supply of water, food, and air.

Once the air, food, and water supplies are exhausted, the character must roll a Constitution check every day at a cumulative -2 penalty to stay alive. After three days consecutive with no food, water, or clean air, the character passes out, never to awaken until exposed to clean air, food, and water. Once the character fails the Constitution check, he will die in a number of days equal to his Constitution unless rescued. If rescued, the unconscious character gets a Constitution check every day at a cumulative +1 bonus until he awakens. he must have complete bed rest for three days before he can exert himself again.

Swimming - (1 slot, general, strength) A character with swimming proficiency knows how to swim and can move according to the rules given in the Swimming section. Those without this proficiency cannot swim. They can hold their breath and float, but they cannot move themselves about in the water.

Teaching - (1 slot, general, Wisdom) lessens weeks of training necessary for others to learn skills you teach. Time is reduced by Wisdom score in weeks. However the teaching skill is not self-referential so to teach the teaching skill you must have 2 slots in it {from Barbara Haddad}

Telepathy - (4 slots, General, Intelligence -2) This proficiency allows the character to contact another character using the language of the mind. Two characters with telepathy can talk, but a character who tries telepathy on another character will not receive a response (range is up to the DM I recommend 200 feet open ground, walls count as double the amount of normal space, no contact through magical helms [the magic interferes with signal], blocked by lead, plus 20 feet per extra slot.) The target character without Telepathy will feel similar to the target of a Suggestion spell. He does have the ability to choose, contrary to the spell. This is very useful when the characters can't talk and need to do things urgently. (From

Theory of Magic - (2(3)slots, Intelligence, n/a Wizard)This proficiency represents an extensive study of the general theory of magic, and requires access to a magical library (see notes on spell research in DMG). The effect is to move the mage up one point of Intelligence with respect to the 'Chance to Learn Spell' column in Table 4 of the PHB, page 16.

A second study of this proficiency will require 3 slots, twice the time, and five times the cost, but will also include at least one "publishable result" that the mage might take advantage of (see Academician, from CWHB).

Optional: Theory of Spell power, Theory of Spell books, which are similar to the above proficiency, except that they apply to the Spell Level, and Max. # of Spells/Lvl columns, respectively.

Thief Skills Improved - (1 slot, Rogue) A way to let thieves improve their thieving skills besides level gaining. Every proficiency slot is worth 5% toward one of the thieving skills.

Example: A thief (14 dexterity, 1st level, human), during his creation stages, thinks it wise for his character to be able to open locks well. The character devotes 2 proficiency slots toward 'Open Locks' and no points has a 20% chance of opening a lock that he might encounter. (From

Throwing/Shooting - (general, 1 slot, dexterity) this skill allows a character to throw items with greater accuracy than normal. This allows a +3 to hit with an item if a successful NWP check is made. It also allows a PC to throw an item 50% further than normal (but not shoot and arrow or crossbow bolt any further). Note that this skill cannot be used in battle, it can only be used when the PC has full concentration. Examples are; throwing a rock at a bottle on a wall, throwing a hatchet at a rope dangling from a tree to prevent someone

from climbing it, archery competitions, etc.

The second form of this skill is useful in battle. When 'firing into a melee' with any missile weapon (bows and crossbows included), the PC must make a NWP check to see if he can potentially hit the creature he was aiming for (still needs a 'to hit' roll). If he fails his NWP check, then roll randomly to see what target was hit in the line of fire. {from MR ROB BERTORA}

Tightrope Walking - (1 slot, rogue, dexterity) The character can attempt to walk narrow ropes or beams with greater than normal chances of success. He can negotiate any narrow surface not angled up or down greater than 45 degrees. Each round the character can walk 60 feet. One proficiency check is made every 60 feet, with failure indicating a fall. The check is made with a -10 penalty to the ability score if the surface is one inch or less in width (a rope), a -5 penalty if two inches to six inches wide, and unmodified if seven inches to 12 inches wide. Wider than one foot requires no check for proficient characters under normal circumstances. Every additional proficiency spent on tightrope walking reduces these penalties by 1. Use of a balancing rod reduces the penalties by 2. Winds or vibrations in the line increases the penalties by 2 to 6.

The character can attempt to fight while on a tightrope, but he suffers a -5 penalty to his attack roll and must roll a successful proficiency check at the beginning of each round to avoid falling off. Since the character cannot maneuver, he gains no adjustment to his AC for Dexterity. If he is struck while on the rope, he must roll an immediate proficiency check to retain his balance.

Time Sense - (1 slot, general, Wisdom 0) This character is always able to to give a reasonably close approximation of the time and has a chance (on a successful proficiency check)to determine how much time has elapsed during an interval of unconsciousness. This proficiency is based on an internal biological clock, not observation of the natural world and so functions even underground or when a character is completely enclosed. This proficiency won’t function on another plane where time flows differently than here and won’t function until the character spends at least one week adjusting to the normal flow of time.(from Dragon #254)

Toasting - (1 slot, general, intelligence -2) The term "toast" comes from the fact that, in days of old, beer was often consumed in front of the fireplace, where bread was being toasted at the same time. To add nutrition and flavor (?) bits of the toast would be thrown in the about-to-be-drunk beer and then a "toast" would be made. In any case the custom of toasting one's drinking companions goes back many centuries and only the skilled make toasts that are remembered for centuries.

Proficiency in toasting includes the skills of reciting above average to excellent toasts and judging the quality of toasts. It also indicates that the character has a repertoire of toasts memorized for toasting at any time.

A character may wish to create a new toast to be used later or immediately. A successful proficiency check indicates that the toast is of excellent quality. Failure indicates an above average toast, which is still better than a toast of a commoner.

After a successful proficiency check and toast, a character with the Etiquette proficiency gains a -2 to all etiquette proficiency checks in that situation. The excellent toast demonstrates that the character is a person of high class, whether he is or not, and thus the toasters are more relaxed and less cautious of the character's true economical and social class.

Here are two examples of toasts:

1. Drink to fair woman, who, I think,

Is most entitles to it;

For if anything drives men to drink,

She certainly can do it.

2. Here's to a long life and a merry one,

A quick death and easy one

A pretty girl and a true one

A cold beer - and another one.

Players and/or DMs are encourages to read Toasts and Anecdotes by Paul William Kearney (Clode pub. 1923, written in 1896) and Toasts, the Complete Book of the Best Toasts, Sentiments, Blessings, Curses, and Graces (Delacorte Press, c. 1981) for a great source of toasts to be used in the campaign to take full advantage of this proficiency.

Some clever people have made careers out of creating toasts for less than imaginative kings and other nobles. Sitting around making up toasts is quite a cushy job. {from Reid Guide To Alcohol}

Torture - (1 slot, general, intelligence) ability to extract information from the unwilling. Note that this may leave some form of permanent damage to the recipient. 2 NWP checks must be made. The first to determine if any information can be gained, and the second to see if any permanent damage has befallen the recipient (a failed nwp check means permanent damage). Also note that torture is inherently an evil act and should be treated accordingly.

{from Barbara Haddad}

Torture Resistance - (1 slot, general, constitution -2) ability to resist torture by others. If a successful check is made, then no useful information is given and the character will be spared (i.e., has not given any real information, but the torturers still think that the PC is worth keeping alive and in good health). {from Barbara Haddad}

Tracking - (2 slots, warrior, Wisdom [-6]) Characters with tracking proficiency are able to follow the trail of creatures and characters across most types of terrain. Characters who are not rangers roll a proficiency check with a -6 penalty to their roll; rangers have no penalty to the chances. In addition, other modifiers are also applied to the attempt, according to the table below.

Terrain Modifications

Soft or muddy ground +4

Thick brush, vines, or reeds +3

Occasional signs of passage, dust +2

Normal ground, wood floor 0

Rocky ground or shallow water -10

Every two creatures in the group +1

Every 12 hours since trail was made -1

Every hour of rain, snow, or sleet -5

Poor lighting (moon or starlight) -6

Tracked party attempts to hide trail -5

The modifiers in the above table are cumulative--total the modifiers for all conditions that apply and combine that with the tracker's base chance for success to get the modified chance to track.

For the tracking to succeed, the creature tracked must leave some type of trail. Thus it is virtually impossible to track flying or noncorporeal creatures. The DM may allow rare instances, but he should also assign substantial penalties to the attempt.

To track a creature, the character must first fine the trail. Indoors, the tracker must have seen the creature in the last 3 minutes and must begin tracking from the place last seen. Outdoors, the tracker must either have seen the creature, have eyewitness reports of its recent movement, or must have obvious evidence that the creature is in the area. If these conditions are met, a proficiency check is rolled. Success means a trail has been found. Failure means no trail is found. Another attempt cannot be made until the above conditions are met again under different circumstances.

Once the trail is found, additional proficiency checks are rolled for the following situations:

* The chance to track decreases.

* A second track crosses the first.

* The party resumes tracking after a halt.

Once the tracker fails a proficiency check, another check can be rolled after spending at least one hour searching the area for new signs. If this check is failed, no further attempts can be made. If several trackers are following a trail, a +1 bonus is added to the chance of the most adept tracker. Once he loses the trail, it is lost to all.

If the modifiers lower the chance to track below 0, the trail is totally lost to that character and further tracking is impossible. Other characters may be able to continue tracking, but that character cannot.

A tracking character can also attempt to identify the type of creatures being followed and the approximate number by rolling a proficiency check. All the normal tracking modifiers apply. One identifying check can be rolled each time a check is rolled to follow the trail. A successful check identifies the creatures (if the character has knowledge of such creatures) and gives a round estimate of their numbers.

When following a trail, the character must slow down, the speed depending on the character's modified chance to track as found from the above table.

Chance to Track Movement Rate

1-6 1/4 normal

7-14 1/2 normal

15 or greater 3/4 normal

These rates are determined each time the chance to track changes.

Trail Hiding - (Warrior/Thief, 1 slot, Dex + Int. / 2) This proficiency allows the adventures to disguise their trail well enough so that tracking them becomes impossible (or at least much more difficult). Of course terrain and level of tracker should be considered.

{from Willie Baer}

Trail Marking - (1 slot, Wisdom, warrior) By notching trees, scattering pebbles, piling stones, and clipping weeds, the PC can mark a trail through any wilderness area. Provided he moves at 2/3 his normal movement rate, he can mark a continuous trail for as long as he likes; however the longer the trail, the less likely he will be able to follow it back.

A successful NWP check enable a backtracking PC to follow his own trail for a distance equal to his level in miles. If he fails a check, he loses the trail. For example, assume a 3rd level PC marked a 12 mile trail, he would have to make a successful NWP check every 3 miles back along the trail or lose the trail. (If the PC has tracking, then he may then track his own prints back along the original trail). This NWP also allows a person to follow someone else's trail.

A marked trail lasts unless it is obscured by precipitation, a forest fire, or the passage of time (an undisturbed forest trail should last for weeks, while an arctic trial may last less than a day during periods of heavy precipitation; the DM decides). A ranger or similar character may still attempt to follow an obscured trail using the tracking rules {from PHBR11, rangers handbook}

Trail Signs - (1 slot, intelligence -1, warrior/thief) A PC with this NWP can read symbolic messages indicated by an arrangement of stones or other physical objects. The PC must designate the method of leaving messages preferred by his family, tribe, or culture. Typical methods include piling rocks, stacking branches, or building snow sculptures. When the PC encounters such a message, he understands the meaning if he makes a successful NWP check (e.g., 'a dragon dwells in these woods' or 'eat the green berries for restored health'). The message is meaningless to PC's without the trail signs NWP. A PC who attempts to read another trail sign other than the one he is proficient in, can try to interpret the sign at half normal chances or success. This NWP can also be used to identify the cultural group or tribe that has left a specific trail sign. {from PHBR11, rangers handbook}

Trailing - (1 slot, dexterity [special], rogue) Trailing resembles tracking, except trailing is following a person who can be seen and followed, and is typically used in urban centers and the like. It is the talent of tailing someone - of keeping a certain distance or even catching up to them, though they may be attempting to blend into a crowd, or at least get lost in the confusion of a street full or people. A NWP check is first made to see of the thief is able to trail without being noticed. If the person being trailed has the alertness or observation proficiency, then the thief has a -5 penalty. If the thief is spotted, then the person being trailed may attempt to evade, and the thief must make another NWP check to stay on their trail. Modifiers for NWP check are; -3 to +3 for familiarity with the neighborhood (-3 for new in city, to +3 for thief's home neighborhood), -2 or -1 on an attempt to remain unnoticed, +1 or +2 if he has been seen and is chasing after the subject. The opposite could be used for large crowds or trailing at night. A -3 applies if the person be trailed himself has the trailing proficiency (and, presumably knows the tricks of the trade and how to offset these). {from dragon #153}

Trap Detection - (2 slots, rogue, intelligence -4) The character is trained to find small traps and alarms. These include poisoned needles, spring blades, deadly gases, and warning bells. This skill is not effective for finding dead fall ceilings, crushing walls, or other large mechanical traps.

The character must be able to touch and inspect the trapped object, and the DM usually rolls the dice secretly to determine success. A character can check an item for traps once per experience level, or when his chance increases. Searching for a trap takes 2d12 rounds, and the character knows the general principle of the trap but not it's exact nature.

In addition, the character may attempt to disarm the trap, which also requires 2d12 rounds. If the proficiency check is a success, the character has disarmed the trap. Failure indicates that the trap is beyond the character's knowledge, and he must wait until next level, or until his chance increases. A roll of 19 or above indicates that the trap is sprung, most likely affecting the character.

This proficiency is less effective when dealing with magical or invisible traps. Characters are able to attempt these traps, but at one-third their normal chance.

Tumbling - (1 slot, rogue, dexterity) The character is practiced in all manner of acrobatics--dives, rolls, somersaults, handstands, flips, etc. Tumbling can only be performed while burdened with light encumbrance or less. Aside from entertaining, the character with tumbling proficiency can improve his AC by 4 against attacks directed solely at him in any round combat, provided he has the initiative and foregoes all attacks that round. When in unarmed combat he can improve his attack roll by 2.

On a successful proficiency check, he suffers only one-half the normal damage from falls of 60 feet or less and none from a fall of 10 feet or less. Falls from greater heights result in normal damage.

Underground Casting - (1 slot, Wizard, Wisdom) These spell casters receive no penalty for casting combat spells underground or in enclosed spaces if they make their checks. They are skilled at locating spells in the proper location and judging area quickly. Opponents caught in spells that have a save, roll at -2 on the throw. (From

Underground Fighting - (1 slot, Warrior, Wisdom) Taught at the Adventurers Guild houses, this skill allows a person to avoid underground melee combat penalties if they make their checks. They are used to fighting with most weapons in tight and enclosed areas. A second slot applied to this proficiency allows them to receive a +1/+1 to hit and damage in an enclosed fighting situation. (From

Veterinary Healing - (1 slot, Wisdom -3, priest) The PC can attempt to heal all types of normal animals, following the same procedures described in the description of the healing proficiency (returns 1-3 HP if treated in 1 round after wounding, once per creature per day; continued care can restore 1HP/day during non-strenuous traveling for up to 6 creatures; gives a +2 save Vs. poison if treated for 5 rounds within a round after poisoning; diagnose disease, magical origins identified, natural diseases take mildest form and shortest duration). Supernatural creatures (such as skeletons or ghouls) or creatures from another plane (such as aerial servants or xorn) cannot be treated with this proficiency.

This NWP is not cumulative with the healing NWP - the first used will take precedence. The

veterinary proficiency can be used on humans, demihumans, and humanoids at half the normal chance for success. {from PHBR11, rangers handbook}


Ventriloquism - (1 slot, rogue, intelligence -2) The character has learned the secrets of "throwing his voice." Although not actually making sounds come from somewhere else, the character can deceive others into believing this to be so. When using ventriloquism, the suppose source of the sound must be relatively close to the character. The nature of the speaking object and the intelligence of those watching can modify the character's chance of success. If the character makes an obviously inanimate object talk, there is a -1 penalty to his chance of success. If a believable source is made to appear to speak, a +2 bonus is added to his success chance. The observer's intelligence modifies this as follows:

Intelligence Modifier

less than 3 +6

3-5 +4

6-8 +2

9-14 0

15-16 -1

17-18 -2

19+ -4

A successful proficiency check means the character has successfully deceived his audience. One check must be made for every sentence or response. The character is limited to sounds he could normally make.

Since ventriloquism relies on deception, people's knowledge of speech, and assumptions about what should and shouldn't talk, it is effective only on intelligent creatures. Thus it has no effect on animals and the like. Furthermore, the audience must be watching the character since part of the deception is visual. Using ventriloquism to get someone to look behind him does not work, since the voice is not actually behind him. All but those with the gullibility of children realize what is truly happening. They may be amused or they may not be.

Vision Quest - (2 slots, priest/warrior, Wisdom -3) A character with this proficiency may undertake a vision quest to seek an answer to any question. The vision quest may be performed no more than once a week and involves many elaborate rituals and special materials both of which are a reflection of the religious beliefs of the seeker. The exact contents of these rituals should be discussed at the time this proficiency is chosen. Usually it involves hours of prayer and chanting, sometimes with a musical instruments, and sometimes a small sacrifice is required. The time allotted to this activity should not take more than six hours, however.

At the end of these rituals, a secret proficiency check should be made by the DM. A natural 20 means that whatever spirits or gods the character was trying to contact were angered at his presumption and sends him/her a false vision. Otherwise a failed roll indicates no vision is gained. Success means that the character receives a vision, usually cryptic, which upon reflection, should provide enlightenment about the subject in question.

Fasting before a vision quest grants a +1 bonus to the proficiency check for each three days spent fasting.

Remember some interpretations might seem oblivious, but often the most oblivious interpretation is not the correct one.(from Dragon #254)

Voice Mimicry - (2 slots, rogue, Charisma (special)) Voice mimicry is the art of convincingly imitating the voices or other people. It is a very demanding skill, requiring intense training and practice.

A character with voice mimicry can imitate any accent he has heard. Success is automatic unless confronted by those who speak the mimicked accent (which then requires a check with a +2 modifier). It is more difficult to imitate a specific persons voice. Characters can only attempt to imitate voices they have heard. A proficiency check is made only to determine if the imitation is detected. Success is certain if the listener is a stranger to the mimicked character. There is a -1 penalty for trying to fool an acquaintance, -2 for fooling a friend, -5 for a close friend, and -7 for extremely close friends or relatives.

Water Divining - (1 slot, Psionicist, Wisdom -2) A PC with this NWP is able to pinpoint accurately the location of possible sources of water, using a Y shaped willow stick. The stick is grasped by 2 of its arms, and the other arm pulls the diviner toward the largest source of water within a mile. If such a source does not exist, the diviner may still feel false vibrations (DM's choice). The DM makes the check, failure reveals nothing, and a roll of 4 or more above the needed result misleads the diviner. The water found is not necessarily potable, and the 1 mile range means that water divining is rarely effective on small islands, as the diviner is usually led toward the sea. This NWP can only be used on the PC's home plane. {from dragon #200}

Waterproofing - (1 slot, general, Intelligence -1) This proficiency enables a character to use special ingredients (tree sap, bees wax, oils, etc.) To waterproof such materials as leather, cloth, or wood. This can be used to ensure that a cloak sheds rain or that a protective cover keeps a spellbook dry. Such protection needs to be reapplied to items that are frequently exposed to water. Other items need upkeep once a month or so. The DM should make the proficiency check in secret and note whether the waterproofing was successful or not. This protects items that are completely submerged only if the waterproofed container is completely sealed.(from Dragon #254)

Weapon Improvisation (1 slot, warrior, Wisdom -1) A successful check means the character has found a usable weapon which does 1d6+1 / 1d3+1 damage. Modifiers can be applied depending on the character's location. {from Dark Sun}

Weapon Loader (1 slot, dexterity +1, warrior) This proficiency allows a character to load and arm the large weapon of choice better and more quickly. These include large ship-mounted weapons such as ballistae, catapults, jettisons, bombards, and others. The weapon crew to which this character is assigned can reload one round faster. The weapon loader proficiencies of several different characters cannot be applied to the same weapon. Characters with this proficiency are valuable crew members, and often receive double pay because of their skill. {from Vince Carr}


Weapon Sharpening - (1 slot, warrior, Intelligence -1) A character with this proficiency is adept at honing a weapon to its finest possible edge. This works on any type S or P weapon. The character must spend half an hour sharpening the edged weapon with a fine quality whetstone(1 sp). At the end of this time the character must make a proficiency check. Failure means the character didn’t quite get it right and must devote another half-hour followed by another proficiency check. Success means that the blade is at its sharpest and gets +1 to hit and damage for the next three attacks, after which it loses its fine edge and must be resharpened. A character with the weaponsmithing proficiency may also sharpen weapons and is capable of achieving the same effect without making a proficiency check.(from Dragon #254)

Weaponsmithing - (3 slots, warrior, intelligence -3) This highly specialized proficiency enables a character to perform the difficult and highly exacting work involved in making metal weapons, particularly those with blades. The character blends some of the skill of the blacksmith with an ability to create blades of strength and sharpness. A fully equipped smithy is necessary to use this proficiency.

A dwarven Weaponsmith is not only more skilled than a human one (intelligence -1 instead of -3), but is capable of producing weapons at a faster rate (given on the table below under Dwarf Time to manufacture an item). This skill is also available to a dwarf at the cost of 2 proficiency slots instead of the usual 3.

The time and cost to make various types of weapons are listed below.

Weapon Time Cost Dwarf Time

Arrowhead 10/day 1 cp 15/day

Battle Axe 10 days 10 sp 7 days

Hand Axe 5 days 5 sp 3 days

Dagger 5 days 2 sp 3 days

Heavy Crossbow 20 days 10 sp 15 days

Light Crossbow 15 days 5 sp 12 days

Fork, Trident 20 days 10 sp 15 days

Spear, Lance 4 days 4 sp 3 days

Short Sword 20 days 5 sp 15 days

Long Sword 30 days 10 sp 23 days

2-Handed Sword 45 days 2 gp 34 days

For every extra proficiency slot taken above the first, the time to make each weapon decreases by 20% to a minimum time of 40% of that stated above.

Weaponsmithing, Crude - (1 slot, Wisdom -3, warrior) This NWP allows the making of simple

weapons out of natural materials. This skill is most often found in those from a primitive, tribal, or savage background. The crude weapons are limited to natural materials; stone, wood, bone, sinew, reed, and the like. Crude weapons take a certain amount of time to make. The DM may add additional primitive weapons to the basic list (see below).

The chance for success is based on the PC's Wisdom with a -3 penalty. Any PC with the hunting NWP has a +3 bonus. The fashioner must be proficient with the use of the weapon. If successful, the weapon can be used normally. If failed, the weapon is so badly flawed as to be useless. On a roll of 20 (or 5 above the number required to make the item), the weapon seems sound, but will break upon first use. On a roll of 1, the weapon has no chance of breaking except against a harder material.

Optional - crude weapons check for breaking upon inflicting damage; roll 1d6, on a 1-2 the

weapon breaks, stone weapons break on a roll of 1

Weapon Time Weapon Time

arrows 7/day dart 3/day

axe, battle 4 days javelin 1 day

axe, hand 1 day knife 2 days

axe, throwing 6 days quarterstaff 1 day

bow, long * 15 days spear 2 days

bow, short 12 days staff sling 3 days

dagger 2 days war hammer 5 days

* - seasoning the wood takes 1 year {from PHBR11, rangers handbook}

Weather Sense - (1 slot, general, Wisdom -1) This proficiency enables the character to make intelligent guesses about upcoming weather conditions. A successful proficiency check means the character has correctly guessed the general weather conditions in the next six hours. A failed check means the character read the signs wrong and forecast the weather incorrectly. The DM should roll the check secretly. A proficiency check can be made once every six hours. However, for every six hours of observation, the character gains a +1 bonus to his chance of success. This modifier is cumulative, although sleep or other activity that occupies the attention of the character for a long period of time negates any accumulated bonus.

Sometimes impending weather conditions are so obvious that no proficiency check is required. In these cases, the player should be able to deduce what is about to his character anyway.

Weaving - (1 slot, general, intelligence -1) A character with weaving proficiency is able to create garments, tapestries, and draperies from wool or cotton. The character requires a spinning apparatus and a loom. A weaver can create two square yards of material per day.

Wheel Lock Pistol - (1 slot, warrior, dexterity) This weapon is widely known only in space. As a starting proficiency, its use is restricted to the space book. Learning the proper use and care of a wheel lock takes time. Those who master it can repair and improvise replacement parts for the weapons. A separate weapon proficiency must be used to learn how to fire the weapon. They know how to react to a backfire so as to suffer only 1d3 points of damage from such a mishap, not the usual 1d6.

Whistling / Humming - (1 slot, general, dexterity +2) Characters with this proficiency are

exceptional whistlers and hummers. They can produce tunes as captivating as most songs. If a

successful check is made, the character knows any particular tune in question. If he also has the animal lore proficiency, he can mimic any bird call he has ever heard. Adventurers use this proficiency to communicate to each other. This type of communication is only possible among the characters who have this proficiency. If two or more characters have this proficiency, and make successful checks, they can communicate a single concept between them (i.e., attack, down, run, wait, etc.).

Wild Fighting - (2 slots, warrior, constitution) Characters with this proficiency employ an extremely unorthodox and unpredictable fighting style. Wild fighting is ferocious and deadly, without any grace or discipline. It is also extremely tiring, as part of its nature is that it focuses every bit of energy a character has into the attack. The benefits are in the number of attacks the character gets and the amount of damage attacks inflict. A wild fighting character gets one more attack per round than normally entitled to. All damage done is at a +3 bonus. However, when wild fighting, a characters 'to hit' rolls are reduced by 3, also his AC is penalized by 3, making him easier to hit. To use wild fighting, a character must make a successful NWP check at the start of combat. A failure means that the character receives only the penalties of the proficiency and none of the benefits. Wild fighting can only be used twice per day, as it is extremely tiring. After a battle ends, the wild fighter must rest for one hour before he can again call on this proficiency. Resting means doing nothing but resting or engaging in light travel (riding a slow moving horse, etc.). If the character must walk, he cannot use this proficiency until 4 hours have passed. Without this rest, a tired character suffers a -3 penalty to all proficiency checks, a -5 to AC, a -5 to THAC0, and a -3 from all damage rolls. These penalties are in effect until the full resting period has elapsed.

Wine Making - (1 slot, Wisdom, general) This proficiency gives the character knowledge of how to make wine and other light alcoholic beverages. The knowledge known includes how to pick the best soil for grapes, picking the grapes, processing, bottling, and storage. On a roll of 2 or less, the vintage will be exceptional.

Wine Pouring - (1 slot, general, Wisdom) With this proficiency the bearer can entertain any other person with his flare in pouring wines. He can make even the dullest, worst tasting wines look good to the common person. On a roll of 5 or below, the pourer does his act with so much flare a few coins could be tossed his way. If he fails, he spills the wine. On a roll of 16+ (unless 16+ is a succeed) he pours the wine over himself. On a roll of 20 he pours the wine over himself and destroys any paper or object that can be destroyed by liquid. {from Reid Guide To Alcohol}

Wine Tasting - (1 slot, general, Wisdom) Less powerful than the Drinking (Boozing) proficiency but also less evil, this proficiency is for a more elite, upper class person. This is the ability to appreciate and judge the quality of wines.

On a successful roll, the character can identify the kind of wine he is drinking and the quality: terrible, very poor, poor, normal, good, very good, excellent. On a roll of 4 or less, the character can name the year of the vintage, and recognize the vineyard.

In addition, the character can perhaps tell if a particular glass of wine has a foreign substance, such as poison. If the character sniffs the wine, he has a 1 in 20 chance to detect a foreign substance, but not identify it. This is only if the poison has a discernible smell. If the character drinks the wine, a proficiency check made at one-half normal will identify that a foreign substance is in the wine, although he will probably have been affected. {from Reid Guide To Alcohol dragon #153}

Wound Binding - (1 slot, General, Wisdom -1) When using this proficiency, your character knows the proper way to bind wounds, it is a variant of the healing skill so healing can be used to bind wounds but with a -4 to the modifier. (From

Yelling - (general, 1 slot, Charisma) Any character that has taken the proficiency in Yelling can yell at a distance equal to twice the distance of any other character who has not taken the Yelling proficiency. {from MR ROB BERTORA}

Zero-Gravity Combat - (1 slot, warrior, intelligence -2) A character with zero-gravity combat proficiency is skilled at fighting in the absence of gravity. The character suffers a +3 penalty on initiative rolls and a -1 penalty on all attack rolls, as opposed to the normal penalties of +6 and -3 respectively. Furthermore, the character retains the ability to use special combat abilities, such as martial arts, while drifting in space.

Finally, the character can roughly steer his course in space by throwing objects away from him and by shifting toward large objects. He cannot control his speed, however, and can only slightly affect his course.



These proficiencies are designed for the intellectual character who doesn’t want to be a specialist and would rather have a wide experience in a specific topic. Just as a character is capable of becoming proficient in a broad group of weapons, so too is that character able to become proficient in a broad field of knowledge.

These proficiencies are designed to represent the broad knowledge gained by intellectual characters from their formal education or time spent in libraries. The list below is by no means complete and may be expanded as players and DM’s see fit. Because of their high proficiency slot cost and their low chance of success, these proficiencies these proficiencies are usually taken only by characters who have proficiency slots to spare, perhaps as bonus slots from high Intelligence. The chance for success with these proficiencies cannot be improved unless the characters Intelligence increases, in which case the chance for success is still one half the characters Intelligence rounded down.

Because of the drawbacks involved, a player might find it difficult to justify giving his/her character one of these proficiencies. With this in mind, the DM should allow a proficiency check for any situation that might fall in the characters field of knowledge, even if the player doesn’t ask for it. Like an elf who passes by a secret door, the character with the broad based non-weapon proficiency might notice something that would be overlooked otherwise. This could be modified by the DM based on the rarity of the situation. See the chart below for modifiers

Modifiers for broad based NWP checks

Frequency Modifier

Common 0

Uncommon -2

Rare -4

Very Rare -6

These modifiers should be applied to any of the broad based proficiencies though a natural 1 should always indicate success. If a piece of information is so obscure as to be nearly impossible for even a scholar to know, then the DM should require a 1 to be rolled (or multiple, never more than 3 though). There is always a chance that a character has read about it somewhere.

An attempt to access any specific information requires one round, and failure means that the character cannot remember ever reading about that subject. Once an attempt has been failed, no further attempts can be made on that information until the character has had a chance to visit a large library and study for at least one week.

Architecture - A character with this proficiency is familiar with many different types of architecture, as well as many famous buildings in large/ancient cities. S/he has a chance to know many things given close examination of a particular structure, including the race that made it and how long it has been standing. Other facts could be more specific, such as important rooms, secret or concealed doors, traps, etc. Modifiers might be applied based on the frequency of the race that made the structure. For example, a dwarven temple would be easier for a character to identify than one built by the locatath. The character is granted a+2 bonus to identify structures built by his/her own race.

Languages - This character has spent a lifetime studying languages and their origins. On a successful proficiency check, the character picks up a few words of a conversation or manages to say a word in a language in which they are not otherwise familiar with. Modifiers can be based on the race in question. For instance, Jelure listens at a door and hears a harsh guttural language she recognizes as Orcish, a common language. She doesn’t have it as one of her chosen languages and so makes her broad based NWP check. It is successful and she manages to make out the words "prisoner" and "door". Later she runs across a band of gnolls, an uncommon race. As they come to attack she makes a check at -2 to try and say the word "friend" in Gnollish. Her check fails and her cry of "cheese" does nothing to stop the gnolls from attacking.

Monster Lore - This proficiency indicates a long study of unnatural monsters of many types. It enables the character to identify any monster correctly and gives a chance to know various facts about these monsters, their attacks, and their weaknesses. A separate check should be made for each piece of information, failure indicating no further information about the monster in question is known. Modifiers also apply to the frequency of the monster. The proficiency is not as useful in combat situations as it might appear. For example, Glinn and her party run across a strange creature. She spends a entire round trying to remember if she has read about this beast. By the time she rolls her check and proclaims the beast spits acid the rest of the party is well aware of this fact.

Naturalist - The character has studied nature from the comfort of a library and has collected bits of information about the natural world. This proficiency grants an academic understanding of plants and their uses, animals and their habitats, and the rudiments of outdoor survival. Modifiers apply depending on how far a character is from their homeland.

This differs from the hands-on education represented by the survival proficiency. Naturalists can make do in the wild without the more specific proficiency, but they aren’t that comfortable. Naturalists are likely to know why a flying squirrel only nests in a specific type of tree but less likely to know where to put their lean-to. This also confers a +2 bonus to the more specialized survival proficiency.

Politics - This proficiency allows a character to understand the politics of a specific area and recognize the main political figures and their proclivities. This character could walk into a town and have a chance to know what the political climate is like, who is the mayor/lord and any unusual rules. Modifiers apply based on how far a character is away from their homeland, how small the kingdom/city is, or both. Large kingdoms even in distant lands, add no modifiers to the proficiency, as any scholar should know this.

Race Lore - This character is knowledgeable about the common humanoid races in the campaign setting. This proficiency allows a character to know the general history, major political figures, bits of language, legends, and whatever else might come up in play. The modifiers for this proficiency are difficult to pin down and should be judged on a case by case basis. If the character is attempting to remember the name of a famous elven diplomat should carry little/no penalty. Trying to guess the name of a priestess from an obscure gnomish temple, however should be nearly impossible and carry a stiff penalty.



Table 5-1: Proficiency Slots

Weapon Non-Weapon

Group Initial # Levels Initial # Levels Penalty

warrior 4 3 3 3 -2

wizard 1 6 4 3 -5

priest 2 4 4 3 -3

rogue 2 4 3 4 -3

# Levels (for both weapon and nonweapon proficiencies) tell how quickly a character gains additional proficiency slots. A new proficiency slot is gained at every experience level that is evenly divisible by the number listed. Rath (a warrior), for example, gains one weapon proficiency slot at every level evenly divisible by 3. He gets a new slot at 3rd level, another at 6th, another at 9th, and so on. (Note that Rath also gains one nonweapon proficiency at 3rd, 6th, 9th, etc.)

Penalty is the modifier to the character's attack rolls when he fights using a weapon he is not proficient with. Rath, a dwarf, chose to be proficient with the war hammer. Finding himself in a desperate situation, he snatches up a flail, even though he knows little about it (he is not proficient with it). Using the weapon awkwardly, he has a -2 penalty to his chance to hit.

Initial Nonweapon Proficiencies is the number of nonweapon proficiency slots that character has at 1st level. Even if you are playing with weapon proficiencies, nonweapon proficiencies are optional.


A weapon proficiency measures a character's knowledge and training with a specific weapon.

When a character is created, the player checks Table 5-1 to see how many weapon proficiency slots the character has. These initial slots must be filled immediately, before the character embarks on his first adventure. Any slots that aren't filled by then are lost.

Each weapon proficiency slot must be assigned to a particular weapon, not just a class of weapons. Each weapon listed in the weapon’s table (see equipment) requires its own proficiency, each has its own special tricks and quirks that must be mastered before the weapon can be handled properly and effectively. A fencer who is master of the epee, for example, is not necessarily skilled with a saber; the two weapons look similar, but the fighting styles they are designed for are entirely different. A player character could become proficient with a long bow or a short bow, but not with all bows in general (unless he devotes a proficiency slot to each individually). Furthermore, a character can assign weapon proficiency slots only to those weapons allowed to his character class.

As a character reaches higher experience levels, he also earns additional weapon proficiencies. The rate at which proficiencies are gained depends on the character's class. Warriors, who concentrate on their martial skills, learn to handle a great number of weapons. They gain weapon proficiencies quickly. Wizards, who spend their time studying forgotten magical arts, have little time to practice with weapons. They gain additional weapon proficiencies very slowly. Multi-class characters can use the most beneficial line on Table 5-1 to determine their initial proficiencies and when they gain new proficiencies.


A character who has a specific weapon proficiency is skilled with that weapon and familiar with its use. A character does not gain any bonuses for using a weapon he is proficient with; the combat rules and attack chances assume that everyone uses a weapon he is proficient with. This eliminates the need to add a modifier to every die roll during battle.

When a character uses a weapon that he is not proficient with, however, he suffers a penalty on his chance to hit. The size of this penalty depends on the character's class Warriors have the smallest penalty because they are assumed to have passing familiarity with all weapons. Wizards, by comparison, are heavily penalized because of their limited study of weapons. The modifiers for each class (which is taken as penalties to the attack die roll) are listed on Table 5-1.

Related Weapons Bonus

When a character gains a weapon proficiency, he is learning to use a particular weapon effectively. However, many weapons have similar characteristics. A long sword, bastard sword, and broad sword, while all different, are all heavy, slashing swords. A character who is trained with one can apply some of his skill to the others. He is not fully proficient with the weapon, but he knows more about it than someone who picks it up without any skill in similar weapons.

When a character uses a weapon that is similar to a weapon he is proficient with, his attack penalty is only one-half the normal amount (rounded up). A warrior, for example, would have a -1 penalty with a related weapon instead of -2. A wizard would have a - 3 penalty instead of - 5.

Specific decisions about which weapons are related are left to the DM. Some likely categories are:

hand axe, battle axe;

short bow, long bow, composite bow;

heavy and light crossbows;

dagger, knife;

Glaive, halberd, bardiche, poleaxe, voulge, lochabar axe, guisarme, glaive-guisarme,


harpoon, spear, trident, javelin;

footman's mace, horseman's mace, morning star, flail, hammer, club;

military fork, ranseur, spetum, partisan;

scimitar, bastard sword, long sword, broad sword;

sling, staff sling


However, let's look realistically at weapon proficiency.

Currently, if a character has Weapon Proficiency with Dagger/Dirk, he doesn't have it with Knife. He certainly doesn't have it with Short Sword. Of course, the DM can always decide that such weapons are related to one another. If he does, then the warrior would suffer a -1 to hit with the unknown weapon instead of the -2. (See above).

Still, to be proficient in all sorts of blades, you'd have to spend around 14 weapon proficiency slots, and that's too many. So, we're making it possible to take weapon proficiencies with whole weapon groups. For our purposes, there are two types of groups:

Tight Groups and Broad Groups.

Tight Groups

A Tight Weapons Group consists of a set of weapons that are very similar in the way they are wielded. It costs two Weapon Proficiency Slots to become proficient in an entire tight group. After paying those two slots, the character will know how to use every weapon in that group without the usual -2 penalty for unfamiliarity (that -2 is for Warriors; with other classes, the penalty is more severe, as described above).

Following are several examples of Tight Groups.


Battle axe, Hand/throwing axe.


Composite long bow, Composite short bow, Daikyu, Long bow, Short bow.

Clubbing Weapons:

Belaying pin, Club, Footman's mace, Horseman's mace, Morning star, War hammer.


Hand crossbow, Heavy crossbow, Light crossbow.

Fencing Blades:

Dagger/Dirk, Knife/Stiletto, Main-gauche, Rapier, Saber


Footman's flail, Horseman's flail.


Heavy horse lance, Light horse lance, Jousting lance, Medium horse lance.

Long Blades:

Bastard sword, Katana, Long sword, Scimitar, Two-handed sword.

Medium Blades:

Cutlass, Khopesh, Wakizashi


Footman's pick, Horseman's pick.


Awl pike, Bardiche, Bec de corbin, Bill-guisarme, Fauchard,

Fauchard-fork, Glaive, Glaive-guisarme, Guisarme, Guisarme-voulge,

Halberd, Hook fauchard, Lucern hammer, Man catcher, Military fork,

Naginata, Partisan, Ranseur, Spetum, Tetsubo, Voulge.

Short Blades:

Dagger/Dirk, Knife/Stiletto, Main-gauche, Short sword/Drusus.


Sickle, Scythe.


Sling, Staff Sling.


Harpoon, Javelin, Long Spear, Spear, Trident.


Scourge, Whip.

You'll notice there's a little overlap between the Fencing Blades and Short Blades group; some

weapons are common to both groups.

You'll also notice that some groups don't look like they save you any weapon proficiency slots. The Axes, Flails, Picks, Sickles, Slings, and Whips group all have two weapons each in them. Since a tight group costs two proficiency slots, it appears that there's no savings. Which is true . . . unless, in your campaign, other weapons related to those groups are developed or introduced. If they are-if, for instance, a medium-sized war-axe appears in the campaign-then the character with the group proficiency will be able to use it at no penalty, while the character with proficiency in just the two existing axes will suffer the attack penalty.

These categories are very close to the related weapon groups described above, and your DM can, if he wishes, use these categories as related groups. This helps determine whether or not a warrior gets the full attack penalty when he uses a weapon unfamiliar to him, or whether he receives only half the penalty for using one similar to a weapon with which he has proficiency.

Broad Groups

A Broad Weapon Group consists of a set of weapons that are somewhat similar in the way they are wielded. It costs three Weapon Proficiency Slots to become proficient in an entire broad group. After paying those three slots, the character will know how to use every weapon in that group without the usual penalty for unfamiliarity.

Following are several examples of Broad Groups.


Bastard sword, Cutlass, Dagger/Dirk, Katana, Khopesh, Knife/Stiletto,

Long sword, Main-gauche, Rapier, Saber, Scimitar, Short sword/Drusus,

Two-handed sword, Wakizashi

Cleaving/Crushing Weapons:

Battle axe, Belaying Pin, Club, Footman's mace, Footman's pick,

Hand/throwing axe, Horseman's mace, Horseman's pick, Morning star,

War hammer.

Pole Weapons:

Awl pike, Bardiche, Bec de corbin, Bill-guisarme, Fauchard,

Fauchard-fork, Glaive, Glaive-guisarme, Guisarme, Guisarme-voulge,

Halberd, Harpoon, Hook fauchard, Javelin, Lucern hammer, Long Spear,

Man catcher, Military fork, Naginata, Partisan, Ranseur, Sickle, Scythe,

Spear, Spetum, Tetsubo, Trident, Voulge.

Small Throwing Weapons:

Dagger/Dirk, Dart, Hand/throwing axe, Knife/stiletto, Shuriken

Again, you'll see some overlap between the Small Throwing Weapons group and other groups.

These groups may not be used to calculate weapon similarity for determining whether a character receives the full or partial attack penalty for using an unfamiliar weapon.


Finally, the following weapons do not belong in any sort of group whatsoever. To learn any of

these weapons, the character must spend a weapon proficiency slot on it, and none of these is similar in use to any other weapon. When a character picks one up and uses it without being proficient in it already, he suffers the full penalty.

Weapons Not Belonging To Any 1 Group:

Arquebus, Blowgun, Bola, Chain, Gaff/hook, Lasso, Net, Quarterstaff/Bo

stick, Nunchuku, Sai .

Special Note: The Cestus doesn't require any Proficiency. It

enhances punching damage, and everyone knows how to punch.



Knowing how to use a weapon without embarrassing yourself is very different from being a master of that weapon. There are warriors, and then there are martial artists. An Olympic fencer is more than just an athlete; he can do things with his weapon that astound most fencers.

In the AD&D game, part of your character's skill is reflected in the bonuses he earns as he reaches higher levels. As your character advances, he becomes a wiser, more dangerous fighter. Experience has taught him to anticipate his opponents and to pounce on any advantage that presents itself. But this is a general, overall improvement, brought about by the warrior's sharpening senses and timing. It applies equally to all types of fighting.

Weapon specialization is an optional rule that enables a fighter (only) to choose a single weapon and specialize in its use. Any weapon may be chosen. Specialisation is normally announced (and paid for with weapon proficiency slots) when the character is created. But even after a player character earns experience, he can still choose to specialize in other weapons, provided he has the weapon proficiency slots available, or he may choose to increase his knowledge in his chosen weapon and become double, triple, or even quadruple specialized.

In one way, a weapon specialist is like a wizard specialist. The specialization requires a single-minded dedication and training. Thus multi-class characters cannot use weapon specialization; it is available only to single-class fighters.

Cost of Specialisation

Weapon specialization is obtained by devoting extra weapon proficiency slots to the chosen weapon. To specialize in any sort of melee weapon or crossbow, the character must devote two slots-one slot to become proficient with it, and then a second slot to specialize in it. Any bow (other than a crossbow) requires a total of three proficiency slots: one for proficiency and two to specialize. Assume, for the moment, that Rath the dwarf decided to specialize with the war hammer. Two of his four proficiency slots are thus devoted to the war hammer. With the two remaining he can become proficient with the short sword and short bow (for example).

Effects of Specialisation

When a character specializes with a melee weapon, he gains bonuses with all attack and damage rolls with that weapon (in addition to bonuses for Strength and magic), based on how much specialization that character has with a particular weapon. The attack bonuses are not magical and do not enable the character to affect a creature that can be injured only by magical weapons.

Bow and crossbow specialists gain an additional range category: point blank. Point-blank range for bows is from six feet to 30 feet.

Point-blank range for crossbows is from six feet to 60 feet. At point-blank range, the character gains a plus '+' modifier on attack rolls based on the characters level and the level of specialization attained. As well as additional damage caused, Strength and magical bonuses also apply. Furthermore, if the character has an arrow knocked and drawn, or a bolt loaded and cocked, and has his target in sight, he can fire at the beginning of the round before any initiative rolls are made.

Fighters who specialize also gain extra attacks earlier than those who don't specialize. Bonus attacks for specialists are listed on Table 5-2. The use of this table is explained in Chapter 9: Combat.

Table 5-2: Specialist Attacks Per Round

Melee Weapon Specialisation

Melee Prof # Attacks/Rnd.

at Level Attack Damage

Specialisation Slots 1-6 7-12 13+ Bonus Bonus

none (proficient) 1 1/1 3/2 2/1 0 0

single 2 4/3 5/3 7/3 0 0

double 4 3/2 2/1 5/2 +1 +1

triple 6 5/3 7/3 8/3 +2 +2

quadruple 9 2/1 5/2 3/1 +3 +3

Bow Weapon Specialisation

Bow Prof # Attacks/Rnd at Level

Specialisation Slots 1-6 7-12 13+

none (proficient) 1 2/1 3/1 4/1

single 2 2/1 3/1 4/1

double 4 5/2 7/2 9/2

triple 6 5/2 7/2 9/2

quadruple 9 3/1 4/1 5/1

Bow Point To Hit/Damage Bonuses

Specialization Blank Short Med. Long

none (proficient) 0/0 0/0 -2/0 -5/0

single +1/+1 0/0 -2/0 -5/0

double +2/+2 +1/+1 0/0 -2/0

triple +3/+2 +2/+1 +1/0 0/0

quadruple +3/+3 +2/+2 +1/+1 +1/0

Crossbow Weapon Specialization

Crossbow Prof # Attacks/Rnd at Level (Heavy Xbow)

Specialization Slots 1-6 7-12 13+

none (proficient) 1 1/1 (1/2) 3/2(1/1) 2/1 (3/2)

single 2 4/3 (1/1) 5/3(4/3) 7/3 (5/3)

double 4 3/2 (4/3) 2/1(3/2) 5/2 (2/1)

triple 6 5/3 (3/2) 7/3(5/3) 8/3 (7/3)

quadruple 9 2/1 (5/3) 5/2(2/1) 3/1 (5/2)



Crossbow Point To Hit/Damage Bonuses

Specialization Blank Short Med. Long

none (proficient) 0/0 0/0 -2/0 -5/0

single +1/+1 +1/0 0/0 -2/0

double +2/+2 +1/+1 +1/0 -2/0

triple +3/+2 +2/+1 +1/0 +1/0

quadruple +3/+3 +2/+2 +1/+1 +1/0

Other Missile Weapon Specialization

Missile Weap. Prof Extra Attacks/Rnd at Levels

Specialization Slots 1-6 7-12 13+

none (proficient) 1 * * + ½ * + 1/1

single 2 * + 1/3 * + 1/1 * + 3/2

double 4 * + ½ * + 3/2 * + 5/3

triple 6 * + 1/1 * + 5/3 * + 2/1

quadruple 9 * + 3/2 * + 2/1 * + 5/2

* = normal attacks per round for that particular missile weapon plus the additional attacks per round. For example, if Rath was triple specialized in Darts, and was a level 9 fighter. His attacks per round would be 3/1 + 5/3. Thus on the 1st round he could throw 4 darts (3/1+1/1), on the 2nd and 3rd rounds, he could throw 5 darts (3/1 +2/1), the order would then repeat itself for every 3 rounds of combat.

Missile Weapon To Hit/Damage Bonuses

Specialization Short Med. Long

none (proficient) 0/0 -2/0 -5/0

single +1/+1 0/+1 -2/0

double +2/+1 +1/+1 0/+1

triple +2/+2 +1/+2 +1/+2

quadruple +3/+3 +2/+3 +1/+3

Weapon Specialization and Weapon Groups

Although it is possible to become proficient in an entire group of weapons, this doesn't mean a character can specialize in an entire group of weapons.

As before, each weapon specialization costs one Weapon Proficiency Slot in a weapon the character is already proficient in. A character can't pay two points to be proficient in the Fencing Blades group and then another two to specialize in the same group: He'd have to take one-slot Specialisation individually for Dagger/Dirk, Knife/Stiletto, Main-gauche, Rapier, and Saber.

Let's say a character wants to know how to use every type of blade ever made.... but he wants to be especially good with the Long Sword. As a first-level Warrior, he receives four Weapon Proficiency Slots to start with. He spends three to take Proficiency with the entire Blades broad group, and spends his fourth to specialize in Long Sword. He has his wish: He can pick up and use any blade weapon without penalty, but is particularly adept with the Long Sword.

Similarly, a character might wish to be proficient with all bows, and especially good with the Composite Long Bow. He spends two weapon proficiency slots to be proficient with the entire Bows tight group, and spends two more slots (because bows are trickier to specialize in-see above) to specialize in Composite Long Bow. This character is at a disadvantage with any sort of weapon other than bows, but can use all bows, and is especially good with the Composite Long Bow.


There are three types of nonlethal attacks--punching, wrestling, and overbearing. Punching is basic bare-fisted fighting. Wrestling is the classic combination of grappling, holds, and throws. Overbearing is simply trying to pull down an opponent by sheer mass or weight of numbers, pinning him to the ground.


These are the most basic of combat skills, unknowingly practiced by almost all children as they rough and tumble with each other. Thus, all characters, regardless of class, are assumed to be somewhat proficient in both these forms of fighting.

Punching occurs when a character attacks with his fists. No weapons are used, although the character can wear an iron gauntlet or similar item. Wrestling requires both hands free, unencumbered by shields and the like.

When punching or wrestling, a normal attack roll is made. The normal Armor Class of the target is used. If a character is attempting to wrestle in armor, the modifiers on Table 57 are used (these are penalties to the attacker's attack roll). Normal modifiers to the attack roll are also applied.

Penalties for being held or attacking a held opponent do not apply to wrestlers. Wrestling involves a lot of holding and twisting as it is, and the damage resolution system for punching and wrestling takes this into account.

Table 57:


Armor Modifier

Studded leather -1

Chain, ring, and scale mail -2

Banded, splint, and plate mail -5

Field plate armor -8

Full plate armor -10


If the attack roll is successful, consult Table 58 to find the result of the attack: Cross-index the character's modified attack roll with the proper attack form. If, for example, a character successfully punched with an 18, the result would be a rabbit punch (if he rolled an 18 on a successful wrestling attempt, the result would be a kick). Punching and wrestling attacks can succeed on attack rolls of 1 or less (exceptions to the general rule).


Attack Roll Punch Damage % KO Wrestle

20+ Haymaker 2 10 Bear hug*

19 Wild swing 0 1 Arm twist

18 Rabbit punch 1 3 Kick

17 Kidney punch 1 5 Trip

16 Glancing blow 1 2 Elbow smash

15 Jab 2 6 Arm lock*

14 Uppercut 1 8 Leg twist

13 Hook 2 9 Leg lock

12 Kidney punch 1 5 Throw

11 Hook 2 10 Gouge

10 Glancing blow 1 3 Elbow smash

9 Combination 1 10 Leg lock*

8 Uppercut 1 9 Headlock*

7 Combination 2 10 Throw

6 Jab 2 8 Gouge

5 Glancing blow 1 3 Kick

4 Rabbit punch 2 5 Arm lock*

3 Hook 2 12 Gouge

2 Uppercut 2 15 Headlock*

1 Wild swing 0 2 Leg twist

Less than 1 Haymaker 2 25 Bearhug*

*Hold can be maintained from round to round, until broken.

Punch: This is the type of blow landed. In game terms, the type of blow has little effect, but using the names adds spice to the battle and makes the DM's job of describing the action easier.

Damage: Bare-handed attacks cause only 1 or 2 points of damage. Metal gauntlets, brass knuckles, and the like cause 1d3 points of damage. A character's Strength bonus, if any, does apply to punching attacks.

Punching damage is handled a little differently than normal damage. Only 25% of the damage caused by a bare-handed attack is normal damage. The remaining 75% is temporary. For the sake of convenience, record punching damage separately from other damage and calculate the percentage split at the end of all combat.

If a character reaches 0 hit points due to punching attacks (or any combination of punching and normal attacks), he immediately falls unconscious.

A character can voluntarily pull his punch, not causing any hit point damage, provided he says so before the damage is applied to his enemy. There is still a chance of a knockout.

% K.O.: Although a punch does very little damage, there is a chance of knocking an opponent out. This chance is listed on the table as "% K.O." If this number or less is rolled on percentile dice, the victim is stunned for 1d10 rounds.

Wrestle: This lists the action or type of grip the character managed to get. Wrestling moves marked with an asterisk (*) are holds maintained from round to round, unless they are broken. A hold is broken by a throw, a gouge, the assistance of another person, or the successful use of a weapon. (Penalties to the attack roll apply to weapon attacks by a character who is in a hold.)

All wrestling moves inflict 1 point of damage plus Strength bonus (if the attacker desires), while continued holds cause cumulatively 1 more point of damage for each round they are held. A head lock held for six rounds would inflict 21 points of damage total (1+2+3+4+5+6). Remember, this is the equivalent of pressing hard on a full-nelson headlock for roughly six minutes!



(Author unknown)


Wrestling is the most basic of combat skills, unknowingly practiced by almost all children as they rough and tumble with each other. However, there exists a fine art of wrestling that only

professional wrestlers use. Thus, the Alternative Wrestling System exists for those characters who are willing to spend a weapon proficiency slot to learn and master the AWS.


Before the player makes an attack roll, he should roll the percentile dice (1d100) and consult Tables B-G for the results. If the die result is on table B, C, D, E, or F then the player is attempting to do a standard, lifting, strength, agility, or illegal hold. If the character meets the appropriate requirements given for the hold that was rolled, then the player can make a normal attack roll to see if the hold is successful.

Table G contains special items that require additional rolls on the tables or no attack rolls whatsoever.

TABLE B: Standard Holds

Roll Move Damage Requirements

01-02 Arm Bar 1 Str. > 9

03-04 Chinlock 1 Str > 9

05-08 Chop 1 Str > 9

09-10 Elbow Smash 1 Str. > 9

11-12 Headlock 1 Str. > 9

13-16 Knee Lift 1 Str. > 9

17-18 Stomach Kick 1 Str. > 9

TABLE C: Lifting Holds

Roll Move Damage Requirements

19-20 Back breaker 2 MP => Oppt.'s

21-24 Weight Bodyslam W MP => Oppt.'s Weight

25-28 Piledriver W MP => Oppt.'s Weight; Dex. > 9; Int. > 9

29-30 Reverse Atomic Drop W MP => Oppt.'s Weight

31-32 Suplex W MP => Oppt.'s Weight; Dex. > 9; Int. > 9

TABLE D: Strength Holds

Roll Move Damage Requirements

33-34 Bear Hug 1/rd Str. > Oppt.'s Str.; MP => Oppt.'s Weight

35-36 Boston Crab 1/rd Str. > Oppt.'s Str.; Dex. > 9; Int. > 12

37-38 Head to Hard Object 1 Str. > Oppt.'s Str.

39-40 Shoulder Block 1 Str. > Oppt.'s Str.; Dex. > 9

41-42 Takedown 1 Str. > Oppt.'s Str.

43-44 Test of Strength 1 Str. > Oppt.'s Str.

45-48 Whip to Hard Object 1 Str. > Oppt.'s Str.

TABLE E: Agility Holds

Roll Move Damage Requirements

49-50 Clothesline 1 Str. > 9; Dex > 9;

51-52 Flip 1 Str. > 9; Dex > 9; Int > 9

53-54 Flying Mare 1 Str. > 9; Dex > 9; Int > 9

55-56 Hammer Lock 1 Str. > 9; Dex > 9

57-58 Hip Toss 1 Str. > 9; Dex > 9; Int > 12

59-62 Drop Kick 2 Str. > 9; Dex > 12; Int > 12

63-64 Flying Head Scissors 2 Str. > 9; Dex > 12; Int > 12

65-66 Leg Takedown 1 Str. > 9; Dex > 12; Int > 9

TABLE F: Illegal Holds

Roll Move Damage Requirements

67-68 Gouging 2 Str. > 9

69-70 Head Stomp 2 Str. > 9

71-72 Choke 1 Str. > 9

73-78 Closed Fist 1 Str. > 9

79-80 Hair Pull 1 Str. > 9

81-82 Genital Buster 3 Str. > 9

TABLE G: Special

Roll Effect

83-84 Blocks opponent's next melee attack.

85-86 Power Surge (PS) of +1 to Str. for move, Roll again ignoring PS.

87-88 Power Surge (PS) of +2 to Str. for move, Roll again ignoring PS.

89-90 Power Surge (PS) of +3 to Str. for move, Roll again ignoring PS.

91-92 Power Surge (PS) of +4 to Str. for move, Roll again ignoring PS.

93-94 Combination. Roll twice for two moves ignoring rolls over 82.

95 Recover 1 lost hit point, if any.

96 Recover 2 lost lit points, if any.

97 Wild. Player may choose.

98-00 Specialty

Notes for Requirement Section of Tables:

MP refers to the maximum press of the character as defined by his strength.

W refers to the opponent's weight.

Oppt.'s is an abbreviation for Opponent's.


Damage for the holds are given as hit points loss. Thus, a person who receives a chop suffers 1 hit point of damage. In the case of a few lifting holds where damage is listed as W, the victim of the hold suffers an amount of damage equal to his weight divided by 20. For example, a man who weighs 200 pounds gets body slammed. He suffers 10 (200/20) points of damage from the devastating move.

In the case of a few strength holds where damage is listed as 1/rd, the hold is a continuous hold. Until broken, the victim suffers 1 hit point of damage per round. To continue the hold, the character cannot do other moves or actions. Of course, the character may opt to voluntarily break the hold. The hold can be broken if the character is successfully attacked by an outside force.


If a character is attempting to wrestle in armor, the modifiers on Table A are used (these are penalties to the attacker's attack roll). Normal modifiers to the attack roll are also applied.


Armor Modifiers

Studded leather -1

Chain, ring, scale mail -2

Banded, splint, and plate mail -5

Field plate armor -8

Full plate armor -10

Penalties for being held or attacking a held opponent do not apply to wrestlers. Wrestling involves a lot of holding and twisting as it is, and the damage resolution system for wrestling takes this into account.


Upon spending the 1 weapon proficiency slot for AWS, the character must create a specialty hold that would be used in the case of a roll of 98-100 on the tables. The specialty hold can be almost any type of hold within reason. The only requirement is that damage done by the hold doesn't exceed 4 points with the exception of a Lifting Hold that does damage depending on the opponent's weight. Players are encouraged to make an exciting and imaginative hold. GM's should make sure that the hold has reasonable requirements.


A player can spend another weapon proficiency slot to specializing in the AWS. Any character of any class can specialize in wrestling. Although other rules may state otherwise, any character of any class can specialize in wrestling in connection with a specialization in punching or martial arts.

When a character specializes in wrestling, he gains the following benefits:

- He gains a +1 bonus to all his attack rolls with wrestling.

- He gains a +1 bonus to all damage rolls for a successful high impact maneuver.

- He gains a +1 chart bonus with all wrestling attacks. The chart bonus is a reflection of the character's superior accuracy with wrestling. As already known, when the character successfully hits, the roll itself determines which maneuver was used. But the specialist can modify the result. With the +1 chart bonus, he can choose the maneuver one higher or one lower on the chart.

- He gets to choose a strike, hold, and high impact maneuver that becomes his own personal attacks. When his personal attacks are rolled, double damage occurs.


Although other rules may state otherwise, any character of any class may continue to devote slots to wrestling. For every additional slot devoted, the wrestler gets the following benefits:

- He gains an additional +1 bonus to all his attack rolls with wrestling.

- He gains an additional +1 bonus to all damage rolls for a successful high impact maneuver.

- He gains an additional +1 chart bonus with all wrestling attacks.



(author unknown)


Wrestling is the most basic of combat skills, unknowingly practiced by almost all children as they rough and tumble with each other. Thus all characters, regardless of class, are assumed to be

somewhat proficient in wrestling.

Wrestling is composed of three basic maneuvers: strikes, holds, high impact maneuvers. Strikes are used to cause quick damage to the opponent. Holds will wear down an opponent if the hold can be maintained. High impact maneuvers are devastating to the opponent if successful, but they can backfire doing more harm then good to the wrestler.


When wrestling, a normal attack roll is made. The normal Armor Class of the target is used. If a character is attempting to wrestle in armor, the modifiers on Table 1 are used (these are penalties to the attacker's attack roll). Normal modifiers to the attack roll are also applied.




Armor Modifiers

Studded leather -1

Chain, ring, scale mail -2

Banded, splint, and plate mail -5

Field plate armor -8

Full plate armor -10

Penalties for being held or attacking a held opponent do not apply to wrestlers. Wrestling involves a lot of holding and twisting as it is, and the damage resolution system for wrestling takes this into account.

A wrestler has the option of pulling back his attack thus causing no damage.


A strike is the first maneuver a wrestler must make. The wrestler only needs to make a successful attack roll. If the attack roll is successful, consult Table 2 to find the resulting strike.

A wrestler can strike an opponent at anytime during a confrontation.


Prior to a hold, a successful strike during any previous round must be accomplished. If this is the case, then a wrestler may attempt a hold.

A wrestler needs to make a successful attack roll to get the opponent in a hold. If the attack roll is successful, consult Table 3 to find the resulting hold.

A hold is maintained from round to round, unless broken. An opponent can break a hold when his attack turn comes. To break the hold, he uses 1d20 and must roll the broken-hold score or below to break it.

Broken-Hold Score = Wrestler's Str.. - Defender's Str.. + 10

If the hold is broken, then the victim is allowed his attack. If the hold is not broken, then the hold is maintained. A hold causes cumulative damage for each round held. For example, an Arm Bar held for six rounds would inflict 10.5 points of damage (0.5 + 1.0 + 1.5 + 2.0 +2.5 + 3.0). Furthermore, a Bear Hug maintained for three rounds would inflict 12 points of damage (2 + 4 + 6).

As an optional rule for breaking a hold, the GM may allow strength-roll rules described in the "grab" maneuver.


Prior to a high impact maneuver, a successful hold during any previous round must be accomplished. If this is the case, then a wrestler may attempt a high impact maneuver.

A wrestler needs to make a successful attack roll to get the opponent set up for a high impact maneuver. If the attack roll is successful, the wrestler must roll the high impact success score or

below using percentile dice.

High Impact = 50 + Wrestler's - Defender's + 1 for every Success

Score Dexterity Dexterity rnd. wrestled

If successful, roll 1d20 and consult Table 4 for the resulting high impact maneuver. The move causes 1d6 + strength bonuses damage. For a failed high impact maneuver, the wrestler suffer's 1d2.


Because everyone has a certain knowledge of wrestling, everyone can be considered to have a "weapon proficiency". Therefore, a player must devote only one weapon proficiency slot to the technique to specialize. Any character of any class can specialize in wrestling. Although other rules may state otherwise, any character of any class can specialize in wrestling in connection with a specialization in punching or martial arts.

When a character specializes in wrestling, he gains the following benefits:

- He gains a +1 bonus to all his attack rolls with wrestling.

- He gains a +1 bonus to all damage rolls for a successful high impact maneuver.

- He gains a +1 chart bonus with all wrestling attacks. The chart bonus is a reflection of the character's superior accuracy with wrestling. As already known, when the character successfully hits, the roll itself determines which maneuver was used. But the specialist can modify the result. With the +1 chart bonus, he can choose the maneuver one higher or one lower on the chart.

- He gets to choose a strike, hold, and high impact maneuver that becomes his own personal attacks. When his personal attacks are rolled, double damage occurs.


Although other rules may state otherwise, any character of any class may continue to devote slots to wrestling. For every additional slot devoted, the wrestler gets the following benefits:

- He gains an additional +1 bonus to all his attack rolls with wrestling.

- He gains an additional +1 bonus to all damage rolls for a successful high impact maneuver.

- He gains an additional +1 chart bonus with all wrestling attacks.


A character has the option of substituting punching or martial arts for the wrestling strikes. Furthermore, if the wrestler is specialized in punching or martial arts, he has the same option of substituting that technique or the wrestling strikes.


A wrestler can take a called shot in order to choose the specific wrestling maneuver he wants. He suffers the usual +1 to initiative. For strikes and holds, he suffers a -4 to hit. For high impact maneuvers, he suffers a -8 to hit.


It's possible for a barehanded fighter to disarm an armed opponent, but it's dangerous. When so trying, the fighter's AC suffers a penalty of 2 (for example, a 5 becomes a 7), and his disarm attempt is at an additional -4 to hit. But if it hits, it's just as successful as any other disarm.


Attack Roll Strike Damage

20+ Hair Pull 1

19 Chop 1*

18 Kick 1*

17 Arm Drag 1

16 Hip Toss 1

15 Arm Twist 1*

14 Boot-To-Gut 1*

13 Snap Mare 1

12 Knee Lift 1*

11 Fore Arm Smash 1*

10 Elbow Smash 2*

9 Head Butt 2

8 Knee Smash 2*

7 Double-Axe Handle 2*

6 Spin Kick 2*

5 Knee Drop 2

4 Pole Arm 2*

3 Eye Gouge 2

2 Minotaur Charge 2*

1- Drop Kick 2

* plus strength bonuses


Attack Roll Hold Damage

20+ Finger Lock 0.5

19 Waist Lock 0.5

18 Chin Lock 0.5

17 Head Lock 0.5

16 Arm Bar 0.5

15 Arm Stretcher 1.0

14 Choke Hold 1.0

13 Body Scissors 1.0

12 Hammer Lock 1.0

11 Figure-Four Arm Bar 1.0

10 Spinning Toe Hold 1.5

9 Head Scissors 1.5

8 Nerve Pinch 1.5

7 Stomach Claw 1.5

6 Chicken Wing 1.5

5 Bear Hug 2.0

4 Brain Claw 2.0

3 Sleeper Hold 2.0

2 Full Nelson 2.0

1- Greyhawk Crab 2.0








Die Roll High Impact Maneuver

20 Axe Bomber

19 Back Breaker

18 Belly-To-Belly Suplex

17 Body Slam

16 Brain Buster

15 Centaur Clutch

14 Cobra Clutch

13 D.D.T.

12 Elemental Spine Crusher

11 Figure-Four Leg Lock

10 Flying Elbow Drop

9 Flying Moon Sault

8 Frankensteiner

7 Pow Driver

6 Power Bomb

5 Power Slam

4 Scorpion Death Lock

3 Spinning Neck Breaker

2 Suplex

1 Torture Rack




THE TIGHT/BROAD GROUPS (From the Complete Ninjas Handbook)

Proficiency Costs

cost Proficiency

1 slot One weapon

2 slots Tight group of weapons

3 slots Broad group of weapons

Broad Group: Arrow-Firing Missile Weapons

Tight Group: Bows



Long Bow

Long Bow, composite

Pellet bow

Short bow

Tight Group: Crossbows

Cho-ko-nu (repeating crossbow)

Hand crossbow

Light crossbow

Broad Group: Blades

Tight Group: Fencing Blades






Tight Group: Long Blades

Bastard sword



Two handed sword

Tight Group: Medium Blades

Broad sword




Long sword



Tight Group: Oriental Blades







Tight Group: Short Blades







Short sword

Shuriken, large star




Broad Group: Chain/Rope Weapons

Tight Group: Chain Weapons

Kau sin ke




Tight Group: Lash Weapons



Tight Group: Rope Weapons




Lasso (not part of a tight group)

Net (not part of a tight group)

Broad Group: Cleaving/Crushing Weapons

Tight Group: Axes

Battle axe

Hand/Throwing axe

Tight Group: Clubbing Weapons


Footman's mace


Horseman's mace



Morning star


War hammer

Tight Group: Flails

Footman's flail

Horseman's Flail

Tight Group: Karate Weapons






Tight Group: Picks


Horseman's pick

Footman's pick

Tight Group: Sickles




Tight Group: Staves





Gunsen (war fan)(not part of a tight group)

Siangkam (not part of a tight group)

Broad Group: Pole Weapons

Tight Group: Bladed Poles


Bec de corbin








Hook Fauchard


Lucern hammer

Man catcher

Military fork





Sang kauw

Sode gurami




Tight Group: Lances

Heavy horse lance

Light horse lance

Jousting lance

Medium horse lance

Tight Group: Spears

Awl pike




Long spear

Shakujo yari




Broad Group: Small Throwing Weapons

Tight Group: Bladed Throwing Weapons

Dagger (thrown)

Knife (thrown)

Stilleto (thrown)

Tight Group: Grenades

Eggshell grenades

Nage teppo

Tight Group: Shuriken

Bo shuriken

Small shuriken

Large star shuriken

Dart (not part of a tight group)

Tetsu-bishi (not part of a tight group)

Tight Group: Blown Weapons





Tight Group: Primitive Firearms


Tight Group: Slings


Staff sling


Weight Speed Damage

Item Cost (lbs) Size Type Factor S-M L

Arquebus*** 500 gp 10 M P 15 1d10 1d10

Battle Axe 5 gp 7 M S 7 1d8 1d8

Belaying pin 2 cp 2 S B 4 1d3 1d3

Blowgun 5 gp 2 L -- 5 --

Barbed Dart 1 sp ? S P -- 1d3 1d2

Needle 2 cp ? S P -- 1 1

Bolas 5 sp 2 M B 8 1d3 1d2

Bo 5 cp 4 L B 4 1d6 1d6

Bow -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Armor piercing arrow! 6sp/12 ?M P -- 1d6 1d6

Composite long bow 100 gp 3 L -- 7 -- --

Composite short bow 75 gp 2 M -- 6 -- --

Daikyu (great bow) 100 gp 3 L -- 7 -- --

Flight arrow 3 sp/12 ? M P -- 1d6 1d6

Frog crotch arrow 3 sp/12 ? M S -- 1d6 1d3

Hankyu (half bow) 75 gp 2 M -- 6 -- --

Humming bulb

arrow 6sp/12 ? M P -- 1d2 1d2

Long bow 75 gp 3 L -- 8 -- --

Pellet bow 20 gp 2 M -- 7 -- --

Sheaf arrow 3 sp/6 ? M P -- 1d8 1d8

Stone arrow 3 cp/12 1/10M P -- 1d4 1d4

Short bow 30 gp 2 M -- 7 -- --

Caltrop 2 sp 2/10 S P n/a 1 1d2

Cestus 1 gp 2 S S 2 1d4 1d3

Chain %^ 5 sp 3 L B 5 1d4+1 1d4

Chopsticks % 1 cp ? S P 1 1 hp 1 hp

Club -- 3 M B 4 1d6 1d3

Crossbow -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Cho-ko-nu(repeater)100 gp12 M -- 10 -- --

Hand quarrel 1 gp ? S P -- 1d3 1d2

Hand crossbow 300 gp 3 S -- 5 -- --

Heavy quarrel 2 sp ? S P -- 1d4+1 1d6+1

Heavy crossbow 50 gp 14 M -- 10 -- --

Light quarrel 1 sp ? M P -- 1d4 1d4

Light crossbow 35 gp 7 S -- 7 -- --

Dagger or dirk% 2 gp 1 S P 2 1d4 1d3

Bone dagger% 1 sp 1 S P 2 1d2 1d2

Parrying dagger% 5 gp 1 S P 2 1d3 1d3

Stone dagger% 2 sp 1 S P 2 1d3 1d2

Dart 5 sp 1/2 S P 2 1d3 1d2

Fang 5 gp 3 M P 6 1d6 1d4

Flail, Footman's 15 gp 15 M B 7 1d6+1 2d4

Flail, Horseman's 8 gp 5 M B 6 1d4+1 1d4+1


(mouth darts)1 sp ? S P 1 1d2 1d2

Gaff/Hook -- -- -- -- -- --

Attached 2 gp 2 S P 2 1d4 1d3

Held 5 cp 2 S P 2 1d4 1d3

Gunsen(war fan) 5 gp 1 S B 5 1d3 1d2

Hanbo(half staff) 5 cp 1 S B 2 1d4 1d2

Hand/Throwing axe 1 gp 5 M S 4 1d6 1d4

Harpoon -- -- -- -- -- -- --

One-handed 20 gp 6 L P 7 1d4+1 1d6+1

Two-handed 20 gp 6 L P 7 2d4 2d6

Javelin -- -- -- -- -- -- --

One-handed 5 sp 2 L P 4 1d4 1d4

Two-handed 5 sp 2 L P 4 1d6 1d6

Javelin, Stone -- -- -- -- -- -- --

One-handed 5 cp 2 M P 4 1d4 1d4

Two-handed 5 cp 2 M P 4 1d4+1 1d6

Jitte 2 gp 1 S B 3 1d4 1d2

Jo stick 1 sp 1 M B 4 1d6 1d3

Kama (sickle) 2 gp 2 S S 3 1d6 1d4

Kau sin ke(whip chain)%5 gp 4 L B 7 1d8 1d6

Kawanaga(grapnel)%^1 gp 1 L B/P 6 1d3 1d2

Kiseru(pipe) 1 gp 1 S B 3 1d4 1d2

Knife 5 sp 1/2 S P/S 2 1d3 1d2

Bone knife 3 cp 1/2 S P/S 2 1d2 1d2

Stone knife 5 cp 1/2 S P/S 2 1d2 1d2


(chain-sickle) $%^ 3 gp 3 L B/S 6 1d6 1d4


(cord&dagger) 2 gp 1 L B/S 6 1d4 1d4

Lance @ -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Heavy horse lance 15 gp 15 L P 8 1d8+1 3d6

Jousting lance 20 gp 20 L P 10 1d3-1 1d2-1

Light horse lance 6 gp 5 L P 6 1d6 1d8

Medium horse lance 10 gp 10 L P 7 1d6+1 2d6

Lasso 5 sp 3 L -- 10 --

Main-Gauche 3 gp 2 S P/S 2 1d4 1d3

Mancatcher ** $ 30 gp 8 L -- 7 -- --

Manriki-gusari(chain)^%$ 5 sp 3 L B 5 1d4+1 1d4


(blinding powder) 1 sp 1 S -- 3 -- --

Morning star 10 gp 12 M P/B 7 2d4 1d6+1

Nage teppo(grenades) 5 gp 1/2 B 9 1d6 1d6

Needle 1 sp ? S P 1 1 1


(climbing claws) 1 gp 1/2 S S 1 1d4 1d3

Net 5 gp 10 M -- 10 -- --


(threshing flail) 1 gp 3 M B 3 1d6 1d6

Weight Speed Damage

Item Cost (lbs) Size Type Factor S-M L

Polearm -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Awl pike # $ 5 gp 12 L P 13 1d6 1d12

Bardiche $ 7 gp 12 L S 9 2d4 2d6

Bec de corbin $ 8 gp 10 L P/B 9 1d8 1d6

Bill-guisarme $ 7 gp 15 L P/S 10 2d4 1d10

Fauchard $ 5 gp 7 L P/S 8 1d6 1d8

Fauchard-fork $ 8 gp 9 L P/S 8 1d8 1d10

Glaive $ * 6 gp 8 L S 8 1d6 1d10

Glaive-guisarme*$ 10 gp 10 L P/S 9 2d4 2d6

Guisarme $ 5 gp 8 L S 8 2d4 1d8

Guisarme-voulge $ 8 gp 15 L P/S 10 2d4 2d4

Halberd $ 10 gp 15 L P/S 9 1d10 2d6

Hook fauchard $ 10 gp 8 L P/S 9 1d4 1d4

Kumade(rake) $ 2 gp 4 L B/P 7 1d4 1d3

Lajatang $ 5 gp 6 L S/P 7 1d10 1d10

Lucern hammer # $ 7 gp 15 L P/B 9 2d4 1d6

Military fork * $ 5 gp 7 L P 7 1d8 2d4

Nagimaki # $ 5 gp 6 L S/P 6 1d6 1d8

Naginata # $ 8 gp 10 L S/P 8 1d8 1d10

Partisan # $ 10 gp 8 L P 9 1d6 1d6+1

Ranseur # $ 6 gp 7 L P 8 2d4 2d4

Spetum # $ 5 gp 7 L P 8 1d6+1 2d6

Voulge # $ 5 gp 12 L S 10 2d4 2d4

Quarterstaff -- 4 L B 4 1d6 1d6

Sai (short trident) 5 sp 2 S P/B 3 1d4 1d2

Sap 1 gp 1/10 S B 2 1d2 1d2

Scourge 1 gp 2 S -- 5 1d4 1d2

Shuriken (throwing star)

spike 3 sp ? S P 2 1d4 1d3

large star% 5 sp 1/2 S P 2 1d6 1d4

small star 3 sp ? S P 2 1d4 1d4

Siangkam 1 gp 1 S P 2 1d4+1 1d4

Sickle 6 sp 3 S S 4 1d4+1 1d4

Sling 5 cp ? S -- 6 -- --

Sling bullet 1 cp 1/2 S B -- 1d4+1 1d6+1

Sling stone -- 1/2 S B -- 1d4 1d4

Sode garami$ ^

(sleeve entangler) 5 gp 5 L B 7 1d4 1d3

Chijiriki(chain spear)^%# 8 sp 6 L B/P 7 -- --

One-handed -- -- -- -- -- 1d6 1d8

Two-handed -- -- -- -- -- 1d8+1 1d6

Sang kauw # %

(two headed spear) 2 gp 10 L P 7 -- --

One-handed -- -- -- -- -- 1d8 1d6

Two-handed -- -- -- -- -- 1d8+1 2d6

Shakujo yari %

(staff spear) 16 sp 6 M P 6 -- --

One-handed -- -- -- -- -- 1d6 1d8

Two-handed -- -- -- -- -- 1d8+1 2d8

Spear % -- -- -- -- -- -- --

One-handed 8 sp 5 M P 6 1d6 1d8

Two-handed 8 sp 5 M P 6 1d8+1 2d6

Spear, long % -- -- -- -- -- -- --

One-handed 5 gp 8 L P 8 1d8 1d8+1

Two-handed # 5 gp 8 L P 8 2d6 3d6

Spear, stone % -- -- -- -- -- -- --

One-handed 8 cp 5 M P 6 1d4 1d6

Two-handed 8 cp 5 M P 6 1d6 2d4

Staff sling 2 sp 2 M -- 11 -- --

Stinkpot 1 sp 2 S B -- 1d3 1d3

Stiletto 5 sp 1/2 S P 2 1d3 1d2

Sword -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Bastard sword -- -- -- -- -- -- --

One-handed 25 gp 10 M S 6 1d8 1d12

Two-handed 25 gp 10 M S 8 2d4 2d8


(wooden sword) 10 gp 6 M B 4 -- --

One-handed -- -- -- -- -- 1d4 1d2

Two-handed -- -- -- -- -- 1d6 1d3

Broad sword 10 gp 4 M S 5 2d4 1d6+1

Claymore 25 gp 10 M S 8 2d4 2d8

Cutlass 12 gp 4 M S 5 1d6 1d8

Drusus 50 gp 3 M S 3 1d6+1 1d8+1

Falchion 17 gp 8 M S 5 1d6+1 2d4

Katana(samurai long sword)

100 gp 6 M S/P 4

One-handed -- -- -- -- -- 1d10 1d12

Two-handed -- -- -- -- -- 2d6 2d6

Khopesh 10 gp 7 M S 9 2d4 1d6

Long sword 15 gp 4 M S 5 1d8 1d12


(ninja sword) 12 gp 5 M S/P 4 1d8 1d6

Parang (machete) 3 gp 5 M S 5 1d8 1d8

Rapier 15 gp 4 M P 4 1d6+1 1d8+1

Sabre 17 gp 5 M S 4 1d6+1 1d8+1

Scimitar 15 gp 4 M S 5 1d8 1d8

Short sword 10 gp 3 M P 3 1d6 1d8

Tetsu-to(iron sword$ 35 gp 15 L S 15 1d12 3d6

Two-handed sword$ 50 gp 15 L S 10 1d10 3d6

Wakisashi (samurai short sword)

50 gp 3 S S/P 3 1d8 1d8

Tetsu-bo(iron staff)$ 2 gp 7 L B 7 1d8 1d8

Three-section-staff$ 10 gp 5 L B 6 1d6 1d4

Tonfa (handle) 5 cp 1 S B 3 1d6 1d4

Trident% -- -- -- -- -- -- --

One-handed 15 gp 5 L P 7 1d6+1 3d4

Two-handed 15 gp 5 L P 7 1d8+1 3d4

Uchi-ne(short javelin)% 2 gp 1 S P 3 1d4 1d4

War hammer 2 gp 6 M B 4 1d4+1 1d4

Whip ^ 1 sp 2 M -- 8 1d2 1

Yoroi-Toshi !% 5 gp 1 S P 2 1d4 1d4

* This weapon inflicts double damage against charging creatures of L or greater size.

** This weapon can dismount a rider on a successful hit.

*** This weapon available only if allowed by the DM.

@ This weapon inflicts double damage when used from the back of a charging mount.

# This weapon inflicts double damage when firmly set to receive a charge.

? These items weigh little individually. Ten of these weigh one pound.

! this item is +2 to hit metal armor due to armor piercing properties

$ Intended for 2 handed use only

% May be thrown or wielded in hand to hand combat

^ May be used to make entangling attacks


Entangling Attacks

When attacking with a weapon with a weapon that makes an entangling attack (as noted above), the attacker must specify that he?s aiming for the opponents upper or lower body. If the attack roll succeeds, one end of the weapon wraps around that part of the victims body and pins it, at least for the moment.

If the upper body is entangled, the opponents cannot make attacks that require the use of arms. If the lower part of the body is entangled, the opponent cannot make use of attacks that require the legs, nor can he move from that spot.

To break free of an entangling weapon, the opponent must make a successful saving throw vs. paralyzation in place of his next attack in combat. The weapon takes no damage. If he is unsuccessful he remains entangled but can try to break free again on his next available attack.

Once an attacker has made a entangling attack, he can make other attacks on the same. If the attack was made against the opponents lower body the character can use his next attack to yank the opponents feet out from under him, throwing him to the ground. Also, if the attackers weapon has an attacking part at both ends, as do many of the weapons that entangle, he can make subsequent attacks against the target with the other end of the weapon.

Prone / Entangled Opponents

A character who is entangled is easier to hit; all attacks against him are at +2 bonus to the attack roll. When a character is on the ground he is also easier to hit; all attacks are at +2 to the attack roll. The poor character who is entangled and on the ground suffers doubly; the bonuses are cumulative, and his attacker would get +4 to the attack roll.


One of the most common events in the life of an adventurer, regardless of profession, is the need for armed combat. Some adventurers make a career of hacking and slashing, while others use combat as a last resort, after diplomacy, negotiation, or spellcraft fail.

Fortunately for adventurers, there are as many different types of weapons as there are reasons for using them. This section details the vast majority of weapons available to the discerning adventurer. A fair warning, though: a weapon is only as effective as the hero who wields it. Sometimes, a smaller, less lethal-looking weapon may be called for. Most of the entries that follow include commentary from distinguished adventurers. Heed their advice, look over the list carefully, and choose well; your PC's life may depend on it!

Notes: During the research into the various weapons, conflicting backgrounds arose for several of the weapons. The terminology and history that follow were chosen for consistency with what has already been established in the AD&D® game universe.

Many references are made to an item known as the Bayeux Tapestry. This is a tapestry that depicts the Battle of Hastings in 1066 AD, in which William the Conqueror led the Normans from the European Continent to England. The Normans defeated the Anglo-Saxons under King Harold. This tapestry has given scholars many clues on how warfare was conducted at that time.



The arquebus is a musket used by cultures just learning the technology of guns. It is a two-handed weapon, fired like a rifle except that the arms absorb the recoil, not the shoulders, since the weapon does not rest on the latter. The gun is also called a "hackbut."

Years after its development, the term "arquebus" expanded to include handguns of the same era, and eventually the word lost its original meaning and was used instead to describe small handguns used by cavalry. In terms of AD&D® game campaigns, the arquebus refers to the large, two-handed primitive gun with a smooth bore barrel as opposed to a rifled barrel. Hence, the gun is technically not a rifle. This form of arquebus often has a hook-like projection on the underside of its barrel.

The arquebus was developed in order to give the average infantry the use of smoke powder, whose destructive potential is only newly recognized in many areas.

The musket arquebus is loaded by pouring smoke powder from a flask or horn into the muzzle and firmly packing it with a piece of paper. The projectile, an iron ball, is rammed in after this. Once the barrel is ready, the pan is filled with smoke powder, the pan's cover is closed, and a burning slow-match (a piece of cloth or paper rolled into a fuse) is placed in the mechanism called the serpentine (the curved piece of metal where the trigger would someday be on a modern rifle). Pressure on a metal plate releases the serpentine into the pan, and BOOM!

Since this weapon involves smoke powder, DMs may forbid its use. Players should check with their DM as to whether it is allowed in the campaign.

Smoke powder is considered a magical item. The historical arquebus required two types of gun powder, a finer variety for pan loading and a coarse variety for muzzle loading. Each type was carried in a separate container. If the DM desires, the gunner may require the two different powder types in order to operate the arquebus.

The arquebus is a very dangerous instrument, nearly as dangerous to the user as to the target. In order to reload, the gunner has to hold the smoldering slow-match in his left hand while reloading with his right. A slow-match burns for eight rounds.

An arquebus can be fired only once every three rounds providing the character is not being attacked while loading. Treat the gunner the same as a spellcaster casting a very long spell. When firing an arquebus, all range penalties are doubled.

If an arquebus attack roll is a 1 or 2, the gun backfires, inflicting 1d6 points of damage to the gunner. It is also fouled and cannot be used until cleaned, a process which takes at least 30 minutes (and relative peace).

When an arquebus scores a hit, it does 1-9 points of damage on 1d10. If a 10 is rolled, the die is rolled again and this amount is added to the 10. Each time a 10 is rolled, the die is rolled again and added to the total.

There are no Strength modifiers to an arquebus' damage.

If the arquebus' smoke powder is exposed to water, the powder is ruined.

"As far as many folk are concerned, smoke powder and magic don't mix! Sure, the arquebus is a newfangled weapon, but not all new things are necessarily better! With an arquebus, the firer has to take time to reload, unless he wants to have someone tag along and supply him with an extra arquebus, already loaded, in order to keep up a steady rate of fire. Oh, certainly that can be done--or the more intelligent adventurer will go out and get himself a long bow which fires arrows quicker than an arquebus can throw shot, and has comparable range! As far as can be determined, the arquebus is good for making gods-awful noise that will either scare the Nine Hells out of any enemy, or possibly anger the target into attacking with even more ferocity."

-- Grymwand, Professional Mercenary

The arquebus gets its name from the German Hakenbuchse, meaning "gun with a hook."

Battle Axe

Contrary to popular artwork, the most common version of the battle axe is a stout pole about four feet in length with a single-edged, trumpet-shaped blade mounted on one end. Battle axes are also called broad axes.

The battle axe is a footman's weapon, giving these soldiers a longer reach and a fighting chance against mounted opponents. Its long handle allows the wielder to put considerable force into his swing. Despite the shaft length, a battle axe is a one-handed weapon.

The typical dwarven battle axe is a double bladed weapon, usually with a spiked top. Dwarves favor these weapons since the long handles compensate somewhat for the shorter dwarven stature, especially against large humanoid opponents. They are often wielded with two hands. In many dwarven cultures, the battle axe is a symbol of dwarven might.

A thrust with the spiked head of a battle axe inflicts 1d3 hit points of damage.

Dwarves are not the only race that favors the battle axe. Gnolls often are encountered with battle axes. Troglodytes use a stone version of the battle axe, with all of the disadvantages of stone weapons (i.e., prone to chipping and shattering).

Two-handed battle axes have the same statistics as the bardiche. They are called "great axes."

"Though the battle axe is a one-handed weapon, its longer handle, which gives it good momentum, is not a good horseman's weapon, as the wielder has to put a lot of his weight into the swing, something hard to do from a saddle. It is also useless as a missile weapon. Still, its damage is respectable, and it looks nasty, especially the dwarven styles. A battle axe is good for the foot soldier or adventurer who needs to strike at a large creature or at someone on horseback.

"Battle axes are good for their percussive and cutting effects against armor. If adventurers want to use a battle axe and still gain some measure of protection, it is wise to fight alongside a companion who is armed with a sword and shield. The companion acts as the axe-wielder's defense while the latter is busy chopping away. This is a good exercise in teamwork, which may keep both adventurers alive much longer.

"As for dwarves, our center of gravity is low enough that we can swing a battle axe and not topple over from the momentum. It is a fine weapon for hewing the legs of a giant out from under him, and it is a weapon that lets us put all of our weight into the swing.''

-- Dagalor Goldenbeard, of the Dwarven Clan Goldenbeard

The battle axe has the distinction of being one of the oldest tools and weapons of man. The first battle axe dates back about 35,000 years, when weaponers began attaching the blade to long wooden handles. The double-bladed battle axe was born in Egypt during the Bronze Age, but the design did not gain widespread acceptance.

During the Greco-Roman times, the battle axe was seen as a barbarian weapon used by the Franks, Celts, Lombards, and Vikings.

The earliest modern battle axes were a Danish weapon of the ninth century. These weapons did not have double-bladed heads, but were still two-handed weapons. The Danes often decorated these axe heads with carvings. Some shafts reached six feet in length, which caused great structural strain on the point immediately below the axe-head.

English knights of the 14th century adopted the battle axe as a favored weapon in foot combat. Its long handle afforded a great reach, and allowed for a great amount of force to be focused in the blow.

Naval crews used battle axes as boarding weapons until the tactic of boarding parties became obsolete.

The dwarven battle axe design is based on an actual design by the Swiss, who called their version the mordaxt.

Belaying Pin

Not intended as an actual weapon, the belaying pin is a wooden or metal rod that is inserted in holes bored through a ship's rail. Ship's ropes are secured to these belaying pins. The pins are usually found in rows, bringing a series of ropes together to one location. The pins may be pulled out and used as a melee weapon, more often than not during boarding actions at sea when no other weapons are in reach.

The pin is a one-handed weapon. If hurled in combat, it is treated as a club.

"When a bloke is at sea, unarmed and surrounded by degenerate pirates, a belaying pin makes a fine on-the-spot weapon, even though its primary function is to hold rope, not bash heads. No warrior in his right mind would bother to specialize in or stock up on belaying pins!''

-- Captain Ar, of the Galleon Flameburst


Blowguns are long, hollow tubes composed of wood or metal, ranging from four to seven feet in length. They are used to fire darts, needles, and pellets. The weapons date back to primitive times, when they were used mostly for hunting.

Blowguns may have had a part in the invention of guns, since the blowgun demonstrated that one end of a tube needs to be closed off in order for the propelling force to shoot the missile in the proper direction.

Tribes still exist, especially primitive peoples in tropical jungle cultures, that use the blowgun. In most cases, these tribes are not advanced in terms of inventions, especially weapons of war. Some tribes use stands to brace their blowguns. If a stand is used, the firer gains a +1 bonus to his attack rolls.

Special reinforced blowguns are available. A blowgun costing 6 gp can be used as a jo stick; a 7 gp blowgun can be used as a jo stick or as a scabbard for a sword.

The grippli have been known to use blowguns on rare occasions.

"Though the blowgun has poor range, it is a quiet weapon which may be fired twice per round. Desperate adventurers who find themselves weaponless may make blowguns out of the local flora, such as reeds, if they are resourceful.

"Blowguns can also be used as makeshift breathing tubes if adventurers are crossing or hiding in a body if water.

"Being virtually noiseless, the blowgun is a good weapon for use in infiltrating a stronghold. Darts dipped in a sleep drug may knock out sentries quickly, and this may be an ideal arrangement for someone who wishes to avoid causing excessive bloodshed. It is certainly better suited for that sort of work than combat on the field, since the blowgun is a very fragile weapon.''

-- Cedric D'Abalone, Sage

Blowgun Darts: The blowgun dart is a small arrow with a wad of cotton or other plant fibers instead of fletching. This allows for a build-up of pressure from the user's wind. The fibers make a better seal in the tube, allowing more force to gather behind it. A blowgun dart is not the same as a regular dart, and the latter cannot be shot out of a blowgun.

Needles: Needles are sometimes used to deliver a poison, often a paralytic poison such as curare. Needles do less damage than other blowgun missiles, but this is not a disadvantage, since their function is to carry the poison to the target, not to cause damage.

Blowgun Pellets: Most blowgun pellets are of hardened clay, and are used for hunting. A solid hit from a pellet can stun a small bird.


Bo (staff)

This Oriental equivalent of the quarterstaff is normally 6-7 feet long. Its hard wood makes it difficult to cut or break.


The bola is a missile of prehistoric origins. Currently, it is still used by arctic tribes and by savages who dwell on temperate plains. The main function of the bola is to provide a hunter with a good missile weapon that will catch the prey off guard and entangle it so as to make escape impossible.

The bola is basically a leather strap or straps with weights fastened to the ends, although there are many variations to the design. Arctic bolas are generally used for hunting birds. The bola may have four, six, or ten weights made of walrus ivory or bone. The weights are egg-shaped, spherical, or carved into the likeness of animals. All of the straps or cords join together to make a sort of handle. The thrower grasps the handle, jerks back the strand to straighten them, whirls the bolas over his head, and releases them. Each bola strand is about 28 inches long and each weight is about two inches in diameter.

Two-ball bolas are called somais; triple-ball bolas are achicos.

Temperate plains bolas are usually twice as large and consist of a single leather thong with a leather-covered stone at each end. Often a second cord is fastened in the center of the first cord, with a small weight attached at the end. This weight is held by the thrower. This version of the bola can bring down a man-sized target. When a bola hits, the victim is held fast and must take a round to make a Strength check in order to get free. Failure means the bolas are still holding fast.

If an attacker makes a Called Shot to the target's legs and succeeds, the bolas wrap themselves tightly around the victim's legs and prevent further movement. The target must make a Dexterity check in order not to fall down, incurring a -3 penalty if the victim was moving when the bolas hit.

If the attacker succeeds in a Called Shot to the victim's arms, the bolas wrap themselves tightly around the torso, preventing the victim from using a weapon or employing the protection of his shield until he frees himself. Strength checks are made at -2 penalty due to lack of leverage.

A successful Called Shot to the victim's head wraps the bolas around his neck, strangling him (unless the character is wearing a great helm or closed-face helm). The bolas cause normal damage on the round in which they hit, then an additional 1d3 hit points of strangulation damage every round the bolas are still in place.

"This is a good weapon to trip someone up, in case you wanna take an opponent alive. But you gotta make sure you got enough room to give the bola a good swing. Bolas only work outside or in huge rooms. They work good if your on horseback.''

-- Barkhan, Bounty Hunter


In one form or another, bows have been used since the early days of man. They represented a great step in man's ability to cause damage, since the attacker was at a considerable range from the target, not within reach of the enemy's claws or melee weapons. The first bows were long, slender rods (also called staves) with a string of animal tendon or plant fiber.

Short Bow

Short bows were the first to be developed, although they were not called such. This is more of a default term that refers to anything which is not a long bow. Short bow staves are about 5 1/2 feet long on the average. As the years passed, attempts were made to increase bow ranges. Bows were either given longer staves or flexibility was increased with no change to the length. The former resulted in what is now called the long bow.

Bows fell into decline with the spread of handguns. It was reasoned that while a wounded or weakened soldier might lack the strength to pull a bow, he could still pull a trigger. In fantasy settings, there is no danger of the bow being replaced so quickly.

Short bows can fire only short bow arrows (identical to flight arrows for game terms).

Long Bow

The long bow is similar to the short bow, except that the staff is about as high as the archer, usually 6 to 6 1/2 feet. It has better range than the short bow, and can fire both flight and sheaf arrows.

Composite Bows

Composite bows are long bows or short bows whose staves are made from more than one type of material. This gives greater flexibility, and thus better range. These were developed after the normal long bow.

The second material that makes up a long bow may be anything from another type of wood to bone, sinew, or metal. The different materials are usually glued together.

An adventurer who wishes to gain a damage bonus from high Strength when wielding a bow must purchase specially crafted bows. Such a bow costs the normal price for a bow plus the normal price again for every bonus point desired. Thus, a warrior with 17 Strength who wants a long bow (base cost 75 gp) that gives him his +1 bonus to damage rolls would have to pay a total of 150 gp. The same fighter with 18/00 Strength (+6 bonus to damage) would pay 525 gp. These bows can be strung and drawn only by characters of that Strength or higher. Others attempting this must make a successful bend bars/lift gates roll.

Most archers protect their wrists from the snap of the bowstring by fastening a piece of horn, bone, or leather to them. Such an item is known as a bracer.

Pellet bow

Almost identical in construction and use the normal bow, the pellet bow has a small pocket in the bow for holding a stone or pellet of lead or clay. The pellet can be fired with more force than from a sling (giving the weapon extra range though not extra damage). Pellet bows use sling ammo: sling stones and sling bullets.

Hankyu (half bow)

This is a small Oriental bow, often used by ninja.

Daikyu (great bow)

This is the largest type of bow found in an Oriental setting. In some ways, it is similar to the western long bow. It is 7 feet long and bent at the end for greater power. Unlike most bows the grip is closer to the bottom of the bow rather than centered. This allows the bow to be fired from horseback and from kneeling positions.

"In our times, bows still are preferable to the primitive firearms or even the crossbows offered. A high rate of fire, low noise, and good range make the bow a better choice than the other missile weapons.

"Centaurs favor bows, usually composite bows adapted to enable them to take advantage of their Strength. Elves in particular are adept at making and using bows, of both the long and short varieties. Exactly how the elves happen to be so good at archery is up for debate. Some say elves are trained to shoot beginning in childhood. Others say that their skills are no different than those of humans, but the uncanny, keen elven senses enable the fair folk to anticipate the target's location at the time of the arrow's impact.

"Whatever the reason, no one argues that the elves exhibit clear evidence of the superiority of the bow as the best missile weapon available to the aspiring adventurer.

"Bows are not without their faults. Bowstrings must be kept dry, the staff must not be allowed to crack, and a certain amount of strength is required to string and pull a bow. Still, even a short bow is a good thing to have when a warrior wants to inflict damage on someone from a long distance!

"A short bow can fire only flight arrows, while the long bow can fire any type of arrows. However, the short bow is easier to carry and is good for the fighter who relies primarily on a melee weapon but wishes to have a respectable missile weapon.''

-- Lady Adriennedar Ironedge, Ranger of Hawkhaven

Bows were used extensively for war by the Egyptians, Babylonians, Jews, and other peoples of the eastern Mediterranean world. In ancient Greece and Rome, bows were used mainly for hunting.

The Huns were the deadliest archers of all the invading barbarian peoples who attacked Rome. Charlemagne made the bow a mandatory weapon for the "civilized" armies.

At the Battle of Hastings in 1066, many historians claim that the Normans, led by William the Conqueror, beat the enemy by unleashing a rain of arrows on them. Some speculate that Harold died from an arrow through his eye. The bow used was only five feet long.

The English, learning from the lessons of Hastings, continued to refine and adapt their bows, making the staff longer and longer, copying the Welsh long bow. This became known as the English long bow within England.

The long bow proved very effective, especially in the British victories at Crecy and Agincourt. In the former, British archers outshot their Genoese counterparts who were using crossbows. Just as the Italians and French gained reputations as excellent crossbowmen, the English gained a reputation for archery. In the time of Henry VIII, English law required all males to learn the use of a long bow by the time they reached their teens.

European bows were most often made of ash and yew wood. Short bows were called Continental bows, while long bows were sometimes called Welsh bows.

An example of the potency of the long bow can be found in a particular historical incident. An arrow fired by a Welsh bowman is reported to have pierced a knight's leg armor, his leg, the armor on the other side of the leg, the knight's saddle, and to have finally lodged in the horse, pinning the knight to his mount.

Medieval archers did not always use quivers, but rather kept their arrows tied in bunches and secured to their belts by loops. Mounted archers used quivers that were attached to the saddle.

Bows were used as late as 1807, when Russian irregulars harassed Napoleon's armies, and in World War II, when detachments of American archers were used in special actions in Asia.

Even today, certain African pygmy tribes and indigenous folk of the Amazon use bows.


In general, arrows range in length from 20 to 40 inches. The feathers, or fletching, of the arrow consist of two or more feathers set coaxially to the shaft. This gives the arrow its aerodynamic lift. If the feathers are instead set diagonally, the arrows rotates in flight. Goose feathers and parrot feathers are used most often in fletching, though pressed paper and leather are sometimes used.

Armor Piercer Arrow

These arrows have a narrow spike head and are designed to punch through different types of armor. They receive a +2 attack bonus when fired at metal armor.

Flight Arrow

The flight arrow, as its name implies, is built for distance. These are lightweight arrows and are often used for hunting. Most of these arrows are made of ash or birch and are 30 to 40 inches long.

Frog Crotch Arrows

These arrows have a heads which form a V shape the inner edge of which is sharp. These arrows are used to cut standards and armor cords, and inflict terrible wounds on anything caught between their jaws. To successfully use the cutting action, the archer must successfully hit a specific point. The DM assigns penalties for difficult targets.

Humming Bulb Arrows

Humming bulb arrows are fitted with carved wooden heads that whistle loudly when fired. The sound can be heard up to one mile away. This type of arrow is normally used for signaling, but the bulb can be fitted with oil-soaked cloth or straw and used as a fire arrow. When used this way, it causes an additional 1d3 damage from the impact and flame. It also starts fires in flammable materials unless put out quickly.

Incendiary Arrow

An incendiary arrow is any arrow type (except bone or stone) with a wad of hemp soaked in a bituminous substance (such as tar) placed just beneath the head. The hemp is lit before the arrow is fired.

In addition to its normal damage, the arrow causes one additional hit point of fire damage on the round of impact unless the target makes a saving throw vs. death magic. At the DM's option, flaming arrows may ignite combustible materials contacting it.

Sheaf Arrow

Sheaf arrows, also known as war arrows, are heavier arrows with less range than flight arrows, but cause more damage. The arrowheads are steel and quite sharp. Sheaf arrows are used in warfare and can be fired only by long bows. These arrows range in length from 20 to 27 inches.

Stone arrows are considered flight arrows for game purposes, except that the stone arrowheads cause less damage and have a tendency to shatter if they impact armor or similarly hard surfaces. If a stone arrow hits any object made of metal, stone, or a harder substance, it has a 20% chance of surviving the hit without damage to the arrow. If a die roll does not indicate success, the arrow is still allowed a saving throw vs. crushing blow with a +4 bonus using the figures for Rock Crystal. Failure indicates that the arrow shatters.

Stone arrowheads are almond shaped or rhomboid and are usually made from stone splinters of flint or obsidian.


A caltrop is a metal ball bristling with metal spikes or prongs. When a caltrop is left on the ground, there is always at least one spike standing more or less upright, ready to pierce the foot of the unwary.

In order to be effective, at least 10 caltrops must be dropped in an area of 25 square feet (a 5' x 5' square). Each character entering the area must make a saving throw vs. paralyzation. Failure means that the pursuer has stepped on a caltrop, suffering 1d4 hit points of damage. The character will be able to move at only one-half his normal rate until the caltrop is dislodged from his foot. The victim must also make a second saving throw vs. paralyzation, with failure indicating that the character is lame for 24 hours (unless magically healed), and can move at only one-third his normal movement rate. In any case, the victim must spend one round removing the caltrop from his foot.

If half the number of caltrops are dropped in an area (five in a 25 square foot area), the first save is made with a +4 bonus. For every five extra caltrops over the required 10 dropped in a 25 square foot area, the saving throw is made at a -2, up to a maximum penalty of -6. A new saving throw must be made for each five-foot section entered in which caltrops have been dropped.

Characters moving at less than one-third their normal movement rate through an area of caltrops need not make a saving throw. They are moving slowly enough to avoid the caltrops (although they must be able to see the terrain in order to do so).


The cestus is a leather glove that has spikes and razor edges on the back and across the knuckles. Other forms of cesti are loaded with lead or other heavy filler in order to give a punch more force. The weapon is mainly used as a gladiator weapon in the arenas of sport.

The damage caused by the cestus (1d4 vs. small and medium creatures; 1d3 to large) replaces the damage caused by a punch. Although this may seem to be a disadvantage, remember that punching damage is temporary while damage from the cestus is permanent until healed. There is no proficiency in the cestus, though a warrior can spend a proficiency slot and specialize in it.

"A cestus isn't a true weapon of battle. It's just a cruel way to add damage to a fighter's punch. A cestus is a good weapon only if you like to punch opponents.

"But since most combatants inside and outside the arena have missile weapons, spells, long melee weapons such as spears, polearms, and swords, or benefits due to size, a fighter using a cestus may find himself badly chewed up, if not dead, before closing in enough to use the weapon. And using a cestus in tavern brawls will probably accomplish little more than calling the city guard's wrath on the owner of the cestus.

"The cestus is just a dramatic device meant to draw blood and make a contest look more terrible. Few monsters will care about the drama produced by a cestus if the glove is used in real combat.''

-- Tisha, Swordswoman Extraordinary


This crossbow is capable of firing several bolts before it must be reloaded. It is similar to the western light crossbow, but mounted on top is a magazine that can hold up to 10 light quarrels. The cocking and reloading action is worked by a single lever, pushed forward and pulled back. This allows a faster rate of fire than normal. Up to two quarrels can be reloaded per round. Thus five rounds are required to completely reload the cho-ko-nu. A character can not fire and reload in the same round. The cho-ko-nu is heavier than a normal light crossbow and has a shorter range.


Most clubs are stout, hardwood sticks, narrow at the grip and wider at the end. This simple weapon has been used since mankind first began using tools. Anyone can find a good stout piece of wood and swing it; hence the club's widespread use.

The club is the ancestor of the mace, since warriors eventually fitted their clubs with spikes and metal heads in order to increase their deadliness.

As centuries passed, cultures began embracing civilization and advanced technology. They looked down on the club as a primitive tool and a barbarian weapon. Peasants often arm themselves with clubs, sometimes adapting them by adding iron spikes, resulting in the morning star.

Centaurs are often seen wielding clubs, since sylvan settings have ample wood for fashioning such weapons. Ogres also use clubs, since the weapon does not require brains to use or make.

"Despite the lowly status of the club, it is a useful proficiency. A stout tree branch, a wooden chair leg, or a metal rod all may be considered clubs, and all can be found most anywhere. When an adventurer is without a weapon, knowing how to wield a common stick may save his life.

"Clubs are common among adventurers. City guards who do not intend to shed blood use clubs in law enforcement, thieves who wish merely to steal a purse carry them, and humble peasants or street urchins who cannot afford a sword may wield a stout piece of wood. If anyone anticipates a life filled with tavern brawls, proficiency with the club is a must.

"Druids favor clubs, since they can cast shillelagh spells on the wood. Carrying a weapon made of wood, an organic, natural material, is preferable to using iron, since many self-respecting druids will use metal weapons only as a last resort.''

-- Archdruid Heather Rose

The versatility of the club is shown in the Bayeux Tapestry, which depicts squads of Saxons wielding clubs as both melee weapons and missile weapons. Some cultures decorate their clubs or even carve the club heads into representations of the creatures they expect to hunt.

Crossbow, Light and Heavy

A crossbow is a bow mounted crosswise on a wooden or metal shaft, the latter called a tiller. The bow is usually made of ash or yew. The crossbow fires a quarrel (also called a bolt).

Crossbows are loaded by pulling the string back until it locks onto a nut fitted on the tiller. A man's strength is enough to pull the bow to the locking position, although heavier crossbows with more powerful bows require a mechanical aid. The most effective of these devices is the windlass, a series of pulleys and crank handles fitted at the crossbow's stock. For crossbows that do not have the windlass, a stirrup is fitted on the front of the crossbow. When resetting the bow, the firer places his foot in the stirrup in order to keep the bow off the ground while he is pulling the string up to the locking position.

The main differences between the light and heavy crossbows are the size of the quarrel and the presence of a stirrup, which is found only on the heavy crossbow. Heavy and light crossbows are more correctly referred to as two-foot and one-foot crossbows, respectively. This term refers to the length of the quarrels.

The one-foot crossbow is made with a steel tiller and is quite rugged. It may be easily concealed beneath flowing garments such as cloaks or robes. It is frowned upon by the more lawful, civilized cities.

Although bows cannot be used underwater, the crossbow can, since the tension produced by the weapon overcomes the water resistance. Underwater races such as the locathah, mermen, and tritons use crossbows of both heavy and light varieties.

Crossbow, Hand

This deadly little bow is a pistol-sized weapon made with a steel tiller. It is more easily concealed than the light crossbow and its use is considered unethical in civilized society. Hand crossbows have a reloading mechanism built into the tiller.

"Apparently, the drow couldn't care less about the hand crossbow's reputation, since they favor this weapon in all encounters. Derro also use hand crossbows, probably a habit they picked up from their fellow subterranean dwellers, the drow.

"Of all the crossbows, light crossbows were the first to be developed. Their rate of fire and range are their main advantages. But damage potential is less than that of a bow and arrow.

"Heavy crossbows have better range and damage potential, but they can fire only once every other round. If a warrior does not kill his opponent with the first shot, he may not get another chance.

"It would be foolish to dismiss the crossbow completely. Heavy and light crossbows have better ranges than their respective bow counterparts, the long and short bows. The best tactic when using a crossbow is to assemble a line of people, all armed with these weapons, who unleash a devastating volley at an enemy.

"Hand crossbows are easily concealed, have an adequate rate of fire, and good range for such a small weapon. On the other hand, damage potential is worse than that of a dagger, and the weapon may be banned in some lawful kingdoms or cities. Some societies, such as the drow, place poison on their bolts in order to immobilize an opponent.''

-- Emryl Aelorthas, Professional Bowyer


Quarrels or bolts are the ammunition fired by crossbows regardless of the weapon's size. Crossbows are rated as one-footers or two-footers, according to the bolt's length. Quarrels are shaped like arrows, but the shafts are shorter and thicker. The quarrel heads used for warfare are conical or pyramid-shaped iron heads.

European crossbows have existed since the 4th century AD and at first were used primarily for hunting. By 1000 AD, crossbows had been adopted for warfare. Use began to wane upon the advent of the English long bow, for despite the fact that the crossbow was a more powerful weapon with better range and was easier to use in close quarters, the rate of fire of a bow was a huge psychological advantage. The most talented makers and users of the crossbow were the Italians, whose Genoese mercenary crossbowmen were the best in the world.

Although heavy and light crossbows enjoyed a favorable reputation among military commanders, these weapons suffered a bad reputation. The crossbow was so lethal that Pope Innocent II banned its use in 1139 AD. The edict was later changed, however, so that Crusaders could use it against Moslems.

Light crossbows were considered unethical weapons, and were often banned between the 16th and 18th centuries. The light crossbow was primarily used as a hunting weapon.

The crossbow was originally developed in China, culminating in a sturdy, reliable model during the Han Dynasty, circa 206 BC. This particular crossbow model, some scholars believe, was seen as early as about 36 BC by about 100 Roman soldiers who were taken prisoner in Central Asia. Such experiences or the trade routes that eventually opened passed the concept of the crossbow from East to West.

Initially, the European crossbow was made with a wooden stave. This construction, however, does not give optimum power to the bolt's flight. By the end of the 11th century, it is believed that many crossbow staves were made of composite construction, usually horn and sinew in conjunction with wood (usually yew). This method of crossbow making came from the Saracens, and the Saracen influence in southern Europe explains why the area became well known for crossbow manufacturing and use.


The typical dagger has a pointed, usually double-edged blade, as opposed to a knife, which has a single edge and is a bit shorter than the dagger.

The dagger is one of man's oldest weapons. The first daggers were most likely hand-held spearheads used by cavemen, made of bone or stone. Bone daggers are made from the bones of large animals such as reindeer and bison, with one end sharpened and the handle carved to resemble the animal from which the bones came. Such daggers are relatively fragile, and stone replaced bone when early man discovered how to work with stone.

Stone daggers are more difficult to make due to the composition of stone. Most stone daggers are made of flint, a hard stone that can be worked easily. The flint is chipped until the proper shape is achieved, usually that of a broad leaf, then it is sometimes lashed to a wooden handle. This sort of stone dagger has a major weak point: the place where the blade is attached to the handle. Primitive tribes know that the best stone dagger is made from a single piece of stone with the dagger's handle consisting of a straight section of stone. The handle is then wrapped in hide for a good grip. The average stone dagger measures 12 inches long.

When man began working with copper and bronze, the technique of making a dagger's handle and blade from a single piece of material remained. Blade lengths increased up to 24 inches long, and when the length exceeded this, a new weapon, the short sword, was born.

Some weaponsmiths have turned dagger making into an art form, decorating the handles, crossguards, and even the blades, with beautiful carvings. Some daggers are decorated with carved scenes derived from a culture's mythology.

With the advent of swords, the dagger was relegated to the role of back-up weapon. In fact, the average Roman soldier did not carry a dagger, but his Teutonic barbarian enemy used them. As the barbarian's influence swept over Europe, the dagger was given new life.

Daggers with steel blades became necessary in order to penetrate armor. Although knights carried daggers, they were considered a weapon of last resort.

The modern handshake derives from a habit used by bodyguards. They would take the hand of anyone visiting the king and shake his arm, hoping to dislodge any dagger concealed in the visitor's sleeve.

Dagger, Dirk

A dirk has qualities of both the dagger and the knife. While useful as a weapon, it was designed for a variety of uses. It is a version of the ballock knife (or "kidney dagger"). The dirk has two round, symmetrical globes at the base of the handle, where the handle meets the blade. The grip itself emerges from between the globes and is flared at the top. The blade is often made from a large shard of a sword blade. The dirk is a single-edged, grooved weapon with a back edge near the point. It usually features a decorative notch at the base.

Most dirks have a special scabbard that has two small pockets in the front, one for a knife and one for a fork, used by warriors in the field as an early mess kit.

The dirk is a Scottish weapon, carried by Highlanders, making its appearance in the late 17th century. The grip is usually leather, ivy root, or ivory. In the 18th century, the dirk was sometimes mounted in silver or gold. Though normally considered a civilian weapon, the dirk was produced as a military blade when Scottish men were incorporated into Britain's regular army.

"A dagger is great because it's easy to conceal, it's good in close-fighting or as a backup weapon, and its shape allows it to be hurled. It has only a few problems--it's a short weapon, with neither the reach nor the damage potential of a sword.

"A dagger makes a handy tool as well. Soldiers and adventurers use their daggers as eating utensils. Owning a sharp blade that is easily carried makes life easier (just try drawing a long sword to cut some bread or a piece of rope!).

"My favorite advantage of a dagger is that when you rely on stealth, you can use a dagger to dispatch a foe and draw less attention than resorting to a sword, in which case you might as well yell out your intentions. This is one reason why those of us who attack our enemies indirectly savor the dagger and usually carry at least two.''

-- Jasmine, Halfling Thief

Dagger, Parrying

This specialized type of dagger is used in conjunction with a sword. It is used to catch or break an opponent's sword. Some versions of this dagger are equipped with spring blades that split into three blades at the push of a button. When such a dagger is employed in this fashion, it cannot be thrown successfully.

Most parrying daggers have long, straight or curved quillions, and a tough side ring that extends perpendicular to the blade in order to protect the user's fingers.

Unlike the main-gauche, the parrying dagger is made for a specific purpose, to deflect or break an opponent's weapon. The main-gauche, while also good for parrying, is less of a weapon-breaker.


The dart is a small, easily concealable missile weapon that is thrown rather than fired from a bow or other launcher.

Darts are known to exist among advanced caveman tribes. These darts are usually small, wooden shafts fitted with a head of bone or stone.

In modern cultures, darts have leaf or arrow-shaped heads and stabilizers on the shaft's butt end, much like miniature arrows.

Many cultures use darts for sport, hunting, and warfare on land and sea. Lizard men use barbed darts.

"Darts are small, easy to hide, and have a good rate of fire. Range is slightly better than a dagger, but darts cause less damage. Darts may be smeared with various toxins to make them more effective. It makes sense to fire darts at their maximum rate (three per round), which not only gives the thrower three chances of hitting, but also offsets the low damage potential by offering the possibility of multiple hits.

"A dart is a good weapon to throw at a spellcaster. As long as one dart hits a spellcaster, the latter's spell is ruined, regardless of the damage caused. Of course, this is why many spellcasters carry darts. Most are nimble enough to use them effectively, and if they are unable to cast a spell but see an enemy spellcaster about to cast, a dart can ruin the spell. It helps to be a sharp-eyed, quick-thinking, nimble, handsome fellow such as myself.''

-- Malraz Alizar the Magnificent, Illusionist Without Peer


This heavy iron weapon is similar to a large-animal goad. It is about the length of a short sword. One end is sharp, with a heavy hooked point below it.


The flail is a sturdy wooden handle attached to an iron rod, a wooden rod with spikes, or a spiked iron ball. Between the handle and its implement is either a hinge or chain link. The weapon was originally used as a tool for threshing grain. Whether a flail is used by a foot soldier or a horseman, the principle is the same.

Rumors tell that the flinds' flindbars are in fact a variation of the flail. This has not been substantiated, and the flinds have no wish to cooperate in the research.

Footman's Flail

The footman's flail has a handle approximately four feet in length. It otherwise conforms to the above description.

Horseman's Flail

The horseman's version of the flail has a two-foot-long handle. The horseman already has a good positional advantage, sitting atop a horse, and consequently does not need the greater reach afforded by the long handle of the footman's flail. This is a one-handed weapon.

"In the adventurer's world, a flail can be used by warriors or priests, especially if the latter is not allowed edged weapons. The footman's flail causes more damage, since the longer pole enables the wielder to make a stronger swing. This is a good weapon to use in subduing someone, or even for a disarming maneuver. Bear in mind that the footman's flail is a two-handed weapon, whereas the horseman's flail is one-handed.

"There is certainly no problem in a footman using a horseman's flail, although it is not a good habit. A foot soldier would be better off with a different blunt weapon that can cause more damage or have more versatility, such as a warhammer.''

-- Brother George, Cleric

The followers of Peter the Hermit who fought in the Crusades in the 11th and 12th centuries used flails, placing spikes on the short flail heads. This adaptation gave rise to other modifications, such as replacing the second bar with two or more iron balls attached by chains.

Footman's flails were used mostly in the 13th and 14th centuries by foot soldiers, especially peasant troops, while the horseman's version enjoyed use by cavalry troops during the same time period.

Flails were used as late as the 1920's by Polish peasants against Soviet troops.

Fukimi-bari (mouth darts)

These small darts are held in the mouth and blown into the face of an opponent as a surprise attack. Up to ten of them can be carried in the mouth. They can be fired singly or all at once. When fired singly, a normal attack roll is made for each dart; a successful hit does 1d2 hp damage. When fired in bursts, the die used is equal to twice the number fired. Thus is four darts are fired at once, then 1d8 is rolled for damage.

Obliviously since the darts are carried in the mouth, they cannot be poisoned (unless the user is willing to suffer the effects of the poison as well). Furthermore, the darts have a very poor range and are almost never effective against any type of armor; wielders of this weapon suffer a -6 penalty to the attack roll when firing at an armored target. However these darts do have the advantage of surprise and distraction because they are a hidden weapon.


The gaff or hook is actually a tool used to hook and land fish. It is commonly found where fishing boats are encountered, and the hooks are in plentiful supply, affording the disarmed adventurer a weapon of last resort.

The gaff consists of a metal hook with a wooden or metal crossbar at the base. A one-handed tool, the hook protrudes from between the middle and ring fingers.

Some sailors who have lost a hand have a cup with a gaff hook attached to the stump, guaranteeing that they are never without a weapon.

"Ya don't often see adventurers whacking away with gaffs. To them, it's only a tool. But more often than not, dock workers, press gangs, pirates, and sailors have a pretty good swing with those hooks.''

-- Rych the Seeker, Harbormaster

Gunsen (war fan)

This iron fans main use is defensive, counting as a small shield. However it can be used to strike blows . It is normally considered a fall back weapon.

Hanbo (half staff)

This 2-3 foot stick is used as a weapon; practitioners often carry one in each hand. The statistics for the hanbo are used when a sword sheath is used as a weapon. (See ninja-to)

Hand or Throwing Axe

The hand axe or throwing axe is also known as a hatchet. The axe blade has a sharp steel tip, counterbalanced by a pointed fluke. The short handle has a point on the bottom and the head may have a spike on top.

This weapon is often used by barbarian tribes. Some hand axes are carried on the saddles of knights and horsemen, who respect this weapon after seeing barbarians wield the axes effectively.

Despite this acceptance by civilized folk, the throwing axe is often relegated to backup weapon status since the creation of the battleaxe, whose longer handle gives the wielder greater force in his swing. The maximum length of the hand axe's handle is about 18 inches, not very great, though better than a dagger's reach in hand-to-hand combat. The throwing axe's last advantage, its ability to be hurled, was eclipsed with the advent of better bows such as the long bow.

Short races such as gnomes make good use of hand axes. The gnomes' traditional enemies, the kobolds, also use hand axes. The weapon's size is small enough to be wielded properly, and it can be hurled as a last resort. Dwarves, of course, are far more interested in the heavier battleaxe.

"The throwing axe is a good backup weapon for an adventurer. It can be used in melee combat or as a missile weapon, although with mediocre range. The weapon is also useful as a general tool, especially to outdoor types such as rangers, who often need a good tool to hack away at undergrowth in order to blaze a trail.''

-- Dalraun Ironedge, Ranger


The harpoon is a hunting weapon, which, in times of duress, may be used for defense. Its development by primeval man was for hunting marine mammals and large fish.

The first harpoons were merely pointed sticks. Later, these became sticks with a sharp head of horn or bone. The heads often had hooks cut into them for increased damage and to hold the harpoon fast in the beast's flesh. The head was then fitted or attached to the end of the shaft, secured by animal sinews.

Metal harpoon heads evolved later, most with pointed or barbed heads. These heads are usually detachable from the shaft, but are connected to the thrower by a cord attached between the point and the barb.

When a hunter throws the harpoon and hits an animal, he follows the victim as best he can, playing out as much rope as needed until the beast tires and dies.

Some creatures may be of sufficient intelligence to try to free themselves from the harpoon. If the target has Intelligence of 2 or greater and some means of dislodging the hook or breaking the line, it is allowed a saving throw vs. poison. Success means the victim is freed. Failure means the harpoon is still attached, the victim takes another hit point of damage, and is drawn 10' closer to the harpoon's wielder. The victim is pulled toward the wielder only if a concentrated attempt is made and the victim is of a size and weight that makes this possible (e.g., a harpooned whale cannot be hauled in by a fighter with 13 Strength).

Certain primitive jungle tribes traditionally use harpoons to hunt wild boar. Kuo-toa, the aquatic subterranean fish-men, favor the harpoon with as many nasty barbs on the weapon as possible.

Harpoons may be used one- or two-handed, and there is no change in speed factor for using it one way or the other. This is a definite advantage. On the other hand, the harpoon has a poor throwing range, and damage potential is less when it is used one-handed, much like a bastard sword. The harpoon is a common weapon in coastal areas, but its primary function is not as a weapon against an intelligent opponent.

Adventurers on ships may experiment with fitting harpoons onto ballista launchers, if the DM permits. This may be especially handy if the PCS are hunting some sea creature that they must haul back to port.


Javelins are classified as light spears, suitable for melee or missile combat, usable either on horseback or on foot. The weapon has been around since man's earliest days. The javelin head is not very large, and is usually leaf-or lancet-shaped. Javelin heads may have barbs.

As a weapon of war, the javelin has low popularity, though it is often used for hunting purposes. Javelins are also used as a ceremonial weapon of bodyguards in civilized nations. Halberdier yeomen are often assigned javelins.

Javelin throwing is a common contest of the games of sport of ancient civilizations.

Javelins may be used either one- or two-handed, and like the harpoon, there is no difference in speed factor between the two styles. The javelin has a respectable throwing range, certainly better than that of a spear, with damage potential comparable to the spear. Like the harpoon, the javelin gives the adventurer the advantage of a weapon that may be used effectively either as a melee weapon or as a missile weapon.

Many drow carry javelins, often coating the weapons with the same poison they use on crossbow bolts. Kobolds also use javelins, as any weapon which inflicts damage from a long distance is embraced by that cowardly race. Advanced races of lizard men are also javelin users.


This tapered iron bar has a short hook projecting near the handle. It is not sharp. The jitte is used to catch weapons and block attacks. It can be used to strike blows. The jitte shares a WP with the sai.

Jo stick

This stick weapon is about 4 feet in length, between the hanbo and staff in size. It can be used one handed or in pairs. The jo is a favorite weapon of the ninja because it is innocuous; it is also called the shinobi-zue.

Kama (sickle)

This straight bladed sickle is a farmer?s tool that can also be used as a weapon to great effect. Ninja like this weapon because it can be carried without arousing suspicion. The damage values given for it are for a freshly sharpened weapon. After use in the field for several hours, a kama will be considerably duller, and may, at the DM?s discretion, have reduced values for damage.

Kau sin ke (whipping chain)

This weapon consists of four to six short iron bars connected by several lengths of chain. Its origins can be traced to the agricultural flail. Used properly, it can be a deadly weapon; the iron bars can wrap around shields to land crushing blows. However, because it is not as flexible as a normal chain or rope weapon, it can not be used to make entangling attacks.

Kawanaga (grapnel)

This is a length of rope, with a grappling hook at one end and a weight at the other, it is both a tool and a weapon. It can be used as a weapon by swinging the hook or the weight at an opponent. The grappling hook can also be used for climbing, and the rope can be used to entangle the opponent. This type of weapon is popular with ninja because it has several uses and is easily concealed.

Kiseru (pipe)

This is a tobacco pipe made of metal. Its innocent appearance conceals its use as a clubbing weapon. It is popular with peasants and monks because it is cheap and easy to make and does not appear to be dangerous. It can also be used for smoking.


A knife consists of a single-edged, pointed blade with a handle mounted asymmetrically. It is an early weapon, used even by primitive tribes. In these cultures, a knife is little more than a flint blade with one or two cutting edges.

Bone knives are little more than a sharpened piece of bone, often decorated in the same way as daggers. Like other bone weapons, bone knives are apt to shatter.

True knives appeared when man began using alloys such as bronze. A knife was cast from a single piece of bronze, with a single straight edge or slightly curved blade. The curvature is often accentuated near the point.

When man began using iron, knife handles went through a change. The malleability of iron made it easy to create and keep a sharp edge, while also enabling the maker to extend the blade into a flat tang, which was then covered with sidepieces of wood, bone, or horn. This made the handles easier to decorate. In primitive civilizations, knives are used as an all-purpose tool, on the hunting grounds, and as a tool of sacrifice.

Different forms of knives may be found among the different peoples who depend heavily on this useful tool. Small knives are made for domestic uses, longer knives for hunting and war.

Small knives exhibit their own evolution, resulting in the common man's small knife with a four-inch blade and a plain handle of bone or horn. The more influential citizen may have a knife with a handle of rock crystal or other stone, enclosed in a precious metal. Despite the great value of these knives, they are not as effective in combat as the larger knives (-1 to attack and damage rolls).

Non-domestic knives, or outdoor knives, have stronger blades and sharper points. They are carried in their own sheaths, or in the scabbard of a larger weapon, such as a sword, creating a specialized set.

In some areas, knife makers are prohibited from selling knives with leaf-shaped blades. Such decrees are an effort to prevent such knives from being carried casually. The leaf shape causes a large, gaping wound that bleeds heavily.

"Though it seems as if a dagger and a knife are very much alike, there are important differences. A knife is lighter than a dagger. Its shape does not allow it to be thrown as easily, which explains why the lighter knife has the same throwing range as a dagger. The knife causes only slightly less damage than the dagger. Both weapons have the same rate of fire. The dagger is less a tool and more a weapon, while it can be argued that the reverse applies to the knife.

"An adventurer of high station way wish to have a knife and a sword of similar design, both housed in one scabbard. Such a thing is certainly considered a status symbol (definitely a mixed blessing).

"A big advantage of knives is that they are found everywhere. Cooks, trappers, and hunters are but three occupations that justify carrying a knife.''

-- Peripim Furfoot, Halfling Adventurer and Professional Cook

Knife handles historically exhibited wide variations in materials and workmanship. Cast silver knife handles were popular in the 16th century, inlaid mother-of-pearl was in vogue in the 17th century, porcelain handles were popular in the 18th century, and carved ivory and bone with fine silver plate was the trend in the 19th century.

Nations or cultural groups created knives that suited their particular styles or customs. A common knife in southern Europe, for instance, had a blade that folded toward the handle, with the cutting edge housed in a special groove. In Spain, these were called the Navaja, and in Italy the Serramancio. We know them today as clasp knives or jackknives.

By far the most famous knife of the past two centuries was a heavy, single-edged, sharply pointed blade with a small handle with wooden sidepieces. The knife was designed for melee combat. This knife was much in use in the American West, and was named for its creator: Colonel James Bowie.

Kusari-gama (chain sickle)

This variation of the kama (sickle) was designed specifically for combat. It is a kama with a length of weighted chain attached to the butt end of the handle. The kusari-gama can be used in several ways: The user can attack with the kama in hand, he can club and entangle with the weighted chain, or he can whirl the kama at the end of the chain. This weapon is relatively easy to make and is favored by both peasants and ninja.


This is a simple length of rope with a sharp hooked blade at one end and a heavy iron ring at the other. Its uses are similar to those of a standard chain weapon. The rope can be swung to attack with the blade or weight, snapped around the feet or arms to entangle, or held while striking with the blade. Although the rope is far easier to cut or break than a chain, the weapon is often used by ninja because it is almost silent. It is easy to conceal and can be worn as a belt or under a sash.


The term "lance" originally referred to spears wielded by footmen and cavalry. It eventually referred only to cavalry spears.

Lance design varies between cultures and eras. Generally, the lance is a long shaft of tough wood, usually ash, with an iron head in the shape of a laurel or willow leaf, with cutting edges and a sharp point meant to penetrate armor.

Lances are meant to be gripped close to the bottom, putting a great distance between the wielder and his target. As a rule, the lance is aimed diagonally above the horse's neck. The opponents face each other with their left sides oncoming.

Along with almost any variety of sword, the lance is considered the best offensive weapon for mounted soldiers. Some knights carry a small fabric pennant affixed just below the lance head. These pennants are either triangular or square, and carry the colors or symbols of the knight's family or liege.

In parades, lances are held vertically, with the butt set in a stirrup or on the horseman's right thigh. On a march, the lance is held across the shoulder, across the saddlebow, or horizontally alongside the horse.

Through evolution, weaponsmiths sought to increase the damage caused by the lance by making them heavier.

One of the biggest problems with using a lance is the jarring impact on the user. In order to address this problem, a thick leather ring called a graper is fitted to the shaft just behind the wielder's hand. This acts as a stop against the armpit, halting the lance's rearward motion upon impact.

Another important part of a lance is a rest. The rest is a small, sometimes folding bracket fixed to the right side of the knight's breastplate armor. The graper is leaned against this rest when the lance is in use. The rest enables the knight to get the maximum push from his lance, inflicting the most damage.

The difference between the light, medium, and heavy, lances stems from the length (10' for a light, 12' for a medium, and 14' for a heavy), and weight (five pounds, ten pounds, and fifteen pounds for light, medium, and heavy respectively).

Each lance type can be used only if the rider is on a horse of corresponding type or greater. Thus, a knight on a heavy warhorse can use any lance, while the scout on a light warhorse is limited to the light lance.

Jousting Lance

Jousting lances, used in "jousts of peace," are the heaviest lances, weighing 20 pounds and measuring at least 13 feet long. These lances are fitted with a three-pronged head in order to prevent armor penetration. The prongs are short, blunt projections that emerge from the headpiece, as opposed to a sharp point. This lance is also known as a "courtesy lance." In a full tilt, a joust of war, the head is blunt and may actually cause fatalities.

Locathah riding on the backs of giant eels use light lances.

"Light lances can be used as a polearm by adventurers who do not relish combat on horseback, preferring instead to meet the enemy on foot. It can be hard to wield a heavy lance in a forest, so a medium lance may be a good compromise.

"Lances are best used as a mounted weapon. When used from the back of a charging mount, it inflicts double damage.

"Nothing is more awe-inspiring than a mounted knight, wielding her lance and charging a dragon. Of such things legends are made, and no mounted warrior worth his salt should be without his lance, especially a paladin. I know I have mine!''

-- Maura Smallwood, Paladin

The lance's history can be traced to the Middle East, and was widely used by Greco-Roman horsemen.

Though rendered obsolescent in 1600 by the advent of firearms, lances were still used by light cavalry until the 19th century, with many European armies maintaining use of the lance in the Russian Civil War and World War I. Two of the most well-known uses of the lance in the 20th century were the Polish lancers' charges against German armor in 1939, and the Italian charges against the Russians in 1942.


A lasso is a length of rope with a loop at one end, tied with a knot that enables the loop to be tightened. The wielder twirls the lasso and throws the loop at the intended target. If it hits, the lasso has encircled the target, enabling the attacker to dismount the victim, make him fall, pin him, strangle him, etc. The wielder must specify exactly what he wants the lasso to accomplish before making his attack roll.

A successful hit does not cause damage to the target, but incidental damage can occur from the results of certain actions performed with the lasso, such as making someone fall or strangling a victim.

The many tricks which can be performed with a lasso are outlined in the Equipment Chapter of The Complete Fighter's Handbook.

A lasso may be severed by 2 hit points of cutting damage. A victim's Strength can break a lasso, using the character's Bend Bars/Lift Gates roll. Only one attempt can be made on any one lasso.

Lassos are also called lariats. Characters can take lasso as a weapon proficiency, but they should remember that the Rope Use nonweapon proficiency gives a +2 bonus to hit with a lasso.

"Lasso? What sort of heroic weapon is a lasso? What is a warrior going to do, tie up his victim and make him die of embarrassment? Bah! If a warrior is so keen on using a length of hemp rope, let him learn Rope Use. That way, not only is there a better chance at hitting a victim with a lasso than if he were proficient with the lasso as a weapon, but the adventurer will also pick up many more tricks, rather than wasting time trying to become expert at throwing silly loops of rope! Lassos, indeed!''

-- Kedar the Dark, Warrior Lord of Adauntlynn


The mace is a direct descendant of the basic club, being nothing more than a wooden club with a stone or iron head mounted on one end. The head design varies, with some being spiked, others flanged, and still others with pyramidical knobs.

The mace has existed since man began working with metal. The first maces were made in order to give the club wielder more power in his swing.

High-level priests, knights, and even paladins may have a personalized, decorated mace that serves primarily as a symbol of rank.

Since the mace is a weapon that requires very little in the way of specialized training, it is a favored weapon among goblins.

Footman's Mace

Footman's maces originated as heavy wooden truncheons, about two and a half feet in length and covered with iron studs. As time went by, flanged heads similar to the horsemen's mace were used instead. This mace is a two-handed weapon.

There are two different types of footman's maces: an emergency weapon made from materials at hand and thrown together by a blacksmith, and the maces made by professional weaponsmiths for troops. In order to reflect the difference between the two types, the homemade mace should be given a -1 penalty to attack and damage rolls.

The hasty, emergency maces are usually a wooden handle with any sort of metal head attached.

Horseman's Mace

The first horseman's maces were a wooden handle, about 18 inches long, with a leather wrist strap at the bottom of the handle so the weapon would not be dropped, and a metal head. As time progressed, knights preferred to have maces made entirely of metal.

The horseman's mace became an important weapon to the knight. Knights usually keep a mace slung over a hook on the saddlebow. Not surprisingly, an alternate name for the horseman's mace is the knight's mace. This type of mace is a one-handed weapon.

"Maces are a step up from the basic club, and are a good weapon especially for priests who cannot use edged weapons. Adventurers may find that the horseman's mace is actually a good secondary weapon for a footman, though the reverse is certainly not true!

"A mace is specially made for crushing things, especially helmets and armor.''

-- Brother "Helmsbane'' Maynard

The Romans armed their allied auxiliaries with bronze-headed maces, although they never used maces themselves.

Two styles of mace head patterns emerged before the 14th century. The first was a ferrule from which extended knot or node-shaped pieces, and the second was a geometrically designed head with vanes (conical or diamond-shaped flanges).

Gothic influence in the 14th century made maces more decorative, a trend which ended in the 16th century, when maces were given a more military form. Eastern European maces, especially those from Poland and Hungary, had onion-shaped heads, an idea taken from the Turkish maces. Maces were used as a weapon up until the 18th century.

During the Middle Ages, arming oneself with a mace took on significance among nobles and army commanders. The mace became a preferred weapon among wealthy or illustrious users, and it became symbolic of power, wealth, and renown. These maces were shaped or decorated in a manner that represented the wielder. Thus, the owner of a mace became recognized as a person of prominence and rank, with the number of ribs and flanges on the mace indicating the owner's status.


The main-gauche (French for "left hand") is a large dagger with a basket hilt. Since most swordsmen use their right hand to wield a sword, this dagger is meant for the left hand, wielded as a defensive weapon when a warrior is using the two-handed fighting technique. The main-gauche is also called a "left-hand dagger."

The heavy basket of the main-gauche is the equivalent of an iron gauntlet for the purposes of hand-to-hand combat.

Fighters proficient with main-gauche gain a +1 bonus to hit with Disarm and Parry maneuvers. More information on fighting styles and maneuvers can be found in The Complete Fighter's Handbook in the Combat chapter.

"A main-gauche causes the same damage as a normal dagger, but the former is designed especially for defense. It's important not to confuse the main-gauche with the parrying dagger. The latter has a different design, including longer quillions and sometimes a triple blade. A parrying dagger also has a greater likelihood of breaking an opponent's weapon. A main-gauche offers better protection to the user's hand. In any case, it is quite a sight to see a warrior using a sword in one hand and a main-gauche in the other.''

-- Mendrill Halfelven, Bard


A mancatcher is a polearm with a special function: to capture an opponent without killing him. The weapon consists of a long pole with a set of spring-loaded, sharpened jaws at one end. The victim is caught between the jaws, which then snap shut.

The target, regardless of armor and other defensive devices (magical or otherwise), is treated as AC 10, though appropriate Dexterity bonuses are allowed. If a hit is scored, the opponent is caught, losing shield and Dexterity bonuses. In addition, the victim can be pushed and pulled around at the whim of the mancatcher's wielder.

While caught in the mancatcher, the victim suffers 1d2 hit points of damage per round. There is a 25% chance that the trapped character will fall to the ground.

The victim may attempt to escape the grip of a mancatcher by making a successful bend bars/lift gates roll, but he suffers an extra 1d2 points of damage while breaking away.

"Mancatchers are good for pulling horsemen off their mounts and pinning them to the ground, but the weapon is only good on man-sized opponents. Smaller creatures like goblins and kobolds can just slip on through, and the larger creatures don't have the right frame, though why anyone would want to capture any of these disgusting things alive is beyond me.

"Mancatchers are used often by that foul, subterranean race of fish-men, the kuo-toa. Some adventurers who may have suffered the depredations of the kuo-toa and who see a character wielding a mancatcher may get a bit upset. Often, it's best to steer clear of weapons that remind certain people of certain races, unless of course, someone is really good with the weapon in question!''

-- Troxel the Unpredictable

Manriki-gusari (chain)

This simple length of chain with weights at each end can be whirled quickly, striking with hard lows from the weights. One end can be swung out to entangle an opponent, or the weapon can be thrown, entangling and causing damage at the same time. The manriki-gusari is popular in areas where the lord has forbidden the use or wearing of other weapons, or when secrecy is required. It can be worn as a belt or hidden under a sash. It is often used by ninja because it has a great number of uses.

Metsubishi (blinding powders)

A small wooden device, similar to a short blowgun (1-2 feet long), is used to blow a puff of powder into an opponents face. It has a mouthpiece at one end, a chamber for holding the powder, and a small tube at the other end. The most common powders are peppers, ashes, and dusts. This weapon is often used by ninjas for distraction and escape, and by city constables when attempting to capture a criminal.

Ash or dust

This like the pepper powder is put into the face of the opponent. All targets are considered AC 6, plus Dexterity bonus. This ignores the AC value of armor but must hit the upper chest or face area of an opponent. On a successful attack roll, the dust goes into the face of the opponent. They get a saving throw vs. poison. If he makes the save, he is unaffected. If he fails the roll, he is blinded for 1d6 rounds.


This is just like dust, except for if the save fails than the opponent is incapacitated with choking and coughing for 1d6 round.

Morning Star

The morning star is a wooden shaft topped with a metal head made up of a spiked iron sheath. Morning stars have an overall length of about four feet. Some such weapons have a round, oval, or cylindrical shaped head studded with spikes. Extending from most morning star heads, regardless of design, is a long point for thrusting.

The weapon is designed to allow the wielder to inflict greater damage with his swing. The weighted, spiked head adds to this ability significantly.

Long-handled morning stars are used by foot soldiers, while the short-handled versions are used by horsemen. It is a very popular weapon due to its effectiveness and its simplicity of production.

The morning star traces its ancestry to the mace, which in turn traces its lineage back to the club.

Hobgoblins, a race that takes great delight in inflicting pain, often use morning stars. Troglodytes use stone morning stars.

"Morning stars are clubs with a real nasty attitude. They can cause as much damage to a man as a long sword, probably because of them spikes. I hear tell that the morning star is called a bludgeoning weapon as well as a piercing weapon, but tell me, have you ever seen a sharp spike hit someone at high speeds and have that called bludgeoning?''

-- Suriel, Cleric of Tyr

The morning star was derived from the Swiss Morgenstern (literally: "morning star"), and was used during the 16th and 17th centuries, especially in England. The weapon had the perverse nickname of "holy water sprinkler."

The morning star was popular from the Middle Ages to the late 17th century, though its use continued among peasants and poor urban militiamen and gangs up to the 19th century.

Nage teppo (grenades)

These small grenade like weapons are popular with ninja the versions detailed on the weapons list explode on contact with the target. The versions below are eggshell grenades which burst on contact with their target. All eggshell grenades are fragile. If a character carrying these items falls ten feet or more and suffers damage, the player must roll a 16 or better on a save vs. crushing blow for each grenade carried. If the roll fails, the grenade bursts and is useless, but unless it was being carried near the characters face, it will do no harm. These are the four types.

Dust (2 gp)

This grenade is thrown into the face of the opponent. All targets are considered AC 6, plus Dexterity bonus. This ignores the AC value of armor but must hit the upper chest or face area of an opponent. On a successful attack roll, the dust goes into the face of the opponent. They get a saving throw vs. poison. If he makes the save, he is unaffected. If he fails the roll, he is blinded for 1d6 rounds.

Flash powder (25 gp)

When this grenade is thrown into a fire, it explodes in a brilliant flash of light, blinding everyone who is looking in that direction. The blindness lasts 1d3 rounds. If the DM does not know where the character is looking, the character must make a saving throw vs. petrification. If the character is more than 10 feet from the fire, he gets a +2 bonus to the save; more than 20 feet away, a +4 bonus. Maximum range for the effect is 30 feet.

Pepper (5 gp)

This is just like dust, except for if the save fails than the opponent is incapacitated with choking and coughing for 1d6 round.

Smoke (25 gp)

This grenade can be thrown against a wall, the ground, or even a fire. When thrown against a wall or the ground, it creates a smoky area equivalent to a light fog in a 5 foot radius. (These grenades would give you a round or two to make an escape) When thrown into a fire the grenades create a smoky area equivalent to a dense fog in a 10 foot radius.


Although hardly an effective weapon, needles are occasionally carried by a ninja for distraction or surprise. Like the fukimi-bari, they are carried in the mouth, and fired by spitting or blowing (using the tongue as the blowpipe). Up to 20 needles can be carried in the mouth. The needles can be fired singly or all at once. When fired singly, a normal attack roll is made for each needle with each needle doing 1 hp damage. When fired in bursts, the die equal to the number of needles fired is rolled to determine the damage. Thus, if all needles are fired at once then 1d20 is rolled for damage.

Obliviously since the needles are carried in the mouth, they cannot be poisoned (unless the user is willing to suffer the effects of the poison as well). Furthermore, the needles have a very poor range and are almost never effective against any type of armor; wielders of this weapon suffer a -6 penalty to the attack roll when firing at an armored target.

Nekode (climbing claws)

This dual-purposed ninja tool is a pair of straps or gloves fitted with spikes in the palm. By hammering the spikes into cracks in walls or cliffs to give a better grip, the user of nekode receives a 10% bonus to his climb walls skill.

Nekode can also be used to claw opponents for small amounts of damage. A character can still wield other weapons without penalty while wearing them though. Nekode are usually only worn when needed, because they easily identify the user as a ninja or thief.


The net is a tool that has been used as a weapon since the days when emerging civilizations held gladiatorial arena combat. This version of the net is an eight- to twelve-foot diameter circular net with weights around the edges and a trailing rope used to guide the net and pull it away. It is usually folded in such a way that it twirls open when thrown. It is tossed with one hand, with the attacker holding onto the guide rope with the other hand.

A successful hit with this weapon means that the victim is netted and must try to break free by making a Strength check once per round until successful. The netted victim cannot make any sort of attack until the net has been shaken off.

On the round after the victim is netted, the attacker has several options for his next action, including using another weapon to strike the entangled victim. The victim loses his Dexterity and shield bonuses to armor class until he is freed.

The attacker may improve his grip on the victim by looping the trailing rope around the netted character. This requires a normal attack roll for success, and the victim loses 4 points of effective Strength (for determining success of freeing oneself from the net) per successful round of attack. If the victim's Strength is reduced to zero, he is hopelessly tangled and cannot escape unless helped by someone outside the net.

If a warrior throws a net and misses, it is open and unfolded. It may still be thrown, but it is no longer folded correctly and is consequently an unwieldy weapon. Attackers suffer a -3 penalty to hit when throwing an unfolded net.

A properly folded net allows the attacker to perform Disarm, Parry, and Pin maneuvers. Such attacks are at a -3 to hit if the net is unfolded.

Certain underwater races, such as nixies and sahuagin, use nets not only for fishing, but also as a combat weapon, usually when they wish to take a victim alive.

"This weapon is rather unusual, but it can be quite effective. Imagine, a weapon which, if it hits, will immobilize an opponent in just one round. Of course, such a weapon is not very effective on larger than man-sized or exceptionally strong creatures (such as an ogre), though it may buy a wounded adventurer some time, since a successful hit means that the victim must abandon plans for attacking and concentrate instead on getting out of the net.

"Characters who can set snares and traps ought to consider the net when making their little traps. It could come in handy for defense or in a hasty retreat.''

-- Bramm Po, Illusionist

Nunchaku (threshing flail)

This martial arts weapon is derived from the common agricultural flail. It consists of two lengths of hard wood or iron connected by a short chain or cord. The nunchaku can be used to parry attacks, club an opponent, or catch weapons. It is easily concealed.

Pick, Military

The medieval military pick was a specialized weapon. It probably originated from the common mining tool. As armor grew heavier, the pick's form and function were soon adapted to a specialized role. This role was to penetrate the heavier armor types, from chain mail up through full plate armor. The military pick was a modification of a weapon called the martel-de-fer, a type of war hammer that had a hammerhead balanced by a thick, curved piercing fluke or ?crow's beak.?

The military pick generally consists of a heavy piercing fluke mounted on a haft. The weapon might have either one or two flukes, and the haft might be spiked.

The weapon is popular with knights and the heavy foot soldiers of certain mercenary companies. Dwarves and gnomes are also fond of the weapon, and deep gnomes (svirfneblin) in particular use great numbers of them.

Footman's Pick

The footman's version of this weapon has a longer haft (up to 5'), enabling it to be wielded with two hands. The weapon weighs about six pounds and can be swung with great penetrating force.

Horseman's Pick

The horseman's pick is lighter (about 4 pounds) and has a shortened haft (about two feet),

making it easier to wield from horseback. It is commonly used by knights and heavy mercenary horsemen, who face more heavily armored opponents. The deep gnomes' weapon is also of this lighter variety.

"Races who particularly enjoy mining, such as gnomes, svirfneblin, and dwarves, can be found with these weapons. They usually know how to use a pick both as a tool and as a weapon, though they will first use normal weapons if given the chance. Sometimes they have to wield these as weapons against another race known for its subterranean diggings, and who also use the pick as a weapon: the duergar.''

-- Nahac the Gnome Sage


Also called staff weapons, polearms are defined as hafted weapons--edged weapons mounted on a short handle or on a longer shaft wielded with two hands. The shafts are usually made of wood, though metal shafts sometimes exist.

An alternate term for polearm is pollaxe, which is used to describe any weapon which has a metal head in a combination of axe, beak, or hammer, mounted on a pole ranging four to six feet in length. Poll is the contemporary word for a steel head mounted on a staff, and the term should not be confused with "poleaxe."

Though descriptions of the various polearm types follow, there are certain characteristics common with all pole weapons, as outlined here.

Polearms are easy to make and are used often by peasants and common foot soldiers. The polearm is a great equalizer for these troops, who often must fight armored men on horseback. A polearm gives the wielder a long reach without exposing himself to the swing of a sword. Setting polearms to receive a charge grants the wielders an initiative bonus.

A primary use of the polearm is to allow warriors in the second rank to attack over the shoulders of the front rank. Often times, a fighter with a hand weapon and shield will team up with one using a pole arm, and they will fight as a coordinated unit.

Polearms that have special attachments to topple mounted targets have a base 20% chance of success.

Special optional rules for implementing polearm tactics may be found in the Combat chapter in The Complete Fighter's Handbook.

Gnolls and hobgoblins make it a point to carry polearms often. A band of such creatures encountered carrying polearms will be knowledgeable in polearm tactics. Orcs favor halberds, pikes, and glaives.

While the Master Weapons Chart at the end of this chapter shows which polearms cause extra damage when set to receive a charge, any polearm can be used to receive a charge regardless of whether it causes extra damage.

The Real Way To Use A Polearm

"Alright, listen up, for I am only going to say this once. I grow weary of seeing groups of bumbling amateurs running around with polearms, each person with a different type. One uses his halberd, another uses a pike, still another has a guisarme-voulge, and he cannot even pronounce it, let alone use it! This is ridiculous. If you are going to use a polearm, use it correctly! Here's how.

"First of all, for the gods' sake, try to get some idea of where your group is going. Are you going to the jungle or a dense forest? You are? Then why buy a polearm, you fool!? You will have no room to wield it, and more often than not you'll wind up poking your comrade's eye out. Make sure that the terrain suits the weapon.

"Next, once you know that the destination justifies a polearm, each person should get the same type of polearm. The weapons vary in the speed with which they can be swung and the amount of space needed to wield the things. Different polearms complicate what should be a simple operation.

"When you see an enemy charging at you, have all the polearm bearers line up in the front row, with weapons set to receive the charge. In order to set for a charge, the wielder should stand sideways, leaning forward so the left shoulder faces the oncoming foe. The polearm should be set at an angle, with the head pointing away from the ground, facing up at the enemy. The end of the handle should rest against the instep of the right foot. Both hands hold the pole firmly. You are now ready to receive a charge.

"Once the enemy impales himself on the blades, you cannot just pull out the staff weapon and begin hitting the creature. Your non-polearm-wielding comrades behind you should begin throwing spells, hurling missiles, spears, whatever, at the impaled foes. Try your best to keep the enemy on the blade, and out of your reach.

"Now that's the way to use a polearm! It is a team effort that needs to be practiced often. Remember this, and perhaps it will save your life!''

-- Fiona the Ranger, Daughter of Dierdre

Awl Pike

Also known just as a "pike" and a Morris pike (corruption of Moorish), this is an infantry spear ranging 16 to 22 feet in length. Awl heads are usually leaf- or lozenge-shaped. The pole is made of a strong wood, such as ash. Many pike heads are made with two tongues of steel, nailed down the sides of the shaft in order to prevent the head from getting hacked off. The grip is often bound with cloth and the butt capped in steel to prevent the shaft from splitting. The awl pike has the dubious distinction of being the slowest polearm available. Add to this its mediocre damage against man-sized opponents, and one is left with a weapon of questionable value, except when used en masse on the battlefield.


The word bardiche is the corrupted spelling of berdysh. The berdysh (Russian term) is in effect an elongated battleaxe with a large, narrow, curved axe head measuring 24 to 32 inches long, mounted on a pole five to eight feet long.

The upper part of the head can be used for thrusting, while the lower part is in the form of a langet. A langet is an iron strap used to increase the strength of the head and protect the most exposed part of the weapon from blows.

Berdysh require more room to wield than a pike or a spear, but the weapon has a unique function: it can be used as a gun rest. The smaller berdysh have two rings for attaching to a shoulder strap. This arrangement is popular among horsemen.

Bec de Corbin

Also called the bec de faucon, the names mean "crow's beak" and "falcon's beak" respectively. This pole weapon has a hook much like a bird's beak and is ideal for cutting open armor like some great can opener. The weapon also has a hammer or axe side that delivers a solid hit. This is a highly specialized weapon, designed for the purpose of cutting armor then striking the now unarmored victim with the other side of the weapon. The pole shaft is eight feet long.


Also known simply as a "bill," this weapon is derived from an agricultural tool, the bill hook. Throughout its years of use, the bill's head went through many changes. Its most common head form is a sharp spike with a sturdy hook whose inside and outside edges were sharpened, and a cutting blade reminiscent of a cleaver. The pole length ranges around eight feet.


Developed from the common agricultural sickle or scythe, the fauchard consists of a long, curving blade with a large, pointed head and a fluke (a small, curved hook found on many polearms). The head is mounted on a wooden pole about eight feet long. Peasants can often change scythes into fauchards.

The fauchard is classified as a glaive. It is not very good as a thrusting weapon, but is used mainly as a slashing weapon. It fulfils the need for a weapon that puts some distance between the wielder and his enemy.

Since the fauchard is not an instrument designed foremost as a weapon but rather a farm tool adapted for war, it is inefficient as a weapon of war, being rather bulky and needing a large area to be used properly.


This term denotes a fauchard with the fluke attached. The fluke was added in order to improve the weapon's thrusting capability, but the effort was fruitless. It is still a bulky weapon, requiring much space to be wielded effectively.


The glaive is a pole weapon with a large head shaped like a knife or a sword mounted on an eight- to ten-foot long shaft. The blade usually turns outward in order to increase the cutting area. Some glaives are fitted with flukes. Overall, the glaive's damage potential is not spectacular, but its long reach makes up for this. It effectively takes a normal sword blade and gives it a great reach.


This term describes a glaive with a fluke mounted on the back of the blade. It is slower and heavier than a glaive, and its potential damage is nothing noteworthy.


Also called the gisarme or the giserne, the guisarme is an elaborately curved blade, much like the crescent blade of an axe, attached to a six-foot long staff. Thrusting spikes are often attached to the top of the shaft. The guisarme is supposed to have come from the farmer's pruning hook. The weapon may have contributed to the development of the berdysh and the halberd.


This term describes the guisarme in its later stages, with a curved axe-head. It features a back spike, the fluke, for punching through armor, and the blade's end tapers for thrusting attacks. Often, the fluke is replaced with a sharp hook for use in dismounting riders. It is a slower weapon than the plain guisarme but causes comparable damage.


By far the oldest and most often used polearm, the halberd consists of a cleaverlike axe blade mounted on a staff averaging six feet in length. The axe blade is balanced at the rear with a fluke, and surmounted by a sharp spike, usually of quadrangular design. The fluke is sometimes replaced by a hook used to dismount cavalry. A halberd can be best described as a cross between a spear and an axe.

Though a halberd's main function is to dismount cavalry, it may also be employed as a thrusting weapon and a cutting weapon. It is not a fast weapon, even compared to other polearms. Still, it does more damage to a man-sized opponent than all other polearms.


Like the fauchard-fork, the hook-fauchard is another attempt to improve the fauchard. This weapon has a hook fitted on the blade's back. The hook is used to dismount cavalry. Like its predecessors, it was not a very effective weapon. Its damage potential is horrible compared to the fauchards that it was supposed to improve upon, and it is slower than the original fauchard.

Kumade (rake)

This dual-purpose tool consists of a spear-length wooden shaft with a rake head fitted at one end. By setting the rake prongs in a crack, ledge, or sill, a character can climb up the shaft. Because the kumade has multiple uses and can be carried without arousing suspicion, it is a common weapon for a ninja to use.


This rare weapon is most often found in the hands of a martial artist skilled in its use. It consists of a 3-5 foot shaft with a crescent blade fitted at each end. Some individual weapons have smaller barbs projecting downward from the outer edges of the crescent. The weapon is held in 2 hands much like a bo.

Lucern Hammer

The lucern hammer is a hammerhead with a spike at its rear, mounted on a long pole, reaching as much as ten feet in length. In some cases, the end is fitted with a spike to keep enemy soldiers at bay. It is one of the heavier pole weapons and is rather slow. The entire weapon is usually made of steel, including the pole, and often it is decorated with carvings and precious metal gilding.

Military Fork

The military fork is the warrior's version of a simple agricultural farming tool. The head consists of two parallel spikes, often fitted with hooks for pulling horsemen off their mounts. Certain versions of the fork have a blade mounted just below the spikes. The wooden staff is about seven feet long.

Forks are useful not only as thrusting weapons, but as tools for climbing the defender's ramparts, setting up ladders, and hoisting baskets of supplies.

Nagimaki (horsemans halberd)

This shortened version of the naginata is primarily used by horsemen. It consists of a 4-6 foot shaft capped with a curved sword-like blade.

Naginata (halberd)

This lightweight but strong polearm is 6-8 feet long and ends in a curved sword-like blade. It is used as a standard polearm. The naginata is often the preferred weapon of women; many female samurai and ninja become proficient with this weapon.


The partisan (alternatively spelled "partizan") is a staff weapon consisting of a long, tapering, double-edged spear blade with two diagonally-set flukes at the base. The shaft is about eight feet long. The partisan's flukes may be used to catch and break opponents' weapons, as well as to inflict extra damage. Partisan heads are large enough to allow engraving and ornamentation.


Also known as the rancoon and the rawcon, the ranseur resembles a partisan, except that the ranseur's flukes are longer, resulting in a three-pronged head. The flukes are, however, shorter than the middle blade. Partisans are sturdier than ranseurs. The three prongs are large enough to puncture armor or trap a weapon and disarm the opponent (considered a Called Shot, -4 to hit, see Combat chapter of The Complete Fighter's Handbook).


Spetums are similar to ranseurs, except that the side blades sometimes angle backward, increasing the damage when the blade is pulled out of a wound. When the weapon is pulled out of a victim, he suffers an additional 1d2 hit points of damage due to the side blades. The spetum's shaft is eight feet long.


Also called the vouge and the Lochaber axe, this weapon is a large, long blade, narrowing to a spike at the top, with a hook-shaped fluke at the blade's rear. The staff is eight feet long. Though it is a simple weapon to make, this advantage is offset by the fact that it is one of the slowest polearms available.

"Taken as an entire weapon group, polearms are a useful weapon especially in an outdoor setting. Their advantages include a good reach, excellent defensive capability, and the ability to knock opponents off their mounts. Among the drawbacks of polearms as a whole are the amount of room needed to wield them, their diminished usefulness in close-quarters melee, their overall slowness, and their encumbrance. Also, with so many polearm types to choose from, it is unlikely that a group of adventurers all have the same weapon or that everyone in the group will want a polearm of any sort in the first place. Polearms are more effective if several people have them; a single adventurer wielding a halberd is not going to stop a row of four charging orcs. Remember the advice given earlier and try to co-ordinate polearm choices before going off to adventure.''

-- Fiona, Daughter of Dierdre

The sarisa, a Macedonian infantry spear, was the ancestor of the pike. The Swiss rediscovered the idea of mounting a spear head on a very long pole, and it became so popular that they adopted the pike as their national weapon in the 15th century. Their prowess with the pike, not only as a defensive weapon but as an offensive one, prompted other European nations to adopt it. The pike remained in use until the end of the 17th century, when muskets and bayonets made the long spears obsolete.

The berdysh were created by the Russians and used by Muscovite infantry during the 16th and 17th centuries. They were also used in Scandinavia and eastern Europe.

The bec de corbin (and faucon) was used by the upper classes during the Late Middle Ages and early Renaissance. The terms are French, but the weapons were so named by English writers!

The bill was a popular weapon with the English, and, along with the halberd, remained in use longer than all other polearms, well into the early 17th century. The English bills had a shorter shaft length, usually around four feet, and were rather tough.

The glaive (derived from the Latin gladius, meaning "sword") blade increased in size over the years until it was big enough to have a nation's or ruler's coat of arms engraved upon it. It was often carried in parades. Glaives were introduced in the 14th century and favored by the French. The blade is said to resemble a large bread knife. The 16th century Italians and Germans favored the glaive as a palace guard weapon.

The guisarme was used extensively between the 12th and 17th centuries.

Halberds were introduced sometime between the 6th and 9th centuries AD, when foot soldiers of Northern Europe mounted their swords, called scramasax, on poles. The Swiss refined this weapon and wielded it with devastating skill. In fact, halberds were known to split a man's head from pate to jaw, armor notwithstanding! The halberd got its name during the first primitive versions made by the Swiss.

The word halberd comes from the German words halm (staff), and barte (axe).

Primitive halberds had a wide blade with a straight cutting edge. The staff fit through two sockets in the back of the blade. This design was probably inspired by the guisarme. By the end of the 15th century, the halberd was modified in order to increase its effectiveness. This is the halberd type most often referred to when using the term. The primitive halberds were soon referred to as the Swiss vouge (voulge). Like most polearms, the halberd fell into decline with the introduction of firearms.

Confusion often exists whether a lucern hammer is a hammer. It is safe to say yes, it is a hammer, and is alternately called a war hammer. A short-handled version of the lucern hammer was used by mounted troops as early as the mid 13th century. It is longer than the weapon most adventurers call a war hammer and is used mainly by massed units on the battlefield. The lucern hammer gets its name from the Swiss city of Lucerne, whose armories were well-stocked with the weapon, so much so that scholars named them after the city.

Military forks are descended from farmer's pitchforks, though the former's spikes were straight as opposed to the curved spikes of the latter. This weapon appeared frequently during the Crusades and peasant revolts from the 15th to 19th centuries. In 1920, Polish peasants used forks to fight off Soviet troops attacking Warsaw.

Partisans are a derivative of the langdebeve, a broad-bladed spear. The name partisan came from the people who wielded it, the partisans, in late 15th century France and Italy. After its retirement as a weapon of war, partisans continued to be used as ceremonial weapons in royal courts. In fact, the Swiss Guards of the Vatican and the Yeomen of the Guard at the Tower of London still use partisans at state occasions or when in full dress.

The term voulge has been used to describe many types of polearms, thus its true meaning is obscure. A number of texts associate the voulge with the English bill, the French glaive, and the Swiss vouge, the latter of which is the accepted voulge form. The lochaber axe is a Scottish polearm used in the 16th to 18th centuries, most likely descended from the gisarme.


The simplest and humblest of staff weapons, the quarterstaff is a length of wood ranging six to nine feet in length. High quality quarterstaves are made of stout oak and are shod with metal at both ends. The quarterstaff must be wielded with both hands.

"Such a simple weapon, yet so popular. Any class of adventurer, be he an armored warrior, spell thrower, cutpurse, or man of faith, can use a quarterstaff. The staff is also a fine practice weapon, especially in place of other two-handed weapons such as two-hand swords or polearms. The staff is held in the middle with the left hand, while the right hand holds on at one-quarter of the whole staff's length from the end.

"Quarterstaves are popular among the kenku, the mysterious, Oriental, bird-like humanoids. This blunt weapon is usually used to knock out an opponent as opposed to killing him.

"Wizards may decorate their staves, even cast spells on them in order to make the weapons look magical. It may fool someone into thinking that a simple wooden staff is in fact a staff of the magi.''

-- Albertus, Battle Mage

Sai (short trident)

This weapon is almost identical to the jitte, and it is used in the same manner. The only difference between the two is that the sai has two forward projecting tines instead of one. The sai shares a weapon proficiency with the jitte.


Alternatively called a blackjack, the sap is a small leather bag filled with sand, lead shot, coins, or other weighted materials. It is used to quietly knock out a victim by administering a blow to the head or back of the neck. Thus, the sap has no effect on helmeted targets. If the sap strikes any other part of the body, the damage is halved and there is no other effect.

Of the damage caused by the sap attack, 25% is actual physical damage, and the other 75% is temporary damage that wears off in 1d6 turns.

In order to effectively use the sap, the attacking character makes a Called Shot at -8 to hit. If a hit is scored, damage is determined normally. The attacker then has a 5% chance per hit point of damage to knock out the victim, up to a maximum of 40%. This maneuver works only against targets that are man-sized or smaller.

When a sapping maneuver is performed on a sleeping or magically held victim, the maneuver automatically hits, but the chance of knockout increases to 10% per hit point of damage, to a maximum of 80%.

"A sap is more suited to an urban environment than to the great outdoors or dungeon crawl. It is a weapon favored by thieves looking to cosh someone on the head and take his purse. If a party of adventurers is infiltrating a stronghold in order to capture someone, however, a sap may come in handy.''

-- Kyrian Darkstar, the Infiltrator


The scourge is a short whip with several leather tails or thongs. Each thong has metal barbs, broken glass, or any other sharp fragments attached along its length. A similar device, the cat-o-nine-tails, is a nine-tailed whip with knots tied in each thong.

The scourge is not so much a weapon as it is a means of inflicting great pain. Still, it causes damage and can be used as a weapon.

The only creatures known to wield scourges with any sort of consistency are the Balor Tanar'ri, chaotic evil denizens of the Abyss. This should give the idea of the type of creature who wields such an instrument.

"A scourge? Why would any self-respecting adventurer want one? Those dreaded things are most associated with torture, not combat. No one raises an eye when an adventurer walks into town with a sword; a man has to protect himself, and, times being what they are, no one will begrudge an adventurer's right to carry a sword. But carrying a scourge will probably mark someone as a follower of some cruel, torturing deity, or at the very least, as an evil person. Any adventurer with a shred of decency will avoid the scourge and get something that will put an enemy out of its misery, not prolong it!''

--Strang of Tempus

"How odd. Personally, I find the scourge to be of great value in temple worship. It is also a great motivator.''

-- Leeahn, Priestess of Loviatar, Mistress of Pain

The scourge is truly a monument to man's ability to cause suffering. When a scourge hits a victim, the thongs curl around the trunk and limbs, with the barbs digging into the flesh. The torturer then pulls the scourge away, ripping even more of the victim's skin. In ancient Rome, certain soldiers were trained with the scourge to cause the maximum amount of pain without killing the victim. Roman citizens were exempt from scourging, while subject peoples were not.

Shuriken (throwing stars)

This small throwing weapon comes in many sizes and shapes. Three varieties are described here and detailed further later on. All shuriken are thrown by hand and have a limited range. They are easily hidden in folds of clothing or tucked into sashes. Spike shurikens can even be worn in the hair.

Spike shuriken

These look like large pins, tapering to a sharp point.

Large star shurikens

These shuriken are larger. They may also b gripped in the fist, with one sharpened point projecting between the fingers, and used as a punching weapon.

Small star shuriken

Small star shuriken have 3 or more razor edged points, ensuring at least one will strike the opponent ( If a successful attack roll is made).


This weapon hardly appears useful at all. It looks like a metal shafted arrow with a small wooden handle replacing the feathers. It is normally used in pairs, one for each hand. The siangkam can be used to jab, thrust, slash and parry. It can?t be thrown effectively, even though it has the appearance of a arrow.


The sickle is a farming implement consisting of a crescent-shaped blade mounted on a short handle. It is used in combat primarily by peasants or adventurers who have no weapon and are forced to make do with whatever they can find. Most farms have sickles, which are used for cutting weeds, grass, and grains.

Druids favor the sickle due to its strong association with agriculture. Golden sickles are used to harvest mistletoe as components for druid spells.

As a weapon, the sickle is as effective as a dagger, but is slower overall.


Slings have existed since the beginning of recorded history. The basic sling consists of a leather or fabric strap with a pouch for holding the missile. The weapon is held by both ends of the strap and twirled around the wielder's head. When top speed is attained, the missile is launched by releasing one of the strap's ends.

The sling is a cheap weapon and is easy to make. Thus, it is common among peasants, especially since it makes a good hunting weapon.

The sling's missile is either a smooth, rounded stone or a ball of lead. While stones are easier to find (most shallow streams have an abundance of smooth stones), the lead bullet causes more damage and flies farther than the stone.

A sling's projectile is capable of producing severe bruising or even broken bones against a man or his mount. Against armor, however, the sling loses most of its effectiveness.

Halflings are known to be quite good at using the sling, and it is a common weapon among members of that race.

"Slings are a fine missile weapon for thieves, since the weapon is easily concealed and quiet. Actually, it is not a bad proficiency for anyone to pick up, since making a sling and finding ammunition is easy. The sling's missiles have a good range. If using a sling out-of-doors, one never lacks for ammunition, though lead bullets fly farther and cause more damage.''

-- Ariane, Professional Cutpurse

Slings were heavily used by the peoples living around the Mediterranean basin. The Romans did not assign slings to their soldiers, but allowed their auxiliary troops to use them. The sling was used during the Middle Ages, and slingers are depicted on the Bayeux Tapestry, not as soldiers, but as hunters.

Sode garami (sleeve entangler)

This highly specialized weapon is used to catch and entangle an opponent without causing great harm. It is normally made as a pole and crossbar set with a large number of spikes and hooks. On a successful hit, it hooks and catches the clothing of the opponent, who is allowed a saving throw vs. Paralyzation to escape. If the saving throw is unsuccessful, the character is entangled. When used to specifically catch an opponent, the sode garami does no damage. However, forceful blows can also be struck with the weapon, resulting in the same damage and effect listed above. This weapon is often carried by palace guards or city constables.


One of man's earliest weapons, dating back to the most primitive of times, the first spears were simply wooden poles or sticks sharpened at one end. When fire was discovered and mastered, spear points were hardened by charring. As man became more adept at using tools, spears were either fitted with a stone head or the point was reinforced with splints of stone or bone.

When man mastered metals, spear heads were made from iron and steel. Having reached this end, weaponers began experimenting with different types of spear heads, thus leading to the development of certain polearm types such as the ranseur.

Spear shafts are usually made from yew or ash, since these woods are both flexible and strong. The shafts range five to eleven feet in length. In melee, spears may be used either one or two handed, with more damage inflicted if used in the latter mode. Spears 10 feet or longer cannot be wielded with one hand.

Though spears are normally used for thrusting, they can also be thrown. Special devices exist for hurling spears. These devices are variously shaped pieces of wood, horn, or bone with hooks, hollows, or grooves meant to house the spear butt. When using one of these throwers, the spear's throwing range is doubled. The cost of a spear thrower is 1 gold piece. The thrower weighs two pounds.

A character wielding a spear gains an attack bonus for high Dexterity and a damage bonus for high Strength.

Chijiriki (chain spear)

A length of weighted chain is added to the butt end of a normal spear. This weapon can be used as a normal spear, or the butt chain can be swung out, entangling the opponent.



Long Spear

A long spear is like a normal spear, except that its shaft ranges 12 to 13 feet in length and cannot be thrown.

Orcs and ogres use spears often in battle. They are simple weapons for simple-minded creatures.

Sang kauw (two-headed spear)

This weapon comes in two forms. The basic form is a double headed spear with a loop handle in the center, from which projects a dagger or crescent. The weapon is used with one hand to parry and attack. Its other form is almost identical; a small buckler is fitted in the center with a small dagger projecting from it. When the second form is used, the character is considered to be using a small shield (for calculating AC).

Shakujo yari (staff spear)

This is a spear concealed within a sheath to look like a staff. It can be used as a bo when the sheath is in place. The shakujo yari can be carried on secret missions or when the character desires to look relatively defenseless.


"Spears are versatile, since they can be used by footmen and horsemen alike. The former can set their spears into the ground, in hope of impaling a charging enemy. Footmen can use spears as melee weapons or as missile weapons. Horsemen use spears in much the same way as lances.

"As for long spears, unless one is prepared to forego shield protection and use the weapon with two hands, it is not worth selecting over the normal spear. Long spears need room to be wielded properly, they cannot be thrown, their damage is not much better than a normal spear, and they are slower than their smaller brethren.''

-- Lord Boris Vladimir, Professional Warrior

Spears have existed since the Paleolithic era, some 500,000 years ago. Horsemen of 20,000 BC began using them as missile weapons, complete with the hurling devices explained earlier.

The Greeks were fond of large formations of spear men in their armies.

The Franks began producing what we know as the spear. These spears had long, leaf-shaped blades and two triangular "wings" set just below the head. These wings prevented the spear from penetrating too far into a victim (and consequently making it harder to pull out), and enabled the spear carrier to parry more easily with his weapon.

In the 14th century, spears used by horsemen evolved into the lance. Long spears in the 15th century developed into the pike.


Also called the fustibalus, the staff-sling consists of a wooden rod, three to four feet in length, with a sling attached to one end. The rod is used to increase the range that a heavy object can be thrown by enabling the slinger to twirl the sling harder. It is not meant to increase the distance of the average sling bullet. In fact, it has poorer range for stones or bullets.

An optional form of ammunition is the stinkpot, a clay vessel filled with burning sulfur or quicklime. This is considered a grenade-like weapon and is subject to the combat rules found in Chapter Nine of The Player's Handbook. For range, the stinkpot has a short range of 20 feet, medium range of 40 feet, and long range of 60 feet.

When the stinkpot breaks, everyone in a 20-foot diameter circle who does not leave the area within one round must save vs. poison or be unable to attack or move at greater than half their movement rate. Those who save successfully attack at a -2 penalty due to nausea and watering eyes. The effects last as long as the subject remains in the area and for 1d4 rounds thereafter.

The stink cloud lasts for 1d3+1 rounds, then dissipates. Optionally, stinkpots in underground settings may give off clouds that last 1d6+1 rounds due to lack of open air.

Due to the trajectory that a staff-sling gives a missile, it cannot fire at short-range targets. It has less range than a sling and is a slower weapon, but the staff-sling can hurl a heavier object.

"Anyone who gets a staff-sling in the hope of seeing his sling bullet fly into the next kingdom is in for a rude shock. The weapon is only good for hurling large loads a healthy distance. The stinkpot idea is perhaps the best way to get the most use out of the staff-sling. One thing's for sure, as much as halflings like slings, you'll rarely catch one using this thing!''

-- Severian, Master Swordsman


Also known as a stylet, the stiletto is a short dagger with a strong, triangular or square-sectioned blade that tapers to a sharp point at the tip. The stiletto is designed for thrusting, in particular to pierce armor such as leather or mail. Therefore, the stiletto gives the wielder a +2 bonus to attacks against plate mail, ring mail, chain mail, and all forms of leather armor. Most stilettos are made completely of steel.

Most cities, except those involved in a war, prohibit the carrying of a stiletto since it is an easily concealed weapon.

Stilettos are narrow enough to be concealed in sword canes or even in the handle of a large sword, such as the long, bastard, or two-handed swords.


General Information

History of the Sword

The most common definition of a sword is an edged weapon with a long blade made for cutting blows, thrusts, or both.

Swords first appeared in the prehistoric period when humans, who had been using daggers of stone, began working with copper. The copper dagger could be fashioned with a long blade, and in the ensuing years, the blades got longer and longer. Eventually, the blade reached such a length that it could no longer be called a dagger.

This new, improved weapon was superior to the dagger, which was quickly relegated to a secondary role in melee combat.

Copper eventually gave way to bronze. Swords of varying lengths (what we now know as the long sword and short sword) came into being, with blades ranging from 27 to 35 inches.

Sword design was influenced by the dagger. Since the dagger is a thrusting weapon, early swords were also designed for thrusting. Eventually, the need arose for a weapon capable of slashing blows, so swords developed the double-edge, still retaining the sharp point.

Sword handles went through their own stages of development. In southern Europe, sword handles were decorated with ivory, gold, and semi-precious stones, while in northern Europe, the handles were decorated with engravings.

The discovery of iron revolutionized sword making. Bronze was rare, while iron was plentiful, though the latter was harder to work with. The change from bronze to iron was slow. For three centuries, both iron and bronze swords were in use.

The Romans developed the gladius, a short sword, in order to have a weapon that their rigidly-trained troops could use with swiftness and precision.

With iron proving itself superior to bronze, the latter was relegated for accessory parts, such as the grip or the sheath. The Hallstatt culture developed longer sword blades (31-35 inches) as advances in ironworking enabled them to make lighter and stronger blades. These blades were so pliable that they could be twisted into a spiral for three or four turns before breaking. This was known as "pattern welding." One drawback of this, however, was the fact that the blade could become misshapen when it struck something, often forcing the wielder to stop fighting and straighten out the blade with his foot or a rock! This was the type of sword that Gallic and Teutonic armies used against Roman legions, and is considered a long sword. Often, the craftsman making a sword placed a trademark identifying the maker.

As swords evolved, a small oval plate was placed between the shoulder of the blade and the grip. This was designed to protect the grip against damage from the metal mouth of the sheath. It also protected the user's hand.

Early stories of famous knights include lore about their swords, even mentioning the craftsmen who made the weapons. Siegfried had Balmus, Roland had Durandal, and Charlemagne had Joyeuse. King Arthur, of course, had Excalibur.

In the Carolingian period, the sword's grip was altered, becoming more specialized and defined. The oval attached to the grip was turned into a four-sided bar about four inches long. This became the guard. The wooden grip ended in a large pommel, which balanced the weapon. Such a sword measured about 40 inches in length.

At the start of the Romanesque Period (11th - 12th centuries), the sword's form remained the same, but the blade became broader. These swords are considered broad swords by some scholars.

During this period, the sword was used primarily for slashing blows, as reflected in the Bayeux Tapestry, which shows armed men using swords in this manner.

The Gothic period saw swords becoming more specialized, depending on the knight's intentions. The knight's sword was a thing of beauty and strength, and it is this sword that resembles the long sword of fantasy. Knights usually owned several swords, each with its own use.

In the 15th and 16th centuries, swords were given to common foot soldiers, and their designs changed accordingly. There were more ring-guards (to protect fingers), knuckle bows, and other such devices. The two-handed sword emerged from this era.

During the 16th century, fighters began emphasizing sword thrusts, and blades changed to accommodate this. Elaborate basket hilts were perfected to give the hand better protection. This gave birth to swords such as the rapier.

By the end of the 16th century, with guns rising in prominence, swords were increasingly relegated to dueling.

The longsword is considered by some to be the principle weapon of nobility, the broad sword the typical weapon of the commoner, and the bastard and two-handed swords the specialized weapons of mercenaries.

Eventually, the sword became a symbol of tradition, and is still worn on many military dress uniforms out of respect for that tradition.

Bastard Sword

Also known as the hand-and-a-half sword, the bastard sword derives its name from the fact that it is halfway between the two-handed sword and the long sword.

The bastard sword has a double-edged blade and a long grip, which can accommodate both hands if preferred. The overall length of the bastard sword ranges between four feet and four feet ten inches.

Some bastard swords are equipped with knuckle guards, and others have asymmetrical pommels shaped like animal or bird heads.

"The bastard sword is an excellent, versatile edged weapon which can be used one-or two-handed. Using it two-handed gives a warrior better damage potential, but makes him unable to use a shield. It is also a slower weapon. Using it one-handed allows the use of a shield, but causes less damage, comparable to that of a long sword.''

-- Lord Jon Ironedge, Ruler of Hawkhaven

Bokken (wooden sword)

This is a wooden copy of the katana, designed to simulate the sword?s weight and other characteristics. It is used to practice sportsmanship since it does not cause cutting injuries. Wielded aggressively however, it can cause injury from the force of the blow. The bokken requires sword proficiency, not club proficiency; it shares a WP with the katana.

Broad sword

The broad sword is a heavy military sword with a double-edged blade. Overall sword length is about three and one-half feet, and the sword is designed mostly for cutting. Most broad swords have a basket hilt or a shell guard. A favored cavalry weapon, the broad sword is known in different cultures by different names, usually dependant on the hilt configuration. The basket hilt broad swords offer a +1 bonus to Parry maneuvers. In addition, punching attacks done with the basket hilt are treated like a metal gauntlet (see the Player's Handbook, Chapter 9).

"The broad sword is as fast as a long sword and causes comparable damage to man-sized targets, but lacks the same ability against larger creatures. Its benefits in parrying and hand-to-hand combat are good, but if an adventurer is more of the `forget finesse, let's just hack them to bits' school, a long sword or a bastard sword may be a better choice. Someone who likes showing off, such as a swashbuckler, would favor a broad sword.''

-- Rushlight of Tethys, Ranger



The claymore is a large, cross-hilted sword consisting of a straight, broad, double-edged blade and long quillions angling toward the blade. The grip is leather-covered and topped with a wheel-shaped pommel. The sword is slightly shorter than the two-handed sword.

Claymores are treated as bastard swords in terms of damage, weight, and weapon speed.

Claymores are great swords of Scottish origin, used by Highlanders and Scottish mercenaries in Ireland. The sword was popular from the end of the 15th century to the early 17th century. The term claymore is from the Gaelic claidheamohmor, meaning great sword.


The cutlass is a sword with a single-edged, curved, broad blade attached to a basket hilt. The blade is short and heavy. The sword is favored among pirate crews and is easily found in port communities, but is rare inland. Cutlass users enjoy the same advantages in Parrying as broad sword users.

"Cutlasses cause damage compared to short swords, but are slower and heavier. A broad sword is a better weapon, since it gives the same Parry benefits and causes more damage.''

-- First Mate Arlundar, of the galleon Angelwing


The falchion is a sword with a single-edged, heavy blade. The blade's back is usually straight, while the edge has a curve. The blade also broadens close to the tip, which gives the blade a cleaver-like appearance and increases the damage inflicted. The sword is heavy, which also contributes to a fearsome cutting blow.


The gladius is the first refined version of the short sword. It has a double-edged blade and a strengthened tip. The grip is made of wood, bone, or ivory and is topped with a round pommel. The sword is carried on a warrior's right side, slung from a baldric passing over the left shoulder. In terms of damage and length, the gladius or drusus resembles the short sword.

A drusus is a gladius of exceptional quality, and consequently has a series of special things associated with its care in order to maintain a sharp edge. The restrictions are listed in The Complete Fighter's Handbook (Equipment Chapter).

Katana (samurai long sword)

This single edged, slightly curved weapon ends in a chisel point. It is perhaps one of the finest types of swords made, noted for superior construction and design. Great care is taken in making the katana, and the forging and construction of it is considered a rare and valuable art. The weaponsmith must labor long hours to achieve the correct temper of the blade. When correctly made, the blade is well balance, strong, flexible, and resilient. The quality of the metal and the forging allow the blade to be ground to a razor sharp edge. In addition, such blades are often beautifully decorated with etched designs, prayers, or family lineages. Equal attention is given to the hilt, scabbard, and guard of the weapons. Katanas have individual names, reflecting deeds of glory in which they have been used.

For a samurai character, the katana is more than just a sword. It is part of his honor and the honor of his family. It is his personal weapon, not to be used by honor. To touch the scabbard of the sheathed katana is to insult the samurai. To draw the blade without permission is a graver insult. A single katana may have been in the family for generations, becoming a treasured heirloom. To lose such a weapon is a shameful disgrace that can only be swept clean away with the recovery of the weapon and punishment of those who have taken it. Many samurai have given their lives to recover a family weapon.

The value of a katana can vary greatly depending on the quality of the workmanship and the history of the weapon. The price listed above is for a average weapon. Others may be of greater or lesser value, depending on quality and artistic workmanship of the weapon.


This Egyptian weapon has approximately six inches of handle and quillions. The blade extends straight out about eighteen inches from the handle, then curves into a slight sickle shape for another two feet. In effect, this only adds another eighteen inches to the overall length. The entire sword is usually made of bronze or iron.

"The khopesh is a slow sword, heavy and unwieldy. Its damage is unremarkable as compared to other swords, especially when one realizes the drawbacks that must be suffered when wielding the khopesh. All in all, it is a primitive weapon of a culture that has not grasped the finer techniques in sword-smithing.

"Still, the weapon resembles a sickle in some ways and is usable by druids. This gives these nature priests a chance to wield a sword, yet stay within their weapon restrictions.''

-- Eibhelin Hathleah, Warrior/Priestess

Long Sword

These swords are usually referred to as doubled-edged swords, war swords, or military swords. In many cases, the long sword has a single-edged blade. There is no single version of the long sword; the design and length vary from culture to culture, and may vary within the same culture depending on the era.

Among the most common characteristics of all long swords is their length, which ranges from 35 inches to 47 inches. In the latter case, the blade is known to take up 40 inches of the total length.

Most long swords have a double-edged blade and a sharp point at the tip. Despite the tip, the long sword is designed for slashing, not thrusting.

Often, long swords have two grooves that run the length of the blade, one on each surface. These grooves are called fullers, and are meant to make the sword lighter and more flexible. If a sword did not have some elasticity, it would shatter when it hit a target.

The handles of all long swords fit only one human-sized hand. Most long swords have a small, oval, metal plate between the blade's base and the grip. This oval protects the grip from getting damaged against the metal in the mouth of the sheath. It also offers some modest protection to the hand. A second piece of metal, either oval or round, is fitted onto the pommel.

"Ah, the long sword! A warrior's best friend! It is without a doubt the most common melee weapon among skilled adventurers, and rightly so. It inflicts a respectable amount of damage to both man-sized and large opponents, is fairly fast for its size, and is relatively light.

"Elves favor long swords, and most are trained from childhood in their use. One guess as to the reason for this is the fact that the sword is light and quick and can cause a lot of damage when in battle, much like the elves themselves. That's only a guess, of course, and the truth may never be known, at least if I have anything to say about it.''

-- Lord Noro Goldentree, High Elf

The classic long sword depicted in fantasy gets its design from the Gothic period. This is the longest variety of long sword, with a 40-inch blade.

Ninja-to (ninja sword)

This is the ninja?s standard sword. It is approximately the length of a short sword, making it easier to conceal on the body. The blade of the ninja-to is straight and of lower quality than the katana. However, in keeping with the ninjas methods, the sword and scabbard have multiple uses, which vary from ninja to ninja. Some of these include secret compartments in the hilt of the sword or tip of the scabbard for carrying powders, poisons, or daggers.

The scabbard is normally longer than the sword and open at both ends, allowing it to serve as a blowgun or a breathing tube. The stiff, strong scabbard can also be used as a hanbo or a rung of a ladder. See the blowgun for the cost.

Strong silk cord can be wrapped around the scabbard, to be unwound for climbing. Other devices may be attached or hidden within this weapon as the DM allows.

Parang (machete)

The parang is both a tool and a weapon- a heavy bladed machete capable of delivering copping blows of great force. It is commonly found in the hands of primitive tribesmen, who use it for everything and are seldom found without it.


The rapier is a light weapon with a straight, double-edged, pointed blade. It is designed to be a light, thrusting sword. The term rapier is often used to describe a civilian weapon, as opposed to the heavier and deadlier swords of soldiers and mercenaries. Rapiers are fashionable among nobles and gentlemen.

As a new art of fighting evolved with emphasis on thrusting with the blade as opposed to slashing, a new weapon was required. This art is known as fencing, and it requires a rapier. As the sport grew in popularity, the rapier was required to be narrower and lighter. It became not a slashing weapon at all, but a weapon purely for thrusting.

The early rapier handles have straight quillions (cross guards), side guards, and knuckle bows. The later versions have shell guards, similar to the basket hilts of the broad sword and cutlass. As a result, the rapier wielder enjoys the same Parry and punching bonuses outlined earlier.

"The rapier isn't as fast as the short sword, but it does a slight bit more damage. The rapier is a good dueling weapon, and is popular with rich young nobles and swashbucklers.''

-- Rollo, Aspiring Swashbuckler


Alternatively spelled saber, this sword is a long, curved, single-edged blade intended mostly for horsemen. It is a popular weapon for light cavalry. The sabre's hilt grants the user the Parry and punching bonuses of the rapier.

Members of the foul race of yuan-ti often use scimitars.

"Another curved, single-edged blade? Well, the sabre is a bit different since it's meant to be a slashing weapon instead of a thruster like the rapier. Both swords cause the same amount of damage and are equally as fast.

"As for the scimitar, it is merely another form of sabre, but with heavier Oriental influences. It causes slightly better damage than the sabre, and is just a bit slower. Druids favor scimitars.''

-- Gwynne Arendahl, Fighter

The sabre was initially developed in Central Asia, used by tribes that wandered the steppes. By the 9th century, the Slavs, who battled the Asians, had adopted the weapon. The term sabre is Slavic-Hungarian.

Sabres were used extensively in central and eastern Europe and by the Turks.

The Persian style of the sabre was discovered by Napoleon's troops. This version was known as the shamshir, which is commonly called the scimitar. This blade has a greater curve to it and is tapered to an elongated, sharp point.

Short Sword

The short sword is the first type of sword to come into existence. In the simplest of terms, a short sword can be considered a dagger with a blade so long that it can no longer be called a dagger. The term short sword does not exist in sword classifications. However, it has come to be used to describe a double-edged blade about two feet in length. The sword tip is usually pointed, ideal for thrusting.

Short swords are fitted with a handle that can accommodate only one hand.

"The short sword is a good weapon for archers, crossbowmen, and other warriors whose primary weapon is not a sword, but who see the necessity for having an edged weapon that causes respectable damage. The small size and lightness of the sword makes it an ideal weapon to carry without the warrior worrying about getting encumbered with too much weight. Short swords are quick weapons, almost as fast as daggers, and causing more damage. A short sword with even a minor enchantment becomes an extremely valuable weapon.

"Halflings, gnomes, and dwarves are known to favor short swords, since the weapon's length is compatible with their stature.

"Elves are trained in use of the short sword. It is a common elven weapon for two reasons: the elves favor the swiftness and lightness of the weapon, and, since many elves are archers, the short sword becomes a good fall back weapon should the enemy close ranks into melee range.

"The short sword is often seen on the belts of the average man, or at least the average man who can afford one and knows how to use it! It is a good weapon to have in a city, provided one follows any local rules for securing the weapon. A short sword enables a man to discreetly wear a sword in the city, not calling as much attention to himself as he would if he wore a bastard sword or two-handed sword strapped to his back!''

-- Cendril, Elf Warrior-Mage

The short sword is a descendant of the Roman gladius. In essence, it is a gladius made by improved metalworking techniques.

The Germans developed the baselard short sword, common in the 16th century, while the Italians had the cinquedea, a short sword with a blade that was broader at the base. Both versions of short sword were popular with civilians, not professional soldiers or knights.

Two-Handed Sword

The two-handed sword is a derivative of the long sword. Weaponsmiths have always looked for ways to improve existing weapons. In an effort to improve the long sword, the blade was lengthened (having a longer reach than one's enemy is always preferable). Eventually, the handle had to be extended and two hands became necessary in order to properly swing the sword. The primary function of two-handed swords is cleaving mounted knights and breaking up pike formations.

The blade on the two-handed sword is a long, double-edged blade. The blade point may be sharp or rounded. The hilt has straight or slightly curved quillions. The pommel may be faceted, triangular, or pear shaped, though whatever the shape, it tends to get larger toward the top, as a counterbalancing measure.

As its name implies, this sword is a two-handed weapon and cannot be used in one hand, even if the wielder has high Strength. The weapon and its hilt are balanced for two-handed use. A fighter wielding a two-handed sword cannot use a shield.

An average two-handed sword measures five to six feet in length. It is a favored weapon among foot soldiers.

The astral race known as the Githyanki favor two-handed swords. These weapons tend to be decorated with gems, beads, and precious metals.

"This is the sort of weapon that makes a statement to all who see the wielder, and the statement is beware. The two-handed sword is correctly associated with lots of damage. In fact, wearing such a sword slung across your back may make the impression that the wielder is not so much interested in saving his own neck (since he cannot use a shield and is consequently easier to hit) as he is in relieving an enemy of his head.

"This sword is slow and heavy, but then again, it needs to have great mass in order to cause the damage that it does. Warriors who carry a two-handed sword usually don't carry any other large or medium-sized weapon. At best, a dagger is carried as a backup weapon of desperation.

"Despite the impressive features of the two-handed sword, a bastard sword is a better weapon. First of all, the bastard sword gives the warrior the choice of using it one- or two-handed, thus enabling him to use a shield.

"Furthermore, the bastard sword is faster. The two-hander does a bit more damage than the bastard sword wielded two-handed, but the difference is insignificant. Still, when it comes to hitting those extra large beasties such as dragons, a two-handed sword comes in mighty handy.''

-- Finnegan Bospur, Paladin

The two-handed sword was a weapon of 13th century Teutonic origin. It was extensively used by German and Italian foot soldiers from the mid 15th to the late 16th century. In later years, the two-handed sword became largely a ceremonial or processional weapon, usually heavily decorated.

Tetsu-to (iron sword)

This odd weapon is basically an iron bar shaped in the fashion of a two-handed Oriental sword. It is a heavy weapon used for strength training, not combat, and is very slow to use (it suffers a -3 attack-roll penalty because of the awkwardness.) However when it does hit, it does a lot of damage.

Wakisashi (samurai short sword)


This is a short sword, similar in design and construction to the katana, the wakisashi may be named for some past deed or event. It holds almost as important a place in the samurai?s honor as his katana. Those rules and guidelines concerning the katana and its care also apply to the wakisashi when it is part of a matched set.

The wakisashi and katana are normally worn as a pair by samurai characters. This pair is known as the daisho or ?long and short.? In many lands, the two weapon combination is a sign of samurai status. Anyone other than a samurai who wears this combination is subject to arrest or immediate execution.

Tetsu-to (iron staff)

This is a bo with at least half its length sheathed in studded iron strips. It is often used by travelers because it can also serve as a walking stick.

Three-section staff

This weapon is another derivative of the agricultural flail. It is made of three 2-3 foot sections of hard wood connected by short stretches of chain. It can be used to strike an opponent, block an attack, or catch and break a weapon.


This is a hardwood rod with a small handle sticking out off-center from the side. The entire length is 2-3 feet. It was originally the handle of a millstone. With this weapon, a trained fighter can block, catch weapons, break weapons, and attack effectively. The tonfa is often used in areas where normal weapons are outlawed.


A trident is a long pole measuring four to eight feet with a metal, triple-bladed fork on one end. It is not used as a weapon by professional armies, but has seen some limited use from peasant guerrillas. The trident is normally a tool used for fishing, with some limited uses as an agricultural or hunting tool. It is a two-handed weapon.

Several aquatic races, such as locathah, mermen, sahuagin, and tritons, use tridents. They realize the versatility of the trident, since it is effective as both a fishing tool and a weapon.


This is a short, heavy javelin that looks like an oversized arrow. It can be thrown effectively for short distances or used for thrusting and jabbing. The uchi-ne is often carried by nobles when traveling.

War Hammer

Mounted knights cannot effectively use long pole weapons while on horseback, and as a result, many weapons have been fitted with shorter shafts so they may be wielded with just one hand. Maces and flails are two previous examples of this--the war hammer is another.

The horseman's war hammer is the descendent of the Lucerne hammer. It is made entirely of steel, with rondels protecting and strengthening the grip. Rondels are small disks of metal, often shaped into decorative designs. The shaft is about 18 inches long.

Dwarves favor war hammers as a primary weapon. It is guessed that, given the dwarves' skill in using the hammer for non-combative purposes, they naturally developed the skill for using it as a weapon of war. The war hammer personifies the dwarven race: short, tough, and blunt.

Some war hammers are fitted with a spike at the top. This can be used as a thrusting weapon and causes 1d3 points of damage.

"A war hammer is a good secondary melee weapon. It causes a little more damage than a dagger and can be thrown just as far. The weapon is terrific against skeletons, better than edged weapons. In a pinch, the war hammer can also be a tool for things like hammering in spikes. A lot of clerics who can't use edged weapons have found the hammer an acceptable alternative.''

-- Pandar Goldsmith, Dwarven Warrior



The whip or bull whip is a long, heavy, plaited lash usually made of leather or rawhide (untanned hide). The braided leather is thicker toward the handle, narrowing to a slender cord at the end. Some handles are wooden rods attached to the lash, while others are part of the same piece of rawhide. The whip's length varies from 15 to 25 feet. A whip is carried coiled and attached to the user's belt.

Common uses for the whip include leading herd animals and as a tool for punishment.

If a character wishes to knock a weapon out of an opponent's hand, this may be attempted with a whip using a Called Shot with intent to disarm. The attacker gets a -4 penalty on his attack roll. Further details are found in The Complete Fighter's Handbook in the Combat chapter.

A character proficient with the whip can entangle an opponent's limbs or weapon. Before rolling the attack die, the user declares whether or not he intends to entangle. If a hit is scored, some sort of entanglement occurs. If wielded by a non-proficient user, the chance to entangle is only 5%. If wielded by someone proficient, there is a 5% chance per level that entanglement occurs (to a maximum of 95%). Percentile dice are rolled to determine the exact effect. The entanglement chances are 50% (01-50 on 1d100) for one limb, 10% (51-60) for two limbs, 20% (61-80) for the weapon arm and the weapon, and 20% (81-00) for the head.

Hobgoblins are known to carry whips, but this is probably more for keeping prisoners and slaves in line than as a combat weapon. Still, a hobgoblin wielding a whip should be presumed to be skilled at it, and able to make the special attacks with it.

"The whip is another example of something designed for one purpose that gets used for another, much like a pitchfork, pruning hook, or harpoon. As a weapon, the whip is unimpressive if you're talking about raw damage. The whip is great for Called Shots and such, but try using a whip on a troll, and all you'll get is one slightly stung, very mad troll.

"The same holds true for armored targets. A whip is designed for hitting bare skin. Any sort of armor, including leather and padded, will help protect the wearer from the whip's sting.

"No, if someone is looking for a weapon that causes damage and is a good parrying tool, the whip is not it. If you enjoy fancy maneuvers and bizarre trick shots, then the whip is the right thing. The whip is better suited for the city environment, where there are more humans, demi-humans, and other such races which fear the lash, as opposed to the wilderness, where myriad monsters abound who do not shrink from a little pain.

"A whip is a slow weapon. Someone using a whip must have at least 10 feet between himself and the enemy, since a whip will not work too well in close quarters.

"A whip is great for a fighter who wants to disarm an opponent, snare a victim, or even wrap the whip around a beam and use it to swing over a chasm.''

-- Gorin Grimblade, Veteran Warrior


This weapon is shaped like the tanto (basically the oriental dagger, exact same stats but blade is curved somewhat.) but is designed a bit differently. Its tip rather than its blade, is reinforced and sharpened. This makes the weapon good for penetrating armor, and the yoroi-toshi gets a +2 bonus to hit those wearing metal armor. The yoroi-toshi shares a proficiency with the tanto.


Range (yards)

Weapon ROF S M L

Arquebus 1/3 50 150 210

Blowgun 2/1 10 20 30

Comp. long bow,

flight arrow 2/1 60 120 210

Comp. long bow,

sheaf arrow 2/1 40 80 170

Comp. short bow 2/1 50 100 180

Bow, Daikyu 2/1 70 140 210

Bow, Hankyu 2/1 50 100 150


flight arrow 2/1 70 140 210


sheaf arrow 2/1 50 100 170

Bow, Pellet 1 60 120 180

Short bow 2/1 50 100 150

Caltrops, thrown 1 5' 10' 20'

Club 1 10 20 30

Cho-ko-nu(repeater) 3/2 20 40 60

Hand crossbow 1 20 40 60

Heavy crossbow 1/2 80 160 240

Light crossbow 1 60 120 180

Dagger 2/1 10 20 30

Dart 3/1 10 20 40

Fukimi-bari(mouth dart) 1 3' -- --

Hammer 1 10 20 30

Hand axe 1 10 20 30

Harpoon 1 10 20 30

Javelin 1 20 40 60

Kawanaga, thrown 1 10 20 30

Kyogetsu-shogi, thrown 1 10 20 30

Knife 2/1 10 20 30

Manriki-gusari, thrown 1 10 20 30

Metsubishi, blown 1/3 3' -- --

Nage teppo, thrown 1 10 20 30

Needle, blown 1 3' -- --

Shuriken, spike, thrown 2 10 -- --

Shuriken, large, thrown 3 5 10 20

Shuriken, small, thrown 4 5 10 20

Sling bullet 1 50 100 200

Sling stone 1 40 80 160

Spear 1 10 20 30

Spear, Chijiriki, thrown 1 10 20 30

Spear, trident, thrown 1 10 20 30

Staff sling bullet 2/1 -- 30-60 90

Staff sling stone 2/1 -- 30-60 90

Uchi-ne, thrown 1 10 20 30

Yoroi-toshi, thrown 1 10 20 30

The attack roll modifiers for range are -2 for medium range and -5 for long range.

"ROF" is the rate of fire--how many shots that weapon can fire off in one round. This is independent of the number of melee attacks a character can make in a round.

Each range category (Short, Medium, or Long) includes attacks from distances equal to or less than the given range. Thus, a heavy crossbow fired at a target 136 yards away uses the medium range modifier.

Arquebuses (if allowed) double all range modifiers.

MARTIAL ARTS (as per The Complete Ninjas Handbook)

Martial Arts

In the normal AD&D campaign setting, all characters know how to punch and wrestle. (See the PHB, Chapter 9.) In a campaign based in an Oriental setting, the characters do not know mere punching and wrestling, they know martial arts.

These rules introduced in the Complete Fighters Handbook, allow your character to be proficient (or even a specialist) in eastern style martial arts. These rules work like the existing punching/wrestling rules, but constitute a whole new set of maneuvers and tactics a character an use in combat. The martial arts described herein aren’t any real world fighting style, they’re a combination of generic martial arts maneuvers.


Martial arts combat occurs when a character attacks with his/her bare hands, feet, or even head. No weapons are used, although a character holding a weapon can use it one round and their martial arts skill in the next. The damage from any bare-handed martial arts form attack is broken up into two parts: 25% of the damage from the attack is normal damage, the remaining 75% is temporary (see PHB, Chapter 9, for more on this subject)

A character with the martial arts skill makes a normal attack roll against the normal AC of the target. (An armored attacker suffers the penalties from the armor modifications for wrestling. Table 57, in PHB) If the attack roll is successful consult the following table, using the original, unmodified die roll to determine the martial arts maneuver accomplished. The attacker may add strength bonuses to the damage done by the blow.

If, for example, a character rolls a 13, and hits, the result is a vitals punch doing 2 hp damage (plus the attackers strength bonus for damage).

This table replaces the table in The Complete Fighters Handbook. It is arranged so that better blows do more damage.


Attack Roll Maneuver Damage

19-20.............Head Kick.................4

17-18.............Head Punch..............4

15-16.............Vitals Kick...............3

13-14.............Vitals Punch.............2

11-12.............High Kick................2

9-10...............Side Kick.................2

6-8................Body Punch..............1

3-5.................Low Kick.................1


In an oriental Campaign do not use the %KO column that appears in the equivalent table in The CFH. Instead knockout chances are covered by the advanced martial arts rules, later in this chapter, under "stunning and incapacitating"

Specializing in Martial Arts

Characters can specialize in martial arts by spending a mere 1 WP slot on the skill. Ninja, Shinobi, and other fighters cam specialize in martial arts regardless of restrictions on weapon specialization based on class or kit. No character is required to specialize in martial arts. (Note: Campaigns using the Advanced Martial Arts rules [described later] should not also use these specialization rules).

A martial arts specialist gains the following benefits:

+1 bonus to all attack rolls with martial arts;

+1 to all damage with martial arts;

+1 chart bonus to all martial arts attacks;

A additional martial arts attack per combat round. The character may not hold anything in their hands to gain this benefit; and

The character may pull the attack, not causing any damage, and may refuse to do the +1 hp damage for specialization.

It is possible for some types of ninja or other type of characters to continue to improve their martial arts abilities given above. This option is only available to single-class fighters, fighting-monks(from The Complete Priests Handbook) and ninja with the Shadow Warrior kit.

The character who continues to devote WP slots to martial arts after the initial specialization gets the following benefits. For each additional slot devoted to martial arts the character gains:

+1 bonus to all martial arts attack rolls

+1 bonus to all martial arts damage; and

+1 chart bonus to all martial arts attacks.

The chart bonus allows a character to affect the location of the attack, s/he can accept the location indicated in Table 16 or can choose to move it up or down the chart a number of lines equal to the chart bonus. For example, if a martial arts specialist hits with a roll of 14 the indicated blow is a vitals punch. By using the +1 chart bonus, the martial artist can change the move to either a vitals kick for more damage, or a high kick is some other effect is desired.


In campaigns based around an Oriental culture, characters start play knowing martial arts. In a campaign based around a more mainstream or western culture they start play knowing punching and wrestling. In campaigns featuring characters from a mix of backgrounds, each character should start play with the type of combat appropriate to his/her culture. The character, if given the opportunity, can later learn an unarmed combat style originating in a different culture, and even specialize in it.

It takes a long time to learn a combat style. For game purposes it consider it takes a year of average effort and devotion to learn martial arts at the basic (proficient) level and four years of average effort and devotion (plus reaching the 4th level of experience or above) to specialize in martial arts, the equivalent of a black belt.

Any character can specialize in one unarmed combat style (punching, wrestling, martial arts). Single class warriors can specialize in more than one.


These rules are adapted from the guidelines originally presented in Oriental Adventures. The DM is not required to use any of the rules, but they can expand character options and make for a more colorful campaigns.


Learning an advanced martial art is like learning any other proficiency, with some exceptions. Martial arts styles are powerful abilities that require the expenditure of many slots to learn well. It takes only one slot to learn a specific art at its basic level, but it can take a characters whole stock of slots to learn an art at a very advanced level.

A character can learn any element of an advanced martial art by spending either a WP slot or a NWP slot on it. A character learning a lot of martial arts elements could end up spending many NWP and WP slots on it.

A character wishing to learn advanced martial arts must first know basic martial arts. Character originating in an Oriental campaign setting are assumed to already have proficiency in basic martial arts, but foreigners must spend a proficiency slot to learn basic martial arts before entering advanced study.

Once that condition is met, the character must find a master to study under. A ninja receives training from childhood in the clans special maneuvers and weapons but must seek out a master on his own is he wishes to go beyond the clans specialities. A Lone Wolf ninja who desires further training must also find a master to study with.


Finding a master is not necessarily an easy task. Many masters regard their skills as valuable secrets to be taught only to a select few. Many a style has disappeared because a master refused to reveal his art. Most masters do not advertise or even display their skill. They feel that to do so would be proud and boastful, characteristics that are undesirable in a master (and incidentally may incur the wrath of the gods). For many, the ultimate goal of ones training is to avoid having to use ones skills. Others feel that their art can only be learned in the most tranquil and secluded settings, deep in mountain forests and the like. Such men seldom appear in civilized lands.

Politics are another reason masters are hard to find. Conquered peoples may be forbidden to practice their arts lest they become troublesome and rebellious. Powerful temples (often the center of such training) may be destroyed by nervous emperors, warlords, or daimyos. The master and his students are forced to scatter with the winds and many disappear without a trace. In such cases they may join together or form secret societies, clandestinely meeting on rare occasions to train.

Not all masters are such recluses, or the skills of martial arts would have long since faded away. A large town or city may have a school run by the master. If his skill is well known, potential students will travel great distances to study under him. As characters adventure in the campaign, they will undoubtedly hear about these schools or may even learn the whereabouts of one of the more secretive masters of the martial arts.


After a character has been accepted by a master, the DM should determine the depth of the masters knowledge of the style.

Basics: A master automatically knows the basics of his style which provide the AC and other basic elements.

Maneuvers: The DM determines how many special maneuvers are available in this style (Table 18 if one not made up by DM/other)and rolls the smallest die that is equal to or greater than this number (if the style has five maneuvers the DM rolls a 1d6.) The result is the number of maneuvers the master is proficient in. Masters are under the same restrictions character is under for the order in which they learn special maneuvers, as discussed later.

Weapons: The DM determines how many weapons (if any) are used by the style, then rolls the smallest die that is equal to or greater than this number. (if the style has five weapons the DM rolls a 1d6.) The number rolled is the number of style weapons the master is proficient in (and can therefore teach).

Once these facts are determined, the master’s abilities are known, and these are the only things the master can teach. The master never increases in knowledge unless the DM rules that special circumstances dictate otherwise.


Once the character has been accepted by a master, he must remain and study under him for at least one month. At the end of this time the character spends one proficiency slot and gains the basics of that style (AC, # attacks, and basic damage). He does not gain any of the special maneuvers or weapons that may be taught by that style.

After the initial month’s training, the character does not need to remain with the master constantly: he is free to travel and adventure. However he must practice his style for at least one hour a day and must spend an average of six hours a week working with his master. There can be some variance in this schedule so long as the character spends at least 24 hours a month training with his master. Characters who do not fulfill this obligation cannot add special maneuvers and weapons.

To learn special maneuvers and weapons of a particular style, the character must spend additional proficiency slots. For each proficiency slot expended, the character can add one special maneuver or WP from that style. This does not mean the character instantly knows how to perform the maneuver or weapon proficiency.

No more than 2 proficiency slots can be expended on a single martial arts style per experience level.

Special maneuvers must be learned in order of difficulty. All difficulty 1 maneuvers (see below) must be learned before the character can progress to difficulty 2 maneuvers, and so forth. When a character has learned all the knowledge the master possesses, there is no point in continuing to study under this master. The character can now go off in search of another master - one who knows more about the style or one who teaches a different style.


The DM can allow the characters to have learned some advanced martial arts before entering campaign play. In such a case the DM allows the player to purchase those elements of the martial art he will allow at the start of play. However whatever the character buys is the limit of what his master could teach him. Once the character enters play, he will have to find a new master if he wants to further his martial arts training.


PC’s can learn more than one style of martial arts at a time. This requires the character to find more than one master, have sufficient available proficiency slots, and possess great dedication.

When fighting, the character with multiple styles can change styles from round to round. When using one style, he gains all the abilities he possesses of that style, but no abilities of any other style he knows. He can use only the special maneuvers of the style he is currently using (unless they are special bonuses that are constantly in effect).



Under these rules, the martial arts are classified by six different characteristics. Items 1-4 are called the basics.

1. # of attacks

2. Damage

3. AC

4. Principal Attack Form

5. Special Maneuvers

6. Allowed Weapons

A combination of these six characteristics is called a style. There can be as many styles as there are possible combinations of these elements. Each style is different and must be learned separately.

Styles are often given descriptive or poetic names, based on how the style works, its appearance when used, or the source of its inspiration. There are animal names (Snake Style, Monkey Style, Tiger Style, etc.), poetic names (Eight Drunken Fairies), and descriptive names (Empty Hand, Spring Legs, Nine Fists, etc.).

In addition, styles are identified by the way they are used. Some are highly defensive, relying on the inner power of the user to overcome the opponent. Others are aggressive, stressing form and channeled power in hard and sudden attacks. The table below lists some common styles and their characteristics.



Add this bonus to the character’s number of attacks per round when using this martial arts style - but only unarmed. If the character uses this style with a weapon, he receives only his normal number of attacks per round.


This is the base damage done when using this style unarmed.

AC Mod

Add this bonus to the character AC when using this style. The bonus applies whether or not the character is wearing armor. It represents his ability to dodge and block attacks that someone with a lesser training can’t counter. In some circumstances, however, the AC bonus doesn’t help; see "Unarmed vs. Armor" later on.

Principal Attack

This is the usual attack form of the style. When the Principal Attack of a style is "foot," the n a majority of attacks made with the style will be kicks. However this style may include any other sort of attack.

Special Maneuvers

These special maneuvers, described later, are associated with the style. Each special maneuver costs one proficiency slot to learn. (It says one WP but I and my group much prefer one of either proficiency)

Weapons Allowed

The listed weapons may be used in combination with the special maneuvers of the style. For example, if a karate practitioner knows the karate maneuver and has knowledge of kama use, he can perform the iron fist maneuver with his kama. It costs one WP slot to learn to use one entire tight group of weapons with the special maneuvers of a martial arts style.


Name # AT Dmg.AC mod. Princ. Special Weapons allowed

Attack Maneuvers (tight groups)

Aikijutsu +1 1 pt -3 Body Lock 1,2,3 Staves, Fencing Blades, Oriental

Block 1,2,3,4 Blades, Medium Blades

Movement 1,3

Throw 1,2,3,4

Mental 1,2,3,4,5

Atemi +1 1d4 -1 Hand/Foot Block 1,2 Clubbing weapons, Staves

Movement 1

Push 3

Strike 1

Vital Area 1,2,3

Jujutsu +1 1d2 -2 Body Lock 1,2,3,4 Fencing Blades,

Throw 1,2,3,4 Oriental Blades,

Movement 1,3 Medium Blades

Vital Area 1,2

Mental 1,2,3

Karate +1 1d4 -1 Hand Strike 1,2,3 Karate weapons

Kick 1

Block 1,2

Movement 1

Mental 1,4

Kung fu +1 1d3 -2 Hand Lock 1 Any Tight Group of

Strike 1,2 Melee Weapons

Kick 2

Block 1,2,3,4

Mental 4,6

Ninjutsu +1 1d2 -2 Legs Kick 1,2 Short Blades, Oriental Blades,

Lock 1,2 Chain Weapons, Rope Weapons

Movement 1,2,4

Strike 1

Throw 1,2

Block 1,3,4

Mental 2,4

Sumo +1 1d2 -2 Hand Lock 2 None

Movement 3

Push 1,2

Throw 1,3

Block 1

Tae Kwon Do +1 1d4 -1 Foot Kick 1,2,3 Medium Blades,Staves, Clubbing Strike 1 Weapons

Throw 4

Block 1,2

Movement 4


All the styles listed in the table above are real world martial arts.


This Japanese style dates back several centuries; it is one of the foundations of modern aikido. Though it includes more aggressive blows and techniques than aikido, it is still more a defensive than offensive style, principally concerned with throws and evasion. In some schools, sword and staff style are taught.


This art was derived from the much older Chinese ch’uan-fa arts by the warrior caste of Japan. A technique for attacking vital points of the opponent, its usefulness faded as the Japanese sword arts developed. To the modern martial arts student, "atemi" is a generic term for certain types of blows.


This art was systemized from earlier fighting styles in the 16th century. Though the modern form, judo, is principally thought of as a wrestling art, older jujutsu forms included more strikes, chokes, and even weapon techniques. It was a fall back art for the warrior temporarily separated from his primary weapons.


This style, under the name of te ("hand"), was developed in Okinawa over a period of many centuries. This process was accelerated after the 17th-century conquest of Okinawa by Japan and subsequent laws banning weapons and martial arts. Te’s development incorporated use of many ordinary farming implements, such as the threshing nunchaku and scythe like kama, which were not banned. Karate ("empty hand") was not popularized in Japan until the 20th century, but it is not too much of a stretch to assume that a Japan-like culture will have a style like karate.

Kung fu

Systemized study of the fighting arts date back into the mists of history in China, but legend attributes much of Chinese martial arts to Bodhidharma, a Buddhist monk from India. In the sixth century of the common era, it is said, he came to a Shao-lin temple in China and taught his Indian style of boxing, which became the basics for many of the kung fu styles.


The martial arts style of the ninja developed gradually in parallel to the ninjas espionage art. It is a deceptive style with hard and soft elements, a style in which it is as important to throw down an opponent and run away as it is to damage him. A character proficient in Style Analysis can make a NWP check to determine that a character is using ninjutsu. It is therefore useful for a practitioner of ninjutsu to know some other style such as karate at least at the basic level. That way if forced into unarmed combat when in the presence of friends who are not ninja, the ninja character is less likely to give themselves away.


One of the most ancient of Japanese combat, sumo wrestling’s vanish back into Japanese mythology. Legend attributes the first sumo match to a fight between a mortal and a demigod. A more historical account describes a type of sumo match taking place in the first century of the common era. Thought the goal of modern sumo calls for the opponents to try and push one another out of a ring, older forms included hand strikes, kicks, and head butts. The modern form still includes a painful and distracting slapping technique.

Tae Kwon Do

This Korean martial art was originally derived from Chinese techniques and systemized in the seventh century of the modern era. It is a hard style, emphasizing punching and kicking.

Naturally, it is a gross oversimplification to lump all styles of kung fu, or karate, or most of the other styles described here under one set of maneuvers. A DM who knows enough about a martial arts style to object to the way it has been presented here is free to develop his own set of guidelines for it, using the rules presented next.


In addition to the styles listed previously, the DM can create new styles for use in his campaign. These should be styles unique to the campaign world - some common, some uncommon, some mysterious and little known.

The DM creates a style by choosing its general characteristics, special maneuvers, and allowed weapons.


The DM should first decide whether the style is hard, soft, or a combination of the two. Hard styles usually emphasize the use of the muscles and bones for power. They usually use direct movements and are generally offensive, stressing the attack. Soft styles rely more on the inner power of the character to provide the necessary energy, although they too require conditioning of the muscles. Their movements are more fluid and circular and are generally considered more defensive. These movements divert the attacker, using his own force against him, responding only after the enemy has committed himself. The training is more mentally oriented showing the student how to focus and use his inner power.

Styles that combine both hard and soft aspects attempt to use the best practices from both. Circular and gentle defensive movements are combined with swift and direct attacks. Physical training is balanced with mental training.


Next the DM must choose the principal method, the fighting method most commonly used by that style. When a character attack, he uses the principal method of the style more often than not. Each principal method describes the most common means of attack. Those with kicking method use many kicks; those with throwing rely on grappling and leverage etc.

However every style incorporates moves from other methods, because reliance on a single form would certainly mean defeat.


The table below lists all the different choices available for creating the basics of a style. As the DM makes selections, his choices determine AC, # attacks, damage, and principal attack form used most commonly


Form #AT Mod AC Mod Dmg Mod

Hard +1 -1 2

Soft +1 -3 0

Hard/Soft +1 -2 1

Principal Dmg Mod Principal

Method Attack

Block 1 Hand

Kick 2 Foot

Lock 1 Body

Movement 1 Legs

Push 1 Hand

Strike 3 Hand

Throw 1 Body

Vital Area 2 Hand / Foot

Weapon By Weapon Hand / Arm

Form / Principal Method

The DM must select one form and one principal method for each style.


# AT Mod

All martial arts styles add 1 to the number of attacks per round the character can perform unarmed. If he uses the martial arts style with a weapon, he receives only his usual number of attacks.

AC Mod

Add this modifier to the character’s AC.

Dmg Mod

Total the Dmg Mod from the form and the principal method. Round this number up to the nearest die size used in the game. Thus a total Dmg mod of 5 equals 1d6; a total of 4 equals 1d4. The die roll constitutes the basic amount of damage done when fighting unarmed in this style.

Principal Attack

This part of the body is most commonly used with this method. Kicking relies on the feet, where throwing makes use of the whole body. So long as the character has the listed body part unbound or free to move, the character can still attack effectively with that principal method.


The basics of the martial arts described earlier were built in this way

Aikijutsu: Soft: #AT +1, AC -3, Dmg Mod 0. Throw: Dmg Mod 1, Body

Atemi: Hard: #AT +1, AC-1, Dmg Mod 2. Vital Area: Dmg Mod 2, Hand/Foot

Jujutsu: Hard/Soft: #AT +1, AC -2, Dmg Mod 1. Lock: Dmg Mod 1, Body

Karate: Hard: #AT +1, AC -1, Dmg Mod 2. Strike: Dmg Mod 2, Hand

Kung fu: Hard/Soft: #AT +1, AC -2, Dmg Mod 1. Strike: Dmg Mod 2, Hand

Ninjutsu: Hard/Soft: #AT +1, AC -2, Dmg Mod 1. Movement: Dmg Mod 1, Legs

Sumo: Hard/Soft: #AT +1, AC -2, Dmg Mod 1. Push: Dmg Mod 1, Hand

Tae Kwon Do: Hard: #AT +1, AC -1, Dmg Mod 2. Kick: Dmg Mod 2, Foot


Most styles incorporate the use of melee weapons. However not all styles use all weapons. The weapons that can be used with a style are listed in the "Weapons Allowed" section of Table 17.

In order to use a weapon with a martial arts style, a character must spend a weapon proficiency slot on the tight group that includes that weapon. Earlier, the character must have spent a slot for proficiency with the weapon if he wants to use the weapons tight group with his martial arts style.

When a character spends his proficiency slot to use the tight group of weapons with his style, he can use any weapon he knows from the group with any special maneuver that permits it. The description of each special maneuver indicates the weapons that can be used with that maneuver.

When the character uses a weapon with a special maneuver, he may choose whether he uses the damage for the maneuver or for the weapon. Normally he chooses the damage that is higher. In addition, he receives any benefits from the special maneuver. Additionally, on the rare occasion when it matters, the character using the weapon with his martial arts style gains any benefits arising from the size of the weapon and may suffer penalties for the speed factor of the weapon. The special maneuvers listed under "Principal Method: Weapons" can only be used with weapons.


Special maneuvers are actions and abilities that require intense study and skill to learn. In return, they give the user greater-than-normal results. Some maneuvers are actions that a character can take during the course of a fight (flying kick, one finger push, etc.). Others are constant abilities that, once learned, are always in effect (ironskin, blind-fighting, etc.).

Combat maneuvers are risky; failure often leaves the character in a exposed or dangerous position. A combat maneuver costs the character one or more attacks for the melee round. A movement maneuver counts as movement, preventing the character from making any attack that round (unless the maneuver notes otherwise).


Each special maneuver belongs to the list corresponding to one of the principal methods of fighting. For example, the principal method Kick has one set of special maneuvers, while that of Weapons has another.

In addition to the maneuvers grouped under the principal method, there is the additional category of Mental and Physical Training. These special maneuvers can be learned in any style through the practice and discipline of training.


The DM determines the number of special maneuvers taught by the style. He can choose any maneuver from any of the lists, with one restriction: There can’t be any more maneuvers from any list than there are from the list corresponding to the principal method of the style.

There should be no fewer than 6 and no more than 15 special maneuvers in a style. With more than 15 special maneuvers a style becomes to unwieldy and characters have little chance of learning a majority of the special maneuvers.

When choosing maneuvers from one of the principal method lists, the DM does not have to choose a consecutive sequence starting at the # 1 maneuver and progressing numerically from there. For example, when choosing from the Mental and Physical Training group he might choose # 1, # 3, # 5, and # 6 for his martial arts style.


The special maneuvers of each method are ranked according to the difficulty of each maneuver. The lower the number of the maneuver, the easier it is to learn and execute.

Characters must learn available maneuvers from a principal method list in the order in which they are presented.


Kazuhiro is studying ninjutsu, which incorporates the special maneuvers Kick 1 (circle kick) and Kick 3 (backward kick). Before learning the backward kick, Kaz must learn the circle. (He doesn’t have to learn Kick 2, the flying kick and can’t learn it, unless he studies a different martial art that includes that maneuver.)

This restriction still allows characters learning the same martial art to develop very personal individual forms of the art.

For example, Akira has decided to concentrate on the principal method of ninjutsu, learning all of the movement maneuvers before learning anything else.

Koichi, however decides to learn all the basics first, picking up maneuvers rated "1" before progressing on to any maneuvers rated "2". Koichi will not have the movement expertise of Akira but will have a much better grounding in the art.



Principal Method: Block

1. Basic Parry Blocks 1 melee attack

2. Parry All Costs 2 melee attacks; blocks all melee attacks

3. Grappling Block Blocks one melee attack; pins weapon

4. Arrow Parry Costs 2 attacks; blocks all missile attacks

Principal Method: Kick

1. Circle Kick Add 1d2 hp to basic damage

2. Flying Kick Leap; add 1d4 hp to basic damage

3. Backward Kick Kick person behind; basic damage

Principal Method: Lock

1. Choke Hold Takes +1 round; victim passes out

2. Locking Block Pins weapon/limb; +4 to hit with other attacks

3. Incapacitator Add 1d4 hp to basic damage; limb useless

4. Immobilizing Victim immobilized

Principal Method: Movement

1. Feint Costs extra attack; +3 to hit

2. Prone Fighting Suffer no kneel/sit/prone penalties

3. Immovability Save vs. paralyzation to not budge

4. Leap Leap great distances

5. Speed Check Dexterity; result /4= extra attacks

6. Slow Resistance immune to slow spells

Principal Method: Push

1. Concentrated Push Push foe 1'/level; knockdown if pushed over 3'

2. Sticking Touch While touching +2 to hit, -2 to AC

3. One Finger Push Concentrated push at range

Principal Method: Strike

1. Iron Fist 1d6 hp damage plus Strength bonuses with blows

2. Crushing Blow Break inanimate objects; 1 attack/round

3. Eagle Claw 1d8 hp damage plus Str. bonuses; 1 attack/rnd..

Principal Method: Throw

1. Fall Take half damage from falls

2. Instant Stand Stand quickly (negates one round penalty)

3. Hurl Throw target 1d4'; add 1d4 hp damage

4. Great Throw Throw target 1'/level; 2x base damage

Principal Method: Vital Area

1. Pain Touch Victim -2 to hit, +2 to AC for 1d3 rounds

2. Stunning Touch Save or be stunned for 1d4 rounds

3. Paralyzing Touch Save at -2 or be paralyzed for 2d4 rounds

4. Distance Death Any 1 of other 3 or 2x base damage at range

Principal Method: Weapon

1. Weapon Breaker Automatically breaks normal weapons

2. Steel Cloth Wield 6'-10' cloth as normal spear

Mental and Physical Training

1. Meditation 1 hour meditation= 2 hours sleep

2. All-Around Sight Aware of attacks from all around

3. Mental Resistance +2 on saves vs. mental attacks

4. Ch’i Attacks Can hit as if magical weapon

5. Blind Fighting Only -1 to hit when fighting in darkness

6. Ironskin -2 to AC when not wearing armor

7. Levitation Float 5'/round/ experience level







The basic parry maneuver prevents melee attacks from hitting the martial artist. It does not work against missile attacks. A character can perform the basic parry if he has not used both his martial arts attacks for that round. Even if his opponent has initiative, the martial artist can announce he’s going to use one of his attacks to parry. The martial artist rolls an attack against his opponent, taking into account all normal adjustments to his opponent’s AC and the "Unarmed vs. Armor" conditions described later on. If the attack hits the martial artist has parried the first blow struck at him this round by his opponent.

When the Attack Roll Fails: the incoming weapon hits.

Weapons Allowed: Any. Characters using sai or jitte weapons get a +2 to hit with the basic parry maneuver.


The parry all maneuver is a more advanced form of the basic parry. It requires two of the characters attacks for the round (the total number of attacks for most characters). With this expenditure, the martial artist gets to roll a block against every melee attack aimed at them that round, so long as he is aware of the attacks. He makes a separate attack roll against each incoming blow.

When the Attack Roll Fails: The opponent’s blow hits.

Weapons Allowed: Any. Characters using sai or jitte weapons receive a +2 bonus to hit with the parry all maneuver.


With this advanced maneuver, the martial artist parries an incoming weapon attack and is able to grab the weapon, making it harder for the attacker to use against him. If the martial artist is unarmed, the grappling block requires both his hands to perform; if armed, it requires his weapon hand.

The grappling block takes just one of the martial artist’s attacks, just like the basic parry. If it is successful, the martial artist and the attacker both have a grip on the weapon. The grip is never a dangerous one for the martial artist. For example, the grappling block allows the martial artist to clap the blade of a sword wielding opponent between his palms, preventing it from striking.

In order to strike the martial artist with the weapon, the attacker must get it free. To do this the attacker must make a strength check. If the check succeeds the attacker recovers his weapon. If he fails the roll by 4 or more, he loses his weapon (it is now in the martial artist’s hand). Any other result leaves the two combatants still grappling for the weapon. The attacker may make as many strength checks per round as he has attacks available, and can voluntarily release the weapon at any time.

The martial artist can make further attacks against his opponent with a +2 to his chance to hit, if the grappling block maneuver has left his principal body part free to make the attack. For example, if he used a chain to catch his opponents attack, and his principal attack method is the kick, he can attack with a leg. But is he used a two handed sword to catch his opponents attack and his principal attack is a fist strike, he has no hands free to attack. Additionally, any other character making an attack against either of the two grappling for the weapon gets +2 to hit.

When the Attack Roll Fails: The martial artist has managed to foul his own weapon on that of his opponent. If his opponent can then make a normal attack roll against him - requiring no time and not costing him an attack - the opponent yanks his weapon free, leaving the character disarmed.

Weapons Allowed: Any. Character using sai and jitte weapons receive a +2 to hit with this maneuver.


With this maneuver, the martial artist is able to parry thrown and missile weapons. This maneuver requires two attacks for the round and applies to all attacks that the martial artist is aware of.

When The Attack Roll Fails: The weapon strike the martial artist.

Weapons Allowed: Any. Characters using shields receive a +2 bonus to hit with the arrow parry maneuver.




In this dramatic kick, the attacker builds up momentum by spinning in a complete circle before landing the kick (usually on the upper body). The maneuver can also be performed as a spin or thrust kick. A successful kick (requiring a normal attack roll) adds 1d2 hp to the characters normal martial arts damage.

When the Attack Roll Fails: As he tries to recover his balance, the martial artist loses the next attack he would normally be allowed. Also his armor class is worsened by 2 until the next round

Weapons Allowed: None.


This spectacular kick requires at least 5 feet of running space. The character leaps high into the air (4-6 feet upward, 5-12 feet forward) and leads with a powerful kick to the head or upper body. If the kick connects, the character adds 1d4 hp to the normal martial arts damage.

When the Attack Roll Fails: The attacker falls to the ground next to the intended target and must spend one round getting back to his feet (unless he knows the instant stand or prone fighting maneuvers).

Weapons Allowed: None


This seemingly innocuous kick is extremely difficult to master. The character attempts a normal attack at any creature directly behind him, either kicking his foot forward and straight up (like a Radio City Music Hall Rockette), with his toe ending up behind his own head to connect with the enemy, or lashing out straight backward. He does not have to turn around and face his attacker. The kick does normal damage.

When the Attack Roll Fails: The attacker suffers no ill effects

Weapons Allowed: None.



Locking is the art of gripping an opponent in a way that prevents him from acting: twisting an arm so the joint is locked, applying pressure to choke off breathing an blood flow, etc.


This maneuver teaches the correct way of applying pressure to render an opponent unconscious. To initiate a choke hold, the martial artist must make a successful attack roll. For the maneuver to work as intended, the martial artist must maintain the choke hold until the end of the next melee round. During that time he may take no other action and cannot attack again; he is entirely occupied in gripping an holding his opponent. The opponent can attempt to escape by making a successful attack roll at a -2 penalty. This may be tried as many time as the opponent has attacks for the round.

If the opponent fails to escape, he falls unconscious at the end of that round and remains unconscious for 1d3 rounds. During the time the choke hold is in effect, the opponent can’t cry out for help or cast spells requiring verbal components.

When the Attack Roll Fails: The attacker suffers no ill effects.

Weapons Allowed: Chain Weapons, rope weapons, lash weapons, axes (using shafts), clubbing weapons, flails, karate weapons (using shafts), picks (using shafts), sickles, staves, bladed poles (using shafts) and spears (using shafts) tight groups.


This action can be attempted instead of a normal attack. It can be used against unarmed fighters or attackers using melee weapons.

The martial artist makes a normal attack roll. If successful, the attacker has trapped his opponents weapon, arm, or leg in a scissors arm lock; the trapped element cannot be used to make attacks. in addition, so long as the opponent is so trapped, the attacker may make other attacks (using the feet only) with a +4 to his chance to hit. The opponent can break the lock by expending an attack and making a normal attack roll for success. This attempt to break free does no damage. The locking block maneuver does no damage.

When the Attack Roll Fails: When used against an unarmed opponent, an unsuccessful locking block causes no ill effects except for the loss of the attack. However, when used against a weapon, a unsuccessful locking block results in damage to the martial artist: in attempting to make the block, the character is hit by the weapon. He takes normal damage for the weapon, not modified by strength bonuses of the weapon wielder.

Weapons Allowed: Medium blades, oriental blades, short blades, chain weapons, rope weapons, lash weapons, axes, clubbing weapons, flails, karate weapons, picks, sickles, staves, and spears tight groups. Characters using sai and jitte weapons receive a +2 bonus to hit when using this maneuver.


By gripping the opponent and twisting his joints, the martial artist can render one finger, arm, or leg useless for 24 hours and cause 1d4 hp damage in addition to his normal martial arts damage.

If the incapacitator’s attack roll is successful, the maneuver does the damage noted above and the opponent must make a saving throw against paralyzation. If he fails to save, the appropriate limb is rendered useless. If he makes the save the damage remains but there is no paralysis.

Application of a cure wounds or remove paralysis spell will eliminate the paralyzing effects of the attack.

When the Attack Roll Fails: The martial artist suffers no ill effects.

Weapons allowed: Chain weapons, rope weapons, lash weapons, clubbing weapons, karate weapons, staves, and spears (using shafts) tight groups.


With one hand the martial artist grips and holds the opponent in such a way that the opponent cannot take any action. The martial artist is still able to make attacks (using either his other hand or his feet), or even apply another immobilizer to a different opponent. A successful attack roll must be made to initiate the immobilizer, but the attack does no damage. Immobilized characters can attempt to break the hold by spending a melee attack. However, the chance of success is modified by a -6 to the die roll.

When the Attack Roll Fails: the martial artist suffers a -4 modifier to his next attack.

Weapons Allowed: Chain weapons, rope weapons, and lash weapons tight groups



This method requires training to control and position the martial artists own body - posture, stance, and reflexes. From this method, students learn the importance of speed, sudden changes in direction, and footwork. It is seldom very offensive, but, combined with other styles, creates a dangerous and deadly fighter.


The martial artist begins an attack in one direction and at the last moment changes it to another direction. Or he begins an attack but doesn’t follow through, in order to draw his opponent off balance or to make the opponent commit to a futile defense.

The martial artist makes a regular attack but adds the feint, which costs him a extra attack but gives him +3 to hit

When the Attack Roll Fails: The martial artist doesn’t hit, but suffers no ill effects

Weapons Allowed: Any.



Prepared for any circumstances, the martial artist who knows this maneuver is able to fight effectively even sitting, kneeling, prone, or supine. This special maneuver requires no time and is always in effect; it applies any time the character is knocked from his feet or falls down. However, the character can perform no other special maneuver (except instant stand) when on the ground. He can still use his weapons and the basic damage from his martial arts style, and suffers no AC penalty for being on the ground.

A character without this skill who fights from the ground is easier to hit than a standing character. Attacks against a kneeling character receives a +1 to hit; against a sitting character, +2 to hit; against a character who is lying on the ground +4 to hit. The character who is down suffers equivalent penalties to hit when attacking someone who is standing: -1 to hit if the attacker is kneeling, -2 if he is sitting, -4 if he is lying flat. The character who knows prone fighting suffers none of these penalties.

Weapons Allowed: Any. Fighters are even trained to use two handed and long weapons effectively from the ground.


By carefully positioning his feet and learning to tense and relax various muscles, the martial artist can avoid being knocked down, lifted, or thrown off his feet. Any time an attack would result in one of these effects, the character is automatically allowed a saving throw vs. paralyzation. If the save is successful the character remains standing.

Weapons Allowed: Any. The character using immovability does not attack with these weapons, but uses them to brace himself. They confer no bonus to his immovability.


The martial artist is ale to perform extraordinary feats of springing and leaping by channeling his ch’i, or inner power, mentally making himself as light as a feather.

From a standing start the character can leap 4 feet into the air and 3 feet forward, plus one foot forward and up for each experience level the character possesses. (Thus a 10th level character could, with this maneuver, leap 14 feet into the air and 13 feet forward.) He can also flip in midair to change his facing.

Standing start leaps do not take an entire melee round, costing instead one attack allowed during the round. Thus a character could flip over a opponent, land behind him, and execute an attack from the rear with his next melee attack.

From a running start, the character can leap 8 feet upward and 10 feet forward plus one foot up and forward per experience level the character possesses. The character must have room to run at least 10 feet before making such a leap.

When a character does either a standing start leap or a running start leap, the character must make an attack roll vs. AC 10 to land safely. If the roll is successful, then the leap is successful

When the Attack Roll Fails: The character leaps the full distance but falls to the ground upon landing. See the prone fighting maneuver described earlier for penalties for fighting from the ground.

Weapons Allowed: The character cam carry any weapon when using the leap maneuver.


The martial artist has developed lightning fast reflexes and powerful muscles. Once per day, the character may make a Dexterity check. For every 4 points it succeeds by (round fractions to nearest whole number) the character gets another attack, which may be used with weapons or martial arts. Such extra attacks last only one round

Example: Tamako has the speed ability and a Dexterity of 13. In the midst of a battle, she makes a Dexterity check and rolls a 4. Her check succeeds by 9 points. The result (rounded) of 9 divided by 4 is 2. In this round only, Tamako gets two extra attacks.

This maneuver is difficult and tiring. Once the battle is done, the martial artist must rest one turn per extra attack he has made, or be reduced to half his normal speed until he is able to rest.

Weapons Allowed: Any.


Having developed his body and disciplined his mind, the martial artist is automatically immune to slow effects, this condition is in effect at all times; it does not have to be activated like a combat maneuver.

Weapons Allowed: Not applicable



Pushing is a soft form of combat, relying on the characters understanding of the forces of motion. Many pushing techniques turn the opponents own force against him, deflecting his attack, throwing him off balance, or knocking him backward with a single touch. Learning this art takes great mental disciplines but does not require great strength.


The character focuses his inner energy into his hands, giving great results from even a gentle push. On a successful attack roll, the opponent is knocked back 1 foot per level of the martial artist. If the distance is greater than 3 feet, the opponent must make a successful saving throw vs. paralyzation to remain on his feet. If the character hits a solid object, he suffers damage as if he had fallen the same distance. Those who know the immovability maneuver can resist being knocked back.

When the Attack Roll Fails: For the remainder of the round, all of the martial artist opponents get a +2 bonus to their attack rolls.

Weapons Allowed: Clubbing weapons, staves, bladed poles (using shaft), pole spears (using shaft), and spears (using shaft) tight groups.


The martial artist has so attuned his sense of touch that by lightly placing his on his opponent he can follow that persons every move. A normal attack roll must be made, and the touch does no damage. However, so long as the martial artist remains in contact, he gains a +2 on all subsequent attack rolls and his AC improves by 2, because he is able to feel the impending moves of the opponent before they happen.

The touch can be broken only by the opponent moving in a way or at a speed beyond the abilities of the character. Thus, an opponent who knows the leap maneuver can use it to break contact. However, if both combatants know that maneuver, the martial artist can automatically choose to leap at the same time as his opponent, keeping the contact unbroken (unless the opponent’s leap is longer than the character’s).

When the Attack Roll Fails: The touch does not "stick"

Weapons Allowed: None; this is an unarmed maneuver only.


This skill requires long and difficult practice. It is said that the student first learns to push a suspended heavy bell with the touch of a single finger. He concentrates then on touching it more and more lightly while making it move even more. Finally he reaches the point where he can make the bell move without actually touching it. His inner power extends out from his finger and pushes the bell. At this point the character has learned the one finger push.

One finger push gives the martial artist the power of concentrated push without having to touch the target. The character simply concentrates and points his finger at the opponent. The range is equal to 1 foot per experience level of the character. One finger push requires great concentration and is the only action the character can take in that round regardless of the number of melee attacks the character normally has. A normal attack roll must be made. If successful, the opponent is affected as if hit by a concentrated push.

When the Attack Roll Fails: the one finger push doesn’t take effect.

Weapons Allowed: None; this is an unarmed maneuver only.




Through various toughening exercise, the martial artist hardens his hands so much that they feel like steel. The character does 1d6 hp damage from each attack (plus Strength bonuses) if the principal attack is the hands. If the principal attack is not the hands, the character does 1d6 hp damage on only one attack per melee round.

When the Attack Roll Fails: The blow does not land.

Weapons Allowed: Any melee weapon.


The martial artist is able to shatter or break hard object - wood, ceramics, and masonry, but not metal - with a blow of the hand. The character can break a half inch of wood or a quarter inch of brittle stone per experience level. The DM can modify this based on shape, hardness, and age of the target. If used against a living target, the character causes normal damage plus one half his experience level (rounded down); Strength damage bonuses do not apply. (Example: An 11th level character who normally does 1d4 hp damage with his martial arts attack would do 1d4+5 hp per crushing blow.)

The crushing blow requires great concentration and is the only action the character can take in a round, regardless of the number of attacks the character normally has. in all cases a normal attack roll must be made. The DM must determine the number needed to hit a stationary object (assigning AC based on its hardness).

When the Attack Roll Fails: If the martial artist attempts to strike a stationary object(such as stone) and the attack roll fails, he seriously injures his hand, suffering damage equal to what he would have normally done on a normal attack. The hand is unusable for 24 hours, even if magically healed before then.

Weapons Allowed: None


Through physical exercise and concentration, the martial artist can summon immense crushing power into his hands. On a successful attack roll, he can shatter objects (snap spear shafts, crush stones, etc.), crush metal items, and cause 1d8 hp damage (plus bonuses for Strength) per attack. This ability requires great concentration and is the only action the martial artist can take in the round.

When the Attack Roll Fails: The attacker does not damage anything but suffers no ill effects.

Weapons Allowed: None.




The martial arts student learns to fall and roll correctly, taking the impact on the safest areas of the body. Once learned it is constantly in effect. Therefore, the character suffers only half normal damage from any fall (if he is conscious and able to move)

Weapons Allowed: The character can carry any weapons while performing this maneuver.


After learning to fall, the student learns how to gain his feet quickly, either by rolling up to a standing position or using a acrobatic jump. Normally, one round is required for the character to get to his feet, but the character know this maneuver can regain his feet automatically instead of making an attack. He may then perform other actions in the round if he has attacks available.

Weapons Allowed: Any.


This type of throw relies a great deal on strength and less on leverage. The martial artist can attempt to pick up a opponent and throw him to the ground 1d4 feet away. The attack adds 1d4 hp to the basic damage of that martial arts style. The attacker must make a successful attack roll for the hurl maneuver to work.

When the Attack Roll Fails: The attack loses the rest of their attacks for that round and automatically loses initiative for the next round.

Weapons Allowed: None.


Using leverage and his opponents momentum, the martial artist throws his opponent a great distance. The character must make a normal attack roll. If the opponent is stationary, the character can throw him 1 foot per experience level of the martial artist. If the opponent is charging, the distance thrown is 6 feet plus 1 foot per experience level of the character. The opponent suffers double normal damage for the martial arts style.

When the Attack Roll Fails: The opponent counters the move and knocks the martial artist off his feet; the character automatically loses initiative for the next round.

Weapons Allowed: Chain weapons, rope weapons, lash weapons, staves, bladed poles (using shaft), pole spears (using shaft), and spears (using shaft) tight groups.



This method relies on a blow for effect, much like a strike or kick. However the strength of the blow is not as important as the location where it lands. The vital area method teaches the martial artist where and how to strike at the weak spots on his opponent’s body - throat, ears, foot, nerve points, and other places.

Because the training requires a knowledge of anatomy, the special maneuvers listed below may only be used against human and humanoid opponents, unless the practitioner has bought a NWP related to the anatomy of a category of monsters (dragons, equines, etc.)


Simply by pressing his finger against specific points of the body, the martial artist can cause great pain in his opponent. This can be done in place of a normal attack. The touch causes no damage, but if the attack is successful, the opponent feels as though he were on fire. Thereafter he will suffer a -2 to his attack rolls and a 2 penalty to his AC. This effect lasts 1d3 rounds.

When the Attack Roll Fails: No adverse effect.

Weapons Allowed: Clubbing weapons tight group.


With a light slap of the fingers in the correct spot, the martial artist can stun and daze his opponent. This can be done in place of a normal attack and does no damage. The attack must make a normal attack roll. If the attack is successful, the opponent is allowed a save vs. paralyzation. The opponent who fails to save is stunned for 1d4 rounds, unable to take any action.

When the Attack Roll Fails: No adverse effect if the attack roll fails or the opponent fails to save..

Weapons Allowed: Clubbing weapons tight group.


By placing pressure on specific nerve junctions, the martial artist can paralyze his opponent, leaving him unable to move for 2d4 rounds. The character must make a normal attack roll, but the attack does no other damage. The opponent is allowed a save vs. paralyzation at a -2 penalty.

When the Attack Roll Fails: No adverse effect if the attack doesn’t hit or the opponent makes a successful save, no damage is done.

Weapons Allowed: Clubbing weapons tight group.


Also known as the dim mak or "death touch," this ultimate skill of the vital area method requires great practice and concentration. To learn this maneuver, the martial artist must practice at a pool of water, driving his finger at the surface without touching it. As he does so, he concentrates on his ch’i power, trying to extend it from his fingertip. When he can hear the echo of his thrust rebound from the water, he has mastered the maneuver.

Distance death requires great concentration and is the only action the character can take in a round. It has a range of one foot per experience level of the character.

To use this maneuver the martial artist must make a normal attack roll. If the attack is successful, the character can choose to do one of the following effects:

Pain: Similar to the pain touch, but no save.

Stunning: Similar to the stunning touch but with a -2 to save vs. paralysis.

Paralyzation: Similar to the paralyzing touch but with a save vs. paralyzation at a -4 penalty.

Double Damage: The character does 2 times the amount of damage for his martial arts style. No save allowed.

When the Attack Roll Fails: No adverse or special effect.

Weapons Allowed: None.



The martial arts often include training in a number of standard and unusual weapons. The maneuvers described below can only be applied when using weapons. They are exclusive to practitioners of the martial arts.


Just as martial arts weapons are designed to catch and deflect weapons of others, they are also capable of breaking them. The breaking action is a swift blow or twist with the weapon. The martial artist must be wielding a martial arts weapon and can only use this maneuver against melee weapons, not against unarmed fighters.

The character makes a normal attack roll. If the roll is successful, the opponents weapon is broken (magical weapons are unharmed). This maneuver does no damage to living creatures or monsters.

When the Attack Roll Fails: No adverse effect, the weapon is unharmed.

Weapons Allowed: Any melee weapon.


With this maneuver the martial artist never be without a weapon. If the character has a 6-10 foot piece of cloth, he can whirl it and snap it tight, keeping it in constant motion and giving it the rigidity of a spear.

The cloth is treated as a spear. If you own The Complete Fighter’s Handbook, the cloths length determines what type of spear it is. 6-8 feet, it is a normal spear; above 8 feet it is a long spear. Note that the spear can’t be thrown, the moment it leaves the martial artists hands, it becomes a normal piece of cloth.

This maneuver is automatically successful, the martial artist need not make any sort of roll to turn a cloth into a weapon.

Weapons Allowed: One 6-10 foot length of cloth, or rope weapons tight group.



The following abilities are gained by the martial artist in the course of training. They reflect superb control over mind and body. They do not belong to any categories of principal method as they can be learned by practitioners of any method or style.


This ability allows the martial artist to enter a mental state in which he can focus and regain his energies. For each hour the character spends in uninterrupted meditation, he gets as much rest as two hours worth of sleep. While meditating, the character is oblivious to hunger, thirst, heat, and cold (but he still takes damage from heat or cold based attacks). He remains conscious and aware of his surroundings, and suffers no penalties on surprise or initiative die rolls.


The martial artist’s training makes him more attuned to his immediate surrounding. He is able to detect opponents on all sides, provided they are not invisible. The character can never be struck from behind or suffer a penalty from a back attack. This maneuver is constantly in effect.


The mental exercises and ordeals of the martial artists training have toughened and strengthened his will. He receives a +2 on all saves against all mental attacks, including charm, illusion, and hold spells. This ability is constantly in effect.


With this ability, the martial artist summons his ch’i (life force energy) and can use unarmed martial arts attacks to hit monsters that could otherwise be hit only by magic. See below. The ability is constantly in effect.


XP Level Character Hits As A

1-4 magical weapon

5-9 +1 magical weapon

10-14 +2 magical weapon

15-19 +3 magical weapon

20 +4 magical weapon


Under his masters guidance, the martial artist has trained for long periods while wearing a blindfold or in darkened rooms, gaining the ability to detect foes with senses other than sight. The character suffers only a -1 penalty when fighting in darkness, when blinded, or when faced with invisible opponents. However any of these when combined with a silence spell renders a character effectively blind. This ability is constantly in effect.


Rigorous physical and mental training has toughened the martial artist’s to the strength of iron. The AC of the character is lowered by 2, but only while wearing no other armor. This ability is constantly in effect.


This is perhaps the rarest of all martial arts maneuvers because it requires the utmost concentration and mental discipline. Daily the martial artist practices making his body feel lighter, using mental power to negate his own weight. Finally the character succeeds in overcoming all his weight and can levitate for a number of rounds equal to his experience level. This maneuver requires one turn of concentration before it takes effect. Thereafter the character can move up, down, or sideways at a rate of 5 feet per round. He can take no other actions while levitating and will fall to the ground if his concentration is broken. On the completion of the levitation the character must rest for one round before taking any other action.




A character who knows martial arts is formidable but still suffers some penalties when facing an armed or armored opponent.


Not all martial arts skills are entirely effective against armored opponents. Table 21 shows which martial arts abilities suffer penalties against various types of armor. Compare the maneuvers to the type of armor, the result is the penalty to hit. If the maneuver is not shown on table 21 is has no penalties against an armored opponent.


Likewise, unarmed characters fighting armed characters suffer penalties because they must cope with their enemies greater striking range. When an unarmed character fights an opponent with a melee weapon, give the character a penalty based on the length of the weapon he faces. Above "Large," it becomes progressively easier for an unarmed fighter to slip within the enemies effective range, hence the decreasing penalties.








FLYING KICK -1 -2 -3



CHOKE HOLD -2 -3 -5








IRON FIST - - -2


EAGLE CLAW -2 -3 -4


HURL -1 +1 +3

GREAT THROW -1 -2 -4


PAIN TOUCH -3 -4 -5





STEEL CLOTH -1 -3 -5

* Includes studded leather.

** All monsters with an AC of 7 or better due to tough hide.



In addition to the basic abilities and the special maneuvers associated with martial arts styles, all styles have a chance of stunning and incapacitating a man sized opponent.

Whenever a martial artist rolls an unmodified 20 on his attack roll, the opponent must make a saving throw vs. paralyzation. If the save is successful, the opponent is not stunned or incapacitated. If the save is failed then the opponent is stunned or incapacitated. Compare the hit dice or level of the opponent to the die roll. If the number rolled is less than the hit dice or level of the opponent, the opponent is stunned for 1d6 rounds. If the number is greater than this, the opponent is incapacitated for 1d3 hours.


Players who like to visualize where their character’s blows land can use a variation of the Martial Arts Results Table (presented earlier). Each time the character attacks with martial arts, he makes a die roll and consults table 23 to determine the location of the blow. The principal method of the martial art determines the type of roll




KICK 1d20

LOCK 3d6


PUSH 1d10+6

STRIKE 2d6+6





18-20 Head

17 Throat

16 Shoulder

15 Upper Arm

14 Elbow

13 Lower Arm

12 Wrist / Hand

10-11 Chest / Back

9 Stomach

8 Groin

7 Thigh

6 Upper Leg

5 Knee

4 Lower Leg

1-3 Foot

The hit location does not affect the damage or effect of the attack; it is for visualization purposes only.