The Netbook of Feats
The best feats on the net

A d20 System Licensed Product.
Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons Player's Handbook, Third Edition, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
This product utilizes updated material from the v.3.5 revision.

Declaration of Open Gaming Content

All feats and text in the Netbook of Feats is Open Gaming Content with the following exceptions. The Disclaimers, all Artwork, Staff Names, Product Names and Authors Names are NOT open gaming content. Authors Names may be used for the purpose of crediting the authors with their work.


These disclaimers are not considered OGC

'd20 System' and the 'd20 System' logo are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and are used according to the terms of the d20 System License version 6.0. A copy of this License can be found at

This printing of the Netbook of Feats complies with the Open Gaming License (OGL) version 1.0a and includes Open Gaming Content (OGC) as identified under the terms of the Open Gaming License. Subsequent printings of this product will incorporate, and comply with, the most current version of the Open Gaming License, as made available. All feats contained in this netbook have been licensed and entered under the Open Gaming License as Open Gaming Content by the copyright holders. The NBOF grants unlimited rights to copy and distribute the Netbook of Feats in whole or in part.


Greetings, and thanks for taking the time to read the Netbook of Feats. This project is the result of a lot of hard work by all our contributors, reviewers, editors, the Fantasy Netbook Community Council, and ourselves. It represents thousands of hours of hard work and boundless creativity. We sincerely hope that you enjoy it and find something here that enhances your game or simply entertains.

The Netbook of Feats is published using the Open Gaming License (OGL). This legal document (found in the legal section of the NBOF) protects the work in this document so that it remains free for you to use in almost any way imaginable. Basically the material in the NBOF that is designated as Open Gaming Content (OGC), which is almost everything in the NBOF, can be used in any publication, amateur or professional without any restrictions, except that you must credit the original author of the work. To use our feats you need not pay us, or ask permission, or sign any contracts; the only thing you must do is include the OGL in any document you use the material in, and you must abide by the rules of the OGL.

Welcome to version 12 of the NBOF. We decided to change the version number to celebrate the inclusion of our first set of feats from another D20 publication. It was always our intent to do so but we have had so many original contributions we hadn't had the time to properly review them.

Our vision has always been to be the most comprehensive collection of quality feats anywhere. The sheer number of feats that have been published is staggering, yet the possibilities are nearly endless. Going forward you can expect to see more feats from other publication included in the NBOF. We will only include those we feel are of good quality and do not duplicate feats we already publish.

This version also contains a large number of new original feats. The review board has been going full steam and you will find many new and interesting additions. You will also note that we have changed the format and non-feat content based on your feedback.

We hope you enjoy the Netbook of Feats, and if you do, let us know. Your support and participation have always been what keeps us going strong.

Good Gaming,
Netbook of Feats Staff

Version 12.3 of the Netbook of Feats

Version 12.3 adds 43 new feats to the netbook. Nothing exciting to announce but we hope everyone has a great holiday and new year.

Changes to existing feats in this edition

Version 12.3
Unbalancing Fist: Corrected reference to Eagle Claw Strike (an old name for this feat)
Improved Caster Level: Corrected the erroneous description.
Charmed: Increased in power by doubling its bonus.
Accurate Attack: Reference to Combat Tactics removed from example section.
Careful Planner: Typo corrected.
Pack Rat: Culled in favor of Careful Planner.
Heroics: Culled in favor of Charmed.

Version 12.2
General Changes
"Turn or rebuke" changed to Turn/rebuke through out netbook.
Many Epic Feats were change to first person language instead of third person to match NBOF style guide.
"Spellcaster level #" changed to "Caster level #" through out netbook.
A number of older feats received additional or revised ratings by the board.
Correcting copyright dates for feats from OGC source SHB

Specific Changes To Feats
Defensive Arts: "Defense" changed to "Armor Class" to reflect change from D20 Modern rules
Divine Elemental Fury: Changed from Divine to Special type
Divine Heailing / Wounding Touch: Changed and renamed to Divine Touch with the amount of damage healed having changed.
Divine Ministration, Divine Ministration Ray, Divine Ministration Sphere: Morphed into Divine Touch, Divine Ray, and Divine Burst respectively.
Reactive Coutnersong: "couter-song" changed to "countersong"
Research Trinity: "reduce the cost to 100gp/level" changed to "1,000gp/level" to match example and intended effect.
Riposte: "Dexterity" and "Cleave" capitalized as they are game terms.
Combat Surge: Reference to outdated refocusing mechanic removed.
True Spell Mastery: Missing benefit section restored.
Thundering Spell: Description field written to replace erroneous text.
Improved Eschew Materials: XP cost was increased substantially.
Notorious: Bonus increased from +4 to +5 and Notes section added.
Polar Bear Skin: Effect made substantially stronger.
Practice Makes Perfect: Added bonus then taking a 10 as well as a 20.
Racial Spell: Mechanics for specifying targets clarified and simplified. Example added.
Unique Spell: Made universal for all casters, added clarifications.
Song Magic: Reference to simulating still spell removed.
Improved Caster Level: Prerequisite changed to "Ability to cast spells". Example expanded, special section re-written to standard language.
Intuitive: Removed prerequisite from Intuitive Spell Casting
Combat Spell Trigger: Adjusted text for greater clarity.
Divine Strike: False benefit moved to example and real benefit included.
Fire Acclimation: Prerequisite changed from Wis 13 to Con 13
Manual Technique: Description changed.
Masterful Scroll Casting: Spelling correction.
Menagerie: Corrected spelling of feat name.
Practiced Turning: Style and grammar corrections.
Quick Scent: Immediate changed to swift action
Thundering PowerRestored description
Expert HealerRestored description

Feats removed after further review
Alternate Attack: The official FAQ explains that iterative attacks can be made with any available weapon making this feat obsolete.
Innate Gift: Consensus that the feat was not balanced for play and almost impossible to balance effectively for all levels of play.
Elite Minion of the Spider Queen: Not appropriate for a feat mechanic.
Expanded Arcane Spell List: Too powerful.
Expanded Divine Spell List: Too powerful.
Spell Knight: Subsumed by new version of Improved Caster Level.
Elven Sword Mastery: Replaced by new feat, Weapon Grace.
Combat Tactics:Abusive with power attack, disarm and a number of other mechanics.

Version 12.1
Force Spell: Changed from a +3 level metamagic to a +2 level metamagic feat for balance against similar baseline feats.
Armed Flurry of Blows: Removed reference to monks unarmed attack bonus from 3.0 rules.
Channel Against Outsiders: Non OGC creature reference removed.
Intuitive: Removed erroneous prerequisite entry.


Project Leads:
Sigfried Trent
Carl Cramér
Peter K. Campbell

Review Board:
Carl Cramér, Sigfried Trent, Peter K. Campbell, Jason Kemp, Don McKinney, Pier Giorgio Pacifici, Bill Browne, "Mystery" Max

Editing Help From:
Devon Jones, Joshua Cottrill, Jason Aults, David Anderson Jr., ChromWolf, Kevin Rockwell, John Lamping, Troy Lenze, Rob Biggar, Darren, Reginald Blue, Antoine Morice,Marcin Trybus, Tim Weber, Komm Kayriel, Soren Jacobsen, Timothy Pederick, Rathrich

Special Thanks To:
Fred Wolke, Paul King, Adrian C. Forbes, Marcin Trybus,

NBOF Alumni:
Bradley H. Bemis Jr., Fred Wolke, Mike Kletch, Alan Sullivan, Anne Trent, Eric D. Harry

Darrell Langley

Graphic Designs:
Anne Trent

Published Contributors:
Alan Sullivan Alan Z. Eisinger Albert Nakano Anne Trent
B. Marcus Lindberg Bill Browne Bradley H. Bemis Jr. Brendan Quinn
Brian A. Smith Carl Cramér Chris Meravi Curtis Bennett
Damon J Calhoun Dan Hopkins Daniel Langdon David Sanders
Dominique Crouzet Don McKinney Eric D. Harry OGC Source AEGF
Ian Cheesman Jason D. Kemp Jason Spangler Jerry M. Chaney II
John O. Lamping Jonathan D. Woolley Jose Lira Joshua Turton
Mark Koh Matthew Lee Shelton Michael J. Kletch Modern System Reference Document
Paul W. King Peter K. Campbell Rafael Arrais Rebecca Glenn
Rick Coen OGC Source L5R Scott Metzger Scott Resnick
OGC Source SHB Sigfried Trent System Reference Document Sébastien Adhikari
Terje Kristian Backman OGC Source WOTW Tyson Neumann OGC Source UA
William Batok William Setzer


Declaration of Open Gaming Content
OGL license

Alphabetical Feat Listings
General Feats
Fighter Feats
Magical Feats
Divine Feats
Psionic Feats
Special Feats
Epic Feats
Monster Feats
Modern Feats
Weapon Group Feats

Master Feats List

Special Features
Our Mission
Contact Information
Rating System
Submission Guideline
How to Write Feats

All Feats by Name

Ability Focus (SRD)
Accelerated Balancing
Accelerated Climbing
Accurate Attack
Acrobatic (SRD)
Acrobatic Charge
Acrobatic Defense
Acrobatic Strike
Additional Magic Item Space (SRD)
Advanced Firearms Proficiency
Aggressive Casting
Aggressive Defense
Agile (SRD)
Agile Climber
Agile Riposte
Aircraft Operation
Alertness (SRD)
Aligned Attack (SRD)
Ambitious Leader
Animal Affinity (SRD)
Animal Ken
Animate Wall *
Antipsionic Magic (SRD)
Anything Goes Combat
Anything Goes Long
Applied Scholastics
Aquatic Leaping Attack *
Arcane Admixture
Arcane Power
Arcane Understanding
Archaic Weapons Proficiency
Area Control
Area Power Resistance
Area Spell Resistance
Armed Deflect Arrows
Armed Flurry Of Blows
Armor Focus
Armor Penetration
Armor Proficiency (heavy) (SRD)
Armor Proficiency (light) (SRD)
Armor Proficiency (medium) (SRD)
Armor Skin (SRD)
Armored Caster
Armored Vigilance
Athletic (SRD)
Attack Focus
Augment Summoning (SRD)
Augmented Alchemy (SRD)
Aura Chameleon
Automatic Quicken Spell (SRD)
Automatic Silent Spell (SRD)
Automatic Still Spell (SRD)
Autonomous (SRD)
Awesome Blow (SRD)
Axe Frenzy
Axe Hurling

Back To Back
Bane Of Enemies (SRD)
Battle Cry
Battle Leader
Beast Tongues
Big Familiar
Blade Defense
Bleeding Critical
Blind-fight (SRD)
Blinding Speed (SRD)
Blindsight, 5-ft. Radius (SRD)
Body Fuel (SRD)
Bonded Weapon
Bone Art
Bonus Domain (SRD)
Bonus Spells Focus
Boost Construct (SRD)
Bottoms Up
Bow Mastery
Breaking Blow
Brew Potion (SRD)
Bulwark Of Defense (SRD)
Burrowing Power (SRD)
Burst Fire
Butterfly Flank

Cadaverous Familiar
Called Shot
Cannibalistic Casting
Cantrip Mastery
Careful Planner
Cast-iron Stomach
Chain Power (SRD)
Channel Against Outsiders
Channel Psionic Touch
Channel Touch Spell
Channeled Resistance
Chaotic Mind (SRD)
Chaotic Rage (SRD)
Cheap Enhancing
Child Of The Sea
Chill Of The Grave
Cleave (SRD)
Cleave Asunder
Cleaving Rampage
Cleaving Shot *
Cloak Dance (SRD)
Close Order Combat
Closed Mind (SRD)
Cold-blooded Killer
Colossal Wild Shape (SRD)
Combat Archery (SRD)
Combat Casting (SRD)
Combat Expertise (SRD)
Combat Focus
Combat Fury
Combat Intimidation
Combat Manifestation (SRD)
Combat Opportunist
Combat Precision
Combat Reflexes (SRD)
Combat Rotation
Combat Spell Trigger
Combat Surge
Combat Throw
Concentration Mastery
Concentration Spell
Concerted Attack
Controlled Burst
Controlled Charge
Conviction Of Faith
Counter Charge
Craft Anywhere
Craft Cognizance Crystal (SRD)
Craft Construct (SRD)
Craft Dorje (SRD)
Craft Epic Magic Arms And Armor (SRD)
Craft Epic Rod (SRD)
Craft Epic Staff (SRD)
Craft Epic Wondrous Item (SRD)
Craft Magic Arms And Armor (SRD)
Craft Magic Tattoo
Craft Psicrown (SRD)
Craft Psionic Arms And Armor (SRD)
Craft Psionic Construct (SRD)
Craft Rod (SRD)
Craft Staff (SRD)
Craft Universal Item (SRD)
Craft Wand (SRD)
Craft Wondrous Item (SRD)
Create Opportunity
Create Wondrous Creature
Crippler *
Cross-class Learning
Crystal Psiweapon

Damage Reduction (SRD)
Deadly Precision (SRD)
Deafening Song (SRD)
Deafening Spell
Death From Afar
Death Of Enemies (SRD)
Deceitful (SRD)
Deep Impact (SRD)
Defense Specialization
Defensive Arts
Defensive Disarm
Defensive Study
Defensive Sunder
Defensive Trip
Deflect Arrows (SRD)
Deflect Attack
Deft Hands (SRD)
Deft Lunge
Delay Power (SRD)
Delay Spell
Destructive Force
Detect Poison
Determined Soul
Devastating Critical (SRD)
Dexterous Dodge
Dexterous Fortitude (SRD)
Dexterous Will (SRD)
Diehard (SRD)
Diligent (SRD)
Diminutive Wild Shape (SRD)
Dire Charge (SRD)
Disarm And Deny
Discover Psionic Power
Disease Resistance
Disguise Spell (SRD)
Dispel Mastery
Disrupting Attack
Distance Ki Strike
Distant Shot (SRD)
Divine Armor
Divine Armor Of The Soul
Divine Boon
Divine Burst
Divine Deathward
Divine Dispel
Divine Dominion
Divine Elemental Fury
Divine Flame
Divine Force Of Personality
Divine Fury
Divine Ghost Armor
Divine Ghost Weapon
Divine Gift
Divine Impact
Divine Might (SRD)
Divine Ray
Divine Sight
Divine Strike
Divine Touch
Divine Vengeance (SRD)
Divine Weapon
Divine Wrath
Dodge (SRD)
Domain Adaptability
Domain Focus
Domain Mastery
Double Step
Double Tap
Down And Dirty Style
Draconic Bloodline
Dragon Wild Shape (SRD)
Drive-by Attack
Druidical Blessing
Dual Energy Spell
Ducking Shot

Efficient Item Creation (SRD)
Efficient Spell
Elemental Boost
Elite Training
Elusive Target
Elven Archery
Empower Power (SRD)
Empower Psychic Strike
Empower Spell (SRD)
Empower Spell-like Ability (SRD)
Enable Criticals
Enchanted Animal Companion
Endurance (SRD)
Energy Resistance (SRD)
Energy Substitution (SRD)
Enhance Psicrystal
Enhance Spell (SRD)
Enhanced Companions
Enhanced Draconic Bloodline
Enhanced Psi-like Abilities
Enhanced Scent
Enhanced Spell-like Abilities
Enhanced Turning
Enlarge Breath Weapon
Enlarge Power (SRD)
Enlarge Spell (SRD)
Enlarge Wall *
Epic Dodge (SRD)
Epic Elite Training
Epic Endurance (SRD)
Epic Expanded Knowledge (SRD)
Epic Fortitude (SRD)
Epic Inspiration (SRD)
Epic Leadership (SRD)
Epic Prowess (SRD)
Epic Psionic Focus (SRD)
Epic Reflexes (SRD)
Epic Reputation (SRD)
Epic Skill Focus (SRD)
Epic Speed (SRD)
Epic Spell Focus (SRD)
Epic Spell Penetration (SRD)
Epic Spellcasting (SRD)
Epic Toughness (SRD)
Epic Weapon Focus (SRD)
Epic Weapon Specialization (SRD)
Epic Will (SRD)
Eschew Divine Focus
Eschew Materials (SRD)
Ever-ready Shield
Exceptional Deflection (SRD)
Exotic Firearms Proficiency
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (SRD)
Expand Spell
Expanded Domains
Expanded Knowledge (SRD)
Experienced Adventurer
Expert Aim
Expert Healing
Extend Power (SRD)
Extend Spell (SRD)
Extend Spell List
Extended Burst
Extended Life Span (SRD)
Extended Outburst
Extra Burst
Extra Familiar
Extra Music (SRD)
Extra Outburst
Extra Primeval Ability
Extra Rage
Extra Turning (SRD)
Extra Wild Shape
Eyes In The Back Of Your Head (SRD)

Fake Spell
Fall Guy
Familiar Concentration
Familiar Development
Familiar Feat
Familiar Feat Merge
Familiar Focus
Familiar Fortitude
Familiar Range Extension
Familiar Spell (SRD)
Far Shot (SRD)
Far Touch Spell
Fast Healing (SRD)
Fast Item Creation
Fast Mover
Fast Spell
Favored Class
Favored Enemy Spell
Fearsome Display
Fearsome Fortitude *
Fell Shot (SRD)
Fencing Stance
Fiery Rage
Fine Wild Shape (SRD)
Fists Of Adamantine
Fists Of Steel
Flashes Of Brilliance
Flashy Attack
Fleet Of Foot (SRD)
Flurry Of Blades
Flyby Attack (SRD)
Focused Primeval Ability
Focused Psionic Power
Focused Sunder (SRD)
Follow Up
Force Of Will (SRD)
Force Spell
Force Stop
Forge Epic Ring (SRD)
Forge Ring (SRD)
Foul Sneaking
Frenzied Attack
From The Jaws Of Defeat
Fury Of The Mountain *

Gargantuan Wild Shape (SRD)
Geometric Wall *
Ghost Attack (SRD)
Ghost Spell
Ghost Touch
Giant Step
Gigantic Weapon
Giveaway Spell
Go Hungry
Good Listener
Grasping Strike *
Great Blow
Great Charisma (SRD)
Great Cleave (SRD)
Great Constitution (SRD)
Great Dexterity (SRD)
Great Fortitude (SRD)
Great Intelligence (SRD)
Great Leader
Great Smiting (SRD)
Great Strength (SRD)
Great Wisdom (SRD)
Greater Disease Resistance
Greater Divine Dominion
Greater Focused Primeval Ability
Greater Heart Of The Dragon
Greater Held Charge
Greater Manyshot (SRD)
Greater Multiweapon Fighting (SRD)
Greater Overrun
Greater Poison Resistance
Greater Power Penetration (SRD)
Greater Power Specialization (SRD)
Greater Primeval Rage
Greater Psionic Endowment (SRD)
Greater Psionic Fist (SRD)
Greater Psionic Shot (SRD)
Greater Psionic Weapon (SRD)
Greater Spell Focus (SRD)
Greater Spell Mastery
Greater Spell Penetration (SRD)
Greater Spell Toughness
Greater Two-weapon Fighting (SRD)
Greater Weapon Focus (SRD)
Greater Weapon Specialization (SRD)
Greatweapon Quickness
Grim Determination
Group Inspiration (SRD)

Hardened Spell
Hardy Brawler
Healing Ki Touch
Heart Of Defiance
Heart Of Fury
Heart Of Invulnerability
Heart Of The Dragon
Heighten Primeval Ability
Heighten Spell (SRD)
Heightened Bodily Constitution *
Heightened Cognitive Intelligence *
Heightened Manual Dexterity *
Heightened Personal Charisma *
Heightened Physical Strength *
Heightened Worldly Wisdom *
Herculean Effort
Heroic Evasion
Hide Tracks
Hindering Song (SRD)
Hobbling Attack
Hold The Line (SRD)
Hole In The Middle
Holy Strike (SRD)
Hostile Mind (SRD)
Hover (SRD)

Ignore Material Components (SRD)
Immediate Dodge
Impact Spell
Imprint Stone (SRD)
Improved Aid Another
Improved Alignment-based Casting (SRD)
Improved Animal Companion
Improved Arrow Of Death (SRD)
Improved Aura Of Courage (SRD)
Improved Aura Of Despair (SRD)
Improved Brawl
Improved Brawn
Improved Brute
Improved Bull Rush (SRD)
Improved Caster Level
Improved Charge *
Improved Combat Casting (SRD)
Improved Combat Focus
Improved Combat Reflexes (SRD)
Improved Combat Rotation
Improved Combat Throw
Improved Counterspell (SRD)
Improved Critical (SRD)
Improved Crystal Psiweapon
Improved Damage Threshold
Improved Darkvision (SRD)
Improved Death Attack (SRD)
Improved Deflect Arrows
Improved Deflect Attack
Improved Disarm (SRD)
Improved Disguise
Improved Divine Connection
Improved Dodge
Improved Elemental Wild Shape (SRD)
Improved Eschew Materials
Improved Extend Spell
Improved Familiar (SRD)
Improved Far Shot
Improved Favored Enemy (SRD)
Improved Feint (SRD)
Improved Fire Acclimation
Improved Flyby Attack (SRD)
Improved Grapple (SRD)
Improved Heighten Spell (SRD)
Improved Initiative (SRD)
Improved Ki Strike (SRD)
Improved Knockout Punch
Improved Lockpicking
Improved Low-light Vision (SRD)
Improved Manifestation (SRD)
Improved Manyshot (SRD)
Improved Metamagic (SRD)
Improved Metapsionics (SRD)
Improved Monk Ac Bonus
Improved Mounted Combat
Improved Multiattack (SRD)
Improved Multiweapon Fighting
Improved Natural Armor (SRD)
Improved Natural Attack (SRD)
Improved Outburst
Improved Overrun (SRD)
Improved Point Blank Shot *
Improved Power Attack
Improved Power Double Weapon
Improved Precise Shot (SRD)
Improved Psicrystal (SRD)
Improved Quick Study
Improved Resistance
Improved Search
Improved Shield Bash (SRD)
Improved Sleight Of Hand
Improved Sneak Attack (SRD)
Improved Spell Capacity (SRD)
Improved Spell Resistance (SRD)
Improved Stability
Improved Stonecunning
Improved Stunning Fist (SRD)
Improved Subdual
Improved Sunder (SRD)
Improved Toughness
Improved Trip (SRD)
Improved Turning (SRD)
Improved Two-weapon Fighting (SRD)
Improved Unarmed Strike (SRD)
Improved Undead Control
Improved Whirlwind Attack (SRD)
Improvised Weapons
Incite Rage (SRD)
Infer Spell
Infinite Deflection (SRD)
Innate Metamagic
Innate Specialist
Inner Depths Of The Soul
Inquisitor (SRD)
Inspire Cooperation
Inspire Devotion *
Inspire Excellence (SRD)
Inspire Greatness *
Inspire Loyalty *
Inspiring Leader
Inspiring Love
Instant Awakening
Instant Reload (SRD)
Intensify Poison
Intensify Spell (SRD)
Intuitive Spell Preparation
Investigator (SRD)
Invisible Spell
Iron Will (SRD)

Jack Of All Trades (SRD)

Keen Strike (SRD)
Ki Of The Masters
Ki Sense
Kick 'em While They're Down
Knock-down (SRD)
Knockout Punch
Know Terrain *
Knowledge Focus
Knowledgeable *

Last Ditch
Lasting Inspiration (SRD)
Layered Psionic Defense
Lead Fissile Fire *
Leadership (SRD)
Learned Metamagic
Legendary Climber (SRD)
Legendary Commander (SRD)
Legendary Leaper (SRD)
Legendary Rider (SRD)
Legendary Tracker (SRD)
Legendary Wrestler (SRD)
Light As A Feather
Lightning Parry
Lightning Reflexes (SRD)
Lingering Damage (SRD)
Linguistic Savant
Linked Resistance
Local Enemy Offensive Training
Look Harmless
Low Profile
Lungs Of Steel

Magic Secret
Magical Aptitude (SRD)
Magical Beast Companion (SRD)
Magical Beast Wild Shape (SRD)
Main Gauche
Manual Technique
Manyshot (SRD)
Martial Weapon Proficiency (SRD)
Mass Effect Spell
Master Artisan
Master Battlecaster
Master Staff (SRD)
Master Wand (SRD)
Masterful Scroll Casting
Maximize Power (SRD)
Maximize Spell (SRD)
Medical Expert
Mental Leap (SRD)
Mental Resistance (SRD)
Metamorphic Transfer (SRD)
Mighty Charge *
Mighty Hunter
Mighty Rage (SRD)
Mind Leach
Mind Over Body (SRD)
Mind's Eye
Mindless Effort
Minor Spell Mastery
Mirror Mind
Missile Proof
Mixed Channeling
Mobile Defense (SRD)
Mobility (SRD)
Monk Weapon Mastery
Mounted Archery (SRD)
Mounted Combat (SRD)
Mounted Dodge
Mounted Overrun
Multiattack (SRD)
Multihanded Weapon
Multispell (SRD)
Multiweapon Fighting (SRD)
Multiweapon Rend (SRD)
Music Of The Gods (SRD)
Mystic Rage *

Narrow Mind (SRD)
Natural Harmony
Natural Leader
Natural Rider
Natural Spell (SRD)
Near And Far
Negative Energy Burst (SRD)
Negotiator (SRD)
Nimble *
Nimble Fingers (SRD)
No Escape *
Non-lethal Substitution (SRD)

Oaths Of Iron
One Handed Crossbow Shot
One Spirit
Open Hand, Focused Mind
Open Minded (SRD)
Opportunity Counterspell
Opportunity Power (SRD)
Opportunity Shot
Organized *
Overchannel (SRD)
Overpowering Attack *
Overwhelming Critical (SRD)

Pack Attack
Pack Initiative
Pack Mule
Pain Is My Friend
Palm Strike *
Penetrate Damage Reduction (SRD)
Penetrating Ki Strike
Perceptive Duelist
Perfect Health (SRD)
Perfect Materials *
Perfect Multiweapon Fighting (SRD)
Perfect Two-weapon Fighting (SRD)
Periodic Re-awakening
Permanent Emanation (SRD)
Persistent Spell (SRD)
Personal Firearms Proficiency
Persuasive (SRD)
Pierce Armor
Pin Weapon
Pinpoint Shot
Planar Turning (SRD)
Plant Control (SRD)
Plant Defiance (SRD)
Plant Wild Shape (SRD)
Point Blank Shot (SRD)
Poison Resistance
Poison Tolerance
Poison Use
Polar Bear Skin
Pole Fighting
Pole Vaulting
Polyglot (SRD)
Port Savvy
Positive Energy Aura (SRD)
Potent Divination
Power Attack (SRD)
Power Climber *
Power Critical (SRD)
Power Double Weapon
Power Knowledge (SRD)
Power Penetration (SRD)
Power Psicrystal
Power Resistance: Clairsentience And Telepathy
Power Resting
Power Specialization (SRD)
Powerful Voice
Powerless Spell
Practice Makes Perfect
Practiced Feint
Practiced Turning
Precise Shot (SRD)
Primeval Alchemy
Primeval Conversion
Primeval Power
Primeval Rage
Prismatic Energy Spell
Profane Death Blow
Profane Ghoul Strike
Profane Shadow Strike
Profane Shadowspawn
Profane Wight Strike
Profane Wightspawn
Profane Wraith Strike
Profane Wraithspawn
Prone Combat
Prophetic Dreamer
Psicrystal Affinity (SRD)
Psicrystal Containment (SRD)
Psicrystal Power (SRD)
Psionic Affinity (SRD)
Psionic Body (SRD)
Psionic Charge (SRD)
Psionic Deflection
Psionic Dodge (SRD)
Psionic Endowment (SRD)
Psionic Fist (SRD)
Psionic Hole (SRD)
Psionic Initiative
Psionic Meditation (SRD)
Psionic Multifist
Psionic Multishot
Psionic Multiweapon
Psionic Rejuvenation
Psionic Shot (SRD)
Psionic Strike
Psionic Talent (SRD)
Psionic Weapon (SRD)
Psychic Sense
Pull Blow

Quick Cut
Quick Draw (SRD)
Quick Grab *
Quick Reload
Quick Scent
Quick Strike
Quick Study
Quick Swap
Quicken Divine Channeling
Quicken Power (SRD)
Quicken Spell (SRD)
Quicken Spell-like Ability (SRD)
Quicken Staff
Quicken Wand
Quiet Whisper Of The Mind

Racial Spell
Raise Poisonous Creature
Ranged Combat Expertise *
Ranged Inspiration (SRD)
Ranged Resistance
Ranged Shield Pin
Rank Fighting
Rapid Inspiration (SRD)
Rapid Metabolism (SRD)
Rapid Reload (SRD)
Rapid Shot (SRD)
Rapid Thrust
Rat Hacker *
Reach Spell (SRD)
Reactive Countersong (SRD)
Reactive Stance
Reckless Offense (SRD)
Reflect Arrows (SRD)
Reflex Set
Repeat Spell (SRD)
Repeating Crossbow Mastery *
Research Genius
Research Trinity
Resist Restraint
Resistance Counterspell
Resistance Power Turning
Resistance Spell Turning
Resistance: Divination
Resistance: Illusion
Restore Effort
Resuscitation *
Return Shot (SRD)
Reverse Strike
Ride-by Attack (SRD)
Righteous Strike (SRD)
Ritual Spell
Robust Health
Rope Climber
Routine Combat Casting
Ruinous Rage (SRD)
Run (SRD)
Running Attack

Sacred Spell (SRD)
Savage Critical
Scribe Epic Scroll (SRD)
Scribe Scroll (SRD)
Scribe Tattoo (SRD)
Scroll Mastery
Sea Dog
Self Item
Self-concealment (SRD)
Self-sufficient (SRD)
Sense Magic
Sense Of Maturity
Shape Wall *
Sharp-shooting (SRD)
Shatter The Glass Ceiling
Shattering Strike (SRD)
Shield Agility *
Shield Cover
Shield Defender
Shield Edge Deflection
Shield Evasion
Shield Expertise
Shield Focus
Shield Harmony
Shield Mastery
Shield Proficiency (SRD)
Shield Rush *
Shield Skill
Shield Undead
Shot On The Run (SRD)
Sidestep Charge (SRD)
Signature Focus
Silent Spell (SRD)
Silver Spoon
Simple Weapon Proficiency (SRD)
Skill Focus (SRD)
Skill Mastery
Skilled Multiclass
Skip Shot
Slander *
Sleep Tight *
Slow Spell
Smash Concentration
Smooth Talker
Snatch (SRD)
Snatch Arrows (SRD)
Sneak Attack Of Opportunity (SRD)
Song Magic
Soothing Word
Spear And Shield
Spectral Strike (SRD)
Speed Of Thought (SRD)
Speed Reader
Spell Defense
Spell Focus (SRD)
Spell Knowledge (SRD)
Spell Mastery (SRD)
Spell Opportunity (SRD)
Spell Penetration (SRD)
Spell Stowaway (SRD)
Spell Touch
Spell Toughness
Spellcasting Harrier (SRD)
Spinning Weapon Defense
Spirit Of Vengeance
Spirited *
Spirited Charge (SRD)
Spirited Dive
Split Psionic Ray (SRD)
Spontaneous Domain Access (SRD)
Spontaneous Spell (SRD)
Spontaneous Spell-like Casting
Spontaneously Convert Spell
Spring Attack (SRD)
Stable Spell
Stalwart Defender
Stand Still (SRD)
Stand Your Ground
Stay Down *
Stealthy (SRD)
Still Spell (SRD)
Stone Thrower
Storm Of Throws (SRD)
Stout Hearted *
Strength Of The Pious
Strike At The Tail
Strike Favored Enemy
Strong Swimmer *
Stubborn Heart
Stunning Fist (SRD)
Stylize Spell
Substitute Focus
Subtle Spell
Sudden Action
Summoning Concentration
Superior Expertise (SRD)
Superior Feint
Superior Initiative (SRD)
Superior Two-weapon Fighting *
Surface Vehicle Operation
Swarm Of Arrows (SRD)
Swing-by Attack

Tactical Spellcasting
Tail Slam
Tail Tricks *
Tail Walking
Talented (SRD)
Talented Healer
Tap Item
Tap Psionic Item
Taunt *
Team Fighting
Tenacious Magic (SRD)
Terrifying Rage
Third Eye
Threatened Reach
Throw And Charge
Thundering Power
Thundering Rage (SRD)
Thundering Spell
Tight Spell Focus
Tornado Attack
Totem Animal
Touch Mastery
Touch Of Grace
Toughness (SRD)
Tower Shield Proficiency (SRD)
Track (SRD)
Track Spirits *
Trample (SRD)
Transfer Spell
Trap Sense (SRD)
Trick Spell
True Spell Mastery
Tumbling Attack
Turn/rebuke Resistance
Twin Power (SRD)
Twin Weapon Fighting
Two Handed Power Strike *
Two-handed Flurry
Two-weapon Cleave *
Two-weapon Defense (SRD)
Two-weapon Fighting (SRD)
Two-weapon Harmony
Two-weapon Rend (SRD)
Typhoon Attack *

Ultimate Cleave
Unavoidable Strike (SRD)
Unbalancing Feint
Unbalancing Fist
Uncanny Accuracy (SRD)
Uncanny Reaction
Uncanny Tactics
Unconditional Power (SRD)
Undead Horde
Undead Hunter *
Undead Mastery (SRD)
Undead’s Foe *
Unholy Strike (SRD)
Unique Spell
Up And Down
Up The Walls (SRD)
Use Prejudice
Usurp Spell

Vampire Mind
Vehicle Dodge
Vehicle Expert
Vermin Wild Shape (SRD)
Vertical Walk *
Vexing Feint
Vigilant Psychic Defender
Vigor Of The Stag *
Vorpal Strike (SRD)

Way Of The Gargoyle
Way Of The Hare
Weapon And Shield Offensive Harmony
Weapon Brace
Weapon Finesse (SRD)
Weapon Focus (SRD)
Weapon Grace
Weapon Group (axes)
Weapon Group (basic Weapons)
Weapon Group (bows)
Weapon Group (claw Weapons)
Weapon Group (crossbows)
Weapon Group (druid Weapons)
Weapon Group (exotic Double Weapon)
Weapon Group (exotic Weapons)
Weapon Group (flail And Chains)
Weapon Group (heavy Blades)
Weapon Group (light Blades)
Weapon Group (maces And Clubs)
Weapon Group (monk Weapons)
Weapon Group (picks And Hammers)
Weapon Group (polearms)
Weapon Group (slings And Thrown Weapons)
Weapon Group (spears And Lances)
Weapon Juggle
Weapon Mastery
Weapon Reliability
Weapon Specialization (SRD)
Weapon Tricks
Wheeling Attack
Whirlwind Attack (SRD)
Whirlwind Defense
Widen Aura Of Courage (SRD)
Widen Aura Of Despair (SRD)
Widen Power (SRD)
Widen Spell (SRD)
Wild Rider
Wild Talent (SRD)
Wingover (SRD)
Wisdom Of Age
Wondrous Pet
Wounding Attack (SRD)
Wrap Shot
Wrenching Attack

Zealous Smite
Zone Of Animation (SRD)
Zone Of Deflection

Feat summaries by chapter
Feats are listed by chapter, then alphabetically. New feats are shown in red. Feats from the SRD are marked as such. You can jump to a feat by clicking on it and return to the list by using the back button.

General Feats
General feats can be almost anything but are commonly related to skills or non-combat game mechanics, and as such are useful to nearly any creature.

4.30 Accelerated Balancing: You are adept at moving quickly while balancing.
4.45 Accelerated Climbing: You are adept at moving quickly while climbing.
5.00 Acrobatic (SRD): You are a natural acrobat.
3.90 Acrobatic Strike: You may use your acrobatic skill to catch your enemy off guard.
4.24 Aerobatics: You are at home in the air. You understand the properties of wind resistance and aerodynamics and how to optimize your situation in the air.
4.95 Agile (SRD): You are especially agile.
4.60 Agile Climber: You are not as vulnerable to attack while climbing.
4.95 Alertness (SRD): You are very aware of your surroundings.
3.62 Ambitious Leader: You have focused on leading a small band or a large body of troops.
4.95 Animal Affinity (SRD): You have a natural rapport with animals.
4.15 Animal Ken: You have an innate ability to handle animals.
4.40 Apothecary: You have extensive knowledge of poisons and how to distill and manufacture them.
3.83 Aquatic Leaping Attack: You can propel yourself from the water and strike your foes. *
4.45 Armored Vigilance: You can hastily don and remove armor.
4.95 Athletic (SRD): You are a natural athlete.
4.00 Aura Chameleon: You may fool divination spells, or powers, in the same way as you can decieve magic items.
4.65 Autonomous (SRD): You have a knack for psionic self-sufficiency.
4.31 Awareness: By intuitively predicting your opponent’s next move, you can get the jump on them.
4.20 Barber-surgeon: Your training as a barber includes various medical techniques.
4.32 Battle Leader: Your banner or standard inspires your followers and cohorts in battle
4.50 Beast Tongues: You can speak despite your form.
4.00 Blind: Being blind, you have developed other senses to compensate.
3.90 Blindsight, 5-ft. Radius (SRD): You can sense everything close to you, visible or not.
4.26 Bookworm: You seem to have a knack for locating information needed when performing research
4.05 Bottoms Up: You can drink potion or apply an oil safely as a move equivalent action.
4.93 Bravery: You are especially resistant to fear effects.
4.52 Camouflage: You have mastered the art of concealing objects and other creatures.
4.65 Campaigner: You sleep well under any circumstances.
4.30 Careful Planner: You always seem to have the right equipment on hand.
3.45 Cast-iron Stomach: You can consume the most unpleasant fare without so much as a second thought.
3.50 Chaotic Mind (SRD): The turbulence of your thoughts prevents others from gaining insight into your actions.
3.95 Charmed: You lead a charmed existence.
3.65 Cloak Dance (SRD): You are skilled at using optical tricks to make yourself seem to be where you are not.
3.55 Closed Mind (SRD): Your mind is better able to resist psionics than normal.
4.30 Combat Intimidation: You are capable of intimidating others more easily in combat.
3.92 Concentration Mastery: You can maintain your concentration even under stress or amidst distraction.
4.25 Craftsman: You have a greater understanding on how to create things
4.05 Criminal: You are practiced in the arts of petty crime.
4.35 Cross-class Learning: Pick two skills that become class skills for all your classes.
4.95 Deceitful (SRD): You really know how to lie.
4.30 Deceptive: You are good at fooling others.
4.44 Defensive Trip: You can maintain your defense when making a trip attempt.
4.95 Deft Hands (SRD): Your fingers are agile and strong.
4.75 Detect Poison: You are a student of poisons and how they are used.
3.45 Determined Soul: Through your will alone, you can increase your resilience
4.40 Diehard (SRD): You can keep going until your final breath.
4.95 Diligent (SRD): You are good at studying things.
4.45 Disease Resistance: You are naturally resistant to disease.
3.80 Disrupting Attack: You are exceptionally good at distracting creatures.
3.70 Double Step: You can safely step further in combat.
4.10 Elite Training: You manage to achieve more than anyone thought possible.
4.40 Endurance (SRD): You have great endurance.
3.90 Enhanced Companions: Your animal companions are energized by your presence.
4.53 Enhanced Turning: You are blessed by your god to destroy undead, wherever they lie.
4.40 Experienced Adventurer: Experience has taught you a few lessons about staying alive.
3.60 Expert Healing: You can use a healing kit to heal damage.
4.90 Extra Turning (SRD): You can turn the undead more often.
4.04 Fake Spell: You can mimic the casting of spells
4.07 Fall Guy: You know how to take a fall.
3.75 Familiar Fortitude: You do not physically suffer from the loss of a familiar.
4.40 Fast Mover: You can move faster than normal
4.04 Favored Class: You can select one class not normally associated with your race and consider it a favored class
4.07 Fearsome Display: You can use an impressive display of weapon prowess to intimidate.
3.87 Fearsome Fortitude: You are exceedingly difficult to kill. *
3.20 Flashes Of Brilliance: You are brilliant but erratic with a specific skill.
4.10 Fleet Of Foot (SRD): You can turn while running or charging.
3.40 Force Of Will (SRD): You are able to resist psionic attacks with extreme force of will.
4.10 Fortune: You have unusually good luck
3.40 From The Jaws Of Defeat: Your worst breaks often turn into lucky breaks.
3.65 Fury Of The Mountain: You can strain yourself to the breaking point for extra power in your attacks. *
3.50 Go Hungry: You are able to go without food and water for six days before suffering any ill effects.
4.08 Godsbane: You are better able to resist divine magics than normal.
4.35 Good Listener: You are easy to talk to, and so can gather information quickly.
4.95 Great Fortitude (SRD): Your fortitude is exceptional.
4.30 Great Leader: You are a particularly inspiring leader of men.
4.60 Greater Disease Resistance: You are even more resistant to disease.
4.60 Greater Poison Resistance: You are even more resistant to poison.
4.34 Greater Spell Toughness: You are incredibly resistant to spells cast from a chosen school.
3.90 Grim Determination: Adversity only increases your determination.
3.90 Handy: You don’t depend on book-smarts when fixing things, making things, or dismantling things.
4.46 Hardy Brawler: You really know how to take a punch
3.55 Heightened Bodily Constitution: Your training has made you extra resilient. *
3.55 Heightened Cognitive Intelligence: You have a talent for problem solving tasks. *
3.55 Heightened Manual Dexterity: You have nimble, dexterous fingers. *
3.55 Heightened Personal Charisma: You have a knack for turning on the charm. *
3.55 Heightened Physical Strength: You are good at applying your might to manual tasks. *
3.55 Heightened Worldly Wisdom: You have especially good common sense. *
3.30 Heirloom: You have inherited a family heirloom of great value with which to begin your career. Your family expects you to guard this heirloom above all other things, of course, and eventually hand it down to your own child...
4.35 Herculean Effort: You can temporarily perform great acts of strength.
4.30 Heroic Evasion: When you focus on an effort you may get flashes of insight about the immediate future allowing you to avoid disastrous mistakes.
3.75 Hide Tracks: You can conceal signs of passage.
3.70 Hostile Mind (SRD): Your mind recoils violently against those who use psionics against you.
4.35 Improved Aid Another: You are especially adept at helping others.
4.25 Improved Disguise: You can create a disguise very quickly.
4.15 Improved Feint (SRD): You can quickly fake out your opponents.
4.40 Improved Lockpicking: You are capable of opening locks rather quickly.
4.45 Improved Search: You are capable of searching an area quickly.
4.10 Improved Sleight Of Hand: You are capable of performing sleight of hand tricks more easily than most.
4.60 Improved Toughness: You are tougher than normal.
3.53 Inspire Devotion: Your followers always keep you in their hearts. *
4.00 Inspire Greatness: Your followers fight harder when you are near. *
4.10 Inspire Loyalty: Your followers are inspired by your greatness. *
3.58 Inspiring Leader: You work to inspire your followers and cohorts and raise their morale.
4.30 Instant Awakening: You can instantly awaken from sleep at the slightest sign of danger.
3.56 Intuitive: You use intuition where others use logic.
4.95 Investigator (SRD): You are a talented sleuth.
4.95 Iron Will (SRD): You posses a strong will.
4.45 Jack Of All Trades (SRD): You can us any skill without training.
4.48 Kick-up: You have learned how to get up from being prone very quickly.
4.03 Know Terrain: Your knowledge of the land gives you a number of advantages. *
4.16 Knowledge Focus: You just seem to remember a bit more small detail about a given topic than the next fellow.
4.13 Knowledgeable: You are widely read on nearly every subject. *
4.07 Last Ditch: The heart of a hero beats in your chest, allowing you one last attack.
4.15 Lead Fissile Fire: You can trick opponents into shooting their allies by stepping aside at the last moment. *
4.45 Leadership (SRD): Allies flock to your banner.
4.95 Lightning Reflexes (SRD): You have excellent reflexes.
4.40 Linguistic Savant: You are talented at learning languages.
4.08 Magebane: You are better able to resist arcane magics than normal.
4.95 Magical Aptitude (SRD): You are talented in the ways of magic.
3.90 Manual Technique: You reason out locks, knots and slights of hand.
4.12 Master Artisan: You can make items faster using the Craft skill.
3.80 Master Battlecaster: You have mastered the ability to combine magic and war-skill on the battlefield.
4.24 Meddlesome: You are well trained in the art of disrupting spell casting.
3.60 Mental Resistance (SRD): Your mind is armored against mental intrusion.
4.30 Metalinguist: You have an intuitive understanding of the basics of communication.
4.30 Meticulous: You are talented at forgery and looting.
4.50 Mighty Hunter: You are particularly skilled at hunting.
4.22 Mimicry: You can replicate almost any natural sound you have ever heard
4.30 Mind Over Body (SRD): Your ability damage heals more rapidly.
4.28 Mind's Eye: Gain an additional resistance to illusions and enchantments
4.48 Natural Leader: You are adept at leading organized efforts
4.20 Natural Rider: You have a natural understanding of animals and can coax the best out of them.
4.95 Negotiator (SRD): You are good at dealing with others.
4.35 Nimble: Your agility helps you move around. *
4.95 Nimble Fingers (SRD): You have a knack for mechanical things.
4.18 No Escape: You viciously strike down those who dare run from you in combat. *
4.03 Notorious: You are well known as a dangerous cutthroat not to be trifled with.
4.05 Observant: You can rely on you native attention to detail.
4.05 Open Minded (SRD): You are naturally able to reroute your memory, mind, and skill expertise.
4.25 Organized: You can quickly pull items from your pack. *
4.92 Pack Mule: Folks can now carry just a wee bit more by knowing how to balance a pack.
3.70 Pain Is My Friend: Self-inflicted pain fuels your ability to hurt others
4.15 Perceptive Duelist: You are well-trained in the art of the Iaijutsu Duel.
4.95 Persuasive (SRD): When you speak, people listen.
4.50 Poison Resistance: You have a broad-band resistance to poison.
3.90 Poison Tolerance: You have worked up a tolerance to certain poisons
3.96 Poison Use: You have learned how to use poisons effectively
3.89 Polar Bear Skin: Your skin is better able to withstand the effects of extremely cold weather.
4.45 Pole Vaulting: You can use a pole or pole weapon to enhance your jumps.
3.44 Port Savvy: You know all the ins and outs of life in the seedy ports of call that sailors use as stopover points in their journeys.
3.55 Power Climber: You can climb using only one hand. *
4.60 Power Resting: You need a smaller amount of rest than usual to stay active and alert
4.12 Powerful Voice: You can project your voice so that you may be heard at great distances.
4.03 Practice Makes Perfect: You are better at skills when you take your time.
4.25 Professional: You can earn a living performing services better than others.
4.35 Prone Combat: You are able to fight from a prone position without penalty.
4.20 Psionic Affinity (SRD): You have a knack for psionic endeavors.
3.75 Psionic Hole (SRD): You are anathema to psionic creatures and characters.
4.44 Quick Cut: You dispatch the helpless with ruthless efficiency.
4.33 Quick Grab: You can pick things up with minimal movement and effort. *
4.23 Quick Strike: You draw and strike with such speed it can surprise defenders.
3.40 Raise Poisonous Creature: You know how to change a poisonous creature’s diet in order to make it deadlier.
4.15 Rapid Metabolism (SRD): Your wounds heal rapidly.
4.50 Reckless Offense (SRD): You can shift your focus from defense to offense.
4.32 Resist Restraint: You are difficult to restrain by any means.
3.53 Resuscitation: Your understanding of medicine is so great that you can resuscitate fallen comrades. *
3.36 Rope Climber: You are as comfortable climbing ropes and rigging as you are walking on the ground.
4.55 Run (SRD): You can run very quickly.
4.25 Sage: You have a better ability to remember information.
4.05 Sea Dog: You have a knack for endeavors relating to sea travel.
4.45 Seduction: You are good at using your sexual charms.
4.95 Self-sufficient (SRD): You know how to take care of yourself.
4.06 Sense Magic: You have a highly developed sensitivity to magic
4.90 Simple Weapon Proficiency (SRD): You are proficient in simple weapons.
4.80 Skill Focus (SRD): Choose a skill.
4.25 Skill Mastery: You have mastered the basics of a skill, and can move on to the advanced parts.
3.87 Skilled Multiclass: You treat the class skills of all of your classes as class skills when you gain a new level.
4.15 Slander: You speak with a poisoned tongue. *
4.10 Sleep Tight: Your mind is well guarded when you sleep. *
3.96 Smooth Talker: You have a natural talent for the con, able to convince "marks" from all walks of life.
3.90 Speed Reader: You are capable of reading the written word very quickly.
4.47 Spell Defense: You have learned to shield yourself from magic, dodge spells at the last second or use some sort of folk ritual to protect yourself from magical attack.
4.95 Spell Focus (SRD): Choose a school of magic.
4.95 Spell Penetration (SRD): You are good at overcoming an opponents spell defenses.
4.30 Spell Toughness: Choose a school of magic, such as Evocation; you are better able to resist hostile effects from this school
4.95 Stealthy (SRD): You are a very sneaky person.
3.90 Stout Hearted: Your devotion to the cause of good protects your soul. *
4.20 Strong Swimmer: You swim faster than others of your kind. *
4.72 Stubborn Heart: You just refuse to die. Your reserves of willpower keep you alive long after others would have died.
3.92 Sudden Action: You can take quick and decisive action at the start of combat.
3.80 Swing-by Attack: You can swing from a rope past a foe and attack at the same time.
4.10 Talented Healer: You can provide first aid and treat wounds or poison more quickly in combat.
4.05 Taunt: You are adept at angering your opponents and provoking them to attack you. *
4.40 Totem Animal: You share a spiritual bond with an animal companion, that in return grants you special abilities.
4.52 Touch Of Grace: Fate is looking out for you.
4.30 Toughness (SRD): You are tougher than average.
4.35 Track (SRD): You can use the survival skill to track enemies.
3.85 Track Spirits: Your studies of ghosts and wraiths have revealed to you clues that allow you to track incorporeal undead. *
4.20 Uncanny Reaction: You think so quickly on your feet, it almost seems supernatural. Often, you are moving before anyone else knows what is happening.
3.73 Undead Hunter: You are an expert at finding the undead. *
4.40 Undead’s Foe: You are an expert at fighting the undead. *
3.98 Ventriloquism: You have learned to throw your voice, making it appear to come from someplace else.
4.00 Vertical Walk: You can walk short distances on vertical surfaces. *
3.85 Vigor Of The Stag: You can temporarily focus your energies on staying alive in difficult circumstances. *
3.80 Watchman: Through practice, training and experience, you are more alert and aware.
4.15 Wild Talent (SRD): Your mind wakes to a previously unrealized talent for psionics.
4.42 Wondrous Pet: You gain an exceptional animal companion that is devoted to you.
3.90 Woodscraft: Your hunches and guesses tend to be more accurate about the world around you.

Fighter Feats
Fighter feats are those that can be selected as bonus feats for fighters. Most of them are available to any class that can meet the prerequisites.

3.78 Accurate Attack: You can sacrifice one attack for greater accuracy on the next.
4.45 Acrobatic Charge: Your unexpected attacks have great effect.
4.24 Acrobatic Defense: You are an expert at defending yourself from attacks.
3.93 Aggressive Defense: You have mastered using your weapons defensively without sacrificing accuracy.
3.75 Agile Riposte: You can attack opponents who over extend themselves.
4.00 Anything Goes Combat: In your hands almost anything is a dangerous weapon
4.25 Anything Goes Long: You can throw nearly anything - ale tankards, rocks, bags of coins - and make it hurt.
4.35 Armed Deflect Arrows: You can deflect arrows, including crossbow bolts, spears and other shot or thrown weapons with your chosen weapon.
4.60 Armor Focus: You move around in a certain type of armor without effort.
4.45 Armor Penetration: You are skilled at seeking out weak points in your opponent’s armor.
5.00 Armor Proficiency (heavy) (SRD): You know how to move in heavy armor.
5.00 Armor Proficiency (light) (SRD): You know how to move in light armor.
5.00 Armor Proficiency (medium) (SRD): You know how to move in medium armor.
4.38 Attack Focus: You may sacrifice mobility and attacks to increase your ability to hit.
4.20 Avoidance: You do not provoke attacks of opportunity moving past opponents.
3.75 Axe Frenzy: You can strike exceptionally fast with axes.
4.35 Axe Hurling: You can throw any axe.
4.45 Back To Back: You shield your allies' vulnerabilities in combat.
4.20 Battle Cry: Your voice inspires greatness in battle.
3.65 Blade Defense: You have mastered the art of defending yourself with a blade.
4.35 Bleeding Critical: Your strikes can cause someone to bleed to death.
4.65 Blind-fight (SRD): You can sense opponents that you cannot see.
3.90 Bloodletting: Your strikes can cause someone to bleed to death.
4.08 Bonded Weapon: You have used a single weapon so much that you have formed an almost spiritual bond with that specific weapon.
4.10 Bow Mastery: You are adept with either bows or crossbows.
4.50 Brawl: You have a talent for unarmed fighting.
4.04 Brawn: You have improved your striking power.
4.04 Brute: You have improved your striking strength.
4.35 Butterfly Flank: Your skill with a blade distracts and intimidates your opponent, catching them off balance and unaware.
3.80 Called Shot: You do more damage with pinpoint attacks.
4.70 Cleave (SRD): You can slice through multiple foes in one great swing.
4.38 Cleave Asunder: Your Sunder attacks are usually more effective. You are trained in following through when you break an opponent's weapon or shield
4.11 Cleaving Rampage: You charge forward cutting through all in your path.
4.00 Cleaving Shot: Your missile attacks can pierce through one target and into the next. *
3.40 Clinch: You have mastered the art of fighting at very close quarters.
4.24 Close Order Combat: You are trained to fight in a close-order unit.
4.90 Combat Expertise (SRD): You can sacrifice offense for defense when fighting.
3.44 Combat Focus: Paying little heed to distractions and other threats, you may focus your attacks on one opponent, leaving yourself open to others.
3.95 Combat Precision: You can sacrifice power for accuracy.
4.85 Combat Reflexes (SRD): You can make more attacks of opportunity than normal.
4.30 Combat Rotation: You know to relieve warriors from melee combat by taking their place in the ranks.
3.38 Combat Surge: You can rush an action in combat at the cost of presenting opportunities to your opponents
4.40 Concerted Attack: You are well trained in directing the efforts of others during a coordinated attack
4.68 Controlled Charge: You can still remain defensive when charging.
3.20 Counter Charge: You may step forward and meet a charging opponent, using his momentum to make your own attack more effective.
4.30 Create Opportunity: Just when you thought you were as slippery as slippery can be, here comes somebody just a little bit quicker.
4.15 Crippler: You are adept at disabling the natural weapons of various creatures. *
4.12 Defense Specialization: You have mastered using your chosen weapon for defense.
3.35 Defensive Arts: You are an expert in defending yourself
3.90 Defensive Disarm: When attacked with a weapon, you may attempt to disarm the foe attacking you.
4.20 Defensive Study: Allows you to use your intelligence modifier instead of your dexterity modifier for armor class adjustments.
3.90 Defensive Sunder: When attacked with a weapon, you may attempt to break the weapon.
4.00 Deflect Arrows (SRD): You can knock arrows out of the air with your bare hands.
4.00 Deflect Attack: You can be more aggressive when Fighting Defensively.
3.62 Deft Lunge: You are trained to take advantage of openings in an opponent's defenses
4.60 Dexterous Dodge: You are skilled at dodging attacks.
3.20 Disarm And Deny: You can steal a weapon from your opponent.
4.60 Dodge (SRD): You can better avoid a chosen opponent.
3.90 Down And Dirty Style: You are the master of the cheap shot against fallen foes.
4.70 Ducking Shot: You are skilled at dodging while using your ranged weapon.
4.50 Elusive Target: You use your opponents as a shield against snipers.
4.15 Elven Archery: You are an expert in the art of elven archery.
4.28 Enable Criticals: You have learned to score critical hits on unusual creature types.
4.70 Exotic Weapon Proficiency (SRD): Choose a type of exotic weapon. You understand how to use that type of exotic weapon in combat.
4.10 Expert Aim: You may attack with exacting precision, resulting in extra damage.
4.45 Eyes In The Back Of Your Head (SRD): You are nearly impossible to flank.
5.00 Far Shot (SRD): You can hit targets at a greater range.
3.85 Fencing Stance: You defend well with a single weapon light weapon.
4.64 Flashy Attack: You are able to use an impressive display of prowess to catch your opponents off guard
4.02 Flurry Of Blades: You can strike exceptionally fast with light weapons.
3.96 Follow Up: You can push through enemy lines to create a breach.
3.76 Fracture: You are skilled at exploiting weaknesses in objects.
4.00 Frenzied Attack: You may attack your foe with wild abandon, allowing you to rain many inaccurate blows upon them.
4.55 Gigantic Weapon: You are proficient at wielding extremely large weapons.
4.13 Grasping Strike: You can start a grapple after a successful unarmed strike *
3.70 Great Blow: You can strike mighty blows with mighty weapons.
4.80 Great Cleave (SRD): You can kill multiple opponents in a single blow.
4.25 Greater Manyshot (SRD): You are skilled at firing many arrows at once, even at different opponents.
4.18 Greater Overrun: You can overrun multiple targets.
4.55 Greater Two-weapon Fighting (SRD): You get a third attack with an off-hand weapon.
4.70 Greater Weapon Focus (SRD): Choose one type of weapon for which you have already selected Weapon Focus. You can also choose unarmed strike or grapple as your weapon for purposes of this feat.
4.70 Greater Weapon Specialization (SRD): Choose one type of weapon for which you have already selected Weapon Specialization. You can also choose unarmed strike or grapple as your weapon for purposes of this feat.
3.35 Greatweapon Quickness: Your mastery of this style reflects strengthened wrist muscles and honed reflexes, allowing blindingly fast strikes with the largest of weapons.
4.00 Hobbling Attack: Your attacks can slow down an opponent.
4.20 Hold The Line (SRD): You can attack charging opponents.
3.90 Immediate Dodge: You may spontaneously elect to dodge incoming attacks that you are aware of.
3.96 Improved Brawn: You have greatly improved your striking power.
3.92 Improved Brute: You have greatly improved your striking strength.
4.85 Improved Bull Rush (SRD): You are skilled in the bull rush.
4.70 Improved Charge: When you charge into combat, your momentum carries a great deal of force and power. *
3.22 Improved Combat Focus: You have practiced the art of two-on-one combat, enhancing your Combat Focus.
4.05 Improved Combat Rotation: You know how to relieve warriors from melee combat by taking their place in the ranks.
4.30 Improved Combat Throw: You can trip opponents who over extend themselves in combat.
4.45 Improved Critical (SRD): Choose one type of weapon.
4.82 Improved Deflect Arrows: You can deflect arrows several times in a round.
4.60 Improved Deflect Attack: You expertly block many incoming attacks.
5.00 Improved Disarm (SRD): You are an expert at disarming opponents.
4.60 Improved Dodge: Your Dodge feat bonus applies against all attackers.
4.45 Improved Far Shot: You can attack with ranged weapons more accurately at long range.
4.50 Improved Grapple (SRD): You are especially adept at grappling.
5.00 Improved Initiative (SRD): You are often the fist to act.
3.40 Improved Knockout Punch: You are a master of the sucker punch.
4.50 Improved Mounted Combat: You may evade more than one attack to your mount in a round.
4.45 Improved Natural Attack (SRD): You natural weapon is more powerful than most.
4.70 Improved Overrun (SRD): Your victims can not escape your overrun maneuver.
4.40 Improved Point Blank Shot: Your ranged attack abilities are extended to 60’. *
4.55 Improved Power Attack: You can control the amount of power you put behind each of your strikes.
4.10 Improved Power Double Weapon: You can inflict terrible blows with a double weapon.
4.67 Improved Precise Shot (SRD): You can shoot targets behind cover without penalty.
4.90 Improved Shield Bash (SRD): You can use your shield to attack and defend simultaneously.
5.00 Improved Subdual: You are skilled in making nonlethal attacks
4.85 Improved Sunder (SRD): You can sunder without provoking attacks of opportunity.
4.95 Improved Trip (SRD): You are adept at tripping your opponents.
4.55 Improved Two-weapon Fighting (SRD): You get an extra attack with your off hand weapon.
4.70 Improved Unarmed Strike (SRD): You hands are considered deadly weapons.
4.40 Improvised Weapons: Lower the non-proficiency penalty of weapons.
4.10 Knock-down (SRD): You can knock down foes with mighty blows.
3.70 Knockout Punch: You know how to deliver a good sucker punch.
3.76 Lightning Parry: You use your lightning-quick strikes for defense instead of attack.
4.20 Main Gauche: Defend with an off-hand weapon
4.45 Manyshot (SRD): You can fire two or more arrows in one attack.
5.00 Martial Weapon Proficiency (SRD): Choose a type of martial weapon. You understand how to use that type of martial weapon in combat.
4.07 Mighty Charge: You charge with single minded purpose and determination. *
4.20 Missile Proof: You may block projectiles easily with your shield.
5.00 Mobility (SRD): You are harder to hit when moving around.
4.90 Mounted Archery (SRD): You are skilled at using a ranged weapon from a mount.
4.65 Mounted Combat (SRD): You can steer your mount out of harms way.
4.36 Mounted Dodge: You may avoid attacks to yourself or your mount.
4.30 Mounted Overrun: It becomes easier to make mounted overruns.
4.25 Near And Far: Your skill with long weapons is extraordinary.
4.25 One Handed Crossbow Shot: You ignore penalties for firing a crossbow with one hand.
3.25 One Spirit: You are skilled at quickly compensating for errors in your fighting style.
4.25 Opportunity Shot: You shoot so fast that you can make ranged attacks of opportunity at point-blank range.
3.88 Overpowering Attack: You use brute force to overcome an opponent’s defenses. *
4.56 Pack Attack: You are trained to coordinate with others to bring down powerful enemies
3.85 Pack Initiative: You can coordinate your initiative with pack mates.
3.85 Palm Strike: You can push your opponents with unarmed stikes. *
4.10 Pierce Armor: You have mastered armor-piercing weapons.
4.20 Pin Weapon: This feat allows you to 'lock blades' with an opponent, reducing their ability to react
4.44 Pinpoint Shot: You take aim with ranged weapons more accurately when staying still.
4.90 Point Blank Shot (SRD): You are more accurate at close range.
4.44 Pole Fighting: When fighting with a pole arm you can use the butt to strike opponents
4.65 Power Attack (SRD): You sacrifice accuracy for power.
4.30 Power Critical (SRD): You are more likely to confirm a critical hit.
4.35 Power Double Weapon: You have learned to maximize the strength of your blows when wielding a double weapon.
4.32 Practiced Feint: You can make and sense feints with increased skill.
5.00 Precise Shot (SRD): You can shoot at opponents in melee without penalty.
4.00 Primeval Rage: You are vicious, bad tempered, ferocious and dangerous.
4.20 Pull Blow: You can choose to leave your victims alive when they might otherwise die
4.70 Quick Draw (SRD): You can draw a weapon as a free action.
4.20 Quick Swap: You can confuse your opponent by swapping your weapon between hands.
4.20 Quicksilver: You are truly adept at dodging blows and avoiding damage in combat.
4.48 Ranged Combat Expertise: You can use Combat Expertise with a ranged weapon. *
4.05 Ranged Shield Pin: You have mastered the art of striking an opponent's shield to knock it out of line, rendering it useless for defense.
5.00 Rank Fighting: You are trained to strike past friends using reach weapons
4.35 Rapid Reload (SRD): Choose a type of crossbow (hand, light, or heavy).
4.70 Rapid Shot (SRD): You can make an additional ranged attack.
4.00 Rapid Thrust: When wielding a light weapon you can make a series of rapid thrusts.
3.50 Rat Hacker: You are skilled at fighting creatures smaller than yourself. *
3.97 Reactive Stance: You may choose to ignore defensive action in combat in order to attack your foes.
4.84 Reflex Set: You have honed your reflexes to the point where it is second nature for you to set your weapon against a charging enemy
4.20 Repeating Crossbow Mastery: You are an expert at handling a Repeating Crossbow. *
3.80 Reverse Strike: Your mastery of the double-weapon allows you to strike out at opponents just when they thought they had you at a disadvantage.
5.00 Ride-by Attack (SRD): You can ride past a target you are charging.
4.00 Riposte: After deflecting your opponent's blow, you quickly attack while they are over extended.
4.40 Robust Health: Your robust health makes you tougher than normal.
4.30 Running Attack: You are especially fast and maneuverable on the battlefield.
4.00 Savage Critical: Your critical hits are more powerful.
3.95 Sharp-shooting (SRD): You can minimize the effects of an opponents cover.
4.00 Shield Agility: You suffer fewer penalties when using a shield. *
4.28 Shield Cover: You can use your shield to prevent an opponent from making attacks of opportunity against you.
4.08 Shield Defender: You can shield your friends in combat.
3.44 Shield Edge Deflection: You have learned to use your shield to stop touch attacks.
4.05 Shield Evasion: You gain a limited evasion ability when using a large shield.
3.75 Shield Expertise: You get extra benefit from your shield.
4.65 Shield Focus: You use shields without effort.
4.07 Shield Harmony: You absorb the brunt of incoming damage with your shield.
4.04 Shield Mastery: You are especially proficient in blocking attacks with your shield.
4.95 Shield Proficiency (SRD): You are proficient in the use of shields.
3.85 Shield Rush: You use your shield to help in bull rushing opponents. *
4.48 Shield Skill: You are particularly skilled at defending yourself with a shield.
4.80 Shot On The Run (SRD): You can shoot while moving.
4.35 Sidestep Charge (SRD): You are skilled at dodging past charging opponents and taking advantage when they miss.
4.00 Skirmishing: You have mastered the art of skirmishing, ducking and weaving while returning accurate shots of your own.
3.45 Smash Concentration: You may bash a single opponent into submission.
4.80 Snatch Arrows (SRD): You can catch arrows and weapons directed at you and possibly throw them back.
4.00 Spear And Shield: You have trained in the use of a two-handed spear and shield together
3.85 Spinning Weapon Defense: Your mastery of the double-weapon has developed into a dance-like fighting style that makes you difficult to flank successfully.
4.00 Spirit Of Vengeance: You exact vengeance from your enemies in blood
3.95 Spirited: You are not afraid of larger foes and know how to hurt them. *
4.90 Spirited Charge (SRD): You can deal double damage with a mounted charge.
4.75 Spring Attack (SRD): You can leap in to attack and then back out again.
3.85 Stand Still (SRD): You can prevent foes from fleeing or closing.
3.37 Stand Your Ground: You keep fighting no matter how scared you get.
4.20 Stay Down: You can keep an opponent off their feet. *
4.00 Stone Thrower: Just as monks can slay with their fists your skill turns a common stone into a dangerous missile.
4.25 Strike At The Tail: You have learned superior disarming techniques.
4.20 Stunning Fist (SRD): You can stun an opponent with your attack.
4.45 Superior Expertise (SRD): Your ability to defend yourself is nearly unlimited.
4.37 Superior Feint: You can fake out your opponents with incredible speed.
4.25 Superior Two-weapon Fighting: You can remove the penalty for using a one handed weapon in your off hand. *
4.20 Team Fighting: You know how to fight as a pair, group, and in formation.
3.70 Threatened Reach: Your mobility and footwork make you a deadly opponent in combat.
4.30 Throw And Charge: You can hurl a thrown weapon while charging.
3.70 Tornado Attack: You can combine your whirlwind attack with a 5-foot step, moving and striking in a whirlwind of deadly blows.
3.95 Toss: You may throw an opponent when grappling.
4.73 Touch Mastery: The attribute behind your powers makes your touch attacks strike true.
4.35 Tower Shield Proficiency (SRD): You are proficient in the use of tower shields.
4.85 Trample (SRD): You can run down foes when overrunning on a mount.
4.05 Tumbling Attack: Execute a startling series of attacks while you tumble through your enemy's midst.
4.30 Twin Weapon Fighting: You can wield a matching pair of weapons, one in each hand, with extraordinary ability.
3.85 Two Handed Power Strike: You use your weight and momentum to maximum effect. *
4.05 Two-handed Flurry: You are adept at wielding a one-handed weapon with two hands.
4.20 Two-weapon Cleave: You can follow through with either weapon. *
4.65 Two-weapon Defense (SRD): You gain a defensive bonus when fighting with two weapons.
4.95 Two-weapon Fighting (SRD): You can use two weapons with a reduced penalty.
4.05 Two-weapon Harmony: Your mastery of this style allows you to act with both weapons in harmony.
4.05 Typhoon Attack: By jumping headlong into battle you can strike multiple opponents. *
3.80 Ultimate Cleave: You can transfer some of the damage you inflict on a powerful blow to your next cleave attack.
3.65 Unbalancing Feint: Your feint can unbalance your opponent.
4.15 Unbalancing Fist: You can throw your enemy off balance with a single precise blow to a nerve center.
4.24 Up And Down: You exploit the mechanical leverage of your long weapons.
3.92 Vexing Feint: Your feinting technique has a longer lasting effect.
4.00 Way Of The Hare: You have mastered the art of the leaping attack.
3.72 Weapon And Shield Offensive Harmony: You have mastered the art of using your shield as a weapon, to complement your blade.
3.62 Weapon Brace: By bracing your weapons together, you can resist a Sundering attack more effectively.
4.95 Weapon Finesse (SRD): You can use certain weapons with finesse instead of force.
4.75 Weapon Focus (SRD): Choose one type of weapon. You can also choose unarmed strike or grapple (or ray, if you are a spellcaster) as your weapon for purposes of this feat.
3.57 Weapon Grace: You are an expert in the graceful use of a regional weapon.
4.10 Weapon Juggle: You can change and pick up weapons as a free action.
3.96 Weapon Mastery: You have perfected the art of using a particular weapon.
3.90 Weapon Reliability: Your skill with your chosen weapon means that you don’t miss the easy ones.
4.75 Weapon Specialization (SRD): Choose one type of weapon for which you have already selected the Weapon Focus feat. You can also choose unarmed strike or grapple as your weapon for purposes of this feat. You deal extra damage when using this weapon.
4.55 Weapon Tricks: You can change the type of damage you do with melee weapons.
4.30 Wheeling Attack: You can attack at any point along your mount's path.
4.70 Whirlwind Attack (SRD): You can attack everyone within reach.
4.15 Whirlwind Defense: You are adept at defending yourself against multiple opponents.
4.32 Wild Rider: You can ride anything, in any fashion
4.45 Wrap Shot: You have learned to swing your flexible weapon around obstructions.
3.73 Wrenching Attack: Your attacks hinder your opponent’s ability to attack.
4.68 Zone Of Deflection: You may deflect any missile that passes close to you.

Magical Feats
The chapter includes metamagic, item creation, and feats of the magical type. All of them require spell-casting or spell-like abilities of some kind.

4.45 Aggressive Casting: Changes defensive casting to be more aggressive.
4.05 Animate Wall: You can make your wall spells move. *
3.55 Antipsionic Magic (SRD): Your spells are more potent when used against psionic characters and creatures.
4.10 Arcane Admixture: You can modify a spell that inflicts energy damage to mix in an equal amount of arcane damage.
4.15 Arcane Power: You can infuse your damaging arcane spells with raw magical energy.
4.62 Arcane Understanding: You increase the number of spells learned automatically with each new level.
4.36 Area Control: You can exactly control the spread of an area spell.
4.58 Armored Caster: You can reduce your chance of arcane spell failure when wearing armor.
4.85 Augment Summoning (SRD): You summon the biggest and strongest creatures available.
4.40 Big Familiar: You can take a larger animal or vermin as a familiar.
4.03 Bone Art: You can create weapons, armor and possibly siege equipment for your undead minions.
3.76 Bonus Spells Focus: Choose one spellcasting class. You receive more bonus spells per day for that class.
4.80 Brew Potion (SRD): You can create magic potions.
4.40 Cadaverous Familiar: You can take an undead creature as a familiar.
4.00 Cannibalistic Casting: You can use your body to fuel magic once your spells have run out.
4.04 Cantrip: Allows you to use 0-level arcane spells.
4.00 Cantrip Mastery: You have mastered cantrips in a way that allows you to use them more freely.
4.05 Channel Touch Spell: You can cast a touch spell through your melee weapon.
4.20 Cheap Enhancing: You create magic items on the cheap, including non-masterwork for weapons/armor.
4.80 Combat Casting (SRD): You can cast spells more reliably in combat.
4.10 Combat Spell Trigger: You can activate any spell trigger magic item while fighting defensively.
4.32 Concentration Spell: You can extend the duration of your spells through concentration.
5.00 Controlled Burst: You have greater control over burst and spread spells.
3.57 Craft Anywhere: You can craft magic/psionic items in your spare time.
4.55 Craft Construct (SRD): You can create magical constructs.
4.80 Craft Magic Arms And Armor (SRD): You can magical weapons and armaments.
4.02 Craft Magic Tattoo: You can create magical tattoos that duplicate the effects of a single spell.
4.80 Craft Rod (SRD): You can create magical rods.
4.80 Craft Staff (SRD): You can create magical staves.
4.80 Craft Wand (SRD): You can create magical wands.
4.80 Craft Wondrous Item (SRD): You can create wondrous magical items.
3.96 Create Wondrous Creature: You know how to create Aberrations, Beasts, Magical Beasts, Monstrous Humanoids, and Plant creatures.
4.00 Deafening Spell: The sonic volume of your spells reaches deafening levels.
3.77 Delay Spell: You may delaty the effect of a spell you cast.
4.52 Destructive Force: You can increase the damage limitations of certain spells.
4.05 Disguise Spell (SRD): You can disguise your spells in a performance.
4.80 Dispel Mastery: You are an expert at dispelling spells.
3.40 Divine Dominion: Add one additional domain to your divine casting repertoire
4.04 Divine Gift: Allows you to use 0-level divine spells.
4.20 Domain Adaptability: You can use your domain spell slots as regular clerical spell slots.
4.65 Domain Mastery: You can spontaneously cast domain spells.
4.10 Draconic Bloodline: The blood of Dragons truly runs through your veins.
4.04 Druidical Blessing: Allows anyone to use 0-level druidical spells.
4.34 Dual Energy Spell: You can interchange two types of energy for one another.
4.20 Efficient Spell: You can cast a spell as a move action.
3.72 Elemental Boost: Spells of your chosen element are infused with extra power.
4.65 Empower Spell (SRD): You can cast more powerful spells.
4.20 Energy Substitution (SRD): You can change the type of damage done by a spell.
3.65 Enhanced Draconic Bloodline: You have mastered your unique heritage, gaining an extraordinary affinity for arcane magic.
4.50 Enlarge Spell (SRD): You can increase the area of a spell.
4.53 Enlarge Wall: You can cast larger wall spells. *
4.16 Eschew Divine Focus: Your faith in your god allows you forgo the use of your holy symbol.
4.70 Eschew Materials (SRD): You do not need minor material components to cast spells.
4.42 Expand Spell: You can cast spells with a larger area of effect.
5.00 Expanded Domains: You can memorize domain-specific spells as if they were general cleric spells.
4.85 Extend Spell (SRD): You can extend the duration of your spells.
3.28 Extend Spell List: You gain the use of the spells of one domain.
4.40 Far Touch Spell: After set-up, you can cast a touch spell on a willing creature at long range.
4.28 Fast Item Creation: Spellcasters can create items faster.
4.24 Fast Spell: Cuts the casting time of your spells.
4.04 Favored Enemy Spell: You are adept at casting spells against your favored enemies.
4.20 Force Spell: You can infuse your damaging arcane spells with force.
4.80 Forge Ring (SRD): You can create magical rings.
3.60 Geometric Wall: You can shape your wall spells making rings, hemispheres, or spheres. *
4.25 Ghost Spell: You can cast spells that are especially effective against incorporeal opponents.
4.24 Giveaway Spell: You give away control over a spell.
4.80 Greater Divine Dominion: Gain the domain powers from a divine dominion
4.18 Greater Held Charge: You have mastered your body’s ability to hold a magical charge.
4.70 Greater Spell Focus (SRD): Choose a school of magic to which you already have applied the Spell Focus feat.
5.00 Greater Spell Penetration (SRD): Your spells are very good at overcoming an enemies defenses.
4.08 Hardened Spell: Your spells become highly resistant to disruption.
4.40 Heighten Spell (SRD): Your spells act as though they were a higher level.
4.36 Hole In The Middle: You can create a hole in an area spell to avoid being affected
3.67 Impact Spell: You can increase the maximum damage of heightened spells.
4.01 Improved Caster Level: You raise your caster level for multiple classes.
4.40 Improved Counterspell (SRD): You can use other spells of the same school to counterspell with.
4.10 Improved Eschew Materials: You can cast any spell without need for material components or foci.
4.12 Improved Extend Spell: You can greatly increase the duration of your spells.
4.15 Infer Spell: You can learn spells from magic items.
3.70 Inner Depths Of The Soul: You have tapped an inner reserve of power that allows you to reduce magic-related XP costs.
4.00 Intuitive Spell Preparation: You can recover spell slots without rest or need for meditation.
3.48 Invisible Spell: You may make your spells invisible.
3.10 Learned Metamagic: Through hard work, study and dedication, you have learned to combine your arcane knowledge with your innate spellcasting ability, enabling you to prepare certain metamagic spells.
3.62 Magic Secret: Your magic is tied to a secret, making your spells harder to dispel.
4.30 Mass Effect Spell: Your spells can affect more targets.
4.90 Maximize Spell (SRD): You can maximize the potential of your spells.
4.10 Menagerie: You have an impressive affinity for summoning spells.
4.10 Metaffinity: You are adept at casting metamagic Arcane spells without prior preparation.
4.65 Metaspell: You can learn metamagically-enhanced spells instead of standard spells.
4.64 Mindless Effort: You can continue to maintain a concentration spell for a limited time without concentrating on it.
4.15 Minor Spell Mastery: You have become so familiar with a 0-level spell that it becomes second nature to you.
3.60 Mystic Rage: You can extend your rage with the power of your magic. *
4.60 Non-lethal Substitution (SRD): Your spells can deal nonlethal damage.
3.90 Opportunity Counterspell: You can cast counterspells in lieu of making an opportunity attack.
4.15 Perfect Materials: By using superior ingredients you can refine alchemical concoctions. *
3.16 Periodic Re-awakening: You can alter the spells you know.
3.75 Persistent Spell (SRD): You can extend a spells duration to a full day.
4.45 Potent Divination: Your detection spells are stronger than normal.
4.18 Powerless Spell: You can prepare or cast a spell for use as a counterspell.
4.50 Prismatic Energy Spell: You can change spells of one element type into any other element type.
4.20 Quicken Spell (SRD): You can cast spells as a free action.
3.63 Racial Spell: You can protect or target one race or creature type from the effects of your spells.
4.50 Reach Spell (SRD): You can cast a touch spell as a ray.
3.50 Recharge: You can recharge your magical items rather than create new ones, and create partially charged items.
4.05 Repeat Spell (SRD): Your spell is repeated on a subsequent round.
4.12 Research Genius: You can create new spells quickly.
3.74 Research Trinity: You can greatly reduce one element required for creating new spells by increasing the others.
4.36 Restore Effort: You can resume concentration on a spell you have ceased concentrating on.
4.40 Ritual Spell: You may reduce the power required for a spell by casting it as a six-hour ritual.
4.20 Routine Combat Casting: You are able to maintain your concentration even when threatened in combat.
4.35 Sacred Spell (SRD): You can suffuse your spell with divine power.
4.80 Scribe Scroll (SRD): You can create magic scrolls.
4.53 Scroll Mastery: You have mastered the art of casting powerful spells from scrolls.
3.56 Self Item: You may create items with powers linked to you.
4.13 Shape Wall: You can shape your wall spells to turn corners, climb hills, or descend into valleys. *
3.85 Shatter The Glass Ceiling: Though taxing, you can amaze your tutors and cast spells beyond your normal ability to do so.
4.76 Signature Focus: You may replace many costly material components with a special focus item.
4.95 Silent Spell (SRD): You can cast a spell without speaking.
4.10 Slow Spell: You can cast spells more slowly to gain power.
4.60 Spell Touch: You can now hit enemies passing by with spells as well as melee attacks.
4.10 Spontaneously Convert Spell: You can expend a prepared spell in order to spontaneously cast a particular spell.
4.55 Stable Spell: You need not concentrate to maintain spells.
5.00 Still Spell (SRD): You can cast a spell without somatic gestures.
4.80 Stylize Spell: You can add illusionary elements to your spells that make them more spectacular, in order to impress people.
4.30 Substitute Focus: You may prepare a special focus to substitute for a material component.
4.16 Subtle Spell: You know how to disguise the use of material, verbal, and somatic components; thus making your spell casting difficult to recognize.
4.56 Summoning Concentration: You can increase the time that your summoned creatures remain by concentrating.
4.48 Tactical Spellcasting: Your quick and decisive maneuvers do not disrupt your spellcasting.
4.30 Tap Item: You may draw upon the power of existing magic items in order to create new ones.
3.60 Thundering Spell: Your electrical spells deal additional sonic damage.
4.70 Tight Spell Focus: Choose one magic subschool or one type of energy damage (acid, cold, fire, electricity or sonic). Your spells within this limited sphere are incredibly potent.
3.82 Transfer Spell: You can cast personal effect spells on others as touch spells
4.52 Transference: Allows a spellcaster to draw from the life force of another while using item creation feats.
4.18 Trick Spell: Opposing spellcasters cannot identify your spells.
3.73 True Spell Mastery: You know a spell so innately that you can cast it without memorization.
3.53 Unique Spell: You gain access to and learn a single spell from any spell list.
4.70 Widen Spell (SRD): You can widen the effect of your spells.

Divine Feats
Divine feats are based on channeling positive or negative energy from a divine source. They all require you to have the ability to turn or rebuke undead creatures.

4.55 Divine Armor: You can channel energy to enhance your body or armor.
4.90 Divine Armor Of The Soul: You can channel energy to defend yourself against life draining attacks.
3.60 Divine Burst: When you channel to cure or inflict wounds, it affects everyone in an area.
4.00 Divine Deathward: You may channel energy to protect yourself from ability or level draining attacks.
4.08 Divine Dispel: You can negate magic through turning.
4.20 Divine Flame: You can channel energy to sheath your weapon with sacred or profane flame.
4.56 Divine Force Of Personality: Your psyche and devotion is a shield against harm.
4.45 Divine Fury: You can channel positive energy to ignore the damage reduction of undead opponents.
4.70 Divine Ghost Armor: You can channel energy to enhance your armor against incorporeal attacks.
4.25 Divine Ghost Weapon: You can channel energy into your weapon, allowing it to effectively strike incorporeal creatures.
3.70 Divine Impact: You can channel energy to strike your foe with a melee weapon as if making a touch attack.
4.15 Divine Might (SRD): You channel your faith into extra damage.
3.60 Divine Ray: You can channel divine energy to cure or inflict wounds at range.
4.15 Divine Sight: You can channel energy to increase your sight and pierce illusions.
3.30 Divine Strike: You channel divine energy to smite your deities’ foes.
3.73 Divine Touch: You can channel divine energy to cure or inflict wounds.
4.40 Divine Vengeance (SRD): You channel your faith into an aura that damages the undead.
4.00 Divine Weapon: You can channel energy to provide an enhancement bonus to your weapon.
4.50 Divine Wrath: You are able to infuse your turn/rebuke attempts with sacred or profane energy, enabling you to deal additional damage to evil or good outsiders.
3.87 Profane Death Blow: You are an unholy slayer, an assassin able to channel negative energy to slay the unrighteous.
4.40 Profane Ghoul Strike: You can use negative energy to imitate the paralyzing attack of a ghoul.
3.85 Profane Shadow Strike: You can use negative energy to duplicate the Strength draining attack of a shadow.
4.10 Profane Wight Strike: You can use negative energy to drain energy levels like a wight.
4.00 Profane Wraith Strike: You can use negative energy to drain Constitution, similar to a wraith's attack.
3.90 Soothing Word: You are gifted with a calming voice that dispels anger and hostility.

Psionic Feats
This chapter includes metapsionic, psionic item creation, or feats otherwise related to psionics.

4.20 Aligned Attack (SRD): Your melee or ranged attack overcomes your opponent’s alignment-based damage reduction and deals additional damage.
3.20 Body Fuel (SRD): You can expand your power point total at the expense of your health.
4.35 Boost Construct (SRD): Your astral constructs have more abilities.
3.45 Burrowing Power (SRD): Your powers sometimes bypass barriers.
4.25 Chain Power (SRD): You can manifest powers that arc to hit other targets in addition to the primary target.
4.05 Channel Psionic Touch: You can channel your psionic touch powers through a held melee weapon.
4.45 Combat Manifestation (SRD): You are adept at manifesting powers in combat.
4.35 Craft Cognizance Crystal (SRD): You can create psionic cognizance crystals that store power points.
4.45 Craft Dorje (SRD): You can create slender crystal wands called dorjes than manifest powers when charges are expended.
4.40 Craft Psicrown (SRD): You can create psicrowns, which have multiple psionic effects.
4.45 Craft Psionic Arms And Armor (SRD): You can create psionic weapons, armor, and shields.
4.35 Craft Psionic Construct (SRD): You can create golems and other psionic automatons that obey your orders.
4.40 Craft Universal Item (SRD): You can create universal psionic items.
4.25 Crystal Psiweapon: You can implant a personality fragment in a psionic weapon.
4.40 Deep Impact (SRD): You can strike your foe with a melee weapon as if making a touch attack.
3.90 Delay Power (SRD): You can manifest powers that go off up to 5 rounds later.
4.65 Discover Psionic Power: Through introspection, meditation and training you are able to learn additional psionic powers.
4.40 Empower Power (SRD): You can manifest powers to greater effect.
3.90 Empower Psychic Strike: You can channel more power into your Psychic Strike attacks.
4.10 Enhance Psicrystal: You can improve your psicrystal.
3.88 Enhanced Psi-like Abilities: Your racial psi-like abilities have more effect than normal for your race.
4.25 Enlarge Power (SRD): You can manifest powers farther than normal.
4.40 Ever-ready Shield: You prepare a defense against the unknown.
4.20 Expanded Knowledge (SRD): You learn another power.
4.45 Extend Power (SRD): You can manifest powers that last longer than normal.
4.35 Fell Shot (SRD): You can strike your foe with a ranged weapon as if making a touch attack.
3.95 Focused Psionic Power: Choose one psionic discipline. Your powers from this discipline are more potent and capable of piercing spell resistance more easily than normal.
3.65 Focused Sunder (SRD): You can sense the stress points on others’ weapons.
4.00 Ghost Attack (SRD): Your deadly strikes against incorporeal foes always find their mark.
3.70 Greater Power Penetration (SRD): Your powers are especially potent at breaking through power resistance.
3.55 Greater Power Specialization (SRD): You deal more damage with your powers.
4.35 Greater Psionic Endowment (SRD): You can use meditation to focus your powers.
4.20 Greater Psionic Fist (SRD): You can charge your unarmed strike or natural weapon with additional damage potential.
4.20 Greater Psionic Shot (SRD): You can charge your ranged attacks with additional damage potential.
4.20 Greater Psionic Weapon (SRD): You can charge your melee weapon with additional damage potential.
4.50 Imprint Stone (SRD): You can create power stones to store psionic powers.
4.10 Improved Crystal Psiweapon: You can improve your crystal psiweapon.
4.20 Improved Psicrystal (SRD): You can upgrade your psicrystal.
4.40 Inquisitor (SRD): You know when others lie.
4.05 Layered Psionic Defense: You are able to mount a potent psychic defense.
4.35 Maximize Power (SRD): You can manifest powers to maximum effect.
4.10 Mental Leap (SRD): You can make amazing jumps.
3.80 Metamorphic Transfer (SRD): You can gain a supernatural ability of a metamorphed form.
4.30 Mind Leach: You can drain power points from psionic intruders.
4.30 Mindspeak: Your racial psionic aptitude allows you to communicate through mental contact.
4.10 Mirror Mind: Also known as psionic reflection, this feat allows you to reflect psionic attacks directed against you.
4.45 Narrow Mind (SRD): Your ability to concentrate is as keen as an arrowhead, allowing you to gain your psionic focus even in the most turbulent situations.
4.00 Open Hand, Focused Mind: With your psionic ability you are a deadly opponent in unarmed combat.
4.05 Opportunity Power (SRD): You can make power-enhanced attacks of opportunity.
4.05 Overchannel (SRD): You burn your life force to strengthen your powers.
3.70 Power Penetration (SRD): Your powers are especially potent, breaking through power resistance more readily than normal.
3.65 Power Psicrystal: You can charge your psicrystal with power points and use it as a cognizance crystal.
3.75 Power Specialization (SRD): You deal more damage with your powers.
4.05 Psicrystal Affinity (SRD): You have created a psicrystal.
4.05 Psicrystal Containment (SRD): Your psicrystal has advanced enough that it can hold a psionic focus that you store within it.
3.35 Psionic Body (SRD): Your mind reinforces your body.
4.00 Psionic Charge (SRD): You can charge in a crooked line.
3.36 Psionic Deflection: Your precognition allows you to deflect magical rays and certain special projectiles in addition to ordinary ranged attacks.
3.90 Psionic Dodge (SRD): You are proficient at dodging blows.
4.35 Psionic Endowment (SRD): You can endow your manifestations with more concentrated focus.
4.15 Psionic Fist (SRD): You can charge your unarmed strike or natural weapon with additional damage potential.
4.10 Psionic Initiative: You receive flashes of insight that enable you to react instantly.
4.45 Psionic Meditation (SRD): You can focus your mind faster than normal, even under duress.
4.10 Psionic Multifist: You can charge multiple unarmed strikes with psionic power
4.05 Psionic Multishot: You can charge multiple ranged attacks with psionic power
4.05 Psionic Multiweapon: You can your weapon with psionic power usable on multiple attacks.
4.38 Psionic Rejuvenation: You can rapidly heal wounds that strike at the core of your being.
4.15 Psionic Shot (SRD): You can charge your ranged attacks with additional damage potential.
4.00 Psionic Strike: With your psionic ability you are a deadly opponent in unarmed combat.
4.10 Psionic Talent (SRD): You gain additional power points to supplement those you already had.
4.15 Psionic Weapon (SRD): You can charge your melee weapon with additional damage potential.
4.25 Psychic Sense: Your psychic senses allow you to intuitively sense the presence of danger.
4.40 Quicken Power (SRD): You can manifest a power with a moment’s thought.
3.95 Quiet Whisper Of The Mind: You can telepathically communicate with other intelligent beings.
3.75 Return Shot (SRD): You can return incoming arrows, as well as crossbow bolts, spears, and other projectile or thrown weapons.
4.50 Scribe Tattoo (SRD): You can create psionic tattoos, which store powers within their designs.
4.15 Speed Of Thought (SRD): The energy of your mind energizes the alacrity of your body.
4.35 Split Psionic Ray (SRD): You can affect two targets with a single ray.
3.85 Talented (SRD): You can overchannel powers with less cost to yourself.
4.47 Tap Psionic Item: You may drain the power of existing psionic items to create new ones.
4.35 Third Eye: You have a psionic third eye that enables you to pierce illusions and identify psionic powers and effects.
3.47 Thundering Power: You can add a thunderclap to your electrical powers.
4.15 Twin Power (SRD): You can manifest a power simultaneously with another power just like it.
4.40 Unavoidable Strike (SRD): You can make an unarmed strike or use a natural weapon against your foe as if delivering a touch attack.
3.95 Unconditional Power (SRD): Disabling conditions do not hold you back.
4.15 Up The Walls (SRD): You can run on walls for brief distances.
4.25 Vampire Mind: You can insidiously drain power points from opposing minds on a successful psionic attack.
4.25 Vigilant Psychic Defender: You are adept at defending yourself with your psionic powers.
4.35 Way Of The Gargoyle: You have mastered the art of combat in alternate forms.
4.40 Widen Power (SRD): You can increase the area of your powers.
4.20 Wounding Attack (SRD): Your vicious attacks wound your foe.

Special Feats
Special feats are those that require a specific class, race, or special ability to acquire and use but do not have their own chapter.

3.55 Applied Scholastics: Your scholarly knowledge is helpful in nearly every situation.
4.05 Armed Flurry Of Blows: You can attack with a flurry of blows with any weapon that you are proficient in.
4.20 Backstab: You are adept at sneak attacks.
3.40 Breaking Blow: You are capable of inflicting powerful attacks with your bare hands.
4.38 Channel Against Outsiders: You can turn or rebuke one type of outsider.
4.60 Child Of The Sea: You have inherited the affinity for the sea of an ancestor (perhaps an aquatic elf).
3.80 Cold-blooded Killer: You are cold-blooded slayer, able to precisely kill others with devastating sneak attacks.
4.45 Combat Fury: You can attack with an incredible fury.
4.04 Combat Opportunist: You have trained extensively in attacking openings in your opponent’s defenses with a particular weapon. Choose one weapon such as short sword. With that weapon, your attacks of opportunity can be devastating.
3.30 Conviction Of Faith: Through extraordinary faith you can achieve near miraculous results.
4.10 Deadly Precision (SRD): You empty your mind of all distracting emotion, becoming an instrument of deadly precision.
4.40 Death From Afar: You have learned to use your Death Attack ability at range.
3.50 Distance Ki Strike: You are able to focus your ki in order to strike an opponent at a distance.
4.30 Divine Boon: You can use one of your granted powers one more time than normal each day.
4.20 Divine Elemental Fury: You can channel energy to deal additional damage against specific elemental creatures in melee combat.
4.58 Domain Focus: Your domain spells are especially potent.
4.20 Enchanted Animal Companion: You have shown yourself to be an ally of all nature's creatures; they, in turn, will respond to your call.
4.08 Enhanced Scent: Your racial scent abilities work more effectively than others of your race.
3.88 Enhanced Spell-like Abilities: Your racial spell-like abilities have more effect than normal for your race.
3.90 Extended Burst: You are able to maintain your burst ability for longer than others of your race.
3.90 Extended Outburst: You are able to maintain your outburst ability for longer than others of your race.
3.90 Extra Burst: You are able to perform your burst racial ability more than three times per day.
4.05 Extra Familiar: You can acquire more than one familiar
4.55 Extra Music (SRD): You can use your bardic music more often.
3.85 Extra Outburst: You are able to perform your outburst racial ability more than once per day.
4.55 Extra Rage: Your rage is legendary and fearsome to behold.
4.60 Extra Wild Shape: You have a natural affinity for your wild shape class ability
4.85 Familiar Concentration: Your familiar can concentrate on spells for you.
4.70 Familiar Development: You have put time and effort into developing your familiar.
4.56 Familiar Feat: Your familiar learns a new feat.
4.36 Familiar Feat Merge: Your familiar learns all the feats you know.
4.65 Familiar Focus: You compensate for any lack in focus when developing your familiar
4.70 Familiar Range Extension: You can communicate with your familiar over long distances
4.60 Fiery Rage: Your Rage burns particularly hot and can be sustained longer than usual
4.10 Fists Of Adamantine: You can make devastating unarmed strikes.
4.10 Fists Of Steel: You can imbue your unarmed strikes with even more force.
4.50 Foul Sneaking: You can sneak attack stymied creatures.
4.65 Ghost Touch: By channeling your ki you can effectively strike incorporeal opponents.
3.73 Greater Heart Of The Dragon: The blinding intensity of your rage may completely protect you from harm.
3.87 Greater Primeval Rage: You are incredibly vicious, ferocious and dangerous.
3.07 Greater Spell Mastery: You can cast some of the spells previously mastered with Spell Mastery without preparation.
3.85 Grudge: You have a grudge against a group or organization and won’t rest until they are all dead.
4.47 Healing Ki Touch: You can heal others just like you can heal yourself.
4.45 Heart Of Defiance: When in a blood frenzy you are impossible to control.
4.13 Heart Of Fury: Your all-consuming fury enables you to continue to fight even when near death.
4.80 Heart Of Invulnerability: Your raging heart protects you from harm.
3.73 Heart Of The Dragon: The blinding intensity of your rage protects you from harm.
4.78 Improved Animal Companion: Your animal companion is more powerful than normal.
3.00 Improved Divine Connection: Your broad knowledge of divine lore has given you greater access to applying this knowledge.
4.40 Improved Familiar (SRD): This feat allows spellcasters to acquire a new familiar from a nonstandard list, but only when they could normally acquire a new familiar.
3.80 Improved Fire Acclimation: You are more resistant to fire spells and effects than other members of your race.
4.33 Improved Monk Ac Bonus: Your sixth sense is more developed than normal, allowing you a better chance to dodge blows in combat.
3.87 Improved Outburst: You gain more from your outburst racial ability than other members of your race.
4.28 Improved Quick Study: You have mastered the art of analyzing an opponent’s weakness.
4.04 Improved Stability: You are more stable than normal for your race.
4.10 Improved Stonecunning: Your stonecunning ability is more acute than normal for your race.
4.60 Improved Turning (SRD): You can turn as if you were a higher level.
4.25 Improved Undead Control: You can control more undead than normal.
4.00 Innate Specialist: You have a remarkable affinity for a school of magic, similar to a specialist wizard.
4.70 Inspire Cooperation: Through music, song or poetry you are able to inspire cooperation in others.
3.16 Inspiring Love: Your love bolsters your efficacy when doing something for your beloved.
4.15 Intensify Poison: You know how to intensify the effect of a poison.
4.30 Ki Of The Masters: You have learned to channel your Ki into devastating unarmed attacks.
4.33 Ki Sense: Your self-awareness and mastery of ki allow you to intuitively sense the presence of danger.
4.67 Kick 'em While They're Down: You can take advantage of a prone opponent's weakness.
4.08 Light As A Feather: Your ability to levitate makes you all but immune to falling damage.
4.26 Linked Resistance: When touching your familiar you can benefit from its Spell Resistance (SR).
3.32 Local Enemy Offensive Training: You have been trained to fight aggressively against the tactics of a regional enemy.
3.73 Look Harmless: You have a knack for looking harmless, enabling you to avoid unwanted attention and potentially surprise your enemies.
3.93 Lungs Of Steel: Through arduous training or birth, you have maximized your ability to hold your breath and thus resist poisonous gas.
4.05 Mixed Channeling: You can channel positive or negative energy.
4.30 Monk Weapon Mastery: Through dedication, training and hard work, a monk can master any weapon
4.25 Natural Harmony: You have spent significant time making friends with both the fauna and the flora of your domain.
4.65 Natural Spell (SRD): You can cast verbal and somatic spells in wild shape.
3.72 Oaths Of Iron: You may use metal shields and armor without breaking your druidic oath.
4.00 Penetrating Ki Strike: You can use your mastery of ki to make an unarmed strike as if delivering a touch attack.
3.65 Plant Control (SRD): You can turn or rebuke plants.
4.05 Plant Defiance (SRD): You can turn plants.
4.30 Practiced Turning: You can use your turn/rebuke ability as if you were up to 4 levels higher.
4.20 Profane Shadowspawn: Beings drained of strength by your Profane Shadow Strike feat become shadows under your control.
4.15 Profane Wightspawn: Beings drained of life energy by your Profane Wight Strike feat become wights under your control.
4.10 Profane Wraithspawn: Beings drained of Constitution by your Profane Wraith Strike feat become wraiths under your control.
3.80 Prophetic Dreamer: Your dreams sometimes echo the future
4.04 Quick Scent: Your racial scent abilities work more quickly than others of your race.
4.17 Quick Study: You can quickly sense your opponent’s weakness.
4.05 Quicken Divine Channeling: You can channel energy into a Divine feat with a moment's thought.
4.12 Rededication: You’ve wandered away from your true vocation long enough, now its time to return.
3.60 Sense Of Maturity: You have learned as you matured.
4.20 Shadowleap: You are adept at jumping between shadows.
4.67 Shield Undead: Undead under your control or command are resistant to the turn/rebuke attempts of others.
3.54 Silver Spoon: You were born into some privilege and your character starts out with a monetary advantage
3.80 Song Magic: There is magic in your music, allowing you to cast your spells without need of further material components.
3.36 Soul-mate: You share an empathic link with your lover.
4.05 Spell Mastery (SRD): You can memorize selected spells without a spell book.
4.10 Stalwart Defender: You are truly a dwarven bastion of strength.
3.75 Stipend: You come from a wealthy background.
4.00 Strength Of The Pious: You double the duration of one of your granted powers.
4.40 Strike Favored Enemy: You are exceptionally deadly in combat against favored enemies.
3.35 Tail Slam: You are trained to use your powerful tail and flukes as a weapon.
3.55 Tail Walking: You have learned to use your tail while out of water somewhat more gracefully than most of your kind.
4.20 Terrifying Rage: Your rage is terrifying to behold and fearsome to your enemies
4.20 Uncanny Tactics: You are skilled at attacking with or avoiding sneak attacks versus skilled opponents.
4.25 Undead Horde: You may control a small army of lesser undead.
3.96 Use Prejudice: You can use people’s prejudices against them.
4.05 Usurp Spell: You can attempt to steal control of any spell that you successfully counterspell.
3.55 Wisdom Of Age: You have learned much as you got older.
4.15 Zealous Smite: The strength of your faith flows through you, allowing you to inflict terrible blows against your enemies.

Epic Feats
Epic feats are only available to characters of level 21 or higher, and represent talents of a near superhuman nature.

4.10 Additional Magic Item Space (SRD): You can wear additional rings, necklaces and such.
4.10 Armor Skin (SRD): Your skin is much tougher than normal for your race.
3.95 Augmented Alchemy (SRD): Your alchemical creations are especially potent.
4.40 Automatic Quicken Spell (SRD): You can quicken simple spells without penalty.
4.45 Automatic Silent Spell (SRD): You can silence simple spells without penalty.
4.45 Automatic Still Spell (SRD): You can still simple spells without penalty.
4.55 Bane Of Enemies (SRD): Your favored enemies fear any weapon in your hands.
4.10 Blinding Speed (SRD): You can act with near superhuman speed.
4.60 Bonus Domain (SRD): You have been granted new powers by your deity.
4.35 Bulwark Of Defense (SRD): You have improved your defensive stance.
4.55 Chaotic Rage (SRD): Your rage channels the powers of raw chaos into your weapon.
4.60 Colossal Wild Shape (SRD): You can assume the form of colossal animals.
4.20 Combat Archery (SRD): You can fire a bow without incurring attacks of opportunity.
3.95 Craft Epic Magic Arms And Armor (SRD): You can create legendary weapons and armaments.
3.95 Craft Epic Rod (SRD): You can create epic level rods.
3.95 Craft Epic Staff (SRD): You can create epic level staves.
3.95 Craft Epic Wondrous Item (SRD): You can create epic level wondrous items.
4.00 Damage Reduction (SRD): You take less damage from all attacks.
4.00 Deafening Song (SRD): Your songs can deafen your foes.
4.00 Death Of Enemies (SRD): Your critical hits can kill your chosen enemies.
4.25 Devastating Critical (SRD): You can kill your foes with your critical hits.
3.95 Dexterous Fortitude (SRD): You can use reflex when fortitude would normally apply.
4.00 Dexterous Will (SRD): You can use reflex when will would normally apply.
4.50 Diminutive Wild Shape (SRD): You can change shape into diminutive animals.
4.50 Dire Charge (SRD): You charge into combat with incredible ferocity.
4.45 Distant Shot (SRD): You can ignore range penalties.
4.50 Dragon Wild Shape (SRD): You can wild shape into the form of a true dragon.
4.30 Efficient Item Creation (SRD): You can create magic items quickly.
4.40 Energy Resistance (SRD): You can resist the effects of a chosen element.
3.95 Enhance Spell (SRD): You can modify the upper limits of a spells damage.
3.95 Epic Dodge (SRD): You can avoid any one blow from an opponent.
4.05 Epic Elite Training: You manage to achieve more than even the gods thought possible.
3.75 Epic Endurance (SRD): Your endurance is legendary.
4.35 Epic Expanded Knowledge (SRD): You learn another power.
4.50 Epic Fortitude (SRD): You are amazingly tough and resilient.
4.50 Epic Inspiration (SRD): Your music inspires people to great deeds.
4.20 Epic Leadership (SRD): Great people flock to your banner.
4.45 Epic Prowess (SRD): Your combat skill is legendary.
4.35 Epic Psionic Focus (SRD): You can expend your psionic focus to greater effect.
4.50 Epic Reflexes (SRD): Your incredible reflexes are legendary.
4.45 Epic Reputation (SRD): There are few who have not heard of your greatness.
4.35 Epic Skill Focus (SRD): You have truly mastered a given skill.
4.45 Epic Speed (SRD): You can move like the wind.
4.10 Epic Spell Focus (SRD): Your spells are very difficult to resist.
4.20 Epic Spell Penetration (SRD): Your spells can penetrate more powerful defenses.
4.00 Epic Spellcasting (SRD): You can create and use spells of epic proportions.
4.35 Epic Toughness (SRD): Your toughness is legendary.
4.50 Epic Weapon Focus (SRD): You know a weapon like you know yourself.
4.45 Epic Weapon Specialization (SRD): You have truly mastered a weapons use.
4.50 Epic Will (SRD): Your strength of will is legendary.
4.10 Exceptional Deflection (SRD): You can deflect nearly any ranged attack.
3.95 Extended Life Span (SRD): You have mastered the secrets of a long life.
4.35 Familiar Spell (SRD): Your familiar learns to cast one of your spells.
4.10 Fast Healing (SRD): You heal faster than most people.
4.50 Fine Wild Shape (SRD): You can wild shape into a fine sized animal.
3.95 Forge Epic Ring (SRD): You can create epic level rings.
4.60 Gargantuan Wild Shape (SRD): You can wild shape into a gargantuan animal.
4.30 Great Charisma (SRD): You have learned a secret of great charisma.
4.30 Great Constitution (SRD): You have learned a secret of great constitution.
4.30 Great Dexterity (SRD): You have learned a secret of great dexterity.
4.30 Great Intelligence (SRD): You have learned a secret of great intelligence.
4.50 Great Smiting (SRD): Your smite attacks are twice as effective.
4.30 Great Strength (SRD): You have discovered a secret of great strength.
4.30 Great Wisdom (SRD): You have discovered a secret of great wisdom.
4.25 Group Inspiration (SRD): Your songs can inspire more people.
4.00 Hindering Song (SRD): Your music can disrupt spell casting.
4.55 Holy Strike (SRD): Any weapon in your hands is a holy weapon.
4.20 Ignore Material Components (SRD): You never need material components for your spells.
4.15 Improved Alignment-based Casting (SRD): You can cast stronger spells of a given alignment.
4.25 Improved Arrow Of Death (SRD): Your arrows of death are just that much more deadly.
4.10 Improved Aura Of Courage (SRD): You inspire great confidence in those around you.
4.35 Improved Aura Of Despair (SRD): You inspire deep despair in your foes.
4.00 Improved Combat Casting (SRD): You can cast spells without opening yourself to attack.
4.05 Improved Combat Reflexes (SRD): You can make an unlimited number of attacks of opportunity.
4.20 Improved Darkvision (SRD): Your darkvision is especially acute.
4.25 Improved Death Attack (SRD): Your death attack is especially deadly.
3.95 Improved Elemental Wild Shape (SRD): You can wild shape into the form of an elemental.
4.05 Improved Favored Enemy (SRD): You have redoubled your dedication to defeating your enemies.
3.20 Improved Heighten Spell (SRD): You can heighten spells to any level.
4.35 Improved Ki Strike (SRD): Your fists are as powerful as an epic level weapon.
4.10 Improved Low-light Vision (SRD): You can see even further in dim light.
4.50 Improved Manifestation (SRD): You increase your power point reserve.
3.80 Improved Manyshot (SRD): You can fire many arrows at once.
4.15 Improved Metamagic (SRD): You can use metamagic at a reduced cost.
4.00 Improved Metapsionics (SRD): You can manifest powers using metapsionic feats more easily than normal.
4.40 Improved Sneak Attack (SRD): Your sneak attack is stronger than before.
4.15 Improved Spell Capacity (SRD): You can cast even more powerful spells.
4.15 Improved Spell Resistance (SRD): You are more resistant to spells and magic effects.
4.35 Improved Stunning Fist (SRD): Your stunning attacks are harder to resist.
3.45 Improved Whirlwind Attack (SRD): You strike multiple times at everyone around you.
4.10 Incite Rage (SRD): You can send allies into a rage.
4.30 Infinite Deflection (SRD): You can deflect an unlimited number of arrows.
4.30 Inspire Excellence (SRD): Your music can increase allies ability scroes.
4.00 Instant Reload (SRD): You can load your crossbow with amazing speed.
4.15 Intensify Spell (SRD): You can imbue your spells with legendary power.
4.25 Keen Strike (SRD): Your unarmed strikes cut like a blade.
4.45 Lasting Inspiration (SRD): The effects of your music last much longer.
3.90 Legendary Climber (SRD): You can climb quickly without penalty.
3.90 Legendary Commander (SRD): You can command many more followers.
3.55 Legendary Leaper (SRD): You can jump without much of a running start.
3.60 Legendary Rider (SRD): You can control a mount with hardly any effort.
3.80 Legendary Tracker (SRD): You can track in almost any environment.
3.70 Legendary Wrestler (SRD): You are a true master of grappling.
3.75 Lingering Damage (SRD): Wounds from your sneak attacks continue to bleed.
4.00 Magical Beast Companion (SRD): You can have magical beasts as animal companions.
4.35 Magical Beast Wild Shape (SRD): You can wild shape into magical beasts.
4.25 Master Staff (SRD): You can channel your own magic to power a staff.
4.30 Master Wand (SRD): You can channel your own magic to power a wand.
4.10 Masterful Scroll Casting: You can cast a spell from a scroll without causing the writing of the activated spell to disappear.
4.60 Mighty Rage (SRD): Your rages are especially powerful.
4.20 Mobile Defense (SRD): You may move slightly while in a defensive stance.
4.05 Multispell (SRD): You may cast an additional quickened spell.
4.25 Music Of The Gods (SRD): Your music can affect even those normally immune.
4.05 Negative Energy Burst (SRD): You can channel negative energy into a wave of suffering.
3.95 Overwhelming Critical (SRD): Your critical hits are especially brutal.
4.05 Penetrate Damage Reduction (SRD): Select a special material, such as adamantine.
4.05 Perfect Health (SRD): You are almost totally immune to disease and poison.
4.25 Perfect Two-weapon Fighting (SRD): Your offhand weapon get a full compliment of attacks.
4.05 Permanent Emanation (SRD): You make one of your emanation spells permanent.
4.35 Planar Turning (SRD): You can turn or rebuke outsiders.
4.25 Plant Wild Shape (SRD): You can wild shape into a plant.
4.25 Polyglot (SRD): You can speak, read, and write any language under the sun.
4.45 Positive Energy Aura (SRD): You turn the undead without effort.
4.55 Power Knowledge (SRD): You add two additional powers to your list of powers known.
4.35 Psicrystal Power (SRD): Your psicrystal can manifest a power.
4.00 Quicken Staff: You can cast spells from a staff with a moment’s thought.
3.70 Quicken Wand: You can cast spells from a wand with a moment’s thought.
4.30 Ranged Inspiration (SRD): Your music has a greater range of effect.
5.00 Rapid Inspiration (SRD): You can inspire allies more quickly.
4.45 Reactive Countersong (SRD): You can begin a countersong at any time.
4.00 Reflect Arrows (SRD): You can deflect arrows back at whomever shot them.
4.55 Righteous Strike (SRD): Your fists are charged with the power of law.
4.20 Ruinous Rage (SRD): You are good a breaking things when in a rage.
3.95 Scribe Epic Scroll (SRD): You can scribe scrolls of epic level.
3.55 Self-concealment (SRD): You can partly conceal your location at all times.
4.35 Shattering Strike (SRD): You can break things using sudden force.
4.05 Sneak Attack Of Opportunity (SRD): You can sneak attack anyone who gives you an opening.
4.45 Spectral Strike (SRD): You can hit incorporeal creatures.
4.40 Spell Knowledge (SRD): You learn two new arcane spells.
4.35 Spell Opportunity (SRD): You can cast touch spells when making an attack of opportunity.
3.25 Spell Stowaway (SRD): You can gain the benefits of another casters spell.
4.25 Spellcasting Harrier (SRD): You can always attack spellcasters who are casting defensively.
4.50 Spontaneous Domain Access (SRD): You can convert any spell into a domain spell.
4.35 Spontaneous Spell (SRD): You can substitute a selected spell for any other you know.
4.35 Storm Of Throws (SRD): You can throw many weapons in one round.
4.30 Superior Initiative (SRD): You are an expert at getting the jump on your opponents.
4.30 Swarm Of Arrows (SRD): You can shower your foes with arrows.
4.40 Tenacious Magic (SRD): Your spells can resist dispelling.
4.50 Thundering Rage (SRD): In rage, your weapons emit a defining crash.
4.65 Trap Sense (SRD): You have a second sense for traps.
4.50 Two-weapon Rend (SRD): You can perform a rend maneuver when using two weapons.
4.25 Uncanny Accuracy (SRD): You can hit targets you can not even see.
4.25 Undead Mastery (SRD): You can command a great number of undead.
4.55 Unholy Strike (SRD): Any weapon in your hands becomes unholy.
4.20 Vermin Wild Shape (SRD): You can wild shape into a vermin.
3.95 Vorpal Strike (SRD): You unarmed strikes act as vorpal weapons.
4.30 Widen Aura Of Courage (SRD): Your aura of courage extends to a greater range.
4.35 Widen Aura Of Despair (SRD): Your aura of despair extends to a greater range.
4.30 Zone Of Animation (SRD): You can use your rebuking powers to animate the undead.

Monster Feats
These feats all have at least one prerequisite that is not normally available to player characters, such as three arms or the ability to fly. If you are playing a creature with a monster race your DM may allow you to choose one of these feats, although the power ratings are based on their use by NPCs and may be dramatically unbalancing for player characters.

4.40 Ability Focus (SRD): Choose one of the creature’s special attacks.
4.20 Area Power Resistance: The creature's Power Resistance (PR) can negate area-effect psionic powers.
4.20 Area Spell Resistance: The creature's Spell Resistance (SR) can negate area-effect spells and spell-like abilities.
4.30 Awesome Blow (SRD): You knock your victims flying with a powerful attack.
4.45 Channeled Resistance: The creature can protect other beings that it touches with its Spell Resistance (SR) or Power Resistance (PR).
4.05 Chill Of The Grave: Your undead presence horrifies the living.
4.25 Empower Spell-like Ability (SRD): Your powers are more powerful.
4.40 Enlarge Breath Weapon: The creature's breath weapon has a longer range than normal.
4.75 Extra Primeval Ability: The creature can use one of its supernatural or spell-like abilities more often.
4.55 Flyby Attack (SRD): You can attack in the middle of a flying move.
4.70 Focused Primeval Ability: One of the creature's supernatural or spell-like abilities is more potent than normal.
4.73 Giant Step: Your long legs allow you to take longer steps.
4.60 Greater Focused Primeval Ability: One of creature's supernatural or spell-like abilities is especially potent.
4.40 Greater Multiweapon Fighting (SRD): You can get an additional attack with an offhand weapon.
4.45 Heighten Primeval Ability: The creature has achieved mastery of its innate supernatural or spell-like powers.
3.95 Hover (SRD): You can hover in place while flying.
4.50 Improved Flyby Attack (SRD): You can do a flyby attack without provoking attacks of opportunity.
4.55 Improved Multiattack (SRD): Your secondary attacks are more accurate.
4.45 Improved Multiweapon Fighting: You get extra attacks with all your weapons.
4.40 Improved Natural Armor (SRD): Your skin is tougher then that typical for your species.
4.75 Improved Resistance: The creature is innately more resistant to spells or psionics.
3.80 Innate Metamagic: The creature can use its spellcasting knowledge to modify its innate spell-like abilities with learned metamagic feats.
4.00 Multiattack (SRD): You can use secondary attacks at a reduced penalty.
4.20 Multihanded Weapon: The creature can wield a weapon with three or more hands at once, like a human or dwarf can wield a weapon with two hands.
4.55 Multiweapon Fighting (SRD): You are more skilled at fighting with multiple weapons.
4.50 Multiweapon Rend (SRD): You can perform rending attacks with your weapons.
4.25 Perfect Multiweapon Fighting (SRD): All your weapons get a full compliment of attacks.
4.70 Power Resistance: Clairsentience And Telepathy: The creature can apply its Power Resistance (PR) against psionic powers from the clairsentience and telepathy disciplines.
3.10 Primeval Alchemy: You can blend an additional type of energy into one of your energy dependent supernatural abilities.
3.20 Primeval Conversion: You can convert a supernatural ability that utilizes one type of energy into using another type of energy.
4.45 Primeval Power: Once per day the creature can augment a supernatural or spell-like ability with arcane, divine or profane power.
4.20 Quicken Spell-like Ability (SRD): You can use spell-like abilities as a free action.
4.45 Ranged Resistance: The creature can bestow its Spell Resistance (SR) or Power Resistance (PR) on others nearby.
4.15 Resistance Counterspell: The creature can use its Spell Resistance (SR) to counterspell.
4.10 Resistance Power Turning: The creature can reflect a psionic power that fails to beat its Power Resistance (PR).
4.10 Resistance Spell Turning: The creature can reflect a spell or spell-like ability that fails to beat its Spell Resistance (SR).
4.70 Resistance: Divination: The creature can apply its Spell Resistance (SR) or Power Resistance (PR) against divinations.
4.20 Resistance: Illusion: The creature can apply its Spell Resistance (SR) or Power Resistance (PR) against illusions.
4.15 Snatch (SRD): You can snatch up victims in your claws or jaws.
4.80 Spirited Dive: The creature can perform a terrifying dive-bomb attack.
4.10 Spontaneous Spell-like Casting: The creature is able to use its arcane or divine spell knowledge to power its spell-like abilities.
4.38 Tail Tricks: You have learned to use your tail to enhance your balance and stability. *
4.75 Turn/rebuke Resistance: By virtue of unholy power or exceptional strength of will, the creature is more difficult to turn or rebuke than normal.
4.50 Wingover (SRD): You can change directions sharply while flying.

Modern Feats
Feats in the modern chapter are intended for a modern day or futuristic d20 setting and feats that refer to mechanics exclusive to the Modern System Rules Documents. Feats from modern settings materials that were deemed general to fantasy settings are included in other chapters as appropriate to their type. Some feats from the Modern SRD do not appear in the Netbook as they are incompatible with 3.5 rules.

4.75 Advanced Firearms Proficiency: You are highly proficient with small automatic weapons.
4.55 Aircraft Operation: You are trained in the operation of a class of aircraft.
4.50 Archaic Weapons Proficiency: You are studied in the use or archaic weapons.
4.30 Attentive: You notice the smallest details in your surroundings.
4.45 Burst Fire: You unload multiple rounds into a single target.
4.24 Cautious: You haven't lost any fingers yet.
4.30 Combat Throw: You get a bonus to trip and grapple attacks.
4.50 Double Tap: You fire two bullets as a single attack.
4.65 Drive-by Attack: You are an expert at attacking from within a moving vehicle.
4.55 Exotic Firearms Proficiency: You have experience with some very unusual weapons.
4.10 Force Stop: You can stop another vehicle during a sideswipe.
4.30 Gearhead: You know how things work.
4.30 Guide: You rarely ever get lost.
4.05 Improved Brawl: You really know how to mix it up on the street.
4.55 Improved Damage Threshold: You can survive normally fatal wounds.
4.35 Low Profile: You keep it on the down low.
4.30 Medical Expert: You have a knack for medicine.
4.60 Personal Firearms Proficiency: You are skilled with small arms.
4.70 Quick Reload: You are good at reloading firearms quickly.
4.35 Renown: You are well known.
3.90 Skip Shot: You can skip a bullet off a hard surface to hit an opponent with cover.
4.45 Strafe: You spray bullets in a side arc.
3.20 Streetfighting: You know how to make it hurt.
4.30 Studious: You like to read.
4.55 Surface Vehicle Operation: You know how to drive a class of ground vehicles.
4.15 Surgery: You are trained in performing surgery.
4.00 Vehicle Dodge: You are good at taking evasive maneuvers.
4.35 Vehicle Expert: You really know how to fly/drive.
4.40 Windfall: You have come into some unexpected wealth.

Weapon Group Feats
Weapon group feats are part of an optional rules system that replaces the normal system for weapon proficiencies. They are somewhat more powerful but perhaps more realistic than the traditional system.

3.97 Weapon Group (axes): You understand how to use axes and axelike weapons.
3.97 Weapon Group (basic Weapons): You understand how to use a few basic weapons.
3.97 Weapon Group (bows): You understand how to use bows.
3.97 Weapon Group (claw Weapons): You understand how to use weapons strapped to the hands.
3.97 Weapon Group (crossbows): You understand how to use crossbows.
3.97 Weapon Group (druid Weapons): You understand how to use weapons favored by druids.
3.97 Weapon Group (exotic Double Weapon): You understand how to use the exotic double weapons associated with the weapon groups that you have mastered.
3.97 Weapon Group (exotic Weapons): You understand how to use the exotic weapons associated with the weapon groups that you have mastered.
3.97 Weapon Group (flail And Chains): You understand how to use flails and chain weapons.
3.97 Weapon Group (heavy Blades): You understand how to use large bladed weapons.
3.97 Weapon Group (light Blades): You understand how to use light bladed weapons.
3.97 Weapon Group (maces And Clubs): You understand how to use maces and clubs.
3.97 Weapon Group (monk Weapons): You understand how to use weapons normally favored by monks.
3.97 Weapon Group (picks And Hammers): You understand how to use picks and hammers.
3.97 Weapon Group (polearms): You understand how to use polearms.
3.97 Weapon Group (slings And Thrown Weapons): You understand how to use slings and handheld thrown weapons.
3.97 Weapon Group (spears And Lances): You understand how to use spears and javelins.

Feats alphabetically.

Choose one of the creature’s special attacks.
Prerequisite: Special attack
Benefit: Add +2 to the DC for all saving throws against the special attack on which the creature focuses.
Special: A creature can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time the creature takes the feat it applies to a different special attack.
  ABILITY FOCUS Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.50)

You are adept at moving quickly while balancing.
Prerequisite: Balance 4 ranks, Dex 13
Benefit: You do not suffer a penalty to your Balance skill check when moving at full speed.
Normal: You suffer a -5 penalty to your Balance skill check when moving at full speed.
  ACCELERATED BALANCING Copyright 2005, Jason D. Kemp
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.00, Port 4.75, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

You are adept at moving quickly while climbing.
Prerequisite: Climb 4 ranks, Dex 13
Benefit: You do not suffer a penalty to your Climb skill check when moving at half speed, and only a –5 penalty when moving at full speed.
Normal: You suffer a -5 penalty to your Climb skill check when moving at half speed, and no penalty when moving at one-quarter of your speed.
  ACCELERATED CLIMBING Copyright 2005, Jason D. Kemp
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.50, Port 4.50, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

ACCURATE ATTACK [General, Fighter]
You can sacrifice one attack for greater accuracy on the next.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +6
Benefit: When making a full attack you may forgo all but the first attack to receive a +2 bonus to hit for each attack you have forgone.
Special: You can take this feat up to four times. Each time you take it after the first you increase the bonus for each attack sacrificed by 1 (to a maximum of +5).
Example: A 13th level fighter has three attacks in a round with base attack bonuses of +13/+8/+3. The fighter chooses to use Accurate Attack and make a single attack with a base attack of +17 (+13, +2 for each of the two tertiary attacks not taken).
  ACCURATE ATTACK Copyright 2006, Sigfried Trent
  Balance: 3.78 (Purp 4.10, Pow 3.74, Port 3.84, Comp 3.80, Rule 3.44)

You are a natural acrobat.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Jump checks and Tumble checks.
  ACROBATIC Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 5.00 (Purp 5.00, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

ACROBATIC CHARGE [General, Fighter]
Your unexpected attacks have great effect.
Prerequisite: Dodge, Mobility, Tumble 1 rank, Base attack bonus +3
Benefit: You may tumble a distance equal to your speed as part of a charge, avoiding attacks of opportunity as described in the Tumble skill. If you succeed at the Tumble check, and if you make a bull rush, trip, disarm or grapple attack as part of this charge, you gain an additional +2 circumstance bonus to your attack roll and to any other rolls necessary for the maneuver, such as the opposed ability check for a trip attack. You may not use Acrobatic Charge on consecutive rounds.
Normal: You may only Tumble as part of a normal move.
  ACROBATIC CHARGE Copyright 2001, Michael J. Kletch
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.00, Port 4.50, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.75)

ACROBATIC DEFENSE [General, Fighter]
You are an expert at defending yourself from attacks.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Tumble 8 ranks
Benefit: When in light armor or no armor, you gain a +4 dodge bonus when fighting defensively (as per the combat action), and a +8 dodge bonus when using the total defense standard action. This benefit includes the synergy bonus you gain from having at least 5 ranks of Tumble
Normal: You normally have a +2 dodge bonus to AC when fighting defensively, and a +4 dodge bonus to AC when using the total defense standard action. If you have 5 or more ranks in Tumble, you gain a +3 dodge bonus to AC when fighting defensively, and a +6 dodge bonus to AC when using the total defense standard action.
  ACROBATIC DEFENSE Copyright 2005, Jason D. Kemp
  Balance: 4.24 (Purp 4.20, Pow 4.40, Port 4.20, Comp 4.20, Rule 4.20)

You may use your acrobatic skill to catch your enemy off guard.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Tumble 4 ranks
Benefit: As a standard action, you may make a Tumble check against a DC of 15 + your opponent’s Hit Dice. If you succeed, you then make a single melee attack against your opponent who is denied their Dexterity bonus to AC for this attack only (and hence subject to sneak attack damage). If you fail the Tumble check you fall prone and make no attack.
Special: You remain in the same spot when using this ability, whether you succeed or not.
  ACROBATIC STRIKE Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 3.90 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.00, Rule 3.50)

You can wear additional rings, necklaces and such.
Benefit: Choose one type of magic item that has a limit on the number a character can simultaneously wear and gain its benefit. You can now wear one more magic item of this type and also gain its benefit.
Normal: Without this feat, a character is limited to one headband, hat, or helmet; one pair of eye lenses or goggles; one cloak, cape, or mantle; one amulet, brooch, medallion, necklace, periapt, or scarab; one suit of armor; one robe; one vest, vestment, or shirt; one pair of bracers or bracelets; one pair of gloves or gauntlets; two rings; one belt; and one pair of boots.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Each time the character takes the feat, it applies to a new type of wearable magic item.
  ADDITIONAL MAGIC ITEM SPACE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The Netbook of Feats team feels that this feat should be limited by common sense – obviously it is no problem to wear multiple rings, amulets and the like, but to wear two suits of armor or pairs of boots at a time is ridiculous.
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 3.75, Pow 4.50, Port 3.75, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.25)

You are highly proficient with small automatic weapons.
Prerequisite: Personal Firearms Proficiency
Benefit: You can fire any personal firearm on autofire without penalty (provided, of course, that it has an auto¬fire setting).
Normal: You take a –4 penalty on attack rolls made with personal firearms set on auto¬fire.
  ADVANCED FIREARMS PROFICIENCY Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.75 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.75, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

You are at home in the air. You understand the properties of wind resistance and aerodynamics and how to optimize your situation in the air.
Benefit: You improve your maneuverability class by one step when using any ability to fly. This includes flying mounts if you have the ability to guide them. You also increase your base flying speed by +5'.
  AEROBATICS Copyright 2001, Rebecca Glenn
  Balance: 4.24 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.30, Port 4.00, Comp 4.60, Rule 4.30)

Changes defensive casting to be more aggressive.
Prerequisite: Concentration 1 rank
Benefit: When you cast a spell using defensive casting and fail the concentration check, you may opt not to lose the spell but instead trigger an attack of opportunity just as if you had cast the spell in the ordinary fashion.
Notes: If you are hit by an attack of opportunity triggered because you failed the above concentration check, you must still make yet another concentration check or lose the spell because of the damage.
  AGGRESSIVE CASTING Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.75, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.50)

You have mastered using your weapons defensively without sacrificing accuracy.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Base attack bonus +1
Benefit: At the start of your action, you can declare that you are using Aggressive Defense. Until the start of your next turn, you gain a +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class against all opponents you threaten. In exchange, however, you suffer a –2 penalty to damage you inflict with your attacks.
Special: You may not combine Aggressive Defense with other defensive combat actions (like fighting defensively or Total Defense).
  AGGRESSIVE DEFENSE Copyright 2002, Rick Coen
  Balance: 3.93 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.33, Port 4.00, Comp 3.00, Rule 4.33)

AGILE [General]
You are especially agile.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Balance checks and Escape Artist checks.
  AGILE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.95 (Purp 4.75, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

You are not as vulnerable to attack while climbing.
Prerequisite: Dex 13
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Climb checks. You do not lose your Dexterity bonus to AC when you are attacked while climbing.
  AGILE CLIMBER Copyright 2002, Jerry M. Chaney II
  Balance: 4.60 (Purp 4.60, Pow 4.40, Port 4.20, Comp 5.00, Rule 4.80)

AGILE RIPOSTE [General, Fighter]
You can attack opponents who over extend themselves.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Dodge
Benefit: Once per round, if the opponent you have designated with the dodge feat makes a melee attack or melee touch attack against you and misses, you may make an attack of opportunity against that opponent. Resolve and apply the effects from both attacks simultaneously. Even a character with the Combat Reflexes feat can’t use the Agile Riposte feat more than once per round. This feat does not grant more attacks of opportunity than you are normally allowed in a round.
  AGILE RIPOSTE Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 3.75 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.50, Port 3.75, Comp 3.50, Rule 4.00)

You are trained in the operation of a class of aircraft.
Prerequisite: Pilot 4 ranks
Benefit: Select a class of aircraft (heavy aircraft, helicopters, jet fighters, or spacecraft). You are proficient at operating that class of aircraft. The heavy aircraft class includes jumbo passenger airplanes, large cargo planes, heavy bombers, and any other aircraft with three or more engines. Helicopters include transport and combat helicopters of all types. Jet fighters include military fighter and ground attack jets. Spacecraft are vehicles such as the space shuttle and the lunar lander. You take no penalty on Pilot checks or attack rolls made when operating an aircraft of the selected class.
Normal: Without this feat you take a –4 penalty on Pilot checks made to operate an aircraft that falls in any of these classes, and on attacks made with aircraft weapons. There is no penalty when you operate a general-purpose aircraft.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat, you select a different class of aircraft.
  AIRCRAFT OPERATION Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.55 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.50, Port 4.50, Comp 4.50, Rule 5.00)

You are very aware of your surroundings.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Listen checks and Spot checks.
Special: The master of a familiar gains the benefit of the Alertness feat whenever the familiar is within arm’s reach.
  ALERTNESS Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.95 (Purp 4.75, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

Your melee or ranged attack overcomes your opponent’s alignment-based damage reduction and deals additional damage.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +6
Benefit: When you take this feat, choose either chaos, good, evil or law. (Your choice must match one of your alignment components. Once you’ve made this alignment choice, it cannot be changed. To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. When you make a successful melee or ranged attack, you deal an extra 1d6 points of damage, and your attack is treated as either a good, evil, chaotic, or lawful attack (depending on your original choice) for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. You must decide whether or not to use this feat prior to making an attack. If your attack misses, you still expend your psionic focus.
  ALIGNED ATTACK Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.50, Pow 3.75, Port 4.50, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.25)

You have focused on leading a small band or a large body of troops.
Prerequisite: Cha 13, Leadership
Benefit: When you select this feat, you may have it effect followers or cohorts. Any followers or cohorts gained through this feat are cumulative with those gained for Leadership, this feat, or other feats that grant followers or cohorts. If the you select the cohort option, you gain two additional cohorts. One has a maximum level as determined by the your Leadership score. The second cohort has a maximum level two experience levels lower. If you select the follower option, you gain an additional 1.5 times the number of followers specified by your Leadership score.
Special: A character may gain this feat multiple times, and the effects are cumulative.
  AMBITIOUS LEADER Copyright 2000, Michael J. Kletch
  Balance: 3.62 (Purp 3.30, Pow 4.30, Port 3.60, Comp 3.30, Rule 3.60)

You have a natural rapport with animals.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Handle Animal checks and Ride checks.
  ANIMAL AFFINITY Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.95 (Purp 4.75, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

ANIMAL KEN [General]
You have an innate ability to handle animals.
Prerequisite: Handle Animal 4 ranks, Cha 13
Benefit: You can handle an animal as a free action or push it as a move action.
Normal: Handling an animal is a move action, while pushing an animal is a full-round action.
  ANIMAL KEN Copyright 2005, Jason D. Kemp
  Balance: 4.15 (Purp 3.50, Pow 3.75, Port 4.50, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

ANIMATE WALL [Metamagic]
You can make your wall spells move.
Benefit: You can animate your wall spell. The wall can move very slowly: 5 feet as a full round action; but must maintain its original shape and size. You direct the wall's movement as a free action on your turn. Walls must remain in contact with the ground if normally required to do so. This feat can only affect straight, vertical walls. If moving in a certain direction would force the wall to bend, break, or otherwise change its shape; it cannot move in that direction and you will know this. You can continue to direct the wall's movement for either the spell's normal duration or 1 minute/level (if the wall's duration is instantaneous or permanent). If the wall's normal duration is instantaneous, while under the effects of this feat it can be dispelled as if it had a duration other than instantaneous. Instantaneous Conjuration (Creation) school walls that are dispelled end the wall's ability to move but do not affect the wall otherwise. Solid walls (such as wall of stone, wall of iron, or wall of force) can automatically push Medium or smaller creatures out of their space. Such creatures caught between them and another solid structure, take damage equal to your caster level per round when the creature's actual space is squeezed against something solid. A successful Reflex save versus the wall's normal spell DC negates the damage for that round and allows the creature to move at half speed along the wall. Climbing over such a wall is a valid method of escape as is cutting through the wall with weapons (especially adamantine weapons). Animated Walls cannot push or crush creatures of larger than Medium size. Damaging walls (such as wall of thorns, blade barrier, or wall of fire) deal their normal damage per round when they push against a creature's square. Again, a Reflex save versus the wall's normal spell DC negates the damage for that round. These types of walls cannot push or crush creatures. Wall of ice deals the damage listed for solid walls unless the creature breaks through (Strength check DC 15 + wall's spell level); then it does the damage listed for the wall of ice spell. Wall of ice can push Medium or smaller creatures just as other solid walls can. Some walls can not deal damage in this way (such as wind wall and illusory wall) and either have their normal effects or are dissipated when pushed against the creature's square. An Animate Wall spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell's actual level.
Normal: Your wall spells do not move.
  ANIMATE WALL Copyright 2005, David Sanders
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.38, Port 4.25, Comp 3.63, Rule 4.00)

ANTIPSIONIC MAGIC [General, Magical]
Your spells are more potent when used against psionic characters and creatures.
Prerequisite: Spellcraft 5 ranks
Benefit: You get a get a +2 bonus on caster level checks made to overcome a psionic creature’s power resistance. This bonus stacks with the bonus conferred by Spell Penetration and Greater Spell Penetration. Moreover, whenever a psionic creature attempts to dispel a spell you cast, it makes its manifester level check against a DC of 13 + its manifester level. The benefits of this feat apply only to power resistance. The bonus does not apply to spell resistance. This is an exception to the psionics–magic transparency rule.
Special: You cannot take or use this feat if you have the ability to use powers (if you have a power point reserve or psi-like abilities).
  ANTIPSIONIC MAGIC Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The Netbook of Feats team is not generally in favor of feats such as these that break the magic-psionics transparency rule.
  Balance: 3.55 (Purp 3.50, Pow 3.75, Port 3.50, Comp 3.50, Rule 3.50)

In your hands almost anything is a dangerous weapon
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Int 13
Benefit: You are the master of the improvised weapon. You may treat any object, including weapons you are not proficient with, as simple melee weapons using the stats listed in this feat instead of the stats usually used for that object or weapon, although you may still use weapons you have proficiency with as per normal. Determine the size of the object or weapon and use the stats listed here. All weapons threaten a critical hit on a 20 and do double damage. No weapon gives you reach. As stated in the SRD, a light weapon is generally two size categories smaller than the wielder, a one-handed weapon one size smaller, and a two-handed weapon is an object of the same size category as the wielder.

Size Damage
Tiny 1d2
Small 1d4
Medium 1d6
Large 1d8
Huge 1d10

If the DM determines that there is no way the object in question could do regular damage it instead deals nonlethal damage. Additionally any object used as a weapon via this feat can deal nonlethal damage at your discretion without penalty.
Normal: You suffer a -4 penalty on attack rolls with any weapon you are nonproficient with, and similarly with objects not designed to be used for combat.
Special: You may not take weapon feats with objects not designed to be weapons. For instance you cannot take Weapon Focus (Beer Mug).
  ANYTHING GOES COMBAT Copyright 2001, Anne Trent, Sigfried Trent
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.00, Port 3.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

ANYTHING GOES LONG [General, Fighter]
You can throw nearly anything - ale tankards, rocks, bags of coins - and make it hurt.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Base attack bonus +4
Benefit: You are the master of the improvised missile. You may treat any object, including weapons you are not proficient with, as simple thrown weapons using the stats listed in this feat instead of the stats usually used for that object or weapon, although you may still use weapons you have proficiency with as per normal. Determine the size of the object or weapon and use the stats listed here. All weapons threaten a critical hit on a 20 and do double damage. No weapon gives you reach. As stated in the SRD, a light weapon is generally two size categories smaller than the wielder, a one-handed weapon one size smaller, and a two-handed weapon is an object of the same size category as the wielder.

Size Damage
Tiny 1d2
Small 1d4
Medium 1d6
Large 1d8
Huge 1d10

If the DM determines that there is no way the object in question could do regular damage it instead deals nonlethal damage. Additionally any object used as a weapon via this feat can deal nonlethal damage at your discretion without penalty.
Normal: You suffer a -4 penalty on attack rolls with any weapon you are nonproficient with, and similarly with objects not designed to be used for combat.
Notes: This does not give you the ability to use any object in melee combat; for that, see the Anything Goes Combat feat.
  ANYTHING GOES LONG Copyright 2001, Joshua Turton
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 5.00)

You have extensive knowledge of poisons and how to distill and manufacture them.
Benefit: You can create any poison following the craft rules using your Craft (alchemy) or Profession (herbalist) skills, with a DC equal to the save DC of the poison, except that each skill check represents one day's (rather than one week's) work. Many poisons require more expensive or rare components, as decided by your DM.
Special: You must have an Alchemist's lab in order to create a poison.
Notes: Depending on your campaign, poison creation may be treated as a house rule based on your Craft (alchemy) or Profession (herbalist) skill, rather than a feat. Alternatively, enterprising DMs could create a Craft (poison) skill that accomplishes the same effect.
  APOTHECARY Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.50, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.50)

Your scholarly knowledge is helpful in nearly every situation.
Prerequisite: A least 15 total ranks in 3 or more Knowledge skills
Benefit: You may use your Knowledge skills to take the Aid Another action in place of the actual skill being used. So long as you beat a DC 10 you add +2 to the roll of whomever you are aiding. You may also do this to aid your own actions by applying the aid bonus to a subsequent skill check you make. Using Aid Another remains a standard action.
Special: Because there is no hard and fast rule for which Knowledge skill can aid what actions, your DM should decide when it is appropriate although you can certainly present your case for how your smarts will make the task easier. You can never use a knowledge skill to aid your own knowledge skill checks.
Example: Janoc the scholar is about to climb a wall. His Climb skill is very poor, but he has a very good Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) skill and wants to use this to find a good way to climb. The DM judges this a relevant field of knowledge. Taking a standard action to use Aid Other to help himself, he succeeds, granting +2 to his climb check on his next action.
  Balance: 3.55 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.50, Port 3.50, Comp 3.00, Rule 3.75)

You can propel yourself from the water and strike your foes.
Prerequisite: Swim Speed 30’, Base attack bonus +3
Benefit: You can make a special leaping attack as a full attack action. First move at least 5’ at or to near the surface of the water, then you may leap from the water up to 10’ high and 20’ horizontally in an arc. You may make a single melee attack at your highest base attack bonus anywhere along your movement path. You do not provoke an attack of opportunity from your target and your target losses their Dexterity bonus to AC against this attack.
  Balance: 3.83 (Purp 3.38, Pow 3.88, Port 3.75, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.13)

You can modify a spell that inflicts energy damage to mix in an equal amount of arcane damage.
Prerequisite: Arcane Power, One other metamagic feat, Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks
Benefit: You can modify an arcane spell with an energy designator to add an equal amount of raw magical energy. The altered spell works normally in all respects except that it deals an amount of arcane damage equal to the damage normally inflicted by the spell. An Arcane Admixture spell uses up a spell slot five levels higher than the spell’s actual level.
Example: Thieren (Sor 15), casts an arcane admixture lightning bolt by using up an 8th level spell slot, rolls 10d6 for damage and gets 35. He inflicts 35 points of electrical damage (subject to electricity resistance) and 35 points of arcane damage (not subject to protection from elements and similar spells).
  ARCANE ADMIXTURE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

ARCANE POWER [Metamagic]
You can infuse your damaging arcane spells with raw magical energy.
Benefit: Half of the damage inflicted by an arcane spell modified by this feat is treated as raw magical energy, making it resistant to protection from elements and similar magic. The other half of the damage is treated normally as per the spell. Infusing an arcane spell with raw magical energy uses up a spell slot two levels higher than the spell's actual level.
  ARCANE POWER Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Comments: Formerly known as Arcane Spell, this feat was renamed in order to avoid confusion.
  Balance: 4.15 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.75, Port 4.25, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.75)

You increase the number of spells learned automatically with each new level.
Prerequisite: Int 13, Wizard level 1st, Knowledge (Arcana) 5 ranks
Benefit: After gaining this feat, you gain an additional spell each time you advance in levels. Thus, you get three free spells with each level advance instead of the normal two.
Normal: At each level, the Wizard gains two spells of any level that can be added to their spellbook.
Special: This feat can be taken several times, and stacks with itself.
  ARCANE UNDERSTANDING Copyright 2000, Bradley H. Bemis Jr.
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.62 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.70, Comp 4.70, Rule 4.70)

You are studied in the use or archaic weapons.
Benefit: You take no penalty on attack rolls when using any kind of archaic weapon.
Normal: A character without this feat takes the –4 non¬proficient penalty when making attacks with archaic weapons.
  ARCHAIC WEAPONS PROFICIENCY Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.50 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.50, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

AREA CONTROL [Metamagic]
You can exactly control the spread of an area spell.
Benefit: When you cast an area spell, you can select certain spaces under the area and declare that they are not to be affected. Creatures in this space avoid the spell's effect. An Area Control spell uses up a spell slot two levels higher than the spell's actual level.
  AREA CONTROL Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.36 (Purp 4.30, Pow 4.30, Port 4.60, Comp 4.30, Rule 4.30)

The creature's Power Resistance (PR) can negate area-effect psionic powers.
Prerequisite: Innate Power Resistance 10
Benefit: Any psionic power that includes the creature within its area of effect must beat the creature's PR or be instantly negated.
Normal: PR normally applies only for the creature with PR against area-effect spells, protecting the individual creature but not negating the attacking psionic power.
Special: If using the default Psionics-Magic Transparency option, this feat applies against area-effect spells and spell-like abilities as well.
  AREA POWER RESISTANCE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.50, Pow 3.75, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.25)

The creature's Spell Resistance (SR) can negate area-effect spells and spell-like abilities.
Prerequisite: Innate Spell Resistance 10
Benefit: Any spell or spell-like ability that includes the creature within its area of effect must beat the creature's SR or be instantly negated.
Normal: SR normally applies only for the creature with SR against area effect spells, protecting the individual creature but not negating the attacking spell or spell-like ability.
Special: If using the default Psionics-Magic Transparency option, this feat applies against area effect psionic powers as well.
  AREA SPELL RESISTANCE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.50, Pow 3.75, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.25)

You can deflect arrows, including crossbow bolts, spears and other shot or thrown weapons with your chosen weapon.
Prerequisite: Weapon Focus, Dex 13
Benefit: You gain the use of the Deflect Arrows feat, but can only use this ability when wielding a melee weapon that you have Weapon Focus with.
Notes: You can learn later feats for which Deflect Arrows is a prerequisites based on the 'virtual' feat learned with Armed Deflect Arrows, but you can then only use those feats when armed with a melee weapon that you have Weapon Focus with.
  ARMED DEFLECT ARROWS Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.75, Port 4.25, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.25)

You can attack with a flurry of blows with any weapon that you are proficient in.
Prerequisite: Monk level 3rd
Benefit: This feat expands on your Flurry of Blows ability, allowing you to flurry with any weapon that you are proficient in.
Normal: Flurry of Blows can normally only be used in unarmed combat or when armed with a kama, nunchaku or siangham.
  ARMED FLURRY OF BLOWS Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 3.75, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.00)

ARMOR FOCUS [General, Fighter]
You move around in a certain type of armor without effort.
Prerequisite: Proficient With Armor, Base attack bonus +1
Benefit: When wearing a specified type of armor it inflicts one less armor check penalty and the maximum Dex bonus is raised by one. This cannot reduce the penalties to sub-zero levels.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. The effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of armor.
  ARMOR FOCUS Copyright 2001, B. Marcus Lindberg, Scott Metzger
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.60 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.75, Port 4.50, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

ARMOR PENETRATION [General, Fighter]
You are skilled at seeking out weak points in your opponent’s armor.
Prerequisite: Int 13, Combat Expertise, Base attack bonus +4
Benefit: You add +1 to your attack roll in melee combat if your opponent is wearing light armor, +2 if your opponent is wearing medium armor, and +3 if your opponent is wearing heavy armor. Shields and natural armor are not considered armor for the purposes of this feat.
  ARMOR PENETRATION Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.75, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

You know how to move in heavy armor.
Prerequisite: Armor Proficiency (light), Armor Proficiency (medium)
Benefit: See Armor Proficiency (light).
Normal: See Armor Proficiency (light).
Special: Fighters, paladins, and clerics automatically have Armor Proficiency (heavy) as a bonus feat. They need not select it.
  ARMOR PROFICIENCY (HEAVY) Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 5.00 (Purp 5.00, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

You know how to move in light armor.
Benefit: When you wear a type of armor with which you are proficient, the armor check penalty for that armor applies only to Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Sleight of Hand, and Tumble checks.
Normal: A character who is wearing armor with which she is not proficient applies its armor check penalty to attack rolls and to all skill checks that involve moving, including Ride.
Special: All characters except wizards, sorcerers, and monks automatically have Armor Proficiency (light) as a bonus feat. They need not select it.
  ARMOR PROFICIENCY (LIGHT) Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 5.00 (Purp 5.00, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

You know how to move in medium armor.
Prerequisite: Armor Proficiency (light)
Benefit: See Armor Proficiency (light).
Normal: See Armor Proficiency (light).
Special: Fighters, barbarians, paladins, clerics, druids, and bards automatically have Armor Proficiency (medium) as a bonus feat. They need not select it.
  ARMOR PROFICIENCY (MEDIUM) Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 5.00 (Purp 5.00, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

ARMOR SKIN [Epic, Fighter]
Your skin is much tougher than normal for your race.
Benefit: You gain a +1 natural armor bonus to Armor Class, or your existing natural armor bonus increases by 1.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.
  ARMOR SKIN Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.50)

You can reduce your chance of arcane spell failure when wearing armor.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Armor Proficiency (in Armor Worn)
Benefit: You can reduce your chance of arcane spell failure by 10%.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times, each time gaining an additional 10% reduction, to a minimum of 0%.
  ARMORED CASTER Copyright 2001, Bradley H. Bemis Jr.
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.58 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.20, Port 4.20, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

You can hastily don and remove armor.
Prerequisite: Proficient In Armor Donned Or Removed
Benefit: You can don, don hastily and remove armor in half the standard time.
  ARMORED VIGILANCE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 5.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

ATHLETIC [General]
You are a natural athlete.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Climb checks and Swim checks.
  ATHLETIC Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.95 (Purp 4.75, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

ATTACK FOCUS [General, Fighter]
You may sacrifice mobility and attacks to increase your ability to hit.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +6
Benefit: With a full attack, give up all your attacks but one for the round. This single attack gets a +2 bonus, plus an additional +2 bonus for each attack you gave up.
Example: Alan, with a base attack bonus of +12, can normally make three attacks in a round, at +12, +7, and +2. With Attack Focus, he can make a single attack at +18, a +6 bonus (+2 for the feat, +2 for each of the two attacks he gave up).
  ATTACK FOCUS Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.38 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.30, Port 4.60, Comp 5.00, Rule 4.00)

You notice the smallest details in your surroundings.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Investigate and Sense Motive checks.
Special: Remember that the Investigate skill can’t be used untrained.
  ATTENTIVE Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 3.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 5.00)

You summon the biggest and strongest creatures available.
Prerequisite: Spell Focus (conjuration)
Benefit: Each creature you conjure with any summon spell gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and Constitution for the duration of the spell that summoned it.
  AUGMENT SUMMONING Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.85 (Purp 5.00, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 5.00)

Your alchemical creations are especially potent.
Prerequisite: Int 21, Craft (alchemy) 24 ranks
Benefit: Whenever creating an alchemical item or substance, you can choose to make it more powerful than normal by adding +20 to the DC required to create it and multiplying its price by 5. If the item or substance deals damage, double the damage dealt. If the item or substance doesn’t deal damage, double the duration of its effect. If the item or substance doesn’t deal damage and doesn’t have a specific listed duration (or has an instantaneous duration), double all dimensions of its area. If the item or substance doesn’t fit any of these categories, then it cannot be affected by this feat. See the Craft (alchemy) skill description.
  AUGMENTED ALCHEMY Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 3.95 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.25, Port 3.75, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.50)

You may fool divination spells, or powers, in the same way as you can decieve magic items.
Prerequisite: Cha 13, Disguise 5 ranks, Bluff 5 ranks, Use Magic Device 5 ranks
Benefit: While in disguise and as part of a role, you may attempt to use your Use Magic Device skill to disguise your aura to emulate any, or all, of the following: Ability Score (DC 15+Score); Alignment (DC 30); Class Feature (DC 20); Race (DC 25); Spell Ability (DC 20). You have to make your Use Magic Item roll each time someone tests your disguise (by casting a detection spell), and you have to decide how you wish divination spells, or supernatural senses, to ‘read’ you beforehand. If not using the psionics/magic transparency rules, Use Magic Device cannot emulate psionics and Use Psionic Device cannot emulate magic.
Special: While in disguise and as part of a role, you may, and with DM permission, attempt to use your Use Psionic Device skill to disguise your aura to emulate any, or all, of the following: Ability Score (DC 15+Score); Alignment (DC 30); Psionic Class Feature (DC 25); Psionic Feat (DC 20); Psionic Power (DC 20).
  AURA CHAMELEON Copyright 2002, Jerry M. Chaney II
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 4.60, Pow 3.80, Port 3.80, Comp 3.40, Rule 4.40)

You can quicken simple spells without penalty.
Prerequisite: Quicken Spell, Spellcraft 30 ranks, Ability to cast 9th-level arcane or divine spells
Benefit: You may cast all 0-, 1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd-level spells as quickened spells without using higher-level spell slots. The normal limit to the number of quickened spells a character may cast per round applies. Spells with a casting time of more than 1 full round can’t be quickened.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Each time a character takes the feat, the spells of his or her next three lowest spell levels can now be quickened with no adjustment to their spell slots. This feat doesn’t increase the casting time for those spells that normally become full-round actions when cast in metamagic form.
  AUTOMATIC QUICKEN SPELL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.75)

You can silence simple spells without penalty.
Prerequisite: Silent Spell, Spellcraft 24 ranks, Ability to cast 9th-level arcane or divine spells
Benefit: You may cast all 0-, 1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd-level spells as silent spells without using higher-level spell slots.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Each time a character takes the feat, the spells of his or her next three lowest spell levels can now be silenced with no adjustment to their spell slots. This feat doesn’t increase the casting time for those spells that normally become full-round actions when cast in metamagic form. However, since bard spells can’t be enhanced with the Silent Spell feat, they can’t be affected by this feat either.
  AUTOMATIC SILENT SPELL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.75)

You can still simple spells without penalty.
Prerequisite: Still Spell, Spellcraft 27 ranks, Ability to cast 9th-level arcane or divine spells
Benefit: You may cast all 0-, 1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd-level spells as stilled spells without using higher-level spell slots.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Each time a character takes the feat, the spells of his or her next three lowest spell levels can now be stilled with no adjustment to their spell slots. This feat doesn’t increase the casting time for those spells that normally become full-round actions when cast in metamagic form.
  AUTOMATIC STILL SPELL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.75)

You have a knack for psionic self-sufficiency.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Autohypnosis checks and Knowledge (psionics) checks.
  AUTONOMOUS Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.65 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.50, Port 4.50, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

AVOIDANCE [General, Fighter]
You do not provoke attacks of opportunity moving past opponents.
Prerequisite: Dex 15, Base attack bonus +6, Tumble 8 ranks, Dodge, Expertise, Mobility, Spring Attack
Benefit: You do not draw attacks of opportunity for moving through threatened squares.
Special: This feat can only be executed in light or no armor.
Notes: This is not considered tumbling. You move at your normal movement rate. This feat does not allow you to move through enemy occupied squares.
  AVOIDANCE Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.50, Pow 3.75, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.25)

By intuitively predicting your opponent’s next move, you can get the jump on them.
Prerequisite: Wis 13
Benefit: You may use your wisdom bonus instead of your dexterity bonus to determine your initiative bonus.
  AWARENESS Copyright 2001, Chris Meravi
  Balance: 4.31 (Purp 4.07, Pow 4.10, Port 4.40, Comp 4.77, Rule 4.23)

AWESOME BLOW [Monster, Fighter]
You knock your victims flying with a powerful attack.
Prerequisite: Str 25, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Size Large or larger
Benefit: As a standard action, the creature may choose to subtract 4 from its melee attack roll and deliver an awesome blow. If the creature hits a corporeal opponent smaller than itself with an awesome blow, its opponent must succeed on a Reflex save (DC = damage dealt) or be knocked flying 10 feet in a direction of the attacking creature’s choice and fall prone. The attacking creature can only push the opponent in a straight line, and the opponent can’t move closer to the attacking creature than the square it started in. If an obstacle prevents the completion of the opponent’s move, the opponent and the obstacle each take 1d6 points of damage, and the opponent stops in the space adjacent to the obstacle.
Special: This can be taken as a fighter bonus feat.
  AWESOME BLOW Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.25, Port 4.50, Comp 4.00, Rule 3.75)

AXE FRENZY [General, Fighter]
You can strike exceptionally fast with axes.
Prerequisite: Weapon Focus (any One Axe Weapon)
Benefit: You can only get the benefit of this feat with an axe-type weapon you have Weapon Focus in and use in one hand. Make one extra attack with an axe per round at your highest base attack. You suffer a –4 dodge penalty to AC during this round. This requires the full attack action.
Special: This feat works with the dwarven waraxe, greataxe, handaxe, kukiri, and throwing axe.
  AXE FRENZY Copyright 2003, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 3.75 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.50, Port 3.50, Comp 3.75, Rule 3.75)

AXE HURLING [General, Fighter]
You can throw any axe.
Prerequisite: Weapon Focus (any One Axe Weapon)
Benefit: You can throw any type of axe that you have Weapon Focus for as if it had a range increment of 20 ft.
Special: This feat works with the battleaxe, dwarven waraxe, greataxe, handaxe, kukiri, and throwing axe.
  AXE HURLING Copyright 2003, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.25)

BACK TO BACK [General, Fighter]
You shield your allies' vulnerabilities in combat.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +2
Benefit: If you are adjacent to an ally, that ally cannot be flanked. If you are adjacent to more than one ally, you must choose one ally to protect in this manner.
  BACK TO BACK Copyright 2001, Michael J. Kletch
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

BACKSTAB [Stealth]
You are adept at sneak attacks.
Prerequisite: Sneak Attack 1d6
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls when making a sneak attack.
  BACKSTAB Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 3.33, Pow 3.33, Port 4.67, Comp 5.00, Rule 4.67)

BANE OF ENEMIES [Epic, Special]
Your favored enemies fear any weapon in your hands.
Prerequisite: Survival 24 ranks, Five favored enemies
Benefit: Any weapon you wield against one of you favored enemies is treated as a bane weapon for that creature type (thus, its enhancement bonus is increased by +2 and it deals +2d6 points of damage). This ability doesn’t stack with similar abilities.
  BANE OF ENEMIES Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.55 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 5.00)

Your training as a barber includes various medical techniques.
Prerequisite: 5 ranks Profession (barber)
Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus to your Heal skill, and that skill becomes a class skill for you. Also, you may use your Intelligence modifier in place of your Wisdom modifier on Heal checks.
  BARBER-SURGEON Copyright 2005, Jonathan D. Woolley
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.20, Pow 4.40, Port 3.60, Comp 4.40, Rule 4.40)

BATTLE CRY [General, Fighter]
Your voice inspires greatness in battle.
Prerequisite: Cha 15
Benefit: Whenever you use the charge special attack, you may let lose an inspiring battle-cry. If you hit your target, all your allies that can hear you within 60’ get a +1 morale bonus to hit until your next action.
  BATTLE CRY Copyright 2003, Ian Cheesman
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.33, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.17)

Your banner or standard inspires your followers and cohorts in battle
Prerequisite: Cha 13, Leadership
Benefit: For this feat to have an effect, you must have a banner or standard that is recognizable to your followers and cohorts, and you must use this standard to urge, inspire or rally your troops. All cohorts and followers that can directly see you or your banner gain a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and on saving throws versus all fear effects. If either you or your banner falls, all followers and cohorts instead get a -2 penalty to attack and on saving throws versus all fear effects until you are restored, the standard is raised again or one minute elapses.
  BATTLE LEADER Copyright 2000, Michael J. Kletch
  Balance: 4.32 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.30, Port 4.30, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

You can speak despite your form.
Benefit: As long as you can produce sound, this feat allows you to speak, even if your form would not ordinarily allow it. This is applicable to monsters that normally lack speech or if you are polymorphed into such a shape. You can now speak any language you know and cast spells with verbal components in any form. You can even sing and use bardic music in any form.
  BEAST TONGUES Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.50 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.25, Port 4.50, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.25)

You can take a larger animal or vermin as a familiar.
Prerequisite: The ability to summon a familiar
Benefit: You can bind an animal or vermin of medium size or smaller to be your familiar. The familiar ceremony works just as described in the class description, except that the creature is not actually summoned, and must be present and in your power (charmed, tamed or captured) and of a challenge rating equal to or lower than half your character level. Once bound, the new familiar becomes loyal to you, and gains all the benefits of a normal familiar, except that it has no species-specific familiar ability; it does not grant you any bonuses beyond those common to all familiars.
Special: This feat can be taken multiple times, and stacks with itself. For each additional time it is taken, the maximum size of your familiar is increased by one category, from medium to large, to huge, and so on.
Example: Bainard the 1st level gnome illusionist wishes to use this feat to bind a dire badger as his familiar, figuring he can ride it into battle. However, since dire badgers have a challenge rating of two, he can't do this until he attains the fourth level. He decided not to bind any familiar at first level, since that would force him to wait a year and a day for his badger, once he attained fourth level.
Notes: You must dismiss any familiar you currently have before binding a new one, and you cannot bind a new familiar until a year and a day has passed since your last familiar was killed or dismissed.
  BIG FAMILIAR Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.50, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.75)

BLADE DEFENSE [General, Fighter]
You have mastered the art of defending yourself with a blade.
Prerequisite: Weapon Focus (any One Blade Weapon)
Benefit: You can only get the benefit of this feat with a blade-type weapon you have Weapon Focus in. When fighting defensively you gain an additional +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class. When using the total defense action you get an additional +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class. These bonuses are in addition to the normal benefits of the chosen defensive tactic.
Special: Blades include the bastard sword, falchion, greatsword, longsword, rapier, scimitar, short sword, and two-bladed sword.
  BLADE DEFENSE Copyright 2003, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 3.65 (Purp 3.00, Pow 3.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 3.75)

BLEEDING CRITICAL [General, Fighter]
Your strikes can cause someone to bleed to death.
Prerequisite: Improved Critical, Base attack bonus +8
Benefit: When dealing a critical hit your target takes 1 point of Constitution damage from blood loss. The critical hit does not multiply the Constitution damage.
Special: Creatures immune to critical hits (such as plants and constructs) are immune to this Constitution damage. This applies even if you have some other ability (such as the Enable Criticals feat) that lets you score critical hits against them.
  BLEEDING CRITICAL Copyright 2006, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

BLIND [General]
Being blind, you have developed other senses to compensate.
Prerequisite: Permanently blind for at least three months
Benefit: You gain +4 to all Listen checks, and the ability to take 10 on any Listen check, regardless of condition. Listen is considered a class skill for you. You also gain the feat Blind-Fight.
Special: If you ever recover your sight, you lose this feat but keep Blind-Fight.
  BLIND Copyright 2006, Scott Resnick
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 3.75, Rule 3.75)

BLIND-FIGHT [General, Fighter]
You can sense opponents that you cannot see.
Benefit: In melee, every time you miss because of concealment, you can reroll your miss chance percentile roll one time to see if you actually hit. An invisible attacker gets no advantages related to hitting you in melee. That is, you don’t lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class, and the attacker doesn’t get the usual +2 bonus for being invisible. The invisible attacker’s bonuses do still apply for ranged attacks, however. You take only half the usual penalty to speed for being unable to see. Darkness and poor visibility in general reduces your speed to three-quarters normal, instead of one-half.
Normal: Regular attack roll modifiers for invisible attackers trying to hit you apply, and you lose your Dexterity bonus to AC. The speed reduction for darkness and poor visibility also applies.
Special: The Blind-Fight feat is of no use against a character who is the subject of a blink spell. A fighter may select Blind-Fight as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  BLIND-FIGHT Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.65 (Purp 5.00, Pow 5.00, Port 4.75, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.75)

You can act with near superhuman speed.
Prerequisite: Dex 25
Benefit: You can act as if hasted for 5 rounds each day. The duration of the effect need not be consecutive rounds. Activating this power is a free action.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Each time he or she takes the feat, it grants an additional 5 rounds of haste per day.
  BLINDING SPEED Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.50, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.25)

You can sense everything close to you, visible or not.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +4, Blind-fight, Wis 19
Benefit: Using senses such as acute hearing and sensitivity to vibrations, you detect the location of opponents who are no more than 5 feet away from you. Invisibility and darkness are irrelevant, though you cannot discern incorporeal beings.
  BLINDSIGHT, 5-FT. RADIUS Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: Grammar error "though it you discern" corrected.
  Balance: 3.90 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.75, Port 4.25, Comp 3.75, Rule 3.75)

BLOODLETTING [General, Fighter]
Your strikes can cause someone to bleed to death.
Prerequisite: Weapon Focus
Benefit: When dealing a critical hit with any weapon you have taken Weapon Focus for, your opponent begins bleeding, suffering 1 additional point of damage each round until the wound is treated. The wound can be closed with a successful Heal check (DC 15), or any magical healing. This effect is cumulative but a single Heal check or magical heal will stop all current effects from this feat on that target.
  BLOODLETTING Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 3.90 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.25, Port 3.75, Comp 3.50, Rule 4.00)

BODY FUEL [Psionic]
You can expand your power point total at the expense of your health.
Benefit: You can recover 2 power points by taking 1 point of ability burn damage to each of your three ability scores: Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. You can recover additional power points for a proportional cost to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. These recovered points are added to your power point reserve as if you had gained them by resting overnight.
Special: Only living creatures can use this feat. You can take advantage of this feat only while in your own body.
  BODY FUEL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 3.20 (Purp 3.50, Pow 2.25, Port 3.00, Comp 3.25, Rule 4.00)

BONDED WEAPON [General, Fighter]
You have used a single weapon so much that you have formed an almost spiritual bond with that specific weapon.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +8, Improved Critical (with Weapon), Proficient With Weapon, Weapon Focus (with Weapon), Weapon Specialization (with Weapon)
Benefit: Choose a single unique weapon. For one month you train exclusively with that weapon, learning how to best wield that specific weapon most effectively. During the training period, you may use no other weapons or you must repeat the process. After the month of training, give the weapon a name to symbolize your intimate knowledge of the weapon. You gain an additional +2 to all attack rolls and +1 to damage with your named weapon (this stacks with the weapon focus and weapon specialization bonuses). You do not gain the bonuses or penalties of this feat when wielding a weapon of the same type, and suffer a -2 to all attack rolls with all other weapons.
Special: If ever your named weapon is destroyed or taken from your possession for more than a week, you must repeat the process of naming a weapon and continue to suffer the -2 to attack rolls with all weapons of a different type. You may never have more than one bonded weapon.
  BONDED WEAPON Copyright 2001, Tyson Neumann
  Balance: 4.08 (Purp 4.60, Pow 4.00, Port 4.20, Comp 3.60, Rule 4.00)

BONE ART [Metamagic]
You can create weapons, armor and possibly siege equipment for your undead minions.
Prerequisite: Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) 5 ranks, Ability to summon undead
Benefit: When you cast a Bone Art spell that summons or creates undead, you may give the created undead equipment. This equipment performs just like standard equipment of the appropriate type. The undead are proficient with whatever gear they are created with. The gear created this way is actually a part of the undead creature and has an obvious sheen of undeath; it will wither to dust in an hour if more than ten feet away from the creature it was created for. A Bone Art spell uses a spell slot of higher than normal level, depending on the equipment created for the undead; all modifiers are cumulative.
Item Spell Slot Modifier
Peasant’s outfit, simple gear such as quivers and weapon belts +0
Fancy or elaborate clothing or gear worth up to 100 gold +1
Simple or martial melee weapons and shields +1
Exotic weapons, ranged weapons +2
Padded, leather, studded leather, hide or scale mail +1
Chain shirt, chainmail, breastplate, splint mail, banded mail +2

Special: DMs may allow the creation of siege equipment with this feat. To do so, you must create a full crew complement for the siege engine, all modified by this feat, and it is a +3 spell slot modifier beyond that of any other gear created for those undead.
Notes: Immaterial undead have very little use for equipment. There is nothing to stop you from equipping undead using gear at hand; this feat merely provides proficiency and gear.
  BONE ART Copyright 2002, Jerry M. Chaney II
  Balance: 4.03 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.33, Port 4.00, Comp 3.50, Rule 3.83)

BONUS DOMAIN [Epic, Magical]
You have been granted new powers by your deity.
Prerequisite: Wis 21, Ability to cast 9th-level divine spells
Benefit: Choose an additional domain from your deity’s domain list. You now has access to that domain’s spells as normal for your domain spells and the domain’s granted powers.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Each time he or she takes the feat, it applies to a different domain.
  BONUS DOMAIN Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.60 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

Choose one spellcasting class. You receive more bonus spells per day for that class.
Prerequisite: Caster level 4th
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to the appropriate ability score for the purposes of determining how many bonus spells you have available to you in the chosen class.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times if you have multiple spellcasting classes. Each time you take this feat, it applies to a different class.
  BONUS SPELLS FOCUS Copyright 2001, William Setzer
  Balance: 3.76 (Purp 3.80, Pow 3.60, Port 3.60, Comp 4.00, Rule 3.80)

BOOKWORM [General]
You seem to have a knack for locating information needed when performing research
Benefit: Gain a +3 modifier to any research based activities conducted in a library or laboratory.
Special: This feat stacks with all skill and research enhancements applicable
  BOOKWORM Copyright 2001, Bradley H. Bemis Jr.
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.26 (Purp 3.50, Pow 4.20, Port 4.20, Comp 4.70, Rule 4.70)

Your astral constructs have more abilities.
Benefit: When you create an astral construct, you can give it one additional special ability from any menu that the construct currently has an ability from.
  BOOST CONSTRUCT Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.25, Port 4.50, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.25)

BOTTOMS UP [General]
You can drink potion or apply an oil safely as a move equivalent action.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1
Benefit: You can drink a potion or apply an oil as a move equivalent action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
  BOTTOMS UP Copyright 2005, Sigfried Trent
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.75, Port 3.75, Comp 4.75, Rule 3.75)

BOW MASTERY [General, Fighter]
You are adept with either bows or crossbows.
Prerequisite: Weapon Focus (any Bow Or Crossbow), Base attack bonus +3
Benefit: You can choose to apply this feat to either bows or crossbows, but not both (unless this feat is taken twice). If you have previously taken Weapon Focus (any bow), you can apply the +1 attack bonus gained from this feat when wielding any bow that you are proficient in. Similarly, if you have previously chosen Weapon Focus (any crossbow), you can apply the +1 attack bonus gained from this feat when wielding any crossbow that you are proficient in.
Special: This feat can be chosen twice but does not stack with itself. The second time it is chosen you must apply its effects to either bows or crossbows, whichever wasn't chosen the first time this feat was taken.
  BOW MASTERY Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 3.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.75, Comp 3.50, Rule 4.25)

BRAVERY [General]
You are especially resistant to fear effects.
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to all saves to resist and/or overcome fear effects.
  BRAVERY Copyright 2003, Ian Cheesman
  Balance: 4.93 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.67, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

BRAWL [General, Fighter]
You have a talent for unarmed fighting.
Benefit: When making an unarmed attack, you receive a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls, and you deal nonlethal damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier.
Normal: Unarmed attacks normally deal nonlethal damage equal to 1d3 + Strength modifier.
Special: Even if you have the ability to treat unarmed damage as lethal damage, the damage when using Brawl is always nonlethal.
  BRAWL Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.50 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.25, Port 4.50, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

BRAWN [General, Fighter]
You have improved your striking power.
Prerequisite: Str 13, Brute
Benefit: When calculating melee attack bonus, consider your Strength to be two points higher than it actually is.
  BRAWN Copyright 2005, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.04 (Purp 4.20, Pow 3.60, Port 4.20, Comp 4.60, Rule 3.60)

BREAKING BLOW [Martial Style]
You are capable of inflicting powerful attacks with your bare hands.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +5, Str 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Fists Of Steel
Benefit: As a full round action you may make a single unarmed melee attack that if it hits, deals damage equal to 1d6 for each point of strength modifier you have. If applied to an inanimate object, the damage is doubled. This uses one of your Stunning Fist attempts.
Special: The damage from a Breaking Blow is not modified by any statistic, ability, or feat, is applied instead of normal damage, and is not doubled by a critical hit.
  BREAKING BLOW Copyright 2001, OGC Source L5R
  Balance: 3.40 (Purp 3.75, Pow 3.25, Port 3.25, Comp 3.50, Rule 3.25)

BREW POTION [Item Creation]
You can create magic potions.
Prerequisite: Caster level 3rd
Benefit: You can create a potion of any 3rd-level or lower spell that you know and that targets one or more creatures. Brewing a potion takes one day. When you create a potion, you set the caster level, which must be sufficient to cast the spell in question and no higher than your own level. The base price of a potion is its spell level x its caster level x 50 gp. To brew a potion, you must spend 1/25 of this base price in XP and use up raw materials costing one half this base price. When you create a potion, you make any choices that you would normally make when casting the spell. Whoever drinks the potion is the target of the spell. Any potion that stores a spell with a costly material component or an XP cost also carries a commensurate cost. In addition to the costs derived from the base price, you must expend the material component or pay the XP when creating the potion.
  BREW POTION Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.80 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.75, Port 5.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 5.00)

BRUTE [General, Fighter]
You have improved your striking strength.
Prerequisite: Str 13
Benefit: When calculating damage inflicted, consider your Strength to be two points higher than it actually is.
  BRUTE Copyright 2005, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.04 (Purp 4.20, Pow 3.40, Port 4.20, Comp 4.60, Rule 3.80)

You have improved your defensive stance.
Prerequisite: Con 25, Defensive stance 3/day
Benefit: Your defensive stance bonuses increase to +4 Strength, +6 Constitution, +4 resistance bonus on all saves, and +6 dodge bonus to AC.
  BULWARK OF DEFENSE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

Your powers sometimes bypass barriers.
Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. You can attempt to manifest your powers against targets that are sheltered behind a wall or force effect. Your power briefly skips through the Astral Plane to bypass the barrier. The strength and thickness of the barrier determine your chance of success. To successfully bypass the barrier with your power, you make a Psicraft check against a DC equal to 10 + the hardness of the barrier + 1 per foot of thickness (minimum 1). Assign a hardness of 20 to barriers without a hardness rating, such as force effects (or a wall of ectoplasm). Force walls or walls of ectoplasm are assumed to have less than 1 foot of thickness unless noted otherwise. If a power requires line of sight (which includes most powers that affect a target or targets instead of an area), you cannot manifest it as a burrowing power unless you can somehow see the target, such as with clairvoyant sense. Using this feat increases the power point cost of the power by 2. The power’s total cost cannot exceed your manifester level.
  BURROWING POWER Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 3.45 (Purp 3.75, Pow 3.50, Port 3.50, Comp 3.25, Rule 3.25)

You unload multiple rounds into a single target.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Advanced Firearms Proficiency
Benefit: When using an automatic firearm with at least five bullets loaded, you may fire a short burst as a single attack against a single target. You receive a –4 penalty on the attack roll, but deal +2 dice of damage. Firing a burst expends five bullets and can only be done if the weapon has five bullets in it.
Normal: Autofire uses ten bullets, targets a 10-foot-by-10-foot area, and can’t be aimed at a specific target. Without this feat, if you attempt an autofire attack at a specific target, it simply counts as a normal attack and all the extra bullets are wasted.
Special: If the firearm has a three-round burst setting, firing a burst expends three bullets instead of five and can be used if the weapon has only three bullets in it.
  BURST FIRE Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.50, Port 4.50, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.75)

BUTTERFLY FLANK [General, Fighter]
Your skill with a blade distracts and intimidates your opponent, catching them off balance and unaware.
Prerequisite: Dex 15, Combat Reflexes, Lightning Reflexes, Base attack bonus +6
Benefit: As long as you and an ally threaten the same opponent, but are not adjacent to one another, your opponent is considered flanked to you and all allies threatening them.
Normal: A character can only flank an opponent if he and an ally are directly opposite one another around the target.
  BUTTERFLY FLANK Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.75)

You can take an undead creature as a familiar.
Prerequisite: The ability to summon a familiar, Ability to cast the animate dead spell
Benefit: With this feat, the familiar ritual is performed on the animated skeleton or zombie of a type of animal that can normally become a familiar. The familiar ceremony works normally, except that the creature is not actually summoned, and must be present and under your control. A skeletal or zombie familiar is just as intelligent as any other familiar. You still get the bonuses associated with that type of (living) familiar. As an undead creature, the cadaverous familiar can be turned or rebuked, but remember that it's hit dice is equal to your level.
Special: If your regular familiar is slain, you can recover the lost experience points by reanimating it and using this feat. If a cadaverous familiar is destroyed, you can merely replace any damaged parts and reanimate the remains, without losing any experience points in the process. You must dismiss any familiar you currently have before binding a new one, but need not wait a year and a day to bind a cadaverous familiar.
Notes: If you have the Big Familiar feat as well, you can bind any type of skeleton or zombie of the appropriate size. Your DM may let you apply this feat to an infernal companion or similar pet.
  CADAVEROUS FAMILIAR Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.75, Port 4.50, Comp 3.50, Rule 4.50)

CALLED SHOT [General, Fighter]
You do more damage with pinpoint attacks.
Prerequisite: Dex 13
Benefit: On your action, before making attack rolls for the round, you may choose to subtract a number from all attack rolls for the round and add the same number to all weapon damage rolls for dexterity-based attacks. This number may not exceed your base attack bonus. The penalty on attacks and bonus on damage apply until your next action.
Special: Creatures lacking an anatomy and thus immune to critical hits, are immune to this extra damage. Called shot can be used with ranged weapons at ranges up to 30 feet.
Notes: Dexterity-based attacks are attacks that use the dexterity modifier rather than the strength modifier for attack rolls; missile weapons, thrown weapons and weapons used with the Weapon Finesse feat. Called shot cannot be used with ranged touch attacks.
  CALLED SHOT Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 3.80 (Purp 3.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 3.75, Rule 3.75)

You have mastered the art of concealing objects and other creatures.
Prerequisite: Hide 1 rank
Benefit: You can apply your Hide skill to objects or even other creatures as a standard action. Often this requires arranging scenery to provide superior concealment. All normal Hide modifiers, including size, apply. A creature hidden in this manner cannot move about without breaking concealment.
Notes: Your DM may allow anyone to use the Hide skill for this, without requiring a feat.
  CAMOUFLAGE Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.52 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.20, Port 4.70, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.70)

You sleep well under any circumstances.
Prerequisite: Endurance
Benefit: You can sleep in any kind of armor for any amount of time without suffering fatigue penalties or discomfort. Other conditions that are uncomfortable but not dangerous, such as temperature, noise, sleeping on a hard surface, or with bed bugs, will likewise not prevent you from a good nights sleep. You get to make listen rolls normally while asleep. On any successful roll, you instantly wake up. You fall asleep easily, so you still get your rest even if you wake up several times.
Notes: This incorporates the Improved Rapid Metabolism, Improved Recovery and Light Sleeper feats from previous versions of the Netbook of Feats.
  CAMPAIGNER Copyright 2001, Sigfried Trent
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.65 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.25, Port 5.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.75)

You can use your body to fuel magic once your spells have run out.
Benefit: You can cast a spell by losing a number of Constitution points equal to the level of the spell rather than using a spell slot. These lost points of Constitution are considered temporary ability score damage for all purposes, except that they cannot be healed by magical means and must be regained by rest. If the ability damage is in some way prevented the spell will fail. 0-level spells count as one spell level for the purpose of this feat.
Special: Spellcasters that must prepare spells are limited to selecting spells previously prepared and cast that day.
  CANNIBALISTIC CASTING Copyright 2001, Bradley H. Bemis Jr.
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 4.70, Pow 4.20, Port 4.20, Comp 3.50, Rule 3.40)

CANTRIP [Magical]
Allows you to use 0-level arcane spells.
Prerequisite: Int 13, Knowledge (Arcana) 1 rank
Benefit: This feat grants you the ability to understand up to your intelligence modifier's worth of cantrips, i.e. 0-level arcane spells. You still locate and be trained in these spells. Regardless of the number of cantrips learned only one may be cast per day, and you must rest and memorize their cantrip as a wizard normally does, and suffers all appropriate penalties (e.g. spell failure chance due to armor).
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times; however, no additional cantrips can ever be learned (past the individual's intelligence modifier). Each additional time this feat is taken, the caster may prepare one additional cantrip per day for casting. The total maximum number of cantrips that can be cast in a single day (regardless of the number of times this feat is taken), is also limited to the caster's intelligence modifier.
  CANTRIP Copyright 2000, Bradley H. Bemis Jr.
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.04 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.80, Comp 3.80, Rule 2.60)

You have mastered cantrips in a way that allows you to use them more freely.
Prerequisite: Caster level 3rd, Memorizes spells as a Wizard, Knowledge (Arcana) 5 ranks
Benefit: Instead of memorising set cantrips (0-level spells) for the day, you can freely use any cantrip available to you (known or in your spellbooks) up to the total number of cantrips you can cast per day.
  CANTRIP MASTERY Copyright 2001, Bradley H. Bemis Jr.
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 3.60, Pow 4.70, Port 4.00, Comp 4.70, Rule 3.00)

You always seem to have the right equipment on hand.
Prerequisite: Wis 13
Benefit: In any situation where a piece of mundane equipment is required and the item is unavailable, you can declare that you have the item on hand. You must immediately pay for the item, as if purchased from a shop. The item in question cannot be more than 25 gp in value. It is a fairly typical item of its sort you purchased last time you were in an appropriate market. The item found is not a specific item and could not for instance appear to be a counterfeit of another specific item. In the case of arrows, darts and the like, you may not ‘find’ more than 1d10 of these on you at any one time.
Special: You may use this feat a number of times per session equal to your Wisdom bonus. However, the DM may determine on extensive excursions that it can only be used a number of times equal to your Wisdom bonus per adventure. You can not find an item that you could not have conceivably been carrying with you because you lack sufficient storage space.
Notes: The idea of the feat is not that you magically create items, but that your character is a better shopper than their player and bought the item last time they re-supplied even the player had not thought to do so.
  CAREFUL PLANNER Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.50, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

You can consume the most unpleasant fare without so much as a second thought.
Prerequisite: Con 13
Benefit: You derive nourishment from spoiled food and can avoid dehydration by drinking seawater with few ill effects. By subsisting on these unusual provisions, you double the amount of time you can go without fresh food and water.
Normal: Without this feat you can go without food for three days, after which time you must make a Constitution check (DC 10, + 1 for each previous check) or take 1d6 points of nonlethal damage. Without this feat you can go without fresh water for one day plus a number of hours equal to your Constitution score, after which you must make Constitution checks as described above, with similar effects for failed checks.
Special: For this feat to take effect, you must have access to formerly edible foods and a supply of salt water. Otherwise, you are just as vulnerable to starvation and dehydration as any other character.
  CAST-IRON STOMACH Copyright 2001, OGC Source SHB
  Balance: 3.45 (Purp 2.75, Pow 3.00, Port 3.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.25)

You haven't lost any fingers yet.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Demolitions checks and Disable Device checks.
Special: Remember that the Demolitions skill and the Disable Device skill can’t be used untrained.
  CAUTIOUS Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.24 (Purp 3.60, Pow 4.00, Port 4.20, Comp 4.60, Rule 4.80)

CHAIN POWER [Metapsionic]
You can manifest powers that arc to hit other targets in addition to the primary target.
Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. You can chain any power that affects a single target and that deals either acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic damage. After the primary target is struck, the power can arc to a number of secondary targets equal to your manifester level (maximum twenty). The secondary arcs each strike one target and deal half as much damage as the primary one did (round down). Each target gets to make a saving throw, if one is allowed by the power. You choose secondary targets as you like, but they must all be within 30 feet of the primary target, and no target can be struck more than once. You can choose to affect fewer secondary targets than the maximum (to avoid allies in the area, for example). Using this feat increases the power point cost of the power by 6. The power’s total cost cannot exceed your manifester level.
  CHAIN POWER Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.50)

You can turn or rebuke one type of outsider.
Prerequisite: Turn or Rebuke Undead ability, Extra Turning
Benefit: Select one group of outsiders (such as fire elementals, demons or devils) that are either hostile to your faith/alignment (for turning) or associated with your faith/ alignment (for rebuking). You can channel divine energy against this type of outsider to turn or rebuke them as if they were undead of twice their Hit Dice. When turning outsiders, those whose modified Hit Dice are half your turning level or less are dismissed to their home plane rather than destroyed.
Special: On their home plane, you turn or rebuke these outsiders as undead of four times their Hit Dice, but there they really can be destroyed instead of merely dismissed. This feat can be taken several times. It does not stack. Each time, you may choose a new type of outsider to turn or rebuke.
Notes: A cleric that turns undead also turns outsiders, and a cleric that rebukes undead also rebukes outsiders. You must select appropriate groups of outsiders depending on whether you turn or rebuke. Your DM has the final say as to what constitutes a valid group of outsiders for this feat.
  CHANNEL AGAINST OUTSIDERS Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.38 (Purp 4.70, Pow 4.50, Port 3.70, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

You can channel your psionic touch powers through a held melee weapon.
Prerequisite: Manifester level 1st
Benefit: You are able to manifest psionic touch powers through a held melee weapon, allowing you to make a standard armed attack and inflict normal weapon damage plus the effect of your psionic power on a successful strike. For a power with a manifestation time of 1 standard action, manifesting the power and making the attack require a full-round action (unless the power is manifested with Quicken Power, in which case it requires a standard action). When resolving your attack, compare your attack roll against your target’s normal AC and AC against touch attacks. If your attack roll fails to beat the target’s normal AC but beats his or her AC against touch attacks, the power is discharged normally but the weapon inflicts no additional damage. Once the power is manifest your melee weapon holds the charge of the power exactly as if the power had been manifest in the normal manner. You cannot pass a charged weapon to another character as doing so discharges your power. Likewise, the power dissipates (without discharging) if the weapon is ever thrown or leaves your hand.
Normal: You can manifest a psionic touch power as either a touch attack (no armor, shield or natural armor bonus to AC) or a normal unarmed strike.
Special: You cannot manifest personal psionic powers (like Claws of the Bear, Claws of the Vampire, etc.) with this feat. For purposes of this feat, the weapon used to manifest your psionic touch power is immune to the effects of your power while it holds the charge of the power.
  CHANNEL PSIONIC TOUCH Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 3.25, Rule 4.50)

You can cast a touch spell through your melee weapon.
Benefit: You can cast any of your touch spells through a held melee weapon, allowing you to make a standard armed attack and inflict normal weapon damage plus the effect of your spell on a successful strike. Casting the spell is still a standard action (unless you have the Quicken Spell feat) and you must wait until your next attack action in order to make your armed attack. When resolving your attack, compare your attack roll against your target's normal AC and AC against touch attacks. If your attack roll fails to beat the target's normal AC but beats their AC against touch attacks, the spell is discharged normally but the weapon inflicts no additional damage. Once the spell is cast your melee weapon holds the charge of the spell exactly as if the spell had been cast in the normal manner. You cannot pass a charged weapon to another character, as doing so discharges your spell. Likewise, the spell dissipates (without discharging) if the weapon is ever thrown or leaves your hand. Casting a touch spell in this manner uses up a spell slot one level higher than the level of the spell cast.
Normal: You can discharge a touch spell as either a touch attack (no armor, shield or natural armor bonus to AC) or a normal unarmed strike.
  CHANNEL TOUCH SPELL Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 3.50, Rule 4.25)

The creature can protect other beings that it touches with its Spell Resistance (SR) or Power Resistance (PR).
Prerequisite: Innate Spell Resistance 10 or Innate Power Resistance 10
Benefit: As a standard action, the creature can share its SR or PR with any single creature touched. This protection lasts only so long as the creature with SR or PR concentrates on providing the protection and only as long as the beneficiary remains in contact with the creature with resistance. If the creature with resistance is distracted or suffers damage in any way while maintaining this shared protection it must make a Concentration check as if casting a 0-level spell. Failing this check instantly negates the shared SR or PR until the creature with resistance spends another action to share it again.
Normal: Creatures and magic items cannot bestow SR or PR on another.
  CHANNELED RESISTANCE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.50, Port 4.50, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.50)

The turbulence of your thoughts prevents others from gaining insight into your actions.
Prerequisite: Chaotic alignment, Cha 15
Benefit: Creatures and characters who have an insight bonus on their attack rolls, an insight bonus to their Armor Class, or an insight bonus on skill checks or ability checks do not gain those bonuses against you. The benefit of this feat applies only to insight bonuses gained from psionic powers and psi-like abilities. This is an exception to the psionics–magic transparency rule.
Special: You cannot take or use this feat if you have the ability to use powers (if you have a power point reserve or psi-like abilities).
  CHAOTIC MIND Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The Netbook of Feats team is not generally in favor of feats such as these that break the magic-psionics transparency rule.
  Balance: 3.50 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.50, Port 3.25, Comp 3.50, Rule 3.25)

Your rage channels the powers of raw chaos into your weapon.
Prerequisite: Rage 5/day, Chaotic alignment
Benefit: Any weapon you wield while in a rage is treated as an anarchic weapon (it is chaos-aligned and deals an extra 2d6 points of damage against creatures of lawful alignment). This ability does not stack with similar abilities.
  CHAOTIC RAGE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.55 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.75)

CHARMED [General]
You lead a charmed existence.
Benefit: One time per day, you may add a +4 bonus to any single die roll. You must choose to do this before rolling.
  CHARMED Copyright 2002, Rafael Arrais
  Balance: 3.95 (Purp 3.75, Pow 4.00, Port 3.75, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.00)

You create magic items on the cheap, including non-masterwork for weapons/armor.
Prerequisite: Any one Item Creation feat
Benefit: You reduce the cost of creating magic items by 10%, though time and XP costs are based on the full normal price. When creating magic weapons, armor or shields, you can ignore the requirement that the item be masterwork.
Normal: Only masterwork items may be enhanced to become magic armor and weapons.
  CHEAP ENHANCING Copyright 2005, Jonathan D. Woolley, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.17, Port 4.17, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.17)

CHILD OF THE SEA [General, Trait]
You have inherited the affinity for the sea of an ancestor (perhaps an aquatic elf).
Benefit: You gain a Swim speed of 20 ft. You gain a +8 on all Swim checks. Swim is always a class skill for you. You can always Take 10 on your Swim check skills. You may use the run action when swimming, but only if you swim in a straight line.
Special: You may only take this feat at character creation.
Notes: You do not gain any ability to breathe underwater.
  CHILD OF THE SEA Copyright 2002, Peter K. Campbell
  Balance: 4.60 (Purp 4.67, Pow 4.33, Port 4.33, Comp 5.00, Rule 4.67)

Your undead presence horrifies the living.
Prerequisite: Undead creature type
Benefit: You have a supernatural aura that acts similarly to a continuous cause fear spell against all living creatures within 10’ of you. Creatures that make a Will save (DC of 13 + ½ HD of undead + Cha bonus) are immune to this effect for 24 hours, whereas those that fail are frightened for 1d4 rounds.
  CHILL OF THE GRAVE Copyright 2002, Jerry M. Chaney II
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.00)

CLEAVE [General, Fighter]
You can slice through multiple foes in one great swing.
Prerequisite: Power Attack, Str 13
Benefit: If you deal a creature enough damage to make it drop (typically by dropping it to below 0 hit points or killing it), you get an immediate, extra melee attack against another creature within reach. You cannot take a 5-foot step before making this extra attack. The extra attack is with the same weapon and at the same bonus as the attack that dropped the previous creature. You can use this ability once per round.
Special: A fighter may select Cleave as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  CLEAVE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.70 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.25, Port 4.75, Comp 4.50, Rule 5.00)

CLEAVE ASUNDER [General, Fighter]
Your Sunder attacks are usually more effective. You are trained in following through when you break an opponent's weapon or shield
Prerequisite: Str 13, Cleave, Improved Sunder, Power Attack
Benefit: When attacking an opponent's weapon, shield or other held object, if the object is broken you can immediately make another attack against the same opponent or another object the opponent holds. You can use this ability only once per round.
  CLEAVE ASUNDER Copyright 2000, Michael J. Kletch
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.38 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.20, Port 4.50, Comp 4.20, Rule 4.50)

CLEAVING RAMPAGE [General, Fighter]
You charge forward cutting through all in your path.
Prerequisite: Str 13, Dex 13, Power Attack, Cleave, Dodge, Great Cleave, Mobility, Spring Attack, Base attack bonus +8
Benefit: As a full round action you may trace a path up to twice your speed in a straight line. This path must be generally clear; the only obstructions allowed are friendly or enemy combatants. You must attack the first opponent along your path, and must move at least 10 ft. before your first attack. If you drop an opponent you may can take a cleave attack on the next available target. If no targets are in reach you may continue moving along the path. You must stop moving when you make an attack but fail to drop the opponent. Any opponent dropped will not hinder your movement even if they originally blocked your path. You are considered to be charging and get the usual +2 bonus to hit on all attacks for the round, and -2 to your AC until your next action. You still provoke attacks of opportunity as usual.
Special: This feat does not allow this maneuver to be used while mounted.
  CLEAVING RAMPAGE Copyright 2002, Scott Metzger
  Balance: 4.11 (Purp 4.31, Pow 4.31, Port 4.31, Comp 3.31, Rule 4.31)

CLEAVING SHOT [General, Fighter]
Your missile attacks can pierce through one target and into the next.
Prerequisite: Weapon Focus, Point Blank Shot, Base attack bonus +8
Benefit: If you hit an opponent within 30’ with a ranged attack and deal enough damage to drop the target, you missile rips through your target and potentially strikes a second foe. You may immediately make another attack at the same base attack bonus against an enemy within 30’ of you and who is in a direct line with you and your original target.
Notes: As a DM you may want to restrict this feat to ranged weapons you feel could realistically “rip through” a target, however one could imagine that a thrown axe might whiz by cutting someone’s throat instead of blasting through their chest.
  CLEAVING SHOT Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.13, Port 3.88, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

CLINCH [General, Fighter]
You have mastered the art of fighting at very close quarters.
Prerequisite: Dodge, Mobility, Base attack bonus +3
Benefit: Go into "clinch" with an adjacent opponent as a move-equivalent action. After doing this, you get a +4 cover bonus to AC against all opponents, and a +4 circumstance bonus to attack rolls against that opponent. If you and your opponent move further than 5 feet apart, you lose this bonus. You also lose the bonus if you move into a clinch with or attack someone else. To use this feat your weapon must be of a size class two categories smaller than your opponent's. A natural weapon or unarmed attack has a size code two sizes smaller than the creature using it.
Example: A medium creature with a light weapon (e.g. a tiny object such as a dagger) can use this feat against another medium creature using a two-handed weapon (e.g. a medium object such as a greatsword), but not if they were using a one-handed weapon (e.g. a small object such as a longsword). Similarly a human with a dagger could use this feat against an ogre using an ogre-sized longsword.
Notes: Roman shortswordsmen used this against longspears under king Pyrrhus. It was just successful enough to coin the term 'pyrrhic victory'.
  CLINCH Copyright 2000, Carl Cramér
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 3.40 (Purp 3.75, Pow 3.75, Port 3.00, Comp 2.75, Rule 3.75)

You are skilled at using optical tricks to make yourself seem to be where you are not.
Prerequisite: Hide 10 ranks, Perform (dance) 2 ranks
Benefit: You can take a move action to obscure your exact position. Until your next turn, you have concealment. Alternatively, you can take a full-round action to entirely obscure your exact position. Until your next action, you have total concealment.
  CLOAK DANCE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 3.65 (Purp 4.25, Pow 2.50, Port 4.75, Comp 3.50, Rule 3.25)

CLOSE ORDER COMBAT [General, Fighter]
You are trained to fight in a close-order unit.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1
Benefit: You and a comrade that also knows this feat can fight together effectively. If you take a 5 ft. step into his space during your turn, he can step into your space immediately, so that you exchange spaces. This allows both of you to make alternating attacks against the same opponent. To use this, you must delay your actions so that you act on the same initiative count, and you must both be using the same type of light weapon.
Notes: This feat is used by elite close-order units to let both the front ranks attack, and thus get greater attacking power on a small space.
  CLOSE ORDER COMBAT Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.24 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.30, Port 4.30, Comp 4.30, Rule 4.30)

Your mind is better able to resist psionics than normal.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all saving throws to resist powers. The benefit of this feat applies only to psionic powers and psi-like abilities. This is an exception to the psionics–magic transparency rule.
Special: You cannot take or use this feat if you have the ability to use powers (if you have a power point reserve or psi-like abilities).
  CLOSED MIND Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The Netbook of Feats team is not generally in favor of feats such as these that break the magic-psionics transparency rule.
  Balance: 3.55 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.25, Port 3.25, Comp 4.00, Rule 3.25)

You are cold-blooded slayer, able to precisely kill others with devastating sneak attacks.
Prerequisite: Death Attack, Base attack bonus +7, Sneak Attack 1d6
Benefit: You add +2 to the DC of the Fortitude save made to resist your death attack. Even if your opponent succeeds on his saving throw, you inflict +1d6 points of damage on your sneak attack.
Normal: The standard DC for an Assassin's death attack is 10 + assassin class level + Int bonus.
  COLD-BLOODED KILLER Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 3.80 (Purp 3.25, Pow 4.00, Port 3.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.00)

You can assume the form of colossal animals.
Prerequisite: The ability to wild shape into a Gargantuan creature
Benefit: You can use your wild shape to take the shape of a Colossal animal.
Normal: Without this feat, a character cannot wild shape into an animal of greater than Huge size.
  COLOSSAL WILD SHAPE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: Normal should be altered to: "Without this feat, a character cannot wild shape into an animal of greater than Gargantuan size, requiring Gargantuan Wild Shape".
  Balance: 4.60 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 5.00)

COMBAT ARCHERY [Epic, Fighter]
You can fire a bow without incurring attacks of opportunity.
Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot, Dodge, Mobility
Benefit: You do not incur any attacks of opportunity for firing a bow when threatened.
Normal: Without this feat, a character incurs an attack of opportunity from all opponents who threaten him or her whenever he or she uses a bow.
  COMBAT ARCHERY Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The Netbook of Feats team feels this would be suitable as a normal (non-epic) defensive feat.
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.75, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.75)

COMBAT CASTING [General, Magical]
You can cast spells more reliably in combat.
Benefit: You get a +4 bonus on Concentration checks made to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability while on the defensive or while you are grappling or pinned.
  COMBAT CASTING Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.80 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.75, Port 4.75, Comp 4.75, Rule 5.00)

COMBAT EXPERTISE [General, Fighter]
You can sacrifice offense for defense when fighting.
Prerequisite: Int 13
Benefit: When you use the attack action or the full attack action in melee, you can take a penalty of as much as –5 on your attack roll and add the same number (+5 or less) as a dodge bonus to your Armor Class. This number may not exceed your base attack bonus. The changes to attack rolls and Armor Class last until your next action.
Normal: A character without the Combat Expertise feat can fight defensively while using the attack or full attack action to take a –4 penalty on attack rolls and gain a +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class.
Special: A fighter may select Combat Expertise as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  COMBAT EXPERTISE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.90 (Purp 5.00, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 5.00)

COMBAT FOCUS [General, Fighter]
Paying little heed to distractions and other threats, you may focus your attacks on one opponent, leaving yourself open to others.
Prerequisite: Dodge, Improved Initiative, Base attack bonus +5
Benefit: On your action, before making attack rolls for a round, you may choose to focus your efforts against one opponent. Against this opponent, you get a +2 bonus to attack and a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class. The +1 Armor Class bonus from Dodge must be applied to the same opponent for a total bonus of +2. You have a -2 penalty to Armor Class against all other opponents.
  COMBAT FOCUS Copyright 2000, Michael J. Kletch
  Balance: 3.44 (Purp 3.60, Pow 3.00, Port 3.30, Comp 3.30, Rule 4.00)

You can attack with an incredible fury.
Prerequisite: Rage 2/day, Base attack bonus +3
Benefit: By spending an additional Rage per day while you are already enraged, you can enter a combat frenzy that enables you to make one additional attack per round at your highest attack bonus for the duration of your rage. This bonus attack and all other attacks made until your next action suffer a -2 penalty to your attack roll, and you must take the full attack action in order to make this extra attack. In addition, when using this ability you increase your AC penalty to -4 during any round that you make this extra attack.
  COMBAT FURY Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.50, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.75)

You are capable of intimidating others more easily in combat.
Prerequisite: Intimidate 4 ranks, Cha 13
Benefit: You can make one Intimidate skill check each round as a free action, but only to demoralize an opponent in combat. As a move-equivalent action, you can try to demoralize all opponents you threaten in melee combat.
Normal: Intimidating others in combat is a standard action.
  COMBAT INTIMIDATION Copyright 2005, Jason D. Kemp
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.50, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.25)

You are adept at manifesting powers in combat.
Benefit: You get a +4 bonus on Concentration checks made to manifest a power or use a psi-like ability while on the defensive or while you are grappling or pinned.
  COMBAT MANIFESTATION Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

You have trained extensively in attacking openings in your opponent’s defenses with a particular weapon. Choose one weapon such as short sword. With that weapon, your attacks of opportunity can be devastating.
Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes, Weapon Focus (with Weapon), Sneak Attack 1d6
Benefit: When you make an attack of opportunity, you may add sneak attack damage. This ability can only be used once per round, and following this attack, you may not make any further Attacks of Opportunity until after your next action. This may negate the benefits of Combat Reflexes for the current round.
Normal: Only the loss of Dex bonus to Armor Class or flanked status allow a character to add sneak attack damage.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new weapon.
  COMBAT OPPORTUNIST Copyright 2000, Michael J. Kletch
  Balance: 4.04 (Purp 4.30, Pow 4.30, Port 4.00, Comp 3.60, Rule 4.00)

COMBAT PRECISION [General, Fighter]
You can sacrifice power for accuracy.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Base attack bonus +1
Benefit: When taking an attack or full attack action you can choose to use Combat Precision. Until your next action you gain a +4 bonus on all to hit rolls, but all hit point damage dealt from your attack is halved. This can not be used with touch attacks.
  COMBAT PRECISION Copyright 2006, Sigfried Trent
  Balance: 3.95 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.75, Port 3.75, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.25)

COMBAT REFLEXES [General, Fighter]
You can make more attacks of opportunity than normal.
Benefit: You may make a number of additional attacks of opportunity equal to your Dexterity bonus. With this feat, you may also make attacks of opportunity while flat-footed.
Normal: A character without this feat can make only one attack of opportunity per round and can’t make attacks of opportunity while flat-footed.
Special: The Combat Reflexes feat does not allow a rogue to use her opportunist ability more than once per round. A fighter may select Combat Reflexes as one of his fighter bonus feats. A monk may select Combat Reflexes as a bonus feat at 2nd level.
  COMBAT REFLEXES Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.85 (Purp 5.00, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.50)

COMBAT ROTATION [General, Fighter]
You know to relieve warriors from melee combat by taking their place in the ranks.
Prerequisite: Dodge, Mobility, Base attack bonus +3, Medium size or smaller
Benefit: As a move action you may trade places with any willing ally, medium sized or smaller, within 5 ft. of you. This action does not generate an attack of opportunity either on yourself or your ally. This does not affect your ally’s Initiative in any way.
Notes: You can not take this action if it would require you or your ally to move more than 5’.
  COMBAT ROTATION Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.25, Port 4.50, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.50)

You can activate any spell trigger magic item while fighting defensively.
Prerequisite: Combat Casting
Benefit: You may choose to fight defensively when activating a spell trigger magic item. Activating the spell trigger magic item remains a standard action.
Normal: You can only fight defensively with an attack or full-attack action.
  COMBAT SPELL TRIGGER Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

COMBAT SURGE [General, Fighter]
You can rush an action in combat at the cost of presenting opportunities to your opponents
Prerequisite: Improved Initiative, Base attack bonus +2
Benefit: On your action, before making attack rolls for a round, you may choose to take a -4 penalty to your armor class until your next action. If you do so, you will gain +2 to your initiative for the remainder of this combat. The bonus begins on the next round.
  COMBAT SURGE Copyright 2000, Michael J. Kletch
  Balance: 3.38 (Purp 2.60, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 3.30, Rule 3.00)

You get a bonus to trip and grapple attacks.
Prerequisite: Defensive Arts
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on opposed Strength and Dexterity checks any time you attempt a trip or grapple attack, or when you try to avoid a trip or grapple attack made against you.
  COMBAT THROW Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.50, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

You can maintain your concentration even under stress or amidst distraction.
Prerequisite: Dodge, Concentration 8 ranks
Benefit: You have a strong ability to focus and concentrate, allowing you to take 10 on Concentration skill checks even if stress and distractions would normally prevent you from doing so.
  CONCENTRATION MASTERY Copyright 2005, Jason D. Kemp
  Balance: 3.92 (Purp 4.40, Pow 3.20, Port 3.80, Comp 4.20, Rule 4.00)

You can extend the duration of your spells through concentration.
Benefit: You can maintain a spell which has a duration longer than one round through concentration. You must start concentrating right after casting the spell, and, for as long as you keep it up, need not count time off the spell's duration. After you stop maintaining the spell, its normal duration resumes and then terminates as usual. You cannot use this feat to maintain a spell past ten times its normal duration nor can you resume concentration. A Concentration Spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell's normal level.
  CONCENTRATION SPELL Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.32 (Purp 4.70, Pow 4.20, Port 4.50, Comp 3.70, Rule 4.50)

CONCERTED ATTACK [General, Fighter]
You are well trained in directing the efforts of others during a coordinated attack
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +3
Benefit: You can direct the efforts of your allies to gain an additional bonus to flanking efforts. When you are leading a flanking effort against a single opponent, your allies involved in the melee gain a +4 flanking bonus on the attack roll.
Normal: Gain a +2 on your attack roll when flanking
Special: You must be able to effectively communicate with the other flanking members.
Notes: This feat is designed to let a leader coordinate a better attack front against an opponent. By confusing the opponent and having the group work together under the direction of the leader, the flanking bonus increases.
  CONCERTED ATTACK Copyright 2000, Bradley H. Bemis Jr.
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.80, Pow 4.20, Port 5.00, Comp 3.80, Rule 4.20)

You have greater control over burst and spread spells.
Benefit: When casting burst- and spread-based area-of-effect spells, you can reduce the affected area in increments of 5 ft. You have total control over the radius, but not the direction. A controlled burst spell takes up a spell slot one level higher than normal.
Example: Using this feat, you can cast a small fireball into a square next to you without having it impact you or your comrades.
  CONTROLLED BURST Copyright 2001, Bradley H. Bemis Jr.
  Balance: 5.00 (Purp 5.00, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

CONTROLLED CHARGE [General, Fighter]
You can still remain defensive when charging.
Benefit: You are able to make a charge attack without suffering a -2 penalty to armor class.
  CONTROLLED CHARGE Copyright 2005, Jason D. Kemp
  Balance: 4.68 (Purp 4.60, Pow 4.20, Port 4.60, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

Through extraordinary faith you can achieve near miraculous results.
Benefit: Increase your Charisma attribute by +2 for the purposes of determining class derived divine abilities only (such as divine grace, dark blessing, lay on hands, smite evil, turn or rebuke undead, etc).
  CONVICTION OF FAITH Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 3.30 (Purp 4.00, Pow 2.67, Port 3.17, Comp 3.67, Rule 3.00)

COUNTER CHARGE [General, Fighter]
You may step forward and meet a charging opponent, using his momentum to make your own attack more effective.
Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes
Benefit: You may declare a Counter Charge as a readied action against any opponent who charges you. The action is triggered the moment your opponent comes within 5’ of your reach. You take a 5’ step forward and make a single attack at your full base attack bonus. Your opponent suffers the -2 AC penalty for charging. On a successful attack you deal double damage. Stack this bonus damage with the weapon’s critical multiplier on a critical hit. While this shortens the distance your opponent has to charge, it does not alter the bonuses and penalties of the charge if the opponent moves less than 10’ because of your action.
Normal: Normally, you may only deal double damage against a charging opponent with weapons that may be set against charging foes.
Special: If for any reason you may not take the 5-foot step, you may not use this feat.
  COUNTER CHARGE Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 3.20 (Purp 3.00, Pow 3.25, Port 3.00, Comp 2.75, Rule 4.00)

CRAFT ANYWHERE [Item Creation]
You can craft magic/psionic items in your spare time.
Prerequisite: Any Item Creation Feat
Benefit: You can craft magic/psionic items in your spare time, anywhere, even while adventuring or doing other activities during the day. The item creation process still takes the same amount of time, has the same costs, and requires the same equipment as normal, but the creation process is not disturbed if you do other strenuous activity (fighting, spellcasting, research, etc.). You must devote your full attention to the crafting process in order of it to count towards your total, and you suffer a -10 penalty to your spot and listen checks while doing it. Simply add up all the hours you spent crafting until you get the total working hours required to craft the item (Market Value / 1000gp * 8 Hours). You still may not work more than 8 hours in a given day.
  CRAFT ANYWHERE Copyright 2002, Terje Kristian Backman
  Balance: 3.57 (Purp 3.83, Pow 3.17, Port 3.50, Comp 3.83, Rule 3.50)

You can create psionic cognizance crystals that store power points.
Prerequisite: Manifester level 3rd
Benefit: You can create a cognizance crystal. Doing so takes one day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. The base price of a cognizance crystal is equal to the highest-level power it could manifest using all its stored power points, squared, multiplied by 1,000 gp. To create a cognizance crystal, you must spend 1/25 of its base price in XP and use up raw materials costing one-half its base price.
  CRAFT COGNIZANCE CRYSTAL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.50)

You can create magical constructs.
Prerequisite: Craft Magic Arms And Armor, Craft Wondrous Item
Benefit: A creature with this feat can create any construct whose prerequisites it meets. Enchanting a construct takes one day for each 1,000 gp in its market price. To enchant a construct, a spellcaster must spend 1/25 the item’s price in XP and use up raw materials costing half of this price (see individual construct monster entries for details). A creature with this feat can repair constructs that have taken damage. In one day of work, the creature can repair up to 20 points of damage by expending 50 gp per point of damage repaired. A newly created construct has average hit points for its Hit Dice.
  CRAFT CONSTRUCT Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.55 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.50, Port 4.50, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.75)

CRAFT DORJE [Item Creation, Psionic]
You can create slender crystal wands called dorjes than manifest powers when charges are expended.
Prerequisite: Manifester level 5th
Benefit: You can create a dorje of any psionic power you know (barring exceptions, such as bestow power, as noted in a power’s description). Crafting a dorje takes one day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. The base price of a dorje is its manifester level x the power level x 750 gp. To craft a dorje, you must spend 1/25 of this base price in XP and use up raw materials costing one-half of this base price. A newly created dorje has 50 charges. Any dorje that stores a power with an XP cost also carries a commensurate cost. In addition to the XP cost derived from the base price, you must pay fifty times the XP cost.
  CRAFT DORJE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.75)

You can create legendary weapons and armaments.
Prerequisite: Craft Magic Arms And Armor, Knowledge (arcana) 28 ranks, Spellcraft 28 ranks
Benefit: You can craft magic arms and armor which exceed the normal limits for such items
  CRAFT EPIC MAGIC ARMS AND ARMOR Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 3.95 (Purp 3.75, Pow 3.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.75)

CRAFT EPIC ROD [Epic, Item Creation]
You can create epic level rods.
Prerequisite: Craft Rod, Knowledge (arcana) 32 ranks, Spellcraft 32 ranks
Benefit: You can craft rods that exceed the normal limits for such items.
  CRAFT EPIC ROD Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 3.95 (Purp 3.75, Pow 3.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.75)

CRAFT EPIC STAFF [Epic, Item Creation]
You can create epic level staves.
Prerequisite: Craft Staff, Knowledge (arcana) 35 ranks, Spellcraft 35 ranks
Benefit: You can craft staffs that exceed the normal limits for such items.
  CRAFT EPIC STAFF Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 3.95 (Purp 3.75, Pow 3.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.75)

You can create epic level wondrous items.
Prerequisite: Craft Wondrous Item, Knowledge (arcana) 26 ranks, Spellcraft 26 ranks
Benefit: You can craft wondrous items that exceed the normal limits for such items.
  CRAFT EPIC WONDROUS ITEM Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 3.95 (Purp 3.75, Pow 3.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.75)

You can magical weapons and armaments.
Prerequisite: Caster level 5th
Benefit: You can create any magic weapon, armor, or shield whose prerequisites you meet. Enhancing a weapon, suit of armor, or shield takes one day for each 1,000 gp in the price of its magical features. To enhance a weapon, suit of armor, or shield, you must spend 1/25 of its features’ total price in XP and use up raw materials costing one-half of this total price. The weapon, armor, or shield to be enhanced must be a masterwork item that you provide. Its cost is not included in the above cost. You can also mend a broken magic weapon, suit of armor, or shield if it is one that you could make. Doing so costs half the XP, half the raw materials, and half the time it would take to craft that item in the first place.
  CRAFT MAGIC ARMS AND ARMOR Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.80 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.75, Port 5.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 5.00)

You can create magical tattoos that duplicate the effects of a single spell.
Prerequisite: Caster level 9th, Craft (Artist) 5 ranks
Benefit: You can apply your magic and artistry together to create a magic tattoo. The tattoo is created to emulate the effects of a single spell as if it were a spell-like ability. The base price for a tattoo of this nature is spell level * caster level * 400 gp. Crafting a magic tattoo takes one day for each 1,000gp of its base price. To craft a magic tattoo, you and the recipient must each spend 1/25th of its base price in XP. The creator must also use up raw materials costing half of the base price.
Special: The power of the tattoo can only be used once each day. The caster level is based on the lowest caster level needed to cast the spell. If two or more magic tattoos are attempted on the same body (regardless of size), the magics will disrupt each other (i.e. you may never have more than one magic tattoo). A magic tattoo can be removed using a remove curse cast at one level higher than the spell level of the spell effect granted by the tattoo (using heighten spell or a similar method). The act of casting remove curse only takes away the magic. The tattoo itself remains until removed through mundane methods. The tattoo is treated as a Miscellaneous Magic Item for all other intents and purposes.
  CRAFT MAGIC TATTOO Copyright 2000, Bradley H. Bemis Jr.
  Balance: 4.02 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.80, Port 4.60, Comp 4.20, Rule 3.50)

CRAFT PSICROWN [Item Creation, Psionic]
You can create psicrowns, which have multiple psionic effects.
Prerequisite: Manifester level 12th
Benefit: You can create any psicrown whose prerequisites you meet. Crafting a psicrown takes one day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. To craft a psicrown, you must spend 1/25 of its base price in XP and use up raw materials costing one-half of its base price. Some psicrowns incur extra costs in XP as noted in their descriptions. These costs are in addition to those derived from the psicrown’s base price.
  CRAFT PSICROWN Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.75)

You can create psionic weapons, armor, and shields.
Prerequisite: Manifester level 5th
Benefit: You can create any psionic weapon, armor, or shield whose prerequisites you meet. Enhancing a weapon, suit of armor, or shield takes one day for each 1,000 gp in the price of its psionic features. To enhance a weapon, you must spend 1/25 of its features’ total price in XP and use up raw materials costing one-half of this total price. The weapon, armor, or shield to be enhanced must be a masterwork item that you provide. Its cost is not included in the above cost. You can also mend a broken psionic weapon, suit of armor, or shield if it is one that you could make. Doing so costs half the XP, half the raw materials, and half the time it would take to enhance that item in the first place.
  CRAFT PSIONIC ARMS AND ARMOR Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.75)

CRAFT PSIONIC CONSTRUCT [Item Creation, Psionic]
You can create golems and other psionic automatons that obey your orders.
Prerequisite: Craft Psionic Arms And Armor, Craft Universal Item
Benefit: You can create any psionic construct whose prerequisites you meet. Creating a construct takes one day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. To create a construct, you must spend 1/25 of the construct’s base price in XP and use up raw materials costing one-half of this price. A newly created construct has average hit points for its Hit Dice.
  CRAFT PSIONIC CONSTRUCT Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.75)

CRAFT ROD [Item Creation]
You can create magical rods.
Prerequisite: Caster level 9th
Benefit: You can create any rod whose prerequisites you meet. Crafting a rod takes one day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. To craft a rod, you must spend 1/25 of its base price in XP and use up raw materials costing one-half of its base price. Some rods incur extra costs in material components or XP, as noted in their descriptions. These costs are in addition to those derived from the rod’s base price.
  CRAFT ROD Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.80 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.75, Port 5.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 5.00)

CRAFT STAFF [Item Creation]
You can create magical staves.
Prerequisite: Caster level 12th
Benefit: You can create any staff whose prerequisites you meet. Crafting a staff takes one day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. To craft a staff, you must spend 1/25 of its base price in XP and use up raw materials costing one-half of its base price. A newly created staff has 50 charges. Some staffs incur extra costs in material components or XP, as noted in their descriptions. These costs are in addition to those derived from the staff ’s base price.
  CRAFT STAFF Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.80 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.75, Port 5.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 5.00)

CRAFT UNIVERSAL ITEM [Item Creation, Psionic]
You can create universal psionic items.
Prerequisite: Manifester level 3rd
Benefit: You can create any universal psionic item whose prerequisites you meet. Crafting a universal psionic item takes one day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. To craft a universal psionic item, you must spend 1/25 of the item’s base price in XP and use up raw materials costing one-half of this price. You can also mend a broken universal item if it is one that you could make. Doing so costs half the XP, half the raw materials, and half the time it would take to craft that item in the first place. Some universal items incur extra costs in XP, as noted in their descriptions. These costs are in addition to those derived from the item’s base price. You must pay such a cost to create an item or to mend a broken one.
  CRAFT UNIVERSAL ITEM Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.50)

CRAFT WAND [Item Creation]
You can create magical wands.
Prerequisite: Caster level 5th
Benefit: You can create a wand of any 4th-level or lower spell that you know. Crafting a wand takes one day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. The base price of a wand is its caster level x the spell level x 750 gp. To craft a wand, you must spend 1/25 of this base price in XP and use up raw materials costing one-half of this base price. A newly created wand has 50 charges. Any wand that stores a spell with a costly material component or an XP cost also carries a commensurate cost. In addition to the cost derived from the base price, you must expend fifty copies of the material component or pay fifty times the XP cost.
  CRAFT WAND Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.80 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.75, Port 5.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 5.00)

You can create wondrous magical items.
Prerequisite: Caster level 3rd
Benefit: You can create any wondrous item whose prerequisites you meet. Enchanting a wondrous item takes one day for each 1,000 gp in its price. To enchant a wondrous item, you must spend 1/25 of the item’s price in XP and use up raw materials costing half of this price. You can also mend a broken wondrous item if it is one that you could make. Doing so costs half the XP, half the raw materials, and half the time it would take to craft that item in the first place. Some wondrous items incur extra costs in material components or XP, as noted in their descriptions. These costs are in addition to those derived from the item’s base price. You must pay such a cost to create an item or to mend a broken one.
  CRAFT WONDROUS ITEM Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.80 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.75, Port 5.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 5.00)

You have a greater understanding on how to create things
Prerequisite: 5 ranks in any two Craft skills
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to all Craft skills
  CRAFTSMAN Copyright 2002, Paul W. King
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.25)

Just when you thought you were as slippery as slippery can be, here comes somebody just a little bit quicker.
Prerequisite: Dex 15, Combat Reflexes, Base attack bonus +3
Benefit: In lieu of ALL your attacks of opportunity for one round, you may make a single attack of opportunity against a target who moves more than 5' and moves through your threatened area in a manner that does not normally provoke an attack of opportunity.
Normal: Tumbling successfully does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Spring attack does not provoke an attack of opportunity from the attacker's target. You get no attacks of opportunity against a target with at least 50% cover.
Notes: If you have made even a single attack of opportunity since your last action, you may not use this feat, since you can no longer give up ALL attacks of opportunity. If the target has the feat Mobility, the mobility bonus to AC still applies.
  CREATE OPPORTUNITY Copyright 2001, Brian A. Smith
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.25, Port 4.75, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.00)

You know how to create Aberrations, Beasts, Magical Beasts, Monstrous Humanoids, and Plant creatures.
Prerequisite: Spellcaster or Manifester level 5th, Knowledge (Arcana or Psionics) 5 ranks, Knowledge (Nature) 5 ranks
Benefit: You can create any Aberration, Magical Beast, Monstrous Humanoid, or Plant creature whose prerequisites you meet. The creature created is not necessarily under your control. To create a creature you need access to a lab, similar to an alchemist's lab, of at least 500 gp value. The creation of a creature involves taking a similar creature or creature(s) and subjecting them to various spells and grafting techniques. There is a chance that the experiment will be a failure. To create a creature you must succeed both a Knowledge (Arcana or Psionics) and a Knowledge (Nature) check (DC 20 + CR of attempted creature). You may not 'take 10' or 'take 20' on these rolls. However, you get a +1 circumstance bonus for every attempt at a specific creature that you have previously made, whether successful or not. If both Knowledge skill checks are failed the creature dies a horrible death. If one Knowledge skill check fails and the other succeeds the resulting creation is horribly deformed in some way and is hostile towards you. The base price of a creature is the challenge rating squared times 1000gp (CR x CR x 1000gp). Creating a creature takes 1 day for every 1,000 gp in its base price. To create a creature, you must spend 1/25 of its base price in XP and use up raw materials costing half of its base price. The minimum caster level for creating a creature is 2 x CR of the intended creature. The appropriate spells must be used in order to add extraordinary (Ex), spell-like (Sp), and/or supernatural (Su) abilities.
Special: If a Charm Monster spell is cast every day of the creation process, a successfully created creature will be in permanent servitude to you. If a Limited Wish is used in the creation process a successfully created creature will be in permanent servitude to you and will even follow a life goal, determined by you, after you have died. If a Wish is used in the creation process a successfully created creature and its descendants will follow a life goal, determined by you, even after you have died.
Notes: Characters should be encouraged to create their own unique magical beasts and not just create another Owlbear, Tendriculos, Mimic, or Skum. If the creature is a new creature the DM should determine the CR. As failures in the use of the feat can result in tremendous amounts of pain and death for the creature created your DM may restrict the use of this feat to evil, or at least non-good, characters. In games that use the Epic rules this feat may not be available, as to a certain extent it duplicates the effects of Epic Spells based on the Life seed.
  CREATE WONDROUS CREATURE Copyright 2001, Scott Metzger
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 3.96 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.20, Port 4.00, Comp 3.00, Rule 3.60)

CRIMINAL [General]
You are practiced in the arts of petty crime.
Prerequisite: Any non-lawful alignment
Benefit: Forgery, Open Lock and Sleight of Hand are considered class skills, regardless of your class.
  CRIMINAL Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 3.50)

CRIPPLER [General, Fighter]
You are adept at disabling the natural weapons of various creatures.
Prerequisite: Str 13, Power Attack, Knowledge (nature) 4 ranks)
Benefit: If you score a critical hit or make a successful sneak attack against a creature that has a natural attack, instead of dealing extra damage from the critical or giving up 2d6 of Sneak Attack damage, you may elect to disable one of that creature’s natural attacks. If the creature uses this natural attack in a round, it takes a -5 penalty on all attack rolls for that round. If it avoids using that attack, any other attacks it makes are not penalized. This penalty lasts until the creature receives a DC 15 Heal check, receives magical healing, regeneration, or is healed by rest.
  CRIPPLER Copyright 2006, Sigfried Trent
  Balance: 4.15 (Purp 4.13, Pow 4.25, Port 4.13, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.25)

Pick two skills that become class skills for all your classes.
Benefit: Pick any two skills. The selected skills become class skills for all your classes from this point on.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times, but does not stack with itself. Choose two new skills to become class skills each time it is taken.
  CROSS-CLASS LEARNING Copyright 2000, Bradley H. Bemis Jr.
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.00, Port 4.50, Comp 4.75, Rule 3.75)

You can implant a personality fragment in a psionic weapon.
Prerequisite: Manifester level 1st
Benefit: You can seed a personality fragment in a masterwork weapon embedded with a crystal or imbued with permanent psionic power, granting the weapon sentience and linking it to your life-force. The seeded weapon becomes in all respects a psicrystal that improves with your level, gaining all special abilities accordingly. Apply the psicrystal’s natural armor bonus as a bonus to the weapon’s hardness. Because the weapon is linked to your life-force, you can telekinetically summon it to your hand at a range of 10 feet as a free action by expending your psionic focus.
Special: You can apply other feats that enhance psicrystals, such as the Improved Psicrystal and Power Psicrystal feats, to your crystal psiweapon.
  CRYSTAL PSIWEAPON Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.25)

You take less damage from all attacks.
Prerequisite: Con 21
Benefit: You gain damage reduction 3/–. This does not stack with damage reduction granted by magic items or nonpermanent magical effects, but it does stack with any damage reduction granted by permanent magical effects, class features, or this feat itself.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Each time he or she gains the feat, his or her damage reduction increases by 3.
  DAMAGE REDUCTION Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.50)

You empty your mind of all distracting emotion, becoming an instrument of deadly precision.
Prerequisite: Dex 15, Base attack bonus +5, Sneak Attack 1d6
Benefit: You have deadly accuracy with your sneak attacks. You can reroll any result of 1 on your sneak attack’s extra damage dice. You must keep the result of the reroll, even if it is another 1.
  DEADLY PRECISION Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The Netbook of Feats team suggest re-rolling 1s and 2s would be more in keeping with the average power level of a feat.
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.50, Pow 3.25, Port 4.50, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.00)

Your songs can deafen your foes.
Prerequisite: Perform 24 ranks, Bardic music class feature
Benefit: You can use song or poetics to temporarily deafen all enemies within a 30-foot spread from you. A successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the your level + your Charisma modifier) negates the effect. The deafening effect lasts for as long as youcontinues the deafening song. You can choose to exclude any characters from this effect. You may sing, play, or recite a deafening song while taking other mundane actions, but not magical ones (see the bard’s inspire courage ability for more details). You may keep up the deafening song for a maximum of 10 rounds. Using the deafening song counts as one of your uses of song or poetics for the day.
  DEAFENING SONG Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.75, Port 4.00, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.50)

The sonic volume of your spells reaches deafening levels.
Benefit: Deafening Spell can be used with any spell that deals sonic damage or has the (Sonic) descriptor. In addition to the spell’s normal effect, those affected by the spell must make an additional Fortitude save at the DC of the spell or be deafened for a number of rounds equal to the spell’s level. If the spell already deafens the target, Deafening Spell increases the duration of the deafening effect by a number of rounds equal to the spell’s level. A deafening spell takes up a spell slot one level higher than normal.
  DEAFENING SPELL Copyright 2002, Brendan Quinn
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 4.17, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 3.83, Rule 4.00)

DEATH FROM AFAR [Special, Stealth]
You have learned to use your Death Attack ability at range.
Prerequisite: Death Attack class ability, Sneak attack +6d6
Benefit: You can use your Death Attack ability with any proficient ranged weapon up to a range of 30 feet. All other Death Attack limitations, such as the need to study your opponent for 3 rounds, still apply.
  DEATH FROM AFAR Copyright 2002, Jerry M. Chaney II
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.50, Pow 3.83, Port 4.17, Comp 4.67, Rule 4.83)

DEATH OF ENEMIES [Epic, Special]
Your critical hits can kill your chosen enemies.
Prerequisite: Bane Of Enemies, Survival 30 ranks, Five favored enemies
Benefit: Any time you score a critical hit against one of your favored enemies, it must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your ranger class level + your Wisdom modifier) or die instantly.
Special: Creatures immune to critical hits can’t be affected by this feat.
  DEATH OF ENEMIES Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.50, Port 4.25, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.25)

You really know how to lie.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Disguise checks and Forgery checks.
  DECEITFUL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.95 (Purp 4.75, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

You are good at fooling others.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Bluff and Disguise checks.
  DECEPTIVE Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 3.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 5.00)

DEEP IMPACT [Psionic, Fighter]
You can strike your foe with a melee weapon as if making a touch attack.
Prerequisite: Psionic Weapon, Base attack bonus +5, Str 13
Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. You can resolve your attack with a melee weapon as a touch attack. You must decide whether or not to use this feat prior to making an attack. If your attack misses, you still expend your psionic focus.
  DEEP IMPACT Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.25)

You have mastered using your chosen weapon for defense.
Prerequisite: Weapon Focus (with Melee Weapon), Weapon Specialization (with Melee Weapon), Fighter level 12th
Benefit: When wielding your chosen weapon you gain a +2 dodge bonus to your armor class.
  DEFENSE SPECIALIZATION Copyright 2003, Ian Cheesman
  Balance: 4.12 (Purp 4.20, Pow 3.80, Port 4.00, Comp 4.60, Rule 4.00)

DEFENSIVE ARTS [General, Fighter]
You are an expert in defending yourself
Benefit: You gain a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class against melee attacks
Special: A condition that makes you lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class also makes you lose dodge bonuses. Also, dodge bonuses stack, unlike most other types of bonuses.
  DEFENSIVE ARTS Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 3.35 (Purp 3.50, Pow 2.75, Port 3.25, Comp 3.75, Rule 3.50)

DEFENSIVE DISARM [General, Fighter]
When attacked with a weapon, you may attempt to disarm the foe attacking you.
Prerequisite: Combat Expertise, Int 13, Improved Disarm
Benefit: If you are attacked with a melee weapon and missed, you may make a Disarm attempt on the weapon as an Attack of Opportunity, subject to the standard restrictions on Attacks of Opportunity in a round.
Special: An opponent and their weapon count as the same target for determining eligibility to Attacks of Opportunity.
  DEFENSIVE DISARM Copyright 2001, Alan Z. Eisinger
  Balance: 3.90 (Purp 4.50, Pow 3.50, Port 4.17, Comp 3.67, Rule 3.67)

DEFENSIVE STUDY [General, Fighter]
Allows you to use your intelligence modifier instead of your dexterity modifier for armor class adjustments.
Prerequisite: 2 ranks of Sense Motive, Alertness
Benefit: Grants you the ability to substitute your intelligence modifier for your dexterity modifier when calculating armor class against a single opponent. To gain this benefit, you must be able to assess your opponent completely for at least three rounds of combat. During this period of study you are only able to take a partial action each round. Through the study of attack patterns you understand the best ways to avoid the attack methods used by your opponent.
  DEFENSIVE STUDY Copyright 2000, Bradley H. Bemis Jr.
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.80, Port 4.80, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.40)

DEFENSIVE SUNDER [General, Fighter]
When attacked with a weapon, you may attempt to break the weapon.
Prerequisite: Str 13, Power Attack, Improved Sunder
Benefit: If you are attacked with a melee weapon and missed, you may make a Sunder attempt on the weapon as an Attack of Opportunity, subject to the standard restrictions on Attacks of Opportunity in a round.
Special: An opponent and their weapon count as the same target for determining eligibility to Attacks of Opportunity.
  DEFENSIVE SUNDER Copyright 2001, Alan Z. Eisinger
  Balance: 3.90 (Purp 4.50, Pow 3.50, Port 4.17, Comp 3.67, Rule 3.67)

You can maintain your defense when making a trip attempt.
Prerequisite: Improved Trip, Base attack bonus +4
Benefit: When you fail your Strength check when initiating a trip attempt, your opponent may not react and attempt to trip you in turn.
  DEFENSIVE TRIP Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.44 (Purp 4.40, Pow 4.00, Port 4.40, Comp 5.00, Rule 4.40)

DEFLECT ARROWS [General, Fighter]
You can knock arrows out of the air with your bare hands.
Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike, Dex 13
Benefit: You must have at least one hand free (holding nothing) to use this feat. Once per round when you would normally be hit with a ranged weapon, you may deflect it so that you take no damage from it. You must be aware of the attack and not flatfooted. Attempting to deflect a ranged weapon doesn’t count as an action. Unusually massive ranged weapons and ranged attacks generated by spell effects can’t be deflected.
Special: A monk may select Deflect Arrows as a bonus feat at 2nd level, even if she does not meet the prerequisites. A fighter may select Deflect Arrows as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  DEFLECT ARROWS Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.25)

DEFLECT ATTACK [General, Fighter]
You can be more aggressive when Fighting Defensively.
Prerequisite: Int 13, Str 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Sunder, Power Attack
Benefit: When you are Fighting Defensively, your opponent provokes an Attack of Opportunity just before attacking you. Since you are Fighting Defensively, your Attack of Opportunity has a -4 penalty to attack. If the opponent attacks you with a weapon, your Attack of Opportunity can only be used as a Sunder attack against the weapon that is used to attack you. If the opponent attacks you with an unarmed attack or a natural weapon, you attack the unarmed strike or natural weapon, effectively making an Attack of Opportunity against your opponent. If your attack actually damages the opponent's weapon (or the opponent, in the case of an unarmed strike or natural weapon), subtract the damage dealt to the weapon or opponent from the damage you would sustain from their attack. In this way, it is possible to negate the damage from an opponent's attack.
Special: You cannot use this feat if attacking with a piercing weapon or unarmed if your opponent is using a weapon to attack you, unless through an ability or feat you can make Sunder attacks with a piercing weapon or unarmed (as Sunder attacks generally require you to be using a slashing or bludgeoning weapon).
  DEFLECT ATTACK Copyright 2001, Michael J. Kletch
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 4.75, Pow 3.75, Port 4.25, Comp 3.00, Rule 4.25)

DEFT HANDS [General]
Your fingers are agile and strong.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Sleight of Hand checks and Use Rope checks.
  DEFT HANDS Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.95 (Purp 4.75, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

DEFT LUNGE [General, Fighter]
You are trained to take advantage of openings in an opponent's defenses
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Combat Expertise
Benefit: When you use the attack action or full attack action in non-mounted melee combat, you may take as much as a -5 penalty to Armor Class to add the same number (up to +5) to a single attack roll in the same round. This number may not exceed your base attack bonus. Unless you also have the Mobility feat, this attack draws an Attack of Opportunity from the defender. The changes to Armor Class last until your next action.
  DEFT LUNGE Copyright 2000, Michael J. Kletch
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 3.62 (Purp 3.30, Pow 3.60, Port 4.00, Comp 3.60, Rule 3.60)

DELAY POWER [Metapsionic]
You can manifest powers that go off up to 5 rounds later.
Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. You can manifest a power as a delayed power. A delayed power doesn’t activate immediately. When you manifest the power, you choose one of three trigger mechanisms: (1) The power activates when you take a standard action to activate it; (2) It activates when a creature enters the area that the power will affect (only powers that affect areas can use this trigger condition); or (3) It activates on your turn after 5 rounds pass. If you choose one of the first two triggers and the conditions are not met within 5 rounds, the power activates automatically on the fifth round. Only area and personal powers can be delayed. Any decisions you would make about the delayed power, including attack rolls, designating targets, or determining or shaping an area, are decided when the power is manifested. Any effects resolved by those affected by the power, including saving throws, are decided when the delay period ends. A delayed power can be dispelled normally during the delay, and can be detected normally in the area or on the target by the use of powers that can detect psionic effects. Using this feat increases the power point cost of the power by 2. The power’s total cost cannot exceed your manifester level.
  DELAY POWER Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 3.90 (Purp 3.75, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 3.50, Rule 4.25)

DELAY SPELL [Metamagic]
You may delaty the effect of a spell you cast.
Benefit: A delayed spell doesn’t activate immediately when cast. Instead, when you cast the spell, you may specify a number of rounds between one and five to delay the effect of the spell. When that number of rounds has passed the spell takes effect. The caster may cause the spell to take effect earlier than they initially selected by taking a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. Only area, personal, and touch spells can be delayed. Any decisions you would make about the delayed spell, including attack rolls, designating targets, or determining or shaping an area, are decided when the spell is cast. Any effects resolved by those affected by the spell, including saving throws, are decided when the delay period ends. A delayed spell can be dispelled normally during the delay, and can be detected normally in the area or on the target by the use of spells that can detect spell effects. A delayed spell takes up a spell slot three levels higher than the spell’s actual level.
Notes: The spell is cast normally and a Spellcraft roll can determine what was cast, how and when it will go off. As noted the delayed spell can be detected and dispelled while it is waiting to take effect, however it is not readily visible or detectable by normal senses. It is not technically invisible; it simply exists as a magic aura of the same shape of the spell effect until it takes effect. The delayed spell can be noticed with a DC40 Spot check, although this will only give the spotter an awareness of where the magic effect will be, not what it will do or look like when it goes off. Detect Magic will show the user what they would normally discover when observing the spell in effect with Detect Magic.
  DELAY SPELL Copyright 2001, Daniel Langdon
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 3.77 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 3.67, Comp 3.00, Rule 4.17)

You can increase the damage limitations of certain spells.
Benefit: You can raise the damage cap of capped spells by two dice for each increase in the spell's level by one.
Example: The fireball spell has a damage cap of 10d6 (at 10th level). Using this feat, a 15th level caster could instead do 12d6 points of damage using a fourth level spell slot, 14d6 damage using a fifth level spell slot, or 15d6 (with a damage cap of 16d6) using a sixth level spell slot.
Notes: This feat can be used with any spell having a damage cap expressed in the spell's description. A damage cap can be identified by a statement similar to deals #d# points of damage per caster level (maximum #d#). It would have no effect on a spell like magic missile as in this case the cap is on the number of missiles produced, rather than the damage of each missile.
  DESTRUCTIVE FORCE Copyright 2001, Bradley H. Bemis Jr.
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.52 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.70, Port 4.50, Comp 4.70, Rule 4.20)

You are a student of poisons and how they are used.
Benefit: You can use your Search skill to detect poison without casting the detect poison spell. This is an extraordinary ability that requires a full round action with a DC equal to the save DC of the poison and can only be done at a range of 5 feet.
  DETECT POISON Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.75 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.75, Port 4.75, Comp 5.00, Rule 4.50)

Through your will alone, you can increase your resilience
Prerequisite: Iron Will
Benefit: Add your Wisdom bonus to your hit points.
  DETERMINED SOUL Copyright 2000, Bradley H. Bemis Jr.
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 3.45 (Purp 2.75, Pow 3.50, Port 3.50, Comp 4.50, Rule 3.00)

You can kill your foes with your critical hits.
Prerequisite: Str 25, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (chosen Weapon), Overwhelming Critical (chosen Weapon), Power Attack, Weapon Focus (chosen Weapon)
Benefit: Whenever you score a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 character level + your Strength modifier) or die instantly. (Creatures immune to critical hits can’t be affected by this feat.)
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time a character takes the feat, it applies to a different type of weapon.
  DEVASTATING CRITICAL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.75, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.75)

DEXTEROUS DODGE [General, Fighter]
You are skilled at dodging attacks.
Benefit: For the purpose of determining Armor Class, treat your Dexterity score as 2 points higher than its actual value. This feat can be taken several times, and stacks with itself.
Special: This feat grants virtual access to the Dodge feat, allowing you to take other feats for which Dodge is a prerequisite.
  DEXTEROUS DODGE Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Comments: This feat was intended as a replacement for Dodge which some feel is to weak to be worth while. You generally wouldn't use both in the same game.
  Balance: 4.60 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.75, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.50)

You can use reflex when fortitude would normally apply.
Prerequisite: Dex 25, Slippery mind class feature
Benefit: Once per round, when targeted by an effect that requires a Fortitude saving throw, you may make a Reflex save instead to avoid the effect (evasion is not applicable).
  DEXTEROUS FORTITUDE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 3.95 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.50, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 3.75)

DEXTEROUS WILL [Epic, Stealth]
You can use reflex when will would normally apply.
Prerequisite: Dex 25, Slippery mind class feature
Benefit: Once per round, when targeted by an effect that requires a Will saving throw, you may make a Reflex save instead to avoid the effect (evasion is not applicable).
  DEXTEROUS WILL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.50, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.00)

DIEHARD [General]
You can keep going until your final breath.
Prerequisite: Endurance
Benefit: When reduced to between –1 and –9 hit points, you automatically become stable. You don’t have to roll d% to see if you lose 1 hit point each round. When reduced to negative hit points, you may choose to act as if you were disabled, rather than dying. You must make this decision as soon as you are reduced to negative hit points (even if it isn’t your turn). If you do not choose to act as if you were disabled, you immediately fall unconscious. When using this feat, you can take either a single move or standard action each turn, but not both, and you cannot take a full round action. You can take a move action without further injuring yourself, but if you perform any standard action (or any other action deemed as strenuous, including some free actions, such as casting a quickened spell) you take 1 point of damage after completing the act. If you reach –10 hit points, you immediately die.
Normal: A character without this feat who is reduced to between –1 and –9 hit points is unconscious and dying.
  DIEHARD Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.75, Comp 4.25, Rule 5.00)

DILIGENT [General]
You are good at studying things.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Appraise checks and Decipher Script checks.
  DILIGENT Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.95 (Purp 4.75, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

You can change shape into diminutive animals.
Prerequisite: Ability to wild shape into a Huge animal
Benefit: You can use wild shape to take the shape of a Diminutive animal.
Normal: Without this feat, a character cannot wild shape into an animal of smaller than Tiny size.
  DIMINUTIVE WILD SHAPE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.50 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 5.00)

DIRE CHARGE [Epic, Fighter]
You charge into combat with incredible ferocity.
Prerequisite: Improved Initiative
Benefit: If you charge a foe during the first round of combat (or the surprise round, if the you are allowed to act in it), you can make a full attack against the opponent charged.
Normal: Without this feat, a character may only make a single attack as part of a charge.
  DIRE CHARGE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.50 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

DISARM AND DENY [General, Fighter]
You can steal a weapon from your opponent.
Prerequisite: Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm
Benefit: When you succeed at an armed disarm attempt and have a free hand, you can catch your opponent’s weapon after they drop it as a free action. If you do not wish to catch the weapon, or if you do not have a free hand, you may knock the weapon up to 20’ instead of your opponent’s square. You may choose the square the weapon lands in, but there must be an unobstructed straight path to that square and the square must not be occupied.
Normal: You can snatch an opponent’s weapon using disarm but only if you performed the disarm attempt unarmed. A successful armed disarm drops the opponent’s weapon in their current space.
  DISARM AND DENY Copyright 2005, Sigfried Trent
  Balance: 3.20 (Purp 3.60, Pow 3.20, Port 3.00, Comp 3.20, Rule 3.00)

Through introspection, meditation and training you are able to learn additional psionic powers.
Benefit: You discover one additional psionic power of any level that you can manifest.
Special: You can choose this feat multiple times but may only learn one additional psionic power per power level.
  DISCOVER PSIONIC POWER Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.65 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.75, Port 4.50, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

You are naturally resistant to disease.
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on all Fortitude saves against disease.
  DISEASE RESISTANCE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

DISGUISE SPELL [Metamagic, Song]
You can disguise your spells in a performance.
Prerequisite: Bardic music class feature, Perform 12 ranks
Benefit: You have mastered the art of casting spells unobtrusively, mingling verbal and somatic components into its music and performances so that others rarely catch you in the act of casting a spell. Like a silent, stilled spell, a disguised spell can’t be identified through Spellcraft. Your performance is obvious to everyone in the vicinity, but the fact that you are casting a spell isn’t. Unless the spell visibly emanates from you or observers have some other means of determining its source, they don’t know where the effect came from. A disguised spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell’s actual level.
  DISGUISE SPELL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 3.75)

You are an expert at dispelling spells.
Benefit: You get a +3 bonus on dispel checks, and the maximum bonus for all your dispel checks is also increased by +3.
Notes: In addition to dispel magic and greater dispelling, this feat could also be of use when casting break enchantment or quench.
  DISPEL MASTERY Copyright 2001, Sébastien Adhikari
  Balance: 4.80 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.75, Port 5.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 5.00)

You are exceptionally good at distracting creatures.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +2
Benefit: Any creature that needs to make a Concentration check as a result of your action or attack does so with a -5 penalty.
  DISRUPTING ATTACK Copyright 2005, Sigfried Trent
  Balance: 3.80 (Purp 3.33, Pow 3.33, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.33)

You are able to focus your ki in order to strike an opponent at a distance.
Prerequisite: Ki Strike (lawful) class ability, Stunning Fist
Benefit: As a full round action that counts as one of your stunning fist uses per day, you can make a ranged touch attack at your highest unarmed attack bonus against any opponent within 30 ft. A successful attack roll inflicts force damage equal to your base unarmed strike damage, modified by your Wis bonus. Your strength bonus does not add to your attack or damage roll. This can be combined with all other special monk unarmed attacks normally except quivering palm. Distance Ki Strike is a supernatural ability and a failed ranged touch attack counts against the total number of times that you can use this ability per day.
  DISTANCE KI STRIKE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 3.50 (Purp 4.50, Pow 3.00, Port 3.50, Comp 3.00, Rule 3.50)

DISTANT SHOT [Epic, Fighter]
You can ignore range penalties.
Prerequisite: Dex 25, Far Shot, Point Blank Shot, Spot 20 ranks
Benefit: You may throw or fire a ranged weapon at any target within line of sight, with no penalty for range.
  DISTANT SHOT Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

You can channel energy to enhance your body or armor.
Prerequisite: Ability to turn or rebuke undead, Cha 13, Divine Might, Extra Turning
Benefit: By spending one of your turn or rebuke undead attempts, your armor or body gains a sacred (if you channel positive energy) or profane (if you channel negative energy) bonus to Armor Class equal to your charisma bonus for a number of rounds equal to your charisma bonus. When active, your armor or body glows with divine light (or a profane aura) in a radius of 5 feet. The bonus provided by Divine Armor is fully effective against incorporeal creatures.
  DIVINE ARMOR Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.55 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.75, Port 4.75, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.50)

You can channel energy to defend yourself against life draining attacks.
Prerequisite: Ability to turn or rebuke undead, Cha 13, Divine Ghost Armor, Extra Turning
Benefit: By spending one of your turn or rebuke undead attempts, you become immune to the ability draining and level draining attacks of the undead for a number of rounds equal to your charisma bonus.
  DIVINE ARMOR OF THE SOUL Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.90 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.75, Port 5.00, Comp 4.75, Rule 5.00)

You can use one of your granted powers one more time than normal each day.
Prerequisite: A domain with a granted power that has a limited number of uses per day
Benefit: Choose one of your granted powers usable a limited number of times per day. You can now use that granted power once more each day.
Special: This feat can be taken multiple times and the effects stack.
  DIVINE BOON Copyright 2002, Jerry M. Chaney II
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.33, Pow 3.67, Port 4.67, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.33)

When you channel to cure or inflict wounds, it affects everyone in an area.
Prerequisite: Ability to turn/rebuke undead, Extra Turning, Divine Touch
Benefit: When using Divine Touch or Divine Ray, the target and every creature within 10’ of the chosen target is affected. This ability uses 3 of your daily turn/rebuke attempts but remains a standard action.
  DIVINE BURST Copyright 2005, Carl Cramér, Sigfried Trent
  Balance: 3.60 (Purp 3.33, Pow 3.50, Port 3.67, Comp 3.67, Rule 3.83)

You may channel energy to protect yourself from ability or level draining attacks.
Prerequisite: Ability to turn or rebuke undead, Cha 13, Extra Turning, Divine Might
Benefit: By spending one of your turn or rebuke undead attempts you can negate one negative-energy based ability or level draining attack. Unlike other Divine feats, you can use Divine Deathward like a reaction (similar to a saving throw) without spending an action to channel the energy for the feat.
  DIVINE DEATHWARD Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 3.25)

You can negate magic through turning.
Prerequisite: Turn or Rebuke Undead ability, Extra Turning
Benefit: You can dispel or counter a magic spell by making a turning check as if turning an undead creature of the opposing spellcaster's level. You can only dispel spells with the 'evil' descriptor (if you turn undead) or the 'good' descriptor (if you rebuke undead). A spell that is dispelled as it is being cast has no effect whatsoever; otherwise, it ends as if its duration had run out. This power cannot affect spells immune to dispel magic. Each attempt to use Divine Dispel uses up one of your turn or rebuke attempts for the day, whether the attempt is successful or not.
Notes: If your religion is strongly opposed to law or chaos, your DM may allow you to channel energy against spells with the lawful or chaotic descriptor instead, and other types of Divine Dispel are certainly possible for certain religions.
  DIVINE DISPEL Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.08 (Purp 4.20, Pow 4.00, Port 4.20, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

DIVINE DOMINION [Special, Magical]
Add one additional domain to your divine casting repertoire
Prerequisite: Knowledge (Religion) 6 ranks, Any domain
Benefit: Select an additional domain from your deity's domain list. All spells within the new domain list are considered domain spells for you. You do not gain the domain powers granted; you only gain the ability to use the domain spells listed as domain spells for your character.
Special: This feat can be taken several times for different domains, although deities have a limited number of domains available to their worshippers.
  DIVINE DOMINION Copyright 2001, Bradley H. Bemis Jr.
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 3.40 (Purp 3.50, Pow 3.00, Port 3.50, Comp 4.00, Rule 3.00)

You can channel energy to deal additional damage against specific elemental creatures in melee combat.
Prerequisite: Ability to turn or destroy elemental creature, One of the Air, Earth, Fire or Water domains
Benefit: Spend one of your turn/destroy elemental attempts to add 2d6 points of elemental damage to all of your successful melee attacks against one type of elemental creature until the end of your next action. The type of elemental creature affected depends on your domain (Air domain inflicts extra damage against earth creatures, Earth domain against air creatures, Fire domain against water creatures and Water domain against fire creatures).
  DIVINE ELEMENTAL FURY Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 3.75, Pow 4.50, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.50)

You can channel energy to sheath your weapon with sacred or profane flame.
Prerequisite: Cha 13, Ability to turn or rebuke undead
Benefit: By spending one of your turn or rebuke undead attempts, you can sheath your weapon with sacred or profane flame for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma bonus. If you channel positive energy, your weapon is sheathed in white flames that inflict +1d6 points of sacred damage against evil opponent. If you channel negative energy, you weapon is sheathed in black flames that inflict +1d6 points of profane damage against good opponents instead. These flames do not give off heat or ignite flammable objects, though sacred flames give off light equal to a torch. The sacred or profane damage inflicted by Divine Flame is unaffected by protection from elements and similar spells and abilities.
  DIVINE FLAME Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.50)

Your psyche and devotion is a shield against harm.
Prerequisite: Divine Grace or Dark Blessing class ability, Extra Turning
Benefit: Spend one of you turn or rebuke undead attempts to double your Charisma bonus, but only as applied to saving throws through the Divine Grace or Dark Blessing class abilities. This modifier lasts for a number of rounds equal to your normal Charisma modifier.
  DIVINE FORCE OF PERSONALITY Copyright 2000, Michael J. Kletch
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.56 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.60, Port 4.60, Comp 4.60, Rule 5.00)

You can channel positive energy to ignore the damage reduction of undead opponents.
Prerequisite: Ability to turn undead, Cha 13, Extra Turning, Divine Vengeance
Benefit: By spending one of your turn undead attempts, you can ignore the damage reduction of all undead opponents for a number of rounds equal to your charisma modifier.
  DIVINE FURY Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.00, Port 4.50, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.25)

You can channel energy to enhance your armor against incorporeal attacks.
Prerequisite: Ability to turn or rebuke undead, Cha 13, Extra Turning
Benefit: This feat can only be used when wearing armor. By spending one turn or rebuke undead attempt, your armor gains the ghost touch special ability. This allows you to apply your armor bonus against incorporeal attacks. The duration of the ghost touch protection is limited to a number of rounds equal to your charisma bonus.
  DIVINE GHOST ARMOR Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.70 (Purp 4.75, Pow 5.00, Port 4.75, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

You can channel energy into your weapon, allowing it to effectively strike incorporeal creatures.
Prerequisite: Ability to turn or rebuke undead, Cha 13, Divine Might
Benefit: By spending one of your turn or rebuke undead attempts, your weapon can be used to attack incorporeal opponents as if it had the ghost touch power, negating an incorporeal creatures ability to ignore 50% of successful attacks from a corporeal source. Though you do not gain a bonus on attack or damage rolls with this feat, you can also negate the damage reduction of incorporeal or undead opponents as if wielding a +1 magic weapon. The bonuses provided by this feat last for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma bonus.
  DIVINE GHOST WEAPON Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.25)

Allows you to use 0-level divine spells.
Prerequisite: Wis 13, Knowledge (Religion) 1 rank
Benefit: Grants you the ability to understand up to your wisdom modifier's worth of clerical orisons (0-level divine cleric spells). Regardless of the number of orisons learned only one may be cast per day, and you must rest and memorise their cantrip as a cleric normally does. You must also choose a deity to worship, and if you act against the deity's wishes or philosophy you may have your request for orisons denied, just as a normal cleric.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times; however, no additional orisons can ever be learned (past the individual's wisdom modifier). Each additional time this feat is taken, the caster may prepare one additional orison per day. The total maximum number of orisons that can be cast in a single day (regardless of the number of times this feat is taken), is also limited to the caster’s wisdom modifier.
  DIVINE GIFT Copyright 2000, Bradley H. Bemis Jr.
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.04 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.80, Comp 3.80, Rule 2.60)

You can channel energy to strike your foe with a melee weapon as if making a touch attack.
Prerequisite: Cha 13, Str 13, Ability to turn or rebuke undead, Divine Might, Power Attack, Base attack bonus +3
Benefit: As a free action expend one of your turning attempts. You can then resolve your attack with a melee weapon as a touch attack. You must decide whether or not to use this feat prior to making an attack. If your attack misses, you still expend one of your turning attempts.
Notes: This is a modification of the Deep Impact psionic feat for use as a divine feat.
  DIVINE IMPACT Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry, Michael J. Kletch
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 3.70 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.25, Port 3.75, Comp 3.75, Rule 3.75)

You channel your faith into extra damage.
Prerequisite: Str 13, Turn or rebuke undead ability, Power Attack
Benefit: As a free action, spend one of your turn or rebuke undead attempts to add your Charisma bonus to your weapon damage for 1 full round.
  DIVINE MIGHT Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.15 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.25)

You can channel divine energy to cure or inflict wounds at range.
Prerequisite: Ability to turn/rebuke undead, Extra Turning, Divine Touch
Benefit: Your Divine Touch ability has a range of Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) and is delivered as a ranged touch attack.
  DIVINE RAY Copyright 2005, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 3.60 (Purp 3.50, Pow 3.50, Port 3.67, Comp 3.67, Rule 3.67)

You can channel energy to increase your sight and pierce illusions.
Prerequisite: Ability to turn or rebuke undead, Cha 13
Benefit: By spending one of your turn or rebuke undead attempts, you gain a +2 enhancement bonus on Spot and Search checks and a +2 sacred bonus on Will disbelief saves against illusion effects for a number of minutes equal to your charisma modifier.
  DIVINE SIGHT Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.15 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.25)

You channel divine energy to smite your deities’ foes.
Prerequisite: Wis 13, Base attack bonus +8, Ability to cast 3rd level divine spells, Extra Turning
Benefit: You take a standard action and expending both a turning attempt and divine spell of at least first level. After doing so you get both a +1 bonus to hit and a +1d6 bonus to damage per level of the spell sacrificed to your next attack using your deitie’s favored weapon against a foe of an opposed faction (see special). This damage is not multiplied by critical hits and is of a type appropriate to your deity (see special). If you miss the attack on which you get the to hit bonus the entire effect is lost.
Special: Opposed factions are creatures whose alignment or type is considered to be in opposition to one your deity’s domains or alignments. When taking this feat, the player should choose one appropriate trait from among the following; good, evil, lawful, chaotic, elemental (any other than that of the deity). They may use this feat only against enemies of that type. Damage type would be whatever is opposite of the enemy type chosen; unholy, holy, chaos, law, elemental type of deity, respectively.
Example: Brother Landen, priest of law takes Divine Strike (against Chaos). In combat he takes a standard action to activate Divine Strike and chooses to expend a third level spell he had memorized along with his turning attempt. Next round he charges forward and attacks a chaotic demon using his Gavel of Justice. He gets +3 bonus to hit on the attack and does an additional +3d6 law damage if he hits.
  DIVINE STRIKE Copyright 2005, Damon J Calhoun, Sigfried Trent
  Balance: 3.30 (Purp 3.75, Pow 3.50, Port 3.50, Comp 2.75, Rule 3.00)

You can channel divine energy to cure or inflict wounds.
Prerequisite: Ability to turn/rebuke undead, Extra Turning
Benefit: As one of your daily turn/rebuke attempts, you may take a standard action to channel energy into a living or undead creature as an armed touch attack. If you normally turn undead, you channel positive energy; healing living creatures and harming undead. If you normally rebuke undead, you channel negative energy; harming living creatures and healing undead. When using this feat you heal/harm for an amount equal to your Charisma bonus + one half your effective turning level. The target may make Will save (DC 10 + ½ your turning level + your Charisma bonus) to halve any damage inflicted.
  DIVINE TOUCH Copyright 2002, Rick Coen
  Balance: 3.73 (Purp 3.67, Pow 3.50, Port 4.00, Comp 3.50, Rule 4.00)

You channel your faith into an aura that damages the undead.
Prerequisite: Ability to turn undead, Extra Turning
Benefit: You can spend one of your turn undead attempts to add 2d6 points of sacred energy damage to all your successful melee attacks against undead until the end of your next action. This is a supernatural ability.
  DIVINE VENGEANCE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.50, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.25)

You can channel energy to provide an enhancement bonus to your weapon.
Prerequisite: Ability to turn or rebuke undead, Cha 13, Str 13, Power Attack, Divine Might, Base attack bonus +3
Benefit: Spend two of your turn or rebuke undead attempts to channel energy into your weapon, granting it a bonus on attack and damage rolls equal to your charisma bonus for a number of rounds equal to your charisma bonus.
  DIVINE WEAPON Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.75, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 3.75)

You are able to infuse your turn/rebuke attempts with sacred or profane energy, enabling you to deal additional damage to evil or good outsiders.
Prerequisite: Ability to turn or rebuke undead
Benefit: If you channel positive energy, you can spend one of your turn attempts to add 2d6 points of divine damage against evil outsiders on every successful melee attack until the end of your next action. If you channel negative energy, you inflict 2d6 points of profane damage against good outsiders instead.
  DIVINE WRATH Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.50 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.50, Port 4.50, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.25)

DODGE [General, Fighter]
You can better avoid a chosen opponent.
Prerequisite: Dex 13
Benefit: During your action, you designate an opponent and receive a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class against attacks from that opponent. You can select a new opponent on any action. A condition that makes you lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) also makes you lose dodge bonuses. Also, dodge bonuses stack with each other, unlike most other types of bonuses.
Special: A fighter may select Dodge as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  DODGE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.60 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.25, Port 5.00, Comp 3.75, Rule 5.00)

You can use your domain spell slots as regular clerical spell slots.
Prerequisite: Expanded Domains
Benefit: You can prepare general clerical spells in your domain spell slots. You can also spontaneously cast using spells in the domain slot.
  DOMAIN ADAPTABILITY Copyright 2004, Jason Spangler
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.80, Port 4.40, Comp 4.40, Rule 4.40)

Your domain spells are especially potent.
Benefit: Add +2 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells that appear on your domain spell list.
Special: This feat is virtually equivalent to (and does not stack with) Spell Focus for determining other feat and prestige class prerequisites.
  DOMAIN FOCUS Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.58 (Purp 4.30, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 4.30, Rule 4.30)

DOMAIN MASTERY [Special, Magical]
You can spontaneously cast domain spells.
Prerequisite: Expanded Domains, Ability to substitute other spells for cure/inflict spells, Knowledge (religion) 12 ranks
Benefit: When you take this feat you must chose one of your domains. You can spontaneously substitute your prepared cleric spells for any spell from the chosen domain of a lower level. Any spell cast in this way has its casting time increased to a full round action.
  DOMAIN MASTERY Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér, Eric D. Harry
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Comments: This feat was weakened because of the inclusion of Spontaneous Domain Casting (an epic feat) in the SRD.
  Balance: 4.65 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.75, Port 5.00, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.50)

You can safely step further in combat.
Prerequisite: Dex 15, Dodge, Mobility, Tumble 6 ranks, Jump 12 ranks
Benefit: When in light or no armor and encumbrance, you can do a 10 ft. step instead of the usual 5 ft. step and still do a full action without provoking attacks of opportunity.
  DOUBLE STEP Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 3.70 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.30, Port 3.60, Comp 4.60, Rule 3.00)

You fire two bullets as a single attack.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Point Blank Shot
Benefit: When using a semiautomatic firearm with at least two bullets loaded, you may fire two bullets as a single attack against a single target. You receive a –2 penalty on this attack, but deal +1 die of damage with a successful hit. Using this feat fires two bullets and can only be done if the weapon has at least two bullets in it.
  DOUBLE TAP Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.50 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.50, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

DOWN AND DIRTY STYLE [General, Fighter]
You are the master of the cheap shot against fallen foes.
Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes, Base attack bonus +2
Benefit: You may take an attack of opportunity against an opponent who falls or is dropped in your threatened area. This does not apply to opponents whom you have just tripped or knocked down.
Normal: Falling to prone or being dropped does not normally draw an attack of opportunity.
  DOWN AND DIRTY STYLE Copyright 2002, Rick Coen
  Balance: 3.90 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 3.50, Rule 4.00)

The blood of Dragons truly runs through your veins.
Benefit: You may treat the Sorcerer class as a favored class in addition to any other favored class that you gain by race.
Special: You can only take this feat at character creation.
  DRACONIC BLOODLINE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.25, Port 3.50, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.50)

You can wild shape into the form of a true dragon.
Prerequisite: Wis 30, Knowledge (nature) 30 ranks, Wild shape 6/day
Benefit: You may use wild shape to change into a dragon (black, blue, green, red, white, brass, bronze, copper, gold, or silver). The size limitation is the same as the your limitation on animal size. You gains all extraordinary and supernatural abilities of the dragon whose form you take.
  DRAGON WILD SHAPE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.50 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.75)

You are an expert at attacking from within a moving vehicle.
Benefit: You take no vehicle speed penalty when making an attack while in a moving vehicle. Also, if you are the driver, you can take your attack action to make an attack at any point along the vehicle’s movement.
Normal: When attacking from a moving vehicle, you take a penalty based on the vehicle’s speed. Passengers can ready an action to make an attack when their vehicle reaches a particular location, but the driver must make his or her attack action either before or after the vehicle’s movement.
  DRIVE-BY ATTACK Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.65 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.50, Port 4.50, Comp 4.50, Rule 5.00)

Allows anyone to use 0-level druidical spells.
Prerequisite: Wis 13, Knowledge (Nature) 1 rank
Benefit: Grants you the ability to understand up to your wisdom modifier's worth of 0-level druidical spells. Regardless of the number of spells learned only one may be cast per day, and you must rest and memorise your spell as a druid normally does. You are bound by all the strictures a normal druid is for your actions, and can have your requests for spells denied, just like a normal druid.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times; however, no additional spells can ever be learned (past the individual's wisdom modifier). Each additional time this feat is taken, the caster may prepare one additional spell per day. The total maximum number of orisons that can be cast in a single day (regardless of the number of times this feat i! s taken), is also limited to the caster's wisdom modifier.
  DRUIDICAL BLESSING Copyright 2005, Don McKinney
  Balance: 4.04 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.80, Comp 3.80, Rule 2.60)

You can interchange two types of energy for one another.
Benefit: When you learn this feat, select two spell energy designators from the list Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Sonic. With this feat, a spell of one of the two types you selected can have its type changed from one to the other. Any damage the spell causes of its usual energy type is now changed into the new element type. Effects other than elemental damage will not change. A Dual Element Spell uses up a spell slot of its normal level.
Example: Davoud is a wizard who learns this feat for fire and acid. He can opt to prepare his melf's acid arrow spell normally, or he can apply this feat to it, and change the designator from Acid to Fire. The spell damage will now ignore acid resistance and be subject to fire resistance. It will still cause (fire) damage over three rounds. Likewise, he can prepare a fireball as either a fire or an acid spell.
Notes: This feat includes the benefit of the Fire to Ice feat from previous editions of the Netbook of Feats. Although in the SRD the Energy Substitution feat can be used with spells to cause Sonic damage, newer publications have updated this feat to no longer allow this, presumably as very few creatures have resistance to Sonic damage compared to the other energy types. As such the DM may similarly restrict this feat, or alternatively may allow spells to produce sonic damage but with the damage reduced by one die-size. For example, using this feat on Fireball would allow you to do 1d4 Sonic damage per level (maximum 10d4) rather than 1d6 Fire damage per level (maximum 10d6).
  DUAL ENERGY SPELL Copyright 2002, Carl Cramér
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.34 (Purp 4.30, Pow 4.60, Port 4.60, Comp 3.60, Rule 4.60)

DUCKING SHOT [General, Fighter]
You are skilled at dodging while using your ranged weapon.
Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot, Dodge, Dex 13
Benefit: You get a +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against attacks of opportunities caused while making a ranged attack in an area threatened by your enemies.
Notes: A condition that makes you lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) also makes you lose dodge bonuses.
  DUCKING SHOT Copyright 2001, Albert Nakano
  Balance: 4.70 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.75, Port 5.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.75)

You can create magic items quickly.
Prerequisite: Item creation feat to be selected, Knowledge (arcana) 24 ranks, Spellcraft 24 ranks
Benefit: Select an item creation feat. Creating a magic item using that feat requires one day per 10,000 gp of the item’s market price, with a minimum of one day.
Normal: Without this feat, creating a magic item requires one day for each 1,000 gp of the item’s market price.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time a character takes the feat, it applies to a different item creation feat.
  EFFICIENT ITEM CREATION Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

You can cast a spell as a move action.
Benefit: Casting an efficient spell is a move action which provokes an attack of opportunity. A spell whose casting time is more than 1 full round action cannot be efficient. An efficient spell uses up a spell slot three levels higher than the spell’s actual level. You may cast only one quickened spell or efficient spell per round.
Special: This feat cannot be applied to any spell cast spontaneously (including sorcerer spells, bard spells, and cleric or druid spells cast spontaneously), since applying a metamagic feat to a spontaneously cast spell automatically increases the casting time to a full-round action.
  EFFICIENT SPELL Copyright 2005, Jonathan D. Woolley
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.17, Pow 4.17, Port 4.17, Comp 4.17, Rule 4.33)

Spells of your chosen element are infused with extra power.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast 2nd level arcane spells
Benefit: Choose either force or one of the energy descriptors (acid, cold, electricity, fire or sonic). When casting spells with your chosen descriptor you inflict +1 point of damage per die of damage inflicted.
  ELEMENTAL BOOST Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 3.72 (Purp 4.20, Pow 3.40, Port 3.40, Comp 3.80, Rule 3.80)

You manage to achieve more than anyone thought possible.
Benefit: Chose an ability when you take this feat. For the purposes of meeting the prerequisites of other feats, that ability score is considered to be 4 points higher or 13, whichever value is larger.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. Each time it applies to a different ability score.
  ELITE TRAINING Copyright 2002, Jerry M. Chaney II
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.00)

ELUSIVE TARGET [General, Fighter]
You use your opponents as a shield against snipers.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Defensive Arts
Benefit: When fighting an opponent or multiple opponents in melee, other opponents attempting to target you with ranged attacks take a –4 penalty. This penalty is in addition to the normal –4 penalty for firing into melee, making the penalty to target to character –8.
Special: An opponent with the Precise Shot feat has the penalty lessened to –4 when targeting you.
  ELUSIVE TARGET Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.50 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.50, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.75)

ELVEN ARCHERY [General, Fighter, Racial]
You are an expert in the art of elven archery.
Prerequisite: Elf or half-elf, Dex 13, Point Blank Shot, Base attack bonus +4
Benefit: When using any type of bow that you are proficient in, you can use your Dex modifier as a bonus to damage rolls against all opponents within 30 feet. This bonus does not stack with the damage bonus provided by a mighty bow and cannot be applied against a target immune to critical hits.
  ELVEN ARCHERY Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.15 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.00)

EMPOWER POWER [Metapsionic]
You can manifest powers to greater effect.
Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. You can empower a power. All variable, numeric effects of an empowered power are increased by one-half. An empowered power deals half again as much damage as normal, cures half again as many hit points, affects half again as many targets, and so forth, as appropriate. Augmented powers can also be empowered (multiply 1-1/2 times the damage total of the augmented power). Saving throws and opposed checks (such as the one you make when you manifest dispel psionics) are not affected, nor are powers without random variables. Using this feat increases the power point cost of the power by 2. The power’s total cost cannot exceed your manifester level.
  EMPOWER POWER Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.50)

You can channel more power into your Psychic Strike attacks.
Prerequisite: Psychic Strike class ability
Benefit: When using the Psychic Strike ability, you may roll d10s instead of d8s for determining the damage from Psychic Strike.
  EMPOWER PSYCHIC STRIKE Copyright 2002, Mark Koh
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 3.90 (Purp 3.50, Pow 4.17, Port 3.67, Comp 4.33, Rule 3.83)

You can cast more powerful spells.
Benefit: All variable, numeric effects of an empowered spell are increased by one-half. Saving throws and opposed rolls are not affected, nor are spells without random variables. An empowered spell uses up a spell slot two levels higher than the spell’s actual level.
  EMPOWER SPELL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.65 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.75, Port 4.75, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.75)

EMPOWER SPELL-LIKE ABILITY [Monster, Special, Magical]
Your powers are more powerful.
Prerequisite: Spell-like ability at caster level 6th
Benefit: Choose one of the creature’s spell-like abilities, subject to the restrictions below. The creature can use that ability as an empowered spell-like ability three times per day (or less, if the ability is normally usable only once or twice per day). When a creature uses an empowered spell-like ability, all variable, numeric effects of the spell-like ability are increased by one half. Saving throws and opposed rolls are not affected. Spell-like abilities without random variables are not affected. The creature can only select a spell-like ability duplicating a spell with a level less than or equal to half its caster level (round down) –2. For a summary, see the table below.
Special: This feat can be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken, the creature can apply it to a different one of its spell-like abilities.
Empower Spell-Like Ability
Spell Level Caster Level to Empower
0 4
1 6
2 8
3 10
4 12
5 14
6 16
7 18
8 20
9 -

  EMPOWER SPELL-LIKE ABILITY Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.50)

ENABLE CRITICALS [General, Fighter]
You have learned to score critical hits on unusual creature types.
Benefit: Choose one type of creature that is normally immune to critical hits (construct, elemental, ooze, plant, undead). You can score critical hits against that type of creature, despite that this is not generally allowed.
Special: If you choose constructs, you can also score critical hits against inanimate objects. If you choose undead and are using an attack that does not suffer a miss chance against incorporeal opponents (like a ghost touch weapon), you can score critical hits against incorporeal undead.
Notes: This also allows you to use abilities and actions that only work against creatures subject to critical hits, such as Coup de Grace, Sneak Attack and the ranger's Favored Enemy damage bonus. A construct, object, or undead need never make a Fortitude save to survive a coup-de-grace.
  ENABLE CRITICALS Copyright 2003, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.28 (Purp 4.80, Pow 3.60, Port 4.40, Comp 4.60, Rule 4.00)

You have shown yourself to be an ally of all nature's creatures; they, in turn, will respond to your call.
Prerequisite: Animal Companion ability
Benefit: You may select a magical beast or vermin as an animal companion. The level modifier depends on the creature's challenge rating. Creatures with a challenge rating of one or less have no modifier; other creatures use twice their challenge rating minus one, rounded to the closest multiple of three levels. So creatures with a Challenge Rating of 1 have no modifier, CR 2: level -3, CR 4: level -6, CR 5: level -9, CR 6-7: level -12, CR 8: level -15, etc.
  ENCHANTED ANIMAL COMPANION Copyright 2002, Rick Coen
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Comments: This feat was originally known as Improved Animal Friendship. Due to changes between edition 3.0 and 3.5 the mechanics of this feat have been substantially altered, although the spirit of the feat remains the same.
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.75, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.25)

You have great endurance.
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on the following checks and saves: Swim checks made to resist nonlethal damage, Constitution checks made to continue running, Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from a forced march, Constitution checks made to hold your breath, Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from starvation or thirst, Fortitude saves made to avoid nonlethal damage from hot or cold environments, and Fortitude saves made to resist damage from suffocation. Also, you may sleep in light or medium armor without becoming fatigued.
Normal: A character without this feat who sleeps in medium or heavier armor is automatically fatigued the next day.
Special: A ranger automatically gains Endurance as a bonus feat at 3rd level. He need not select it.
  ENDURANCE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.25, Port 5.00, Comp 4.75, Rule 5.00)

You can resist the effects of a chosen element.
Benefit: Choose a type of energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic). You gains resistance 10 to that type of energy, or the your existing resistance to that type of energy increases by 10. This feat does not stack with energy resistance granted by magic items or nonpermanent magical effects.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. If the same type of energy is chosen, the effects stack.
  ENERGY RESISTANCE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

You can change the type of damage done by a spell.
Prerequisite: Any other metamagic feat, Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks
Benefit: You choose one type of energy: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. When employing a spell with the acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic designator, you can modify the spell to use your chosen type of energy instead. The altered spell uses a spell slot of the spell’s normal level. The altered spell works normally in all respects except the type of damage dealt.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time the feat applies to a different type of energy.
  ENERGY SUBSTITUTION Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.50, Comp 3.25, Rule 4.50)

You can improve your psicrystal.
Prerequisite: Psicrystal Affinity
Benefit: Your psicrystal gains one additional ability chosen from the Psicrystal Special Abilities table. Your choice of powers is not limited by your level.
Special: You can choose this feat multiple times, each time incorporating a new ability into your psicrystal.
  ENHANCE PSICRYSTAL Copyright 2004, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.25, Port 3.75, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.25)

ENHANCE SPELL [Epic, Metamagic]
You can modify the upper limits of a spells damage.
Prerequisite: Maximize Spell
Benefit: The damage cap for your spells increases by 10 dice (for spells that deal a number of dice of damage equal to caster level) or by 5 dice (for spells that deal a number of dice of damage equal to half caster level). An enhanced spell uses up a spell slot four levels higher than the spell’s actual level. This feat has no effect on spells that don’t specifically deal a number of dice of damage equal to the caster’s level or half level, even if the spell’s effect is largely dictated by the caster’s level.
Normal: Without this feat, use the damage dice caps indicated in the spell’s description.
Special: A character may gain this feat multiple times. Each time he or she selects this feat, the damage cap increases by 10 dice or 5 dice, as appropriate to the spell, and the enhanced spell takes up a spell slot an additional four levels higher.
  ENHANCE SPELL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The Netbook of Feats team agree that the requirement for the spell to take up a slot four levels higher is ludicrous, and especially as this is an epic metamagic feat it should not alter the spell slot level at all. After all, this feat does not make a spell any more powerful; it just moves the (what some people may call artificial) damage cap a bit higher.
  Balance: 3.95 (Purp 4.50, Pow 3.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.25)

Your animal companions are energized by your presence.
Prerequisite: Handle Animal 1 rank
Benefit: Because you form a special bond with your animal companions, they benefit from a +2 Dodge bonus to Armor Class when they are within 60 feet of you.
Special: The effects of this feat apply to mounts, familiars, pets, herd animals and the like.
  Balance: 3.90 (Purp 3.50, Pow 3.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.25)

You have mastered your unique heritage, gaining an extraordinary affinity for arcane magic.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast arcane spells without preparation, Draconic Bloodline
Benefit: If you have class levels in Bard, Sorcerer or another class that can cast arcane spells without preparation, you are able to learn bonus spells based on your Charisma attribute, as per the Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells from the SRD. However, these spells are added to your number of spells known; this feat does not increase the number of spells that you can cast per day.
Normal: Bards and Sorcerers are normally fixed in their number of spells known per level.
Special: The bonus spells provided by this feat cannot be combined with the bonus spells provided by any other feat (based on ability score) other than Cantrip.
  ENHANCED DRACONIC BLOODLINE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 3.65 (Purp 3.75, Pow 3.50, Port 3.50, Comp 4.25, Rule 3.25)

Your racial psi-like abilities have more effect than normal for your race.
Prerequisite: Cha 13, racial psi-like abilities
Benefit: Your manifester level for your psi-like abilities increases by two, but no higher than your character level.
  ENHANCED PSI-LIKE ABILITIES Copyright 2005, Jason D. Kemp
  Balance: 3.88 (Purp 3.60, Pow 4.20, Port 3.40, Comp 4.20, Rule 4.00)

Your racial scent abilities work more effectively than others of your race.
Prerequisite: Wis 13, racial scent ability
Benefit: The range of your scent ability is increased by 30 feet. This means upwind detection increases by 60 feet, and downwind detection increases by 15 feet.
  ENHANCED SCENT Copyright 2005, Jason D. Kemp
  Balance: 4.08 (Purp 4.20, Pow 3.80, Port 4.00, Comp 4.20, Rule 4.20)

Your racial spell-like abilities have more effect than normal for your race.
Prerequisite: Cha 13, racial spell-like abilities
Benefit: Your caster level for your spell-like abilities increases by two, but no higher than your character level.
  ENHANCED SPELL-LIKE ABILITIES Copyright 2005, Jason D. Kemp
  Balance: 3.88 (Purp 3.60, Pow 4.20, Port 3.40, Comp 4.20, Rule 4.00)

You are blessed by your god to destroy undead, wherever they lie.
Prerequisite: Cha 13, Extra Turning
Benefit: You deal an additional 1d6 turning damage on a successful turn/rebuke attempt.
Normal: Without his feat, a cleric rolls 2d6 + cleric level + Charisma modifier when determining turning damage.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times.
  ENHANCED TURNING Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 4.53 (Purp 4.33, Pow 4.33, Port 4.67, Comp 4.67, Rule 4.67)

The creature's breath weapon has a longer range than normal.
Prerequisite: Innate Breath Weapon
Benefit: Double the range of the creature's breath weapon, unless it is cone-shaped, in which case increase the range of its breath weapon by 50% instead.
  ENLARGE BREATH WEAPON Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.50, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.50)

ENLARGE POWER [Metapsionic]
You can manifest powers farther than normal.
Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. You can alter a power with a range of close, medium, or long to increase its range by 100%. An enlarged power with a range of close has a range of 50 feet + 5 feet per level, a medium-range power has a range of 200 feet + 20 feet per level, and a long-range power has a range of 800 feet + 80 feet per level. Powers whose ranges are not defined by distance, as well as powers whose ranges are not close, medium, or long, are not affected. Using this feat does not increase the power point cost of the power.
  ENLARGE POWER Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The Netbook of Feats team feels that a power cost increase of one point would be more in keeping with the power level of a feat.
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.25)

You can increase the area of a spell.
Benefit: You can alter a spell with a range of close, medium, or long to increase its range by 100%. An enlarged spell with a range of close now has a range of 50 ft. + 5 ft./level, while medium-range spells have a range of 200 ft. + 20 ft./level and long-range spells have a range of 800 ft. + 80 ft./level. An enlarged spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell’s actual level. Spells whose ranges are not defined by distance, as well as spells whose ranges are not close, medium, or long, do not have increased ranges.
  ENLARGE SPELL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.50 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.25, Port 4.75, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.25)

ENLARGE WALL [Metamagic]
You can cast larger wall spells.
Benefit: You can alter a wall spell to increase its area. Any and all numeric measurements of the spell's area increase by 100%. An Enlarge Wall spell uses up a spell slot two levels higher than the spell's actual level.
  ENLARGE WALL Copyright 2005, David Sanders
  Balance: 4.53 (Purp 4.33, Pow 4.33, Port 4.67, Comp 4.67, Rule 4.67)

EPIC DODGE [Epic, Stealth]
You can avoid any one blow from an opponent.
Prerequisite: Dex 25, Dodge, Tumble 30 ranks, Improved evasion, Defensive roll class feature
Benefit: Once per round, when struck by an attack from an opponent you have designated as the object of your dodge, you may automatically avoid all damage from the attack.
  EPIC DODGE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 3.95 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 3.75)

You manage to achieve more than even the gods thought possible.
Benefit: Choose an ability when you take this feat. For the purposes of meeting the prerequisites of other feats, that ability score is considered to be 10 points higher or 21, whichever value is larger.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. Each time it applies to a different ability score.
  EPIC ELITE TRAINING Copyright 2005, Jason D. Kemp
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 3.75, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.00)

Your endurance is legendary.
Prerequisite: Con 25, Endurance
Benefit: Whenever you make a check for performing a physical action that extends over a period of time, you gets a +10 bonus on the check.
  EPIC ENDURANCE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The Netbook of Feats team agree that this is especially weak for an epic feat, although it would be suitable for a normal feat.
  Balance: 3.75 (Purp 3.75, Pow 2.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

You learn another power.
Prerequisite: Character level 21st, Ability to manifest powers of the normal maximum power level in at least one psionic class
Benefit: You learn one additional power at any level up to the highest level of power you can manifest. You can choose any power, even one that is part of another discipline’s list or another class’s list.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time, you learn one new power at any level up to the highest level of power you can manifest.
  EPIC EXPANDED KNOWLEDGE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

You are amazingly tough and resilient.
Benefit: You gains a +4 bonus on all Fortitude saving throws.
  EPIC FORTITUDE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.50 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

Your music inspires people to great deeds.
Prerequisite: Cha 25, Perform 30 ranks, Bardic music class feature
Benefit: All competence bonuses, dodge bonuses, and morale bonuses granted by your bardic music ability increase by +1. If you have the inspire greatness bardic music ability, it grants one additional bonus HD.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.
  EPIC INSPIRATION Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.50 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.75)

Great people flock to your banner.
Prerequisite: Cha 25, Leadership, Leadership Score 25
Benefit: You attracts a cohort and followers as shown below on Table: Epic Leadership. In all other ways Epic Leadership functions as the Leadership feat.
Normal: The Leadership feat provides no benefit for leadership scores beyond 25.

Table - Epic Leadership
Leadership Score Cohort Level
Number of Followers by Level
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 7th 8th 9th 10th
25 17th 135 13 7 4 2 2 1 - -
26 18th 160 16 8 4 2 2 1 - -
27 18th 190 19 10 5 3 2 1 - -
28 19th 220 22 11 6 3 2 1 - -
29 19th 260 26 13 7 4 2 1 - -
30 20th 300 30 15 8 4 2 1 - -
31 20th 350 35 18 9 5 3 2 1 -
32 21st 400 40 20 10 5 3 2 1 -
33 21st 460 46 23 12 6 3 2 1 -
34 22nd 520 52 26 13 6 3 2 1 -
35 22nd 590 59 30 15 8 4 2 1 -
36 23rd 660 66 33 17 9 5 3 2 1
37 23rd 740 74 37 19 10 5 3 2 1
38 24th 820 82 41 21 11 6 3 2 1
39 24th 910 91 46 23 12 6 3 2 1
40 25th 1000 100 50 25 13 7 4 2 1
Per +1 +1 +100** +1/2*
Leadership Score - You Leadership score equals your level plus any Charisma modifier. Outside factors can affect your Leadership score, as detailed in the Leadership feat.
Cohort Level - You can attract a cohort of up to this level. Regardless of your Ladership score, you can’t recruit a cohort of your level or higher.
Number of Followers by Level - You can lead up to the indicated number of characters of each level.
*The maximum cohort level increases by 1 for every 2 points of Leadership above 40. **The number of 1st-level followers increases by 100 for every point of Leadership above 40.
†YTou can command one-tenth as many 2nd-level followers as 1st-level followers. You can command one-half as many 3rd-level followers as 2nd-level followers, one-half as many 4th-level followers as 3rd-level followers, and so on (round fractions up, except any fraction less than 1 rounds to 0). You can’t have a follower of higher than 20th level.

Table - Example Special Epic Cohorts presents some creatures that make good cohorts for epic characters.
Creature Alignment Level Equivalent
Angel, astral deva Any good 20nd
Dragon, ancient silver Lawful good 42nd
Couatl Lawful good 16th
Giant, cloud Neutral good 24th
Ghaele Chaotic good 20st
Giant, storm Chaotic good 28th
Dragon, wyrm brass Chaotic good 42th
Dragon turtle Neutral 21st
Hydra, 12-headed Neutral 19th
Roc Neutral 23rd
Dragon, ancient green Lawful evil 40th
Devil, ice (gelugon) Lawful evil 21st
Giant, cloud Neutral evil 24th
Demon, glabrezu Chaotic evil 23rd
Demon, succubus Chaotic evil 12th
Dragon, wyrm white Chaotic evil 41th

  EPIC LEADERSHIP Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 3.50, Rule 4.50)

Your combat skill is legendary.
Benefit: Gain a +1 bonus on all attacks.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.
  EPIC PROWESS Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

You can expend your psionic focus to greater effect.
Prerequisite: Character level 21st, Ability to manifest powers of the normal maximum power level in at least one psionic class
Benefit: When you expend your psionic focus, you can simultaneously use two feats that require a psionic focus to be expended, instead of just one. The feats must be stackable. You must still spend the requisite power points required to use each metapsionic feat, and you cannot exceed the power point limit set by your manifester level.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you do so, you can simultaneously use one additional feat that requires a psionic focus to be expended.
  EPIC PSIONIC FOCUS Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.75)

Your incredible reflexes are legendary.
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on all Reflex saving throws.
  EPIC REFLEXES Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.50 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

There are few who have not heard of your greatness.
Benefit: Yoi gain a +4 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks.
  EPIC REPUTATION Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.75)

You have truly mastered a given skill.
Prerequisite: 20 ranks in the skill selected
Benefit: You gain a +10 bonus on all skill checks with that skill.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time a character takes the feat, it applies to a different skill.
  EPIC SKILL FOCUS Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.50)

You can move like the wind.
Prerequisite: Dex 21, Run
Benefit: Your speed increases by 30 feet. This benefit does not stack with increased speed granted by magic items or nonpermanent magical effects.
Special: This feat only functions when the character is wearing medium armor, light armor, or no armor.
  EPIC SPEED Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

EPIC SPELL FOCUS [Epic, Magical]
Your spells are very difficult to resist.
Prerequisite: Greater Spell Focus In The School Selected, Ability to cast at least one 9th-level spell of the school to be chosen, Spell Focus In The School Selected
Benefit: Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells from the school of magic you choose to focus on. This stacks with the bonuses from Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time the character takes the feat, it applies to a different school of magic.
  EPIC SPELL FOCUS Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The Netbook of Feats team feel that as an epic feat this is too weak, especially as saving throws continue to increase with epic levels. We feel that it should either give at least +2 to the DC of spells, or alternatively be stackable.
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.25)

Your spells can penetrate more powerful defenses.
Prerequisite: Greater Spell Penetration, Spell Penetration
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on caster level checks to beat a creature’s spell resistance. This stacks with the bonuses from Spell Penetration and Greater Spell Penetration.
  EPIC SPELL PENETRATION Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.75, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.25)

You can create and use spells of epic proportions.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast 9th-level divine spells OR Spellcraft 24 ranks
Benefit: You may develop and cast epic spells. If you are an arcane spellcaster, you may cast a number of epic spells per day equal to your ranks in Knowledge (arcana) divided by 10. If you are a divine spellcaster, you may cast a number of epic spells per day equal to you ranks in Knowledge (religion) or Knowledge (nature) divided by 10.
Special: If the character meets more than one set of prerequisites, the limit on the number of spells he or she may cast per day is cumulative.
  EPIC SPELLCASTING Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.25, Port 3.75, Comp 3.50, Rule 4.50)

Your toughness is legendary.
Benefit: You gain +30 hit points.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.
  EPIC TOUGHNESS Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.50)

You know a weapon like you know yourself.
Prerequisite: Weapon Focus In The Chosen Weapon
Benefit: Add a +2 bonus to all attack rolls you make using the selected weapon.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time the character takes the feat it applies to a different type of weapon.
  EPIC WEAPON FOCUS Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.50 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 5.00)

You have truly mastered a weapons use.
Prerequisite: Epic Weapon Focus, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization (all In The Chosen Weapon)
Benefit: Add +4 to all damage you deal using the selected weapon. If the weapon is a ranged weapon, the damage bonus only applies if the target is within 30 feet.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time the character takes the feat, it applies to a different type of weapon.
  EPIC WEAPON SPECIALIZATION Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 5.00)

Your strength of will is legendary.
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on all Will saving throws.
  EPIC WILL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.50 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

ESCHEW DIVINE FOCUS [General, Magical]
Your faith in your god allows you forgo the use of your holy symbol.
Prerequisite: Extra Turning
Benefit: You can cast any spell requiring a divine focus without a divine focus. In addition a divine focus is not necessary for any other power that would normally require a divine focus (e.g. Turn or Rebuke Undead).
Notes: This is particularly useful when a cleric is masquerading as a cleric of another deity.
  ESCHEW DIVINE FOCUS Copyright 2002, Scott Metzger
  Balance: 4.16 (Purp 3.80, Pow 4.00, Port 3.80, Comp 4.80, Rule 4.40)

ESCHEW MATERIALS [General, Magical]
You do not need minor material components to cast spells.
Benefit: You can cast any spell that has a material component costing 1 gp or less without needing that component. (The casting of the spell still provokes attacks of opportunity as normal.) If the spell requires a material component that costs more than 1 gp, you must have the material component at hand to cast the spell, just as normal.
  ESCHEW MATERIALS Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.70 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.75, Comp 4.75, Rule 5.00)

You prepare a defense against the unknown.
Prerequisite: Extend Power
Benefit: You may manifest a psionic defense (limited to the powers empty mind, intellect fortress, mental barrier, thought shield or tower of iron will) that will remain active until you are attacked psionically or until one day passes. If you are caught flat-footed, stunned or otherwise unable to react against a psionic attack, the power prepared with Ever-Ready Shield will be used against that attack. If you are able to act, you may manifest any psionic power normally without losing the Ever-Ready Shield. Using this feat increases the power point cost of the power by 3. You must know the psionic power in question in order to manifest it.
Normal: Manifesting empty mind, intellect fortress, mental barrier, thought shield or tower of iron will requires an immediate action. Immediate actions cannot be taken when surprised or caught flat-footed.
  EVER-READY SHIELD Copyright 2001, Michael J. Kletch, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.75, Port 4.50, Comp 3.50, Rule 4.50)

You can deflect nearly any ranged attack.
Prerequisite: Dex 21, Wis 19, Deflect Arrows, Improved Unarmed Strike
Benefit: You can deflect any ranged attacks (including spells that require ranged touch attacks) as if they were arrows.
  EXCEPTIONAL DEFLECTION Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.50)

You have experience with some very unusual weapons.
Prerequisite: Personal Firearms Proficiency, Advanced Firearms Proficiency
Benefit: Choose a weapon type from the following list: cannons, heavy machine guns, grenade launchers, and rocket launchers. You make attack rolls with the chosen weapon normally.
Normal: When you use a weapon without being proficient with it you take a –4 penalty on attack rolls.
Special: You can take this feat as many as four times. Each time you take the feat, you selects a different weapon group.
  EXOTIC FIREARMS PROFICIENCY Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.55 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.50, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.75)

Choose a type of exotic weapon. You understand how to use that type of exotic weapon in combat.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1 (plus Str 13 for bastard sword or dwarven waraxe)
Benefit: You make attack rolls with the weapon normally.
Normal: A character who uses a weapon with which he or she is not proficient takes a –4 penalty on attack rolls.
Special: You can gain Exotic Weapon Proficiency multiple times. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of exotic weapon. Proficiency with the bastard sword or the dwarven waraxe has an additional prerequisite of Str 13. A fighter may select Exotic Weapon Proficiency as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  EXOTIC WEAPON PROFICIENCY Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.70 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.75, Port 4.50, Comp 5.00, Rule 4.75)

EXPAND SPELL [Metamagic]
You can cast spells with a larger area of effect.
Benefit: An Expanded spell has its area increased by +5 ft in all dimensions. This feat does not affect spells without an area of effect stated in spatial terms. If the spell specifies a number of targets, that number is not affected. An Expanded spell takes up a spell slot one level higher than the spell's actual level.
Example: Burning Hands (1st level) affects anyone in a 15 ft long cone, starting at the caster, so an Expanded Burning Hands (2nd level) affects anyone in a 20 ft long cone. A normal Fireball has a 20-ft radius spread, and hence a 40-ft diameter, so an Expanded Fireball has a 45-ft diameter spread.
  EXPAND SPELL Copyright 2001, Rebecca Glenn
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.42 (Purp 4.60, Pow 4.00, Port 4.60, Comp 4.30, Rule 4.60)

EXPANDED DOMAINS [Special, Magical]
You can memorize domain-specific spells as if they were general cleric spells.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast clerical spells, Any domain
Benefit: You can prepare domain spells from all of your chosen domains in your clerical spell slots. You may still only prepare domain spells in your domain spell slots.
Notes: If you wish, you can still substitute domain spells memorized in regular spell slots for cure or inflict spells via spontaneous casting.
  EXPANDED DOMAINS Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér, Curtis Bennett
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 5.00 (Purp 5.00, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

You learn another power.
Prerequisite: Manifester level 3rd
Benefit: Add to your powers known one additional power of any level up to one level lower than the highest-level power you can manifest. You can choose any power, including powers from another discipline’s list or even from another class’s list.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time, you learn one new power at any level up to one less than the highest-level power you can manifest.
  EXPANDED KNOWLEDGE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.00)

Experience has taught you a few lessons about staying alive.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to your Fortitude, Reflex, and Willpower saves.
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.50, Port 4.50, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

EXPERT AIM [General, Fighter]
You may attack with exacting precision, resulting in extra damage.
Prerequisite: Precise Shot, Base attack bonus +6
Benefit: If you take the Full Attack action when using a device missile weapon (e.g. bow, crossbow), you may choose to make a single attack with a range of 30 ft. or less using your Expert Aim. While you normally apply your Dexterity bonus only to attack, in this case you also apply your Dexterity bonus to damage. This feat is ineffective against creatures that are not subject to critical hits (e.g. constructs, elementals, oozes, plants and undead).
Normal: Your dexterity bonus applies only to your attack roll.
  EXPERT AIM Copyright 2000, Michael J. Kletch
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.50, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

You can use a healing kit to heal damage.
Prerequisite: Heal 6 ranks
Benefit: You may treat recent injuries received by living, corporeal creatures, by expending one use of a Healer’s Kit and taking one minute (10 rounds) to treat the creature. The DC for this action is 20, and if successful heals 1d4 points of damage. You may heal an additional 1d4 for each 10 points by which you exceeded the target number on your skill check. You may not heal more damage than the target has taken in the last ten minutes. You may not attempt to use this action on a given target more than once in any ten-minute period.
Notes: A full Healer’s Kit contains 10 uses.
  EXPERT HEALING Copyright 2001, Bradley H. Bemis Jr.
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 3.60 (Purp 3.83, Pow 3.67, Port 3.67, Comp 3.33, Rule 3.50)

EXTEND POWER [Metapsionic]
You can manifest powers that last longer than normal.
Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. You can manifest an extended power. An extended power lasts twice as long as normal. A power with a duration of concentration, instantaneous, or permanent is not affected by this feat. Using this feat increases the power point cost of the power by 2. The power’s total cost cannot exceed your manifester level.
  EXTEND POWER Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

EXTEND SPELL [Metamagic]
You can extend the duration of your spells.
Benefit: An extended spell lasts twice as long as normal. A spell with a duration of concentration, instantaneous, or permanent is not affected by this feat. An extended spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell’s actual level.
  EXTEND SPELL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.85 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.50, Port 5.00, Comp 4.75, Rule 5.00)

You gain the use of the spells of one domain.
Prerequisite: Spellcasting level 1st
Benefit: With this feat, you get to add the spells of one clerical domain to the spell list of one of your classes, regardless of your spellcasting class. You cast these spells as if they were normal spells of your spellcaster class. The new spells become arcane spells if you have an arcane spellcaster class but in this case you must still learn the spells in the normal manner; this feat only adds them to your spell list. If the domain power of the domain you picked is a spell-like ability, you get this spell added to your spell lists, as well. Examples include speak with animals of the animal domain and freedom of movement of the travel domain.
Special: A Wizard must always research these spells from scratch, using the standard game rules. As a divine spellcaster, you cannot learn domains inappropriate to the powers you serve. You can learn this feat multiple times. Each time you learn it you can choose to add the knowledge of the spells of one additional domain to one of your spellcasting classes. This can be a domain you already know if you are adding it to a different spellcasting class.
Notes: Use this feat with caution: it fits in open-ended campaigns, where characters are allowed to step outside the usual class limitations. It lets Sorcerers and Wizards learn healing spells.
  EXTEND SPELL LIST Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 3.28 (Purp 3.60, Pow 3.00, Port 2.80, Comp 3.80, Rule 3.20)

You are able to maintain your burst ability for longer than others of your race.
Prerequisite: Cha 15, burst racial ability
Benefit: The duration of your burst ability is extended by three more rounds.
Normal: Races such as the xeph receive the supernatural Burst ability, which grants the following: Three times per day, a xeph can put on a burst of speed to increase her speed by 10 feet, plus 10 feet per four character levels beyond 1st, to a maximum increase of 30 feet at 9th character level and higher. These bursts of speed are considered a competence bonus to the xeph’s base speed. A burst of speed lasts 3 rounds.
  EXTENDED BURST Copyright 2005, Jason D. Kemp
  Balance: 3.90 (Purp 3.25, Pow 4.25, Port 3.00, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.25)

You have mastered the secrets of a long life.
Benefit: Add one-half the maximum result of you race’s maximum age modifier to you normal middle age, old, and venerable age categories. Calculate you maximum age using the new venerable number. This feat can’t lower you current age category.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.
  EXTENDED LIFE SPAN Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 3.95 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.75, Port 4.00, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.25)

You are able to maintain your outburst ability for longer than others of your race.
Prerequisite: Cha 15, Outburst racial ability
Benefit: The duration of your outburst ability is extended by four more rounds.
Normal: Races such as the maenad receive the extraordinary ability Outburst, which grants the following: Once per day, for up to 4 rounds, you can subjugate your mentality to gain a boost of raw physical power. When you do so, you take a -2 penalty to Intelligence and Wisdom but gain a +2 bonus to Strength.
  EXTENDED OUTBURST Copyright 2005, Jason D. Kemp
  Balance: 3.90 (Purp 3.25, Pow 4.25, Port 3.00, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.25)

You are able to perform your burst racial ability more than three times per day.
Prerequisite: Cha 13, burst racial ability
Benefit: You can use your burst ability two more times per day.
Normal: Races such as the xeph receive the supernatural Burst ability, which grants the following: Three times per day, a xeph can put on a burst of speed to increase her speed by 10 feet, plus 10 feet per four character levels beyond 1st, to a maximum increase of 30 feet at 9th character level and higher. These bursts of speed are considered a competence bonus to the xeph’s base speed. A burst of speed lasts 3 rounds.
Special: This feat can be taken more than once, each time allowing you to use your burst ability two more times per day.
  EXTRA BURST Copyright 2005, Jason D. Kemp
  Balance: 3.90 (Purp 3.25, Pow 4.25, Port 3.00, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.25)

You can acquire more than one familiar
Prerequisite: Already have a familiar
Benefit: Each time you take this feat, the number of familiars you are allowed increases by one.
Special: This feat can be taken multiple times. Each time you take it, increase the number of familiars you are allowed by one. For every familiar lost, beyond the first, within the same year-and-a-day time frame, increase the Fort DC by 2 and double the XP loss.
  EXTRA FAMILIAR Copyright 2001, Paul W. King
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.00)

EXTRA MUSIC [Special, Song]
You can use your bardic music more often.
Prerequisite: Bardic music class feature
Benefit: You can use your bardic music four extra times per day.
Normal: Bards without the Extra Music feat can use bardic music once per day per level.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times, adding another four uses of bardic music each time.
  EXTRA MUSIC Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: Interestingly this is an exact copy of William Setzer's Extra Bardic Music feat from previous editions of the Netbook of Feats.
  Balance: 4.55 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.25, Port 4.50, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.75)

You are able to perform your outburst racial ability more than once per day.
Prerequisite: Cha 13, Outburst racial ability
Benefit: You can use your outburst ability two more times per day.
Normal: Races such as the maenad receive the extraordinary ability Outburst, which grants the following: Once per day, for up to 4 rounds, you can subjugate your mentality to gain a boost of raw physical power. When you do so, you take a -2 penalty to Intelligence and Wisdom but gain a +2 bonus to Strength.
Special: This feat can be taken more than once, each time allowing you to use your outburst ability two more times per day.
  EXTRA OUTBURST Copyright 2005, Jason D. Kemp
  Balance: 3.85 (Purp 3.25, Pow 4.25, Port 3.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.25)

The creature can use one of its supernatural or spell-like abilities more often.
Prerequisite: Innate supernatural or spell-like ability
Benefit: Choose one innate supernatural or spell-like ability that the creature can use one or more times per day. The creature can now use this ability one more time per day.
Special: This feat can be taken multiple times and will stack with itself. Each additional time that this feat is taken you can apply it to the same innate supernatural or spell-like ability or to one of your other innate supernatural or spell-like abilities. This feat cannot be used with class-based spell-like abilities, like the druid's wild shape or paladin's ability to cure disease.
  EXTRA PRIMEVAL ABILITY Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.75 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.75, Port 4.75, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

Your rage is legendary and fearsome to behold.
Prerequisite: Rage, Base attack bonus +2
Benefit: You can rage one more time per day.
Special: This feat can be taken more than once, each time allowing you to enter a fit of rage one more time per day.
  EXTRA RAGE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.55 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.25, Port 4.75, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

You can turn the undead more often.
Prerequisite: Ability to turn or rebuke creatures
Benefit: Each time you take this feat, you can use your ability to turn or rebuke creatures four more times per day than normal. If you have the ability to turn or rebuke more than one kind of creature each of your turning or rebuking abilities gains four additional uses per day.
Normal: Without this feat, a character can typically turn or rebuke undead (or other creatures) a number of times per day equal to 3 + his or her Charisma modifier.
Special: You can gain Extra Turning multiple times. Its effects stack. Each time you take the feat, you can use each of your turning or rebuking abilities four additional times per day.
  EXTRA TURNING Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.90 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.75, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

You have a natural affinity for your wild shape class ability
Prerequisite: Cha 13, Wild shape class ability
Benefit: You can use your wild shape class ability one more time per day.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times, each time allowing you to wild shape once more per day.
  EXTRA WILD SHAPE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.60 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.75, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

You are nearly impossible to flank.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +3, Wis 19
Benefit: Attackers do not gain the usual +2 attack bonus when flanking you. This feat grants no effect whenever you are attacked without benefit of your Dexterity modifier to AC, such as when you are flat-footed or when you are the target of a rogue’s sneak attack.
  EYES IN THE BACK OF YOUR HEAD Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.50, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.75)

FAKE SPELL [General]
You can mimic the casting of spells
Prerequisite: Sleight of Hand 1 rank
Benefit: You say the words and make the gestures, but you don’t have the power needed to make the spell actually happen - it just looks like you do. You must have seen the spell you want to fake being cast several times in order to fake it. Make a Sleight of Hand check opposed to the observer's Spellcraft or Intelligence check.
Special: Somebody who has readied an action to counterspell and who fails to see through your trickery will think you are about to cast the spell being faked.
Notes: If the spell effect would have been unnoticeable (such as most divination spells) or you can fake the effects of the spell (perhaps through illusion, alchemical pyrotechnics or a willing accomplice), people watching you will generally believe the spell was real. Bluff, Perform, Craft (alchemy) and several other skills may be helpful in achieving this, but faking the spell effects themselves is outside the scope of this feat.
  FAKE SPELL Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.04 (Purp 4.80, Pow 4.10, Port 3.70, Comp 3.70, Rule 3.90)

FALL GUY [General]
You know how to take a fall.
Benefit: If you fall or jump you can reduce the damage taken by treating the fall as if it were 10’ shorter. You also gain a +5 bonus to skill checks to reduce falling damage. This effect stacks with similar benefits from other feats and skills.
Normal: Falling damage is typically 1d6 per 10’ you fall.
  FALL GUY Copyright 2001, Chris Meravi
  Balance: 4.07 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.33, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

Your familiar can concentrate on spells for you.
Prerequisite: A familiar
Benefit: When you cast a spell that normally requires your concentration, you can let your familiar do the concentrating for you if it is within 5 ft. of you at the time of casting. Your familiar must remain within 5 ft. of you while concentrating to maintain your spell; otherwise your familiar's concentration is automatically broken. To maintain a certain spell, the familiar must have an Intelligence score of 5 + the level of the spell or higher.
Notes: Your DM may let you apply this feat to a paladin's mount, special companion, infernal companion, psicrystal or similar pet.
  FAMILIAR CONCENTRATION Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.85 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.25, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

You have put time and effort into developing your familiar.
Prerequisite: A familiar
Benefit: Your familiar's abilities are figured as if you were two levels higher.
Special: This feat can be learned more than once and stacks with itself, each time raising your level by +2 when determining your familiar's special abilities."
Notes: Your DM may let you apply this feat to a paladin's mount, special companion, infernal companion, psicrystal or similar pet.
  FAMILIAR DEVELOPMENT Copyright 2001, Sébastien Adhikari, Carl Cramér, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.70 (Purp 4.60, Pow 4.60, Port 5.00, Comp 4.30, Rule 5.00)

Your familiar learns a new feat.
Prerequisite: A familiar
Benefit: Your familiar learns any one new feat it can use. This new feat is unavailable to you. In many cases, familiars can learn feats you could not, such as monster feats. If your familiar dies any replacement will also know this extra feat, or a similar feat if the one taken is not available to it (e.g. your former familiar had a feat which required a Fly speed and you choose an earthbound replacement familiar).
Special: Your DM may let you apply this feat to a special mount, special companion, infernal companion, or similar pet.
  FAMILIAR FEAT Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.56 (Purp 4.60, Pow 4.00, Port 4.60, Comp 5.00, Rule 4.60)

Your familiar learns all the feats you know.
Prerequisite: A familiar
Benefit: Your familiar can use all your feats, just as it can use your skills.
Notes: Many feats are quite useless to familiars.
  FAMILIAR FEAT MERGE Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.36 (Purp 4.60, Pow 4.00, Port 4.30, Comp 4.60, Rule 4.30)

You compensate for any lack in focus when developing your familiar
Prerequisite: A familiar
Benefit: The abilities of your familiar are now based on your character level, not your class level.
Notes: Your DM may let you apply this feat to a paladin's mount, psicrystal or similar pet.
  FAMILIAR FOCUS Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry, Carl Cramér, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.65 (Purp 5.00, Pow 3.50, Port 4.75, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

You do not physically suffer from the loss of a familiar.
Benefit: You suffer no ill effects if one of your familiars dies. In addition you are not subject to the normal time period required before summoning a new familiar.
  FAMILIAR FORTITUDE Copyright 2002, OGC Source WOTW
  Balance: 3.75 (Purp 3.75, Pow 3.75, Port 3.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.00)

You can communicate with your familiar over long distances
Prerequisite: A familiar
Benefit: Your empathic communication with your familiar extends out to a range of ten miles.
Notes: Your DM may let you apply this feat to a paladin’s mount, special companion, infernal companion, psicrystal or similar pet.
  FAMILIAR RANGE EXTENSION Copyright 2002, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.70 (Purp 4.60, Pow 4.30, Port 4.60, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

FAMILIAR SPELL [Epic, Special]
Your familiar learns to cast one of your spells.
Prerequisite: Int 25 or Cha 25 (depending on which is your key ability score for manifesting)
Benefit: Choose one arcane spell you know of 8th level or lower. Your familiar can now use this spell once per day as a spell-like ability, at a caster level equal to your caster level. You cannot bestow a spell to your familiar if the spell normally has a material component cost of more than 1 gp or an XP cost.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Each time the character takes the feat, he or she can give his or her familiar a different spell-like ability or another daily use of the same spell-like ability.
  FAMILIAR SPELL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.75)

FAR SHOT [General, Fighter]
You can hit targets at a greater range.
Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot
Benefit: When you use a projectile weapon, such as a bow, its range increment increases by one-half (multiply by 1-1/2). When you use a thrown weapon, its range increment is doubled.
Special: A fighter may select Far Shot as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  FAR SHOT Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 5.00 (Purp 5.00, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

After set-up, you can cast a touch spell on a willing creature at long range.
Benefit: Casting a far touch spell is a two-step process that may only be used on a willing target and may only be used with touch spells. First you tag the spell's eventual target by touching them and naming the spell. The spell is not yet cast, but this is a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. Thereafter you may cast this spell upon the target so long as they are within long range (400 feet + 40 feet per level). You may only have one tag active at a given time, even if you have more that one spell prepared with this feat. The tag effect ends when you cast the spell, or make a different tag, or when you renew your spells for the day. A far touch spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell's actual level.
Normal: You must touch the target to cast a spell whose range is touch.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time allows you to have an additional tag active simultaneously.
  FAR TOUCH SPELL Copyright 2001, John O. Lamping
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.67, Pow 4.00, Port 4.67, Comp 4.33, Rule 4.33)

You heal faster than most people.
Prerequisite: Con 25
Benefit: You gain fast healing 3, or your existing fast healing increases by 3. This feat does not stack with fast healing granted by magic items or nonpermanent magical effects.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. Its effects stack.
  FAST HEALING Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.50)

Spellcasters can create items faster.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast 4th level spells
Benefit: You increase the daily rate at which you create magical items by 1000 gp.
Normal: All spellcasters normally create items at the rate of 1000 gp per day.
Special: This feat can be taken several times, and stacks with itself. Each time it is chosen, add 1000 gp to the value of a single magical item that the character can create per day. Thus, items take half the usual time to create with one feat's worth of Fast Item Creation, one-third the usual time with two, and so on. A minimum of one day is still required for the creation of any item, however. In campaigns using Psionics this feat can also be used to speed up the creation of psionic items, for those that meet an alternative (or additional) prerequisite of the ability to manifest 4th level powers.
  FAST ITEM CREATION Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.28 (Purp 4.60, Pow 4.30, Port 4.60, Comp 4.30, Rule 3.60)

FAST MOVER [General]
You can move faster than normal
Prerequisite: Dex 15, Run
Benefit: Add +5' to your base movement rate when wearing light armor or less.
Special: This feat can stack with other movement bonuses (such as the barbarian and monks abilities). This feat can be taken multiple times and stacks with itself.
  FAST MOVER Copyright 2001, Bradley H. Bemis Jr.
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.50, Port 5.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.00)

FAST SPELL [Metamagic]
Cuts the casting time of your spells.
Benefit: Fast Spell reduces the casting time of a spell which takes 1 full round to a standard action, and halves the casting time for spells that take longer than a full round to cast. Fast spell has no effect on spells with a casting time shorter than a full round. A Fast Spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell's actual level.
Notes: As with Quicken Spell this feat has no effect on spells when used by spontaneous spellcasters such as Sorcerers or Bards.
  FAST SPELL Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.24 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.50, Port 4.20, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.50)

You can select one class not normally associated with your race and consider it a favored class
Prerequisite: Multiclass character
Benefit: When becoming a multi-class character you can select a class that is not normally favored by your race without suffering an experience reward penalty.
Normal: You suffer an experience reward penalty for multi-classing outside of your favored class list.
Special: This feat can only be taken one time. The choice of the non-racially favored class must be explained in the characters history or role-played within the group so that this feat makes sense for the character.
  FAVORED CLASS Copyright 2001, Bradley H. Bemis Jr.
  Balance: 4.04 (Purp 4.10, Pow 2.80, Port 4.20, Comp 5.00, Rule 4.10)

You are adept at casting spells against your favored enemies.
Prerequisite: Favored Enemy, ability to cast 2nd level arcane or divine spells
Benefit: When casting a spell against your favored enemies, you can either add half your favored enemy bonus to the spell’s save DC or your full favored enemy bonus to the amount of damage inflicted by the spell.
  FAVORED ENEMY SPELL Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.04 (Purp 4.40, Pow 3.80, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

You can use an impressive display of weapon prowess to intimidate.
Prerequisite: Weapon Finesse
Benefit: By spending a full-round action doing an impressive display with a weapon for which you have Weapon Finesse, you can use your base attack bonus plus Charisma bonus in lieu of your Intimidation skill. This can only be used to impress, scare and face people down; you cannot use this to interrogate prisoners or with any subtlety.
  FEARSOME DISPLAY Copyright 2000, Brendan Quinn
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.07 (Purp 4.67, Pow 4.33, Port 3.67, Comp 4.00, Rule 3.67)

You are exceedingly difficult to kill.
Prerequisite: Con 15, Toughness
Benefit: Whenever you are killed by loss of hit points or a spell effect that causes instant death you may make a special Fortitude save to stay alive. For death spells the DC is the same as standard for a spell of that level (10 + spell level + attribute modifier + special), for death by damage the DC is the number of hit points you are below 0. If successful you do not die, but are stabilized at -9 hit points. You remain unconscious and appear dead to casual observation for ten minutes even if healed during that time. You can not use this feat if you are not conscious at the time you are killed.
Special: You can not use this feat if you are killed by an effect that would leave your body incapable of life such as Disintegration or Decapitation.
  FEARSOME FORTITUDE Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 3.87 (Purp 4.67, Pow 3.67, Port 4.00, Comp 3.33, Rule 3.67)

FELL SHOT [Psionic, Fighter]
You can strike your foe with a ranged weapon as if making a touch attack.
Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot, Psionic Shot, Base attack bonus +5, Dex 13
Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. You can resolve your ranged attack as a ranged touch attack. You must decide whether or not to use this feat prior to making an attack. If your attack misses, you still expend your psionic focus.
  FELL SHOT Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.25)

FENCING STANCE [General, Fighter]
You defend well with a single weapon light weapon.
Prerequisite: Weapon Finesse
Benefit: When employing a single weapon for which you have Weapon Finesse in one hand, and using the other hand for balance only, your defensive stance improves, granting you a +2 Dodge bonus to Armor Class.
  FENCING STANCE Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 3.85 (Purp 3.75, Pow 3.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 3.75)

Your Rage burns particularly hot and can be sustained longer than usual
Prerequisite: Rage 1/day
Benefit: You can rage for a number of rounds equal to 6 plus your rage-enhanced modified Constitution modifier.
Normal: A fit of rage normally lasts a number of rounds equal to 3 plus the raging character's newly modified Constitution modifier.
  FIERY RAGE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.60 (Purp 4.60, Pow 4.60, Port 4.60, Comp 4.60, Rule 4.60)

You can wild shape into a fine sized animal.
Prerequisite: Ability to wild shape into a Diminutive creature
Benefit: You can use your wild shape to take the shape of a Fine animal.
Normal: Without this feat, a character cannot wild shape into an animal smaller than Tiny size.
  FINE WILD SHAPE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: Normal should be altered to: "Without this feat, a character cannot wild shape into an animal of smaller than Diminutive size, requiring Diminutive Wild Shape".
  Balance: 4.50 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 5.00)

You can make devastating unarmed strikes.
Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike, Fists Of Steel, Stunning Fist, Base attack bonus +4
Benefit: You must declare use of this ability prior to your attack roll and it counts as two of your stunning fist uses per day. On a successful unarmed attack, your bonus damage from Fists of Steel is maximized, allowing you to inflict +6 points of damage.
  FISTS OF ADAMANTINE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.00)

FISTS OF STEEL [Martial Style]
You can imbue your unarmed strikes with even more force.
Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Base attack bonus +3
Benefit: You must declare use of this ability prior to your attack roll and it counts as one of your stunning fist uses per day. On a successful unarmed attack, you inflict +1d6 points of damage.
  FISTS OF STEEL Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.50, Port 4.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 4.00)

You are brilliant but erratic with a specific skill.
Benefit: Chose one skill. When you roll a natural 20 (the d20 comes up 20) on a skill check with that skill, you gain a +20 insight bonus to the check. If you attempt the same action repeatedly in the same circumstances, such as when taking 20, this bonus only applies to the first attempt.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. The effects do not stack. You must choose a different skill each time you take this feat.
  FLASHES OF BRILLIANCE Copyright 2005, Jonathan D. Woolley
  Balance: 3.20 (Purp 3.00, Pow 3.33, Port 3.33, Comp 3.33, Rule 3.00)

FLASHY ATTACK [General, Fighter]
You are able to use an impressive display of prowess to catch your opponents off guard
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +6, Weapon Finesse
Benefit: As a full round action, you can add your charisma modifier (in addition to all other modifiers) to your attack roll when wielding a weapon eligible for use with Weapon Finesse.
Special: This feat can be taken multiple times, each time it applies to a new weapon. Fighters may take this as a bonus feat.
  FLASHY ATTACK Copyright 2000, Brendan Quinn
  Balance: 4.64 (Purp 4.20, Pow 4.80, Port 4.80, Comp 4.40, Rule 5.00)

You can turn while running or charging.
Prerequisite: Dex 15, Run
Benefit: When running or charging, you can make a single direction change of 90 degrees or less. You can’t use this feat while wearing medium or heavy armor, or when carrying a medium or heavy load. If you are charging, you must move in a straight line for 10 feet after the turn to maintain the charge.
Normal: Without this feat, you can run or charge only in a straight line.
  FLEET OF FOOT Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

FLURRY OF BLADES [General, Fighter]
You can strike exceptionally fast with light weapons.
Prerequisite: Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (with Weapon), Base attack bonus +3, Dex 13
Benefit: Choose one weapon that you have Weapon Focus and Weapon Finesse for. When unencumbered, in light armor or less, and wielding this type of weapon, you may make one extra attack per round. The attack is at your highest base attack bonus, but each attack (the extra one and all the normal ones) suffer a -2 penalty. You must use the full attack action. This feat does not stack with other feats/abilities that grant extra attacks, such as Flurry of Blows, two weapon use, double weapons, or creatures that make multiple attacks. It does stack with the iterative attacks of a character with high base attack bonus.
Notes: This is a fencing technique, and fits well in a renaissance-style game.
  FLURRY OF BLADES Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.02 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.70, Port 4.20, Comp 4.20, Rule 4.00)

FLYBY ATTACK [Monster, Special]
You can attack in the middle of a flying move.
Prerequisite: Fly speed
Benefit: When flying, the creature can take a move action (including a dive) and another standard action at any point during the move. The creature cannot take a second move action during a round when it makes a flyby attack.
Normal: Without this feat, the creature takes a standard action either before or after its move.
  FLYBY ATTACK Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.55 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

One of the creature's supernatural or spell-like abilities is more potent than normal.
Prerequisite: Innate supernatural or spell-like ability
Benefit: Choose one of your innate supernatural or spell-like abilities. Add +1to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws made to resist this ability.
Special: This feat can be taken multiple times but its benefits do not stack. Each time that it is taken the creature must apply it to another of its innate supernatural or spell-like abilities. This feat cannot be used with class based spell-like abilities, like the druid's wild shape or paladin's ability to cure disease.
  FOCUSED PRIMEVAL ABILITY Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.70 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.75, Port 4.75, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

Choose one psionic discipline. Your powers from this discipline are more potent and capable of piercing spell resistance more easily than normal.
Benefit: You must expend your psionic focus to use this feat. Add +1 to the difficulty class for all saving throws and +1 to your manifester level checks to overcome power resistance for all powers manifested from your chosen discipline.
Special: This feat can be chosen multiple times and will stack with itself, though each time it is taken you have the option of applying its effects to a different psionic discipline.
  FOCUSED PSIONIC POWER Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 3.95 (Purp 3.25, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.50)

FOCUSED SUNDER [Psionic, Fighter]
You can sense the stress points on others’ weapons.
Prerequisite: Str 13, Power Attack, Improved Sunder
Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. When you strike at an opponent’s weapon, you ignore half of the weapon’s total hardness (round down). Total hardness includes any magical or psionic enhancements possessed by the weapon that increase its hardness.
Special: You can also sense the stress points in any hard construction, such as wooden doors or stone walls, and can ignore half of the object’s total hardness (round down) when attacking that object.
  FOCUSED SUNDER Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 3.65 (Purp 3.75, Pow 2.50, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

FOLLOW UP [General, Fighter]
You can push through enemy lines to create a breach.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +6
Benefit: When using the Full Attack action, if you deal a creature enough damage to make it drop (typically by dropping it to below 0 hit points or killing it), you may immediately move into the space they occupied if within 5’. This move does not provoke an attack of opportunity. There is no fixed limit to the number of times in a round this feat may be used, although you may not move further than your current movement rate in one round using this feat.
Special: You may not use this feat if you cannot fit into your opponent’s space because of other opponents or obstacles. When using this feat in conjunction with Cleave or a feat based on Cleave, you must take your bonus attacks from those feats before you move using Follow Up.
  FOLLOW UP Copyright 2003, Ian Cheesman
  Balance: 3.96 (Purp 4.60, Pow 4.20, Port 3.60, Comp 3.80, Rule 3.60)

You are able to resist psionic attacks with extreme force of will.
Prerequisite: Iron Will
Benefit: Once per round, when targeted by a psionic effect that allows a Reflex save or a Fortitude save, you can instead make a Will saving throw to avoid the effect. The benefit of this feat applies only to psionic powers and psi-like abilities. This is an exception to the psionics–magic transparency rule.
Special: You cannot take or use this feat if you have the ability to use powers (if you have a power point reserve or psi-like abilities).
  FORCE OF WILL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The Netbook of Feats team is not generally in favor of feats such as these that break the magic-psionics transparency rule.
  Balance: 3.40 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.00, Port 3.25, Comp 3.75, Rule 3.00)

FORCE SPELL [Metamagic]
You can infuse your damaging arcane spells with force.
Benefit: Half of the damage inflicted by an arcane spell modified by this feat has the force descriptor, enabling it to affect incorporeal creatures and making it resistant to protection from elements and similar magic. The other half of the damage is treated normally as per the spell. A force spell uses up a spell slot two levels higher than the spell's actual level.
  FORCE SPELL Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.67, Port 4.33, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

You can stop another vehicle during a sideswipe.
Prerequisite: Drive 4 ranks, Vehicle Expert
Benefit: When you attempt a sideswipe stunt with a surface vehicle, you can force the other vehicle to a stop by nudging it into a controlled side¬ways skid. In addition to the nor¬mal requirements for attempting a sideswipe stunt, you must have sufficient movement re¬maining to move a number of squares equal to your turn number. After succeeding on the check to attempt the sideswipe, you make a Drive check opposed by the other driver. If you succeeds, turn the other vehicle 90 degrees across the front of your, so that they form a tee. Move them forward a distance equal to your turn number. The vehicles end their movement at that location, at stationary speed, and take their normal sideswipe damage. If you fail the check, resolve the sideswipe normally.
  FORCE STOP Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.25)

FORGE EPIC RING [Epic, Item Creation]
You can create epic level rings.
Prerequisite: Forge Ring, Knowledge (arcana) 35 ranks, Spellcraft 35 ranks
Benefit: You can forge magic rings that exceed the normal limits for such items.
  FORGE EPIC RING Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 3.95 (Purp 3.75, Pow 3.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.75)

FORGE RING [Item Creation]
You can create magical rings.
Prerequisite: Caster level 12th
Benefit: You can create any ring whose prerequisites you meet. Crafting a ring takes one day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. To craft a ring, you must spend 1/25 of its base price in XP and use up raw materials costing one-half of its base price. You can also mend a broken ring if it is one that you could make. Doing so costs half the XP, half the raw materials, and half the time it would take to forge that ring in the first place. Some magic rings incur extra costs in material components or XP, as noted in their descriptions. You must pay such a cost to forge such a ring or to mend a broken one.
  FORGE RING Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.80 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.75, Port 5.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 5.00)

FORTUNE [General]
You have unusually good luck
Benefit: You gain the power of good fortune, which is usable once per day. This extraordinary ability allows you to reroll one roll that you have just made. You must take the result of the reroll, even if it’s worse than the original roll.
  FORTUNE Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.75, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 3.75)

You can sneak attack stymied creatures.
Prerequisite: Sneak Attack 1d6
Benefit: In addition to normal sneak attack opportunities, you can sneak attack a target that is dazzled, entangled, or nauseated. See the condition summary in Core Rulebook II for a description on these conditions.
  FOUL SNEAKING Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.50 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.75, Rule 5.00)

FRACTURE [General, Fighter]
You are skilled at exploiting weaknesses in objects.
Prerequisite: Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Base attack bonus +2
Benefit: When attacking an object with hardness greater than or equal to that of your weapon, you gain +2 circumstance bonus to damage. When you are attacking an object with hardness less than that of your weapon, you gain a +5 circumstance bonus to damage.
  FRACTURE Copyright 2000, Michael J. Kletch
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 3.76 (Purp 3.00, Pow 3.60, Port 4.30, Comp 3.60, Rule 4.30)

FRENZIED ATTACK [General, Fighter]
You may attack your foe with wild abandon, allowing you to rain many inaccurate blows upon them.
Prerequisite: Str 13, Power Attack, Base attack bonus +6
Benefit: When you make a full attack action with a melee weapon, you may take an additional attack at your highest base attack bonus. However, this additional attack and all others suffer a -4 penalty this round.
Special: When used with other feats or abilities allowing additional attacks, all penalties stack on all attacks made.
  FRENZIED ATTACK Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 3.50, Pow 4.25, Port 3.75, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.25)

Your worst breaks often turn into lucky breaks.
Prerequisite: Charmed, Fortune
Benefit: Once per day when you roll a natural 1 (the d20 comes up 1) on a skill check, saving throw, or characteristic check, you may change it into a natural 20.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each extra time provides an additional use per day.
Notes: Both of the listed prerequisites are elsewhere in the Netbook of Feats.
  FROM THE JAWS OF DEFEAT Copyright 2005, Jonathan D. Woolley
  Balance: 3.40 (Purp 3.40, Pow 3.20, Port 3.60, Comp 3.80, Rule 3.00)

You can strain yourself to the breaking point for extra power in your attacks.
Prerequisite: Str 15, Con 15, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Toughness, Improved Toughness, Base attack bonus +11
Benefit: Before making an attack roll, you may sacrifice a number of hit points up to your Constitution bonus. For every full two hit points you sacrifice, you deal an additional 1d6 points weapon damage to your opponent if you hit with the attack. If for any reason you don’t lose the hit points you do not gain the benefits of this feat.
  FURY OF THE MOUNTAIN Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 3.65 (Purp 3.75, Pow 3.00, Port 3.75, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.00)

You can wild shape into a gargantuan animal.
Prerequisite: Ability to wild shape into a Huge animal
Benefit: You can use your wild shape to take the shape of a Gargantuan animal.
Normal: Without this feat, a character cannot wild shape into an animal greater than Huge size.
  GARGANTUAN WILD SHAPE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.60 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 5.00)

You know how things work.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Computer Use and Repair checks.
Special: Remember that the Computer Use skill and the Repair skill can only be used untrained in certain situations.
  GEARHEAD Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 3.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 5.00)

You can shape your wall spells making rings, hemispheres, or spheres.
Benefit: You can choose to alter the wall shape differently as shown below. A spell without "Effect: Wall" in its description or "wall" in its name is not affected by this feat. A wall that can already be adjusted into a particular shape uses this feat's dimensions or the spell description's dimensions, whichever you desire. Creatures must stand on one inner edge of a sphere-shaped wall and thus suffer the effects (if any) of the wall each round they are encapsulated. A Geometric Wall spell uses up a spell slot two levels higher than the spell's actual level.
Normal: You can only shape a wall spell if it has the Shapeable designation at the end of its Area or Effect entry. In addition, a wall's spell description must specifically mention allowable shapes (ring, hemisphere, or sphere).
  GEOMETRIC WALL Copyright 2005, David Sanders
  Balance: 3.60 (Purp 3.67, Pow 3.67, Port 3.67, Comp 3.33, Rule 3.67)

GHOST ATTACK [Psionic, Fighter]
Your deadly strikes against incorporeal foes always find their mark.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +3
Benefit: You must be psionically focused to use this feat. When you make a melee attack or a ranged attack against an incorporeal creature, you can make two rolls to check for the miss chance. If either is successful, the attack is treated as if it were made with a ghost touch weapon for the purpose of affecting the creature. Your weapon or natural weapon actually appears to become briefly incorporeal as the attack is made.
  GHOST ATTACK Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 4.50, Pow 3.75, Port 4.00, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.00)

GHOST SPELL [Metamagic]
You can cast spells that are especially effective against incorporeal opponents.
Benefit: Any spell with a damage descriptor prepared as a ghost spell is fully effective against corporeal and incorporeal opponents. An incorporeal creature struck by a ghost spell suffers the normal damage inflicted by the spell and does not have a 50% change to ignore this damage. A ghost spell uses up a spell slot one level higher that the spell’s normal level.
Normal: Incorporeal creatures have a 50% chance to ignore spells cast from a corporeal source unless the spell has a force effect.
  GHOST SPELL Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

By channeling your ki you can effectively strike incorporeal opponents.
Prerequisite: Wis 13, Ki Strike class ability
Benefit: You can make unarmed attacks against incorporeal opponents as if you had the ghost touch power, negating an incorporeal creature's ability to ignore 50% of successful attacks from a corporeal source. Like Ki Strike, Ghost Touch is a supernatural ability.
  GHOST TOUCH Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.65 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.50, Port 4.75, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.25)

GIANT STEP [Monster]
Your long legs allow you to take longer steps.
Prerequisite: Natural reach of 10 ft or longer
Benefit: What is normally a 5 ft. step is longer for you. Whenever you could normally take a 5 ft. step, you may instead move a distance equal to your natural reach, without provoking attacks of opportunity. You still cannot move through the squares of other creatures, unless the size difference is great enough to allow you to occupy the same space. Nor can you move farther than your speed in this way.
  GIANT STEP Copyright 2003, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.73 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.67, Port 4.33, Comp 5.00, Rule 4.67)

GIGANTIC WEAPON [General, Fighter]
You are proficient at wielding extremely large weapons.
Prerequisite: Str 15, Base attack bonus +3
Benefit: You can use weapons that are larger than your size category as if you were one size larger, reducing any attack roll penalties by 2 and allowing you to use weapons one size category larger than normal.
Normal: A creature can’t make optimum use of a weapon that isn’t properly sized for it. A cumulative -2 penalty applies on attack rolls for each size category of difference between the size of its intended wielder and the size of its actual wielder. A weapon's designation is altered by one step for each size category of difference between the wielder’s size and the size of the creature for which the weapon was designed. If a weapon’s designation would be changed to something other than light, one-handed, or two-handed by this alteration, the creature can’t wield the weapon at all.
Example: Hakkem Thru is a Medium sized Fighter with this feat. After defeating an ogre he picks up the creature’s Large two-handed greatclub in both hands and starts bashing its storm giant master with it at no penalty, as if it were a Medium two-handed greatclub. After a long battle he picks up the creature’s Huge greatsword; he can wield this two-handed with a –2 penalty to hit; normally he would be unable to use it at all.
Notes: A weapon of one size larger has its damage dice upgraded as per the SRD.
  GIGANTIC WEAPON Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.55 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 5.00)

You give away control over a spell.
Benefit: You transfer the control of a spell to another willing creature that you touch at the time of casting, such as levitate or flaming sphere. This does not work on spells with a personal range, or an emanation area, or an instantaneous duration. It also does not alter spells whose initial effects are fixed, but whose durations last some time - for example, when you cast charm person it may last days, but when you cast the spell the victim will always view the caster as their friend (if they fail the saving throw). In all other ways the spell functions as normal; the save DC and level-dependent functions are based upon your the caster's abilities. You still make all the decisions inherent in casting the spell, such as what the initial target is, but if the effect can be moved (for example flaming sphere), the creature in control decides how. If the spell requires concentration to maintain, the creature you transfer it to must maintain this concentration, and they can opt to end a dismissable spell at their whim. A Giveaway Spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell's actual level.
Special: A creature must have an Intelligence score of at least 1 to receive control of a Giveaway Spell; if you try to transfer control to a non-intelligent creature then the spell will instantly dissipate and be wasted.
  GIVEAWAY SPELL Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.24 (Purp 4.20, Pow 4.20, Port 4.60, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.20)

GO HUNGRY [General]
You are able to go without food and water for six days before suffering any ill effects.
Benefit: You are able to ignore the effects of hunger and thirst for up to six days without suffering any ill effects. After six days you must eat and drink normally for at least three days before fasting again.
  GO HUNGRY Copyright 2002, OGC Source WOTW
  Balance: 3.50 (Purp 2.50, Pow 3.00, Port 3.75, Comp 4.50, Rule 3.75)

GODSBANE [General]
You are better able to resist divine magics than normal.
Prerequisite: Must not have a level in any class that offers divine spellcasting
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all saving throws to resist divine spells and spell-like abilities of creatures with divine caster levels.
  GODSBANE Copyright 2005, Jason D. Kemp
  Balance: 4.08 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.20, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.20)

You are easy to talk to, and so can gather information quickly.
Prerequisite: Gather Information 4 ranks, Cha 13
Benefit: You can gather information with only (1d4+1)x10 minutes of work.
Normal: A typical Gather Information check takes 1d4+1 hours.
  GOOD LISTENER Copyright 2005, Jason D. Kemp
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

GRASPING STRIKE [General, Fighter]
You can start a grapple after a successful unarmed strike
Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike, Base attack bonus +2
Benefit: After any successful standard unarmed attack you may immediately attempt to grapple your opponent without provoking an attack of opportunity or making a touch attack.
  GRASPING STRIKE Copyright 2006, Sigfried Trent
  Balance: 4.13 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 3.67, Comp 4.33, Rule 4.67)

GREAT BLOW [General, Fighter]
You can strike mighty blows with mighty weapons.
Prerequisite: Power Attack, Str 15, Base attack bonus +6
Benefit: As a full-round action, you can make a single melee attack with a one-handed or two-handed weapon that does double damage (using the same mechanic as critical hits). You may not make any other attacks in the round for any reason, including attacks of opportunity and extra attacks granted by Cleave.
  GREAT BLOW Copyright 2003, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 3.70 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.50, Port 4.25, Comp 3.25, Rule 3.50)

You have learned a secret of great charisma.
Benefit: Your Charisma increases by 1 point.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.
  GREAT CHARISMA Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

GREAT CLEAVE [General, Fighter]
You can kill multiple opponents in a single blow.
Prerequisite: Power Attack, Cleave, Str 13, Base attack bonus +4
Benefit: This feat works like Cleave, except that there is no limit to the number of times you can use it per round.
Special: A fighter may select Great Cleave as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  GREAT CLEAVE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.80 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.25, Port 4.75, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

You have learned a secret of great constitution.
Benefit: Your Constitution increases by 1 point.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.
  GREAT CONSTITUTION Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

You have learned a secret of great dexterity.
Benefit: Your Dexterity increases by 1 point.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.
  GREAT DEXTERITY Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

Your fortitude is exceptional.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Fortitude saving throws.
  GREAT FORTITUDE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.95 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.75, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

You have learned a secret of great intelligence.
Benefit: Your Intelligence increases by 1 point.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.
  GREAT INTELLIGENCE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

You are a particularly inspiring leader of men.
Prerequisite: Leadership
Benefit: You receive a +3 bonus to your Leadership score. Despite this increase, your cohort may still not be of a level higher than two levels lower than your level.
  GREAT LEADER Copyright 2003, Jason D. Kemp
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 3.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 5.00)

GREAT SMITING [Epic, Special]
Your smite attacks are twice as effective.
Prerequisite: Cha 25, Smite ability (from class feature or domain granted power)
Benefit: Whenever your make a successful smite attack, add twice the appropriate level to damage (rather than just your level).
Special: A character may select this feat multiple times. Its effects stack. Remember that two doublings equals a tripling, and so forth.
  GREAT SMITING Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.50 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 5.00)

You have discovered a secret of great strength.
Benefit: Your Strength increases by 1 point.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.
  GREAT STRENGTH Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

You have discovered a secret of great wisdom.
Benefit: Your Wisdom increases by 1 point.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.
  GREAT WISDOM Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

You are even more resistant to disease.
Prerequisite: Disease Resistance
Benefit: You reduce the initial and repeated ability damage inflicted by any disease by one.
  GREATER DISEASE RESISTANCE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.60 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.50, Port 4.75, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

Gain the domain powers from a divine dominion
Prerequisite: Divine Dominion, Knowledge (religion) 9 ranks, Any domain
Benefit: You gain the domain powers from a domain selected using the Divine Dominion feat.
Special: This feat can be taken several times for different domains that you have chosen with Divine Dominion.
  GREATER DIVINE DOMINION Copyright 2001, Bradley H. Bemis Jr.
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.80 (Purp 5.00, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 4.00)

One of creature's supernatural or spell-like abilities is especially potent.
Prerequisite: Innate supernatural or spell-like ability, Focused Primeval Ability
Benefit: Choose one innate supernatural or spell-like ability that you have augmented with the Focused Primeval Ability feat. Add +2to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws made to resist this ability. This bonus supercedes (i.e. does not stack with) the bonus provided by the Focused Spell-Like Ability feat.
Special: The creature can take this feat multiple times but its benefits do not stack. Each time that it is taken the creature must apply it to another of its innate supernatural or spell-like abilities that has been augmented with the Focused Primeval Ability feat. This feat cannot be used with class based spell-like abilities, like the druid's wild shape or paladin's ability to cure disease.
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.60 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.50, Port 4.75, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

The blinding intensity of your rage may completely protect you from harm.
Prerequisite: Heart Of The Dragon, Rage 2/day, Base attack bonus +9
Benefit: When raging, you may substitute a Fortitude save for a Reflex save for any damage from a spell-like ability or supernatural ability that normally allows a Reflex save for half damage. If you succeed in the save, you take no damage.
  GREATER HEART OF THE DRAGON Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 3.73 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.33, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 3.33)

You have mastered your body’s ability to hold a magical charge.
Prerequisite: Con 13
Benefit: You can hold a charged touch spell and still cast another spell, although the charge may not be released in the same round as the new spell has been cast. The number of times this feat can be used while a specific touch spell is charged is equal to the caster’s Constitution modifier. Once you have cast that many additional spells, if you cast another, the charged touch spell dissipates as normal. Spells cast using this feat take up a spell slot one level higher.
Normal: If you are holding a spell charge for a touch attack and cast another spell, the spell charge for the touch spell dissipates.
Notes: Casting another touch spell will override this feat. You are only considered “armed” when you attempt to use the touch attack itself, otherwise, you will draw an attack of opportunity as per normal when casting another spell. If you fail a concentration check while using this feat, the charged touch spell will also dissipate.
  GREATER HELD CHARGE Copyright 2000, Bradley H. Bemis Jr.
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.18 (Purp 4.40, Pow 4.50, Port 4.20, Comp 3.60, Rule 4.20)

GREATER MANYSHOT [General, Fighter]
You are skilled at firing many arrows at once, even at different opponents.
Prerequisite: Dex 17, Manyshot, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Base attack bonus +6
Benefit: When you use the Manyshot feat, you can fire each arrow at a different target instead of firing all of them at the same target. You make a separate attack roll for each arrow, regardless of whether you fire them at separate targets or the same target. Your precision-based damage applies to each arrow fired, and, if you score a critical hit with more than one of the arrows, each critical hit deals critical damage.
Special: A fighter may select this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  GREATER MANYSHOT Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.50, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.25)

You can get an additional attack with an offhand weapon.
Prerequisite: Dex 19, Three arms, Improved Multiweapon Fighting, Multiweapon Fighting, Base attack bonus +15
Benefit: The creature may make up to three extra attacks with each extra offhand weapon it wields, albeit at a –10 penalty on the third attack with each weapon.
Special: This feat replaces the Greater Two-Weapon Fighting feat for creatures with more than two arms.
  GREATER MULTIWEAPON FIGHTING Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 5.00)

GREATER OVERRUN [General, Fighter]
You can overrun multiple targets.
Benefit: When using the Overrun combat maneuver, you may overrun any number of opponents in your movement path so long as you move in a straight path. In addition you may move twice your current movement rate while Overrunning by making the Overrun combat maneuver a full round action instead of a standard action. If you fail a strength check at any point, the maneuver ends as normal.
  GREATER OVERRUN Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.18 (Purp 4.60, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.30)

You are even more resistant to poison.
Prerequisite: Poison Resistance
Benefit: You reduce the initial and secondary hit point and ability damage inflicted by poison by one.
  GREATER POISON RESISTANCE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.60 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.50, Port 4.75, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

Your powers are especially potent at breaking through power resistance.
Prerequisite: Power Penetration
Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. You get a +4 bonus on manifester level checks to overcome a creature’s power resistance. This bonus stacks with the bonus from Power Penetration.
  GREATER POWER PENETRATION Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The Netbook of Feats team is not generally in favor of feats such as these that break the magic-psionics transparency rule.
  Balance: 3.70 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 3.25)

You deal more damage with your powers.
Prerequisite: Power Specialization, Weapon Focus (ray), Manifester level 12th
Benefit: Your powers that deal damage deal an extra 2 points of damage. This damage stacks with other bonuses on damage rolls to powers, including the one from Power Specialization. The damage bonus applies only if the target or targets are within 30 feet.
  GREATER POWER SPECIALIZATION Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 3.55 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.00, Port 4.00, Comp 3.25, Rule 3.50)

You are incredibly vicious, ferocious and dangerous.
Prerequisite: Primeval Rage or Rage ability, Base attack bonus +12
Benefit: When enraged, you gain a temporary +6 bonus to Str, +6 bonus to Con and +3 morale bonus to Will saves, while still suffering the standard -2 AC penalty. You cannot end your rage voluntarily.
Special: This feat does not stack with the Greater Rage class ability (it is superceded by it).
  GREATER PRIMEVAL RAGE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 3.87 (Purp 3.67, Pow 4.33, Port 3.67, Comp 4.33, Rule 3.33)

You can use meditation to focus your powers.
Prerequisite: Psionic Endowment
Benefit: When you use the Psionic Endowment feat, you add +2 to the save DC of a power you manifest instead of +1.
  GREATER PSIONIC ENDOWMENT Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.50)

You can charge your unarmed strike or natural weapon with additional damage potential.
Prerequisite: Str 13, Psionic Fist, Base attack bonus +5
Benefit: When you use the Psionic Fist feat, your unarmed attack or attack with a natural weapon deals an extra 4d6 points of damage instead of an extra 2d6 points.
  GREATER PSIONIC FIST Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.75, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.25)

You can charge your ranged attacks with additional damage potential.
Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot, Psionic Shot, Base attack bonus +5
Benefit: When you use the Psionic Shot feat, your ranged attack deals an extra 4d6 points of damage instead of an extra 2d6 points.
  GREATER PSIONIC SHOT Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.75, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.25)

You can charge your melee weapon with additional damage potential.
Prerequisite: Str 13, Psionic Weapon, Base attack bonus +5
Benefit: When you use the Psionic Weapon feat, your attack with a melee weapon deals an extra 4d6 points of damage instead of an extra 2d6 points.
  GREATER PSIONIC WEAPON Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.75, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.25)

GREATER SPELL FOCUS [General, Magical]
Choose a school of magic to which you already have applied the Spell Focus feat.
Benefit: Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells from the school of magic you select. This bonus stacks with the bonus from Spell Focus.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new school of magic to which you already have applied the Spell Focus feat.
  GREATER SPELL FOCUS Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.70 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.00, Port 5.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 5.00)

You can cast some of the spells previously mastered with Spell Mastery without preparation.
Prerequisite: Spell Mastery
Benefit: Choose a number of spells equal to your charisma modifier that you have previously mastered with Spell Mastery. You can now cast these spells at their normal level without preparation, exactly like a sorcerer. This allows you to prepare a full set of spells, yet still cast any spell selected by this feat by exchanging the spell energy of one of your prepared spells of equal or higher level.
Normal: Wizards must normally prepare spells in order to cast them.
Example: Hhune is a 10th level wizard with Int 16 (+3) and Cha 13 (+1). He has previously selected the Spell Mastery feat, selecting three spells based on his Int modifier (dimension door, magic missile and lightning bolt). He next selects the Greater Spell Mastery feat, choosing one spell based on his Cha modifier that he has previously learned with Spell Mastery (magic missile). He no longer needs to prepare magic missile and can now prepare his normal allotment of first level spells per day (5 total, 4 plus 1 for Int 16). Whenever he decides to cast magic missile, he can cast this spell in place of one of his prepared 1st-level spells, casting up to a maximum of 5 magic missile or first level spells per day in any combination. He could also choose to cast magic missile by trading in one of his higher level prepared spells in a similar manner.
  GREATER SPELL MASTERY Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 3.07 (Purp 2.67, Pow 3.00, Port 3.33, Comp 3.00, Rule 3.33)

Your spells are very good at overcoming an enemies defenses.
Prerequisite: Spell Penetration
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on caster level checks (1d20 + caster level) made to overcome a creature’s spell resistance. This bonus stacks with the one from Spell Penetration.
  GREATER SPELL PENETRATION Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 5.00 (Purp 5.00, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

You are incredibly resistant to spells cast from a chosen school.
Prerequisite: Base save bonus (any) +6, Spell Toughness
Benefit: Add +4 to your saving throws against spells and spell-like effects from a chosen school of magic that you have previously chosen Spell Toughness for. This bonus supersedes (does not stack with) the bonus provided by Spell Toughness.
Special: You can choose this feat multiple times but its effects do not stack. Each time it is chosen, it must be applied to a different school of magic that meets the above prerequisites.
  GREATER SPELL TOUGHNESS Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.34 (Purp 3.60, Pow 4.60, Port 4.30, Comp 4.60, Rule 4.60)

You get a third attack with an off-hand weapon.
Prerequisite: Dex 19, Improved Two-weapon Fighting, Two-weapon Fighting, Base attack bonus +11
Benefit: You get a third attack with your off-hand weapon, albeit at a –10 penalty.
Special: A fighter may select Greater Two-Weapon Fighting as one of his fighter bonus feats. An 11th-level ranger who has chosen the two-weapon combat style is treated as having Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, even if he does not have the prerequisites for it, but only when he is wearing light or no armor.
  GREATER TWO-WEAPON FIGHTING Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.55 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.75, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.75)

Choose one type of weapon for which you have already selected Weapon Focus. You can also choose unarmed strike or grapple as your weapon for purposes of this feat.
Prerequisite: Proficiency With Selected Weapon, Weapon Focus With Selected Weapon, Fighter level 8th
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make using the selected weapon. This bonus stacks with other bonuses on attack rolls, including the one from Weapon Focus (see below).
Special: You can gain Greater Weapon Focus multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of weapon. A fighter must have Greater Weapon Focus with a given weapon to gain the Greater Weapon Specialization feat for that weapon. A fighter may select Greater Weapon Focus as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  GREATER WEAPON FOCUS Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.70 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.75, Port 4.75, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.50)

Choose one type of weapon for which you have already selected Weapon Specialization. You can also choose unarmed strike or grapple as your weapon for purposes of this feat.
Prerequisite: Proficiency With Selected Weapon, Greater Weapon Focus With Selected Weapon, Weapon Focus With Selected Weapon, Weapon Specialization With Selected Weapon, Fighter level 12th
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all damage rolls you make using the selected weapon. This bonus stacks with other bonuses on damage rolls, including the one from Weapon Specialization (see below).
Special: You can gain Greater Weapon Specialization multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of weapon. A fighter may select Greater Weapon Specialization as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  GREATER WEAPON SPECIALIZATION Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.70 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.75, Port 4.75, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.50)

Your mastery of this style reflects strengthened wrist muscles and honed reflexes, allowing blindingly fast strikes with the largest of weapons.
Prerequisite: Str 13, Base attack bonus +4
Benefit: When you wield a weapon that requires two hands to be used with proficiency (e.g. a greatsword), you receive a +4 circumstance bonus to your initiative. This bonus only applies whilst you wield a two-handed weapon; if you perform some other action (switching to a non-two-handed weapon, drinking a potion, etc.), use your unmodified initiative.
  GREATWEAPON QUICKNESS Copyright 2002, Rick Coen
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 3.35 (Purp 3.25, Pow 3.50, Port 3.50, Comp 3.00, Rule 3.50)

Adversity only increases your determination.
Prerequisite: Toughness, Iron Will
Benefit: When you are reduced to ½ your full hit points or less you gain a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls, a +1 morale bonus to skill checks, and a +2 morale bonus to damage rolls.
  GRIM DETERMINATION Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 3.90 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.75, Port 3.75, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

Your songs can inspire more people.
Prerequisite: Perform 30 ranks, Bardic music class feature
Benefit: The number of allies you can affect with your inspire competence or inspire greatness bardic music ability doubles. When inspiring competence in multiple allies, you can choose different skills to inspire for different allies.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack. Remember that two doublings equals a tripling, and so forth.
  GROUP INSPIRATION Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.75, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 5.00)

GRUDGE [General, Role Play]
You have a grudge against a group or organization and won’t rest until they are all dead.
Benefit: Choose a social group or organization, with the DM’s permission. You gain a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills against members of the group. Likewise, you get a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against members of the chosen group.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time, it applies to a different group.
Example: Boris Badaxe’s sister was killed by the crimson guard and he has sworn bloody vengeance. Whenever facing the crimson guard in battle he gains the benefits of Grudge.
Notes: This is not meant as a way for other characters to get the Ranger Favored enemy ability, although the mechanic is nearly identical. It can not be used as a prerequisite to any feat or class requiring Favored Enemy. The intent was more of a passionate vendetta against people that have done you wrong, as opposed to a ranger’s deep knowledge of their prey.
  GRUDGE Copyright 2003, Jerry M. Chaney II
  Balance: 3.85 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.75, Port 3.75, Comp 4.00, Rule 3.75)

GUIDE [Modern]
You rarely ever get lost.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Navigate checks Survival checks.
  GUIDE Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 3.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 5.00)

HANDY [General]
You don’t depend on book-smarts when fixing things, making things, or dismantling things.
Benefit: You may use your Dexterity modifier in place of your Intelligence modifier on Craft, Disable Device and Forgery checks.
  HANDY Copyright 2005, Jonathan D. Woolley
  Balance: 3.90 (Purp 3.25, Pow 3.50, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.25)

Your spells become highly resistant to disruption.
Prerequisite: Spell Focus
Benefit: Spells that you cast from the school of magic you have Spell Focus in become very hard to counterspell and disrupt. If the same spell or an opposed-effect spell is used as a counterspell to your Hardened Spell, the counterspell is ineffective (including spells used with the Improved Counterspell feat). If Dispel Magic or a similar spell or effect is used as a counterspell, the DC for the dispel check required is increased by +4. You also gain a +2 bonus to any Concentration checks you make in order to cast or maintain the Hardened Spell.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time that you take this feat it applies to a different school of magic that you have Spell Focus in.
  HARDENED SPELL Copyright 2000, Michael J. Kletch
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.08 (Purp 3.60, Pow 4.30, Port 4.60, Comp 3.60, Rule 4.30)

You really know how to take a punch
Prerequisite: Toughness
Benefit: You gain a nonlethal-based damage reduction equal to your constitution modifier. This only applies to nonlethal damage.
Special: This feat cannot be used against magical weapons or attacks.
Example: If you have a constitution modifier of +3, you can subtract the first three points of nonlethal damage from each nonlethal attack. If a punch only did 2 points of nonlethal damage, you would take no damage from the strike. If a punch did 5 points of nonlethal damage, you would only suffer 2 of those 5 points.
  HARDY BRAWLER Copyright 2001, Bradley H. Bemis Jr.
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.46 (Purp 3.60, Pow 4.20, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 4.50)

You can heal others just like you can heal yourself.
Prerequisite: Monk level 9
Benefit: You can use your Wholeness of Body class ability to heal others by touch, in a manner exactly like you can heal yourself.
  HEALING KI TOUCH Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.47 (Purp 4.33, Pow 4.00, Port 4.33, Comp 5.00, Rule 4.67)

When in a blood frenzy you are impossible to control.
Prerequisite: Rage 1/day, Base attack bonus +3
Benefit: When enraged you are immune to all forms of fear and all mind-affecting spells and spell-like abilities.
  HEART OF DEFIANCE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 5.00, Rule 4.50)

Your all-consuming fury enables you to continue to fight even when near death.
Prerequisite: Rage 2/day, Base attack bonus +3
Benefit: When enraged, you can continue to act fully when disabled (at 0 hit points) or dying (at -1 to -9 hit points). You do not fall unconscious when reduced to negative hit points and you can take a full action even when at zero or fewer hit points. Taking a full action when at zero or fewer hit points automatically inflicts 1 hit point of damage per round with no chance of stabilization unless healed or treated. You still die when reduced to -10 hit points or less or when the automatic damage is applied and your Constitution is lowered after your Rage ends.
Normal: You can only take a single move or standard action when disabled and are unconscious when dying.
  HEART OF FURY Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.13 (Purp 5.00, Pow 3.67, Port 4.00, Comp 3.67, Rule 4.33)

Your raging heart protects you from harm.
Prerequisite: Rage 2/day, Base attack bonus +6
Benefit: When enraged, you gain damage reduction (DR) 1/- that stacks with all other forms of damage reduction.
  HEART OF INVULNERABILITY Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.80 (Purp 4.67, Pow 4.67, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 4.67)

The blinding intensity of your rage protects you from harm.
Prerequisite: Rage 2/day, Base attack bonus +6
Benefit: When raging, you may substitute a Fortitude save for a Reflex save for any damage from a spell-like ability or supernatural ability that normally allows a Reflex save for half damage.
  HEART OF THE DRAGON Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 3.73 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.33, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 3.33)

The creature has achieved mastery of its innate supernatural or spell-like powers.
Prerequisite: Innate supernatural or spell-like ability
Benefit: Choose one of your supernatural abilities or all of your spell-like abilities. You can use this chosen ability or abilities at +1 level of experience.
Special: This feat cannot be used with class based spell-like abilities, like the druid's wild shape or paladin's ability to cure disease. This feat can be chosen more than once and will stack with itself.
  HEIGHTEN PRIMEVAL ABILITY Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.50, Port 4.50, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

Your spells act as though they were a higher level.
Benefit: A heightened spell has a higher spell level than normal (up to a maximum of 9th level). Unlike other metamagic feats, Heighten Spell actually increases the effective level of the spell that it modifies. All effects dependent on spell level (such as saving throw DCs and ability to penetrate a lesser globe of invulnerability) are calculated according to the heightened level. The heightened spell is as difficult to prepare and cast as a spell of its effective level.
  HEIGHTEN SPELL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 4.75, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

Your training has made you extra resilient.
Prerequisite: Con 13
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to all Constitution based skill checks.
  Balance: 3.55 (Purp 3.50, Pow 3.50, Port 3.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 3.50)

You have a talent for problem solving tasks.
Prerequisite: Int 13
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to all Intelligence based skill checks.
  Balance: 3.55 (Purp 3.50, Pow 3.50, Port 3.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 3.50)

You have nimble, dexterous fingers.
Prerequisite: Dex 13
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to all Dexterity based skill checks.
  Balance: 3.55 (Purp 3.50, Pow 3.50, Port 3.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 3.50)

You have a knack for turning on the charm.
Prerequisite: Cha 13
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to all Charisma based skill checks.
  Balance: 3.55 (Purp 3.50, Pow 3.50, Port 3.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 3.50)

You are good at applying your might to manual tasks.
Prerequisite: Str 13
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to all Strength based skill checks.
  Balance: 3.55 (Purp 3.50, Pow 3.50, Port 3.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 3.50)

You have especially good common sense.
Prerequisite: Wis 13
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to all Wisdom based skill checks.
  Balance: 3.55 (Purp 3.50, Pow 3.50, Port 3.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 3.50)

HEIRLOOM [General]
You have inherited a family heirloom of great value with which to begin your career. Your family expects you to guard this heirloom above all other things, of course, and eventually hand it down to your own child...
Benefit: You begin the game with a single magic or exotic item worth roughly 2000gp. It is up to the GM to assign this item.
Special: You can only take this feat at character creation.
Notes: If a magical item is chosen it should probably be a permanent item instead of a one use or limited charge item.
  HEIRLOOM Copyright 2002, Rick Coen
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 3.30 (Purp 3.50, Pow 3.25, Port 3.25, Comp 3.50, Rule 3.00)

You can temporarily perform great acts of strength.
Benefit: You can add +4 to your Strength attribute for purposes of lifting and carrying weight and for figuring your Strength bonus on ability checks for a number of rounds equal to 3 plus your Constitution modifier. After this time you are fatigued (-2 to Strength, -2 to Dexterity, can’t run or charge). Your increased strength does not affect attack or damage rolls, combat maneuvers like Grapple, Bull Rush and Trip, and does not increase your strength bonus on skill checks.
  HERCULEAN EFFORT Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.75, Port 4.50, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.50)

When you focus on an effort you may get flashes of insight about the immediate future allowing you to avoid disastrous mistakes.
Prerequisite: Cha 13, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes
Benefit: You may reroll a check or save you just made and apply a insight bonus equal to your charisma modifier. You may do this once per day. You must take the result of the reroll, even if it is worse than the original roll.
  HEROIC EVASION Copyright 2001, B. Marcus Lindberg
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 4.50, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.50)

You can conceal signs of passage.
Prerequisite: Track
Benefit: You can conceal the tracks you and your companions make while moving. Add your ranks in Survival to the DC of following your tracks. You can move at full speed while hiding tracks; if you move at half speed, you impose the additional +5 DC modifier on tracking rolls noted in the Track feat.
Normal: Anyone can use the survival skill to remove the traces at a campsite or the search skill to hide clues at a location.
  HIDE TRACKS Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 3.75 (Purp 3.50, Pow 3.50, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 3.75)

Your music can disrupt spell casting.
Prerequisite: Deafening Song, Perform 27 ranks, Bardic music class feature
Benefit: You can use song or poetics to hinder enemy spellcasters within a 30-foot spread from you. To successfully cast a spell within this area, a spellcaster must make a Concentration check as if he or she were casting defensively, and all such checks have a penalty equal to half your level. You can choose to exclude any characters from this effect. You may sing, play, or recite a hindering song while taking other mundane actions, but not magical ones (see the bard’s inspire courage ability for more details). You may keep up the hindering song for a maximum of 10 rounds. Using the hindering song counts as one of your uses of song or poetics for the day.
  HINDERING SONG Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 3.75, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.25)

HOBBLING ATTACK [General, Fighter]
Your attacks can slow down an opponent.
Prerequisite: Int 13, Base attack bonus +4
Benefit: Once per round you may declare a standard attack to be a hobbling attack. You suffer a -4 to hit penalty on your attack roll but if you deal any damage the target must make a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + ½ damage dealt) or their speed is reduced by one-half. This movement penalty lasts for 24 hours, or until the creature is successfully treated with a DC 15 Heal check, or until it receives at least 1 point of magical curing. Multiple Hobbling Attacks are not cumulative in effect.
Special: This feat is ineffective against creatures that are not subject to critical hits (e.g. constructs, elementals, oozes, plants, undead, and characters whose armor fortification successfully activated). It also does not affect creatures with a supernatural means of locomotion (levitation or the like). If a creature has multiple modes of movement you must select which type of movement you are reducing.
  HOBBLING ATTACK Copyright 2005, Sigfried Trent, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.17, Comp 3.33, Rule 4.00)

HOLD THE LINE [General, Fighter]
You can attack charging opponents.
Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes, Base attack bonus +2
Benefit: You may make an attack of opportunity against a charging opponent who enters an area you threaten. Your attack of opportunity happens immediately before the charge attack is resolved.
Normal: You only get an attack of opportunity against a character that exits a square you threaten.
  HOLD THE LINE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.75, Port 4.50, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.25)

You can create a hole in an area spell to avoid being affected
Benefit: When you cast an area spell in such a way that you are in the area affected, you can create a hole in the area around yourself to avoid being affected by your own spell. Any creatures occupying your square(s) (for example grappling you or being small enough to fit between your feet or on your shoulder) are also unaffected. A Hole in the Middle Spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell's actual level.
  HOLE IN THE MIDDLE Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.36 (Purp 4.30, Pow 3.60, Port 5.00, Comp 4.60, Rule 4.30)

HOLY STRIKE [Epic, Special]
Any weapon in your hands is a holy weapon.
Prerequisite: Smite evil class feature, Any good alignment
Benefit: Any weapon you wields is treated as a holy weapon (is good-aligned and deals an extra 2d6 points of damage against creatures of evil alignment).If the weapon already has an alignment, this feat has no effect on the weapon.
  HOLY STRIKE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.55 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 5.00)

Your mind recoils violently against those who use psionics against you.
Prerequisite: Cha 15
Benefit: Whenever you are subject to a power from the telepathy discipline (regardless of whether the power is harmful or beneficial to you), the manifester must make a Will saving throw against a DC of 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Charisma bonus or take 2d6 points of damage. The benefit of this feat applies only to psionic powers and psi-like abilities. This is an exception to the psionics–magic transparency rule.
Special: You cannot take or use this feat if you have the ability to use powers (if you have a power point reserve or psi-like abilities).
  HOSTILE MIND Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The Netbook of Feats team is not generally in favor of feats such as these that break the magic-psionics transparency rule.
  Balance: 3.70 (Purp 4.25, Pow 2.75, Port 4.25, Comp 3.75, Rule 3.50)

HOVER [Monster, Special]
You can hover in place while flying.
Prerequisite: Fly speed
Benefit: When flying, the creature can halt its forward motion and hover in place as a move action. It can then fly in any direction, including straight down or straight up, at half speed, regardless of its maneuverability. If a creature begins its turn hovering, it can hover in place for the turn and take a full-round action. A hovering creature cannot make wing attacks, but it can attack with all other limbs and appendages it could use in a full attack. The creature can instead use a breath weapon or cast a spell instead of making physical attacks, if it could normally do so. If a creature of Large size or larger hovers within 20 feet of the ground in an area with lots of loose debris, the draft from its wings creates a hemispherical cloud with a radius of 60 feet. The winds so generated can snuff torches, small campfires, exposed lanterns, and other small, open flames of non-magical origin. Clear vision within the cloud is limited to 10 feet. Creatures have concealment at 15 to 20 feet (20% miss chance). At 25 feet or more, creatures have total concealment (50% miss chance, and opponents cannot use sight to locate the creature). Those caught in the cloud must succeed on a Concentration check (DC 10 + 1/2 creature’s HD) to cast a spell.
Normal: Without this feat, a creature must keep moving while flying unless it has perfect maneuverability.
  HOVER Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The Netbook of Feats team feel that this feat is overpowered, and would be more in keeping with the power level of an average feat, as well as being substantially less complex, without the inclusion of the debris field creation.
  Balance: 3.95 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.75, Port 4.25, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.00)

You never need material components for your spells.
Prerequisite: Eschew Materials, Spellcraft 25 ranks, Ability to cast 9th-level arcane or divine spells
Benefit: You may cast spells without any material components. This feat does not affect the need for a focus or divine focus.
  IGNORE MATERIAL COMPONENTS Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.50, Pow 3.50, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

IMMEDIATE DODGE [General, Fighter]
You may spontaneously elect to dodge incoming attacks that you are aware of.
Prerequisite: Dodge, Dex 13+
Benefit: As an immediate action, you can elect to give up your next turn to perform the total defense combat action, thus gaining the appropriate dodge bonus to your armor class against incoming attacks (+4 dodge bonus, or +6 dodge bonus if you have five ranks or more of Tumble). You must be able to apply your Dexterity bonus to AC against the attack, and you must declare this immediate action before the attacker makes their attack roll. Your initiative does not change; you simply do not take an action on your next turn. You gain this dodge bonus until the next time your initiative comes up after your "skipped" turn.
Special: You may apply any benefits of feats or special abilities that improve your dodge bonus to your AC when you activate this ability that you could normally apply to a total defense combat action made on your turn.
Notes: You can’t make attacks of opportunity while using the total defense combat action. An immediate action can be taken at any point, even when it's not your turn.
  IMMEDIATE DODGE Copyright 2005, Jason D. Kemp
  Balance: 3.90 (Purp 3.50, Pow 3.50, Port 4.50, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

You can increase the maximum damage of heightened spells.
Prerequisite: Arcane spellcaster, Heighten Spell
Benefit: If you prepare a damage causing arcane spell with a higher than normal level using the Heighten Spell metamagic feat, the maximum number of damage dice may be increased. If the spell causes damage to one creature, or must be split amongst multiple creatures (e.g. Shocking Grasp), the revised maximum dice allowed is given in the second column (Single). If the spell causes damage to any creatures that fall within its area of effect (e.g. Fireball), refer to the third column (Multiple) for the revised maximum dice allowed. This feat does not affect spells similar to Magic Missile, as in this case it is the number of missiles that has a level-based maximum, rather than the damage per missile.

New Level
Max # of Damage Dice for
a Single Creature Affected Multiple Creatures Affected
1st 5 5
2nd 10 5
3rd 10 10
4th 15 10
5th 15 15
6th 20 15
7th 20 20
8th 25 20
9th 25 25

Notes: Looking at the spell lists, few divine spells are flashy, damage causing spells. In addition, these spells are generally alignment related. For this reason, this feat did not seem appropriate or have the right flavor for divine spellcasters. If deities could grant more damage against infidels with a particular spell, they already would. This is the reason for their omission. GMs may, of course, opt to allow this feat for clerics or all divine spellcasters.
  IMPACT SPELL Copyright 2000, Michael J. Kletch
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Comments: The Netbook of Feats team is split as to whether this feat should also be available to divine spellcasters and spells.
  Balance: 3.67 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.83, Port 3.83, Comp 3.00, Rule 3.67)

IMPRINT STONE [Item Creation, Psionic]
You can create power stones to store psionic powers.
Prerequisite: Manifester level 1st
Benefit: You can create a power stone of any power that you know. Encoding a power stone takes one day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. The base price of a power stone is the level of the stored power x its manifester level x 25 gp. To imprint a power stone, you must spend 1/25 of this base price in XP and use up raw materials costing one-half of this base price. Any power stone that stores a power with an XP cost also carries a commensurate cost. In addition to the costs derived from the base price, you must pay the XP when encoding the stone.
  IMPRINT STONE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.50 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.75)

You are especially adept at helping others.
Benefit: When using the Aid Another action you grant whomever you are aiding a +4 bonus instead of a +2 bonus.
  IMPROVED AID ANOTHER Copyright 2006, Sigfried Trent
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.25, Port 4.50, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

You can cast stronger spells of a given alignment.
Prerequisite: Access to domain of Chaos, Evil, Good, Or Law, Alignment must match domain chosen, Ability to cast 9th-level divine spells
Benefit: Select an alignment-based domain (Chaos, Evil, Good, or Law) to which you have access. You cast spells with that alignment descriptor at +3 caster level.
Special: This benefit overrides (does not stack with) the granted powers of the Chaos, Evil, Good, and Law domains. A character may select this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time a character takes the feat, it applies to a different alignment-based domain to which the character has access.
  IMPROVED ALIGNMENT-BASED CASTING Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.15 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 5.00)

Your animal companion is more powerful than normal.
Prerequisite: Animal Companion ability
Benefit: Your effective level for the Animal Companion ability is three levels higher than normal. As noted in the SRD this improves the abilities of your existing animal companion, or alternatively allows you to attract a more powerful one.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times. It stacks with itself.
  IMPROVED ANIMAL COMPANION Copyright 2002, Rick Coen
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Comments: This feat was originally known as Extra Animal Companions. Due to changes between edition 3.0 and 3.5 the mechanics of this feat have been substantially altered, although the spirit of the feat remains the same.
  Balance: 4.78 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.60, Port 4.30, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

Your arrows of death are just that much more deadly.
Prerequisite: Dex 19, Wis 19, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Arrow of death class feature
Benefit: Add +2 to the DC of your arrows of death. This feat may be taken multiple times. Its effects stack.
  IMPROVED ARROW OF DEATH Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.75, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 5.00)

You inspire great confidence in those around you.
Prerequisite: Cha 25, Aura of courage class ability
Benefit: Your aura of courage grants a +8 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects.
  IMPROVED AURA OF COURAGE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 5.00)

You inspire deep despair in your foes.
Prerequisite: Cha 25, Aura of despair class ability
Benefit: Your aura of despair causes a –4 morale penalty on all saving throws.
  IMPROVED AURA OF DESPAIR Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 5.00)

You really know how to mix it up on the street.
Prerequisite: Brawl, Base attack bonus +3
Benefit: When making an unarmed attack, you receive a +2 competence bonus on your attack roll, and you deal nonlethal damage equal to 1d8 + your Strength modifier.
Normal: Unarmed attacks normally deal nonlethal damage equal to 1d3 + Strength modifier.
Special: This supersedes and does not stack with the benefit of Brawl.
  IMPROVED BRAWL Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.75, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.25)

IMPROVED BRAWN [General, Fighter]
You have greatly improved your striking power.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +6, Str 15, Brute, Brawn, Improved Brute
Benefit: When calculating melee attack bonus, consider your Strength to be four points higher than it actually is. The benefit supersedes (does not stack with) that of Brawn.
  IMPROVED BRAWN Copyright 2005, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 3.96 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.60, Port 4.00, Comp 4.40, Rule 3.80)

IMPROVED BRUTE [General, Fighter]
You have greatly improved your striking strength.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +6, Str 15, Brute, Brawn
Benefit: When calculating damage inflicted, consider your Strength to be four points higher than it actually is. The benefit supersedes (does not stack with) that of Brute.
  IMPROVED BRUTE Copyright 2005, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 3.92 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.40, Port 4.00, Comp 4.40, Rule 3.80)

IMPROVED BULL RUSH [General, Fighter]
You are skilled in the bull rush.
Prerequisite: Power Attack, Str 13
Benefit: When you perform a bull rush you do not provoke an attack of opportunity from the defender. You also gain a +4 bonus on the opposed Strength check you make to push back the defender.
Special: A fighter may select Improved Bull Rush as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  IMPROVED BULL RUSH Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.85 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.75, Port 4.75, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

You raise your caster level for multiple classes.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast spells
Benefit: Your caster level in all spellcasting classes is increased by four, but no higher than your total Character Level.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times – its effects stack.
Example: Yushu is a fifth level sorcerer. She advances in character level to six, and decides to advance as a rogue. She also acquires a new feat, and picks this one. Her caster level as a sorcerer is now sixth, so her fireball has range of 640' and does six dice of damage, but the number of spells she can cast and learn are still those of a fifth level sorcerer. As she advances as a rogue, she will continue to gain caster levels until the full +4 level bonus is achieved.
Notes: This feat does not allow you to learn, prepare, or cast more spells. It is useful for multiclassed characters or characters with classes whose spellcaster level is less than their full character level.
  IMPROVED CASTER LEVEL Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.01 (Purp 4.51, Pow 3.47, Port 4.13, Comp 4.04, Rule 3.87)

IMPROVED CHARGE [General, Fighter]
When you charge into combat, your momentum carries a great deal of force and power.
Prerequisite: Str 13, Power Attack
Benefit: When you perform a charge action, you receive a +2 bonus to damage in addition to the +2 to hit.
  IMPROVED CHARGE Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 4.70 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.50, Port 4.75, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

You can cast spells without opening yourself to attack.
Prerequisite: Combat Casting, Concentration 25 ranks
Benefit: You doesn’t incur attacks of opportunity for casting spells when threatened.
  IMPROVED COMBAT CASTING Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: To cast a 9th level spell on the defensive requires a Concentration roll of 24. If you have a Concentration skill of 25 then you will never fail to cast spells on the defensive, making this feat useless unless the user is unaware of a foe who threatens them.
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 3.50, Pow 3.50, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

You have practiced the art of two-on-one combat, enhancing your Combat Focus.
Prerequisite: Combat Focus
Benefit: When using the Combat Focus feat, you may specify two opponents to focus against. Against the second, you have neither bonuses nor penalties.
  IMPROVED COMBAT FOCUS Copyright 2000, Michael J. Kletch
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 3.22 (Purp 2.60, Pow 2.60, Port 3.00, Comp 3.60, Rule 4.30)

You can make an unlimited number of attacks of opportunity.
Prerequisite: Dex 21, Combat Reflexes
Benefit: There is no limit to the number of attacks of opportunity you can make in one round. (you still can’t make more than one attack of opportunity for a given opportunity.)
  IMPROVED COMBAT REFLEXES Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: Spelling/grammar errors corrected.
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 3.50, Pow 3.50, Port 4.00, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.50)

You know how to relieve warriors from melee combat by taking their place in the ranks.
Prerequisite: Dodge, Mobility, Base attack bonus +3, Medium size or smaller, Combat Rotation
Benefit: In lieu of taking a 5-foot step, you may trade places with any willing ally, Medium sized or smaller, that is adjacent to you. This action does not provoke an attack of opportunity on you or your ally. This does not affect initiative.
  IMPROVED COMBAT ROTATION Copyright 2006, Bill Browne
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 3.50, Pow 3.75, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.50)

You can trip opponents who over extend themselves in combat.
Prerequisite: Defensive Arts, Combat Throw, Base attack bonus +3
Benefit: In melee combat, if an opponent attacks and misses you, you may immediately make a trip attack against the opponent. This counts as an attack of opportunity, which you can make even if you are unarmed. Attacking unarmed in this way does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Special: This feat doesn’t grant you more attacks of opportunity than you are normally allowed in a round.
  IMPROVED COMBAT THROW Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.50, Pow 3.50, Port 4.50, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.75)

You can use other spells of the same school to counterspell with.
Benefit: When counterspelling, you may use a spell of the same school that is one or more spell levels higher than the target spell.
Normal: Without this feat, you may counter a spell only with the same spell or with a spell specifically designated as countering the target spell.
  IMPROVED COUNTERSPELL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.75, Pow 3.75, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.75)

IMPROVED CRITICAL [General, Fighter]
Choose one type of weapon.
Prerequisite: Proficient With Weapon, Base attack bonus +8
Benefit: When using the weapon you selected, your threat range is doubled.
Special: You can gain Improved Critical multiple times. The effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of weapon. This effect doesn’t stack with any other effect that expands the threat range of a weapon. A fighter may select Improved Critical as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  IMPROVED CRITICAL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The Netbook of Feats team agree that the edition 3.0 version of this feat which allows stacking of improved threat ranges makes more sense than the edition 3.5 version, and suggest using the original version as a house rule. The original version gains an overall balance score of 4.95.
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.75, Pow 3.50, Port 4.75, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.50)

You can improve your crystal psiweapon.
Prerequisite: Crystal Psiweapon
Benefit: Your crystal psiweapon gains one additional power chosen from the Psicrystal Special Abilities table on page 11 of the Psionics Handbook. Your choose of powers is limited by your manifester level per the table.
Normal: A crystal psiweapon does not normally gain additional powers unless you have the psicrystal class ability.
Special: You can choose this feat multiple times, each time incorporating a new psicrystal ability into your crystal psiweapon.
  IMPROVED CRYSTAL PSIWEAPON Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.25, Port 3.75, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.25)

You can survive normally fatal wounds.
Benefit: You increase your massive damage threshold by 3 points.
Normal: Without this feat your massive damage threshold is equal to your current Constitution score. With this feat, your massive damage threshold is current Con +3.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.
  IMPROVED DAMAGE THRESHOLD Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.55 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.00, Comp 4.75, Rule 5.00)

Your darkvision is especially acute.
Prerequisite: Darkvision
Benefit: The range of your darkvision doubles. This feat does not stack with darkvision granted by magic items or nonpermanent magical effects.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. Its effects stack. Remember that two doublings equals a tripling, and so on.
  IMPROVED DARKVISION Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.75, Port 3.75, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.75)

Your death attack is especially deadly.
Prerequisite: Death attack class feature, Sneak attack 5d6
Benefit: Add +2 to the DC of your death attack.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. Its effects stack.
  IMPROVED DEATH ATTACK Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.75, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 5.00)

You can deflect arrows several times in a round.
Prerequisite: Deflect Arrows, Dex 13
Benefit: You may Deflect Arrows more than once each round. Each attempt at deflection beyond the first counts as one of your attacks of opportunity for the round.
  IMPROVED DEFLECT ARROWS Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér, Daniel Langdon
  Balance: 4.82 (Purp 4.70, Pow 4.70, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 4.70)

You expertly block many incoming attacks.
Prerequisite: Str 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Deflect Attack
Benefit: When using Deflect Attack, you ignore the -4 penalty to attack normally associated with Fighting Defensively. This does not affect any other attacks you make while Fighting Defensively.
  IMPROVED DEFLECT ATTACK Copyright 2001, Michael J. Kletch
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.60 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.25, Port 4.75, Comp 5.00, Rule 4.75)

IMPROVED DISARM [General, Fighter]
You are an expert at disarming opponents.
Prerequisite: Combat Expertise, Int 13
Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when you attempt to disarm an opponent, nor does the opponent have a chance to disarm you. You also gain a +4 bonus on the opposed attack roll you make to disarm your opponent.
Normal: See the normal disarm rules.
Special: A fighter may select Improved Disarm as one of his fighter bonus feats. A monk may select Improved Disarm as a bonus feat at 6th level, even if she does not meet the prerequisites.
  IMPROVED DISARM Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 5.00 (Purp 5.00, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

You can create a disguise very quickly.
Prerequisite: Disguise 4 ranks, Cha 13
Benefit: You can create a disguise with only 1d3 minutes of work. You need to use a disguise kit to gain this benefit.
Normal: Creating a disguise requires 1d3×10 minutes of work.
  IMPROVED DISGUISE Copyright 2005, Jason D. Kemp
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

Your broad knowledge of divine lore has given you greater access to applying this knowledge.
Prerequisite: Knowledge (Religion) 13 ranks, Access to any four domains, Ability to turn or rebuke undead
Benefit: You gain one extra slot for each level that must be filled with a Domain Spell. You may not prepare the same domain spell more than once, unless it appears on more than one of your domain lists.
Normal: Clerics can prepare one domain spell per level, regardless of how many domains the cleric has access to.
Special: You may take this feat more than once. Each time you do, you must have access to an additional two domains.
  IMPROVED DIVINE CONNECTION Copyright 2006, Scott Resnick
  Balance: 3.00 (Purp 2.83, Pow 2.50, Port 3.17, Comp 3.17, Rule 3.33)

IMPROVED DODGE [General, Fighter]
Your Dodge feat bonus applies against all attackers.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Dodge
Benefit: The dodge bonus to Armor Class that you receive from the Dodge feat now applies against all attacks, not only those of one specific opponent.
Notes: The author created this to replace the Dodge because its use often slows down play.
  IMPROVED DODGE Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.60 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.00, Port 4.50, Comp 5.00, Rule 4.75)

You can wild shape into the form of an elemental.
Prerequisite: Wis 25, Ability to wild shape into an elemental
Benefit: Your ability to wild shape into an elemental is expanded to include all elemental creatures (not just air, earth, fire, and water elementals) of any size that you can take when using wild shape to become an animal. You gains all extraordinary and supernatural abilities of the elemental whose form your take.
Normal: Without this feat, a character may only wild shape into a Small, Medium-size, or Large air, earth, fire, or water elemental.
  IMPROVED ELEMENTAL WILD SHAPE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The Normal section of this feat is incorrect; in edition 3.5 a 20th level Druid can wild shape into Huge Elementals, which covers all of the larger (Huge, Greater and Elder) elementals in the SRD; the only restriction being the Druid's hit dice (21st level for Greater, 24th for Elder). As such this feat is only useful for turning into unusual elementals, such as Invisible Stalkers, which an Epic Druid could do by casting Shapechange anyway.
  Balance: 3.95 (Purp 3.75, Pow 3.75, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.25)

You can cast any spell without need for material components or foci.
Prerequisite: Eschew Materials
Benefit: You can cast any spell without need for material components, even spells with material components that cost more than 1 gp. For spells with material components that cost greater than 1 gp, you must pay XP equal to 1/5th (rounding up) the gp price of the material component in order to cast the spell. You may also choose to cast without using a foci by paying XP equal to 1/50th (rounding up) the gp cost of the foci. You must still pay any XP required to normally cast the spell.
  IMPROVED ESCHEW MATERIALS Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.17, Pow 4.17, Port 4.17, Comp 3.67, Rule 4.33)

You can greatly increase the duration of your spells.
Prerequisite: Extend Spell
Benefit: A spell with a duration of one minute or more can have its duration increased to 1 minute/level. A spell with a duration of ten minutes or more can have its duration increased to 10 minutes/level. A spell with a duration of one hour or more can have its duration increased to 1 hour/level. Either way, it now uses a spell slot three levels higher than normal.
Notes: Many variable-duration spells will not qualify for use with this feat until the caster reaches level 6 or 10, because that’s when they get sufficient duration (1 minute, 10 minutes or 1 hour).
  IMPROVED EXTEND SPELL Copyright 2002, Carl Cramér
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.12 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.30, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.30)

This feat allows spellcasters to acquire a new familiar from a nonstandard list, but only when they could normally acquire a new familiar.
Prerequisite: Ability to acquire a new familiar, Compatible alignment, Sufficiently high level (see below)
Benefit: When choosing a familiar, the creatures listed below are also available to the spellcaster. The spellcaster may choose a familiar with an alignment up to one step away on each of the alignment axes (lawful through chaotic, good through evil).
Familiar Alignment Arcane Caster Level
Shocker lizard Neutral 5th
Stirge Neutral 5th
Formian worker Lawful neutral 7th
Imp Lawful evil 7th
Pseudodragon Neutral good 7th
Quasit Chaotic evil 7th

Improved familiars otherwise use the rules for regular familiars, with two exceptions: If the creature's type is something other than animal, its type does not change; and improved familiars do not gain the ability to speak with other creatures of their kind (although many of them already have the ability to communicate).
The list in the table above presents only a few possible improved familiars. Almost any creature of the same general size and power as those on the list makes a suitable familiar. Nor is the master's alignment the only possible categorization. For instance, improved familiars could be assigned by the master's creature type or subtype, as shown below.
Familiar Type/Subtype Arcane Caster Level
Celestial hawk1 Good 3rd
Fiendish Tiny viper snake2 Evil 3rd
Air elemental, Small Air 5th
Earth elemental, Small Earth 5th
Fire elemental, Small Fire 5th
Shocker lizard Electricity 5th
Water elemental, Small Water 5th
Homunculus3 Undead 7th
Ice Mephit Cold 7th
1. Or other celestial animal from the standard familiar list.
2. Or other fiendish animal from the standard familiar list.
3. The master must first create the homunculus, substituting ichor or another part of the master's body for blood if necessary.

  IMPROVED FAMILIAR Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 3.50, Rule 4.75)

IMPROVED FAR SHOT [General, Fighter]
You can attack with ranged weapons more accurately at long range.
Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot, Far Shot, Base attack bonus +2
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus that only works to negate range-based penalties.
Notes: This feat is not very useful for player characters but would be very useful for NPCs in mass combat situations.
  IMPROVED FAR SHOT Copyright 2001, Albert Nakano
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.25, Port 5.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.50)

You have redoubled your dedication to defeating your enemies.
Prerequisite: Five favored enemies
Benefit: Add +1 to the bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks and damage rolls against all of your favored enemies.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. Its effects stack.
  IMPROVED FAVORED ENEMY Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The Netbook of Feats team believes that the +1 bonus is a hold-over from edition 3.0 and that in keeping with similar changes in edition 3.5 the bonus should be +2.
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

You can quickly fake out your opponents.
Prerequisite: Int 13, Combat Expertise
Benefit: You can make a Bluff check to feint in combat as a move action.
Normal: Feinting in combat is a standard action. A fighter may select Improved Feint as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  IMPROVED FEINT Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.15 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.50, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.00)

You are more resistant to fire spells and effects than other members of your race.
Prerequisite: Con 13, Racial bonus to saving throws against all fire spells and effects
Benefit: You gain an additional +2 bonus on saving throws against all fire spells and effects. This stacks with your normal racial bonus against all fire spells and effects.
Normal: Races such as the half-giant receive a +2 bonus on saving throws against all fire spells and effects.
  IMPROVED FIRE ACCLIMATION Copyright 2005, Jason D. Kemp
  Balance: 3.80 (Purp 3.33, Pow 3.67, Port 3.33, Comp 4.33, Rule 4.33)

IMPROVED FLYBY ATTACK [Monster, Special, Fighter]
You can do a flyby attack without provoking attacks of opportunity.
Prerequisite: Fly speed, Dodge, Flyby Attack, Mobility
Benefit: If the standard action taken by a creature during a round in which it uses Flyby Attack is a melee attack, the creature provokes no attacks of opportunity from moving out of squares threatened by its target.
Normal: Without this feat, a creature making an attack as part of a Flyby Attack maneuver provokes attacks of opportunity as normal from moving out of squares threatened by its target.
  IMPROVED FLYBY ATTACK Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.50 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

IMPROVED GRAPPLE [General, Fighter]
You are especially adept at grappling.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Improved Unarmed Strike
Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when you make a touch attack to start a grapple. You also gain a +4 bonus on all grapple checks, regardless of whether you started the grapple.
Normal: Without this feat, you provoke an attack of opportunity when you make a touch attack to start a grapple.
Special: A fighter may select Improved Grapple as one of his fighter bonus feats. A monk may select Improved Grapple as a bonus feat at 1st level, even if she does not meet the prerequisites.
  IMPROVED GRAPPLE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.50 (Purp 4.75, Pow 3.50, Port 5.00, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.50)

You can heighten spells to any level.
Prerequisite: Heighten Spell, Spellcraft 20 ranks
Benefit: As Heighten Spell, but there is no limit to the level to which you can heighten the spell.
Normal: Without this feat, a spell can only be heightened to a maximum of 9th level.
  IMPROVED HEIGHTEN SPELL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: Improved Spell Capacity should be a prerequisite for this feat, as obviously without the ability to obtain 10th and higher level spell slots this feat is useless.
  Balance: 3.20 (Purp 3.00, Pow 3.00, Port 3.25, Comp 3.25, Rule 3.50)

You are often the fist to act.
Benefit: You get a +4 bonus on initiative checks.
Special: A fighter may select Improved Initiative as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  IMPROVED INITIATIVE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 5.00 (Purp 5.00, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

Your fists are as powerful as an epic level weapon.
Prerequisite: Wis 21, Ki strike (adamantine)
Benefit: Your unarmed strikes are treated as epic magic weapons for the purposes of damage reduction.
  IMPROVED KI STRIKE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 5.00)

You are a master of the sucker punch.
Prerequisite: Brawl, Knockout Punch, Base attack bonus +6
Benefit: When making your first unarmed attack against a flat-footed opponent, treat a successful attack as a critical hit. This critical hit deals triple damage instead of double. The damage is nonlethal damage.
Special: Even if you have the ability to treat unarmed damage as lethal damage, the damage from am Improved Knockout Punch is always nonlethal.
  IMPROVED KNOCKOUT PUNCH Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 3.40 (Purp 3.75, Pow 3.25, Port 3.75, Comp 2.75, Rule 3.50)

You are capable of opening locks rather quickly.
Prerequisite: Open Lock 4 ranks, Dex 13
Benefit: You can make an Open Lock skill check as a move action.
Normal: Opening locks requires a full-round action.
  IMPROVED LOCKPICKING Copyright 2005, Jason D. Kemp
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.25, Port 4.50, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

You can see even further in dim light.
Prerequisite: Low-light vision
Benefit: The range of your low-light vision doubles. This feat does not stack with low-light vision granted by magic items or nonpermanent magical effects.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. Its effects stack. Remember that two doublings equals a tripling, and so on.
  IMPROVED LOW-LIGHT VISION Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.25, Port 3.75, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.75)

You increase your power point reserve.
Prerequisite: Character level 21st, Ability to manifest powers of the normal maximum power level in at least one psionic class
Benefit: When you select this feat, you gain 19 power points.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you do so, you gain an additional number of power points equal to your previous benefit +2.
  IMPROVED MANIFESTATION Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.50 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.75)

You can fire many arrows at once.
Prerequisite: Dex 19, Base attack bonus +21, Manyshot, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot
Benefit: As Manyshot, but the number of arrows your can fire is limited only by your base attack bonus (two arrows, plus one arrow for every 5 points of base attack bonus above +6).
Normal: With the Manyshot feat, the character is limited to a maximum of four arrows fired (when the character’s base attack bonus is +16 or higher).
Special: Regardless of the number of arrows the character fires, he or she only applies precision-based damage (such as sneak attack damage or the ranger’s favored enemy bonus) once. If the character scores a critical hit, only one of the arrows deals critical damage (character’s choice); all others deal normal damage.
  IMPROVED MANYSHOT Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 3.80 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 3.75)

You can use metamagic at a reduced cost.
Prerequisite: Four metamagic feats, Spellcraft 30 ranks
Benefit: The spell slot modifier of all your metamagic feats is reduced by one level, to a minimum of +1. This feat has no effect on metamagic feats whose spell slot modifier is +1 or less.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. The effects stack, though a character can’t reduce any metamagic feat’s spell slot modifier to less than +1.
  IMPROVED METAMAGIC Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.15 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.75, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.25)

You can manifest powers using metapsionic feats more easily than normal.
Prerequisite: Character level 21st, Four metapsionic feats, Psicraft 30 ranks
Benefit: Metapsionic powers you manifest cost 2 power points less than normal (to a minimum of 1 power point). This feat has no effect on metapsionic powers that inflate the cost by only 2 power points.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. The effects stack, though you can’t lower the cost of any metapsionic power to less than 1 power point.
  IMPROVED METAPSIONICS Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The 21st level prerequisite is useless as all epic feats have this prerequisite. The wording of this feat is incorrect if the spirit of the feat should be the same as Improved Metamagic; theoretically if you used a 2nd level power (3 pp) with a metapsionic feat that did not increase the power cost (eg something that changed an energy type from fire to cold) this feat would allow you to manifest that power for only 1 pp. The benefit should be altered to “Metapsionic powers you manifest cost 2 power points less than normal (to a minimum of +2 power points). This feat has no effect on metapsionic powers that inflate the cost by under 2 power points.”, and similarly change “1 power point” to “2 power points” in Special. This would make the feat functionally identical to Improved Metamagic.
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.75, Port 4.25, Comp 4.00, Rule 3.75)

Your sixth sense is more developed than normal, allowing you a better chance to dodge blows in combat.
Prerequisite: Monk level 1
Benefit: Add +1 to your monk AC bonus.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times, each time increasing your monk AC bonus by 1.
  IMPROVED MONK AC BONUS Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.33 (Purp 3.67, Pow 4.33, Port 4.33, Comp 5.00, Rule 4.33)

You may evade more than one attack to your mount in a round.
Prerequisite: Mounted Combat, Ride 1 rank
Benefit: You may use your Ride skill and Mounted Combat feat to evade one additional attack each round.
Special: This feat can be taken several times, and stacks with itself.
  IMPROVED MOUNTED COMBAT Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.50 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.75, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

IMPROVED MULTIATTACK [Monster, Special, Fighter]
Your secondary attacks are more accurate.
Prerequisite: Three natural weapons, Multiattack
Benefit: The creature’s secondary attacks with natural weapons have no penalty. They still add only one-half the creature’s Strength bonus, if any, to damage dealt.
Normal: Without this feat, the creature’s secondary natural attacks have a –5 penalty (or a –2 penalty if it has the Multiattack feat).
  IMPROVED MULTIATTACK Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.55 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

You get extra attacks with all your weapons.
Prerequisite: Multiweapon Fighting, Three arms, Base attack bonus +9, Dex 15
Benefit: In addition to the single extra attack a creature gets with each extra weapon from Multiweapon Fighting, it gets a second attack with each extra weapon, albeit at a –5 penalty.
Normal: With only Multiweapon Fighting, a creature can only get a single attack with each extra weapon.
Special: This feat replaces the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat for creatures with more than two arms.
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 5.00)

IMPROVED NATURAL ARMOR [Monster, Special, Fighter]
Your skin is tougher then that typical for your species.
Prerequisite: Natural armor, Con 13
Benefit: The creature’s natural armor bonus increases by 1.
Special: A creature can gain this feat multiple times. Each time the creature takes the feat its natural armor bonus increases by another point.
  IMPROVED NATURAL ARMOR Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

You natural weapon is more powerful than most.
Prerequisite: Natural weapon, Base attack bonus +4
Benefit: Choose one of the creature’s natural attack forms. The damage for this natural weapon increases by one step, as if the creature’s size had increased by one category: 1d2, 1d3, 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 2d6, 3d6, 4d6, 6d6, 8d6, 12d6. A weapon or attack that deals 1d10 points of damage increases as follows: 1d10, 2d8, 3d8, 4d8, 6d8, 8d8, 12d8.
  IMPROVED NATURAL ATTACK Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The Netbook of Feats team believes the prerequisite should state ‘Natural attack’ instead of ‘Natural weapon’, and in this case any character could take this feat as everyone has a natural attack (e.g. fists, kicks).
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.50, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.50)

You gain more from your outburst racial ability than other members of your race.
Prerequisite: Cha 13, outburst racial ability
Benefit: You gain an additional +2 bonus to Strength when you use your outburst racial ability, for a total of a +4 bonus to Strength.
Normal: Races such as the maenad receive the extraordinary ability Outburst, which grants the following: Once per day, for up to 4 rounds, a maenad can subjugate her mentality to gain a boost of raw physical power. When she does so, she takes a -2 penalty to Intelligence and Wisdom but gains a +2 bonus to Strength.
  IMPROVED OUTBURST Copyright 2005, Jason D. Kemp
  Balance: 3.87 (Purp 3.33, Pow 4.33, Port 2.67, Comp 4.67, Rule 4.33)

IMPROVED OVERRUN [General, Fighter]
Your victims can not escape your overrun maneuver.
Prerequisite: Str 13, Power Attack
Benefit: When you attempt to overrun an opponent, the target may not choose to avoid you. You also gain a +4 bonus on your Strength check to knock down your opponent.
Normal: Without this feat, the target of an overrun can choose to avoid you or to block you.
Special: A fighter may select Improved Overrun as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  IMPROVED OVERRUN Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.70 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.25, Port 5.00, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

Your ranged attack abilities are extended to 60’.
Prerequisite: Far Shot, Point Blank Shot
Benefit: The range limitation for point blank shot is extended to 60’. Additionally any ranged attack ability or bonus that normally only applies within 30’ is extended to a range of 60’. Sneak attack damage is a prime example.
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.67, Pow 4.33, Port 4.67, Comp 4.33, Rule 4.00)

You can control the amount of power you put behind each of your strikes.
Prerequisite: Str 15, Power Attack, Base attack bonus +3
Benefit: You can select how much of your base attack bonus to use with Power Attack for each attack separately, instead of using a fixed amount for the whole round.
  IMPROVED POWER ATTACK Copyright 2002, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.55 (Purp 5.00, Pow 3.75, Port 4.50, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

You can inflict terrible blows with a double weapon.
Prerequisite: Two-weapon Fighting, Power Attack, Power Double Weapon, Base attack bonus +6
Benefit: When wielding a double weapon, you add one and one-half your Strength bonus to damage rolls with both your primary and secondary attacks.
Normal: Without this feat and Power Double Weapon you add your full Strength bonus to damage rolls with your primary attacks and half your Strength bonus to damage rolls with your secondary attacks. With Power Double Weapon you add your full strength bonus to damage rolls with your primary and secondary attacks.
  IMPROVED POWER DOUBLE WEAPON Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 3.75, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.25)

You can shoot targets behind cover without penalty.
Prerequisite: Dex 19, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Base attack bonus +11
Benefit: Your ranged attacks ignore the AC bonus granted to targets by anything less than total cover, and the miss chance granted to targets by anything less than total concealment. Total cover and total concealment provide their normal benefits against your ranged attacks. In addition, when you shoot or throw ranged weapons at a grappling opponent, you automatically strike at the opponent you have chosen.
Normal: See the normal rules on the effects of cover and concealment. Without this feat, a character who shoots or throws a ranged weapon at a target involved in a grapple must roll randomly to see which grappling combatant the attack strikes.
Special: A fighter may select Improved Precise Shot as one of his fighter bonus feats. An 11th-level ranger who has chosen the archery combat style is treated as having Improved Precise Shot, even if he does not have the prerequisites for it, but only when he is wearing light or no armor.
  IMPROVED PRECISE SHOT Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.67 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.00, Port 5.00, Comp 4.33, Rule 5.00)

You can upgrade your psicrystal.
Prerequisite: Psicrystal Affinity
Benefit: You can implant another personality fragment in your psicrystal. You gain the benefits of both psicrystal personalities. Your psicrystal’s personality adjusts and becomes a blend between all implanted personality fragments. From now on, when determining the abilities of your psicrystal, treat your manifester level as one higher than your normal manifester level.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time, you implant a new personality fragment in your psicrystal, from which you derive the noted benefits, and you treat your level as one higher for the purpose of determining your psicrystal’s abilities.
  IMPROVED PSICRYSTAL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.25)

You have mastered the art of analyzing an opponent’s weakness.
Prerequisite: Death Attack class ability, Sneak attack +8d6, Quick Study
Benefit: You may perform a death attack after studying a potential victim for one round.
Normal: You need to study an opponent three rounds before a death attack.
  IMPROVED QUICK STUDY Copyright 2002, Jerry M. Chaney II
  Balance: 4.28 (Purp 4.20, Pow 3.80, Port 4.00, Comp 4.80, Rule 4.60)

The creature is innately more resistant to spells or psionics.
Prerequisite: Innate Spell Resistance (SR) or Power Resistance (PR)
Benefit: Increase the creature's SR or PR by +2.
  IMPROVED RESISTANCE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.75 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.75, Port 4.75, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

You are capable of searching an area quickly.
Prerequisite: Search 4 ranks, Int 13
Benefit: You can make a Search skill check to search one 5-foot-by-5-foot area or a volume of goods 5 feet on a side as a move action.
Normal: It takes a full-round action to search a 5-foot-by-5-foot area or a volume of goods 5 feet on a side.
  IMPROVED SEARCH Copyright 2005, Jason D. Kemp
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.50, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

You can use your shield to attack and defend simultaneously.
Prerequisite: Shield Proficiency
Benefit: When you perform a shield bash, you may still apply the shield’s shield bonus to your AC.
Normal: Without this feat, a character who performs a shield bash loses the shield’s shield bonus to AC until his or her next turn.
Special: A fighter may select Improved Shield Bash as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  IMPROVED SHIELD BASH Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.90 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.50, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

You are capable of performing sleight of hand tricks more easily than most.
Prerequisite: Sleight Of Hand 4 ranks, Dex 13
Benefit: You can make a Sleight Of Hand skill check as a move action.
Normal: A Sleight Of Hand skill check is a standard action.
  IMPROVED SLEIGHT OF HAND Copyright 2005, Jason D. Kemp
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 3.75, Pow 3.75, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

Your sneak attack is stronger than before.
Prerequisite: Sneak attack 8d6
Benefit: Add +1d6 to your sneak attack damage.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. Its effects stack.
  IMPROVED SNEAK ATTACK Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.75, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 5.00)

You can cast even more powerful spells.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast spells of the normal maximum spell level in at least one spellcasting class
Benefit: When your select this feat, your gains one spell slot per day of any level up to one level higher than the highest-level spell you can already cast in a particular class. You must still have the requisite ability score (10 + spell level) in order to cast any spell stored in this slot. If you have a high enough ability modifier to gain one or more bonus spells for this spell level, you also gains the bonus spells for this spell level. You must use the spell slot as a member of the class in which you can already cast spells of the normal maximum spell level.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times.
Spell Slots Above 9th Level
The Improved Spell Capacity feat allows characters to gain spell slots above 9th level (which can be used to hold lower-level spells or spells whose level has been increased beyond 9th by the use of metamagic feats).
A character with a very high score in the ability associated with his or her spellcasting (Intelligence for wizards; Wisdom for clerics, druids, paladins, and rangers; or Charisma for bards and sorcerers) may receive bonus spells of those levels, as shown on Table - Expanded Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells, but only if they already have at least one spell slot of that level (such as from the Improved Spell Capacity feat). A character without any spell slots of a level can’t receive any bonus spells of that level, even if the appropriate ability score is high enough to award them.
Even though the table only includes ability scores up to 61 and spell slots up to 25th level, the progression continues infinitely in both directions. For ability scores beyond 61, or for spell slots above 25th level, expand the table to follow the same patterns as shown.
Table - Expanded Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells
Ability Score Modifier
Spells Per Day
10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th
10–11 +0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
12–13 +1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
14–15 +2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
16–17 +3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
18–19 +4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
20-21 +5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
22-23 +6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
24–25 +7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
26–27 +8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
28–29 +9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
30-31 +10 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
31-32 +11 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
34-35 +12 1 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
36-37 +13 1 1 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - -
38-39 +14 2 1 1 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - -
40-41 +15 2 2 1 1 1 1 - - - - - - - - - -
42-43 +16 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 - - - - - - - - -
44-45 +17 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 - - - - - - - -
46-47 +18 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 - - - - - - -
48-49 +19 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 - - - - - -
50-51 +20 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 - - - - -
52-53 +21 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 - - - -
54–55 +22 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 - - -
56–57 +23 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 - -
58–59 +24 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 -
60-61 +25 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1

  IMPROVED SPELL CAPACITY Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.15 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.00, Comp 3.50, Rule 4.50)

You are more resistant to spells and magic effects.
Prerequisite: Must have spell resistance from a feat, Class feature, Or other permanent effect
Benefit: Your spell resistance increases by +2.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.
  IMPROVED SPELL RESISTANCE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.15 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.50, Port 3.75, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

You are more stable than normal for your race.
Prerequisite: Str 13, stability as a racial ability
Benefit: You gain an additional +4 bonus on ability checks and saving throws made to resist being overrun, bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted for your stability racial ability.
  IMPROVED STABILITY Copyright 2005, Jason D. Kemp
  Balance: 4.04 (Purp 3.40, Pow 4.20, Port 3.80, Comp 4.20, Rule 4.60)

Your stonecunning ability is more acute than normal for your race.
Prerequisite: Wis 13, Stonecunning as a racial ability
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to all stonecunning checks. This stacks with your racial bonus for stonecunning.
  IMPROVED STONECUNNING Copyright 2005, Jason D. Kemp
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 3.75, Pow 4.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.50)

Your stunning attacks are harder to resist.
Prerequisite: Dex 19, Wis 19, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist
Benefit: Add +2 to the DC of your stunning attack.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. Its effects stack.
  IMPROVED STUNNING FIST Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.75, Port 4.00, Comp 4.75, Rule 5.00)

IMPROVED SUBDUAL [General, Fighter]
You are skilled in making nonlethal attacks
Benefit: When using a weapon that does normal damage for a nonlethal attack, you are not subject to the normal -4 penalty to hit.
Normal: Characters striking to subdue with normal weapons do so at -4 to hit.
Notes: This feat combines the Improved Subdual and Improved Subdue feats from previous versions of the Netbook.
  IMPROVED SUBDUAL Copyright 2001, Rebecca Glenn, Scott Metzger
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 5.00 (Purp 5.00, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

IMPROVED SUNDER [General, Fighter]
You can sunder without provoking attacks of opportunity.
Prerequisite: Str 13, Power Attack
Benefit: When you strike at an object held or carried by an opponent (such as a weapon or shield), you do not provoke an attack of opportunity. You also gain a +4 bonus on any attack roll made to attack an object held or carried by another character.
Normal: Without this feat, you provoke an attack of opportunity when you strike at an object held or carried by another character.
Special: A fighter may select Improved Sunder as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  IMPROVED SUNDER Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.85 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.50, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

You are tougher than normal.
Prerequisite: Toughness, Base attack bonus +3
Benefit: You gain +4 hit points, for a total feat bonus of +7 hit points. Improved Toughness can be taken any number of times and stacks with itself and the hit point bonus provided by the Toughness feat. Each time that it is taken after the first, increase the prerequisite base attack bonus for selecting the feat by +3 and increase the hit points provided by the feat by +1. The following table sums up the requirements and bonuses of various levels of Toughness and Improved Toughness you can take up to level 20.

Feat BAB Bonus Total
Toughness - +3 +3
Improved Toughness +3 +4 +7
Improved Toughness x2 +6 +5 +12
Improved Toughness x3 +9 +6 +18
Improved Toughness x4 +12 +7 +25
Improved Toughness x5 +15 +8 +33
Improved Toughness x6 +18 +9 +42

  IMPROVED TOUGHNESS Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.60 (Purp 4.60, Pow 4.40, Port 4.80, Comp 4.60, Rule 4.60)

IMPROVED TRIP [General, Fighter]
You are adept at tripping your opponents.
Prerequisite: Combat Expertise, Int 13
Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when you attempt to trip an opponent while you are unarmed. You also gain a +4 bonus on your Strength check to trip your opponent. If you trip an opponent in melee combat, you immediately get a melee attack against that opponent as if you hadn’t used your attack for the trip attempt.
Normal: Without this feat, you provoke an attack of opportunity when you attempt to trip an opponent while you are unarmed.
Special: At 6th level, a monk may select Improved Trip as a bonus feat, even if she does not have the prerequisites. A fighter may select Improved Trip as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  IMPROVED TRIP Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.95 (Purp 5.00, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 4.75, Rule 5.00)

You can turn as if you were a higher level.
Prerequisite: Ability to turn or rebuke creatures
Benefit: You turn or rebuke creatures as if you were one level higher than you are in the class that grants you the ability.
  IMPROVED TURNING Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.60 (Purp 4.75, Pow 3.50, Port 5.00, Comp 4.75, Rule 5.00)

You get an extra attack with your off hand weapon.
Prerequisite: Two-weapon Fighting, Dex 17, Base attack bonus +6
Benefit: In addition to the standard single extra attack you get with an off-hand weapon, you get a second attack with it, albeit at a –5 penalty.
Normal: Without this feat, you can only get a single extra attack with an off-hand weapon.
Special: A fighter may select Improved Two-Weapon Fighting as one of his fighter bonus feats. A 6th-level ranger who has chosen the two-weapon combat style is treated as having Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, even if he does not have the prerequisites for it, but only when he is wearing light or no armor.
  IMPROVED TWO-WEAPON FIGHTING Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.55 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.50, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

You hands are considered deadly weapons.
Benefit: You are considered to be armed even when unarmed —that is, you do not provoke attacks or opportunity from armed opponents when you attack them while unarmed. However, you still get an attack of opportunity against any opponent who makes an unarmed attack on you. In addition, your unarmed strikes can deal lethal or nonlethal damage, at your option.
Normal: Without this feat, you are considered unarmed when attacking with an unarmed strike, and you can deal only nonlethal damage with such an attack.
Special: A monk automatically gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat at 1st level. She need not select it. A fighter may select Improved Unarmed Strike as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  IMPROVED UNARMED STRIKE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.70 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.75, Comp 5.00, Rule 4.75)

You can control more undead than normal.
Prerequisite: Rebuke undead ability
Benefit: You can command a number of undead with total Hit Dice equal to 2 per level. This also increases the number of undead that you can animate and control with the animate dead spell to 6 Hit Dice per caster level, although you can't create more Hit Dice of undead with a single casting of animate dead greater than triple your caster level.
Normal: You can normally command a total number of undead with Hit Dice equal to your level (or control a total number of undead animated through use of the animate dead spell equal to 4 Hit Dice per caster level, with a single casting producing up to double your caster level in Hit Dice of undead).
Special: This feat can be taken multiple times, and stacks with itself. Each time it is taken, you add +1 Hit Dice/level to your limit when controlling undead through your rebuke undead ability and +2 Hit Dice/level to the limit of the animate dead spell and +1 Hit Dice/level to the limit of a single casting of the animate dead spell.
  IMPROVED UNDEAD CONTROL Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry, Carl Cramér
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Comments: This feat was previously known as Undead Mastery. The name change was made because of a conflict with the recently introduced epic feat of the same name from the System Reference Document.
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.50)

You strike multiple times at everyone around you.
Prerequisite: Int 13, Dex 23, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack
Benefit: As a standard action, you can make one melee attack for every five points of your base attack bonus (including epic attack bonus, round fractions down). You cannot attack any one opponent more than once as part of this action. These attacks (as well as all other attacks made until the start of your next turn) suffer a –4 penalty. When using the Improved Whirlwind feat, your also forfeit any bonus or extra attacks granted by other spells or abilities (such as Cleave or the haste spell). Since these attacks are made as part of a standard action your can’t make a 5-foot step between any two of the attacks.
Normal: Without this feat, using the Whirlwind Attack feat requires a full attack action, and the character can take a 5-foot step between any two of the attacks.
  IMPROVED WHIRLWIND ATTACK Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 3.45 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.25, Port 3.50, Comp 3.00, Rule 3.25)

Lower the non-proficiency penalty of weapons.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +2
Benefit: When you use a weapon that you are not proficient with, or an improvised weapon for which no proficiency is possible, you suffer only a -2 penalty to hit.
Normal: The normal penalty in this situation is -4.
  IMPROVISED WEAPONS Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.50, Port 4.75, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.50)

INCITE RAGE [Epic, Rage]
You can send allies into a rage.
Prerequisite: Cha 25, Greater rage class feature
Benefit: When you enters a rage, your can incite a barbarian rage in any or all allies within 60 feet. (Any ally who doesn’t wish to become enraged is unaffected.) The ally gains +4 to Strength, +4 to Constitution, and a +2 morale bonus on Will saves, but takes a –2 penalty to AC, for as long as you remain raging. The rage of affected allies lasts a number of rounds equal to 3 + their Constitution modifier, regardless of whether they remain within 60 feet of you. This is otherwise identical with normal barbarian rage (including the fatigue at its end).
Special: This is a mind-affecting effect.
  INCITE RAGE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.25)

INFER SPELL [Special, Magical]
You can learn spells from magic items.
Prerequisite: Spellbook
Benefit: You can learn spells from magic items. You must study the item for one day per level of the spell you are attempting to learn. The item must be able to produce an effect identical to the spell you are learning. After the period of study you must make a spellcraft check identical to copying a spell from another spell book (DC 15+ the level of the spell). If you fail you are subject to the same limitations as when failing to copy a spell from a spellbook. The spell must be one you are normally permitted to learn.
  INFER SPELL Copyright 2005, Sigfried Trent
  Balance: 4.15 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.25)

You can deflect an unlimited number of arrows.
Prerequisite: Dex 25, Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Improved Unarmed Strike
Benefit: You may perform any number of deflections each round, as the Deflect Arrows feat.
  INFINITE DEFLECTION Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.50)

The creature can use its spellcasting knowledge to modify its innate spell-like abilities with learned metamagic feats.
Prerequisite: Int 11, Innate spell-like ability, Ability to cast spells, One or more metamagic feats
Benefit: The creature can modify any of its innate spell-like abilities with any spell altering metamagic feat that it knows. In order to alter a spell-like ability in this manner, the creature must prepare (Wizards or Divine spellcasters) or spend (Sorcerer or Bard) a spell slot equal in level to the bonus level required for the metamagic feat in question (see examples below). Casting a metamagically enhanced spell-like ability also counts as one or its uses of that spell-like ability per day. Spontaneously casting a metamagically enhanced spell-like ability, like a Sorcerer or Bard, requires a full-round action (rather than a standard action).
Normal: Creatures cannot normally modify spell-like abilities with spell altering metamagic feats.
Special: This feat does not provide knowledge of any other metamagic feat and it cannot be used with class based spell-like abilities, like the druid's wild shape or paladin's ability to cure disease. Because spell-like abilities are cast without need of verbal, somatic or material components, modifying a spell-like ability with Silent Spell or Still Spell provides no additional game related benefit.
  INNATE METAMAGIC Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 3.80 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 3.00, Rule 4.00)

You have a remarkable affinity for a school of magic, similar to a specialist wizard.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast arcane spells without preparation (like a bard or sorcerer)
Benefit: Choose one school of magic (and its associated prohibited schools), per the wizard's school specialization rules. You can learn one additional spell per spell level that you can cast as long as this additional spell is from your specialty school. You do not gain the ability to cast more spells per day nor do you gain a bonus on Spellcraft checks when dealing with your specialty school. Spells from your chosen prohibited school(s) cannot be cast and are removed from your spell list. If you cast spells from a limited spell list (like a bard), you cannot choose Evocation or Necromancy as prohibited schools.
Normal: Bards and Sorcerers cannot normally choose to specialize in a school of magic.
Special: This feat can be taken more than once, but each time it must apply to a different spontaneous spellcaster class.
  INNATE SPECIALIST Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 3.50, Rule 4.00)

You have tapped an inner reserve of power that allows you to reduce magic-related XP costs.
Prerequisite: Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 13
Benefit: Any time you cast a spell with an XP cost, manifest a power with an XP cost or create a magic item, the XP cost is reduced by 10%. Fractional XP costs are rounded up to the nearest whole number.
Special: A character may gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take this feat beyond the first, the ability score requirements each increase by 2 and the XP cost discount is increased by 5%, to a maximum of a 95% reduction.
Example: At 6th level Garmand took Inner Depths Of The Soul as his feat. He met the prerequisites of 13 or higher in Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma. The XP cost discount is 10%. At 9th level, he took this feat again as he was able to meet the increased prerequisites of 15 or higher in Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma, giving him a total discount of 15% to XP costs.
  INNER DEPTHS OF THE SOUL Copyright 2001, Michael J. Kletch
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 3.70 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.75, Port 3.50, Comp 3.50, Rule 3.75)

You know when others lie.
Prerequisite: Wis 13
Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. You gain a +10 bonus on a Sense Motive check to oppose a Bluff check. You must decide whether or not to use this feat prior to making a Sense Motive check. If your check fails, or if the opponent isn’t lying, you still expend your psionic focus.
  INQUISITOR Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.25)

Through music, song or poetry you are able to inspire cooperation in others.
Prerequisite: Bardic music class feature, Perform 3 ranks
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to all Charisma based attribute and skill checks made against anyone that has heard you sing or perform for a full round, except for people that begin the encounter hostile towards you. This bonus lasts for a full day after you stop performing and uses up one of your bardic music attempts per day.
  INSPIRE COOPERATION Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.70 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.75, Port 5.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.75)

Your followers always keep you in their hearts.
Prerequisite: Cha 17, Leadership, Inspire Loyalty, Inspire Greatness
Benefit: Your followers and cohorts gain the benefits from Inspire Loyalty and Inspire Greatness at all times while you are alive and need not be within 60’ of you.
  INSPIRE DEVOTION Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 3.53 (Purp 4.33, Pow 2.33, Port 3.67, Comp 4.00, Rule 3.33)

Your music can increase allies ability scroes.
Prerequisite: Perform 30 ranks, Bardic music class feature
Benefit: You can use song or poetics to grant a bonus to one ability score to your allies. To be affected, an ally must hear the bard sing for 1 full round. The effect lasts as long as you sing and for 5 rounds after you stop singing (or 5 rounds after the ally can no longer hear you). While singing, the bard can fight but cannot cast spells, activate magic items by spell completion (such as scrolls), or activate magic items by command word (such as wands). Each ally to be inspired gains a +4 competence bonus to the same ability score, which you must choose before you begins inspiring. Inspire excellence is a supernatural, mind-affecting ability. Use of this feat counts as one of your bardic music uses for the day.
Special: This feat is treated as a bardic music inspiration ability for purposes of feats that affect such abilities.
  INSPIRE EXCELLENCE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.75)

Your followers fight harder when you are near.
Prerequisite: Cha 15, Leadership, Inspire Loyalty
Benefit: All your followers within 60’ gain a +1 moral bonus to their attack and damage rolls.
  INSPIRE GREATNESS Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 3.67, Pow 4.67, Port 4.00, Comp 3.67, Rule 4.00)

Your followers are inspired by your greatness.
Prerequisite: Cha 13, Leadership
Benefit: All your followers and cohorts within 60’ gain a +2 morale bonus on all saving throws.
  INSPIRE LOYALTY Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 3.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.25)

You work to inspire your followers and cohorts and raise their morale.
Prerequisite: Cha 13, Leadership
Benefit: Your cohorts and followers gain a +1 morale bonus to attack and damage and a +2 morale bonus to saving throws versus all fear effects and mind-affecting spells and abilities while you are personally directing their efforts, and/or are within 30' . This bonus will last for up to one minute without additional orders being given if you move further than 30' away from your allies. These bonuses remain in effect for up to one minute if you are dropped in combat.
  INSPIRING LEADER Copyright 2000, Michael J. Kletch
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 3.58 (Purp 4.30, Pow 3.00, Port 3.30, Comp 3.30, Rule 4.00)

INSPIRING LOVE [General, Role Play]
Your love bolsters your efficacy when doing something for your beloved.
Benefit: You must select another person to be your beloved when you take this feat. This is usually a lover, but can be a child or even just a very close friend. Every time you do something specifically for your beloved's benefit, like going on a quest or fighting a duel for your love, you gain a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and skill checks. This does not include things you merely do together – you have to be doing this for the sake of your love. Loving an adventuring companion will not give you a bonus on all your adventures however. If your beloved has acknowledged your love, and given you an appropriate token (handkerchief, lock of hair, etc.), this bonus increases to +2, as long as you wear this token over your heart.
Special: You must be true to your love for this feat being effective; meaning you must think about your love every day, risk your safety for love, etc. Should the object of your love die, you might still gain these benefits when exacting revenge or building a monument to them or the like.
  INSPIRING LOVE Copyright 2002, Dominique Crouzet, Carl Cramér
  Comments: This is typically a paladin feat, and would fit very well with a bard. It is inspired by the medieval knights' tradition of courtly love. Lancelot for instance, could be seen as having this feat with regard to Queen Guinevere, while King Arthur (Guinevere's husband) doesn't have it.
  Balance: 3.16 (Purp 4.20, Pow 3.00, Port 2.80, Comp 2.80, Rule 3.00)

You can instantly awaken from sleep at the slightest sign of danger.
Benefit: When subject to an attack while asleep, you may make an immediate Reflex save (DC 15) to awaken and defend yourself normally. On a successful save you are not considered helpless or surprised, so you are not vulnerable to a coup de grace, and you may take a standard action in the surprise round (if one occurs); roll for initiative and resolve attacks normally. You may still be considered flat-footed if your initiative is worse than your attacker's.
Normal: A sleeping opponent is flat-footed, helpless (+4 circumstance bonus to strike, treat Dexterity as 0 and apply the -5 modifier to Armor Class) and vulnerable to coup de grace attacks.
  INSTANT AWAKENING Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.25, Port 4.50, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.50)

INSTANT RELOAD [Epic, Fighter]
You can load your crossbow with amazing speed.
Prerequisite: Quick Draw, Rapid Reload, Weapon Focus (crossbow Type To Be Selected)
Benefit: You may fire the selected type of crossbow at your full normal attack rate. Reloading the crossbow does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time a character takes the feat, it applies to a different type of crossbow.
  INSTANT RELOAD Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The Netbook of Feats team feels that this should be a normal, not Epic, feat.
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.50)

You know how to intensify the effect of a poison.
Prerequisite: Poison Use ability
Benefit: You can distill two doses of an identical poison into a single dose. This increases the DC to resist the effects of the poison by 2 and takes one hour to complete.
  INTENSIFY POISON Copyright 2002, Jerry M. Chaney II
  Balance: 4.15 (Purp 3.75, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.25)

INTENSIFY SPELL [Epic, Metamagic]
You can imbue your spells with legendary power.
Prerequisite: Empower Spell, Maximize Spell, Spellcraft 30 ranks, Ability to cast 9th-level arcane or divine spells
Benefit: All variable, numeric effects of an intensified spell are maximized, then doubled. An intensified spell deals twice maximum damage, cures twice the maximum number of hit points, affects twice the maximum number of targets, and so forth, as appropriate. Saving throws and opposed rolls are not affected. An intensified spell uses up a spell slot seven levels higher than the spell’s actual level. You can’t combine the effects of this feat with any other feat that affects the variable, numeric effects of a spell.
  INTENSIFY SPELL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: With a level increase of +7 this feat is virtually useless without Improved Spell Capacity as well. Consider that for +5 levels you can combine Empower Spell and Maximize spell to do 150% of maximum damage; this does 200%, so only one third more. Bearing in mind you have to spend an additional epic feat to get this ability it is suggested to have only a +5 level increase for this feat, or no more than +6.
  Balance: 4.15 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

You use intuition where others use logic.
Benefit: You may use your Wisdom modifier in place of your Intelligence modifier on Search and Spellcraft checks.
  INTUITIVE Copyright 2005, Jonathan D. Woolley
  Balance: 3.56 (Purp 3.20, Pow 4.00, Port 3.60, Comp 3.60, Rule 3.40)

You can recover spell slots without rest or need for meditation.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast 1st level Arcane spells without preparation (like a Bard or Sorcerer)
Benefit: Choose one spellcasting class that meets the above prerequisites plus a particular time of day (dawn, noon, dusk or midnight is recommended). Rather than regaining spell slots after resting, every day at this time your spell slots in this class automatically refresh, allowing you to cast your daily allotment of spells without need for rest or meditation. All spell slots used within 8 hours prior to your chosen time of day do not refresh and count against your daily spell limit for the following day.
Normal: Bards and sorcerers must rest for 8 hours and spend 15 minutes playing music or concentrating in order to recover their spell slots.
  INTUITIVE SPELL PREPARATION Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 3.75, Pow 4.25, Port 3.50, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.25)

You are a talented sleuth.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Gather Information checks and Search checks.
  INVESTIGATOR Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.95 (Purp 4.75, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

You may make your spells invisible.
Benefit: A hidden spell incorporates an illusion that renders it and its effects invisible. Invisible Spell does not conceal the casting of the spell, only the spell effects. An invisible spell uses up a spell slot three levels higher than the spell's actual level.
Special: This feat does not work with Illusion Magic, or spells that depend on light or visibility for their effects. Casters who are prohibited from casting illusion spells can not use this feat. Non-permanent magical effects including invisible ones can be spotted as per invisible creatures with a DC20 Spot check for mobile effects, and DC 40 for non-mobile effects.
Notes: If the spell reasonably makes noise, has odor, or a tactile effect of some kind these effects are not hidden, it operates like any other invisibility effect. The “spell effects” refer to any magical manifestation of the spell, not indirect results of the spell. For instance, a ball of fire would be invisible but anything it ignites would be visibly burning.
  INVISIBLE SPELL Copyright 2001, Joshua Turton
  Balance: 3.48 (Purp 3.60, Pow 3.60, Port 3.40, Comp 3.40, Rule 3.40)

IRON WILL [General]
You posses a strong will.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Will saving throws.
  IRON WILL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.95 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.75, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

You can us any skill without training.
Prerequisite: You must be at least 6th level
Benefit: You can use any skill untrained, even those that normally require training.
  JACK OF ALL TRADES Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.50, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.25)

KEEN STRIKE [Epic, Special]
Your unarmed strikes cut like a blade.
Prerequisite: Str 23, Wis 23, Improved Critical (unarmed Strike), Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Ki strike (adamantine)
Benefit: Your unarmed strike has a critical threat range of 18-20 and deals slashing damage (at your option any attack can deal bludgeoning damage, but cannot then take advantage of the enhanced threat range). This ability doesn’t stack with other abilities that expand your unarmed strike’s threat range.
  KEEN STRIKE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: Interestingly this feat effectively breaks the 'no doubling of critical threat ranges' rule that was introduced in edition 3.5. However, seeing as the Netbook of Feats team disagrees with that rule anyway, we have no problem with this feat - although we do believe that there should be similar feats for non-monk characters with weapons.
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.25)

You have learned to channel your Ki into devastating unarmed attacks.
Prerequisite: Wis 13, Str 11, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Base attack bonus +3
Benefit: On a successful unarmed strike you can add your Wisdom modifier instead of your Strength modifier to the damage roll. This feat is an extraordinary ability.
  KI OF THE MASTERS Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.25)

KI SENSE [Special, Martial Style]
Your self-awareness and mastery of ki allow you to intuitively sense the presence of danger.
Prerequisite: Wis 13, Monk base AC bonus 1
Benefit: You can make a Will save (DC 20) to avoid being caught surprised or flat-footed. On a successful save, you can act during the surprise round even if you would otherwise be surprised and you can retain your Dex bonus to armor class even if you would otherwise be caught flat-footed.
  KI SENSE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.33 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.33, Port 4.67, Comp 4.33, Rule 4.33)

You can take advantage of a prone opponent's weakness.
Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes, Sneak attack 1d6
Benefit: You may add your Sneak Attack damage when attacking a prone target.
Normal: Being prone does not normally make you vulnerable to sneak attacks.
  KICK 'EM WHILE THEY'RE DOWN Copyright 2003, Rick Coen, Carl Cramér
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.67 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.67, Comp 4.67, Rule 5.00)

KICK-UP [General]
You have learned how to get up from being prone very quickly.
Prerequisite: Dex 13
Benefit: Standing up from a prone position is a free action. You also gain a +4 bonus on any Dexterity or Strength check made to resist a Trip attempt..
Normal: Standing is normally a move-equivalent action.
  KICK-UP Copyright 2002, Ian Cheesman
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.48 (Purp 4.60, Pow 4.60, Port 4.20, Comp 4.40, Rule 4.60)

KNOCK-DOWN [General, Fighter]
You can knock down foes with mighty blows.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +2, Improved Trip, Str 15
Benefit: Whenever you deal 10 or more points of damage to your opponent in melee, you make a trip attack as a free action against the same target.
  KNOCK-DOWN Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.00, Port 4.50, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.50)

KNOCKOUT PUNCH [General, Fighter]
You know how to deliver a good sucker punch.
Prerequisite: Brawl, Base attack bonus +3
Benefit: When making your first unarmed attack against a flat-footed opponent, treat a successful attack as a critical hit. This damage is nonlethal damage.
Special: Even if you have the ability to treat unarmed damage as lethal damage, the damage from a Knockout Punch is always nonlethal.
  KNOCKOUT PUNCH Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 3.70 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.75, Port 4.00, Comp 3.00, Rule 3.50)

Your knowledge of the land gives you a number of advantages.
Prerequisite: Survival 4 ranks
Benefit: Choose a terrain type. You gain a +2 bonus to Balance, Climb, Hide, Knowledge (nature), Listen, Search, Spot, Survival, and Swim skill checks while in that terrain. You also gain a +2 bonus to Animal handling checks with animals native to that terrain. Terrain types include - Aquatic, Cold Desert (tundra), Temperate or warm desert (badlands, sandy desert), Cold or temperate forest (forests), Warm forest (jungles), Hills, Marsh, Mountain, Plains, Underground, and Urban.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take this feat, it applies to a new terrain type.
  KNOW TERRAIN Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 4.03 (Purp 3.75, Pow 4.13, Port 4.25, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

You just seem to remember a bit more small detail about a given topic than the next fellow.
Prerequisite: Int 13
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to any 3 Knowledge skills of your choice, and those Knowledge skills become Class Skills for all your classes.
  KNOWLEDGE FOCUS Copyright 2002, Rick Coen
  Balance: 4.16 (Purp 3.80, Pow 4.00, Port 4.40, Comp 4.20, Rule 4.40)

You are widely read on nearly every subject.
Prerequisite: Int 13
Benefit: You may use any knowledge skill untrained.
  KNOWLEDGEABLE Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 4.13 (Purp 3.67, Pow 3.67, Port 4.33, Comp 4.67, Rule 4.33)

LAST DITCH [General]
The heart of a hero beats in your chest, allowing you one last attack.
Benefit: Whenever you are dropped in combat you may take a single attack at whatever dropped you (typically by dropping you to below 0 hit points or killing you), as long as the target is within your attack range. This attack is made at your base attack bonus and you get a special +2 morale bonus to hit and damage.
  LAST DITCH Copyright 2003, Ian Cheesman
  Balance: 4.07 (Purp 4.50, Pow 3.33, Port 4.33, Comp 4.17, Rule 4.00)

The effects of your music last much longer.
Prerequisite: Perform 25 ranks, Bardic music class feature
Benefit: The effects of your bardic music inspiration abilities last for ten times as long as normal after you stops singing. This feat has no effect on inspiration abilities that have no duration after you stop singing.
  LASTING INSPIRATION Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

You are able to mount a potent psychic defense.
Prerequisite: Manifester level 3rd
Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. You are able to manifest two psionic defense powers as an immediate action (limited to the powers empty mind, intellect fortress, mental barrier, thought shield or tower of iron will). Manifesting two defense powers simultaneously costs a number of power points equal to the standard cost to activate both psionic powers +1, and you must know the powers in question in order to manifest them.
  LAYERED PSIONIC DEFENSE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 4.50, Pow 3.75, Port 4.00, Comp 3.50, Rule 4.50)

You can trick opponents into shooting their allies by stepping aside at the last moment.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Dodge, Bluff 4 ranks, Combat Reflexes
Benefit: If someone makes a ranged weapon against you while you are fighting in melee combat, you may make a Bluff check opposed by the attacker’s Sense Motive check + their Base Attack Bonus. If you succeed, the attacker instead attacks a target you designate who is adjacent to you or occupies the same space. Each time you use this ability it counts as one of your attacks of opportunity for the round and it can not be used if you have no attacks of opportunity of the round remaining.
  LEAD FISSILE FIRE Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 4.15 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.13, Port 4.13, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.00)

Allies flock to your banner.
Prerequisite: Character level 6th
Benefit: Having this feat enables you to attract loyal companions and devoted followers, subordinates who assist you. See the tables below for what sort of cohort and how many followers you can recruit.
Leadership Modifiers: Several factors can affect your Leadership score, causing it to vary from the base score (character level + Cha modifier). Your reputation (from the point of view of the cohort or follower he is trying to attract) raises or lowers your Leadership score:
Leader's Reputation Modifier
Great renown +2
Fairness and generosity +1
Special power +1
Failure -1
Aloofness -1
Cruelty -2

Other modifiers may apply when you try to attract a cohort:
The Leader... Modifier
Has a familiar, special mount or animal companion -2
Recruits a cohort of a different alignment -1
Caused the death of a cohort -2*
* Cumulative per cohort killed.

Followers have different priorities from cohorts. When you try to attract a new follower, use any of the following modifiers that apply.
The Leader... Modifier
Has a stronghold, base of operations, guildhouse or the like +2
Moves around a lot -1
Caused the death of other followers -1

Leadership Score Cohort Level
Number of Followers by Level
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
1 or less - - - - - - -
2 1st - - - - - -
3 2nd - - - - - -
4 3rd - - - - - -
5 3rd - - - - - -
6 4th - - - - - -
7 5th - - - - - -
8 5th - - - - - -
9 6th - - - - - -
10 7th 5 - - - - -
11 7th 6 - - - - -
12 8th 8 - - - - -
13 9th 10 1 - - - -
14 10th 15 1 - - - -
15 10th 20 2 1 - - -
16 11th 25 2 1 - - -
17 12th 30 3 1 1 - -
18 12th 35 3 1 1 - -
19 13th 40 4 2 1 1 -
20 14th 50 5 3 2 1 -
21 15th 60 6 3 2 1 1
22 15th 75 7 4 2 2 1
23 16th 90 9 5 3 2 1
24 17th 110 11 6 3 2 1
25 or higher 17th 135 13 7 4 2 2

Leadership Score: Your base Leadership score equals your level plus any Charisma modifier. In order to take into account negative Charisma modifiers, this table allows for very low Leadership scores, but you must still be 6th level or higher in order to gain the Leadership feat. Outside factors can affect your Leadership score, as detailed above
Cohort Level: You can attract a cohort of up to this level. Regardless of your Leadership score, you can only recruit a cohort who is two or more levels lower than yourself. The cohort should be equipped with gear appropriate for its level. You can try to attract a cohort of a particular race, class, and alignment. The cohort's alignment may not be opposed to your alignment on either the law-vs-chaos or good-vs-evil axis, and you take a Leadership penalty if your recruit a cohort of an alignment different from your own.
Cohorts earn XP as follows:
The cohort does not count as a party member when determining the party's XP.
Divide the cohort's level by the level of the PC with whom he or she is associated (the character with the Leadership feat who attracted the cohort).
Multiply this result by the total XP awarded to the PC and add that number of experience points to the cohort's total.
If a cohort gains enough XP to bring it to a level one lower than the associated PC's character level, the cohort does not gain the new level-its new XP total is 1 less than the amount needed attain the next level.
Number of Followers by Level: You can lead up to the indicated number of characters of each level. Followers are similar to cohorts, except they're generally low-level NPCs. Because they're generally five or more levels behind the character they follow, they're rarely effective in combat.
Followers don't earn experience and thus don't gain levels. However, when a character with Leadership attains a new level, the player consults the table above to determine if she has acquired more followers, some of which may be higher level than the existing followers. (You don't consult the table to see if your cohort gains levels, however, because cohorts earn experience on their own.)
Comments: Although admittedly not listed in the SRD (still), it has been acknowledged by Skip Williams that the Leadership feat can be taken multiple times, and that it gives you both followers and a cohort, not one or the other.
A modification has also been suggested by Skip and others; the follower (not cohort) levels above should apply only to those with basic NPC Classes, i.e. Commoners, Experts and Warriors. Those with more advanced NPC Classes (Adepts and Aristocrats) and all PC Classes should be treated as if they are a level higher, and those with a prestige class as if they are two levels higher. So, for example, the most powerful follower of someone with a leadership score of 21 could be a 6th level Expert, but only a 5th level Wizard, or a 4th level character with a prestige class (which rules out all prestige classes in the SRD).
  LEADERSHIP Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.50, Port 4.75, Comp 3.50, Rule 4.75)

Through hard work, study and dedication, you have learned to combine your arcane knowledge with your innate spellcasting ability, enabling you to prepare certain metamagic spells.
Prerequisite: Int 13, Ability to cast Arcane spells without preparation (like a Bard or Sorcerer), Any Metamagic feat, Spellcraft 8 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) 8 ranks
Benefit: You can prepare metamagically-enhanced versions of spells that you know exactly like a Wizard. Prepared metamagic spells take up a spellcasting slot of the appropriate level (against a Bard or Sorcerer’s spells per day) until cast, per the base spell and metamagic feat used to augment it. This spell slot cannot be used to cast another spell. Only spells known by the Bard or Sorcerer can be prepared in this fashion, and preparing a metamagic spell takes 15 minutes. A prepared metamagic spell is cast exactly as if the spell were cast by a Wizard, per the normal casting time of the base spell, and once cast the metamagic spell cannot be recast without being prepared again.
Normal: Bards and Sorcerers do not normally prepare spells.
Special: This allows a Bard or Sorcerer to make full use of Quicken Spell and similar feats. It does not provide knowledge of any other metamagic feat.
  LEARNED METAMAGIC Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 3.10 (Purp 3.00, Pow 3.50, Port 3.25, Comp 2.75, Rule 3.00)

You can climb quickly without penalty.
Prerequisite: Dex 21, Balance 12 ranks, Climb 24 ranks
Benefit: You can ignore any check penalties applied for accelerated climbing or rapid climbing.
Normal: Without this feat, a character takes a –5 penalty on Climb checks when attempting to cover his or her full speed in climbing distance in a round, or a –20 penalty when attempting to cover twice his or her speed in climbing distance in a round.
  LEGENDARY CLIMBER Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 3.90 (Purp 3.75, Pow 3.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.25)

You can command many more followers.
Prerequisite: Cha 25, Epic Leadership, Leadership, Diplomacy 30 ranks, Must rule own kingdom and have a stronghold
Benefit: Multiply the number of followers of each level that your can lead by 10. This has no effect on cohorts.
  LEGENDARY COMMANDER Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 3.90 (Purp 3.75, Pow 3.75, Port 4.00, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.25)

You can jump without much of a running start.
Prerequisite: Jump 24 ranks
Benefit: You need only move 5 feet in a straight line to make a running jump.
Normal: Without this feat, a character must move at least 20 feet in a straight line before attempting a running jump.
  LEGENDARY LEAPER Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The Netbook of Feats team believes that as an epic feat this is quite weak. We would prefer to see it as a normal feat with a lesser prerequisite; say Jump 10 ranks.
  Balance: 3.55 (Purp 3.25, Pow 2.75, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 3.50)

You can control a mount with hardly any effort.
Prerequisite: Ride 24 ranks
Benefit: You doesn’t take a penalty on Ride checks when riding a mount without a saddle (bareback). You never needs to make a Ride check to control a mount in combat (and even controlling a mount not trained for combat doesn’t require an action).
Normal: Without this feat, a character takes a –5 penalty on Ride checks without a saddle, and must make a Ride check to control a mount in combat (and controlling a mount not trained for combat requires a move action).
  LEGENDARY RIDER Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: Another feat the Netbook of Feats team believes should be a normal feat with a lesser prerequisite, say Ride 10-15 ranks.
  Balance: 3.60 (Purp 3.25, Pow 2.75, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 3.75)

You can track in almost any environment.
Prerequisite: Wis 25, Track, Knowledge (nature) 30 ranks, Survival 30 ranks
Benefit: You can track creatures across water, under-water, or through the air. This adds the surfaces of water, underwater, and air to the list of surfaces found under the Track feat - Surface DC Water 60 Underwater 80 Air 120
  LEGENDARY TRACKER Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: In the Epic Skills section of the SRD several skills are given additional uses with high DCs. As such some members of the Netbook of Feats team believe that the Survival skill should be similarly expanded for free, rather than requiring this epic feat.
  Balance: 3.80 (Purp 3.50, Pow 3.50, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 3.75)

You are a true master of grappling.
Prerequisite: Str 21, Dex 21, Improved Unarmed Strike, Escape Artist 15 ranks
Benefit: You gain a +10 bonus on all grapple checks.
  LEGENDARY WRESTLER Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The Netbook of Feats team believes that in comparison with the measly +2 from Epic Weapon Focus that this feat is overpowered - consider what a large monster with a good grapple check could do with this feat, especially if it had Snatch or a similar ability that allowed it to do automatic damage.
  Balance: 3.70 (Purp 3.75, Pow 2.75, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 3.75)

Your ability to levitate makes you all but immune to falling damage.
Prerequisite: Ability to levitate as a spell-like ability
Benefit: Instead of using your spell-like ability to levitate, you may feather fall per the spell, cast at your normal levitate caster level. Each use of feather fall counts as one of your levitate uses per day.
  LIGHT AS A FEATHER Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.08 (Purp 3.80, Pow 4.20, Port 3.40, Comp 4.60, Rule 4.40)

LIGHTNING PARRY [General, Fighter]
You use your lightning-quick strikes for defense instead of attack.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +3
Benefit: For each attack that you give up, you get a +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class. You choose which attacks to use this way. The Dodge bonus applies until the beginning of your next round. The maximum dodge bonus you can get this way is +4.
Special: Abilities that lets you attack several opponents as one attack (such as Whirlwind Attack) only count as one attack for the purpose of this feat. You cannot use the extra attacks granted by Cleave or attacks of opportunity to improve your armor class.
Notes: If you have extra attacks for any reason, such as due to haste, a weapon of speed, or various other magics, feats or tactics, those can now be used for defense. You must be able to make those attacks as a part of whatever type of action you are performing for the round, and incur all penalties associated with the multiple attacks you are using, such as those outlined under Two-Weapon Fighting or Flurry of Blows.
  LIGHTNING PARRY Copyright 2002, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 3.76 (Purp 4.30, Pow 3.60, Port 4.30, Comp 3.30, Rule 3.30)

You have excellent reflexes.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Reflex saving throws.
  LIGHTNING REFLEXES Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.95 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.75, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

Wounds from your sneak attacks continue to bleed.
Prerequisite: Sneak attack 8d6, Crippling strike class feature
Benefit: Any time you deal damage with a sneak attack, that target takes damage equal to your sneak attack bonus damage on your next turn as well.
  LINGERING DAMAGE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 3.75 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.25, Port 3.75, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.00)

You are talented at learning languages.
Benefit: You may speak two new languages that are available for you to learn. If you are not illiterate, you can also read and write in these languages. In addition, Speak Language is always considered a class skill for you.
  LINGUISTIC SAVANT Copyright 2005, Jason D. Kemp
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.60, Pow 3.80, Port 4.80, Comp 4.60, Rule 4.20)

When touching your familiar you can benefit from its Spell Resistance (SR).
Prerequisite: Familiar with SR.
Benefit: As a standard action when touching your familiar you can share in your familiar's SR until your next action.
Normal: SR cannot normally be shared between creatures.
Notes: At the sole discretion of your DM, this feat may be extended for use with a special mount, special companion, fiendish servant or even to a psicrystal that grants Power Resistance.
  LINKED RESISTANCE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.26 (Purp 4.33, Pow 4.33, Port 4.33, Comp 4.33, Rule 4.00)

You have been trained to fight aggressively against the tactics of a regional enemy.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1, Region has local enemy
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls versus your local enemy. This stacks with any racial bonuses you may have against similar creatures.
Notes: This is a regional ability comparable to a dwarf's or gnome's specialized racial training. Consult with your DM to see if this feat is available for your character's region.
  LOCAL ENEMY OFFENSIVE TRAINING Copyright 2005, Jason D. Kemp
  Balance: 3.32 (Purp 2.60, Pow 3.60, Port 3.60, Comp 3.20, Rule 3.60)

LOOK HARMLESS [General, Role Play]
You have a knack for looking harmless, enabling you to avoid unwanted attention and potentially surprise your enemies.
Prerequisite: Bluff 4 ranks
Benefit: To use this feat you must have no visible weapons or threatening magic items. As long as you are acting in a non-threatening manner, you can make a Bluff check opposed by a Sense Motive by anyone you wish to fool. Anyone failing to beat your roll will direct their attention and attacks to someone else (at the DM’s discretion). If you initiate combat against someone who has been fooled in this way you automatically catch your opponent flat-footed for 1 round.
Special: This feat will not work against creatures with Intelligence under 3 or a creature that would consider anyone, or anyone of your race to automatically be dangerous or untrustworthy.
  LOOK HARMLESS Copyright 2002, Dominique Crouzet
  Balance: 3.73 (Purp 4.33, Pow 3.50, Port 3.83, Comp 3.33, Rule 3.67)

You keep it on the down low.
Benefit: Reduce your Reputation bonus by 3 points.
  LOW PROFILE Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

LUNGS OF STEEL [General, Trait]
Through arduous training or birth, you have maximized your ability to hold your breath and thus resist poisonous gas.
Benefit: You are able to hold your breath as if your Constitution score was 4 points higher (see Drowning in the SRD under Water Dangers in The Environment). Furthermore, you get a +2 circumstance bonus to all saving throws versus gas attacks (such as Cloudkill and Ungol Dust).
Special: You may only take this feat at character creation.
  LUNGS OF STEEL Copyright 2002, Peter K. Campbell
  Balance: 3.93 (Purp 3.67, Pow 4.00, Port 3.67, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.33)

MAGEBANE [General]
You are better able to resist arcane magics than normal.
Prerequisite: Must not have a level in any class that offers arcane spellcasting
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all saving throws to resist arcane spells and spell-like abilities of creatures with arcane caster levels.
  MAGEBANE Copyright 2005, Jason D. Kemp
  Balance: 4.08 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.20, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.20)

Your magic is tied to a secret, making your spells harder to dispel.
Benefit: Because all of your magic is tied to a secret, those not knowing this secret find it harder to unravel your spells. The difficulty of any dispel check against your spells is 15 + your caster level instead of the normal 10 + caster level. However, anyone who knows your magical secret will automatically succeed in any dispel check against your magic.
Special: The effects of your spells are not changed in any way. The feat affects all of your spells from the moment you learn it; you cannot avoid using it.
Notes: A magical secret can be most anything, but it must be something that is possible to figure out. A secret name, your birthday, the name of your mentor or patron, the fact that you are of a strange race or parentage, your gender (or lack thereof), the true color of your hair; all are possible spell secrets. A creature can find out that you have this feat with a Spellcraft roll of DC 20 against one of your spells, or by researching your background and making a Knowledge (Local) skill roll against a DC of 20, or with a Bardic Knowledge roll against a DC of 20. This will not tell them what your exact secret is, however (although an additional Bardic Knowledge roll against a DC of 30 will). If a creature thinks that they know your secret they can concentrate upon it whilst attempting to dispel one of your spells; if they guess correctly they will automatically succeed and know this to be the case.
  MAGIC SECRET Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 3.62 (Purp 4.60, Pow 3.60, Port 3.30, Comp 3.60, Rule 3.00)

You are talented in the ways of magic.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Spellcraft checks and Use Magic Device checks.
  MAGICAL APTITUDE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.95 (Purp 4.75, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

You can have magical beasts as animal companions.
Prerequisite: Knowledge (nature) 24 ranks, Wild shape 6/day
Benefit: The following magical beasts are added to the lists of animal companions from which you can select. 1st Level (no adjustment) Stirge Darkmantle 4th Level (-3) Hippogriff Shocker lizard 7th Level (-6) Cockatrice Ankheg Griffon Owlbear Sea cat* 10th Level (-9) Basilisk Digerster Girallon Spider eater 13th Level (-12) Bulette Chimera Remorhaz 16th Level (-15) Gorgon Gray render
Special: Creatures marked with an asterisk are available only in an aquatic environment.
  MAGICAL BEAST COMPANION Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: There seems to be no reason why this feat should require wild shape as a prerequisite apart from to restrict it to Druids; as such it should be removed and the ability to obtain animal companions made the prerequisite as well, which would also remove Wild as a type. The Netbook of Feats team would also prefer some guidelines on how to work out what other monsters could be added to this table at what level, eg HD or CR restrictions. There is also a feeling that this should be a normal, not Epic, feat.
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 3.75, Pow 3.75, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.25)

You can wild shape into magical beasts.
Prerequisite: Wis 25, Knowledge (nature) 27 ranks, Wild shape 6/day
Benefit: You can use your normal wild shape ability to take the form of a magical beast. The size limitation is the same as your limitation on animal size. You gains all supernatural abilities of the magical beast whose form you take.
  MAGICAL BEAST WILD SHAPE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.75)

MAIN GAUCHE [General, Fighter]
Defend with an off-hand weapon
Prerequisite: Two-weapon Fighting
Benefit: If you are using a light off-hand weapon, or even holding a buckler, hat or rolled up cloak in your off hand, you can use your off-hand weapon to defend. It also works with a double weapon. You must make a full-round attack, and you are giving up all off-hand attacks for the round. This gives you a +4 bonus to Armor Class and a -2 penalty to attack.
Special: If you use a buckler this way, you do not get its normal armor bonus.
Notes: Main Gauche means simply 'left hand', but it is often applied to a left-hand parrying dagger and the fighting style that goes with it. The forerunner of modern fencing, it uses an off hand weapon to deflect attacks, but not to attack with. This feat represent the very earliest fencing styles, and is appropriate for an early renaissance campaign.
  MAIN GAUCHE Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

You reason out locks, knots and slights of hand.
Benefit: You may use your Intelligence modifier in place of your Dexterity modifier on Open Lock, Use Rope and Sleight of Hand checks.
  MANUAL TECHNIQUE Copyright 2005, Jonathan D. Woolley
  Balance: 3.90 (Purp 3.25, Pow 3.50, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.25)

MANYSHOT [General, Fighter]
You can fire two or more arrows in one attack.
Prerequisite: Dex 17, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Base attack bonus +6
Benefit: As a standard action, you may fire two arrows at a single opponent within 30 feet. Both arrows use the same attack roll (with a –4 penalty) to determine success and deal damage normally (but see Special). For every five points of base attack bonus you have above +6, you may add one additional arrow to this attack, to a maximum of four arrows at a base attack bonus of +16. However, each arrow after the second adds a cumulative –2 penalty on the attack roll (for a total penalty of –6 for three arrows and –8 for four). Damage reduction and other resistances apply separately against each arrow fired.
Special: Regardless of the number of arrows you fire, you apply precision-based damage only once. If you score a critical hit, only the first arrow fired deals critical damage; all others deal regular damage. A fighter may select Manyshot as one of his fighter bonus feats. A 6th-level ranger who has chosen the archery combat style is treated as having Manyshot even if he does not have the prerequisites for it, but only when he is wearing light or no armor.
  MANYSHOT Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.25, Port 4.75, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.75)

Choose a type of martial weapon. You understand how to use that type of martial weapon in combat.
Benefit: You make attack rolls with the selected weapon normally.
Normal: When using a weapon with which you are not proficient, you take a –4 penalty on attack rolls.
Special: Barbarians, fighters, paladins, and rangers are proficient with all martial weapons. They need not select this feat. You can gain Martial Weapon Proficiency multiple times. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of weapon. A cleric who chooses the War domain automatically gains the Martial Weapon Proficiency feat related to his deity’s favored weapon as a bonus feat, if the weapon is a martial one. He need not select it.
  MARTIAL WEAPON PROFICIENCY Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 5.00 (Purp 5.00, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

Your spells can affect more targets.
Benefit: A spell that normally affects a single target now affects one target per level, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart. A mass effect spell uses up a spell slot four levels higher than the spell’s actual level.
Special: Range is not changed in any way, except that touch spells can be cast on a chain of creatures all touching one another (and hence is unlikely to be useful for combat spells). This feat does not work on spells with a “personal” range.
  MASS EFFECT SPELL Copyright 2002, Carl Cramér
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.60, Pow 4.00, Port 4.30, Comp 4.30, Rule 4.30)

You can make items faster using the Craft skill.
Prerequisite: Craft (of the specific type chosen with the feat) 8 ranks or higher
Benefit: Select a craft skill when you learn this feat. When working in a well-equipped workshop (5,000gp value or better), with at least two assistants (who need not be skilled), you can produce craft goods of this type at an increased rate. Calculate production in gold pieces per week, instead of the usual silver pieces per week resulting in a crafting rate ten times faster than normal.
Special: This feat can be taken several times, but does not stack. Each time, it applies to a different variant of the Craft skill.
  MASTER ARTISAN Copyright 2002, William Batok
  Balance: 4.12 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.40, Port 4.00, Comp 4.20, Rule 4.00)

You have mastered the ability to combine magic and war-skill on the battlefield.
Prerequisite: Combat Casting, Base attack bonus +6, Concentration 8 ranks, Ability to cast second level spells
Benefit: During a full attack action, you may sacrifice a single attack of your highest attack bonus in order to cast a spell with a casting time of one standard action or less. Casting a spell in combat in this manner is difficult and requires a Concentration check (DC 20 + spell level) to do successfully. Casting a spell while threatened by an opponent still triggers an Attack of Opportunity, which may be avoided by casting defensively.
Example: You have two attacks, one at +10 and a second at +5, you may sacrifice the +10 attack to cast a spell in combat, and still make an attack at +5.
  MASTER BATTLECASTER Copyright 2005, Jason D. Kemp
  Balance: 3.80 (Purp 4.20, Pow 4.40, Port 3.80, Comp 3.20, Rule 3.40)

MASTER STAFF [Epic, Magical]
You can channel your own magic to power a staff.
Prerequisite: Craft Staff, Spellcraft 15 ranks
Benefit: When you activate a staff, you can substitute a spell slot instead of using a charge. The spell slot must be one you have not used for the day, though you may lose a prepared spell to emulate a staff charge (you may not lose prepared spells from your school of specialty, if any). The spell slot lost must be equal to or higher in level than the specific spell stored in the staff, including any level-increasing metamagic enhancements. You cannot emulate a charge for a staff function that does not match a specific spell.
  MASTER STAFF Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: Spelling/grammar errors corrected ('ahs' to 'has' and 'wand charge' to 'staff charge').
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.50)

MASTER WAND [Epic, Magical]
You can channel your own magic to power a wand.
Prerequisite: Craft Wand, Spellcraft 15 ranks
Benefit: When you activate a wand, you can substitute a spell slot instead of using a charge. The spell slot must be one you have not used for the day, though you may lose a prepared spell to emulate a wand charge (you may not lose prepared spells from yourschool of specialty, if any). The spell slot lost must be equal to or higher in level than the spell stored in the wand, including any level-increasing metamagic enhancements.
  MASTER WAND Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

You can cast a spell from a scroll without causing the writing of the activated spell to disappear.
Prerequisite: Scribe Scroll, Spellcraft 15 ranks
Benefit: By spending a spell slot equal or higher in level to the spell activated from a scroll, you can cast the spell from the scroll without causing the writing of the spell to disappear. A prepared spell or any unused spell slot can be used to power the scroll, but the prepared spell or spell slot cannot be from your chosen domain or specialty school. Casting a spell from a scroll in this manner requires a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Otherwise, all standard rules for scroll casting apply (the scroll must first be deciphered, it must be the correct type and appear or your class list, and you must have the prerequisite ability score to cast spells of that level).
  MASTERFUL SCROLL CASTING Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.50)

MAXIMIZE POWER [Metapsionic]
You can manifest powers to maximum effect.
Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. You can maximize a power. All variable, numeric effects of a power modified by this feat are maximized. A maximized power deals maximum damage, cures the maximum number of hit points, affects the maximum number of targets, and so on, as appropriate. Saving throws and opposed checks are not affected, nor are powers without random variables. Augmented powers can be maximized; a maximized augmented power deals the maximum damage (or cures the maximum hit points, and so on) of the augmented power. An empowered and maximized power gains the separate benefits of each feat: the maximum result plus one-half the normally rolled result. Using this feat increases the power point cost of the power by 4. The power’s total cost cannot exceed your manifester level.
  MAXIMIZE POWER Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.50)

You can maximize the potential of your spells.
Benefit: All variable, numeric effects of a spell modified by this feat are maximized. Saving throws and opposed rolls are not affected, nor are spells without random variables. A maximized spell uses up a spell slot three levels higher than the spell’s actual level. An empowered, maximized spell gains the separate benefits of each feat: the maximum result plus one-half the normally rolled result.
  MAXIMIZE SPELL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.90 (Purp 4.75, Pow 5.00, Port 4.75, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

You are well trained in the art of disrupting spell casting.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +4
Benefit: Anyone you threaten suffers a -5 penalty on any attempt to cast defensively.
  MEDDLESOME Copyright 2005, Sigfried Trent
  Balance: 4.24 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.40, Comp 4.60, Rule 4.20)

You have a knack for medicine.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Craft (pharmaceutical) and Treat Injury checks.
Special: Remember that the Craft (pharmaceutical) skill can’t be used untrained.
  MEDICAL EXPERT Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 3.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 5.00)

You have an impressive affinity for summoning spells.
Prerequisite: Spell Focus (conjuration)
Benefit: When casting any Conjuration (summoning) spell with a limited duration, you can summon twice the normal number of items or creatures. In return, the duration of your spell is reduced to one-fourth, with a minimum of 1 round.
  MENAGERIE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.25)

You can make amazing jumps.
Prerequisite: Jump 5 ranks, Str 13
Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. You gain a +10 bonus on a Jump check.
  MENTAL LEAP Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.50, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.25)

Your mind is armored against mental intrusion.
Prerequisite: Base Will save bonus +2
Benefit: Against psionic attacks that do not employ an energy type to deal damage you gain damage reduction 3/–. In addition, when you are hit with ability damage (but not ability drain or ability burn damage) from a psionic attack, you take 3 points less than you would normally take. The benefit of this feat applies only to psionic powers and psi-like abilities. This is an exception to the psionics–magic transparency rule.
Special: You cannot take or use this feat if you have the ability to use powers (if you have a power point reserve or psi-like abilities).
  MENTAL RESISTANCE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The Netbook of Feats team is not generally in favor of feats such as these that break the magic-psionics transparency rule.
  Balance: 3.60 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.25, Port 3.75, Comp 3.50, Rule 3.50)

You are adept at casting metamagic Arcane spells without prior preparation.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast Arcane spells without preparation (like a Bard or Sorcerer), Any metamagic feat
Benefit: Despite the fact that you do not prepare spells, you are able to cast any spell augmented by any other metamagic feat that you know without increasing the spell’s casting time. Spells cast through the use of this feat use up a spell slot one level higher than the spell’s metamagically enhanced level.
Normal: Sorcerers, Bards and other Arcane spellcasters that do not prepare spells normally take more time to cast a metamagic spell than a normal one; if a spell’s normal casting time is 1 standard action, a Sorcerer or Bard can cast a metamagically-enhanced version of the spell as a full-round action, and spells with longer casting times take an additional full-round action to cast.
Special: This feat can be combined with the Quicken Spell feat, a feat not normally useful to Sorcerers and Bards.
Example: Aerryk, a 17th level Sorcerer, has the Metaffinity, Quicken Spell and Maximize Spell feats. He can cast a maximized Lightning Bolt spell as a full-round action by using up a 6th level spell slot or use his Metaffinity feat to cast a maximized Lightning Bolt in 1 standard action by using up a 7th level spell slot. He could also use his Metaffinity feat to cast a quickened Lightning Bolt as a free action by using up an 8th level spell slot, but would not be able to maximize the spell.
  METAFFINITY Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 3.75, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.00)

You have an intuitive understanding of the basics of communication.
Benefit: If you do not share a language with another person/creature, you may, over the course of a minute, convey an abstract thought, idea or question that you could otherwise express with a full round of speech. If the other party also takes the time to communicate at the same pace, you can understand in return. Of course, there is always some risk of mistranslation.
Special: You can only communicate with creatures that speak some language. A purely telepathic creature, or one communicating through scents but not words, is unintelligible to you.
Notes: This feat incorporates the Pidgin feat from earlier versions of the Netbook of Feats.
  METALINGUIST Copyright 2002, Rick Coen
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

You can gain a supernatural ability of a metamorphed form.
Prerequisite: Wis 13, Manifester level 5th
Benefit: Each time you change your form, such as through the metamorphosis power, you gain one of the new form’s supernatural abilities, if it has any. You gain only three uses of the metamorphic ability per day, even if the creature into which you metamorph has a higher limit on uses (You are still subject to other restrictions on the use of the ability.) The save DC to resist a supernatural ability gained through Metamorphic Transfer (if it is an attack) is 10 + your Cha modifier + 1/2 your Hit Dice.
Normal: You cannot use the supernatural abilities of creatures whose form you assume.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time, you can gain one additional supernatural ability.
  METAMORPHIC TRANSFER Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The Netbook of Feats team believes that this feat should also be available to those who can assume different forms through Wildshaping, Polymorphing and the like.
  Balance: 3.80 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.75, Port 3.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

You can learn metamagically-enhanced spells instead of standard spells.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast Arcane spells without preparation (like a Bard or Sorcerer)
Benefit: When you gain new spells, you have the option of learning a metamagically-enhanced spell in place of another spell of the appropriate level. This spell takes up a spell-slot appropriate for the normal level of the spell, modified by the metamagic feat used to augment the spell. You do not need to know the base spell nor the metamagic feat used to modify the spell in order to use this feat. Once a metamagically-enhanced spell is learned in this manner, you cannot cast the spell without its metamagic enhancement, though you can augment the spell in standard fashion with additional metamagic feats. A metamagic spell learned in this fashion is treated as a normal spell, and as such does not increase the time needed to cast the spell.
Example: A Sorcerer normally gains a 5th level spell upon attaining 10th level. Instead of learning a standard 5th level spell, a Sorcerer with the Metaspell feat could learn an Empowered Fireball spell (3rd level spell +2 spell levels for the Empower feat).
Notes: This may be appropriate as a house rule for many campaigns without requiring purchase as a feat.
  METASPELL Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.65 (Purp 5.00, Pow 5.00, Port 4.50, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.50)

You are talented at forgery and looting.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Forgery and Search checks.
  METICULOUS Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 3.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 5.00)

MIGHTY CHARGE [General, Fighter]
You charge with single minded purpose and determination.
Prerequisite: Str 13, Improved Charge, Power Attack, Run, Base attack bonus +6
Benefit: When taking the charge action, you gain an additional +2 to your attack roll and damage roll, but suffer an additional -2 penalty to your AC.
  MIGHTY CHARGE Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 4.07 (Purp 3.67, Pow 4.00, Port 4.33, Comp 4.33, Rule 4.00)

You are particularly skilled at hunting.
Prerequisite: Survival 4 ranks
Benefit: You select a specific terrain type. When in that terrain, you gain a +4 competence bonus when using the Survival skill to hunt and forage and while tracking (using the Track feat).
Special: This feat may be selected multiple times. Each time, it applies to a different terrain type.
Notes: This feat allows you to provide food and water for two more people when you make a Survival roll for this purpose, since every two points that the Survival roll exceeds ten provides food for another person. Assuming just the minimum skill ranks and a family size of five members or less, this feat is enough to allow a single hunter to take care of the entire family on an average roll.
  MIGHTY HUNTER Copyright 2003, Jason D. Kemp
  Balance: 4.50 (Purp 3.50, Pow 4.25, Port 5.00, Comp 4.75, Rule 5.00)

MIGHTY RAGE [Epic, Rage]
Your rages are especially powerful.
Prerequisite: Str 21, Con 21, Greater rage class feature, Rage 5/day
Benefit: When yourages, you gain a +8 bonus to Strength and Constitution and a +4 morale bonus on Will saves. (These bonuses replace the normal rage bonuses.)
  MIGHTY RAGE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.60 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.75, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 5.00)

MIMICRY [General]
You can replicate almost any natural sound you have ever heard
Prerequisite: Perform (Comedy) 1 rank
Benefit: As a standard action, you can imitate almost any sound (footsteps, a door opening or closing, or two people fighting). You cannot simulate anything louder than a shout or duplicate the sound of any magical effect like a banshee's wail. Use the Perform (comedy) skill opposed by the audience's listen skill to be convincing.
Special: You cannot make the sounds appear to come from somewhere else without additional abilities beside this feat.
  MIMICRY Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.22 (Purp 3.80, Pow 4.60, Port 4.30, Comp 4.30, Rule 4.10)

MIND LEACH [Psionic]
You can drain power points from psionic intruders.
Prerequisite: Ability to manifest mind trap and power leach
Benefit: When manifesting mind trap, you gain any power points lost by an attacker through this power as temporary power points, up to your normal power point maximum. These temporary power points last 10 minutes.
  MIND LEACH Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.25, Port 3.50, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

Your ability damage heals more rapidly.
Prerequisite: Con 13
Benefit: You heal ability damage and ability burn damage more quickly than normal. You heal a number of ability points per day equal to 1 + your Constitution bonus.
Normal: You heal ability damage and ability burn damage at a rate of 1 point per day.
  MIND OVER BODY Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.50, Pow 3.75, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

MIND'S EYE [General]
Gain an additional resistance to illusions and enchantments
Prerequisite: Iron Will
Benefit: Gain an additional +2 to Will saves against the effects of illusions and enchantments.
Special: This additional modifier stacks with Iron Will.
  MIND'S EYE Copyright 2001, Bradley H. Bemis Jr.
  Balance: 4.28 (Purp 3.20, Pow 4.50, Port 4.70, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

You can continue to maintain a concentration spell for a limited time without concentrating on it.
Prerequisite: Spellcasting-related ability score of 13, Concentration 10 ranks
Benefit: A concentration based spell cast using this feat can continue to function without concentration for a period of rounds equal to your primary ability modifier. If there is already a modifier to the duration of the spell once concentration has ceased, you may add your modifier to that duration. This spell takes up a spell slot one level higher.
  MINDLESS EFFORT Copyright 2000, Bradley H. Bemis Jr.
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.64 (Purp 4.80, Pow 4.60, Port 4.80, Comp 4.40, Rule 4.60)

MINDSPEAK [Psionic, Racial, Trait]
Your racial psionic aptitude allows you to communicate through mental contact.
Prerequisite: Naturally Psionic racial ability
Benefit: You possess the limited ability to communicate telepathically with any willing creature within 30 feet that shares at least one language in common with you. It is possible to address multiple creatures at once telepathically, although maintaining a telepathic conversation with more than one creature at a time is just as difficult as simultaneously speaking and listening to multiple people at the same time. Spells, psionic powers and other special abilities that block telepathy or divination also block this form of communication.
Special: You may only select this feat as a first level character.
  MINDSPEAK Copyright 2005, Jason D. Kemp
  Comments: This is a very limited form of the Telepathy special ability possessed by numerous monsters in the SRD. Your DM may wish limit this feat to specific races, so be sure to check with your DM to make sure you meet the prerequisites for their campaign.
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.25)

You have become so familiar with a 0-level spell that it becomes second nature to you.
Prerequisite: Spellcasting level 3rd
Benefit: You must permanently sacrifice one 0-level spell slot. In exchange, you can cast one 0-level spell of your choice as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to your governing ability modifier.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times, each time with a different 0-level spell.
Example: A 9th level Bard with a 19 Charisma decides to take this feat. He picks detect magic spell to master. Normally, he can cast three 0-level spells per day. Now, he can only prepare and cast two 0-level spells. However, he can cast detect magic 4 times per day as a spell-like ability.
  MINOR SPELL MASTERY Copyright 2001, Albert Nakano
  Balance: 4.15 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.25)

Also known as psionic reflection, this feat allows you to reflect psionic attacks directed against you.
Prerequisite: Manifester level 5th
Benefit: To use this feat you must expend your psionic focus. As an immediate action after successfully defending against a psionic power that does not employ an energy type to inflict damage, you can reflect this attack back towards your attacker. The reflected attack is treated as if the attacker had manifested the power against him or herself, using the power’s normal save DC and damage. The attacker can defend against this attack normally.
  MIRROR MIND Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.75, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.50)

MISSILE PROOF [General, Fighter]
You may block projectiles easily with your shield.
Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes, Shield Proficiency
Benefit: You must be using a Buckler, Small Shield or Large Shield when using this feat. Once per round when you or someone immediately behind you would normally be hit with a ranged weapon, you may make a Reflex saving throw against a DC of 20 (if the ranged weapon has a magical bonus to attack, the DC increases by that amount). You add a Small or Large Shield's armor bonus, and enhancement bonus if applicable, to your Reflex check for purposes of this feat. If you succeed, you deflect the weapon. You must be aware of the attack and not flat-footed. You may block an incoming missile attack with your shield only once per round. This feat also allows you to block magical projectile attacks (e.g. acid arrow, fire arrow), but the shield will sustain any damage from the spell that exceeds its hardness. Against special attacks with splash damage (e.g. acid, alchemist's fire, etc.), if the Reflex saving throw is successful, the shield takes the primary damage and you take only the splash damage.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take this feat, you may block an additional missile attack with your shield. You may not block more attacks in a round than 1 + your Dexterity bonus (minimum of one attack).
  MISSILE PROOF Copyright 2000, Michael J. Kletch
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.75, Comp 3.50, Rule 4.25)

You can channel positive or negative energy.
Prerequisite: Ability to turn or rebuke undead, Must worship a god with a neutral alignment, Must have a neutral alignment
Benefit: When you pray for spells you must choose whether you wish to channel positive or negative energy for the remainder of the day. You may choose again each time you pray for spells. When channeling positive energy you can turn undead and spontaneously cast cure spells. When channeling negative energy you can command undead and spontaneously cast inflict spells.
  MIXED CHANNELING Copyright 2005, Sigfried Trent
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 3.50, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.25)

MOBILE DEFENSE [Epic, Special]
You may move slightly while in a defensive stance.
Prerequisite: Dex 15, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Defensive stance 3/day
Benefit: While in a defensive stance, you may take one 5-foot adjustment each round without losing the benefits of the stance.
Normal: Without this feat, a character can’t move while in a defensive stance.
  MOBILE DEFENSE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.75, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

MOBILITY [General, Fighter]
You are harder to hit when moving around.
Prerequisite: Dodge, Dex 13
Benefit: You get a +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against attacks of opportunity caused when you move out of or within a threatened area. A condition that makes you lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) also makes you lose dodge bonuses. Dodge bonuses stack with each other, unlike most types of bonuses.
Special: A fighter may select Mobility as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  MOBILITY Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 5.00 (Purp 5.00, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

Through dedication, training and hard work, a monk can master any weapon
Prerequisite: Proficient With Chosen Weapon, Weapon Focus (with Weapon), Base attack bonus +6
Benefit: Choose any single weapon that meets the above requirements. The monk can now use that weapon with their flurry of blows ability.
  MONK WEAPON MASTERY Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.60, Pow 4.60, Port 4.30, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

MOUNTED ARCHERY [General, Fighter]
You are skilled at using a ranged weapon from a mount.
Prerequisite: Mounted Combat, Ride 1 rank
Benefit: The penalty you take when using a ranged weapon while mounted is halved: –2 instead of –4 if your mount is taking a double move, and –4 instead of –8 if your mount is running.
Special: A fighter may select Mounted Archery as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  MOUNTED ARCHERY Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.90 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.75, Port 5.00, Comp 4.75, Rule 5.00)

MOUNTED COMBAT [General, Fighter]
You can steer your mount out of harms way.
Prerequisite: Ride 1 rank
Benefit: Once per round when your mount is hit in combat, you may attempt a Ride check (as a reaction) to negate the hit. The hit is negated if your Ride check result is greater than the opponent’s attack roll. (Essentially, the Ride check result becomes the mount’s Armor Class if it’s higher than the mount’s regular AC.)
Special: A fighter may select Mounted Combat as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  MOUNTED COMBAT Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.65 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.75, Port 4.50, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

MOUNTED DODGE [General, Fighter]
You may avoid attacks to yourself or your mount.
Prerequisite: Wild Rider, Mounted Combat, Ride skill
Benefit: When mounted, you may use your Ride skill and Mounted Combat feat to evade attacks against yourself or against your mount. Either use counts against the limitation on how often Mounted Combat can be used.
  MOUNTED DODGE Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.36 (Purp 5.00, Pow 3.60, Port 4.60, Comp 4.30, Rule 4.30)

MOUNTED OVERRUN [General, Fighter]
It becomes easier to make mounted overruns.
Prerequisite: Mounted Combat, Ride
Benefit: When using the Overrun combat maneuver while mounted, your mount can overrun any number of opponents in your movement path so long as it moves in a straight path. In addition the mount move twice its current movement rate while Overrunning by making the Overrun combat maneuver a full round action instead of a standard action. If the mount fails a strength check at any point, the maneuver ends as normal.
Notes: This works very nicely with the Trample feat, making it possible to trample a series of opponents each round.
  MOUNTED OVERRUN Copyright 2002, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.60, Pow 4.00, Port 4.30, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.60)

MULTIATTACK [Monster, Special, Fighter]
You can use secondary attacks at a reduced penalty.
Prerequisite: Three natural attacks
Benefit: The creature’s secondary attacks with natural weapons take only a –2 penalty.
Normal: Without this feat, the creature’s secondary attacks with natural weapons take a –5 penalty.
  MULTIATTACK Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 3.80, Pow 4.20, Port 3.80, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.20)

The creature can wield a weapon with three or more hands at once, like a human or dwarf can wield a weapon with two hands.
Prerequisite: Dex 15, Multiweapon Fighting, Three or more arms, Base attack bonus +1
Benefit: The creature can wield a single one-handed or two-handed weapon with three or more hands. This allows the creature to multiply its strength bonus by a factor that increase with the number of hands used to wield the weapon. The creature gains 1.0 times its Strength bonus on damage rolls for wielding a weapon with its primary hand, plus .5 times its strength bonus for each additional off-hand used to wield the weapon. If the primary hand isn't used to wield the weapon, the creature adds .5 times its Strength bonus on damage rolls for each off-hand used to wield the weapon. Benefits are doubled when used in conjunction with the Power Attack feat.
Normal: The creature gains no benefit for wielding a weapon with more than two hands.
Special: In conjunction with the Multiweapon Fighting feat the creature can combine use of a weapon with two or more hands and still gain extra attacks for wielding additional weapons in combat. When determining the penalty for wielding a weapon with two or more hands in a multiattack sequence, treat all multihanded weapons as one-handed weapons.
Example: A typical Marilith with Strength 21, Multihanded Weapon and Multiweapon Fighting could wield two greatswords, each with three hands. She would inflict double her Strength bonus on damage inflicted by her primary greatsword (1 for her primary hand plus 2 off-hands * .5 = 2), and 1.5 times her Strength bonus with her off-hand greatsword (3 * .5 = 1.5). She could also drop one of the greatswords to wield the other with all six hands, gaining 3.5 times her Strength bonus on damage rolls (1 for using her primary hand plus 5 * .5 = 2.5 for her 5 off-hands).
  MULTIHANDED WEAPON Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.67, Port 3.67, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.67)

MULTISPELL [Epic, Magical]
You may cast an additional quickened spell.
Prerequisite: Quicken Spell, Ability to cast 9th-level arcane or divine spells
Benefit: You may cast one additional quickened spell in a round.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.
  MULTISPELL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.00, Rule 3.50)

MULTIWEAPON FIGHTING [Monster, Special, Fighter]
You are more skilled at fighting with multiple weapons.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Three hands
Benefit: Penalties for fighting with multiple weapons are reduced by 2 with the primary hand and reduced by 6 with off hands.
Normal: A creature without this feat takes a –6 penalty on attacks made with its primary hand and a –10 penalty on attacks made with its off hands. (It has one primary hand, and all the others are off hands.) See Two-Weapon Fighting.
Special: This feat replaces the Two-Weapon Fighting feat for creatures with more than two arms.
  MULTIWEAPON FIGHTING Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.55 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

MULTIWEAPON REND [Epic, Monster, Special, Fighter]
You can perform rending attacks with your weapons.
Prerequisite: Dex 15, Base attack bonus +9, Three hands, Multiweapon Fighting
Benefit: If you hit an opponent with two or more weapons (wielded in different hands) in the same round, you may automatically rend the opponent. This rending deals additional damage equal to the base damage of the smallest weapon that hit plus 1 1/2 times your Strength modifier. You can only rend once per round, regardless of how many successful attacks you make.
Special: This feat replaces the Two-Weapon Rend feat for creatures with more than two arms.
  MULTIWEAPON REND Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.50 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.75)

Your music can affect even those normally immune.
Prerequisite: Cha 25, Perform 30 ranks, Bardic music class feature
Benefit: Your bardic music can affect even those normally immune to mind-affecting effects. However, such creatures gain a +10 bonus on their Will saves to resist such effects.
  MUSIC OF THE GODS Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.50, Pow 3.75, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

MYSTIC RAGE [Special, Magical]
You can extend your rage with the power of your magic.
Prerequisite: Con 13, Rage ability, Spellcaster 3rd level
Benefit: When raging you can take a free action to extend the duration of your rage by expending a spell slot or prepared spell. Your rage is extended a number or rounds equal to the level of the spell/slot. When the rage ends the penalties for fatigue are doubled.
  MYSTIC RAGE Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 3.60 (Purp 3.25, Pow 3.63, Port 3.25, Comp 4.00, Rule 3.88)

Your ability to concentrate is as keen as an arrowhead, allowing you to gain your psionic focus even in the most turbulent situations.
Prerequisite: Wis 13
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on Concentration checks you make to become psionically focused.
  NARROW MIND Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.50)

You have spent significant time making friends with both the fauna and the flora of your domain.
Prerequisite: Wild Empathy and Animal Companion abilities, Enchanted Animal Companion, Knowledge (Nature) 5 ranks
Benefit: Your Animal Companion class ability now also affects plant creatures (normally immune to mind-influencing effects). You may also use your Wild Empathy class ability against vermin and plants, but the check suffers a -6 penalty.
Normal: Animal Companion only affects animals. Wild Empathy works on animals at normal effect; against magical beasts it suffers a -4 penalty.
  NATURAL HARMONY Copyright 2002, Rick Coen
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Comments: Due to changes between edition 3.0 and 3.5 the mechanics of this feat have been substantially altered, although the spirit of the feat remains the same.
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.25)

You are adept at leading organized efforts
Prerequisite: Cha 13
Benefit: When organizing a cooperative effort, each helper can add the leader’s Charisma bonus to their individual check rolls.
Example: A group of 3 heroes is attempting to move a heavy boulder. This requires a strength check against DC 10 for the two helpers. If they make it, the leader gains a +2 circumstance bonus. The leader must then make their strength check. Using this feat, the leader can generate a morale based check bonus for the helpers and add his charisma modifier to their check rolls.
  NATURAL LEADER Copyright 2000, Bradley H. Bemis Jr.
  Balance: 4.48 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.00, Port 5.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.40)

You have a natural understanding of animals and can coax the best out of them.
Prerequisite: Animal Handling 4 ranks, Ride 4 Ranks
Benefit: Any lightly loaded (non-magical) mount you ride receives a 10 foot bonus to its speed (all types – land, fly, swim, etc). This bonus decreases to 5 foot if the mount is carrying a moderate load, and disappears altogether with a heavy load.
  NATURAL RIDER Copyright 2002, OGC Source WOTW
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.25)

You can cast verbal and somatic spells in wild shape.
Prerequisite: Wis 13, Wild shape ability
Benefit: You can complete the verbal and somatic components of spells while in a wild shape. You substitute various noises and gestures for the normal verbal and somatic components of a spell. You can also use any material components or focuses you possess, even if such items are melded within your current form. This feat does not permit the use of magic items while you are in a form that could not ordinarily use them, and you do not gain the ability to speak while in a wild shape.
  NATURAL SPELL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.65 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.25, Port 4.50, Comp 4.50, Rule 5.00)

NEAR AND FAR [General, Fighter]
Your skill with long weapons is extraordinary.
Benefit: When using a weapon with reach, you may attack adjacent foes as well as those within the reach of your weapon.
  NEAR AND FAR Copyright 2001, Michael J. Kletch
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.00)

You can channel negative energy into a wave of suffering.
Prerequisite: Cha 25, Ability to rebuke or command undead, Ability to cast inflict critical wounds, Any evil alignment
Benefit: You can use one rebuke or command undead attempt to unleash a wave of negative energy in a 60-foot-burst. Roll a normal rebuke (or command) check, except that the negative energy burst affects living creatures rather than undead. Any creature that would be rebuked by this result gains one negative level. Any creature that would be commanded by this check gains two negative levels. The Fortitude save DC to remove these levels one day later is equal to 10 + 1/2 your effective turning level + your Charisma modifier.
  NEGATIVE ENERGY BURST Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 4.50, Pow 3.75, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

You are good at dealing with others.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Diplomacy checks and Sense Motive checks.
  NEGOTIATOR Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.95 (Purp 4.75, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

NIMBLE [General]
Your agility helps you move around.
Benefit: If you have no armor check penalty, you may use your Dexterity modifier in place of your Strength modifier for Climb, Jump, and Swim checks.
  NIMBLE Copyright 2006, Jonathan D. Woolley
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.38, Port 4.25, Comp 4.63, Rule 4.25)

You have a knack for mechanical things.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Disable Device checks and Open Lock checks.
  NIMBLE FINGERS Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.95 (Purp 4.75, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

NO ESCAPE [General]
You viciously strike down those who dare run from you in combat.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Combat Reflexes, Base attack bonus +3
Benefit: An opponent leaving your threatened area provokes an attack of opportunity even if they are using the Withdraw action (that is taking only move actions in order to get away from you).
Normal: A withdrawing character does not provoke attacks of opportunity when leaving a threatened square they started the turn in.
Notes: This feat does not allow Attacks of Opportunity against opponents who are tumbling or taking a 5’ step, only those using the Withdraw action.
  NO ESCAPE Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 4.18 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.75, Port 4.38, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.00)

Your spells can deal nonlethal damage.
Prerequisite: Any other metamagic feat, Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks
Benefit: When employing a spell with the acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic designator, you can modify the spell to deal non-lethal damage instead of the indicated type of energy damage. The altered spell uses a spell slot of the spell’s normal level. The altered spell works normally in all respects except the type of damage dealt.
  NON-LETHAL SUBSTITUTION Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.60 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.50, Port 4.50, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.50)

You are well known as a dangerous cutthroat not to be trifled with.
Benefit: You get a +5 circumstance bonus on all Intimidate checks when dealing with someone who has heard of your infamous deeds and unpleasant demeanor.
Notes: The DM should determine when this bonus applies, and the player should specify exactly what rumors or deeds have made them notorious when taking the feat.
  NOTORIOUS Copyright 2001, OGC Source SHB
  Balance: 4.03 (Purp 4.14, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.14, Rule 3.86)

You may use metal shields and armor without breaking your druidic oath.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast 3rd level druid spells
Benefit: You may use metal shields and armor as a druid and are still able to cast druidic spells and use your supernatural and spell-like abilities; however you suffer the same arcane spell failure rate on your druid spells as an arcane spell caster would when casting spells while using such equipment.
  OATHS OF IRON Copyright 2002, Jerry M. Chaney II
  Balance: 3.72 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.60, Port 3.20, Comp 4.20, Rule 3.60)

You can rely on you native attention to detail.
Benefit: You get a +1 bonus to Search and Spot checks. In addition, Search and Spot are always considered class skills for you.
  OBSERVANT Copyright 2001, Michael J. Kletch
  Comments: The author originally titled this feat "Investigator" but the name was recently used in the 3.5 SRD feat set, so the NBOF staff has renamed it.
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 3.75, Pow 4.00, Port 4.50, Comp 4.25, Rule 3.75)

You ignore penalties for firing a crossbow with one hand.
Prerequisite: Dex 13
Benefit: You suffer no penalty for firing a crossbow with one hand.
Normal: You suffer a -2 on attack rolls when firing a light crossbow in one hand, or -4 with a heavy crossbow (normal or repeating). If firing a hand crossbow one handed you suffer no penalties, hence this feat will be of no benefit
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 3.75, Pow 4.50, Port 4.50, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.50)

ONE SPIRIT [General, Fighter]
You are skilled at quickly compensating for errors in your fighting style.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +6
Benefit: Once per round, when performing a full attack action, you gain an additional attack against an enemy if you attempt to attack them and miss. This attack and all subsequent attacks in this round suffer a -5 penalty to hit.
  ONE SPIRIT Copyright 2001, OGC Source L5R
  Balance: 3.25 (Purp 3.00, Pow 3.00, Port 3.50, Comp 3.00, Rule 3.75)

OPEN HAND, FOCUSED MIND [Fighter, Psionic]
With your psionic ability you are a deadly opponent in unarmed combat.
Prerequisite: Str 13
Benefit: While you are psionically focused your unarmed strikes are charged with psionic power. Your unarmed strikes do not provoke attacks of opportunity from armed opponents and inflict 1d6 points of lethal damage in unarmed combat if Medium-sized and 1d4 points of real damage if Small-sized.
Normal: Unarmed attacks normally provoke attacks of opportunity against armed attackers and inflict 1d4 points of non-lethal damage if Medium-sized and 1d3 points of non-lethal damage if small size.
Special: Larger and smaller creatures have their base non-lethal damage increased by one die size (d2 to d3, d6 to d8, etc) and altered to lethal damage.
  OPEN HAND, FOCUSED MIND Copyright 2004, Eric D. Harry
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 3.75, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.00)

You are naturally able to reroute your memory, mind, and skill expertise.
Benefit: You immediately gain an extra 5 skill points. You spend these skill points as normal. If you spend them on a cross-class skills they count as 1/2 ranks. You cannot exceed the normal maximum ranks for your level in any skill.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time, you immediately gain another 5 skill points.
  OPEN MINDED Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 3.75)

You can cast counterspells in lieu of making an opportunity attack.
Prerequisite: Quicken Spell, Spellcraft 9 ranks
Benefit: You get one free ready action each round that you can only use for counterspelling. If you use this ready action, you do not get any attacks of opportunity for the round, but your initiative does not change as it does from a normal ready action. Similarly you cannot use this feat if you have already had an attack of opportunity that round.
Special: You cannot use this feat to cast extra spells for effect; it only allows counterspelling of an opponent's spells.
Notes: Your casting of the counterspell may trigger an opportunity attack in the normal fashion.
  OPPORTUNITY COUNTERSPELL Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 3.90 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.00)

You can make power-enhanced attacks of opportunity.
Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. When you make an attack of opportunity, you can use any power you know with a range of touch, if you have at least one hand free. Manifesting this power is an immediate action. You cannot use this feat with a touch power whose manifesting time is longer than 1 full-round action. Using this feat increases the power point cost of the power by 6. The power’s total cost cannot exceed your manifester level.
Normal: Attacks of opportunity can be made only with melee weapons.
  OPPORTUNITY POWER Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.75, Port 4.25, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

OPPORTUNITY SHOT [General, Fighter]
You shoot so fast that you can make ranged attacks of opportunity at point-blank range.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +8, Dex 13, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot
Benefit: When armed with a ranged weapon that is ready for use, you have an effective reach of 30 ft. (up to the range of your weapon) and can make ranged attacks of opportunity in any area out to this range. You may not make ranged attacks of opportunity if you are standing in an area threatened by an opponent.
Normal: Ranged weapons normally can't make attacks of opportunity, and you have no threatened area when using them.
Special: If you use Rapid Shot in the same round as you use Opportunity Shot, the -2 attack penalty applies to Opportunity Shot as well.
Notes: You can't make an attack of opportunity against an opponent with 1/2 or more cover, such as behind another character.
  OPPORTUNITY SHOT Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.50)

You can quickly pull items from your pack.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Int 13
Benefit: You may pull any item from your pack or other accessible container as a swift action.
  ORGANIZED Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.88, Port 4.38, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

OVERCHANNEL [Metapsionic]
You burn your life force to strengthen your powers.
Benefit: While manifesting a power, you can increase your effective manifester level by one, but in so doing you take 1d8 points of damage. At 8th level, you can choose to increase your effective manifester level by two, but you take 3d8 points of damage. At 15th level, you can increase your effective manifester level by three, but you take 5d8 points of damage. The effective increase in manifester level increases the number of power points you can expend on a single power manifestation, as well as increasing all manifester level-dependent effects, such as range, duration, and overcoming power resistance.
Normal: Your manifester level is equal to your total levels in classes that manifest powers.
  OVERCHANNEL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.00)

You use brute force to overcome an opponent’s defenses.
Prerequisite: Str 15, Power Attack
Benefit: You gain a +2 to hit against any opponent Fighting Defensively, using Total Defense, or using Combat Expertise.
  Balance: 3.88 (Purp 3.50, Pow 4.13, Port 3.63, Comp 4.13, Rule 4.00)

Your critical hits are especially brutal.
Prerequisite: Str 23, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (chosen Weapon), Power Attack, Weapon Focus (chosen Weapon)
Benefit: When using the weapon you have selected, you deal an extra 1d6 points of bonus damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon’s critical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 points of bonus damage instead, and if the multiplier is x4, add +3d6 points of bonus damage instead. Creatures immune to critical hits can’t be affected by this feat.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time a character takes the feat, it applies to a different type of weapon.
  OVERWHELMING CRITICAL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The Netbook of Feats team is confused as to why Cleave and Great Cleave are prerequisites, and why d6s of damage are used rather than the weapon base damage. There is a suggestion to just increase the weapon's critical multiplier by one instead.
  Balance: 3.95 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.50, Port 4.00, Comp 3.50, Rule 4.50)

PACK ATTACK [General, Fighter]
You are trained to coordinate with others to bring down powerful enemies
Benefit: If an ally (with or without this feat) is flanking your opponent, you are considered to be flanking that opponent also, and get all the normal benefits of flanking.
Normal: You must be one of the attackers that cause the target to become flanked to receive a flanking bonus.
  PACK ATTACK Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.56 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.30, Port 4.60, Comp 4.30, Rule 4.60)

PACK INITIATIVE [General, Fighter]
You can coordinate your initiative with pack mates.
Prerequisite: Pack Attack
Benefit: If you and an ally both have this feat, you may change your initiative order to act on the same initiative count as your ally. This free action must be taken after initiative checks are rolled, but before regular rounds begin. It lasts for the entire combat, or until you ready or delay your action, just as if you had initially rolled this initiative roll.
Special: You still cannot act on an initiative count higher than your normal maximum initiative count (20 + initiative bonus).
  PACK INITIATIVE Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 3.85 (Purp 4.50, Pow 3.25, Port 3.75, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.00)

PACK MULE [General]
Folks can now carry just a wee bit more by knowing how to balance a pack.
Benefit: You can carry weight (encumbrance) as if your Strength were two points higher.
  PACK MULE Copyright 2000, Bradley H. Bemis Jr.
  Balance: 4.92 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.60, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

Self-inflicted pain fuels your ability to hurt others
Benefit: As a full round action you deal 4 points of damage to yourself, then for a number of rounds equal to 3 plus your Constitution modifier you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to both your Strength and to Intimidation checks.
Notes: This is similar to a barbarian's rage, although it could represent an inner focus and determination as apposed to an uncontrolled frenzy, or even a sick dementia.
  PAIN IS MY FRIEND Copyright 2001, Sigfried Trent
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 3.70 (Purp 3.00, Pow 4.00, Port 3.50, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

PALM STRIKE [General, Fighter]
You can push your opponents with unarmed stikes.
Prerequisite: Str 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Base attack bonus +6
Benefit: Declare that you are using Palm Strike before you make your attack roll. If you successfully strike your opponent with an unarmed strike, they must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ your level + Wis modifier). In addition to suffering normal damage, if the defender fails his saving throw, they are pushed back 5’ . You may attempt a Palm Strike once per day for every four levels you have attained and no more than once per round.
Special: A monk selecting this feat may use this ability a number of times per day equal to their monk level, plus one more time per day for every four levels they have in classes other than monk
  PALM STRIKE Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 3.85 (Purp 3.88, Pow 3.88, Port 4.00, Comp 3.63, Rule 3.88)

Select a special material, such as adamantine.
Benefit: You melee weapons (including natural weapons) are treated as being crafted from the chosen special material for the purposes of bypassing the damage reduction of any creature you strike. None of the other special properties of special materials are gained by your melee weapons.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Each time the feat is selected the character selects a different special material. The character’s melee attacks are treated as being crafted of all chosen materials for the purposes of bypassing damage reduction.
  PENETRATE DAMAGE REDUCTION Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 3.75, Pow 3.50, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

You can use your mastery of ki to make an unarmed strike as if delivering a touch attack.
Prerequisite: Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Ki Strike class ability, Base attack bonus +9
Benefit: You can resolve your next unarmed melee attack as a touch attack, ignoring any benefit to your opponent's Armor Class provided by armor, shield or natural armor. Each use of Penetrating Ki Strike counts as three of your stunning attacks per day and you must declare use of this feat prior to your attack roll. A failed attack roll ruins your attempt and wastes three stunning attacks. Penetrating Ki Strike is a supernatural ability.
  PENETRATING KI STRIKE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.00)

You are well-trained in the art of the Iaijutsu Duel.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Iaijutsu and Sense Motive checks.
  PERCEPTIVE DUELIST Copyright 2001, Alan Sullivan
  Balance: 4.15 (Purp 3.75, Pow 4.25, Port 3.75, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.25)

You are almost totally immune to disease and poison.
Prerequisite: Con 25, Great Fortitude
Benefit: You are immune to all nonmagical diseases, as well as to all poisons whose Fortitude save DC is 25 or less.
  PERFECT HEALTH Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The Netbook of Feats team believes that this feat would make more sense with a +8 or so save bonus, rather than have the weird cutoff point for poisons.
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.50, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.25)

PERFECT MATERIALS [General, Magical]
By using superior ingredients you can refine alchemical concoctions.
Prerequisite: Craft (alchemy) 12 ranks
Benefit: When creating alchemical substance, all variable, numeric effects are maximized. The gold cost of making the item is doubled.
  PERFECT MATERIALS Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 4.15 (Purp 3.88, Pow 4.38, Port 4.00, Comp 4.38, Rule 4.13)

PERFECT MULTIWEAPON FIGHTING [Epic, Monster, Special, Fighter]
All your weapons get a full compliment of attacks.
Prerequisite: Dex 25, Three hands, Greater Multiweapon Fighting, Improved Multiweapon Fighting, Multiweapon Fighting
Benefit: You can make as many attacks with each extra weapon as with your primary weapon, using the same base attack bonus. You still take the normal penalties for fighting with two weapons.
Normal: A creature without this feat can make only one attack per round with each extra weapon (or two attacks per round with each weapon if it has Multiweapon Fighting, or three attacks per round with each extra weapon if it has Greater Multiweapon Fighting). Each attack after the first extra attack has a cumulative –5 penalty.
Special: This feat replaces the Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting feat for creatures with more than two arms.
  PERFECT MULTIWEAPON FIGHTING Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.75, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.75)

Your offhand weapon get a full compliment of attacks.
Prerequisite: Dex 25, Greater Two-weapon Fighting, Improved Two-weapon Fighting, Two-weapon Fighting
Benefit: You can make as many attacks with your off-hand weapon as with your primary weapon, using the same base attack bonus. You still takes the normal penalties for fighting with two weapons.
Normal: Without this feat, a character can only get a single attack with an off-hand weapon (or two attacks with an off-hand weapon if he or she has Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, or three attacks with an off-hand weapon if he or she has Greater Two-Weapon Fighting).
  PERFECT TWO-WEAPON FIGHTING Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.75, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.75)

You can alter the spells you know.
Prerequisite: Ability to learn a new spell in place of one you already know
Benefit: Whenever you are able to learn a new spell in place of one you already know you may change one spell of each level that is one or more levels lower than the highest level spell you can cast. You may use this ability when you first acquire this feat.
Normal: Most classes may only change one spell, and must choose a spell two levels lower than the highest level they can cast.
  PERIODIC RE-AWAKENING Copyright 2005, Sigfried Trent
  Balance: 3.16 (Purp 3.20, Pow 3.00, Port 3.00, Comp 3.20, Rule 3.40)

You make one of your emanation spells permanent.
Prerequisite: Spellcraft 25 ranks, Ability to cast the spell to be made permanent
Benefit: Designate any one of your spells whose area is an emanation from your self. This spell’s effect is permanent (though you can dismiss or restart it as a free action). Effects that would normally dispel this spell instead suppress it for 2d4 rounds.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. Each time, select a different spell to become permanent.
  PERMANENT EMANATION Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The Netbook of Feats team believes that this feat could be open to serious abuse (e.g. with a permanent Repulsion, Invisibility Sphere, Globe of Invulnerability, Antilife Shell, Null Psionics Field, Affinity Field, etc) and as such should have a level restriction - e.g. only 3rd or lower level spells can be made permanent.
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 4.50, Pow 3.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.25)

You can extend a spells duration to a full day.
Prerequisite: Extend Spell
Benefit: A persistent spell has a duration of 24 hours. The persistent spell must have a personal range or a fixed range. Spells of instantaneous duration cannot be affected by this feat, nor can spells whose effects are discharged. You need not concentrate on spells such as detect magic or detect thoughts to be aware of the mere presence of absence of the things detected, but you must still concentrate to gain additional information as normal. Concentration on such a spell is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. A persistent spell uses up a spell slot six levels higher than the spell’s actual level.
  PERSISTENT SPELL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The Netbook of Feats team feels that a six level increase is too high for this feat; five levels would be more in keeping with the average power level of a feat.
  Balance: 3.75 (Purp 4.00, Pow 2.50, Port 4.50, Comp 4.00, Rule 3.75)

You are skilled with small arms.
Benefit: You can fire any personal firearm without penalty.
Normal: Without this feat you take a –4 penalty on attack rolls made with personal firearms.
  PERSONAL FIREARMS PROFICIENCY Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.60 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.50, Comp 4.50, Rule 5.00)

When you speak, people listen.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Bluff checks and Intimidate checks.
  PERSUASIVE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.95 (Purp 4.75, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

PIERCE ARMOR [General, Fighter]
You have mastered armor-piercing weapons.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1
Benefit: You must be using either a heavy crossbow or a weapon with a x4 critical damage modifier to use this feat. You add +1 to your attack roll if your opponent is wearing light armor, +2 if your opponent is wearing medium armor, and +3 if your opponent is wearing heavy armor. Shields and natural armor are not considered armor for the purposes of this feat.
  PIERCE ARMOR Copyright 2006, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.50, Port 4.00, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.00)

PIN WEAPON [General, Fighter]
This feat allows you to 'lock blades' with an opponent, reducing their ability to react
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +3
Benefit: As a full-attack action, you can strike an opponent's weapon in order to pin it. This works like a disarm but does not trigger an attack of opportunity. A successful pin causes both of you to be flat-footed as long as it is maintained.
Special: You can only use Pin Weapon unarmed if you have the Improved Unarmed Strike feat.
Example: Friar Tuck is rescuing some children from a castle dungeon when a guard blocks the way. Tuck pins his weapon, shouting for the children to run past. The guard cannot make any attacks of opportunity, being flat-footed.
  PIN WEAPON Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 5.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 3.00)

PINPOINT SHOT [General, Fighter]
You take aim with ranged weapons more accurately when staying still.
Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Benefit: When using the full attack action you may choose gain +2 to all ranged attacks until your next turn but lose your Dexterity bonus to AC during that time.
Special: When using this feat you lose the benefits of Uncanny Dodge.
  PINPOINT SHOT Copyright 2002, Albert Nakano
  Balance: 4.44 (Purp 4.60, Pow 4.00, Port 4.60, Comp 4.40, Rule 4.60)

PLANAR TURNING [Epic, Special]
You can turn or rebuke outsiders.
Prerequisite: Wis 25, Cha 25, Ability to turn or rebuke undead
Benefit: You can turn or rebuke outsiders as if they were undead. An outsider has effective turn resistance equal to half its spell resistance (round down). If you can turn undead, you turns (or destroys) all evil outsiders and rebukes (or commands) all nonevil outsiders. If you can rebuke undead, you rebukes (or commands) all evil outsiders and turns (or destroys) all nonevil outsiders.
  PLANAR TURNING Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

You can turn or rebuke plants.
Prerequisite: Plant Defiance, Ability to cast speak with plants
Benefit: You can rebuke or command plant creatures as an evil cleric rebukes undead. To command a plant, you must be able to speak with it via a speak with plants effect, though you may do so mentally if desired. This ability is usable a total number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. You use your highest caster level to determine the level at which you rebuke plants.
  PLANT CONTROL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: Another grammar correction of "it may do so" to "though you may do so".
  Balance: 3.65 (Purp 3.75, Pow 3.00, Port 3.75, Comp 4.00, Rule 3.75)

You can turn plants.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast detect animals or plants
Benefit: You can turn (but not destroy) plant creatures as a good cleric turns undead. When determining the result of a turning attempt, treat all destruction results as normal turning. Treat immobile plant creatures as creatures unable to flee. This ability is usable a total number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. You use your highest caster level to determine the level at which you turns plants.
  PLANT DEFIANCE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.00)

You can wild shape into a plant.
Prerequisite: Knowledge (nature) 24 ranks, Wild shape 4/day
Benefit: You can use you normal wild shape ability to take the form of a plant. The size limitation is the same as your limitation on animal size.
  PLANT WILD SHAPE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The Benefit should be altered to 'a plant creature', rather than 'a plant'.
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.25)

POINT BLANK SHOT [General, Fighter]
You are more accurate at close range.
Benefit: You get a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet.
Special: A fighter may select Point Blank Shot as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  POINT BLANK SHOT Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.90 (Purp 4.75, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 4.75, Rule 5.00)

You have a broad-band resistance to poison.
Benefit: You receive a +4 bonus to all Fortitude saves against poison.
  POISON RESISTANCE Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.50 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.75, Port 4.50, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

You have worked up a tolerance to certain poisons
Prerequisite: Con 13, Poison Use, Craft (alchemy) 1 rank
Benefit: You are able to train your body to ignore the effects of certain (specific) poisons. You must have access to the poison so you can gradually work up an immunity by subjecting yourself to increasingly larger doses. It takes at least a full dose of the poison and one month’s time (during which you can still do other things) to work up the immunity. The immunity will fade in a month if you do not use another dose to keep it up.
  POISON TOLERANCE Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 3.90 (Purp 3.70, Pow 4.40, Port 3.80, Comp 3.80, Rule 3.80)

POISON USE [General]
You have learned how to use poisons effectively
Prerequisite: Craft (alchemy) 1 rank
Benefit: You can use poisons with no danger to yourself.
Notes: This feat only applies to the percentage chance that you may poison yourself while using poisons. It does not provide immunity (see the Poison Tolerance feat for that added ability).
  POISON USE Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 3.96 (Purp 3.40, Pow 4.40, Port 4.10, Comp 4.80, Rule 3.10)

Your skin is better able to withstand the effects of extremely cold weather.
Benefit: You suffer no nonlethal cold damage from environmental conditions. In extreme cold (below -20° F) you take 1d6 points of lethal damage per 10 minutes of exposure instead of every minute.
Special: This feat offers no protection against lethal cold damage from spells or spell like effects.
  POLAR BEAR SKIN Copyright 2001, OGC Source SHB
  Balance: 3.89 (Purp 3.86, Pow 3.86, Port 3.71, Comp 4.14, Rule 3.86)

POLE FIGHTING [General, Fighter]
When fighting with a pole arm you can use the butt to strike opponents
Prerequisite: Str 13, Weapon Proficiency With A Pole Arm
Benefit: When using a pole arm in two hands, you can use the butt end to make an additional attack. The butt end counts as a normal quarter staff. For pole-arms without reach, this allows you to use them as double weapons. That is, you can fight as if using two weapons, but if you do, you incur all the normal penalties associated with fighting with two weapons, as if you were using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. For pole arms with reach, it means you can use the butt, without reach, and thus strike adjacent opponents. You are effectively using your butt end in two hands and get the improved damage bonus from strength that this allows.
Special: Pole arms include the halfspear, shortspear, trident, glaive, guisarme, halberd, longspear, ranseur and quarterstaff. The merits of this feat are intrinsic to the quarterstaff.
  POLE FIGHTING Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.44 (Purp 4.60, Pow 4.60, Port 4.70, Comp 4.10, Rule 4.20)

You can use a pole or pole weapon to enhance your jumps.
Prerequisite: Str 13, Dex 13
Benefit: When you jump while holding a pole or pole weapon you can add a +10 bonus to your jump check. A flexible pole can be used to enhance height, and a stiff pole can enhance horizontal distance. The pole must be approximately as long as you are tall but could be longer.
Notes: Modern vaulting poles are quite different from a simple bamboo pole or oak quarterstaff. They bend converting forward motion into upward motion. The approximate maximum height a human pole-vaulter can achieve is about 20’ (this would translate into a huge jump skill bonus). A stiff pole is only useful for getting your feet higher off the ground or extending a horizontal jump.
  POLE VAULTING Copyright 2005, Sigfried Trent
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.75, Port 4.50, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.25)

You can speak, read, and write any language under the sun.
Prerequisite: Int 25, Speak Language (five languages)
Benefit: You can speak all languages. If you are literate, you can also read and write all languages (not including magical script).
  POLYGLOT Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The five languages prerequisite is meaningless as with an Int of 25 you have 7 free languages.
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

PORT SAVVY [General]
You know all the ins and outs of life in the seedy ports of call that sailors use as stopover points in their journeys.
Benefit: You get a +4 bonus on all Gather Information checks when used in a seaside port city.
  PORT SAVVY Copyright 2001, OGC Source SHB
  Balance: 3.44 (Purp 3.00, Pow 3.20, Port 3.20, Comp 4.40, Rule 3.40)

You turn the undead without effort.
Prerequisite: Cha 25, Ability to turn undead, Ability to cast dispel evil
Benefit: Every undead creature that comes within 15 feet of you is automatically affected as if you had turned it. This doesn’t cost a turning attempt, and you don’t have to roll turning damage (it automatically affects all undead in a 15-foot burst), but it only turns undead with Hit Dice equal to or less than your effective cleric level minus 10 (and automatically destroys undead with Hit Dice equal to or less than your effective cleric level minus 20). Just as with normal turning, you can’t affect undead that have total cover relative to you.
  POSITIVE ENERGY AURA Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

Your detection spells are stronger than normal.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast detection spell
Benefit: When you cast a detection spell (any spell beginning with the word “detect”) you can either choose to increase the amount of information you receive or scan a greater area. If you increase the amount information, you learn in 1 round what you would normally learn in 3 rounds. If you scan a greater area, the area of effect of the spell is doubled to become a half circle emanating from you to the extreme of the range. You can choose which modification will apply at the moment you cast the spell.
  POTENT DIVINATION Copyright 2001, Sébastien Adhikari
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.75, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.75)

POWER ATTACK [General, Fighter]
You sacrifice accuracy for power.
Prerequisite: Str 13
Benefit: On your action, before making attack rolls for a round, you may choose to subtract a number from all melee attack rolls and add the same number to all melee damage rolls. This number may not exceed your base attack bonus. The penalty on attacks and bonus on damage apply until your next turn.
Special: If you attack with a two-handed weapon, or with a one-handed weapon wielded in two hands, instead add twice the number subtracted from your attack rolls. You can’t add the bonus from Power Attack to the damage dealt with a light weapon (except with unarmed strikes or natural weapon attacks), even though the penalty on attack rolls still applies. (Normally, you treat a double weapon as a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. If you choose to use a double weapon like a two-handed weapon, attacking with only one end of it in a round, you treat it as a two-handed weapon.) A fighter may select Power Attack as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  POWER ATTACK Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.65 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.75, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

You can climb using only one hand.
Prerequisite: Str 15, Dex 13, Climb 8 ranks
Benefit: You can climb using one less limb than you would normally use without additional penalty. Thus a typical humanoid could climb using two feet and one hand for instance. This generally allows you to use a shield or wield a weapon while climbing. Should you choose to use all your available limbs you gain a +2 bonus to your climb checks.
  POWER CLIMBER Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 3.55 (Purp 3.25, Pow 2.88, Port 3.50, Comp 4.13, Rule 4.00)

POWER CRITICAL [General, Fighter]
You are more likely to confirm a critical hit.
Prerequisite: Weapon Focus (chosen Weapon), Base attack bonus +4
Benefit: When using the weapon you selected, you gain a +4 bonus on the roll to confirm a threat.
Special: A fighter may select Power Critical as one of his fighter bonus feats. You can gain Power Critical multiple times. Each time you take the feat, it may be with a different weapon or the same weapon. If you take it with the same weapon, the effects of the feats stack.
  POWER CRITICAL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.75, Port 4.75, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.50)

POWER DOUBLE WEAPON [General, Fighter]
You have learned to maximize the strength of your blows when wielding a double weapon.
Prerequisite: Two-weapon Fighting, Power Attack, Base attack bonus +3
Benefit: When wielding a double weapon, you add your full Strength bonus to damage rolls with all of your primary and secondary attacks.
Normal: Without this feat you add your full Strength bonus to damage rolls with your primary attack(s) and half your Strength bonus to damage rolls with your secondary attack(s).
  POWER DOUBLE WEAPON Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.25)

You add two additional powers to your list of powers known.
Prerequisite: Character level 21st, Ability to manifest powers of the normal maximum power level in at least one psionic class
Benefit: You learn two new powers of any level up to the highest level of power you can manifest. The powers you select must be on your class list or the list for your discipline.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time, you learn two new powers at any level up to the highest level of power you can manifest.
  POWER KNOWLEDGE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.55 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

Your powers are especially potent, breaking through power resistance more readily than normal.
Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. You get a +4 bonus on manifester level checks made to overcome a creature’s power resistance.
  POWER PENETRATION Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The Netbook of Feats team is not generally in favor of feats such as these that break the magic-psionics transparency rule, and thus feal there is no use for this feat with the existence of Spell Pentration and Greater Spell Penetration.
  Balance: 3.70 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 3.25)

You can charge your psicrystal with power points and use it as a cognizance crystal.
Prerequisite: Psicrystal Affinity, Ability to manifest 3rd level psionic powers
Benefit: You can store extra power points in your psicrystal. In effect, the psicrystal becomes a cognizance crystal capable of storing 5 power points in addition to its other abilities
Normal: Psicrystals cannot normally store power points.
Special: This feat can be combined with Crystal Psiweapon.
  POWER PSICRYSTAL Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 3.65 (Purp 3.75, Pow 3.25, Port 3.50, Comp 4.00, Rule 3.75)

The creature can apply its Power Resistance (PR) against psionic powers from the clairsentience and telepathy disciplines.
Benefit: All psionic powers from the clairsentience and telepathy disciplines must beat the creature's PR in order to discover anything about it.
Normal: PR does not normally apply against most powers from the clairsentience discipline or against powers from the telepathy discipline that do not directly influence, control or effect the target creature.
Special: Characters that gain PR by race (like githyanki or githzerai) can choose this feat as a Special feat. If using the default Psionics-Magic Transparency option, this feat also extends your PR to resist all spells and spell-like abilities from the divination school of magic.
  Balance: 4.70 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.75, Port 4.75, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

You need a smaller amount of rest than usual to stay active and alert
Benefit: You only need half the usual amount of sleep to awaken fully refreshed and recovered from fatigue penalties, healed and ready to relearn arcane spells and/or regain power points. This feat does not allow you to gain any more spells or power points per day than normal.
Normal: Without this feat you require 8 hours of sleep to awaken refreshed.
Special: An elf with this feat needs four hours of trance to prepare spells, but needs no rest besides that in order to recover from fatigue.
Notes: This incorporates the Night Owl and Power Resting feats from previous versions of the netbook.
  POWER RESTING Copyright 2001, Peter K. Campbell, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.60 (Purp 4.67, Pow 4.33, Port 4.67, Comp 4.67, Rule 4.67)

You deal more damage with your powers.
Prerequisite: Weapon Focus (ray), Manifester level 4th
Benefit: With rays and ranged touch attack powers that deal damage, you deal an extra 2 points of damage. If you expend your psionic focus when you manifest a ray or a ranged touch attack power that deals damage, you add your key ability bonus to the damage (instead of adding 2).
  POWER SPECIALIZATION Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 3.75 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.25, Port 4.00, Comp 3.50, Rule 3.75)

You can project your voice so that you may be heard at great distances.
Benefit: When projecting your voice, all opposed Listen rolls are made with a +10 circumstance bonus.
Notes: This duplicates the effect of being heard as well from 100' as a normal person is from 0', and is intended to be applicable in any situation where a Listen roll is appropriate, such as yelling to others in battle, a bardic effect upon those that can hear it, etc.
  POWERFUL VOICE Copyright 2001, William Setzer
  Balance: 4.12 (Purp 3.80, Pow 3.80, Port 4.40, Comp 4.20, Rule 4.40)

You can prepare or cast a spell for use as a counterspell.
Benefit: You can cast a spell in such a way that it has no effect beyond a simple light show, an obviously powerless version of the real thing with an instantaneous duration and no lasting effect. A Fireball would only be a billowing cloud of hot air, a lightning bolt would become an obviously powerless, but still impressive, display of static. This allows you to show people that you have a powerful spell without expending a high-level spell slot, but the main use is in counterspelling. As it is the spell itself and not the effect that causes counterspelling, such a spell would have very little effect on the real world, but could still be used to counterspell. By giving up the entire spell effect, you make the spell easier to prepare and cast, so that a spell takes up a spell slot two levels lower, but never lower than level zero.
Special: Spells whose effects are to negate or counterspell magic still lose their effect. So a powerless dispel magic can only be used to counterspell another dispel magic spell; it cannot be used as an attempt to counterspell any other spell (as that is the effect of a dispel magic spell, lost through the Powerless Spell feat). Nor can a powerless darkness spell be used to counter a light spell, for the same reason.
  POWERLESS SPELL Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.18 (Purp 5.00, Pow 3.30, Port 4.30, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.30)

You are better at skills when you take your time.
Benefit: When taking a 10 or 20 on a skill check, you get a +3 competence bonus to your skill check.
  PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT Copyright 2005, Jonathan D. Woolley
  Balance: 4.03 (Purp 3.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.17, Comp 4.33, Rule 4.17)

PRACTICED FEINT [General, Fighter]
You can make and sense feints with increased skill.
Prerequisite: Bluff 4 ranks, Sense Motive 4 ranks
Benefit: You gain a +3 competence bonus when using the Bluff skill to feint and the Sense Motive skill to oppose a feint.
  PRACTICED FEINT Copyright 2005, Jason Spangler
  Balance: 4.32 (Purp 4.20, Pow 4.20, Port 4.40, Comp 4.40, Rule 4.40)

You can use your turn/rebuke ability as if you were up to 4 levels higher.
Prerequisite: Wis 13, Cha 13, Ability to turn or rebuke
Benefit: You can use your turn or rebuke ability as though you were 4 levels higher in whichever class grants you the ability, not exceeding your hit dice or character level.
  PRACTICED TURNING Copyright 2005, Damon J Calhoun, Sigfried Trent
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

PRECISE SHOT [General, Fighter]
You can shoot at opponents in melee without penalty.
Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot
Benefit: You can shoot or throw ranged weapons at an opponent engaged in melee without taking the standard –4 penalty on your attack roll.
Special: A fighter may select Precise Shot as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  PRECISE SHOT Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 5.00 (Purp 5.00, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

You can blend an additional type of energy into one of your energy dependent supernatural abilities.
Prerequisite: Innate supernatural ability with an energy descriptor, Primeval Conversion
Benefit: Choose one supernatural ability. When using Primeval Conversion on this ability, the converted ability inflicts double normal damage. Half the damage inflicted is based on the supernatural ability's standard energy type, and half is based on the energy type chosen with Primeval Conversion. You can use this ability three times per day (or less, if the ability is normally usable only once or twice per day).
Special: This feat can be selected more than once. Each time selected, it must be applied to a new supernatural ability previously chosen with Primeval Conversion.
  PRIMEVAL ALCHEMY Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 3.10 (Purp 3.50, Pow 3.00, Port 3.00, Comp 3.00, Rule 3.00)

You can convert a supernatural ability that utilizes one type of energy into using another type of energy.
Prerequisite: Innate supernatural ability with an energy descriptor
Benefit: Choose one of your supernatural abilities and one type of energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire or sonic) that is not incompatible with any creature subtype (e.g. cold vs. fire) that you have. When employing your supernatural ability you can modify it to use your chosen type of energy instead. You can use this ability three times per day (or less, if the ability is normally usable only once or twice per day).
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time the feat applies to a different type of energy that is compatible with your subtype and/or a different supernatural ability.
  PRIMEVAL CONVERSION Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 3.20 (Purp 3.50, Pow 3.50, Port 3.00, Comp 3.00, Rule 3.00)

Once per day the creature can augment a supernatural or spell-like ability with arcane, divine or profane power.
Prerequisite: Innate supernatural or spell-like ability
Benefit: Once per day, half of the damage inflicted by one of the creature's supernatural or spell-like abilities is derived from arcane, divine or profane power and is resistant to protection from elements and similar magic. The other half of the damage is inflicted normally. Celestial creatures infuse their chosen ability with divine power, fiendish creatures with profane power and other creatures with arcane power. The ability this feat is used on can change from use to use.
Special: This feat can be taken more than once and stacks with itself; each time increasing the number of times it can be used by once per day.
  PRIMEVAL POWER Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.50, Port 4.50, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.75)

PRIMEVAL RAGE [General, Fighter]
You are vicious, bad tempered, ferocious and dangerous.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +3
Benefit: You can enter a fit of rage like a barbarian once per day, gaining a temporary +4 bonus to Str, +4 bonus to Con and a +2 morale bonus on Will saves. Your rage lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 plus the your newly modified Con bonus and you suffer a -2 AC penalty while enraged. You cannot end your rage voluntarily.
Special: This feat does not stack with the Rage class ability (it is superseded by it).
  PRIMEVAL RAGE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 3.67, Pow 4.67, Port 4.00, Comp 4.33, Rule 3.33)

You can change spells of one element type into any other element type.
Prerequisite: Any other metamagic feat, Knowledge (Arcana) 8 ranks
Benefit: When you learn this feat, select one energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic). Any spell causing damage of this type can be changed into doing damage of any of the other types instead. Spell effects other than elemental damage will not change. A prismatic energy spell uses a spell slot of the spell’s normal level, modified by any other metamagic feats.
Example: Atzlaca is a 6th level wizard who knows learns this feat with a focus in acid. She can opt to prepare her melf's acid arrow spell normally, or she can apply this feat as she prepares her spell, and change the damage type from acid to any of the other types of energy. The spell will now ignore acid resistance, but be subject to resistance against its new energy type instead. It will still cause damage over two rounds.
  PRISMATIC ENERGY SPELL Copyright 2002, Carl Cramér
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Comments: Although in the SRD the Energy Substitution feat can be used with spells to cause Sonic damage, newer publications have updated this feat to no longer allow this, presumably as very few creatures have resistance to Sonic damage compared to the other energy types. As such the DM may similarly restrict this feat, or alternatively may allow spells to produce sonic damage but with the damage reduced by one die-size. For example, using this feat on Fireball would allow you to do 1d4 Sonic damage per level (maximum 10d4) rather than 1d6 Fire damage per level (maximum 10d6).
  Balance: 4.50 (Purp 4.60, Pow 5.00, Port 4.60, Comp 3.30, Rule 5.00)

You are an unholy slayer, an assassin able to channel negative energy to slay the unrighteous.
Prerequisite: Ability to rebuke undead, Sneak Attack 1d6
Benefit: Spend one of your rebuke undead attempts to add your Charisma modifier as a profane bonus to the attack and damage roll of your next sneak attack. After channeling the negative energy to power this feat, you must make this attack within a number of rounds equal to your Charisma bonus.
Special: If you have the Death Attack assassin class ability, you may similarly spend one of your rebuke undead attempts to add your Charisma modifier as a profane bonus to the DC of the Fortitude save made to resist your next Death Attack.
  PROFANE DEATH BLOW Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 3.87 (Purp 3.33, Pow 4.33, Port 4.00, Comp 3.67, Rule 4.00)

You can use negative energy to imitate the paralyzing attack of a ghoul.
Prerequisite: Rebuke Undead ability, Knowledge (Religion) 6 ranks, Extra Turning
Benefit: By spending one of your rebuke undead attempts, you force all opponents struck by you in melee combat until the end of your next action to succeed at a Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 1d4+2 rounds as if struck by a ghoul. The save DC is equal to 10 + your Charisma bonus + half your levels in classes that give you the rebuke undead ability (round down). Elves are immune to this paralysis. The use of this feat is considered a supernatural ability and a negative energy effect.
  PROFANE GHOUL STRIKE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.50)

You can use negative energy to duplicate the Strength draining attack of a shadow.
Prerequisite: Rebuke Undead ability, Knowledge (Religion) 8 ranks, Extra Turning, Profane Ghoul Strike
Benefit: By spending one of your rebuke undead attempts, you drain 1d4 points of temporary Strength damage from all living opponents struck by you in melee combat until the end of your next action. Characters reduced to Strength 0 by this feat are slain but do not normally rise again as shadows unless you have the Profane Shadowspawn feat. The use of this feat is considered a supernatural ability and a negative energy effect.
  PROFANE SHADOW STRIKE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 3.85 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.75, Port 3.50, Comp 4.00, Rule 3.75)

Beings drained of strength by your Profane Shadow Strike feat become shadows under your control.
Prerequisite: Rebuke Undead ability, Knowledge (Religion) 10 ranks, Extra Turning, Profane Ghoul Strike, Profane Shadow Strike
Benefit: Any humanoid drained to Strength 0 by use of your Profane Shadow Strike feat becomes a shadow under your control within 1d4 rounds. Created shadows are automatically under your control but count against the maximum number of hit dice that you can normally command through use of your rebuke undead power (equal to 1 HD/level). Shadows created in excess of this number are not in your control, are immune to further use of your rebuke undead ability and will immediately attack you, although you may voluntarily relinquish command of any commanded undead creature or creatures in order to command new ones.
Normal: Humanoids slain by Profane Shadow Strike do not rise again as shadows under your control.
Special: Shadows created through this feat cannot spawn other shadows while they remain in your control.
  PROFANE SHADOWSPAWN Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.50, Port 4.00, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.50)

You can use negative energy to drain energy levels like a wight.
Prerequisite: Rebuke Undead ability, Knowledge (Religion) 10 ranks, Extra Turning, Profane Ghoul Strike
Benefit: By spending one of your rebuke undead attempts, you inflict one negative level on all living opponents struck by you in melee combat until the end of your next action. For each negative level inflicted you heal 5 points of damage. Any points of damage healed in excess of your hit points are gained as temporary hit points. 24 hours after being struck, your opponents can make the normal Fortitude save to remove the negative levels inflicted by this feat. The save DC is equal to 10 + your Charisma bonus + half your levels in classes that give you the rebuke undead ability (round down). Humanoids drained of life through this ability do not normally rise again as wights unless you have the Profane Wightspawn feat.
  PROFANE WIGHT STRIKE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 3.50, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.50)

Beings drained of life energy by your Profane Wight Strike feat become wights under your control.
Prerequisite: Rebuke Undead ability, Knowledge (Religion) 12 ranks, Extra Turning, Profane Ghoul Strike, Profane Wight Strike
Benefit: Any humanoid slain by use of your Profane Wight Strike feat becomes a wight under your control within 1d4 rounds. Created wights are automatically under your control but count against the maximum number of hit dice that you can normally command through use of your rebuke undead power (equal to 1 HD/level). Wights created in excess of this number are not in your control, are immune to further use of your rebuke undead ability and will immediately attack you, although you may voluntarily relinquish command of any commanded undead creature or creatures in order to command new ones.
Normal: Humanoids slain by Profane Wight Strike do not rise again as wights under your control.
Special: Wights created through use of this feat are incapable of spawning other wights while they remain in your control.
  PROFANE WIGHTSPAWN Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.15 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.25, Port 4.00, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.50)

You can use negative energy to drain Constitution, similar to a wraith's attack.
Prerequisite: Rebuke Undead ability, Knowledge (Religion) 12 ranks, Extra Turning, Profane Ghoul Strike, Profane Wight Strike
Benefit: By spending one of your rebuke undead attempts, all living opponents struck by you in melee combat until the end of your next action suffer 1d4 points of temporary Constitution drain. Characters reduced to Constitution 0 by this feat are slain but do not normally rise again as wraiths unless you have the Profane Wraithspawn feat. Note that although a Wraith is normally an incorporeal opponent, your attacks are still bound by the corporeal world.
  PROFANE WRAITH STRIKE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 3.75, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

Beings drained of Constitution by your Profane Wraith Strike feat become wraiths under your control.
Prerequisite: Rebuke Undead ability, Knowledge (Religion) 14 ranks, Extra Turning, Profane Ghoul Strike, Profane Wight Strike, Profane Wraith Strike
Benefit: Any humanoid slain by use of your Profane Wraith Strike feat becomes a wraith under your control within 1d4 rounds. Created wraiths are automatically under your control but count against the maximum number of hit dice that you can normally command through use of your rebuke undead power (equal to 1 HD/level). Wraiths created in excess of this number are not in your control, are immune to further use of your rebuke undead ability and will immediately attack you, although you may voluntarily relinquish command of any commanded undead creature or creatures in order to command new ones.
Normal: Humanoids slain by Profane Wraith Strike do not rise again as wights under your control.
Special: Wraiths created through use of this feat cannot spawn other wraiths while they remain in your control.
  PROFANE WRAITHSPAWN Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.50)

You can earn a living performing services better than others.
Prerequisite: 5 ranks in any 2 Profession skills
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to all Profession skills
  PROFESSIONAL Copyright 2002, Paul W. King
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.25)

You are able to fight from a prone position without penalty.
Benefit: You suffer no attack or AC penalties for being prone.
Normal: When prone you suffer a -4 to attack and AC against melee opponents.
  PRONE COMBAT Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.25, Port 4.50, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

PROPHETIC DREAMER [General, Role Play]
Your dreams sometimes echo the future
Prerequisite: DM’s permission
Benefit: Once per session, your GM should inform you of a dream you have had that portents an event that may be in your future. Ideally this dream could warn you of a possible danger, or guide you to a good decision. The dream need not come true, but should be a possible or likely scenario in your future. Sometimes the dreams are literal and sometimes symbolic, (at the DM’s discretion).
Notes: This feat isn’t for everyone. It should benefit the character but only as much as the DM wants it to. This could be a trait or the GM could decide some mystical event allows the character to start having these dreams.
  PROPHETIC DREAMER Copyright 2001, Sigfried Trent
  Balance: 3.80 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.00, Port 3.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 3.00)

You have created a psicrystal.
Prerequisite: Manifester level 1st
Benefit: This feat allows you to gain a psicrystal.
  PSICRYSTAL AFFINITY Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 4.50, Pow 3.75, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 3.75)

Your psicrystal has advanced enough that it can hold a psionic focus that you store within it.
Prerequisite: Psicrystal Affinity, Manifester level 3rd
Benefit: You can spend a full-round action attempting to psionically focus your psicrystal. At any time when you need to expend your psionic focus, you can expend your psicrystal’s psionic focus instead, as long as the crystal is within 5 feet of you. Psionically focusing your psicrystal works just like focusing yourself. The psicrystal cannot focus itself—only the owner can spend the time to focus the crystal.
  PSICRYSTAL CONTAINMENT Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.00, Rule 3.50)

PSICRYSTAL POWER [Epic, Special, Psionic]
Your psicrystal can manifest a power.
Prerequisite: Character level 21st, Int 25 or Cha 25 (depending on which is your key ability score for manifesting)
Benefit: Choose one power you know of 8th level or lower. Your psicrystal can now manifest this power once per day at your manifester level (the psicrystal gains sufficient power points to manifest the power once). You cannot bestow a power upon your psicrystal if the power normally has any experience point cost.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat, you can give your psicrystal knowledge of a new power (and it gains sufficient power points to manifest that power once). All power points gained by a psicrystal from multiple applications of this feat go into its reserve and can be used to manifest the powers it knows as you desire.
  PSICRYSTAL POWER Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.75)

You have a knack for psionic endeavors.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Psicraft checks and Use Psionic Device checks.
  PSIONIC AFFINITY Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The Netbook of Feats team is not generally in favor of feats such as these that break the magic-psionics transparency rule.
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.50, Port 3.75, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.00)

Your mind reinforces your body.
Benefit: When you take this feat, you gain 2 hit points for each psionic feat you have (including this one). Whenever you take a new psionic feat, you gain 2 more hit points.
  PSIONIC BODY Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 3.35 (Purp 4.00, Pow 2.75, Port 3.00, Comp 3.75, Rule 3.25)

You can charge in a crooked line.
Prerequisite: Speed Of Thought, Dex 13
Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. When you charge, you can make one turn of up to 90 degrees during your movement. All other restrictions on charges still apply; for instance, you cannot pass through a square that blocks or slows movement, or that contains a creature. You must have line of sight to the opponent at the start of your turn.
  PSIONIC CHARGE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

Your precognition allows you to deflect magical rays and certain special projectiles in addition to ordinary ranged attacks.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Weapon Focus, Armed Deflect Arrows
Benefit: You must be armed with a melee weapon you have Weapon Focus in to use this feat. By expending your psionic focus you can deflect a ray or magical projectile requiring a to-hit roll as you would a normal missile.
  PSIONIC DEFLECTION Copyright 2002, Mark Koh
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 3.36 (Purp 3.60, Pow 3.20, Port 3.00, Comp 3.40, Rule 3.60)

You are proficient at dodging blows.
Prerequisite: Dodge, Dex 13
Benefit: You must be psionically focused to use this feat. You receive a +1 dodge bonus to your Armor Class. This bonus stacks with the bonus from the Dodge feat (but only applies on attacks made by the opponent you have designated).
  PSIONIC DODGE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 3.90 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 3.50)

You can endow your manifestations with more concentrated focus.
Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. You add 1 to the save DC of a power you manifest.
  PSIONIC ENDOWMENT Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.50)

PSIONIC FIST [Psionic, Fighter]
You can charge your unarmed strike or natural weapon with additional damage potential.
Prerequisite: Str 13
Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. Your unarmed strike or attack with a natural weapon deals an extra 2d6 points of damage. You must decide whether or not to use this feat prior to making an attack. If your attack misses, you still expend your psionic focus.
  PSIONIC FIST Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.15 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.75, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.25)

You are anathema to psionic creatures and characters.
Prerequisite: Con 15
Benefit: When a foe strikes you in melee combat, the foe immediately loses its psionic focus, if any. Also, if you are the target of a power, the manifester of the power must spend an additional number of power points equal to your Wisdom bonus, or the power fails (all the power points spent on the power are still lost). This extra cost does not count toward the maximum power points a manifester can spend on a single power.
Special: You cannot take or use this feat if you have the ability to use powers (if you have a power point reserve or psi-like abilities).
  PSIONIC HOLE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 3.75 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.50, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 3.25)

You receive flashes of insight that enable you to react instantly.
Prerequisite: Improved Initiative, Base attack bonus +1
Benefit: So long as you are psionically focused, you gain a +2 bonus to initiative checks.
Special: This feat stacks with the Improved Initiative feat or any other skill, feat or ability that provides a bonus on Initiative checks unless otherwise specified.
  PSIONIC INITIATIVE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 3.75, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.25)

You can focus your mind faster than normal, even under duress.
Prerequisite: Wis 13, Concentration 7 ranks
Benefit: You can take a move action to become psionically focused.
Normal: A character without this feat must take a full-round action to become psionically focused.
  PSIONIC MEDITATION Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

You can charge multiple unarmed strikes with psionic power
Prerequisite: Str 13, Psionic Fist, Base attack bonus +3
Benefit: At the cost of 2 power points, your hands and feet can be charged as a free action to inflict +1 point of damage for a number of rounds equal to your Strength modifier +1. While your unarmed strikes are charged with psionic power you are considered armed and do not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Special: This feat does not stack with Psionic Fist or Improved Psionic Fist; only one of the feats can be used at any one time.
  PSIONIC MULTIFIST Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 3.75, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.25)

You can charge multiple ranged attacks with psionic power
Prerequisite: Str 13, Point Blank Shot, Psionic Shot, Base attack bonus +3
Benefit: At the cost of 2 power points, all of your ranged attacks can be charged as a free action to inflict +1 point of piercing damage for a number of rounds equal to your Str modifier +1.
Special: This feat does not stack with Psionic Shot or Improved Psionic Shot; only one of the feats can be used at any one time.
  PSIONIC MULTISHOT Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 3.75, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

You can your weapon with psionic power usable on multiple attacks.
Prerequisite: Str 13, Power Attack, Psionic Weapon, Base attack bonus +3
Benefit: At the cost of 2 power points, your melee weapon can be charged as a free action to inflict +1 point of damage for a number of rounds equal to your Strength modifier +1.
Special: This feat does not stack with Psionic Weapon or Improved Psionic Weapon; only one of the feats can be used at any one time.
  PSIONIC MULTIWEAPON Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 3.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.25)

You can rapidly heal wounds that strike at the core of your being.
Prerequisite: Con 13
Benefit: You naturally heal a number of ability damage and ability burn points per day equal to 1 + your base, undamaged ability bonus in the attribute damaged (with a minimum of 1 point per ability damaged per day).
  PSIONIC REJUVENATION Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.38 (Purp 4.00, Pow 5.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.30, Rule 4.60)

PSIONIC SHOT [Psionic, Fighter]
You can charge your ranged attacks with additional damage potential.
Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot
Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. Your ranged attack deals +2d6 points of damage. You must decide whether or not to use this feat prior to making an attack. If your attack misses, you still expend your psionic focus.
  PSIONIC SHOT Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.15 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.75, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.25)

With your psionic ability you are a deadly opponent in unarmed combat.
Prerequisite: Str 13, Psionic Fist, Reserve power points 1
Benefit: As long as you have 1 or more power points, your unarmed strikes are charged with psionic power. Your unarmed strikes do not provoke attacks of opportunity from armed opponents and inflict 1d6 points of lethal damage in unarmed combat if Medium-sized and 1d4 points of real damage if Small-sized.
Normal: Unarmed attacks normally provoke attacks of opportunity against armed attackers and inflict 1d4 points of non-lethal damage in Medium-sized and 1d3 points of non-lethal damage if small sized.
Special: This feat can be combined with the Psionic Fist feat, allowing you to inflict 1d10 points of damage if Medium-sized at the cost of 1 power point per strike (1d6 points if Small-sized).
  PSIONIC STRIKE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 3.75, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.00)

You gain additional power points to supplement those you already had.
Prerequisite: Having a power point reserve
Benefit: When you take this feat for the first time, you gain 2 power points.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat after the first time, the number of power points you gain increases by 1.
  PSIONIC TALENT Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

PSIONIC WEAPON [Psionic, Fighter]
You can charge your melee weapon with additional damage potential.
Prerequisite: Str 13
Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. Your attack with a melee weapon deals an extra 2d6 points of damage. You must decide whether or not to use this feat prior to making an attack. If your attack misses, you still expend your psionic focus.
  PSIONIC WEAPON Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.15 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.75, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.25)

Your psychic senses allow you to intuitively sense the presence of danger.
Prerequisite: Wis 13
Benefit: As long as you are psionically focused, you can make a Will save (DC 20) to avoid being caught surprised or flat-footed. On a successful save, you can act during the surprise round even if you would otherwise be surprised and you can retain your Dex bonus to armor class even if you would otherwise be caught flat-footed.
  PSYCHIC SENSE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.75, Port 4.50, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.50)

PULL BLOW [General, Fighter]
You can choose to leave your victims alive when they might otherwise die
Prerequisite: Int 13, Combat Expertise, Weapon Focus, Heal 1 rank, Base attack bonus +3
Benefit: When attacking with a weapon for which you have weapon focus, if you injure an opponent enough to take them below zero hit points you may pull your blow, dealing exactly enough damage to take them to -1 hit point. Furthermore, although unconscious their condition automatically becomes stable (not taking bleeding damage), rather than dying.
Special: You cannot use this feat on a critical hit. This feat has no effect on creatures such as undead and constructs that are destroyed upon reaching 0 hit points.
Notes: Imagine a master swordsman that cuts with such precision that they can wound exactly the amount they wish to by cutting "just so". The benefit of this feat over doing nonlethal damage is that you can make your decision after the fact and that creatures immune to nonlethal damage can effectively be subdued.
  PULL BLOW Copyright 2001, Sigfried Trent
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.50, Port 4.50, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

QUICK CUT [General]
You dispatch the helpless with ruthless efficiency.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +2
Benefit: You can perform a coup de grace attack against a helpless defender as a standard action.
Special: Performing a coup de grace still provokes an attack of opportunity as normal.
  QUICK CUT Copyright 2002, Jerry M. Chaney II
  Balance: 4.44 (Purp 3.80, Pow 4.20, Port 4.60, Comp 4.80, Rule 4.80)

QUICK DRAW [General, Fighter]
You can draw a weapon as a free action.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1
Benefit: You can draw a weapon as a free action instead of as a move action. You can draw a hidden weapon (see the Sleight of Hand skill) as a move action. A character who has selected this feat may throw weapons at his full normal rate of attacks (much like a character with a bow).
Normal: Without this feat, you may draw a weapon as a move action, or (if your base attack bonus is +1 or higher) as a free action as part of movement. Without this feat, you can draw a hidden weapon as a standard action.
Special: A fighter may select Quick Draw as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  QUICK DRAW Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.70 (Purp 5.00, Pow 3.75, Port 4.75, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

QUICK GRAB [General]
You can pick things up with minimal movement and effort.
Prerequisite: Dex 13
Benefit: As a swift action you may pick up any weapon (of a size you could wield) or similar sized unsecured item on the ground or within 5’ without provoking an attack of opportunity. You must have a free hand to hold the item in.
  QUICK GRAB Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 4.33 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.67, Port 4.67, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.33)

You are good at reloading firearms quickly.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1
Benefit: Reloading a firearm with an already filled box magazine or speed loader is a free action. Reloading a revolver without a speed loader, or reloading any firearm with an internal magazine, is a move action.
Normal: Reloading a firearm with an already filled box magazine or speed loader is a move action. Reloading a revolver without a speed loader, or reloading any firearm with an internal magazine, is a full-round action.
  QUICK RELOAD Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.70 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.75, Port 4.50, Comp 4.50, Rule 5.00)

Your racial scent abilities work more quickly than others of your race.
Prerequisite: Wis 15, Racial scent ability
Benefit: You may take a swift action to note the direction of a scent.
Normal: Creatures with the scent ability must take a move action to note the direction of a scent.
Notes: You may only take one swift action a round.
  QUICK SCENT Copyright 2005, Jason D. Kemp
  Balance: 4.04 (Purp 4.20, Pow 3.80, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.20)

You draw and strike with such speed it can surprise defenders.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +3, Quick Draw
Benefit: When using the Quick Draw feat immediately prior to making an attack, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to the attack roll.
  QUICK STRIKE Copyright 2001, Chris Meravi
  Balance: 4.23 (Purp 4.17, Pow 4.17, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.33)

You can quickly sense your opponent’s weakness.
Prerequisite: Death Attack class ability, Sneak attack +6d6
Benefit: You may perform a death attack after studying a potential victim for two rounds.
Normal: You need to study an opponent three rounds before a death attack.
  QUICK STUDY Copyright 2002, Jerry M. Chaney II
  Balance: 4.17 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.83, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

QUICK SWAP [General, Fighter]
You can confuse your opponent by swapping your weapon between hands.
Prerequisite: Improved Feint, Base attack bonus +6
Benefit: In melee while using a light or 1-handed weapon in one hand with nothing in your other, you may switch your weapon to your other hand as a free action. As part of this free action, you may make a feint (see Bluff Skill description). You may only make this feint once per round.
  QUICK SWAP Copyright 2003, Ian Cheesman
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.33, Port 4.00, Comp 3.67, Rule 4.00)

You can channel energy into a Divine feat with a moment's thought.
Prerequisite: Ability to turn or rebuke undead, Cha 13, Extra Turning, Quicken Turning
Benefit: You can channel energy to activate another divine feat as a free action a number of times per day equal to your charisma bonus. This counts against your ability to use one quickened ability per round. You can still only channel energy to power one divine feat or turning attempt per round.
Normal: Divine feats normal require a standard action to channel the requisite energy to power the feat.
Special: You can take this feat more than once, each time gaining the ability to use quicken a divine feat one more time per day.
  QUICKEN DIVINE CHANNELING Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 3.75, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.25)

QUICKEN POWER [Metapsionic]
You can manifest a power with a moment’s thought.
Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. You can quicken a power. You can perform another action, even manifest another power, in the same round that you manifest a quickened power. You can manifest only one quickened power per round. A power whose manifesting time is longer than 1 round cannot be quickened. Using this feat increases the power point cost of the power by 6. The power’s total cost cannot exceed your manifester level. Manifesting a quickened power does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
  QUICKEN POWER Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.50)

You can cast spells as a free action.
Benefit: Casting a quickened spell is a free action. You can perform another action, even casting another spell, in the same round as you cast a quickened spell. You may cast only one quickened spell per round. A spell whose casting time is more than 1 full round action cannot be quickened. A quickened spell uses up a spell slot four levels higher than the spell’s actual level. Casting a quickened spell doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity.
Special: This feat can’t be applied to any spell cast spontaneously (including sorcerer spells, bard spells, and cleric or druid spells cast spontaneously), since applying a metamagic feat to a spontaneously cast spell automatically increases the casting time to a full-round action.
  QUICKEN SPELL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.50, Comp 4.50, Rule 3.00)

QUICKEN SPELL-LIKE ABILITY [Monster, Special, Magical]
You can use spell-like abilities as a free action.
Prerequisite: Spell-like ability at caster level 10th
Benefit: Choose one of the creature’s spell-like abilities, subject to the restrictions described below. The creature can use that ability as a quickened spell-like ability three times per day (or less, if the ability is normally usable only once or twice per day). Using a quickened spell-like ability is a free action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. The creature can perform another action—including the use of another spell-like ability—in the same round that it uses a quickened spell-like ability. The creature may use only one quickened spell-like ability per round. The creature can only select a spell-like ability duplicating a spell with a level less than or equal to half its caster level (round down) –4. For a summary, see the table below. In addition, a spell-like ability that duplicates a spell with a casting time greater than 1 full round cannot be quickened.
Normal: Normally the use of a spell-like ability requires a standard action and provokes an attack of opportunity unless noted otherwise.
Special: This feat can be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken, the creature can apply it to a different one of its spell-like abilities. Quicken Spell-Like Ability Spell Level Caster Level to Quicken 0 8th 1st 10th 2nd 12th 3rd 14th 4th 16th 5th 18th 6th 20th 7th — 8th — 9th —
  QUICKEN SPELL-LIKE ABILITY Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.25)

You can cast spells from a staff with a moment’s thought.
Prerequisite: Craft Staff, Master Staff, Quicken Spell, Spellcraft 15 ranks
Benefit: You can cast any spell from a staff as a swift action by burning up twice the normal number of charges to activate the spell. A spell stored in a staff with a casting time longer than 1-action cannot be quickened with this feat.
Normal: Staves require a standard action to activate
  QUICKEN STAFF Copyright 2006, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 3.50, Pow 3.50, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

You can cast spells from a wand with a moment’s thought.
Prerequisite: Craft Wand, Master Wand, Quicken Spell, Spellcraft 15 ranks
Benefit: You can cast any spell from a wand as a swift action by burning up twice the normal number of charges to activate the spell. A spell stored in a wand with a casting time longer than 1-action cannot be quickened with this feat.
Normal: Wands require a standard action to activate.
  QUICKEN WAND Copyright 2006, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 3.70 (Purp 3.50, Pow 3.00, Port 3.75, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.00)

QUICKSILVER [General, Fighter]
You are truly adept at dodging blows and avoiding damage in combat.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Dodge, Base attack bonus +3
Benefit: Increase the dodge bonus provided to your Armor Class by your Dodge feat to +2. This supercedes (does not stack with) the Dodge feat. You can also apply this +2 bonus as a dodge bonus to Reflex saves against your chosen opponent. Any condition that makes you lose your dexterity bonus to Armor Class also makes you lose any dodge bonuses to your Armor Class or Reflex saves.
Special: This feat stacks with the Improved Dodge feat (also in this netbook), allowing you to apply the +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves granted by the Quicksilver feat against all opponents.
  QUICKSILVER Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.75, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.25)

You can telepathically communicate with other intelligent beings.
Prerequisite: Cha 13
Benefit: As long as you are psionically focused, you can communicate telepathically with any creature that uses language at a range of 100 feet. This feat allows communication only; it does not allow you to read other creatures minds, determine the truth or intent of the communicator or otherwise influence or command the communicator. The level and depth of your telepathic communication is limited by the creature’s intelligence.
  QUIET WHISPER OF THE MIND Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 3.95 (Purp 3.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 3.50)

RACIAL SPELL [Metamagic]
You can protect or target one race or creature type from the effects of your spells.
Prerequisite: Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks
Benefit: You can select one race or creature type, chosen at the time of casting, to be completely immune to the effects of your spell. Alternatively, you can elect to target your spell against a chosen race or creature type, causing only that specific race or creature type to be affected by your spell (with all other races/creatures within the area of effect being immune to the spell). A Racial Spell uses up a spell slot two levels higher than the spell’s actual level.
Special: You can not name specific individuals, only game or DM recognized races or creature types. For instance you can not name Zandor the dragon over there by the hill, but you could name dragons, or white dragons. You must also use names or types commonly used in the rules or approved by your DM. So you could not name mammals with more than 4 legs, but you could name aberration. You can not name something if you don’t know what to call it, although you can take a guess as to what type it might be.
  RACIAL SPELL Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 3.63 (Purp 4.33, Pow 3.33, Port 3.67, Comp 3.50, Rule 3.33)

You know how to change a poisonous creature’s diet in order to make it deadlier.
Prerequisite: Handle Animal 5 ranks
Benefit: You can increase the toxicity of an animal, vermin or magical beast that has a poison special attack. This is done in the same way as using Handle Animal to train the creature for a purpose (although such a creature can be trained for a specific purpose thereafter without losing the benefits of this training). You must spend 4 weeks of intensive feeding and care for a single creature. You must spend half this time (at the rate of 3 hours per day per animal being handled) working toward completion of the task before you attempt a DC 20 Handle Animal check. If the check fails, your attempt fails and you need not complete the training. If the check succeeds, you must invest the remainder of the time to complete the training. If the time is interrupted or the task is not followed through to completion, the attempt automatically fails. If successful, the DC of any poison produced by the creature is increased by 2 thereafter.
Special: The creature’s poison will continue to remain deadlier than normal without further care after successful training, as it thereafter naturally seeks out food that ensures this.
  RAISE POISONOUS CREATURE Copyright 2002, Jerry M. Chaney II
  Balance: 3.40 (Purp 3.60, Pow 3.20, Port 3.40, Comp 3.20, Rule 3.60)

You can use Combat Expertise with a ranged weapon.
Prerequisite: Int 13, Combat Expertise
Benefit: You may gain the benefits of the Combat Expertise feat while using a ranged weapon.
Normal: Combat Expertise can only be used with melee weapons.
  Balance: 4.48 (Purp 4.13, Pow 4.50, Port 4.50, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.50)

Your music has a greater range of effect.
Prerequisite: Bardic music class feature, Perform 25 ranks
Benefit: Double the range of any bardic music ability that has a range. (If the creature must hear the bard to be affected by the ability, that requirement doesn’t change regardless of any extended range the bard’s ability may have.)
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack. Remember that two doublings equals a tripling, and so forth.
  RANGED INSPIRATION Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.75, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.75)

The creature can bestow its Spell Resistance (SR) or Power Resistance (PR) on others nearby.
Prerequisite: Innate Spell Resistance 10 or Innate Power Resistance 10, Channeled Resistance
Benefit: As a standard action, the creature can extend its SR or PR to protect one creature within 30 feet. This protection lasts only as long as both creatures remain within 30 feet of each other and only as long as the creature with SR or PR concentrates on maintaining the link. If the creature with resistance is distracted or suffers damage in any way while maintaining this link it must make a Concentration check as if casting a 0-level spell. Failing this check instantly negates the shared SR or PR until the creature with resistance spends another action to restart the link.
Special: This feat can be taken more than once and stacks with itself; each time allowing the creature to extend its SR or PR to one additional ally within range.
  RANGED RESISTANCE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.50, Port 4.50, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.50)

RANGED SHIELD PIN [General, Fighter]
You have mastered the art of striking an opponent's shield to knock it out of line, rendering it useless for defense.
Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Base attack bonus +2
Benefit: When using a proficient ranged weapon to attack an opponent within 30 feet, you may choose to deal no damage with a successful hit. Instead, you negate any benefits your target gains from their shield until their next action. You can attempt this once per round against any shield-wielding opponent who is within one size category of you. You must announce before you attack that you are making a Ranged Shield Pin.
Notes: This feat is only useful if you have multiple attacks and your opponent's shield gives them at least a +6 armor bonus, or alternatively if you have allies that can attack the same opponent before they can re-adjust their shield.
  RANGED SHIELD PIN Copyright 2002, Rick Coen
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.25)

RANK FIGHTING [General, Fighter]
You are trained to strike past friends using reach weapons
Prerequisite: Weapon Proficiency With A Reach Weapon
Benefit: You can ignore the cover provided by a friend in-between you and your opponent when striking with a reach weapon. You make such attacks with no penalty.
Normal: A friend in the way of a reach weapon attack provides cover, giving a +4 bonus to the target's AC.
  RANK FIGHTING Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 5.00 (Purp 5.00, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

You can inspire allies more quickly.
Prerequisite: Perform 25 ranks, Bardic music class feature
Benefit: You can use any of your bardic music inspiration abilities as a standard action. The inspiration takes effect immediately after you conclude the action.
  RAPID INSPIRATION Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: In edition 3.5 starting a bardic music ability is a standard action, and maintaining is a standard action each round (so you can move whilst doing so, but not generally fight). So this feat is useless in edition 3.5 and should be deleted.
  Balance: 5.00 (Purp 5.00, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

Your wounds heal rapidly.
Prerequisite: Con 13
Benefit: You naturally heal a number of hit points per day equal to the standard healing rate + double your Constitution bonus. You heal even if you do not rest. This healing replaces your normal natural healing. If you are tended successfully by someone with the Heal skill, you instead regain double the normal amount of hit points + double your Constitution bonus.
  RAPID METABOLISM Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.15 (Purp 4.50, Pow 3.75, Port 4.50, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.25)

RAPID RELOAD [General, Fighter]
Choose a type of crossbow (hand, light, or heavy).
Prerequisite: Weapon Proficiency (crossbow Type Chosen)
Benefit: The time required for you to reload your chosen type of crossbow is reduced to a free action (for a hand or light crossbow) or a move action (for a heavy crossbow). Reloading a crossbow still provokes an attack of opportunity. If you have selected this feat for hand crossbow or light crossbow, you may fire that weapon as many times in a full attack action as you could attack if you were using a bow.
Normal: A character without this feat needs a move action to reload a hand or light crossbow, or a full-round action to reload a heavy crossbow.
Special: You can gain Rapid Reload multiple times. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of crossbow. A fighter may select Rapid Reload as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  RAPID RELOAD Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.50)

RAPID SHOT [General, Fighter]
You can make an additional ranged attack.
Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot, Dex 13
Benefit: You can get one extra attack per round with a ranged weapon. The attack is at your highest base attack bonus, but each attack you make in that round (the extra one and the normal ones) takes a –2 penalty. You must use the full attack action to use this feat.
Special: A fighter may select Rapid Shot as one of his fighter bonus feats. A 2nd-level ranger who has chosen the archery combat style is treated as having Rapid Shot, even if he does not have the prerequisites for it, but only when he is wearing light or no armor.
  RAPID SHOT Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.70 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.25, Port 4.75, Comp 4.75, Rule 5.00)

RAPID THRUST [General, Fighter]
When wielding a light weapon you can make a series of rapid thrusts.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Weapon Finesse, Base attack bonus +4
Benefit: When making a full attack with a weapon that you can apply Weapon Finesse to, you may make a single additional attack each round at your highest base attack bonus. However, you suffer a -2 penalty to all your attacks until your next action and lose any Strength bonus to damage you might normally have gained.
Example: Myllard the 6th level ranger (Str 12, Dex 17) jumps inside the ogre's greatsword swing, dagger in hand. Instead of two attacks with his dagger (base attack bonus +6/+1), he opts to make a series of rapid thrusts. He attacks three times with a base attack bonuses of +4/+4/-1. He still receives his +3 bonus to hit from his Weapon Finesse feat, but loses his +1 Strength damage bonus.
  RAPID THRUST Copyright 2002, Rick Coen
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 3.75, Rule 3.75)

RAT HACKER [General, Fighter]
You are skilled at fighting creatures smaller than yourself.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +4
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to Attack and AC against creatures smaller than yourself.
  RAT HACKER Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 3.50 (Purp 3.00, Pow 3.63, Port 3.63, Comp 3.75, Rule 3.50)

REACH SPELL [Metamagic]
You can cast a touch spell as a ray.
Benefit: You may cast a spell that normally has a range of touch at any distance up to 30 feet. The spell effectively becomes a ray, so you must succeed at a ranged touch attack to bestow the spell upon the recipient. A reach spell uses up a spell slot two levels higher than the spell’s actual level.
  REACH SPELL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The netbook staff feels the range of the ray would be better as; range of close (25 ft. + 5 ft. for every 2 caster levels) as it is more consistent with other ray spells. The spell Touch to Ray, by Eric D Harry used this range but was otherwise identical to this feat.
  Balance: 4.50 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.50, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.50)

You can begin a countersong at any time.
Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes, Perform 30 ranks, Bardic music class feature
Benefit: You can begin a countersong at any time, even when it isn’t your turn (much like a wizard who has readied a counterspell action), though you don’t have to ready an action to do so. You can’t use Reactive Countersong at the same time your are using another bardic music ability (though you could stop the other bardic music ability to begin Reactive Countersong if so desired).
Normal: Without this feat, a character can only use countersong on his or her turn.
  REACTIVE COUNTERSONG Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.75)

REACTIVE STANCE [General, Fighter]
You may choose to ignore defensive action in combat in order to attack your foes.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1, Int 13, Combat Expertise
Benefit: You may take a move equivalent action to adopt a reactive stance. You remain in this state until you move (including 5’ steps), are moved involuntarily, or choose to end the effect. You suffer a -4 penalty to your AC, but any time an adjacent opponent makes a melee attack against you they provoke an attack of opportunity from you before their attack resolves. You are still limited by all the usual limits on attacks of opportunity.
  REACTIVE STANCE Copyright 2001, Alan Z. Eisinger
  Balance: 3.97 (Purp 4.33, Pow 3.83, Port 3.83, Comp 4.00, Rule 3.83)

RECHARGE [Magical]
You can recharge your magical items rather than create new ones, and create partially charged items.
Prerequisite: Item creation feat for the item in question
Benefit: You may fully recharge a magic (or psionic) item, even on a charge-by-charge basis. You may also create items without their full number of charges. The cost and time to create is a proportional amount of the full cost of the item (rounded up when necessary). An item cannot be given more charges than it had at the time of its creation.
Normal: Charged magic items cannot be recharged, and magic items must be created fully charged.
Example: A fully charged Wand of Charm Monster is normally worth 21000 gp, costs 10500 gp and 840 XP to create, and takes 21 days to craft. If you want to create a Wand of Charm Monster with 25 charges using this feat it would cost 5250 gp and 420 XP and take 11 days; similarly if you had a normal existing Wand of Charm Monster with 10 charges and you wanted to boost it to 35 charges. However, the wand created in the first example can never be given more than 25 charges thereafter.
Notes: Your DM may still forbid the creation of items with less than their full number of charges, even with this feat.
  RECHARGE Copyright 2000, Bradley H. Bemis Jr.
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 3.50 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.50, Port 3.80, Comp 3.40, Rule 2.80)

You can shift your focus from defense to offense.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1
Benefit: When you use the attack action or full attack action in melee, you can take a penalty of –4 to your Armor Class and add a +2 bonus on your melee attack roll. The bonus on attack rolls and penalty to Armor Class last until the beginning of your next turn.
  RECKLESS OFFENSE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.50 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.00, Port 4.50, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.50)

You’ve wandered away from your true vocation long enough, now its time to return.
Benefit: Pick one class that has a multiclassing restriction (paladin or monk). You may now multiclass freely with this class.
Notes: All other requirements, such as alignment, ability, skills, feats etc must still be met.
  REDEDICATION Copyright 2002, Jerry M. Chaney II
  Balance: 4.12 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 3.80, Comp 4.60, Rule 4.20)

REFLECT ARROWS [Epic, Fighter]
You can deflect arrows back at whomever shot them.
Prerequisite: Dex 25, Deflect Arrows, Improved Unarmed Strike
Benefit: When you deflect an arrow or other ranged attack, the attack is reflected back upon the attacker at your base ranged attack bonus.
  REFLECT ARROWS Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.25)

REFLEX SET [General, Fighter]
You have honed your reflexes to the point where it is second nature for you to set your weapon against a charging enemy
Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes
Benefit: When you are charged while holding a weapon that can be set against a charge, you get to make an attack of opportunity before the charge attack is made, and you get the double damage normally associated with setting such a weapon against a charge on this attack of opportunity. Weapons capable of being set against a charge are noted in their individual descriptions in the SRD, and include the dwarven urgrosh, halberd, longspear, spear and trident.
  REFLEX SET Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.84 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.50, Port 5.00, Comp 4.70, Rule 5.00)

RENOWN [Modern]
You are well known.
Benefit: Your Reputation bonus increases by +3.
  RENOWN Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

REPEAT SPELL [Metamagic]
Your spell is repeated on a subsequent round.
Prerequisite: Any other metamagic feat
Benefit: A repeated spell is automatically cast again at the beginning of your next round of actions. No matter where you are, the secondary spell originates from the same location and affects the same area as the primary spell. If the repeated spell designates a target, the secondary spell retargets the same target if the target is within 30 feet of its original position; otherwise the secondary spell fails to go off. A repeated spell uses up a spell slot three levels higher than the spell’s actual level. Repeat Spell cannot be used on spells with a range of touch.
  REPEAT SPELL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 3.75, Pow 4.00, Port 4.50, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.25)

You are an expert at handling a Repeating Crossbow.
Prerequisite: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (repeating Crossbow)
Benefit: You can reload a repeating crossbow magazine as a move equivalent action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. You can cock a repeating crossbow without needing free hand to do so.
Normal: Reloading a Repeating Crossbow is a full round action that provokes an attack of opportunity and you must have a free hand to cock the crossbow between shots.
  REPEATING CROSSBOW MASTERY Copyright 2006, Sigfried Trent
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 3.75, Pow 4.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

You can create new spells quickly.
Prerequisite: Int 13, Caster level 5
Benefit: You may reduce the time required for spell research by 25%. This does not affect the cost of research or the amount of materials required, however.
  RESEARCH GENIUS Copyright 2000, Bradley H. Bemis Jr.
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.12 (Purp 4.20, Pow 4.00, Port 3.80, Comp 4.60, Rule 4.00)

You can greatly reduce one element required for creating new spells by increasing the others.
Benefit: When creating a new spell you may greatly reduce one of the requirements (Cost, Library size or Time), but must increase the others. The time required can be reduced to one day/spell level by doubling the cost of the research (2000gp/spell level) and requiring a huge library for research (generally found only in a metropolis). Alternatively you can reduce the cost to 1,000gp/level of the spell by doubling the time required (2 weeks/spell level) and requiring a huge library. You may also conduct research using only your innate talent and spellbooks by doubling both the time (2 weeks/level of the spell) and the cost (2,000gp/level of the spell). In all cases the DC for determining success (a Spellcraft check) increases to 15 + the spell's level.
Normal: Spell research requires a large library generally found in a large city or metropolis and costs 1000gp per week and one week per spell level, and requires a Spellcraft check of 10 + the spell's level for success.
  RESEARCH TRINITY Copyright 2001, Bradley H. Bemis Jr.
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 3.74 (Purp 4.10, Pow 3.50, Port 3.50, Comp 3.30, Rule 4.30)

You are difficult to restrain by any means.
Benefit: You receive a +4 bonus to all saves against any effect that would render you paralyzed, entangled, or stunned. You also get a +4 bonus when making a defensive Grapple check (that is a grapple check in which you are trying to escape or avoid being grappled).
  RESIST RESTRAINT Copyright 2002, Jerry M. Chaney II
  Balance: 4.32 (Purp 4.20, Pow 4.20, Port 4.00, Comp 4.60, Rule 4.60)

The creature can use its Spell Resistance (SR) to counterspell.
Prerequisite: Innate Spell Resistance 10, Channeled Resistance, Ranged Resistance
Benefit: As a readied action, the creature can use its SR to counterspell one spell at a range of up to 100 ft. This requires the caster beat the creature's SR in order to cast the spell. The creature does not need to make a Spellcraft check to identify the spell being cast in order to use this ability.
Normal: SR cannot be used to counterspell.
  RESISTANCE COUNTERSPELL Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.15 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.50)

The creature can reflect a psionic power that fails to beat its Power Resistance (PR).
Prerequisite: Innate Power Resistance 10
Benefit: Once per round as a readied action, the creature can reflect any psionic power that fails to beat its PR back towards its original manifester. If the psionic power cannot normally be reflected by power turning, the creature's PR has its standard affect against the power instead. The creature's readied action is wasted if no power beats its PR prior to its next action, although the feat can be readied again.
Special: If using the default Psionics-Magic Transparency option, this feat is interchangeable with the resistance spell turning feat.
  RESISTANCE POWER TURNING Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.50)

The creature can reflect a spell or spell-like ability that fails to beat its Spell Resistance (SR).
Prerequisite: Innate Spell Resistance 10
Benefit: Once per round as a readied action, the creature can reflect any spell or spell-like ability that fails to beat its SR back towards its original caster. If the spell or spell-like ability cannot normally be reflected by spell turning, the creature's SR has its standard affect against the spell or spell-like ability instead. The creature's readied action is wasted if no spell beats its SR prior to its next action, although the feat can be readied again.
Special: If using the default Psionics-Magic Transparency option, this feat is interchangeable with the resistance power turning feat.
  RESISTANCE SPELL TURNING Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.50)

The creature can apply its Spell Resistance (SR) or Power Resistance (PR) against divinations.
Prerequisite: Innate Spell Resistance 10 or Innate Power Resistance 10
Benefit: All spells and spell-like abilities from the divination school of magic must beat the creature's SR or PR in order to discover anything about it.
Normal: SR and PR does not normally apply to spells and spell-like abilities from the divination school.
Special: Characters that gain SR by race (like drow) can choose this feat as a Special feat. Creatures with PR can only use this feat if the default Psionics-Magic Transparency option is used, in which case this feat also extends your SR to resist all psionic powers from the telepathy and clairsentience disciplines.
Notes: This feat was formerly known as Spell Resistance: Divination.
  RESISTANCE: DIVINATION Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.70 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.75, Port 4.75, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

The creature can apply its Spell Resistance (SR) or Power Resistance (PR) against illusions.
Prerequisite: Innate Spell Resistance 10 or Innate Power Resistance 10
Benefit: All spells and spell-like abilities from the illusion school of magic must beat the creature's SR or PR in order to deceive the creature. This is checked whenever the creature would have the opportunity to interact with the illusion - e.g. if an invisible object is within the field of view of the creature.
Normal: SR and PR does not normally apply against spells and spell-like abilities from the illusion school that deceive the senses.
Special: Creatures with PR can only use this feat if the default Psionics-Magic Transparency option is used.
  RESISTANCE: ILLUSION Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.25)

You can resume concentration on a spell you have ceased concentrating on.
Prerequisite: Mindless Effort
Benefit: You may resume concentration on a spell that has been cast using the Mindless Effort feat, regardless of whether you chose to stop concentrating or you lost it through taking damage or some other effect. You must resume the spell before it expires or the duration ends, and the normal duration of the spell is unaltered.
  RESTORE EFFORT Copyright 2000, Bradley H. Bemis Jr.
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.36 (Purp 4.40, Pow 4.40, Port 4.80, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.20)

Your understanding of medicine is so great that you can resuscitate fallen comrades.
Prerequisite: Skill Focus (heal), Heal 12 ranks
Benefit: You can restore a target creature to life that has fallen to -10 hp or below. This requires a full round action which provokes an attack of opportunity. The attempt must be made within 10 rounds of the victim falling below -10 hit points. You must make a Heal check and the target must make a Fortitude saving throw; both with a DC equal to the number of hp the target has fallen below 0 (so a character at -16 hp has a DC 16). If you are both successful, the target is revived and stabilized at -9 hp but permanently loses one level (or 1 Hit Dice), or if the target is level 1 it loses 2 Constitution. This loss can not be restored or repaired by any means. If either roll fails, you cannot try resuscitating this target until they are brought back to life by some other means.
Special: This can only be used on a victim that has died from loss of hit points and only if the body could conceivable sustain life.
Notes: Unlike Raise Dead this spell does not cure disease, poison, stat damage or any effect other than hit point loss.
  RESUSCITATION Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 3.53 (Purp 3.67, Pow 3.33, Port 3.33, Comp 3.33, Rule 4.00)

RETURN SHOT [Psionic, Fighter]
You can return incoming arrows, as well as crossbow bolts, spears, and other projectile or thrown weapons.
Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot, Psionic Shot, Fell Shot, Base attack bonus +3
Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus and have at least one hand free. Once per round when you would normally be hit by a projectile or a thrown weapon no more than one size category larger than your size, you can deflect the attack so that you take no damage from it. The attack is deflected back at your attacker, using the attack bonus of the original attack on you. You must be aware of the attack and not flat-footed. Attempting to return a shot is a free action.
Special: If you also have the Deflect Arrows feat, the deflected attack is made with the original attack bonus plus your Dexterity bonus.
  RETURN SHOT Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 3.75 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.75, Port 4.00, Comp 3.50, Rule 3.25)

REVERSE STRIKE [General, Fighter]
Your mastery of the double-weapon allows you to strike out at opponents just when they thought they had you at a disadvantage.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +6, Two-weapon Fighting, Dex 15
Benefit: When wielding a double weapon you can make an Attack of Opportunity with the off-hand part of the double weapon against any foe who strikes at you from a “flanking” position.
Special: You get no attack of opportunity against opponents who receive flanking bonuses without being in the regular flanking position because they have some special ability.
Notes: This feat works even if the foe would not receive any flanking bonuses for some reason - such as if you have uncanny dodge.
  REVERSE STRIKE Copyright 2003, Rick Coen, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 3.80 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 3.50, Comp 3.75, Rule 3.75)

RIDE-BY ATTACK [General, Fighter]
You can ride past a target you are charging.
Prerequisite: Mounted Combat, Ride 1 rank
Benefit: When you are mounted and use the charge action, you may move and attack as if with a standard charge and then move again (continuing the straight line of the charge). Your total movement for the round can’t exceed double your mounted speed. You and your mount do not provoke an attack of opportunity from the opponent that you attack.
Special: A fighter may select Ride-By Attack as one of his fighter bonus feats.
Notes: When using ride by attack, your movement path for the charge should be such that you pass within striking range of your target, not such that you are charging directly at your target (as with a normal charge). This is because you can not move through a space occupied by an enemy and thus if you were to charge them in the normal manner you would not be able to continue your movement as the feat indicates is possible.
  RIDE-BY ATTACK Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 5.00 (Purp 5.00, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

Your fists are charged with the power of law.
Prerequisite: Wis 19, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Any lawful alignment
Benefit: Your unarmed strike is treated as an axiomatic weapon (it is lawfully aligned and deals an extra 2d6 points of damage against creatures of chaotic alignment). This ability doesn’t stack with similar abilities.
  RIGHTEOUS STRIKE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.55 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 5.00)

RIPOSTE [General, Fighter]
After deflecting your opponent's blow, you quickly attack while they are over extended.
Prerequisite: Combat Expertise, Weapon Finesse, Base attack bonus +6
Benefit: When unencumbered, in light armor or less, and using a weapon with Weapon Finesse, you may make an attack of opportunity against an opponent who tries to attack you in melee and misses.
Special: This feat cannot be used if you are denied your Dexterity bonus to AC. You cannot use other feats that allow extra attacks (such as Cleave) with a riposte.
Notes: This is a fencing technique, and fits well in a renaissance-style game.
  RIPOSTE Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

RITUAL SPELL [Metamagic]
You may reduce the power required for a spell by casting it as a six-hour ritual.
Benefit: A spell with a normal casting time of ten minutes or less can be cast as a ritual with a casting time of six hours. The ritual also requires a number of (unskilled) helpers equal to the spell level and must be conducted in a suitable place appropriate to the spell, such as a temple or wizard's sanctum. The benefit is that the spell takes up a spell slot one level lower than normal.
Special: If you have an appropriate sacrifice, perform the ritual at the right time in the right place, or have an artifact or item of power or the ritual fits in the story, the DM may reduce the required spell slot even further. This feat is recommended for evil NPCs, whose terrible rituals the PCs must stop.
Notes: This is particularly useful to divine spellcasters, who know high-level spells but normally just can't cast them. Many cleric spells do very well as rituals. Wizards can learn spells of a level they cannot normally cast, but must scribe it using the standard rules, not take it for free when they go up in level. Sorcerers and Bards can never learn spells that they cannot normally cast, and thus find this feat almost useless.
  RITUAL SPELL Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.75)

ROBUST HEALTH [General, Fighter]
Your robust health makes you tougher than normal.
Prerequisite: Endurance
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to your Constitution for the purposes of determining hit points only.
Special: Any creature that does not have a Constitution score, such as undead, may not take this feat. This feat grants virtual access to the Toughness feat, allowing you to take other feats for which Toughness is a prerequisite.
  ROBUST HEALTH Copyright 2005, Jason D. Kemp
  Comments: This feat was intended as a replacement for Toughness which some feel is too weak to be worthwhile. You generally wouldn't use both in the same game.
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 5.00, Rule 4.50)

You are as comfortable climbing ropes and rigging as you are walking on the ground.
Prerequisite: Dex 13
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all Balance and Climb skill checks so long as ropes and rigging are involved. Thus, making your way up to a crow's nest would qualify for the bonus, but climbing a sheer rock cliff would not. In addition, if you are attacked while climbing a rope or rigging, you may choose to negate either the attacker's +2 bonus or the loss of your Dexterity bonus to AC, but not both).
  ROPE CLIMBER Copyright 2001, OGC Source SHB
  Balance: 3.36 (Purp 3.20, Pow 3.00, Port 3.00, Comp 3.60, Rule 4.00)

You are able to maintain your concentration even when threatened in combat.
Prerequisite: Combat Casting, Base attack bonus +4
Benefit: You automatically succeed at any Concentration checks made to cast a spell defensively.
  ROUTINE COMBAT CASTING Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Comments: The author originally titled this feat "Improved Combat Casting" but the name was recently used in the 3.5 SRD feat set, so the NBOF staff renamed it.
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.50, Port 4.50, Comp 5.00, Rule 4.00)

You are good a breaking things when in a rage.
Prerequisite: Str 25, Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Rage 5/day
Benefit: While in a rage, you ignore the hardness of any object you strike. Also, double your Strength bonus for the purposes of any Strength check made to break an object with sudden force rather than by dealing normal damage (including bursting bindings, such as ropes or manacles).
  RUINOUS RAGE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.50, Pow 3.50, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.75)

RUN [General]
You can run very quickly.
Benefit: When running, you move five times your normal speed (if wearing medium, light, or no armor and carrying no more than a medium load) or four times your speed (if wearing heavy armor or carrying a heavy load). If you make a jump after a running start (see the Jump skill description), you gain a +4 bonus on your Jump check. While running, you retain your Dexterity bonus to AC.
Normal: You move four times your speed while running (if wearing medium, light, or no armor and carrying no more than a medium load) or three times your speed (if wearing heavy armor or carrying a heavy load), and you lose your Dexterity bonus to AC.
  RUN Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.55 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.75, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

RUNNING ATTACK [General, Fighter]
You are especially fast and maneuverable on the battlefield.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Run, Base attack bonus +2
Benefit: As a full round action you may move twice your current speed and then make a single melee attack with a -2 penalty to hit.
  RUNNING ATTACK Copyright 2001, Scott Metzger
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

SACRED SPELL [Metamagic]
You can suffuse your spell with divine power.
Benefit: Half of the damage dealt by a sacred spell results directly from divine power and is therefore not subject to being reduced by protection from elements or similar magic. The other half of the damage dealt by the spell is as normal. A sacred spell uses up a spell slot two levels higher than the spell’s actual level. Only divine spells can be cast as sacred spells.
  SACRED SPELL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.25, Port 4.50, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.50)

SAGE [General]
You have a better ability to remember information.
Prerequisite: 5 ranks in any 2 Knowledge skills
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to all Knowledge skills
  SAGE Copyright 2002, Paul W. King
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.25)

SAVAGE CRITICAL [General, Fighter]
Your critical hits are more powerful.
Prerequisite: Str 13, Power Attack, Base attack bonus +5, Weapon Focus
Benefit: The critical damage multiplier for the selected weapon is increased by one.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of weapon.
Notes: This feat is more powerful for low multiplier, large crit range weapons.
  SAVAGE CRITICAL Copyright 2005, Sigfried Trent
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.60, Port 4.20, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.20)

SCRIBE EPIC SCROLL [Epic, Item Creation]
You can scribe scrolls of epic level.
Prerequisite: Scribe Scroll, Knowledge (arcana) 24 ranks, Spellcraft 24 ranks
Benefit: You can scribe scrolls that exceed the normal limits for such items. Even this feat does not allow you to scribe a scroll with an epic spell.
  SCRIBE EPIC SCROLL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 3.95 (Purp 3.75, Pow 3.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.75)

SCRIBE SCROLL [Item Creation]
You can create magic scrolls.
Prerequisite: Caster level 1st
Benefit: You can create a scroll of any spell that you know. Scribing a scroll takes one day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. The base price of a scroll is its spell level x its caster level x 25 gp. To scribe a scroll, you must spend 1/25 of this base price in XP and use up raw materials costing one-half of this base price. Any scroll that stores a spell with a costly material component or an XP cost also carries a commensurate cost. In addition to the costs derived from the base price, you must expend the material component or pay the XP when scribing the scroll.
  SCRIBE SCROLL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.80 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.75, Port 5.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 5.00)

SCRIBE TATTOO [Item Creation, Psionic]
You can create psionic tattoos, which store powers within their designs.
Prerequisite: Manifester level 3rd
Benefit: You can create a psionic tattoo of any power of 3rd level or lower that you know and that targets one or more creatures. Scribing a psionic tattoo takes one day. When you create a psionic tattoo, you set the manifester level. The manifester level must be sufficient to manifest the power in question and no higher than your own level. The base price of a psionic tattoo is its power level x its manifester level x 50 gp. To scribe a tattoo, you must spend 1/25 of this base price in XP and use up raw materials (special inks, masterwork needles, and so on) costing one-half of this base price. When you create a psionic tattoo, you make any choices that you would normally make when manifesting the power. When its wearer physically activates the tattoo, the wearer is the target of the power. Any psionic tattoo that stores a power with an XP cost also carries a commensurate cost. In addition to the costs derived from the base price, you must pay the XP when creating the tattoo.
  SCRIBE TATTOO Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.50 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.75)

SCROLL MASTERY [General, Magical]
You have mastered the art of casting powerful spells from scrolls.
Prerequisite: Spellcasting ability
Benefit: You get a +4 bonus on caster level checks to activate scrolls of a caster level higher than your own, but you still fail on a natural roll of 1.
  SCROLL MASTERY Copyright 2003, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.53 (Purp 4.33, Pow 4.00, Port 4.67, Comp 4.67, Rule 5.00)

SEA DOG [General]
You have a knack for endeavors relating to sea travel.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Profession (sailor) and Use Rope skill checks.
  SEA DOG Copyright 2001, OGC Source SHB
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 3.25, Pow 4.00, Port 3.50, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

You are good at using your sexual charms.
Benefit: Sex sells, and friends can be won by seduction. You get a +4 bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy attempts against people who find your race and gender sexually attractive. After you use this feat, some people might seek to be intimate with you. They will resent a blunt rejection, worsening their attitude by one step.
Notes: Using this feat a lot might gain you some notoriety. This feat is probably not appropriate in a campaign involving children as players.
  SEDUCTION Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.50, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.50)

SELF ITEM [Magical]
You may create items with powers linked to you.
Prerequisite: Any craft permanent item feat such as Craft Rod, Craft Wondrous Item or Forge Ring
Benefit: A magic item created with one of the prerequisite feats can be made as a Self Item. In this case, the XP cost for the item is reduced to 75% of normal (rounded up to the nearest whole number), but the item will work only for its creator. If somebody other than the item’s creator attempts to use it, the item is completely inert. If the item is ever destroyed, the creator will lose XP equal to full, normal XP cost to make the item; this can cause the creator to lose a level of experience. Charged items cannot be made using this feat.
Special: In campaigns using Psionics this feat can also be used in the creation of non-charged psionic items.
  SELF ITEM Copyright 2000, Michael J. Kletch
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 3.56 (Purp 3.30, Pow 3.60, Port 4.00, Comp 3.60, Rule 3.30)

You can partly conceal your location at all times.
Prerequisite: Dex 30, Hide 30 ranks, Tumble 30 ranks, Improved evasion
Benefit: Attacks against you have a 10% miss chance, similar to the effect of concealment. You loses this benefit whenever you would lose your Dexterity bonus to AC.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken, the miss chance increases by 10% to a maximum of 50% after it has been taken five times.
  SELF-CONCEALMENT Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: Note that the sneak attack description specifically mentions it does not work against creatures with concealment, whereas this feat is only ‘similar to the effect of concealment’. Therefore the Netbook of Feats team believes that this feat is not effective in stopping sneak attacks.
  Balance: 3.55 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.00, Port 4.00, Comp 3.50, Rule 3.25)

You know how to take care of yourself.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Heal checks and Survival checks.
  SELF-SUFFICIENT Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.95 (Purp 4.75, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

You have a highly developed sensitivity to magic
Prerequisite: Spellcraft 1 rank
Benefit: You can sense whether an object you are handling or a creature you are touching is magical or under the effects of a spell - the very air might be magical in some places. As a full-round action, you can tell whether an item is magical with a Spellcraft check (DC 20). A success informs you if there is magic present; a failure indicates that it is not.
Special: You cannot retry, take 10, or take 20 when using this feat.
  SENSE MAGIC Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.06 (Purp 3.80, Pow 4.00, Port 4.10, Comp 4.30, Rule 4.10)

SENSE OF MATURITY [General, Trait]
You have learned as you matured.
Prerequisite: Middle Age
Benefit: You start with 6 extra skill points.
Special: This feat may only be taken at first level.
Notes: The SRD age rules allow starting at Middle Age.
  SENSE OF MATURITY Copyright 2005, Jonathan D. Woolley
  Balance: 3.60 (Purp 3.00, Pow 3.25, Port 3.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.00)

You are adept at jumping between shadows.
Prerequisite: Shadow Jump
Benefit: Add an extra 20 feet to the distance that you can shadow jump per day.
Normal: Shadow jump is a class ability of the Shadowdancer prestige class, first gained at 4th level.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. Each additional Shadowleap feat adds an extra 20 feet to the distance that you can shadow jump per day.
  SHADOWLEAP Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.20, Port 4.00, Comp 4.60, Rule 4.20)

SHAPE WALL [Metamagic]
You can shape your wall spells to turn corners, climb hills, or descend into valleys.
Benefit: You can shape a wall spell. This gives the wall spell description the Shapeable ability. Thus, your walls can turn corners, climb hills, or descend into valleys (though the wall still cannot move). You can create a wall with any or all of the modifications listed below. The wall created need not be vertical, nor rest upon any firm foundation; however, it must merge with and be solidly supported by existing structures. A wall that already has the Shapeable ability can now have no dimension smaller than 5 feet. You cannot create fine detail with this feat (such as arrow slits) nor can you create a wall that encloses an area on more than two sides A Shape Wall spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell's actual level.
Normal: You can only shape a wall spell if it has the Shapeable designation at the end of its Area or Effect entry.
  SHAPE WALL Copyright 2005, David Sanders
  Balance: 4.13 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.33, Port 4.33, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

SHARP-SHOOTING [General, Fighter]
You can minimize the effects of an opponents cover.
Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Base attack bonus +3
Benefit: Your targets only receive a +2 bonus to Armor class due to cover. This feat has no effect against foes with no cover or total cover.
Normal: Cover normally gives a +4 bonus to AC.
Special: A fighter may select Sharp-Shooting as one of his bonus feats.
  SHARP-SHOOTING Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 3.95 (Purp 3.75, Pow 3.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.25)

Though taxing, you can amaze your tutors and cast spells beyond your normal ability to do so.
Benefit: Choose one spellcasting class. For the purposes of determining the maximum spell level that you can cast in your chosen class only, treat your spellcasting attribute as two points higher than its actual value.
Special: This feat can be taken more than once and stacks with itself. When selected, you can apply it to a different spellcasting class or increase your existing benefit by an additional +2 in a class previously selected with this feat.
  SHATTER THE GLASS CEILING Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 3.85 (Purp 3.25, Pow 3.75, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.25)

You can break things using sudden force.
Prerequisite: Epic Weapon Focus (unarmed Strike), Weapon Focus (unarmed Strike), Concentration 25 ranks, Ki strike (adamantine)
Benefit: When using an unarmed strike to attempt to break an object with sudden force (rather than by dealing normal damage), make a Concentration check rather than a Strength check. The break DC remains the same. Using Shattering Strike is a full-round action that incurs attacks of opportunity. You can’t use Shattering Strike to escape bonds (unless you are so bound as to allow you to make an unarmed strike against your bindings).
  SHATTERING STRIKE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.75)

SHIELD AGILITY [General, Fighter]
You suffer fewer penalties when using a shield.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Base attack bonus +1
Benefit: You may ignore certain penalties when wielding shields depending on their type. With a buckler you do not suffer the -1 to hit when wielding a weapon in that hand. With a light shield you may use your shield hand for somatic gestures or activating magic items (although any arcane spell failure values still apply). With a heavy shield you may hold items in your shield hand as you would with a light shield. With a tower shield you do not suffer the -2 penalty to your to hit rolls when wearing it.
  SHIELD AGILITY Copyright 2006, Sigfried Trent
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.50, Port 4.50, Comp 3.50, Rule 4.25)

SHIELD COVER [General, Fighter]
You can use your shield to prevent an opponent from making attacks of opportunity against you.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility, Shield Proficiency
Benefit: When using a heavy shield (or tower shield if you have Tower Shield Proficiency) you can select one opponent as a free action once per round. Your movement in this round will not trigger any attacks of opportunity from that opponent.
Special: You can only use this ability against opponents against which you get to apply your Dexterity bonus to armor class.
  SHIELD COVER Copyright 2002, Carl Cramér
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.28 (Purp 4.60, Pow 3.60, Port 4.30, Comp 4.30, Rule 4.60)

SHIELD DEFENDER [General, Fighter]
You can shield your friends in combat.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +6, Shield Proficiency
Benefit: As a move action when using any shield other than a buckler, you may give any adjacent ally a +2 bonus to armor class. This bonus lasts until the start of your next action so long as neither you nor the recipient moves before that time.
  SHIELD DEFENDER Copyright 2002, Jose Lira
  Balance: 4.08 (Purp 3.80, Pow 4.20, Port 4.20, Comp 3.80, Rule 4.40)

You have learned to use your shield to stop touch attacks.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +4, Shield Mastery
Benefit: When wielding a shield you have Shield Mastery for, your shield’s AC bonus counts against touch attacks from corporeal opponents.
Normal: Shield AC bonus does not count against touch attacks.
Special: You can not use this feat if flat-footed or otherwise have been denied your Dex bonus to armor class.
  SHIELD EDGE DEFLECTION Copyright 2002, Jose Lira
  Balance: 3.44 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.20, Port 3.40, Comp 3.60, Rule 3.00)

SHIELD EVASION [General, Fighter]
You gain a limited evasion ability when using a large shield.
Prerequisite: Shield Proficiency, Lightning Reflexes, Base reflex saving throw +4
Benefit: You must be using a heavy shield or tower shield to use this feat. If exposed to any effect that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, you take no damage with a successful saving throw. If you roll a natural 1 on your saving throw, both you and your shield take the full impact of the blast. On any other roll, the shield escapes unharmed.
Notes: Like all objects, shields take half damage from electricity and fire and only one-quarter damage from cold.
  SHIELD EVASION Copyright 2003, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.00)

SHIELD EXPERTISE [General, Fighter]
You get extra benefit from your shield.
Prerequisite: Shield Focus
Benefit: Your shield’s armor bonus is increased by 1 when you wield it.
  SHIELD EXPERTISE Copyright 2001, Scott Metzger
  Balance: 3.75 (Purp 3.50, Pow 3.75, Port 3.75, Comp 4.00, Rule 3.75)

SHIELD FOCUS [General, Fighter]
You use shields without effort.
Prerequisite: Shield Proficiency, Base attack bonus +1
Benefit: When using any shield with which you have proficiency your armour check penalty is reduced by one and your arcane spell failure chance by 5%. This cannot reduce the penalties to sub-zero levels.
  SHIELD FOCUS Copyright 2001, B. Marcus Lindberg, Scott Metzger
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.65 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.75, Port 4.75, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

SHIELD HARMONY [General, Fighter]
You absorb the brunt of incoming damage with your shield.
Prerequisite: Shield Proficiency, Base attack bonus +12
Benefit: While using and receiving the armor class benefits of a shield, you gain a damage reduction of 1/-, which stacks with any other damage reduction you may have.
  SHIELD HARMONY Copyright 2002, Rick Coen
  Balance: 4.07 (Purp 4.33, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 3.00)

SHIELD MASTERY [General, Fighter]
You are especially proficient in blocking attacks with your shield.
Prerequisite: Shield Proficiency, Base attack bonus +1
Benefit: When using a buckler, light shield or heavy shield, you may choose one opponent. Against this opponent, you gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC. You may select a new opponent each round. You may not use this feat if you are flanked.
Special: You also gain the benefit of this feat when using a tower shield if you have Tower Shield Proficiency, but only if you are not using it for cover.
  SHIELD MASTERY Copyright 2000, Michael J. Kletch
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.04 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.30, Comp 3.60, Rule 4.30)

You are proficient in the use of shields.
Benefit: You can use a shield and take only the standard penalties.
Normal: When you are using a shield with which you are not proficient, you take the shield’s armor check penalty on attack rolls and on all skill checks that involve moving, including Ride checks.
Special: Barbarians, bards, clerics, druids, fighters, paladins, and rangers automatically have Shield Proficiency as a bonus feat. They need not select it.
  SHIELD PROFICIENCY Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.95 (Purp 4.75, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

SHIELD RUSH [General, Fighter]
You use your shield to help in bull rushing opponents.
Prerequisite: Str 13, Power Attack, Shield Proficiency, Base attack bonus +1
Benefit: When you bull rush while wielding a small, medium, or tower shield you may add your shield’s total AC bonus to your opposed strength check instead of your Armor Class until the beginning of your next action.
Notes: Improved Shield Bash does not allow you to retain your shields bonus to your AC while using this feat.
  SHIELD RUSH Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 3.85 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.75, Port 3.75, Comp 3.75, Rule 3.75)

SHIELD SKILL [General, Fighter]
You are particularly skilled at defending yourself with a shield.
Prerequisite: Shield Proficiency, Base attack bonus +1
Benefit: When using a shield and fighting defensively or using the total defense combat option, you gain an additional +2 dodge bonus to AC. If you are using a heavy shield you also gain a +2 cover bonus to Reflex saves.
Special: You gain the same benefits as if you were using a heavy shield when using this feat with a tower shield if you have Tower Shield Proficiency. A fighter may select Shield Skill as a fighter bonus feat.
  SHIELD SKILL Copyright 2001, Scott Metzger
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.48 (Purp 4.60, Pow 4.60, Port 4.80, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.40)

Undead under your control or command are resistant to the turn/rebuke attempts of others.
Prerequisite: Ability to rebuke undead, Undead Mastery
Benefit: Undead under your control or command increase their Turn Resistance by +2 when resisting the turn or rebuke attempts of others.
Special: This feat can be taken more than once, each time increasing the Turn Resistance of undead under your control or command by +2 when resisting the turn/rebuke attempts of others.
  SHIELD UNDEAD Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.67 (Purp 4.67, Pow 4.33, Port 4.67, Comp 5.00, Rule 4.67)

SHOT ON THE RUN [General, Fighter]
You can shoot while moving.
Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot, Dodge, Mobility, Base attack bonus +4, Dex 13
Benefit: When using the attack action with a ranged weapon, you can move both before and after the attack, provided that your total distance moved is not greater than your speed.
Special: A fighter may select Shot on the Run as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  SHOT ON THE RUN Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.80 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

SIDESTEP CHARGE [General, Fighter]
You are skilled at dodging past charging opponents and taking advantage when they miss.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Dodge
Benefit: You get a +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against charge attacks. If a charging opponent fails to make a successful attack against you, you gain an immediate attack of opportunity. This feat does not grant you more attacks of opportunity than you are normally allowed in a round. If you are flat-footed or otherwise denied your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class, you do not gain the benefit of this feat.
  SIDESTEP CHARGE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.25)

You may replace many costly material components with a special focus item.
Prerequisite: Eschew Materials
Benefit: You may craft (or have made for you) a special item that you declare as your Signature Focus. You must have the Signature Focus item in your possession for one continuous week before it can be used for this feat. If you do not have your Signature Focus in hand, you cannot prepare spells with this feat, or cast spells that have been prepared using it. If you lose your Signature Focus item, if it is broken or destroyed, or if you wish to have a more costly Signature Focus, a new focus may be crafted. You may have only one Signature Focus Item at a time. A Signature Focus must be a non-magical item. The item used must have a value of at least 100gp, and it must be distinctive in appearance. You may use your Signature Focus as a spell focus, replacing any material components for spells prepared with this feat. The maximum value of material components that you can ignore is half the value of the focus, but no more than 25gp per caster level. A Signature Focus spell takes up a spell slot of the spell’s normal level, modified by any other metamagic feats.
  SIGNATURE FOCUS Copyright 2001, Michael J. Kletch
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.76 (Purp 5.00, Pow 5.00, Port 4.60, Comp 4.60, Rule 4.60)

SILENT SPELL [Metamagic]
You can cast a spell without speaking.
Benefit: A silent spell can be cast with no verbal components. Spells without verbal components are not affected. A silent spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell’s actual level.
Special: Bard spells cannot be enhanced by this metamagic feat.
  SILENT SPELL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.95 (Purp 5.00, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 4.75, Rule 5.00)

You were born into some privilege and your character starts out with a monetary advantage
Benefit: When creating your character you start with double the maximum starting gold for your class.
Special: This feat may only be taken at first level.
Notes: This can be a big advantage for a low-level warrior type character, but it quickly evaporates as the game progresses.
  SILVER SPOON Copyright 2001, Sigfried Trent
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 3.54 (Purp 3.50, Pow 3.20, Port 3.50, Comp 4.50, Rule 3.00)

You are proficient in simple weapons.
Benefit: You make attack rolls with simple weapons normally.
Normal: When using a weapon with which you are not proficient, you take a –4 penalty on attack rolls.
Special: All characters except for druids, monks, and wizards are automatically proficient with all simple weapons. They need not select this feat.
  SIMPLE WEAPON PROFICIENCY Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.90 (Purp 4.50, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

Choose a skill.
Benefit: You get a +3 bonus on all checks involving that skill.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new skill.
  SKILL FOCUS Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The Netbook of Feats team agrees with the upgrade of this feat from +2 to +3. The edition 3.0 version of this feat had an overall balance score of only 4.10.
  Balance: 4.80 (Purp 4.50, Pow 5.00, Port 4.50, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

You have mastered the basics of a skill, and can move on to the advanced parts.
Prerequisite: Skill Focus And 5 Ranks In The Focused Skill
Benefit: You gain an additional +3 bonus on all checks involving this skill
Special: This feat can be taken several times, but does not stack with itself. Each time it is taken, it must be applied to a separate skill.
Notes: This stacks with Skill Focus. It incorporates the Skill Perfection feat from earlier versions of the Netbook of Feats.
  SKILL MASTERY Copyright 2000, Bradley H. Bemis Jr.
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 3.75, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.75)

You treat the class skills of all of your classes as class skills when you gain a new level.
Prerequisite: Multiclassed character
Benefit: Regardless of which class you advance when you gain a new level, you can treat the class skills of all of your classes as class skills when buying new skills.
Normal: When a multiclassed character advances in level, only the class skills of the class increased in level are treated as class skills for purposes of buying new skills. All other skills, including the class skills of the multiclassed character's other classes, are treated as cross-class skills.
  SKILLED MULTICLASS Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 3.87 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.67, Port 3.67, Comp 4.33, Rule 3.67)

SKIP SHOT [Modern]
You can skip a bullet off a hard surface to hit an opponent with cover.
Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Benefit: If you have a solid, relatively smooth surface on which to skip a bullet (such as a street or a concrete wall), and a target within 10 feet of that surface, you may ignore cover between you and the target. However, you receive a –2 penalty on your attack roll, and your attack deals –1 die of damage.
Special: The surface doesn’t have to be perfectly smooth and level; a brick wall or an asphalt road can be used. The target can have no more than nine-tenths cover to attempt a skip shot.
  SKIP SHOT Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 3.90 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.75, Port 3.50, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

SKIRMISHING [General, Fighter]
You have mastered the art of skirmishing, ducking and weaving while returning accurate shots of your own.
Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot, Dodge, Mobility, Shot On The Run, Dex 13, Base attack bonus +4
Benefit: When you make a ranged attack or reload a missile weapon, and move at least 5 ft. while doing so, you get a +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class until the beginning of your next action.
  SKIRMISHING Copyright 2001, Rick Coen, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 3.75, Pow 3.75, Port 4.50, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

SLANDER [General]
You speak with a poisoned tongue.
Benefit: You can attempt to undermine the words of others with subtle character assassination. To use slander you must make a Diplomacy check and select an individual or closely associated group you wish to slander. Reference the table below to see how the target’s attitude changes. If the attitude to the target improves, their attitude towards you worsens by one step. Slander takes at least a minute; it can be done hurriedly as a full-round action at a -10 penalty.

New Attitude (DC to achieve)
Initial AttitudeHelpfulFriendlyIndifferentUnfriendlyHostile
HelpfulLess Than 2020253550
FriendlyLess Than 55152540
Indifferent-Less Than 111530
Unfriendly--Less than 1120
Hostile---Less than 11

AttitudeMeansPossible Actions
HostileWill take risks to hurt youAttack, interfere, berate, flee
UnfriendlyWishes you illMislead, gossip, avoid, watch suspiciously, insult
IndifferentDoesn’t much careSocially expected interaction
FriendlyWishes you wellChat, advise, offer limited help, advocate
HelpfulWill take risks to help youProtect, back up, heal, aid

Target’s Attitude to YouDC Modifier:

Special: The target need not be present. Someone, including the target, who is present while you slander can make an opposed Diplomacy check; success negates the slander.
  SLANDER Copyright 2006, Sigfried Trent, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.15 (Purp 3.75, Pow 4.25, Port 4.75, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

Your mind is well guarded when you sleep.
Benefit: When you are asleep or unconscious, you receive a +4 bonus to all Will saving throws. If the effect is restricted to sleeping/unconscious targets (e.g.: Nightmare), the bonus increases to +10.
  SLEEP TIGHT Copyright 2006, Jonathan D. Woolley
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 3.38, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.63, Rule 4.50)

SLOW SPELL [Metamagic]
You can cast spells more slowly to gain power.
Prerequisite: Any other metamagic feat
Benefit: Any spell with a casting time of a standard-action or less now has a 1-round casting time. The benefit is that the spell takes up a spell slot one level lower than normal. A spell can never become less than its original level through this feat, but the level modification for this feat can be used to offset the level increase from other metamagic feats.
Special: Spontaneous spellcasters can use this feat subject to the standard increase in casting time for the use of metamagic feats. As such a Bard using this feat in conjunction with another metamagic feat would require 1-round plus a full-round action in order to cast a spell that would normally require a standard action.
Notes: A 1-round casting time spell requires a full-round action and takes effect at the beginning of the caster's action on the round after it is cast. This is different from the metamagic cast time increase for spontaneous spellcasters, which only require a full-round action.
  SLOW SPELL Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.50)

You may bash a single opponent into submission.
Prerequisite: Weapon Focus (any One Smashing Weapon)
Benefit: You can only get the benefit of this feat with a smash weapon you have Weapon Focus in. Make one extra attack per round at your highest base attack. This requires the full attack action, and all your attacks for the round must use smash weapons and be directed at the same opponent – you may not attack anyone else for the remainder of the round. This includes attacks of opportunity.
Special: Smash weapons for the purpose of this feat include the club, gauntlet, greatclub, heavy mace, light hammer, light mace, morningstar, quarterstaff, sap, singham, unarmed strike, and warhammer.
  SMASH CONCENTRATION Copyright 2003, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 3.45 (Purp 3.50, Pow 3.00, Port 3.75, Comp 3.75, Rule 3.25)

You have a natural talent for the con, able to convince "marks" from all walks of life.
Prerequisite: Cha 13
Benefit: You receive a +1 on Bluff, Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks.
  SMOOTH TALKER Copyright 2002, Rick Coen
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 3.96 (Purp 3.20, Pow 3.80, Port 4.20, Comp 4.60, Rule 4.00)

SNATCH [Monster, Special, Fighter]
You can snatch up victims in your claws or jaws.
Prerequisite: Size Huge or larger
Benefit: The creature can choose to start a grapple when it hits with a claw or bite attack, as though it had the improved grab special attack. If the creature gets a hold on a creature three or more sizes smaller, it squeezes each round for automatic bite or claw damage. A snatched opponent held in the creature’s mouth is not allowed a Reflex save against the creature’s breath weapon, if it has one. The creature can drop a creature it has snatched as a free action or use a standard action to fling it aside. A flung creature travels 1d6 x 10 feet, and takes 1d6 points of damage per 10 feet traveled. If the creature flings a snatched opponent while flying, the opponent takes this amount or falling damage, whichever is greater.
  SNATCH Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.15 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.75, Port 4.50, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.25)

SNATCH ARROWS [General, Fighter]
You can catch arrows and weapons directed at you and possibly throw them back.
Prerequisite: Dex 15, Deflect Arrows, Improved Unarmed Strike
Benefit: When using the Deflect Arrows feat you may catch the weapon instead of just deflecting it. Thrown weapons can immediately be thrown back at the original attacker (even though it isn’t your turn) or kept for later use. You must have at least one hand free (holding nothing) to use this feat.
Special: A fighter may select Snatch Arrows as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  SNATCH ARROWS Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.80 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.25, Port 4.75, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

You can sneak attack anyone who gives you an opening.
Prerequisite: Sneak attack 8d6, Opportunist class feature
Benefit: Any attack of opportunity you make is considered a sneak attack.
  SNEAK ATTACK OF OPPORTUNITY Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 4.50, Pow 3.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.00)

There is magic in your music, allowing you to cast your spells without need of further material components.
Prerequisite: Bard level 1, Perform 3 ranks
Benefit: You can cast any bard spell without need for material components, using your ability to sing, recite or play a musical instrument to power the spell. You must still pay any XP cost required to cast the spell. Using Song Magic to cast any spell with a material component greater than 1 gp uses up one use of your bardic music ability for each 100gp of the normal component cost, rounded up.
  SONG MAGIC Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 3.80 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 3.67, Comp 3.83, Rule 3.50)

You are gifted with a calming voice that dispels anger and hostility.
Prerequisite: Cha 15, Ability to turn or rebuke undead
Benefit: By spending one of your turn or rebuke undead attempts, you may remove fear, hostility, or rage of any kind (including the barbarian ability). Roll a turning check and turning damage just as if you were turning or rebuking undead, but apply the result to living creatures. Raging creatures who are affected will immediately return to normal and become fatigued (if this would normally occur after raging) for the rest of the encounter, although they may enter a rage again on their turn if they are still able to do so that day. Hostile creatures affected by this feat will become Unfriendly, and will cease attacking as long as they are not threatened. They will become Hostile again after 1 minute unless you have convinced them that you are not threat in the meantime (such as through Diplomacy). Finally, if you target creatures affected by a fear effect, they may re-roll their saving throw as if they had just been targeted by the effect. Target creatures that are immune to mind-affecting spells are also immune to all Soothing Word effects.
  SOOTHING WORD Copyright 2001, Sébastien Adhikari
  Balance: 3.90 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 3.50, Rule 3.50)

SOUL-MATE [General, Role Play]
You share an empathic link with your lover.
Benefit: You and another person (usually your lover) must willingly join your souls, meaning each of you must take this feat at the same time (normally during a religious ceremony; typically a wedding). Each of you will always sense the emotional state and general health of the other, whatever the distance may be between you. You gain a +10 insight bonus to Bluff and Sense Motive checks with your soul-mate. In addition, you are as opposed to harming or betraying your soul-mate as you are to killing yourself – which will render seduction and many compulsion spells ineffective.
Special: If your soul-mate is murdered you gain a +2 moral bonus on all rolls necessary to exact revenge on the murderer.
Notes: The main benefit (at least from a role-playing perspective) of this feat is that love between two soul-mates is exquisitely better than any mundane love affair. Bluff and Sense Motive can be used to communicate silently without others understanding the messages.
  SOUL-MATE Copyright 2002, Dominique Crouzet, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 3.36 (Purp 4.20, Pow 3.80, Port 2.80, Comp 2.80, Rule 3.20)

SPEAR AND SHIELD [General, Fighter]
You have trained in the use of a two-handed spear and shield together
Prerequisite: Shield Proficiency
Benefit: You can use spear or longspear together with a shield of any size (including a tower shield if you have Tower Shield Proficiency), despite the fact that these are two-handed weapons.
Notes: This feat is right at home in ancient Greece, where hypaspists used it. The shield is slung over the shoulder and maneuvered with the offhand that simultaneously holds the spear.
  SPEAR AND SHIELD Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.50, Port 3.50, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

You can hit incorporeal creatures.
Prerequisite: Wis 19, Ability to turn or rebuke undead
Benefit: Your attacks deal damage normally against incorporeal creatures.
Normal: Without this feat, even attacks that can damage an incorporeal creature have a 50% chance to deal no damage.
  SPECTRAL STRIKE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: There is a feeling amongst the Netbook of Feats team that Cha, rather than Wis, would be a better prerequisite bearing in mind what those attributes are normally associated with.
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.75)

The energy of your mind energizes the alacrity of your body.
Prerequisite: Wis 13
Benefit: As long as you are psionically focused and not wearing heavy armor, you gain an insight bonus to your speed of 10 feet.
  SPEED OF THOUGHT Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.15 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 3.50, Rule 4.25)

You are capable of reading the written word very quickly.
Prerequisite: Decipher Script 4 ranks, Int 13
Benefit: You are able to read a single page of written material as a full round action.
Normal: It takes you one minute to read a single page of written material.
  SPEED READER Copyright 2005, Jason D. Kemp
  Balance: 3.90 (Purp 3.50, Pow 2.75, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

You have learned to shield yourself from magic, dodge spells at the last second or use some sort of folk ritual to protect yourself from magical attack.
Prerequisite: Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks
Benefit: When using the Total Defense action, you can forgo the +4 dodge bonus normally granted to your AC in order to gain a +4 circumstance bonus on your saving throws against spells, supernatural abilities and spell like effects.
  SPELL DEFENSE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.47 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.33, Port 4.67, Comp 4.67, Rule 4.67)

Choose a school of magic.
Benefit: Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells from the school of magic you select.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new school of magic.
  SPELL FOCUS Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.95 (Purp 5.00, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 4.75, Rule 5.00)

You learn two new arcane spells.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast spells of the maximum normal spell level of an arcane spellcasting class
Benefit: You learn two new arcane spells of any level up to the maximum level you can cast. This feat does not grant any additional spell slots.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times.
  SPELL KNOWLEDGE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: This feat should state that it does not allow you to learn spells not normally accessible, e.g. spells in the forbidden school of a specialist wizard.
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.25)

You can memorize selected spells without a spell book.
Prerequisite: Wizard level 1st
Benefit: Each time you take this feat, choose a number of spells equal to your Intelligence modifier that you already know. From that point on, you can prepare these spells without referring to a spellbook.
Normal: Without this feat, you must use a spellbook to prepare all your spells, except read magic.
  SPELL MASTERY Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 3.75, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 3.75)

You can cast touch spells when making an attack of opportunity.
Prerequisite: Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Quicken Spell, Spellcraft 25 ranks
Benefit: Whenever you are allowed an attack of opportunity, you may cast (and attack with) a touch spell as your attack of opportunity. This incurs attacks of opportunity just as if you had cast the spell normally.
Normal: Without this feat, a character can only make a melee attack as an attack of opportunity.
  SPELL OPPORTUNITY Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

You are good at overcoming an opponents spell defenses.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on caster level checks (1d20 + caster level) made to overcome a creature’s spell resistance.
  SPELL PENETRATION Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.95 (Purp 4.75, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

SPELL STOWAWAY [Epic, Magical]
You can gain the benefits of another casters spell.
Prerequisite: Spellcraft 24 ranks, Caster level 12th
Benefit: Choose a spell-like ability you know, or a spell you can cast. You are attuned to the magic you choose. If another spellcaster within 300 feet of youuses this magic, you also immediately gains the magic’s effect as if it had been used on you by the same caster. You must have direct line of effect to the spellcaster in order to gain the benefit of the attuned magic (though you do not have to know the spellcaster is present, and you can be flat-footed). The magic’s duration, effect, and other specifics are determined by its original caster’s level.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time a character takes the feat, it applies to a different spell or spell-like ability.
  SPELL STOWAWAY Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: Spelling error ('cam' vs 'can') corrected. The Netbook of Feats team believes that this feat is easily abuseable, as well as being a book-keeping nightmare for the DM.
  Balance: 3.25 (Purp 4.00, Pow 2.75, Port 3.50, Comp 2.75, Rule 3.25)

You can now hit enemies passing by with spells as well as melee attacks.
Prerequisite: The ability to cast spells as a free action
Benefit: You can make an attack of opportunity using a quickened touch spell if you have one hand free. Spell Touch does not preclude the normal casting of a spell during the same round, but it can be used only once per round, regardless of your ability to make multiple attacks of opportunity.
Normal: Attacks of opportunity do not involve casting spells.
Notes: To make use of this feat a Wizard would need to have memorized a quickened touch spell (using a spell slot of 4 levels higher than normal). Sorcerers or Bards are not so restricted but the twin requirements of Quicken Spell and Metaffinity ensures that a spell slot of 5 levels higher than normal would be required. The Epic feat Spell Opportunity is an alternative feat that has a similar benefit.
  SPELL TOUCH Copyright 2002, Peter K. Campbell
  Balance: 4.60 (Purp 4.33, Pow 4.67, Port 4.67, Comp 4.33, Rule 5.00)

Choose a school of magic, such as Evocation; you are better able to resist hostile effects from this school
Prerequisite: Base save bonus (any) +4
Benefit: Against spells from the chosen school, you get a +2 bonus to all saving throws.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new school of magic.
  SPELL TOUGHNESS Copyright 2000, Michael J. Kletch
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.30, Port 4.30, Comp 4.30, Rule 4.60)

You can always attack spellcasters who are casting defensively.
Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes
Benefit: Any spellcaster you threatens in melee provokes an attack of opportunity if they tries to cast defensively. You gets a +4 bonus on this attack roll.
  SPELLCASTING HARRIER Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.50, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.50)

Your mastery of the double-weapon has developed into a dance-like fighting style that makes you difficult to flank successfully.
Prerequisite: Combat Expertise, Dodge, Tumbling 5 ranks, Base attack bonus +4
Benefit: You gain a +1 dodge bonus to your AC when executing a full attack action with a double weapon you are proficient with. Additionally, if you fight defensively, you cannot be flanked by attackers with less than 4 HD greater than your own.
  SPINNING WEAPON DEFENSE Copyright 2002, Rick Coen
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 3.85 (Purp 4.50, Pow 3.75, Port 3.75, Comp 3.25, Rule 4.00)

SPIRIT OF VENGEANCE [General, Fighter]
You exact vengeance from your enemies in blood
Benefit: Whenever an opponent wounds you in combat (deals damage to you), your next melee attack against that foe gets a +1 morale bonus to hit and damage. Once you receive this bonus to an attack, the foe must wound you again for you to gain the bonus again. If a foe wounds you multiple times before you attack them, you only gain the bonus once, and to a single attack.
  SPIRIT OF VENGEANCE Copyright 2001, Sigfried Trent
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 3.00, Pow 5.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

SPIRITED [General, Fighter]
You are not afraid of larger foes and know how to hurt them.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +6
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to all melee damage rolls against opponents one or more size categories larger than yourself.
  SPIRITED Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 3.95 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.50, Port 3.75, Comp 4.13, Rule 4.38)

SPIRITED CHARGE [General, Fighter]
You can deal double damage with a mounted charge.
Prerequisite: Mounted Combat, Ride-by Attack, Ride 1 rank
Benefit: When mounted and using the charge action, you deal double damage with a melee weapon (or triple damage with a lance).
Special: A fighter may select Spirited Charge as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  SPIRITED CHARGE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.90 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.50, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

SPIRITED DIVE [Monster, Fighter]
The creature can perform a terrifying dive-bomb attack.
Prerequisite: Fly speed, Flyby Attack
Benefit: When performing a dive attack, the creature can inflict triple damage with a successful claw or weapon attack. Like a standard dive attack, the creature gains a +2 attack bonus but suffers a 2 penalty to AC when making this attack. The creature can still use its Flyby Attack feat when making a Spirited Dive.
Normal: All flying creatures can make diving claw attacks that inflict double damage and gain the benefits of a charge (+2 attack bonus, -2 penalty to AC).
  SPIRITED DIVE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.80 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.50, Port 4.75, Comp 4.75, Rule 5.00)

You can affect two targets with a single ray.
Prerequisite: Any other metapsionic feat
Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. You can split psionic rays you manifest. The split ray affects any two targets that are both within the power’s range and within 30 feet of each other. If the ray deals damage, each target takes as much damage as a single target would take. Using this feat increases the power point cost of the power by 2.
  SPLIT PSIONIC RAY Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

You can convert any spell into a domain spell.
Prerequisite: Wis 25, Spellcraft 30 ranks, Ability to cast 9th-level divine spells
Benefit: Select a domain you have access to. You may spontaneously convert any prepared cleric spell (except a domain spell) into a domain spell of the same level in the selected domain, just as a cleric channels energy to convert spells into cure spells.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Each time a character takes the feat, it applies to a different domain.
  SPONTANEOUS DOMAIN ACCESS Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.50 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.50, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.75)

You can substitute a selected spell for any other you know.
Prerequisite: Spellcraft 25 ranks, Ability to cast the maximum normal spell level of at least one spell-casting class
Benefit: Select a spell you can cast. You may spontaneously convert any prepared spell of the selected spell’s level into the selected spell, just as a cleric channels energy to convert spells into cure spells.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Each time he or she takes the feat, it applies to a different spell.
  SPONTANEOUS SPELL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The Netbook of Feats team believes that the benefit should be altered to '.. any prepared spell of the selected spell's level or higher into the selected spell...'.
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.50)

The creature is able to use its arcane or divine spell knowledge to power its spell-like abilities.
Prerequisite: Innate spell-like ability, Ability to cast spells
Benefit: The creature can use its class-derived spell slots or prepared spells to spontaneously cast any of its spell-like abilities in a manner similar to the way a cleric can spontaneously cast cure or inflict spells. This allows the creature to convert one of its spell slots or prepared spells of the same level or higher to power the casting of the spell-like ability without using up one of its spell-like ability uses per day. The spell-like ability must appear on the same spell list as the spell slot or prepared spell used to power the casting. A spontaneously cast spell-like ability requires a full-round action but does not require any material, somatic or verbal components.
Special: This feat cannot be used to spontaneously cast spell-like abilities that do not duplicate an existing spell or psionic power and hence have no effective level.
  SPONTANEOUS SPELL-LIKE CASTING Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.50, Port 4.00, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.25)

You can expend a prepared spell in order to spontaneously cast a particular spell.
Prerequisite: Ability to prepare a spell without referring to a spell book, Inability to cast spell without prior preparation
Benefit: When you take this feat, you choose a spell that you can prepare ahead of time without referring to a spell book. Typically, this means a divine spell or a spell for which you have Spell Mastery. You can spontaneously cast that spell, or metamagic versions of it, in the same way that good clerics can spontaneously cast healing spells. That is, you can "lose" any prepared spell of equal or higher level to cast the chosen spell, even though you haven't prepared it ahead of time.
Normal: You must prepare the spell ahead of time in order to cast it.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time it allows you to choose a different spell that you can spontaneously cast.
  SPONTANEOUSLY CONVERT SPELL Copyright 2001, John O. Lamping
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 5.00, Pow 3.30, Port 4.60, Comp 3.60, Rule 4.00)

SPRING ATTACK [General, Fighter]
You can leap in to attack and then back out again.
Prerequisite: Dodge, Mobility, Dex 13, Base attack bonus +4
Benefit: When using the attack action with a melee weapon, you can move both before and after the attack, provided that your total distance moved is not greater than your speed. Moving in this way does not provoke an attack of opportunity from the defender you attack, though it might provoke attacks of opportunity from other creatures, if appropriate. You can’t use this feat if you are wearing heavy armor. You must move at least 5 feet both before and after you make your attack in order to utilize the benefits of Spring Attack.
Special: A fighter may select Spring Attack as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  SPRING ATTACK Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.75 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.75, Port 4.75, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

STABLE SPELL [Metamagic]
You need not concentrate to maintain spells.
Benefit: Any Concentration note in the duration field of a spell is replaced with "1 round/level (D)", indicating that you do not need to concentrate on the spell in order to maintain it and may choose to end the spell with a standard action. A Stable Spell uses up a spell slot two levels higher than the spell's actual level.
Special: If you want to control aspects of the spell, such as controlling the movement of an illusion, you must still concentrate on it, although you can cease concentration (as a free action) and then regain it (as a standard action) in order to make these adjustments. If you don't concentrate, the spell effect will still remain, without changing in any way. If the spell has an additional duration after concentration ends this additional amount is added to the duration of the spell.
Example: Major image has a duration of Concentration + 3 rounds normally. A 10th level spellcaster using Stable Spell on major image would allow it to last for 13 rounds (with or without concentration), unless they chose to dismiss it earlier.
  STABLE SPELL Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.55 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 5.00, Rule 4.75)

You are truly a dwarven bastion of strength.
Prerequisite: Dwarf, Defensive Stance ability, Base attack bonus +9
Benefit: You can use your Defensive Stance class ability one more time per day.
Special: You can take this feat more than once. Its effects stack.
  STALWART DEFENDER Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 3.50, Pow 4.25, Port 3.75, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

STAND STILL [General, Fighter]
You can prevent foes from fleeing or closing.
Prerequisite: Str 13
Benefit: When a foe’s movement out of a square you threaten grants you an attack of opportunity, you can give up that attack and instead attempt to stop your foe in his tracks. Make your attack of opportunity normally. If you hit your foe, he must succeed on a Reflex save against a DC of 10 + your damage roll (the opponent does not actually take damage), or immediately halt as if he had used up his move actions for the round. Since you use the Stand Still feat in place of your attack of opportunity, you can do so only a number of times per round equal to the number of times per round you could make an attack of opportunity (normally just one).
Normal: Attacks of opportunity cannot halt your foes in their tracks.
  STAND STILL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 3.85 (Purp 4.75, Pow 3.75, Port 4.00, Comp 3.25, Rule 3.50)

STAND YOUR GROUND [General, Fighter]
You keep fighting no matter how scared you get.
Prerequisite: Iron Will, Base attack bonus +4, Base Will save +2
Benefit: Whenever you would be cowering, frightened or panicked, you are shaken instead.
  STAND YOUR GROUND Copyright 2005, Jonathan D. Woolley
  Balance: 3.37 (Purp 4.33, Pow 3.00, Port 2.83, Comp 3.17, Rule 3.50)

STAY DOWN [General, Fighter]
You can keep an opponent off their feet.
Prerequisite: Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip
Benefit: When an opponent you threaten rises from being prone (provoking an attack of opportunity from you), you can make a trip attack as normal (as your attack of opportunity) against that opponent. If you succeed, the opponent remains prone and you may take your bonus attack from Improved Trip if you wish.
Normal: Your opponent can spend a move action (that provokes an attack of opportunity) to stand. Your attack of opportunity cannot be a trip attack as it happens before he finishes standing and you cannot trip a prone opponent.
  STAY DOWN Copyright 2006, David Sanders
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.13, Port 4.25, Comp 4.13, Rule 4.25)

STEALTHY [General]
You are a very sneaky person.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Hide checks and Move Silently checks.
  STEALTHY Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.95 (Purp 4.75, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

STILL SPELL [Metamagic]
You can cast a spell without somatic gestures.
Benefit: A stilled spell can be cast with no somatic components. Spells without somatic components are not affected. A stilled spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell’s actual level.
  STILL SPELL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 5.00 (Purp 5.00, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

You come from a wealthy background.
Benefit: When you select this feat at character creation, roll 2d10 and multiply by 10. When you get your starting funds, and at each game month thereafter, you receive a number of gold pieces equal to this number. This money must be picked up someplace; at your estates, a bank, from an academy, from a patron, or whatever. It will accumulate if not collected.
Special: This feat is only available at character creation.
  STIPEND Copyright 2001, Rick Coen
  Balance: 3.75 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.75, Port 4.00, Comp 3.75, Rule 3.25)

STONE THROWER [General, Fighter]
Just as monks can slay with their fists your skill turns a common stone into a dangerous missile.
Benefit: You treat normal stones between 1 and 5 pounds as a simple ranged weapon. A typical stone deals 1d6 damage, has a threat range of 20/x2, and a range increment of 20 feet. A poor stone has the same stats but deals only 1d4 damage. You may find a typical stone in some outdoor environments (DM's discretion) as a full round action, or a poor stone as a move equivalent action. You may take all the usual weapon feats using stone as a weapon of choice.
Normal: A stone is considered an improvised weapon and deals small amounts of nonlethal damage.
  STONE THROWER Copyright 2001, Sigfried Trent
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

STORM OF THROWS [Epic, Fighter]
You can throw many weapons in one round.
Prerequisite: Dex 23, Point Blank Shot, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot
Benefit: As a full-round action, you may throw a light weapon at your full base attack bonus at each opponent within 30 feet. All light weapons thrown need not be the same type.
  STORM OF THROWS Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.75)

Your devotion to the cause of good protects your soul.
Prerequisite: Wis 13, Good alignment
Benefit: You gain a +4 circumstance bonus on saves to shrug off the permanent effects of gaining a negative level and to resist any spells that deal negative levels.
  STOUT HEARTED Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 3.90 (Purp 3.75, Pow 3.75, Port 3.88, Comp 4.13, Rule 4.00)

STRAFE [Modern]
You spray bullets in a side arc.
Prerequisite: Personal Firearms Proficiency, Advanced Firearms Proficiency
Benefit: When using a firearm on autofire, you can affect an area four 5-foot squares long and one square wide (that is, any four squares in a straight line).
Normal: A firearm on autofire normally affects a 10-foot-by-10-foot area.
  STRAFE Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.50, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

You know how to make it hurt.
Prerequisite: Brawl, Base attack bonus +2
Benefit: Once per round, if you make a successful melee attack with an unarmed strike or a light weapon, you deal an extra 1d4 points of nonlethal damage.
  STREETFIGHTING Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 3.20 (Purp 3.75, Pow 3.25, Port 3.50, Comp 2.25, Rule 3.25)

You double the duration of one of your granted powers.
Prerequisite: Domain with a granted power with a limited duration
Benefit: Choose one of your granted powers with a limited duration. The duration of the power is doubled.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times but a different granted power must be chosen each time.
  STRENGTH OF THE PIOUS Copyright 2002, Jerry M. Chaney II
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 4.17, Pow 3.67, Port 4.17, Comp 4.17, Rule 3.83)

STRIKE AT THE TAIL [General, Fighter]
You have learned superior disarming techniques.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +6, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm
Benefit: If you successfully disarm an opponent in melee combat, you immediately get a melee attack against that opponent as if you hadn’t used your attack for the disarm attempt. If you succeed you may choose to catch your opponent’s weapon in your off-hand if free. You may only gain one free attack per round using this technique.
  STRIKE AT THE TAIL Copyright 2001, OGC Source L5R
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.75, Pow 3.75, Port 4.50, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.25)

You are exceptionally deadly in combat against favored enemies.
Prerequisite: Favored Enemy, Base attack bonus +3
Benefit: You may add your favored enemy bonus to all weapon attack rolls made in melee combat and ranged combat against targets within 30 feet when attacking any of your favored enemies.
Normal: You may add your favored enemy bonus to Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot and Wilderness Lore checks as well as weapon damage rolls in melee combat and ranged combat against targets within 30 feet.
Special: This bonus does not apply to creatures that are immune to critical hits.
  STRIKE FAVORED ENEMY Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.25, Port 4.50, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.75)

You swim faster than others of your kind.
Prerequisite: Str 13, Swim 8 ranks
Benefit: With a successful swim check you can move twice as fast as normal: full speed as a full round action, or half speed as a move action.
  STRONG SWIMMER Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 3.50, Pow 4.38, Port 4.38, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.25)

You just refuse to die. Your reserves of willpower keep you alive long after others would have died.
Prerequisite: Con 17, Iron Will
Benefit: You don’t die until you reach –15 hit points.
Normal: You die when you reach -10 hit points.
  STUBBORN HEART Copyright 2002, Ian Cheesman
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.72 (Purp 4.60, Pow 4.40, Port 4.80, Comp 4.80, Rule 5.00)

You like to read.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Decipher Script and Research checks.
  STUDIOUS Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 3.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 5.00)

STUNNING FIST [General, Fighter]
You can stun an opponent with your attack.
Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike, Base attack bonus +8, Dex 13, Wis 13
Benefit: You must declare that you are using this feat before you make your attack roll (thus, a failed attack roll ruins the attempt). Stunning Fist forces a foe damaged by your unarmed attack to make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wis modifier), in addition to dealing damage normally. A defender who fails this saving throw is stunned for 1 round (until just before your next action). A stunned character can’t act, loses any Dexterity bonus to AC, and takes a –2 penalty to AC. You may attempt a stunning attack once per day for every four levels you have attained (but see Special), and no more than once per round. Constructs, oozes, plants, undead, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to critical hits cannot be stunned.
Special: A monk may select Stunning Fist as a bonus feat at 1st level, even if she does not meet the prerequisites. A monk who selects this feat may attempt a stunning attack a number of times per day equal to her monk level, plus one more time per day for every four levels she has in classes other than monk. A fighter may select Stunning Fist as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  STUNNING FIST Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 3.88, Pow 4.50, Port 4.50, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.13)

You can add illusionary elements to your spells that make them more spectacular, in order to impress people.
Prerequisite: Access to the illusion school (or a lack of prohibition against using it)
Benefit: You can subtly change the appearance, sound, taste and smell of spells you cast. The changes to the spell must not have any appreciable game effect outside of making the caster seem impressive. For instance, making a wall of fire appear as something that isn't hot and dangerous would be out of the question, but having it whisper your name would be acceptable. The effects of this spell should never make something dangerous seem less so or something safe seem dangerous. It should never change the apparent area of effect of the spell, disguise the spell in any way, or simulate the appearance of another spell. The particulars can be changed at the whim of the caster and could be different each time they cast the spell. A Stylized Spell uses up a spell slot of the same level as the original spell.
Notes: The DM should be careful not to allow the caster to gain a practical benefit from this feat aside from personal reactions of spectators. This feat is purely for roleplaying purposes and has no combat effect.
  STYLIZE SPELL Copyright 2001, Sigfried Trent
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.80 (Purp 5.00, Pow 5.00, Port 4.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

You may prepare a special focus to substitute for a material component.
Benefit: To create a Substitute Focus, choose a spell that you can cast with a material component. The base price of a Substitute Focus is ten times the normal cost for that material component, or 10gp if that item does not normally have a cost associated with it. Materials to construct the item cost one half the base price, including the actual component that you must supply. The creator must expend XP equal to 1/25th the base price to create the Focus. It takes one day per 1000gp of the base price to craft the Focus. The minimum cost and time to create a Substitute Focus are 5gp, 1 XP and one day. When complete, the substitute focus will not be consumed when used to cast the specific spell for which the focus was created. When using the Substitute Focus, you treat the spell as if that material (M) component was exchanged for a Focus (F) component. If you cast a different spell that uses the same material component, and you use the Substitute Focus in this way, it will be consumed normally, although it will work with metamagic-altered versions of the spell. A Substitute Focus is keyed to only a single spell. Simple Substitute Foci, such as gems, medallions or simple geometric objects, can be attached to or set in larger items, such as art objects or bracers, without disrupting their function. You may create any number of Substitute Foci once you have learned this feat.
  SUBSTITUTE FOCUS Copyright 2002, Michael J. Kletch
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.60, Pow 5.00, Port 4.30, Comp 3.30, Rule 4.30)

SUBTLE SPELL [Metamagic]
You know how to disguise the use of material, verbal, and somatic components; thus making your spell casting difficult to recognize.
Prerequisite: Spellcraft 1 rank
Benefit: When you cast a subtle spell those who could observe you must make a Spot check opposed by your Spellcraft check to identify that you are casting a spell. A subtle spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell's actual level.
Normal: Without this feat spell casting is automatically recognized as spell casting.
Notes: Casting a subtle spell still draws an attack of opportunity. If the person taking the attack of opportunity fails the opposed Spot check (rolled in secret by the DM, if necessary) they still get the attack of opportunity; they realise that you have let your guard down, but not why. This feat is most useful in non-combat situations, such as to surreptiously cast discern lies when talking with someone.
  SUBTLE SPELL Copyright 2001, Scott Metzger
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.16 (Purp 4.60, Pow 4.00, Port 4.20, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

You can take quick and decisive action at the start of combat.
Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Quick Draw
Benefit: During a surprise round you may act as if it were a normal combat round. So, instead of taking a single move or standard action you may perform a full round action, full attack, two move actions, or a move action and a standard action.
Normal: You may only take a standard action or move action during a surprise round.
  SUDDEN ACTION Copyright 2000, Michael J. Kletch
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 3.92 (Purp 3.70, Pow 3.70, Port 5.00, Comp 3.50, Rule 3.70)

You can increase the time that your summoned creatures remain by concentrating.
Benefit: You can maintain the duration of a summon spell (such as summon monster or summon nature's ally) through concentration. As long as you concentrate on the spell, do not count time off its duration. After you stop concentrating, the normal duration resumes and then terminates as normal. You cannot resume concentration, regardless of the effects of other feats that would normally allow you to do so.
  SUMMONING CONCENTRATION Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.56 (Purp 5.00, Pow 3.70, Port 4.70, Comp 4.70, Rule 4.70)

Your ability to defend yourself is nearly unlimited.
Prerequisite: Int 13, Combat Expertise, Base attack bonus +6
Benefit: When you use the Combat Expertise feat to improve your Armor Class, the number you subtract from your attack and add to your AC can be any number that does not exceed your base attack bonus. This feat eliminates the +5 maximum for the Combat Expertise feat.
  SUPERIOR EXPERTISE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

SUPERIOR FEINT [General, Fighter]
You can fake out your opponents with incredible speed.
Prerequisite: Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Base attack bonus +6
Benefit: You can make a Bluff check to feint in combat as a swift action.
Notes: A swift action is a free action that can only be performed once per round.
  SUPERIOR FEINT Copyright 2005, Jason Spangler
  Balance: 4.37 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.33, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

You are an expert at getting the jump on your opponents.
Prerequisite: Improved Initiative
Benefit: You get a +8 bonus on initiative checks. This bonus overlaps (does not stack with) the bonus from Improved Initiative.
  SUPERIOR INITIATIVE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.75)

You can remove the penalty for using a one handed weapon in your off hand.
Prerequisite: Str 15, Dex 15, Two-weapon Fighting, Base attack bonus +3
Benefit: You can use any one-handed weapon in your off hand as if it were a light weapon.
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.00)

You know how to drive a class of ground vehicles.
Prerequisite: Drive 4 ranks
Benefit: Select a class of surface vehicle (heavy wheeled, powerboat, sailboat, ship, or tracked). You are proficient at operating that class of vehicle. The heavy wheeled class includes all kinds of semi-trucks and tractor-trailers, as well as wheeled construction ve¬hicles (such as earth movers) and wheeled armored vehicles (such as some armored personnel carriers). Powerboats are engine-powered water vessels designed for operation by a single person and usually no more than 100 feet in length. Sailboats are wind-powered water vessels. Ships are large, multicrewed water vessels. Tracked vehicles include bulldozers and tanks and other military vehicles. You take no penalty on Drive checks or attack rolls made when operating a surface vehicle of the selected class.
Normal: Without this feat you take a –4 penalty on Drive checks made to operate a surface vehicle that falls under any of these classes, and to attacks made with vehicle weapons. There is no penalty when you operate a general-purpose surface vehicle.
Special: You can gain this feat as many as five times. Each time you take the feat, you select a different class of surface vehicle.
  SURFACE VEHICLE OPERATION Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.55 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 5.00)

SURGERY [Modern]
You are trained in performing surgery.
Prerequisite: Treat Injury 4 ranks
Benefit: You can use the Treat Injury skill to perform surgery without penalty. See the Treat Injury skill description.
Normal: Without this feat you take a –4 penalty on Treat Injury checks made to perform surgery.
  SURGERY Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.15 (Purp 3.00, Pow 3.75, Port 4.50, Comp 4.50, Rule 5.00)

SWARM OF ARROWS [Epic, Fighter]
You can shower your foes with arrows.
Prerequisite: Dex 23, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus (type Of Bow Used)
Benefit: As a full-round action, you may fire an arrow at your full base attack bonus at each opponent within 30 feet.
  SWARM OF ARROWS Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.75)

You can swing from a rope past a foe and attack at the same time.
Prerequisite: Climb 1 rank, Rope Climber
Benefit: When you are swinging from a rope and use the charge action, you may move and attack as with a standard charge and then move again (continuing the straight line of the charge). Your total movement for the swing-by attack cannot exceed the total allowed for the swinging charge. You do not provoke an attack of opportunity from the opponent that you attack. The benefit is lost if you are in armor heavier than light armor or you are carrying a heavy load.
  SWING-BY ATTACK Copyright 2001, OGC Source SHB
  Balance: 3.80 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 3.25, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.00)

Your quick and decisive maneuvers do not disrupt your spellcasting.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility
Benefit: When casting a spell, you may move both before and after your spell is cast, provided that the total distance moved is not greater than your current speed. Casting a spell in this fashion is equivalent to casting with vigorous motion; you must make a Concentration check versus a DC of 10 plus the spell level or the spell is lost. When casting a spell in this fashion, you may not also cast defensively.
  TACTICAL SPELLCASTING Copyright 2002, Michael J. Kletch
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.48 (Purp 4.60, Pow 4.60, Port 4.30, Comp 4.60, Rule 4.30)

TAIL SLAM [Racial]
You are trained to use your powerful tail and flukes as a weapon.
Prerequisite: Merfolk or tailed half-merrow only
Benefit: You may make a powerful sweep with your tail to slam opponents backward. The opponent must be within 10 feet of you, and there must not be anyone directly between you and the target. You and the defender make opposed Strength checks. You gain a +4 bonus for each size category greater than Medium size or a -4 penalty for each size category below Medium-size. The defender gets a +4 circumstance bonus if he has more than 10 ranks in Swim or has a swim speed. If the defender loses the Strength check, he is shoved back 5 feet, provoking an attack of opportunity if he enters another character's threatened area. You do not need to move to use the Tail Slam. In many cases, your tail never actually touches your opponent, as the maneuver creates a powerful surge of water that can bowl the target over. Anyone slammed while casting a spell must make a Concentration check (DC 10 + spell level + the number of points by which the target failed the opposed Strength check). Using this feat is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. This feat may only be used underwater and can only affect underwater targets.
  TAIL SLAM Copyright 2001, OGC Source SHB
  Balance: 3.35 (Purp 3.50, Pow 3.75, Port 2.75, Comp 3.00, Rule 3.75)

You have learned to use your tail to enhance your balance and stability.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1, A tail capable of making natural attacks
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to opposed grapple checks, balance checks, and strength rolls to resist being tripped or bull rushed.
  TAIL TRICKS Copyright 2006, Sigfried Trent
  Balance: 4.38 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.75, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.38)

You have learned to use your tail while out of water somewhat more gracefully than most of your kind.
Prerequisite: Merfolk or tailed half-merrow only
Benefit: Your base land speed increases to 10 feet.
  TAIL WALKING Copyright 2001, OGC Source SHB
  Balance: 3.55 (Purp 2.75, Pow 3.75, Port 2.50, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.00)

TALENTED [Psionic]
You can overchannel powers with less cost to yourself.
Prerequisite: Overchannel
Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. When manifesting a power of 3rd level or lower, you do not take damage from overchanneling.
  TALENTED Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The Netbook of Feats team believes this should be renamed Greater Overchannel.
  Balance: 3.85 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

You can provide first aid and treat wounds or poison more quickly in combat.
Prerequisite: Heal 4 ranks, Wis 13
Benefit: You can provide first aid, treat wounds or treat poison as a move action.
Normal: Providing first aid, treating a wound, or treating poison is a standard action.
  TALENTED HEALER Copyright 2005, Jason D. Kemp
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 3.75, Pow 3.75, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

TAP ITEM [Magical]
You may draw upon the power of existing magic items in order to create new ones.
Prerequisite: Any craft permanent item feat such as Craft Rod, Craft Wondrous Item or Forge Ring
Benefit: When creating a new magic item using one of the prerequisite feats, you may draw up to half of the XP cost from another, existing item of the same type. The item from which the energy is taken is destroyed in the process. The item tapped cannot be cursed, and this feat has no effect on minor or major artifacts, or epic magic items. The amount of XP that can be drawn from any item is equal to half the XP that would be necessary to create that item. If an item has charges, its original XP value is reduced by the fraction of charges used.
Special: In campaigns with Psionics this feat may also be used to tap existing psionic items for powering magic items, and both magic and psionic items may be used to power non-charged psionic items.
  TAP ITEM Copyright 2000, Michael J. Kletch
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.60, Pow 4.00, Port 4.30, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.60)

You may drain the power of existing psionic items to create new ones.
Prerequisite: One or more psionic item creation feats
Benefit: When creating a new psionic item you may draw up to half of the XP cost from existing psionic items, destroying them in the process. The amount of XP that can be drawn from psionic items is at most half of what it would have cost to create them originally. For charged items reduce the amount of XP available in proportion to the number of charges used. The items tapped cannot be cursed or minor/major artifacts.
Example: Psikux wants to create a Skin of Striking, which has a base cost of 24000 gp and hence 960 XP (1/25th the base cost). This feat allows Psikux to drain existing items for up to 480 XP to power this. He has a Dorje of Mass Concussion, which has a base cost of 21000 gp and 840 XP to make, so draining this would normally net Psikux 420 XP. However, it only has 25 charges, so provides 210 XP, leaving 270 XP more Psikux can draw. Psikux decides to tap his 6th level Crystal Anchor as well – with a base of 16400 gp and thus 656 XP Psikux could normally pull 328 XP out of it, but he can only make use of 270 XP, so 58 XP "worth" of power goes to waste. After tapping (and thus destroying) these two items Psikux only has to pay 480 XP, in addition to the 12000 gp base creation cost.
  TAP PSIONIC ITEM Copyright 2002, Peter K. Campbell
  Comments: In worlds where the standard psionics-magic transparency rule is used, psionic items could be drained to help produce new magic items and vice versa, at the DM's option. This feat was adapted from Tap Item by Michael J. Kletch
  Balance: 4.47 (Purp 4.33, Pow 4.67, Port 4.67, Comp 4.33, Rule 4.33)

TAUNT [General]
You are adept at angering your opponents and provoking them to attack you.
Benefit: As a standard action you may target a specific opponent who can clearly see and hear you within 60’. This only works against intelligent creatures and is an extraordinary, mind-affecting, compulsion effect. Make an opposed Intimidation check against the target’s modified level check (1d20 + Hit Dice + target’s Wisdom bonus). If the target does not understand the language you are speaking your intimidation check suffers a -5 penalty. If successful the target is compelled to direct any attacks or offensive spells/powers it makes at you until one of you is defeated or until the target is attacked by another opponent. If you move out of sight or if it is impossible for your opponent to attack you they are free from the compulsion.
Special: This is a variant of the Demoralize Opponent use of the Intimidation skill; any feat or ability that alters the use of Intimidation to demoralize an opponent in combat also effects this feat.
  TAUNT Copyright 2006, Sigfried Trent
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 3.75, Rule 3.75)

TEAM FIGHTING [General, Fighter]
You know how to fight as a pair, group, and in formation.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1
Benefit: Two or more people can fight together as a team. The team members block and parry blows for each other. Team members also work together to open up opponent’s weaknesses. Team members need to be within each other's threatened area and every team member needs to have the feat. Each person having Team Fighting gets a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class. Also, if two people have Team Fighting they can switch carried items as a free action. This would allow one person to reload a Heavy Crossbow or Repeating Crossbow while the other fires, thus one character could fire the Heavy Crossbow every round while the other person is loading.
Notes: This feat can be used to model the extra effectiveness of Swiss pike men, Monks fighting together, or Athenian bonded battle partners.
  TEAM FIGHTING Copyright 2001, Scott Metzger
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.00, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.50)

Your spells can resist dispelling.
Prerequisite: Spellcraft 15 ranks
Benefit: Choose one spell you know or spell-like ability your possess. Whenever the chosen form of magic would otherwise end due to a dispel effect, the magic is instead only suppressed for 1d4 rounds. The magic still ends when its duration expires, but the suppressed rounds do not count against its duration. You can dismiss your own spell or spell-like ability (if dismissible) or dispel your own tenacious magic normally.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Each time he or she takes the feat, it applies to a different spell or spell-like ability.
  TENACIOUS MAGIC Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.75)

Your rage is terrifying to behold and fearsome to your enemies
Prerequisite: Rage 2/day, Base attack bonus +3
Benefit: When enraged, all opponents within 10 feet with HD less than your own must make a Will save (DC = 10 + 1/2 Rage-associated class levels + Cha bonus) or become shaken (-2 morale penalty on all attack rolls, checks and saving throws) for the duration of your rage. This is an extraordinary ability that only works when you are using your Rage class ability. Its effects also end if you are subdued, restrained, rendered unconscious or slain, or if your opponent moves more than 10 feet away from you. Opponents that succeed in their saving throws are immune to the terrifying effect of your rage for one day.
  TERRIFYING RAGE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.50, Pow 3.50, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.75)

THIRD EYE [Psionic]
You have a psionic third eye that enables you to pierce illusions and identify psionic powers and effects.
Prerequisite: Wis 13
Benefit: As long as your are psionically focused, you gain a +2 bonus on all Psicraft checks and a +4 bonus on all Will saves against illusion spells and spell-like effects.
  THIRD EYE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.75)

THREATENED REACH [General, Fighter]
Your mobility and footwork make you a deadly opponent in combat.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Base attack bonus +6
Benefit: Designate one opponent on your turn as a free action. Against this opponent, your weapon's threat range is increased by 5 feet, as long as you maintain a direct, unimpeded line of sight to your chosen opponent. If this opponent provokes an attack of opportunity within this expanded range, you may take an immediate attack of opportunity against them. You are free to change opponents each round. You may only use this feat when unarmored or in medium or lighter armor.
Normal: Your threat range is normally 5 feet unless larger than Medium size or armed with a reach weapon.
  THREATENED REACH Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 3.70 (Purp 3.50, Pow 4.25, Port 3.50, Comp 3.25, Rule 4.00)

THROW AND CHARGE [General, Fighter]
You can hurl a thrown weapon while charging.
Prerequisite: Quick Draw, Run, Base attack bonus +1
Benefit: As a full round action, you can throw a light or one-handed missile weapon, draw another weapon, and then charge. Both attacks are made at your highest base attack bonus, with a +2 bonus to your charge attack. You cannot use this feat in heavy armor or if carrying a heavy load.
  THROW AND CHARGE Copyright 2002, Carl Cramér
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.60, Pow 4.00, Port 4.60, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.30)

You can add a thunderclap to your electrical powers.
Benefit: On any power that deals electrical damage, you also deal 1 point of sonic damage per manifester level. This effect occurs on the same round that the power first causes electrical damage, and has no additional effect even if the power has a non-instantaneous duration. If a power allows the target to make a saving throw for half or no damage and the target makes their save, the sonic damage is also halved or negated. The power gains the "Sonic" descriptor. Using this feat increases the power point cost of the power by 2. The power’s total cost cannot exceed your manifester level.
  THUNDERING POWER Copyright 2002, Brendan Quinn
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 3.47 (Purp 3.50, Pow 3.50, Port 3.33, Comp 3.33, Rule 3.67)

In rage, your weapons emit a defining crash.
Prerequisite: Str 25, Rage 5/day
Benefit: Any weapon you wield while in a rage is treated as a thundering weapon. The DC of the Fortitude save to resist deafness is equal to 10 + 1/2 your level. This ability does not stack with similar abilities.
  THUNDERING RAGE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.50 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.75)

Your electrical spells deal additional sonic damage.
Benefit: On any spell that deals electrical damage, you also deal 1 point of sonic damage per caster level. This effect occurs on the same round that the spell first causes electrical damage, and has no additional effect even if the spell has a non-instantaneous duration. If a spell allows the target to make a saving throw for half or no damage and the target makes their save, the sonic damage is also halved or negated. The spell gains the "Sonic" descriptor. A thundering spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell’s actual level.
  THUNDERING SPELL Copyright 2002, Brendan Quinn
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 3.60 (Purp 3.71, Pow 3.57, Port 3.43, Comp 3.57, Rule 3.71)

Choose one magic subschool or one type of energy damage (acid, cold, fire, electricity or sonic). Your spells within this limited sphere are incredibly potent.
Benefit: Add +2 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells from your chosen subschool or within your chosen damage descriptor.
Special: This feat does not stack with Spell Focus. It can be used in place of Spell Focus when meeting the prerequisites for other feats or prestige classes. If Greater Spell Focus is chosen with Tight Spell Focus as a prerequisite, you add +4 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells from your chosen subschool or damage descriptor.
Notes: Magic schools and their associated subschools are: Conjuration: Calling, Creation, Healing, Summoning & Teleportation; Divination: Scrying; Enchantment: Charm & Compulsion; Illusion: Figment, Glamer, Pattern, Phantasm & Shadow.
  TIGHT SPELL FOCUS Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.70 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.50, Port 5.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 5.00)

TORNADO ATTACK [General, Fighter]
You can combine your whirlwind attack with a 5-foot step, moving and striking in a whirlwind of deadly blows.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack, Base attack bonus +12
Benefit: You can take a 5-foot step while making your Whirlwind Attack, allowing you to attack all opponents within range before and after your 5-foot movement. This requires a full-attack action, you can only strike at an individual opponent within range once and you are still limited to one 5-foot step per round. All restrictions and benefits to your 5-foot movement apply normally.
Special: If you have the Whirlwind Attack feat this can substitute for the Combat Expertise and Whirlwind Attack prerequisites
  TORNADO ATTACK Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 3.70 (Purp 3.75, Pow 3.25, Port 3.50, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

TOSS [General, Fighter]
You may throw an opponent when grappling.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +6
Benefit: When grappling an opponent and you win an opposed grapple check on your action, you may throw your opponent instead of the usual options. For every 5 points you exceed your opponents grapple check by, you may toss your opponent 5 feet. You may also add 5 feet for each size category you are larger than the opponent. If you succeed by less than 5 you still toss your opponent 5 feet. In this case they have still “fallen” but won’t take damage from the fall.
Special: The victim is considered to have fallen a distance equal to the distance they were thrown. This typically results in falling prone and taking 1d6 points of damage per 10’ fallen. A victim striking a wall or other obstacle will take damage as if they were thrown the full distance. You must be strong enough to lift the victim over your head (their weight cannot exceed your maximum load).
Notes: Size is already figured into the grappling roll, but I felt that it didn’t give a realistically large boost to the distance thrown so distance was added without affecting the grapple check.
  TOSS Copyright 2002, Jerry M. Chaney II
  Balance: 3.95 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 3.25, Rule 4.00)

You share a spiritual bond with an animal companion, that in return grants you special abilities.
Prerequisite: Animal Companion ability
Benefit: Select an animal companion that you gained through the animal companion ability. While that animal is within one mile of you, you gain one special ability, as indicated on the following table. If your animal companion is not on the list, then the special ability is determined by your DM. This should provide a +3 bonus to one skill check or a +2 bonus on a more commonly used check (e.g. saving throw or initiative). The ability should be something that you would associate with the animal in question. When the animal is within arm's reach, you also gain the Alertness feat. Spells and feats which specifically target "your familiar" may affect your totem animal.
Special: You may only have one totem animal at any one time. If your totem animal dies or you dismiss it, you must attempt a DC 15 Fortitude saving throw. Failure means that you lose 200 experience points for each level you have in a class that grants you an animal companion; success reduces the loss to one-half that amount, although your experience point total can never go below 0 as the result of this. A slain or dismissed totem animal cannot be replaced for a year and day, although you may find a different animal companion as per normal during this time of mourning, and form the spiritual bond with it after this time has passed. A slain totem animal can be raised from the dead just as a character can be, and it does not lose a level or a Constitution point when this happy event occurs.

Totem Special Abbility
Ape +2 to Grapple checks
Baboon +3 to spot checks
Badger +3 hit points
Bat +3 to Listen checks
Bear +3 to Wilderness Lore checks
Boar +3 to Spot checks (by scent)
Camel Gain the Endurance feat
Cheetah +3 to Initiative
Crocodile +3 to Swim checks
Dog +3 to Sense Motive checks
Eagle +3 to Spot checks
Ferret +3 to tumble checks
Fox +2 to Reflex saves
Horse +3 to Ride checks
Leopard +3 to Move Silently checks
Lion +3 to Intimidate checks
Lizard, Giant +3 to Hide checks
Monkey +3 to Balance checks
Octopus +2 to Grapple checks
Otter +3 to Search checks
Porcupine +3 to Escape Artist checks
Racoon +3 to Climb checks
Rhinoceros +2 damage when charging
Shark +3 to Swim checks
Skunk +3 to Intimidate checks
Snake, Constrictor +3 to Climb checks
Snake, Viper +3 to Hide checks
Tiger +3 to Jump checks
Turtle Reduce armor check penalties by 2
Wolf +2 to Trip checks
Wolverine +2 to Fortitude saves

  TOTEM ANIMAL Copyright 2001, Sébastien Adhikari
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.50, Port 4.75, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.00)

TOUCH MASTERY [General, Fighter]
The attribute behind your powers makes your touch attacks strike true.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1
Benefit: When making a touch attack with a spell or psionic power, you use your associated spellcasting/psionic attribute bonus rather than your Strength or Dexterity bonus on your attack roll.
  TOUCH MASTERY Copyright 2000, Bradley H. Bemis Jr.
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.73 (Purp 4.67, Pow 4.67, Port 4.67, Comp 4.67, Rule 5.00)

Fate is looking out for you.
Prerequisite: Cha 15
Benefit: You get a +1 bonus on all saving throws.
Special: This feat can be taken several times, but only once at any level, and the benefits stack. For each time after the first, increase the Charisma prerequisite by 2.
  TOUCH OF GRACE Copyright 2001, Paul W. King
  Balance: 4.52 (Purp 4.40, Pow 4.40, Port 4.40, Comp 4.60, Rule 4.80)

You are tougher than average.
Benefit: You gain +3 hit points.
Special: A character may gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.
  TOUGHNESS Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.25, Port 4.50, Comp 5.00, Rule 4.75)

You are proficient in the use of tower shields.
Prerequisite: Shield Proficiency
Benefit: You can use a tower shield and suffer only the standard penalties.
Normal: A character who is using a shield with which he or she is not proficient takes the shield’s armor check penalty on attack rolls and on all skill checks that involve moving, including Ride.
Special: Fighters automatically have Tower Shield Proficiency as a bonus feat. They need not select it.
  TOWER SHIELD PROFICIENCY Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 3.75, Pow 3.75, Port 4.75, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

TRACK [General]
You can use the survival skill to track enemies.
Benefit: To find tracks or to follow them for 1 mile requires a successful Survival check. You must make another Survival check every time the tracks become difficult to follow.
You move at half your normal speed (or at your normal speed with a -5 penalty on the check, or at up to twice your normal speed with a -20 penalty on the check). The DC depends on the surface and the prevailing conditions, as given on the table below:
Surface Survival DC Surface Survival DC
Very soft ground 5 Firm ground 15
Soft ground 10 Hard ground 20

Very Soft Ground: Any surface (fresh snow, thick dust, wet mud) that holds deep, clear impressions of footprints.
Soft Ground: Any surface soft enough to yield to pressure, but firmer than wet mud or fresh snow, in which a creature leaves frequent but shallow footprints.
Firm Ground: Most normal outdoor surfaces (such as lawns, fields, woods, and the like) or exceptionally soft or dirty indoor surfaces (thick rugs and very dirty or dusty floors). The creature might leave some traces (broken branches or tufts of hair), but it leaves only occasional or partial footprints.
Hard Ground: Any surface that doesn't hold footprints at all, such as bare rock or an indoor floor. Most streambeds fall into this category, since any footprints left behind are obscured or washed away. The creature leaves only traces (scuff marks or displaced pebbles).
Several modifiers may apply to the Survival check, as given on the table below:
Condition Survival DC Modifier
Every three creatures in the group being tracked -1
Size of creature or creatures being tracked: 1
Fine +8
Diminutive +4
Tiny +2
Small +1
Medium-sized 0
Large -1
Huge -2
Gargantuan -4
Colossal -8
Every 24 hours since the trail was made +1
Every hour of rain since the trail was made +1
Fresh snow cover since the trail was made +10
Poor visibility: 2
Overcast or moonless night +6
Moonlight +3
Fog or precipitation +3
Tracked party hides trail (and moves at half speed) +5
1. For a group of mixed sizes, apply only the modifier for the largest size category.
2. Apply only the largest modifier from this category.

If you fail a Survival check, you can retry after 1 hour (outdoors) or 10 minutes (indoors) of searching.

Normal: Without this feat, you can use the Survival skill to find tracks, but you can follow them only if the DC for the task is 10 or lower. Alternatively, you can use the Search skill to find a footprint or similar sign of a creature’s passage using the DCs given above, but you can’t use Search to follow tracks, even if someone else has already found them.
Special: A ranger automatically has Track as a bonus feat. He need not select it. This feat does not allow you to find or follow the tracks made by a subject of a pass without trace spell.
  TRACK Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.75, Port 4.75, Comp 3.50, Rule 4.50)

Your studies of ghosts and wraiths have revealed to you clues that allow you to track incorporeal undead.
Prerequisite: Track, Knowledge (Religion) 5 ranks, Survival 5 ranks
Benefit: You can follow the energy left over from the passing of incorporeal undead, allowing you to track them. The base Survival DC required for tracking is 25, regardless of the surface, and normal conditions apply, except for time – see the table below. This feat even allows you to track incorporeal undead if they go into the ground, through the air or through walls, but unless you have the ability to follow this will not be of much help. If you need to "pick up the trail" on the other side of a wall or a similar obstacle then you need to make another Survival check to resume tracking. As noted in the detect undead spell, the lingering aura of undead creatures fades after time, depending upon their hit dice. Apply the following time-based modifier (since the creature passed) to the Track Survival DC:
HD+1 to DC every

  TRACK SPIRITS Copyright 2006, Dan Hopkins, Peter K. Campbell
  Balance: 3.85 (Purp 3.75, Pow 4.25, Port 3.75, Comp 3.50, Rule 4.00)

TRAMPLE [General, Fighter]
You can run down foes when overrunning on a mount.
Prerequisite: Mounted Combat, Ride 1 rank
Benefit: When you attempt to overrun an opponent while mounted, your target may not choose to avoid you. Your mount may make one hoof attack against any target you knock down, gaining the standard +4 bonus on attack rolls against prone targets.
Special: A fighter may select Trample as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  TRAMPLE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.85 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.75, Port 5.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 5.00)

You can cast personal effect spells on others as touch spells
Benefit: You can cast a spell with a range of Personal and use it on another person. This feat has no effect on spells with a range other than Personal. The target of the spell must accept the spell voluntarily. A Transferred spell takes up a spell slot one level higher than the spell's actual level.
Special: If used to transfer a divine spell to an opponent of the caster's faith the caster's deity will probably refuse to grant the caster any further spells until they seek atonement.
Example: Divine Favor (1st level) allows the caster to call upon the strength and wisdom of a deity for luck bonuses to their own hit and damage rolls. Transferred Divine Favor (2nd level) allows the caster to call upon the strength and wisdom of a deity for luck bonuses to hit and damage rolls and bestow them upon a touched target.
  TRANSFER SPELL Copyright 2001, Rebecca Glenn
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 3.82 (Purp 4.30, Pow 3.60, Port 3.60, Comp 3.60, Rule 4.00)

Allows a spellcaster to draw from the life force of another while using item creation feats.
Prerequisite: Any item creation feat
Benefit: While touching another creature or creatures, you may use their XPs to fuel an item creation feat instead of (or in addition to) your own. The creature touched must be a willing subject with a current Intelligence of 3 or greater. If the creature is under the control of any magic (such as a charm spell) the effort will also fail, even if the creature would normally co-operate. You may choose how many XP you wish to contribute and how many the another creature will, but the other creature can choose to donate no more than a certain amount.
Notes: Under no circumstances can another creature ever be forced (even through a wish spell) to succumb to the effects of this feat. It must be a voluntary action. This feat may be used as a house rule in some campaigns.
  TRANSFERENCE Copyright 2000, Bradley H. Bemis Jr.
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.52 (Purp 4.60, Pow 4.40, Port 4.20, Comp 4.80, Rule 4.60)

TRAP SENSE [Epic, Stealth]
You have a second sense for traps.
Prerequisite: Search 25 ranks, Spot 25 ranks, Trapfinding class ability
Benefit: If you passes within 5 feet of a trap, you is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if you were actively looking for it.
  TRAP SENSE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.65 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.75, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

TRICK SPELL [Metamagic]
Opposing spellcasters cannot identify your spells.
Prerequisite: Spell Focus
Benefit: The Spellcraft DC for others to identify the name or school of a Trick Spell is increased by +4. Trick Spells cannot be counterspelled normally. Dispel Magic can be used per its description to counterspell a spell prepared as a Trick Spell. A spellcaster must have Spell Focus in the school of the spell that he or she wishes to prepare as a Trick Spell. A Trick Spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell’s actual level.
  TRICK SPELL Copyright 2000, Michael J. Kletch
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.18 (Purp 4.30, Pow 4.00, Port 4.30, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.30)

You know a spell so innately that you can cast it without memorization.
Prerequisite: Int 17, Spell Mastery (selected Spell)
Benefit: When this feat is taken you must select a spell for which you have spell mastery. You may cast this spell once per day without the need to memorize it and without using a spell slot. You may not use metamagic feats when casting the spell in this way.
Notes: This feat can be taken more than once to gain true mastery over a number of spells, but never more than your Intelligence modifier (e.g. Int 17 gives you up to 3 spells).
  TRUE SPELL MASTERY Copyright 2003, Ian Cheesman
  Balance: 3.73 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.67, Port 3.33, Comp 4.00, Rule 3.67)

TUMBLING ATTACK [General, Fighter]
Execute a startling series of attacks while you tumble through your enemy's midst.
Prerequisite: Dex 15, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Skill Focus (tumble), Spring Attack, Tumble 1 rank, Base attack bonus +6
Benefit: As a full attack action, you are able to tumble at one-half speed, and if you succeed at your tumble check (see Tumble skill, SRD), you suffer no attacks of opportunity and may make your full number of attacks while you tumble. However, you are able to attack no more than once from any single five foot square through which you move (including the squares in which you start and finish the tumble). Even with this feat, the move is so difficult to execute that it adds +2 to the DC of your tumble check and all attacks suffer -2 penalty to hit. If you fail your tumble check, you suffer attacks of opportunity normally and can make only a single attack.
Normal: You tumble as a move action and can make a single attack as a standard action.
Special: This feat cannot be used with ranged attacks or reach weapons. If you are using two weapons or a double weapon, you still may only attack once from each square, so that the maximum number of attacks you can execute is 5.
  TUMBLING ATTACK Copyright 2001, Brian A. Smith
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 4.75, Pow 3.75, Port 4.00, Comp 3.25, Rule 4.50)

By virtue of unholy power or exceptional strength of will, the creature is more difficult to turn or rebuke than normal.
Benefit: The creature adds +2 to its Hit Dice total when resisting turn or rebuke attempts.
Special: This feat can be taken more than once and its benefits stack with itself. Each time it is taken, add +2 to the creature's Hit Dice when resisting turn or rebuke attempts.
  TURN/REBUKE RESISTANCE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.75 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.75, Port 4.75, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

TWIN POWER [Metapsionic]
You can manifest a power simultaneously with another power just like it.
Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. You can twin a power. Manifesting a power altered by this feat causes the power to take effect twice on the area or target, as if you were simultaneously manifesting the same power two times on the same location or target. Any variables in the power (such as duration, number of targets, and so on) are the same for both of the resulting powers. The target experiences all the effects of both powers individually and receives a saving throw (if applicable) for each. In some cases, such as a twinned psionic charm, failing both saving throws results in redundant effects (although, in this example, any ally of the target would have to succeed on two dispel attempts to free the target from the charm effect). Using this feat increases the power point cost of the power by 6. The power’s total cost cannot exceed your manifester level.
  TWIN POWER Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.15 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.25)

You can wield a matching pair of weapons, one in each hand, with extraordinary ability.
Prerequisite: Two-weapon Fighting, Base attack bonus +6
Benefit: Choose a one-handed weapon, based on your size. When wielding one of the chosen weapons in each hand, you suffer only a -2 attack penalty with both weapons.
Normal: With the Two-Weapon Fighting feat and a one-handed weapon, you get a -4 penalty on attacks with both weapons.
  TWIN WEAPON FIGHTING Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 3.75, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.50)

You use your weight and momentum to maximum effect.
Prerequisite: Str 15, Power Attack, Base attack bonus +9
Benefit: You may add twice your Strength bonus to damage when using a two-handed melee weapon instead of the usual one and a half times Strength bonus.
  Balance: 3.85 (Purp 3.75, Pow 3.38, Port 3.63, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.00)

TWO-HANDED FLURRY [General, Fighter]
You are adept at wielding a one-handed weapon with two hands.
Prerequisite: Str 13, Dex 15, Combat Expertise, Weapon Focus, Base attack bonus +6
Benefit: Select a one-handed weapon that you have previously chosen Weapon Focus for. When wielding this weapon with two hands, you may make one extra attack at your highest base attack bonus. If this extra attack is taken, you suffer a -2 penalty to all of your attack rolls and can only add your normal Strength bonus to damage rolls (rather than 1.5 times your Strength bonus for using a weapon with two hands) until your next action. This feat requires the full attack action.
Special: You cannot use this feat when wielding a double weapon, light weapon or two-handed weapon and you cannot combine the extra attack gained from this feat with any other feat or ability that provides an extra attack except for Cleave and similar feats.
  TWO-HANDED FLURRY Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.50)

TWO-WEAPON CLEAVE [General, Fighter]
You can follow through with either weapon.
Prerequisite: Str 13, Cleave, Power Attack, Two-weapon Fighting
Benefit: When using the cleave feat you may make your follow up attack with any melee weapon you are wielding.
  TWO-WEAPON CLEAVE Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.13, Pow 4.25, Port 4.13, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.00)

TWO-WEAPON DEFENSE [General, Fighter]
You gain a defensive bonus when fighting with two weapons.
Prerequisite: Dex 15, Two-weapon Fighting
Benefit: When wielding a double weapon or two weapons (not including natural weapons or unarmed strikes), you gain a +1 shield bonus to your AC. When you are fighting defensively or using the total defense action, this shield bonus increases to +2.
Special: A fighter may select Two-Weapon Defense as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  TWO-WEAPON DEFENSE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.65 (Purp 5.00, Pow 3.50, Port 4.75, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

TWO-WEAPON FIGHTING [General, Fighter]
You can use two weapons with a reduced penalty.
Benefit: Your penalties for fighting with two weapons are reduced by 2.
  TWO-WEAPON FIGHTING Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The Netbook of Feats team agrees that this feat is better with the abolishment of the Ambidexterity feat. The edition 3.0 version of this feat had an overall balance score of 4.80.
  Balance: 4.95 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.75, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

TWO-WEAPON HARMONY [General, Fighter]
Your mastery of this style allows you to act with both weapons in harmony.
Prerequisite: Dex 15, Two-weapon Fighting, Improved Two-weapon Fighting, Base attack bonus +9
Benefit: Once per round, when fighting with two weapons and making an attack of opportunity or a standard attack you may attack once with your off-hand weapon (with the normal penalties) in addition to the single attack you are normally allowed. If making an attack of opportunity both attacks must be directed at the opponent who triggered the attack.
Normal: You may only make one attack when using an attack of opportunity or standard attack action.
  TWO-WEAPON HARMONY Copyright 2002, Rick Coen
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 4.75, Pow 3.50, Port 3.75, Comp 4.50, Rule 3.75)

TWO-WEAPON REND [Epic, Fighter]
You can perform a rend maneuver when using two weapons.
Prerequisite: Dex 15, Base attack bonus +9, Improved Two-weapon Fighting, Two-weapon Fighting
Benefit: If you hits an opponent with a weapon in each hand in the same round, you may automatically rend the opponent. This deals additional damage equal to the base damage of the smaller weapon plus 1 1/2 times your Strength modifier. Base weapon damage includes an enhancement bonus on damage, if any. You can only rend once per round, regardless of how many successful attacks your make.
  TWO-WEAPON REND Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.50 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.75)

TYPHOON ATTACK [General, Fighter]
By jumping headlong into battle you can strike multiple opponents.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Jump 6 ranks, Tumble 4 ranks, Combat Reflexes
Benefit: In order to use this feat you must be unarmed, fighting with two weapons, or using a double weapon. While charging, if you successfully hit your opponent you may immediately make another attack at your highest base attack bonus against another target in your threatened area using what would normally be your off-hand weapon (if applicable).
  TYPHOON ATTACK Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 3.75, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

ULTIMATE CLEAVE [General, Fighter]
You can transfer some of the damage you inflict on a powerful blow to your next cleave attack.
Prerequisite: Str 13, Power Attack, Cleave, Base attack bonus +6
Benefit: Once per round when using your Cleave or Great Cleave feats, all damage inflicted beyond that needed to drop your opponent is gained as a damage bonus on your extra cleave attack. This damage bonus only applies against the opponent targeted by your extra cleave attack and is lost if this attack misses.
Example: Bron, a 6th level dwarven fighter with Cleave, Great Cleave and Ultimate Cleave, is in combat with 3 goblins (each with 6 hit points). Bron hits on his first attack, inflicts 12 points of damage and reduces the first goblin to -6 hit points, triggering a cleave attack. Since he has Ultimate Cleave, he disembowels the first goblin and gains a +5 damage bonus on his cleave attack (6-1 = 5). He slays the second goblin with this attack, triggering another cleave attack, but does not gain an additional damage bonus because he's already used Ultimate Cleave that round.
  ULTIMATE CLEAVE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 3.80 (Purp 3.67, Pow 3.67, Port 4.00, Comp 3.67, Rule 4.00)

You can make an unarmed strike or use a natural weapon against your foe as if delivering a touch attack.
Prerequisite: Psionic Fist, Base attack bonus +5, Str 13
Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. You can resolve your unarmed strike or attack with a natural weapon as a touch attack. You must decide whether or not to use this feat prior to making an attack. If your attack misses, you still expend your psionic focus.
  UNAVOIDABLE STRIKE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.25)

UNBALANCING FEINT [General, Fighter]
Your feint can unbalance your opponent.
Prerequisite: Int 15, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Vexing Feint, Base attack bonus +7
Benefit: When you feint in combat, your opponent is considered flat-footed until they take a move action to regain their balance. Any ability that allows you to rise from a prone position to standing can also be used to regain balance in this case.
  UNBALANCING FEINT Copyright 2005, Sigfried Trent, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 3.65 (Purp 3.75, Pow 3.50, Port 3.50, Comp 3.75, Rule 3.75)

UNBALANCING FIST [General, Fighter]
You can throw your enemy off balance with a single precise blow to a nerve center.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Base attack bonus +4
Benefit: Declare that you are using the feat before you make your attack roll. If you successfully strike your opponent with an unarmed strike, he must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ your level +Wis Modifier). In addition to suffering normal damage, if the defender fails his saving throw, he is considered flat footed for 1 round. You may use Unbalancing Fist once per day for every four character levels, and no more than once per round.
  UNBALANCING FIST Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 4.15 (Purp 3.75, Pow 4.25, Port 4.50, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.25)

You can hit targets you can not even see.
Prerequisite: Dex 21, Base attack bonus +11, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Improved Precise Shot, Spot 20 ranks
Benefit: Your ranged attacks ignore the miss chance granted to targets by total concealment. You must aim your attacks at the correct square to gain advantage of this feat.
Normal: Without this feat, characters suffer a 50% miss chance when making a ranged attack against a target with total concealment.
Special: A character with at least 11 levels of ranger can qualify for this feat even if he or she does not have the prerequisites for it, but can only use it when wearing light or no armor.
  UNCANNY ACCURACY Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The Netbook of Feats team is unsure as to whether this feat would allow you to make sneak attacks against creatures with concealment, which are normally immune to such attacks.
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.25)

You think so quickly on your feet, it almost seems supernatural. Often, you are moving before anyone else knows what is happening.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Alertness, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes
Benefit: When rolling for initiative, you roll twice and take the highest result. Your initiative modifiers are then added to the rolled number normally.
  UNCANNY REACTION Copyright 2002, Ian Cheesman
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.20, Pow 3.80, Port 4.20, Comp 4.20, Rule 4.60)

You are skilled at attacking with or avoiding sneak attacks versus skilled opponents.
Prerequisite: Improved Uncanny Dodge
Benefit: When calculating your level for using or overcoming "Improved Uncanny Dodge", add 4 to your level for the check.
Normal: Improved Uncanny Dodge denies the attacking rogue the ability to sneak attack the target by flanking her, unless the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the target does
  UNCANNY TACTICS Copyright 2005, Jason Spangler
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 3.83, Pow 3.67, Port 4.33, Comp 4.67, Rule 4.50)

Disabling conditions do not hold you back.
Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. Your mental strength is enough to overcome some otherwise disabling conditions. You can manifest an unconditional power when you are dazed, confused, nauseated, shaken, or stunned. Only personal powers and powers that affect your person can be manifested as unconditional powers. Using this feat increases the power point cost of the power by 8. The power’s total cost cannot exceed your manifester level.
  UNCONDITIONAL POWER Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 3.95 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 3.50)

You may control a small army of lesser undead.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast animate dead, Cha 13, Improved Undead Control
Benefit: Mindless corporeal undead with hit dice equal to or less than your Charisma modifier do not count against your normal control undead limit. For creatures with Turning Resistance, include their Turning Resistance in their effective HD for this feat.
Normal: You can normally command a total number of undead with HD equal to your rebuke undead level (and an additional number of undead animated through the animate dead spell equal to 4 HD per caster level).
  UNDEAD HORDE Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér, Eric D. Harry
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.75, Pow 3.75, Port 4.00, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.25)

You are an expert at finding the undead.
Prerequisite: Wis 13, Ability to detect either undead or evil as a spell spell-like or supernatural ability
Benefit: You gain Detect Undead as a spell-like ability you may use at will.
  UNDEAD HUNTER Copyright 2006, Dan Hopkins, Carl Cramér, Peter K. Campbell
  Balance: 3.73 (Purp 3.67, Pow 4.00, Port 3.67, Comp 4.00, Rule 3.33)

You can command a great number of undead.
Prerequisite: Cha 21, ability to rebuke or command undead
Benefit: You may command up to ten times your level in HD of undead.
  UNDEAD MASTERY Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: This feat is incorrectly listed as having the Divine feat type in the SRD. The SRD definition of a Divine feat states "Each use of a divine feat costs the character one turn/rebuke attempt from his or her number of attempts each day. If a character doesn't have any turn/rebuke attempts left, he or she can't use the feat."
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.50)

UNDEAD’S FOE [General]
You are an expert at fighting the undead.
Prerequisite: Wis 13, Ability to detect either undead or evil as a spell spell-like or supernatural ability, Undead Hunter
Benefit: You gain a +2 Attack Bonus against undead
  UNDEAD’S FOE Copyright 2006, Dan Hopkins, Peter K. Campbell
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.67, Port 4.33, Comp 4.67, Rule 4.33)

UNHOLY STRIKE [Epic, Special]
Any weapon in your hands becomes unholy.
Prerequisite: Smite good class feature, Any evil alignment
Benefit: Any weapon you wield is treated as an unholy weapon (it is evil-aligned and deals an extra 2d6 points of damage against creatures of good alignment). This ability doesn’t stack with similar abilities. If the weapon already has an alignment, this feat has no effect on the weapon.
  UNHOLY STRIKE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.55 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 5.00)

UNIQUE SPELL [Special, Magical]
You gain access to and learn a single spell from any spell list.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast 3rd level spells
Benefit: Choose one spellcasting class. You learn one additional spell of any level up to two lower than the highest level spell that you can currently cast in your chosen class, chosen from any class spell list. The chosen spell is added to your spells known or spellbook and is treated in all ways as being two levels higher than the spell’s actual level. If a spell appears on multiple spell lists, you must take it from the list where it has the highest spell level. The spell is considered divine if you are a divine caster and arcane if you are an arcane caster.
Special: This feat can be chosen multiple times, each time enabling you to learn one additional spell. If a spell requires a divine focus you must obtain an appropriate holy symbol to use for the casting. All material components are still required no matter your class.
  UNIQUE SPELL Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 3.53 (Purp 4.33, Pow 3.17, Port 3.83, Comp 3.50, Rule 2.83)

UP AND DOWN [General, Fighter]
You exploit the mechanical leverage of your long weapons.
Prerequisite: Improved Trip, Near And Far
Benefit: When using a weapon with reach, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to all rolls when you make a trip attack. If you fail in your trip attempt your opponent may not make a trip in return.
Normal: When you fail in a trip attempt, your opponent may attempt to trip you in return.
  UP AND DOWN Copyright 2001, Michael J. Kletch
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.24 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.30, Port 4.60, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.30)

UP THE WALLS [Psionic]
You can run on walls for brief distances.
Prerequisite: Wis 13
Benefit: While you are psionically focused, you can take part of one of your move actions to traverse a wall or other relatively smooth vertical surface if you begin and end your move on a horizontal surface. The height you can achieve on the wall is limited only by this movement restriction. If you do not end your move on a horizontal surface, you fall prone, taking falling damage as appropriate for your distance above the ground. Treat the wall as a normal floor for the purpose of measuring your movement. Passing from floor to wall or wall to floor costs no movement; you can change surfaces freely. Opponents on the ground can make attacks of opportunity as you move up the wall.
Special: You can take other move actions in conjunction with moving along a wall. For instance, the Spring Attack feat allows you to make an attack from the wall against a foe standing on the ground who is within the area you threaten; however, if you are somehow prevented from completing your move, you fall. Likewise, you could tumble along the wall to avoid attacks of opportunity.
  UP THE WALLS Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.15 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.25)

USE PREJUDICE [General, Role Play]
You can use people’s prejudices against them.
Benefit: Whenever you can fall into a stereotype your mark believes in (such as that orcs are brutal and cruel, women are scared and helpless, or that halflings are all thieves, etc.) you get a +4 bonus on all Bluff, Disguise and Intimidate checks to stay in role and maintain this belief.
Notes: This bonus is not cumulative if several prejudices can be used at once. For example, if your mark believes that halflings are scared and helpless, and that women are also scared and helpless, you do not gain a +8 bonus for being a halfling woman; only the normal +4.
  USE PREJUDICE Copyright 2002, Dominique Crouzet, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 3.96 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.60, Port 4.20, Comp 3.60, Rule 4.40)

You can attempt to steal control of any spell that you successfully counterspell.
Prerequisite: Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks
Benefit: After a successful counterspell using a prepared spell rather than a dispel check, you can attempt to steal control of the spell being cast. You immediately make an opposed caster level check (1d20 + caster level) against the original caster of the spell. If successful, you usurp control of the spell and can make all decisions regarding the spell’s target and effect. Level based spell variables, including the range and point of origin for the spell, are still based on the original caster of the spell. If you fail the opposed caster level check made to usurp the spell, the spell is negated just as if the spell had been counterspelled normally.
  USURP SPELL Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.05 (Purp 4.50, Pow 3.50, Port 4.00, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.25)

You can insidiously drain power points from opposing minds on a successful psionic attack.
Prerequisite: Cha 13, Base Will save +3
Benefit: To use this feat you must expend your psionic focus. When attacking with a psionic power that does not employ an energy type to inflict damage, you gain half the hit point or ability damage inflicted as temporary power points, up to your normal power point maximum. Alternatively, when manifesting psychic vampire, you gain any power points drained by your touch attack as temporary power points. In both cases, these temporary power points last up to 10 minutes.
  VAMPIRE MIND Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.00, Port 3.50, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

You are good at taking evasive maneuvers.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Drive 6 ranks or Pilot 6 ranks, Vehicle Expert
Benefit: When driving a vehicle, during your action you designate an opposing vehicle or a single opponent. Your vehicle and everyone aboard it receive a +1 dodge bonus to Defense against attacks from that vehicle or opponent. You can select a new vehicle or opponent on any action.
  VEHICLE DODGE Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.75, Port 3.75, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.75)

You really know how to fly/drive.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Drive and Pilot checks.
  VEHICLE EXPERT Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 3.75, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 5.00)

You have learned to throw your voice, making it appear to come from someplace else.
Prerequisite: Perform (comedy) 1 rank
Benefit: As a standard action, you can use the Perform (comedy) skill to make your voice appear to come from another location. You must decide where you want your voice to appear to come from; the DC is equal to the number of feet away you wish to throw your voice. If there is something there that moves in a manner suggestive of speech or of making the sounds you are throwing, reduce the difficulty by 10. Listeners can try to realize what you are doing with an opposed listen roll, but such a listen roll is subject to normal range penalties.
  VENTRILOQUISM Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 3.98 (Purp 3.90, Pow 3.90, Port 4.40, Comp 4.10, Rule 3.60)

You can wild shape into a vermin.
Prerequisite: Knowledge (nature) 24 ranks, Wild shape 6/day
Benefit: You can use your normal wild shape ability to take the form of a vermin. The size limitation is the same as your limitation on animal size.
  VERMIN WILD SHAPE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.50)

You can walk short distances on vertical surfaces.
Prerequisite: Dex 15, Base move 40’
Benefit: Each round you may walk up to 10 ft. on a vertical surface, but you must begin and end this movement on a horizontal one.
  VERTICAL WALK Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.25, Port 4.00, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.00)

VEXING FEINT [General, Fighter]
Your feinting technique has a longer lasting effect.
Prerequisite: Int 15, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Base attack bonus +5
Benefit: A successful feint denies your opponent their Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) until the end of your next round.
Normal: A successful feint denies your opponent their dex bonus only for your next attack against them.
  VEXING FEINT Copyright 2005, Sigfried Trent
  Balance: 3.92 (Purp 4.20, Pow 3.80, Port 3.40, Comp 4.20, Rule 4.00)

You are adept at defending yourself with your psionic powers.
Prerequisite: Ability to manifest empty mind, Intellect fortress, Intellect fortress, Mental barrier, Thought shield or Tower of iron will
Benefit: You are able to react instantly to attack and can manifest a psionic defense as an immediate action even when flat-footed. As long as you know the power in question, you can manifest empty mind, intellect fortress, mental barrier, thought shield or tower of iron will when flat-footed.
Normal: An immediate action cannot be taken when flat-footed.
  VIGILANT PSYCHIC DEFENDER Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.25 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.25)

You can temporarily focus your energies on staying alive in difficult circumstances.
Prerequisite: Con 13, Great Fortitude
Benefit: Once per day as a swift action you can gain 1d4 temporary hit points per point of constitution bonus for one minute.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times, each time enabling you to use it one more time per day, however you can not use the feat more than once per minute.
  VIGOR OF THE STAG Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 3.85 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.25, Port 3.75, Comp 3.25, Rule 3.75)

VORPAL STRIKE [Epic, Special]
You unarmed strikes act as vorpal weapons.
Prerequisite: Str 25, Wis 25, Improved Critical (unarmed Strike), Improved Unarmed Strike, Keen Strike, Stunning Fist, Ki strike (adamantine)
Benefit: Your unarmed strike is considered to be a slashing vorpal weapon. (At your option, any unarmed strike can do bludgeoning damage instead, but it loses the vorpal quality.) This ability doesn’t stack with similar abilities
  VORPAL STRIKE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 3.95 (Purp 4.00, Pow 3.50, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.00)

WATCHMAN [General]
Through practice, training and experience, you are more alert and aware.
Benefit: You get a +1 bonus to Spot and Listen checks. In addition, Spot and Listen are always considered class skills for you.
  WATCHMAN Copyright 2001, Michael J. Kletch
  Balance: 3.80 (Purp 3.75, Pow 3.25, Port 4.50, Comp 4.25, Rule 3.25)

WAY OF THE GARGOYLE [Psionic, Fighter, Wild]
You have mastered the art of combat in alternate forms.
Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes
Benefit: Whenever you change shape (whether via a spell or power like polymorph self, wild shape or the like) into a creature with three or more natural attacks (e.g. two claws and a bite) you may use all of these natural attacks in combat as if you have the Multiattack feat; your primary attack suffers no attack penalty and all of your secondary attacks suffer only a -2 penalty.
  WAY OF THE GARGOYLE Copyright 2001, Michael J. Kletch
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.50)

WAY OF THE HARE [General, Fighter]
You have mastered the art of the leaping attack.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1, Dex 13, Jump 1 rank
Benefit: You gain a +4 attack bonus on any attack made while leaping five feet or more just prior to making an attack. The jump must be made in the same round as the attack, the idea being that you are attacking as you come down. Should you fail your jump check you fall prone at the end of the jump and do not gain an attack bonus from this feat.
  WAY OF THE HARE Copyright 2001, OGC Source L5R
  Balance: 4.00 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 3.75, Comp 3.75, Rule 4.00)

You have mastered the art of using your shield as a weapon, to complement your blade.
Prerequisite: Str 13, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack, Base attack bonus +5
Benefit: When using a melee weapon and shield with proficiency, you can attack with both as if you had the benefits of the Two-Weapon Fighting feat. In addition, any successful attack with your shield inflicts +1 damage, or grants an additional +2 bonus to your Strength check for a special combat maneuver requiring one (e.g. during a Bull Rush or Overrun).
Notes: Light shields are usable as light martial melee weapons and heavy shields as one-handed martial melee weapons. However, when using your shield in this manner you do not gain the AC benefits it would otherwise give you during that round.
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 3.72 (Purp 3.60, Pow 3.20, Port 4.20, Comp 3.60, Rule 4.00)

WEAPON BRACE [General, Fighter]
By bracing your weapons together, you can resist a Sundering attack more effectively.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +2
Benefit: When fighting with two weapons you automatically brace your two weapons together to increase their resistance to a Sunder attack; add half (round down) the "other" weapon's hardness to the hardness of the weapon being Sundered. Half (round up) of any Sunder damage which exceeds this increased hardness is applied to the targeted weapon’s hit points; the remaining damage is applied to the bracing weapon’s hit points.
Example: Rorwernrn brought her guisarme down in a mighty two-handed strike at the halfling's paired shortswords. The halfling rogue quickly braced her weapons against the blow, giving her shortsword a Hardness of 15 (10 for steel, +5 for braced steel weapon). The guisarme strike inflicts 16 damage; without bracing, the halfling's shortsword would have been shattered! It is left with a large crack, however (only 1 of its 2 hit points remain).
  WEAPON BRACE Copyright 2002, Rick Coen
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 3.62 (Purp 4.30, Pow 3.60, Port 3.60, Comp 2.60, Rule 4.00)

WEAPON FINESSE [General, Fighter]
You can use certain weapons with finesse instead of force.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1
Benefit: With a light weapon, rapier, whip, or spiked chain made for a creature of your size category, you may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls. If you carry a shield, its armor check penalty applies to your attack rolls.
Special: A fighter may select Weapon Finesse as one of his fighter bonus feats. Natural weapons are always considered light weapons.
  WEAPON FINESSE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The Netbook of Feats team agrees with the upgrade of this feat to allow its use with all light weapons, rather than just a single one. The edition 3.0 version of this feat had an overall balance score of 4.70.
  Balance: 4.95 (Purp 5.00, Pow 5.00, Port 5.00, Comp 4.75, Rule 5.00)

WEAPON FOCUS [General, Fighter]
Choose one type of weapon. You can also choose unarmed strike or grapple (or ray, if you are a spellcaster) as your weapon for purposes of this feat.
Prerequisite: Proficiency With Selected Weapon, Base attack bonus +1
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make using the selected weapon.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of weapon. A fighter may select Weapon Focus as one of his fighter bonus feats. He must have Weapon Focus with a weapon to gain the Weapon Specialization feat for that weapon.
  WEAPON FOCUS Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.75 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.25, Port 4.75, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

WEAPON GRACE [General, Fighter, Regional]
You are an expert in the graceful use of a regional weapon.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1
Benefit: Pick one weapon for which your region is famed. Similar to the Weapon Finesse feat, you may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls when wielding this weapon. If a shield is used you must apply the shield’s armor check penalty to your attack rolls.
Special: This is a variant of the Weapon Finesse feat. Weapon Grace can be used in place of Weapon Finesse as a prerequisite for other feats.
Notes: When making this feat available for a certain region, the DM should specify which weapons in can be applied to. It is suitable for elven regions in different versions, such as longsword for regular elves, scimitar for drow, trident for aquatic elves, spear and longspear for wild elves and so on. It would be against the spirit of the feat to apply this to very large or very heavy weapons such as a greatsword or halberd.
  WEAPON GRACE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 3.57 (Purp 3.67, Pow 3.50, Port 3.33, Comp 3.50, Rule 3.83)

WEAPON GROUP (AXES) [General, Fighter, Weapon Group]
You understand how to use axes and axelike weapons.
Benefit: You make attack rolls with the following weapons normally: throwing axe, handaxe, battleaxe, greataxe, and dwarven waraxe (two-handed use).
Normal: When using a weapon with which you are not proficient, you take a -4 penalty on attack rolls.
  WEAPON GROUP (AXES) Copyright 2004, OGC Source UA
  Balance: 3.97 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.17, Port 3.67, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

WEAPON GROUP (BASIC WEAPONS) [General, Fighter, Weapon Group]
You understand how to use a few basic weapons.
Benefit: You make attack rolls with the following weapons normally: club, dagger, and quarterstaff.
Normal: When using a weapon with which you are not proficient, you take a -4 penalty on attack rolls.
  WEAPON GROUP (BASIC WEAPONS) Copyright 2004, OGC Source UA
  Balance: 3.97 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.17, Port 3.67, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

WEAPON GROUP (BOWS) [General, Fighter, Weapon Group]
You understand how to use bows.
Benefit: You make attack rolls with the following weapons normally: shortbow, longbow, composite shortbow, and composite longbow.
Normal: When using a weapon with which you are not proficient, you take a -4 penalty on attack rolls.
  WEAPON GROUP (BOWS) Copyright 2004, OGC Source UA
  Balance: 3.97 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.17, Port 3.67, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

WEAPON GROUP (CLAW WEAPONS) [General, Fighter, Weapon Group]
You understand how to use weapons strapped to the hands.
Benefit: You make attack rolls with the following weapons normally: punching dagger, spiked gauntlet.
Normal: When using a weapon with which you are not proficient, you take a -4 penalty on attack rolls.
  WEAPON GROUP (CLAW WEAPONS) Copyright 2004, OGC Source UA
  Balance: 3.97 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.17, Port 3.67, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

WEAPON GROUP (CROSSBOWS) [General, Fighter, Weapon Group]
You understand how to use crossbows.
Benefit: You make attack rolls with the following weapons normally: heavy crossbow, light crossbow, repeating heavy crossbow, and repeating light crossbow.
Normal: When using a weapon with which you are not proficient, you take a -4 penalty on attack rolls.
  WEAPON GROUP (CROSSBOWS) Copyright 2004, OGC Source UA
  Balance: 3.97 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.17, Port 3.67, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

WEAPON GROUP (DRUID WEAPONS) [General, Fighter, Weapon Group]
You understand how to use weapons favored by druids.
Benefit: You make attack rolls with the following weapons normally: club, dagger, dart, quarterstaff, scimitar, sickle, shortspear, sling and spear.
Normal: When using a weapon with which you are not proficient, you take a -4 penalty on attack rolls.
  WEAPON GROUP (DRUID WEAPONS) Copyright 2004, OGC Source UA
  Balance: 3.97 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.17, Port 3.67, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

WEAPON GROUP (EXOTIC DOUBLE WEAPON) [General, Fighter, Weapon Group]
You understand how to use the exotic double weapons associated with the weapon groups that you have mastered.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1
Benefit: Whenever you take a Weapon Group proficiency feat, you also gain proficiency in the exotic double weapons associated with that group. When you take this feat, you gain proficiency in the exotic double weapons associated with the weapon groups that you already know how to use. Some exotic double weapons require you to be proficient with two weapon groups to gain proficiency in their use from this feat.
Normal: When using a weapon with which you are not proficient, you take a -4 penalty on attack rolls.
  Balance: 3.97 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.17, Port 3.67, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

WEAPON GROUP (EXOTIC WEAPONS) [General, Fighter, Weapon Group]
You understand how to use the exotic weapons associated with the weapon groups that you have mastered.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1
Benefit: Whenever you take a Weapon Group proficiency feat, you also gain proficiency in the exotic weapons associated with that group. When you take this feat, you gain proficiency in the exotic weapons associated with the weapon groups that you already know how to use.
Normal: When using a weapon with which you are not proficient, you take a -4 penalty on attack rolls.
  Balance: 3.97 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.17, Port 3.67, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

WEAPON GROUP (FLAIL AND CHAINS) [General, Fighter, Weapon Group]
You understand how to use flails and chain weapons.
Benefit: You make attack rolls with the following weapons normally: light flail and heavy flail.
Normal: When using a weapon with which you are not proficient, you take a -4 penalty on attack rolls.
  Balance: 3.97 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.17, Port 3.67, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

WEAPON GROUP (HEAVY BLADES) [General, Fighter, Weapon Group]
You understand how to use large bladed weapons.
Benefit: You make attack rolls with the following weapons normally: longsword, greatsword, falchion, scimitar and bastard sword (two-handed use).
Normal: When using a weapon with which you are not proficient, you take a -4 penalty on attack rolls.
  WEAPON GROUP (HEAVY BLADES) Copyright 2004, OGC Source UA
  Balance: 3.97 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.17, Port 3.67, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

WEAPON GROUP (LIGHT BLADES) [General, Fighter, Weapon Group]
You understand how to use light bladed weapons.
Benefit: You make attack rolls with the following weapons normally: dagger, kukri, punching dagger, rapier and short sword.
Normal: When using a weapon with which you are not proficient, you take a -4 penalty on attack rolls.
  WEAPON GROUP (LIGHT BLADES) Copyright 2004, OGC Source UA
  Balance: 3.97 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.17, Port 3.67, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

WEAPON GROUP (MACES AND CLUBS) [General, Fighter, Weapon Group]
You understand how to use maces and clubs.
Benefit: You make attack rolls with the following weapons normally: club, light mace, heavy mace, greatclub, quarterstaff and sap.
Normal: When using a weapon with which you are not proficient, you take a -4 penalty on attack rolls.
  WEAPON GROUP (MACES AND CLUBS) Copyright 2004, OGC Source UA
  Balance: 3.97 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.17, Port 3.67, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

WEAPON GROUP (MONK WEAPONS) [General, Fighter, Weapon Group]
You understand how to use weapons normally favored by monks.
Benefit: You make attack rolls with the following weapons normally: kama, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sai, shuriken and siangham.
Normal: When using a weapon with which you are not proficient, you take a -4 penalty on attack rolls.
  WEAPON GROUP (MONK WEAPONS) Copyright 2004, OGC Source UA
  Balance: 3.97 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.17, Port 3.67, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

WEAPON GROUP (PICKS AND HAMMERS) [General, Fighter, Weapon Group]
You understand how to use picks and hammers.
Benefit: You make attack rolls with the following weapons normally: light pick, heavy pick, light hammer, warhammer and scythe.
Normal: When using a weapon with which you are not proficient, you take a -4 penalty on attack rolls.
  Balance: 3.97 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.17, Port 3.67, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

WEAPON GROUP (POLEARMS) [General, Fighter, Weapon Group]
You understand how to use polearms.
Benefit: You make attack rolls with the following weapons normally: glaive, guisarme, halberd and ranseur.
Normal: When using a weapon with which you are not proficient, you take a -4 penalty on attack rolls.
  WEAPON GROUP (POLEARMS) Copyright 2004, OGC Source UA
  Balance: 3.97 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.17, Port 3.67, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

You understand how to use slings and handheld thrown weapons.
Benefit: You make attack rolls with the following weapons normally: dart and sling.
Normal: When using a weapon with which you are not proficient, you take a -4 penalty on attack rolls.
  Balance: 3.97 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.17, Port 3.67, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

WEAPON GROUP (SPEARS AND LANCES) [General, Fighter, Weapon Group]
You understand how to use spears and javelins.
Benefit: You make attack rolls with the following weapons normally: javelin, lance, longspear, shortspear and trident.
Normal: When using a weapon with which you are not proficient, you take a -4 penalty on attack rolls.
  Balance: 3.97 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.17, Port 3.67, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

WEAPON JUGGLE [General, Fighter]
You can change and pick up weapons as a free action.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Quick Draw, Sleight Of Hand 1 rank
Benefit: You can juggle weapons and similarly sized objects during combat. You can draw, sheathe, or shift them from hand to hand as a free action. You can even pick them up from the ground as a free action, as long as you can kick at them. You can do this at the start and end of your turn, but not on somebody else's turn or in the middle of an attack sequence. These actions never trigger attacks of opportunity.
  WEAPON JUGGLE Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.10 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.25)

WEAPON MASTERY [Special, Fighter]
You have perfected the art of using a particular weapon.
Prerequisite: Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Improved Critical, Base Attack bonus +12
Benefit: Choose one weapon for which you have Weapon Specialization and Improved Critical that is not a natural weapon. When using a weapon of that type the base weapon damage is increased as if it were once size category larger.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times; its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat it applies to a new weapon.
  WEAPON MASTERY Copyright 2002, OGC Source AEGF
  Balance: 3.96 (Purp 3.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.10, Comp 4.15, Rule 4.05)

Your skill with your chosen weapon means that you don’t miss the easy ones.
Prerequisite: Weapon Proficiency, Weapon Focus, Base attack bonus +10
Benefit: Choose one weapon with which you have Weapon Focus. With your chosen weapon, a one is not an automatic miss for you.
  WEAPON RELIABILITY Copyright 2005, Jonathan D. Woolley
  Balance: 3.90 (Purp 4.25, Pow 3.50, Port 4.00, Comp 4.25, Rule 3.50)

Choose one type of weapon for which you have already selected the Weapon Focus feat. You can also choose unarmed strike or grapple as your weapon for purposes of this feat. You deal extra damage when using this weapon.
Prerequisite: Proficiency With Selected Weapon, Weapon Focus With Selected Weapon, Fighter level 4th
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all damage rolls you make using the selected weapon.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of weapon. A fighter may select Weapon Specialization as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  WEAPON SPECIALIZATION Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.75 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.75, Port 4.75, Comp 5.00, Rule 4.50)

WEAPON TRICKS [General, Fighter]
You can change the type of damage you do with melee weapons.
Prerequisite: Weapon Focus
Benefit: Many types of melee weapons can conceivably do different types of damage. Examples are swords (could do slashing and bludgeoning, even piercing), picks (could do bludgeoning or piercing) and single-edged or bludgeon-backed axes (could do slashing and bludgeoning). When wielding such a weapon that you have Weapon Focus with, you can opt to alter its damage type without penalty. For example, you can choose to attack zombies with the flat of a sword in order to do bludgeoning damage, avoiding their damage reduction versus slashing weapons.
Notes: The DM is the final arbiter on what types of damage a weapon can do, based on the illustration, common sense and knowledge on how these weapons are used in real life. If in doubt, go with your gut feeling. Many weapons are already listed as doing two or even all three types of damage and so do not require this feat.
  WEAPON TRICKS Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.55 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.75, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.75)

WHEELING ATTACK [General, Fighter]
You can attack at any point along your mount's path.
Prerequisite: Mounted Combat, Ride 1 rank
Benefit: Your mount may make a double move and you can still make an attack at any point along your path of movement at no extra penalty. This move cannot be a charge. The target of your attack does not receive an attack of opportunity when you move through their threat range.
Notes: This represents the hit-and-run tactics of light cavalry.
  WHEELING ATTACK Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 5.00, Pow 3.60, Port 4.60, Comp 4.30, Rule 4.00)

WHIRLWIND ATTACK [General, Fighter]
You can attack everyone within reach.
Prerequisite: Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Combat Expertise, Base attack bonus +4, Dex 13, Int 13
Benefit: When you use the full attack action, you can give up your regular attacks and instead make one melee attack at your full base attack bonus against each opponent within reach. When you use the Whirlwind Attack feat, you also forfeit any bonus or extra attacks granted by other feats, spells, or abilities.
Special: A fighter may select Whirlwind Attack as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  WHIRLWIND ATTACK Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.70 (Purp 4.75, Pow 4.50, Port 4.75, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.75)

WHIRLWIND DEFENSE [General, Fighter]
You are adept at defending yourself against multiple opponents.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Base attack bonus +4
Benefit: When flanked in melee combat, your opponents lose their flanking bonus to attack rolls and can only make sneak attacks against you if their character level is higher than yours.
Normal: Attackers in flanking position gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and can make sneak attacks against you.
  WHIRLWIND DEFENSE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Balance: 4.15 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 4.50, Comp 4.00, Rule 4.00)

Your aura of courage extends to a greater range.
Prerequisite: Cha 25, Aura of courage class ability
Benefit: Your aura of courage extends to all allies within 100 feet of you.
  WIDEN AURA OF COURAGE Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.75)

Your aura of despair extends to a greater range.
Prerequisite: Cha 25, Aura of despair class ability
Benefit: Your aura of despair extends to all allies within 100 feet of you.
  WIDEN AURA OF DESPAIR Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Comments: The benefit is incorrect; Aura of Despair affects enemies, not allies.
  Balance: 4.35 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

WIDEN POWER [Metapsionic]
You can increase the area of your powers.
Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. You can alter a burst, emanation, line, or spread-shaped power to increase its area. (Powers that do not have an area of one of these four sorts are not affected by this feat.) Any numeric measurements of the power’s area increase by 100%. Using this feat increases the power point cost of the power by 4. The power’s total cost cannot exceed your manifester level.
  WIDEN POWER Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.50)

WIDEN SPELL [Metamagic]
You can widen the effect of your spells.
Benefit: You can alter a burst, emanation, line, or spread shaped spell to increase its area. Any numeric measurements of the spell’s area increase by 100%.A widened spell uses up a spell slot three levels higher than the spell’s actual level. Spells that do not have an area of one of these four sorts are not affected by this feat.
  WIDEN SPELL Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.70 (Purp 4.75, Pow 3.75, Port 5.00, Comp 5.00, Rule 5.00)

WILD RIDER [General, Fighter]
You can ride anything, in any fashion
Prerequisite: Ride 1 rank
Benefit: You do not suffer the normal -5 penalties when riding ill-suited mounts or bareback.
  WILD RIDER Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.32 (Purp 4.20, Pow 4.20, Port 4.00, Comp 4.70, Rule 4.50)

Your mind wakes to a previously unrealized talent for psionics.
Benefit: Your latent power of psionics flares to life, conferring upon you the designation of a psionic character. As a psionic character, you gain a reserve of 2 power points and can take psionic feats, metapsionic feats, and psionic item creation feats. You do not, however, gain the ability to manifest powers simply by virtue of having this feat.
  WILD TALENT Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.15 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.00)

You have come into some unexpected wealth.
Benefit: Your Wealth bonus increases by +3. Also, this feat provides a +1 bonus on all Profession checks.
Special: You can select this feat multiple times. Each time, both of its effects stack.
  WINDFALL Copyright 2000, Modern System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.40 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.50, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.50)

WINGOVER [Monster, Special]
You can change directions sharply while flying.
Prerequisite: Fly speed
Benefit: A flying creature with this feat can change direction quickly once each round as a free action. This feat allows it to turn up to 180 degrees regardless of its maneuverability, in addition to any other turns it is normally allowed. A creature cannot gain altitude during a round when it executes a wingover, but it can dive. The change of direction consumes 10 feet of flying movement.
  WINGOVER Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.50 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.50, Port 4.25, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.50)

WISDOM OF AGE [General, Trait]
You have learned much as you got older.
Prerequisite: Old
Benefit: You start with 12 extra skill points.
Special: This feat may only be taken at first level.
Notes: The SRD age rules allow starting at Old.
  WISDOM OF AGE Copyright 2005, Jonathan D. Woolley
  Balance: 3.55 (Purp 2.75, Pow 3.25, Port 3.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.00)

You gain an exceptional animal companion that is devoted to you.
Prerequisite: Handle Animal 1 rank
Benefit: You can train any one animal or vermin that you have already tamed. Your wondrous pet is clever for a creature of its type (although its intelligence score is not altered) and it can perform any simple task (like those an animal can normally be trained to perform) under your direct supervision. With the Handle Animal skill, you can teach the creature twice the usual number of tricks for its Intelligence score (unless it is mindless, in which case you can teach it 3 tricks rather than the normal 0). You can also teach it a number of additional skill ranks equal to your ranks in the Handle Animal skill, with a training time of one week per skill rank. Finally, you can increase the creature's toughness. It can gain a number of additional hit points equal to your ranks in Handle Animal. Each extra hit point requires one week of training. If you do not have any interaction with your pet for a month it forgets a lot of what you have taught it, losing any abilities above what you would normally be able to teach such a creature with Handle Animal. However, you can retrain your existing pet. If you lose your pet or it dies, you may begin training from scratch with a new creature after one month has elapsed.
Special: You can take this feat several times. Each time it allows you to train an additional creature. Druids and worshippers of deities of plants and nature may also use this feat to train plant creatures with an Intelligence score of 0-2 that they can communicate with, at the DM’s discretion.
Notes: Many creatures lack the limbs and intelligence to learn certain skills. The ability to tame wild creatures is not included in this feat; it requires other abilities, such as the charm animal spell.
  WONDROUS PET Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.42 (Purp 5.00, Pow 4.60, Port 4.60, Comp 3.30, Rule 4.60)

Your hunches and guesses tend to be more accurate about the world around you.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (Nature) checks and Survival checks.
  WOODSCRAFT Copyright 2001, Matthew Lee Shelton
  Balance: 3.90 (Purp 3.33, Pow 3.67, Port 4.00, Comp 4.33, Rule 4.17)

WOUNDING ATTACK [Psionic, Fighter]
Your vicious attacks wound your foe.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +8
Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. You can make an attack with such vicious force that you wound your opponent. A wound deals 1 point of Constitution damage to your foe in addition to the usual damage dealt. You must decide whether or not to use this feat prior to making an attack. If your attack misses, you still expend your psionic focus.
  WOUNDING ATTACK Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.20 (Purp 4.25, Pow 4.25, Port 4.25, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.00)

WRAP SHOT [General, Fighter]
You have learned to swing your flexible weapon around obstructions.
Prerequisite: Weapon Focus (any One Flexible Weapon)
Benefit: When using a flexible weapon for which you have Weapon Focus, you may ignore any shield or cover bonuses an opponent has to Armor Class, but you cannot negate full cover.
Special: Flexible weapons include the dire flail, heavy flail, light flail, net, nunchaku, spiked chain, and whip.
  WRAP SHOT Copyright 2003, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.45 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.50, Comp 4.75, Rule 4.50)

WRENCHING ATTACK [General, Fighter]
Your attacks hinder your opponent’s ability to attack.
Prerequisite: Int 13, Base attack bonus +4
Benefit: Once per round you may declare a standard attack as a Wrenching Attack. You suffer a -4 to hit penalty but if you hit and deal damage the target must make a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + ½ damage dealt) or they will suffer a -2 penalty on all to-hit rolls. This penalty lasts for 24 hours, or until the creature is successfully treated with a DC 15 Heal check, or until it receives at least 1 point of magical curing. Multiple Wrenching Attacks are cumulative in effect but all effects are removed when the target is healed.
Special: This feat is ineffective against creatures that are not subject to critical hits (e.g. constructs, elementals, oozes, plants, undead, and characters whose armor fortification successfully activated).
  WRENCHING ATTACK Copyright 2005, Sigfried Trent, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 3.73 (Purp 3.83, Pow 3.67, Port 3.83, Comp 3.33, Rule 4.00)

The strength of your faith flows through you, allowing you to inflict terrible blows against your enemies.
Prerequisite: Smite ability
Benefit: You can use your Smite ability one additional time per day.
Special: A character can choose this feat multiple times, gaining one additional Smite attack each time this feat is chosen. If you have multiple Smite abilities that are usable against different opponents you must choose which particular Smite ability you wish to improve each time you take this feat.
  ZEALOUS SMITE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
  Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
  (Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)
  Balance: 4.15 (Purp 4.00, Pow 4.00, Port 4.50, Comp 4.25, Rule 4.00)

You can use your rebuking powers to animate the undead.
Prerequisite: Cha 25, Undead Mastery, Ability to rebuke or command undead
Benefit: You can use a rebuke or command undead attempt to animate corpses within range of your rebuke or command attempt. You animate a total number of HD of undead equal to the number of undead that would be commanded by your result (though you can’t animate more undead than there are available corpses within range). You can’t animate more undead with any single attempt than the maximum number you can command (including any undead already under your command). These undead are automatically under your command, though your normal limit of commanded undead still applies. If the corpses are relatively fresh, the animated undead are zombies. Otherwise, they are skeletons.
  ZONE OF ANIMATION Copyright 2000, System Reference Document
  Balance: 4.30 (Purp 4.50, Pow 4.00, Port 4.25, Comp 4.50, Rule 4.25)

ZONE OF DEFLECTION [General, Fighter]
You may deflect any missile that passes close to you.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Deflect Arrows, Improved Unarmed Strike
Benefit: Whenever a missile passes within your threatened area, you have the option of using your Deflect Arrows feat to try and intercept it, even if you are not the intended target. You may not otherwise exceed the limits of Deflect Arrows.
  ZONE OF DEFLECTION Copyright 2002, Carl Cramér
  Balance: 4.68 (Purp 4.60, Pow 4.60, Port 5.00, Comp 4.60, Rule 4.60)

Special Features

Our Mission

1. The Netbook of Feats strives to be the single most comprehensive collection of feats for the D20 system anywhere.

2. The Netbook of Feats should be 100% OGL and D20 compliant, and contain 100% OGC feats and related material.

3. The Netbook of Feats strives for professional or near professional quality in both content and presentation.

4. The Netbook of Feats treats its authors with consideration and courtesy and works to ensure their material has the widest audience possible.

5. The Netbook of Feats seeks to be a standard reference document for D20 players around the world.

Contact Information

The Netbook of Feats website contains information you will find nowhere else. It's got artwork, bios of the staff, news updates, links to other great sites, and lots more.

Netbook of Feats:

If you want to contact the Netbook staff for any reason all you need to do is send us an e-mail. Unless we are super busy we usually respond within a day or two, but often within a few hours.

Netbook Email:

We have a Yahoo! Public discussion forum. Anyone can join up to discuss feats, participate in polls, and get the latest announcements from the Netbook staff. You will need to sign up with Yahoo groups but its fairly easy to do.

Yahoo! Netbook of Feats:

The Rating System
The NBOF rating system has been with us since the beginning. It’s proven to be fairly useful in analyzing a feats strengths and weaknesses. It’s not a perfect system (for instance it’s hard to describe a feat as being too weak) but most alternate ideas probed too complicated or difficult to read. The primary purpose of the ratings is to give readers some idea of how good we think a given feat is. That way they can decide if they want to try using it in their game. Generally, most DMs make this decision based on their own assessments.

We try to have each feat rated by at least 3 reviewers before we include it in the NBOF and so far we have been able to achieve that goal. Usually four or five is about the optimal number of reviews to catch most problems and make a few good suggestions for improvement.

The NBOF rating is expressed like this.
Balance: X.X (Purp X, Pow X, Port X, Comp X, Rule X)

Scores are given in whole number values from 0 to 5 for each rating category, with 5 being the best score and 0 the worst. An overall score is generated as the average of the scores for each category and is usually shown to one decimal place. When averaging the scores from multiple reviewers to create the final score for the feat, we calculate them to two decimal places.

Here is how the numbers have traditionally been interpreted
5 - This is about as good as something can get.
4 - This is a good score, there are some minor flaws, although often unavoidable
3 - Pretty decent, but has some inherent flaws or could be improved upon in some way.
2 - Fairly bad, but not utterly hopeless. This is generally below the threshold of the NBOF standards.
1 - This indicates some very serious problems, and is just plain bad in some way.
0 - It doesn’t get worse than this, any feat with a zero in some category is utterly broken and probably beyond hope of redemption.

Try to keep in mind that while we are giving our personal opinions when rating a feat, we are also trying to rate them for a broader audience. So if you think that an issue you have is likely due to a personal preference not widely held, try not to over emphasize it in your ratings. For instance, if you don’t like spontaneous spell casters, don’t rate all feats dealing with that rule with ones and twos just because of that.

Also try to keep each category somewhat separate. A feat could be way too powerful, but still good if the bonus was smaller. Leadership is a very complicated feat (including multiple tables and rules) but it’s also very interesting and plays a unique roll in the game. Sometimes there is legitimate cross-over, for instance a feat that ignores some game rules might be complicated because it leads to confusion about how it should work. Or a feat that is exceptionally weak might not have much purpose as no one would take it. Try not to use the scores as a way to veto a feat, no matter your score you can always lobby for the feat to be rejected.

Any feat that receives an over-all score of less than 3.0 is automatically rejected for publication. That isn’t to say that any feat with more than a 3.0 is automatically accepted, just that they are qualified to be included. Generally a feat that has an average score less than 2.5 in a given category is unlikely to pass muster with the board no matter its other scores.

Rating Categories

Purpose (Purp): Here are questions we ask when evaluating a feat's purpose. Would anyone want to take this feat? Have I seen something like this in a movie or book? Does the feat help me to make a certain kind of character? Are there already feats that accomplish this goal better than this one? Is this feat just a weaker version of some spell or class ability? Much of the time this is an assessment of the “idea” behind the feat more than its mechanics.

Power (Pow): This is perhaps one of the most important ratings. When rating the power of a feat we usually compare it to the feats in the SRD with similar prerequisites. We rate feats lower for being too strong and for being too weak. Every feat should give the character some kind of useful advantage, but should not be so good that you would be a fool not to take it. We try to think of ways to combine the feat with others, and ways it could be abused or taken advantage of. It’s not just about how big a bonus is, but also how commonly it can be used and how easy it is to counter. A feat can be marked down in power for being too weak as well as being too strong, but this can lead to some confusion for readers. Propose is probably a better category to dock a feat for being too weak.

Portability (Port): This is a measure of how generally acceptable a feat is from one campaign world to another. It takes into account cultural assumptions, power level, use of special rules, and the like. Some feats may suffer because they seem implausible to perform, while others will suffer because they are specific to an unusual race or culture. Sometimes a feat with a low power rating will suffer here because it's unlikely many DMs will accept it without special circumstances.

Complexity (Comp): This is one of the easier categories to judge. Here are some questions we ask when evaluating complexity. How easy is it to understand the feat? How long is it, and how many different rules does it require knowledge of? Would the feat make combat or other situations more time consuming and monotonous? Could this feat do the same thing with a simpler mechanic? Does the feat require bookkeeping? Does the feat clearly explain how it is used, or are there a lot of unanswered questions? Some of the more complicated feats in the SRD are the most interesting ones. Indeed those that score a 5 here are often a little on the boring side.

Rules (Rule): Does the feat follow the SRD rules accurately? Does it explain its mechanics clearly? Does the feat follow the standard feat guidelines and conventions for a feat? If you are rating a feat that uses some kind of optional rule, try to decide how well established and workable those special rules are. Divine and Psionic feats would do badly in this category if they weren’t already established in the SRD.

Overall Rating (Balance): This is the average of the five categories, and represents the overall acceptability of the feat. Feats with a perfect rating are very rare things, especially if they were reviewed by many reviewers. Some feats with a very high rating are not the most interesting or fun, just very safe and simple. In general though, the higher the rating the better the feat and the more likely it is not to unbalance your game. Feats that have a score of less than 3.5 may well have been considered unacceptable by some members of the review board but were well liked by others. Even the best feats can be a problem in the hands of a very clever player, so in the end DM’s discretion is the best judge of a good feat.

The Netbook of Feat’s guide to submitting Feats


We want to publish your feats! And what’s more we want your work to look professional. That’s our vision; your name and feats published and used around the world. It will take some work to achieve that, but we think it’s worth the effort. The NBOF is read around the world and is quite possibly the oldest and longest running Open Gaming License publication. Look up the word “feat” or “d20 netbook” in Google and we are the first thing you will see.

Submitting Feats

Submitting feats to the Netbook is now a fairly simple process, but it will take some time and effort on your part to ensure everything goes smoothly.

Step 1: Write your feat
We only take original submissions from their original authors, so don’t send us someone else’s work. Please read our feat writing guideline to learn all about how to write a great feat.

Step 2: Proof your feat
While we have a process for proof reading and editing feats, we would much prefer you do some of this yourself before sending it in. The key factors are to make sure your feat is properly formatted and is not too similar in name or function to a feat already in the netbook. Again, please read this guide for all the details.

Step 3: Send us your feat
Email your feat(s) to ( ) and use the words “Feat Submission” in the title of the e-mail. Any e-mail format should be fine, and if you like you can send feats as attachments in most standard formats.

You must include the following text, (filling in your name and the name of your feats where appropriate) in your e-mail.

I [your real name here] am submitting the following feats to the Netbook of Feats staff to be published in the Netbook of Feats under the terms of the Open Gaming License. These feats are my own original work to which I have copyright. I grant the Netbook of Feats staff the right to edit and alter my submission as they deem necessary. [list feat names submitted here]

Legal Issues and NBOF policy

When you submit your feats to the NBOF you are giving us permission to publish them under the Open Gaming License. Once we have done that, anyone using the OGL can re-publish and change your feat without your permission or any compensation. The only requirement is that they credit the source of the feat in Section 15 of the OGL in their publication.

You are also giving the NBOF staff permission to make any edits and changes we deem necessary to your feat to fit our publishing guidelines and policies. In return we promise that you will receive due credit for your work in the NBOF both according to the terms of the OGL and our own policies.

We have a guide in the full NBOF that hopefully will answer any questions you have about the OGL and how it works.

The Feat Review Process

Here we will outline the what happens to your feat from the time you send it to us, until the time it is published in the Netbook of Feats.

Step 1: Submitting the feat
When we receive a feat submission we send a response thanking the author for their submission and try to give them some idea of how long we think it will be before we can review their feats.

Step 2: Initial Editing and Formatting
The team lead takes new submissions and save them into a word document along with the permission statement from the author. We take the feats and go through each, putting them into the standard feat format, correcting spelling or grammatical errors, and removing references not allowed under the OGL. We also check to make sure the name of the feat is not already used in the NBOF and that the feat is not too close in function to those already in the NBOF. The closer a feat is to meeting all of these standards the faster it will get out of initial editing and to the reviewing stage.

Step 3: Selecting feats for review
Every two weeks the team leader selects around 20 edited feats for review by the board. Feats are selected on a number of criteria, mostly for perceived quality and originality but also based on how long they have been waiting for review. These feats are then sent to the review board for their comments and suggestions.

Step 4: Board Review
Each member of the review board goes over the feats assigning them a rating, and making comments and suggestions for the author. The board is generally given two weeks to complete their reviews. If less than three reviewers complete their reviews the time period is extended until this minimum number is reached. Any feat that receives a passing grade and has no significant suggestions by the board is accepted for publishing. Any feat with a non-passing score or substantive suggestions by any of the board members is returned to the author along with all reviewer comments for their consideration.

Step 5: Author Revision
After review, the author will be notified as to which of their feats were accepted as is, for publication, and which ones we suggest revising or rejecting. We will include all comments and ratings by all the board members who reviewed the feat.

They author decides how they would like to revise their feats or if they would like to drop them from consideration. We prefer that the author make their own revisions, but we often offer them suggestions or examples to make this process easier.

When the author is finished, they send their feats back to us, along with any comments they would like the review board to consider.

Step 6: Continuing Review and Revision
The back and forth between the author and the review board continues both parties are satisfied with the feat. The team lead arbitrates this process and makes the final decision on when a feat is finished with the review process and ready for publication.

Step 7: Publishing
When the team leader deems a feat is ready for publication it is given some final formatting and editing changes, and then entered into our database. When enough new feats have been entered to justify updating the document, we print out a special version of the NBOF featuring only the new feats. This document is then proofed to check for errors in content or formatting.

Finally, after its long journey, your feat is added along with others into the NBOF and published on our web site, along with whatever ratings it received in its final round of review.

The Netbook of Feats guide to writing feats

Thanks for taking the time to read this document. We have been working on feats for d20 going on 5 years now and we have learned a lot in that time. This article is here to help you write the best feats possible and represents the accumulated knowledge of the NBOF staff as well as what we have leaned from others.

What is a feat?
The first thing you need to understand is what a feat is supposed to be. Here is the basic definition.

A feat is essentially a highly developed talent or trick, generally bestowing a permanent, non-magical, fixed ability, usable at will. Feats represent a learned, trained and experienced use of a physical, mental or spiritual focus, granting an increased capability or function. Some feats do bestow a spell-like or supernatural ability, but generally only at the cost of an existing similar ability.

The primary purpose of a feat is to customize your character by granting them abilities and traits that are different from other characters of the same class. Fighters are especially defined by their numerous bonus feats, but every character can benefit from them.

Feat’s are a unique mechanic, and it’s very important that a feat does not duplicate or supplant other mechanics in the game. For instance, a feat should not duplicate the effects of a standard spell. Feats should not be used to replace iconic class abilities, especially those of the base classes. Feat’s should not replace or create skills.

The most common use of a feat is to improve some action or ability a character already possesses. Rarer is a feat that grants an entirely new ability. Most feats grant a single bonus or group of closely related bonuses. Any feat that grants too many separate bonuses should probably be split into multiple feats.

Of course there are always exceptions, and feats are often used as a way to introduce new mechanics and abilities into a game. When tempted to make a feat that goes beyond the traditional definition, you should take care to ensure that a different mechanic would not be a more appropriate to represent the idea.

Coming up with an idea
Despite the limitations to what a feat should do, there is a huge world of possibilities left open to you. Most feats are simply feats that improve a particular ability already found in the game. Many others are based on a cool new ability or maneuver seen or read about. Some are simply extensions of existing feats. Some are created to simulate historical observations about melee combat.

Wherever you got the idea, the first thing you may want to do, is see if anyone else has already created a feat for it. If you are specifically writing for the NBOF you should definitely consult the current version and see if there is already something like the idea you had. Be sure to look for the idea, and not just the mechanic. Many times there are multiple ways you could simulate something using the d20 rules. You should also check to see if there is another game mechanic that accomplishes the same effect already. There may be a spell, class ability, skill or combat maneuver that already does what you want.

Once you think you have a good, original idea, its time to start working out the actual mechanics of the feat, starting with what kind of benefit it provides.

Feat Design (Twelve important rules)
Before you start in on your feat mechanics, you should be aware of the many conventions established in the System Rules Document. They are not hard and fast rules, but are more of a style guide. The NBOF follows these guidelines fairly closely and feats that deviate too far from them often receive lower scores or are rejected outright.

Rule #1: Don’t duplicate other mechanics
A feat should not duplicate another existing mechanic already found in the game. A feat granting the Sneak Attack ability or one that duplicates a spell like Detect Magic, is going to be problematic. A feat could accomplish a similar goal, but it should not simply be a replacement for those mechanics. This is especially true of class abilities that are unique to a particular class.

Rule #2: Feats are not super-natural
A feat should not grant a supernatural ability. It can allow you to use an existing supernatural ability in a new way. Divine and Psionic feats push the boundaries of this idea but they generally require a specific supernatural ability before they can be taken. So a feat that lets a winged creature fly faster is ok, but a feat that lets you grow wings is probably not.

Rule #3: Don’t create new rules
A feat should not introduce new rules that are not already in the game. So if a system has no rules for skydiving, a feat for skydiving should not be created. Feats can be created for alternate rules systems, but the rules should be defined and presented first and separately from the feat. Feats modify rules, they don’t create them.

Rule #4: Feats are not class based
They are based on abilities, not classes. Clearly there are a few feats that are designated for a particular class. They are more like optional class abilities. Fighters have a few feats based on their fighter level. That is because fighter is essentially a class that gets all of its abilities from feats and it was felt they should have a few exclusive options. If you can think of any way to make a feat open to more classes, than it’s probably a good way to go.

Rule #5: Don’t change important game limitations
The D20 rules works based on certain assumptions that are fairly important. For instance, many prestige classes require a certain skill rank or base attack bonus. This serves as an implicit level limit to acquire those classes. A feat that increases these values beyond the usual limits would be too drastic a change to the balance of those classes. Similarly feats should not change character level, statistic values, base saves, race, size or other core values determined by character class advancement.

Rule #6: Don’t reward low statistics or lack of abilities
Some are tempted to make feats that turn disadvantages into advantages. This is a good way to break game balance by rewarding min-maxing. Similar, but much less problematic are feats that let you ignore the penalties for low statistics or a lack of abilities. This often takes the form of a feat that lets you use one ability bonus in place of another. Be very careful that this doesn’t allow characters that only ever need one statistic.

Rule #7: Don’t slow down play
It’s hard to add rules without adding complexity to the game play, but it can be done. Some feats even simplify combat by letting you ignore situational penalties and rules that otherwise slow things down. This is especially important with combat feats. Anything that would slow down combat should be considered very carefully and made as simple as is possible.

Rule #8: Feats have a fixed benefit
Feats are supposed to grant you the same benefit no matter what your level, class or statistics. You especially want to avoid mechanics explicitly tied to character level, for example a +1 bonus per level to some value. A fair number of feats use statistic bonuses in some way to scale their benefit but it is avoided when possible because it is so open to abuse. If you have a mechanic in mind that only makes sense when tied to character level, it should probably be a part of a new class and not a feat.

Rule #9: Feats are only taken once
The default rule for feats is that you can only take them once. Certain feats are intended to be taken more than once, but any bonuses rarely stack. If you want feats that build upon one another you general create a series of feats that build upon one another.

Rule #10: Feats should be balanced
The general idea is that a given feat should not be much stronger than any other given feat with similar prerequisites. Feats should also be somewhat weaker than typical class abilities. At the NBOF we use the feats in the SRD as a kind of power baseline. When someone sends us a feat we compare it to a similar SRD feat. If a feat is so good that every character would prefer it over another, then it is clearly too strong. Some feats can justify greater benefits if the benefit is rarely used. So a feat that grants a bonus only to fighting dragons could have a slightly stronger benefit than one for fighting any humanoid.

Rule #11: Feats should do one thing
A feat should only have a single benefit. Some feats feature multiple bonuses to a single action, or bonuses to more than one similar action. This is generally done when the feat benefit is fairly weak or applies to a rarely used mechanic.

Rule #12: Feats should be as widely useful as possible
The best feats are ones that almost anyone can get some benefit from. If you are making a feat and you can think of a way to broaden its usefulness you should probably do so. A feat for one legged wizards wielding great swords is next to useless, and could probably be re-worked to apply to any spell caster using a weapon. Along this same line, try not to base a feat on some detail in a campaign setting if you can avoid it.

Anatomy of a Feat
This is what a properly formatted feat with all the optional information would look like. This guide will go into more detail about formatting later on in this document but you can infer a lot based on this example.

FEAT NAME [Type of feat, Type of feat]
This is where you find the general description of the feat in plain language.
Prerequisites: Statistic Requirement, Skill Requirement, Feat Requirement, etc
Benefit: What the feat enables the character to do.
Normal: Here you describe the rules for characters that don’t have the feat.
Special: Additional information about using the feat in unusual situations or describing how it interacts with other game rules.
Example: This is where the author can show you how the feat works with an example of play.
Notes: Here the author makes notes or suggestions regarding the use of the feat or the rules it is based on.

Feat Names
Much like writing the feat itself, there are some general guidelines for naming feats you should keep in mind.

Rule #1: Keep it simple
Names should be short and catchy.

Rule #2: Make it descriptive
The name of the feat should give you a good idea of what the feat does or the idea it represents. Try to avoid cute or colorful names, or names that refer to something specific to a setting or campaign.

Rule #3: Make it unique
To keep down confusion the NBOF tries to make sure each feat has a unique name. If you are going to submit your feat to the NBOF please make sure the name is not already in use.

Feat Types
Feat types are a useful tool that is not always well understood. The pattern established in the SRD and other d20 publications is not always consistent. There are two primary purposes to feat types. The first is to indicate that a feat follows certain rules set forth for feats of a given type. The second purpose is to group feats together based on the type of characters that can acquire them. Feats that break one of the general rules of feat design are often assigned a type to distinguish them from standard feats.

The NBOF uses all the feat types from the SRD but also has added a number of new feat types to help us categorize everything into useful chapters. A feat can have multiple types, although many of them are mutually exclusive.

General (SRD)
General feats are feats that do not fit into any specific category. They can usually be taken by any type of creature, often having very few limiting factors (if any at all).

Fighter (NBOF)
Fighter feats are those that pertain to skill in martial combat. Fighters may choose among these feats when gaining a bonus feat from their class. These feats are also available to any class that meets the prerequisites, unless otherwise specified.

Special (SRD)
Special feats are those that can only be taken by specific groups but do not fall into one of the other defined types. Most often, acquisition is based on a specific character class or class ability. Weapon Specialization and Extra Turning are good examples.

Item Creation (SRD)
An item creation feat lets a spellcaster create a magic item of a certain type. Regardless of the type of items they involve, the various item creation feats all have certain features in common.

XP Cost
Experience that the spellcaster would normally use to gain levels is expended when making a magic item. The XP cost equals 1/25th of the cost of the item in gold pieces. Creatures cannot spend so much XP on an item that they lose a level. However, upon gaining enough XP to attain a new level, they may decide not to take a new level but instead to save these XP for item creation.

Raw Materials Cost
The cost of creating a magic item equals one-half the sale cost of the item. Using an item creation feat also requires access to a laboratory or magical workshop, special tools, and so on. A character generally has access to what he or she needs unless unusual circumstances apply.

The time to create a magic item depends on the feat and the cost of the item. The minimum time is one day.

Item Cost
Brew Potion, Craft Wand, and Scribe Scroll create items that directly reproduce spell effects, and the power of these items depends on their caster level-that is, a spell from such an item has the power it would have if cast by a spellcaster of that level. The price of these items (and thus the XP cost and the cost of the raw materials) also depends on the caster level. The caster level must be high enough that the spellcaster creating the item can cast the spell at that level. To find the final price in each case, multiply the caster level by the spell level, then multiply the result by a constant, as shown below:
Scrolls: Base price = spell level * caster level * 25 gp.
Potions: Base price = spell level * caster level * 50 gp.
Wands: Base price = spell level * caster level * 750 gp.

A 0-level spell is considered to have a spell level of ½ for the purpose of this calculation.

Extra Costs
Any potion, scroll, or wand that stores a spell with a costly material component or an XP cost also carries a commensurate cost. For potions and scrolls, the creator must expend the material component or pay the XP cost when creating the item.

For a wand, the creator must expend fifty copies of the material component or pay fifty times the XP cost.

Some magic items similarly incur extra costs in material components or XP, as noted in their descriptions.

Metamagic (SRD)
As a spellcaster's knowledge of magic grows, they can learn to cast spells in ways slightly different from the ways in which the spells were originally designed or learned. Preparing and casting a spell in such a way is harder than normal but, thanks to metamagic feats, at least it is possible. Spells modified by a metamagic feat generally use a spell-slot higher than normal. This does not generally change the level of the spell, so the DC for saving throws against it is not altered.

Clerics, Druids and Wizards
These classes must prepare their spells in advance. During preparation, the character chooses which spells to prepare with metamagic feats (and thus the appropriate spell-slot level required).

Spontaneous spellcasters
Sorcerers and bards choose spells as they cast them. They can choose when they cast their spells whether to apply their metamagic feats to improve them. As with other spellcasters, the improved spell generally uses up a higher-level spell slot. But because the sorcerer or bard has not prepared the spell in a metamagic form in advance, they must apply the metamagic feat on the spot. Therefore, such a character must also take more time to cast a metamagic spell (one enhanced by a metamagic feat) than a regular spell. If the spell's normal casting time is 1 action, casting a metamagic version is a full-round action for a sorcerer or bard. (This isn't the same as a 1-round casting time.) For a spell with a longer casting time, it takes an extra full-round action to cast the spell. This applies to any application of metamagic feats to spontaneous spellcasting, such as a cleric spontaneously casting a metamagic version of a cure or inflict spell or a druid spontaneously casting a metamagic version of summon nature's ally.

Spontaneous Casting and Metamagic Feats
A cleric spontaneously casting a cure or inflict spell can cast a metamagic version of it instead. Extra time is also required in this case. Casting a 1-action metamagic spell spontaneously is a full-round action, and a spell with a longer casting time takes an extra full-round action to cast. Similarly with druids spontaneously casting summon nature's ally.

Effects of Metamagic Feats on a Spell
In all ways, a metamagic spell operates at its original spell level, even though it is prepared and cast as a higher-level spell. Saving throw modifications are not changed unless stated otherwise in the feat description.

The modifications made by these feats only apply to spells cast directly by the feat user. A spellcaster can't use a metamagic feat to alter a spell being cast from a wand, scroll, or other device, although it is possible to imbue a magic item with a metamagic version of a normal spell.

Metamagic feats that eliminate components of a spell don't eliminate the attack of opportunity provoked by casting a spell while threatened. However, casting a spell modified by Quicken Spell does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Metamagic feats cannot be used with all spells. See the specific feat descriptions for the spells that a particular feat cannot modify.

Multiple Metamagic Feats on a Spell
A spellcaster can apply multiple metamagic feats to a single spell. Changes to its level are cumulative. You cannot apply the same metamagic feat more than once to a single spell.

Magic Items and Metamagic Spells
With the right item creation feat, you can store a metamagic version of a spell in a scroll, potion, or wand. Level limits for potions and wands apply to the spell's higher spell level (after the application of the metamagic feat). A character does not need the metamagic feat to activate an item storing a metamagic version of a spell.

Counterspelling Metamagic Spells
Whether or not a spell has been enhanced by a metamagic feat does not affect its vulnerability to counterspelling or its ability to counterspell another spell, unless otherwise specified.

Psionic (SRD Psionics)
Psionic feats are available only to characters and creatures with the ability to manifest powers. (In other words, they either have a power point reserve or have psi-like abilities.)
Because psionic feats are supernatural abilities-a departure from the general rule that feats do not grant supernatural abilities-they cannot be disrupted in combat (as powers can be) and generally do not provoke attacks of opportunity (except as noted in their descriptions). Supernatural abilities are not subject to power resistance and cannot be dispelled; however, they do not function in areas where psionics is suppressed, such as a null psionics field. Leaving such an area immediately allows psionic feats to be used. Many psionic feats can be used only when you are psionically focused; others require you to expend your psionic focus to gain their benefit. Expending your psionic focus does not require an action; it is part of another action (such as using a feat). When you expend your psionic focus, it applies only to the action for which you expended it.

Psionic Item Creation (SRD Psionics)
Manifesters can use their personal power to create lasting psionic items. Doing so, however, is draining. A manifester must put a little of themselves into every psionic item they create.

A psionic item creation feat lets a manifester create a psionic item of a certain type. Regardless of the type of items they involve, the various item creation feats all have certain features in common.

XP Cost
Power and energy that the manifester would normally keep is expended when making a psionic item. The experience point cost of using a psionic item creation feat equals 1/25 the cost of the item in gold pieces. A character cannot spend so much XP on an item that he or she loses a level. However, upon gaining enough XP to attain a new level, he or she can immediately expend XP on creating an item rather than keeping the XP to advance a level.

Raw Materials Cost
Creating a psionic item requires costly components, most of which are consumed in the process. The cost of these materials equals ½ the cost of the item.

Using a psionic item creation feat also requires access to a laboratory or psionic workshop, special tools and other equipment. A character generally has access to what they need unless unusual circumstances apply (such as when traveling far from home).

The time to create a psionic item depends on the feat and the cost of the item. The minimum time is one day.

Item Cost
Craft Dorje, Imprint Stone, and Scribe Tattoo create items that directly reproduce the effects of powers, and the strength of these items depends on their manifester level-that is, a power from such an item has the strength it would have if manifested by a manifester of that level. Often, that is the minimum manifester level necessary to manifest the power. (Randomly discovered items usually follow this rule.) However, when making such an item, the item's strength can be set higher than the minimum. Any time a character creates an item using a power augmented by spending additional power points, the character's effective manifester level for the purpose of calculating the item's cost increases by 1 for each 1 additional power point spent. (Augmentation is a feature of many powers that allows the power to be amplified in various ways if additional power points are spent.) All other level-dependent parameters of the power forged into the item are set according to the effective manifester level.

The price of psionic items (and thus the XP cost and the cost of the raw materials) depends on the level of the power and a character's manifester level. The character's manifester level must be high enough that the item creator can manifest the power at the chosen level. To find the final price in each case, multiply the character's manifester level by the power level, then multiply the result by a constant, as shown below.

Power Stones
Base price = power level x manifester level x 25 gp
Psionic Tattoos: Base price = power level x manifester level x 50 gp
Dorjes: Base price = power level x manifester level x 750 gp

Extra Costs
Any dorje, power stone, or psionic tattoo that stores a power with an XP cost also carries a commensurate cost. For psionic tattoos and power stones, the creator must pay the XP cost when creating the item. For a dorje, the creator must pay fifty times the XP cost.

Some psionic items similarly incur extra costs in XP, as noted in their descriptions.

Metapsionic (SRD Psionics)
As a manifester's knowledge of psionics grows, they can learn to manifest powers in ways slightly slightly different to how the powers were originally designed or learned. Of course, manifesting a power while using a metapsionic feat is more expensive than manifesting the power normally.

Manifesting Time
Powers manifested using metapsionic feats take the same time as manifesting the powers normally unless the feat description specifically says otherwise.

Manifestation Cost
To use a metapsionic feat, a psionic creature must both expend their psionic focus (see the Concentration skill description) and generally pay an increased power point cost as given in the feat description.

Limits on Use
As with all powers, you cannot spend more power points on a power than your manifester level. Metapsionic feats merely let you manifest powers in different ways; they do not let you violate this rule, unless otherwise specified.

Effects of Metapsionic Feats on a Power
In all ways, a metapsionic power operates at its original power level, even though it costs additional power points. The modifications to a power made by a metapsionic feat have only their noted effect on the power. A manifester cannot use a metapsionic feat to alter a power being cast from a power stone, dorje, or other device. Manifesting a power modified by the Quicken Power feat does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Some metapsionic feats apply only to certain powers, as described in each specific feat entry.

Psionic Items and Metapsionic Powers
With the right psionic item creation feat, you can store a metapsionic power in a power stone, psionic tattoo or dorje. Level limits for psionic tattoos apply to the power's higher metapsionic level. A character does not need the appropriate metapsionic feat to activate an item in which a metapsionic power is stored, but does need the metapsionic feat to create such an item.

Divine (SRD Divine)
These feats have as a prerequisite the ability to turn (or, in most cases, rebuke) undead. Thus, they are open to clerics, paladins of 4th level or higher, and any prestige class that has that ability. (An ability to turn other creatures does not qualify a character to select one of these feats.) Second, the force that powers a divine feat is the ability to channel positive or negative energy to turn or rebuke undead. Each use of a divine feat costs the character one turn/rebuke attempt from their number of attempts per day. If a character doesn't have any turn/rebuke attempts left, they cannot use the feat. Since turning or rebuking is a standard action, activating any of these feats is also a standard action.

Rage (NBOF)
Rage feats allow you to channel your rage class ability into something other than the traditional benefit. Each time you use a Rage feat it counts as a use of your rage ability. Using a rage feat is a free action as is using the standard rage ability; it also has the same duration and leaves you fatigued afterwards as rage does. Rage feats are usually extraordinary abilities but are often stronger than ordinary feats.

Stealth (NBOF)
Stealth feats require class abilities including sneak attack or improved evasion, often associated with rogues and other stealthy classes.

Song (NBOF)
Song feats are essentially new magical effects you can create if you have the bardic music class ability. They are generally supernatural effects and using them is just like using one of the standard bardic music abilities. Each should have a prerequisite of a number of ranks in the perform skill.

Wild (NBOF)
Wild feats are those that involve a druid's ability to shape change into a wild animal; you must have the wild shape ability before acquiring these feats.

Martial Style (NBOF)
These feats are generally limited to characters that use special unarmed combat techniques like the Monk or similar prestige classes because of the class abilities listed in their prerequisites.

Magical (NBOF)
These are general feats that enhance a character's magical ability in some fashion or change the way they learn, cast or memorize spells. The Netbook of Feats team is of the belief that these feats should be selectable by wizards as bonus feats, in addition to Spell Mastery, metamagic and item creation feats (discuss with your DM if you wish to do this).

Epic (SRD Epic)
Epic feats are only available to characters of a level greater than 20. Being available to only exceptionally powerful creatures, epic feats can grant supernatural or special abilities that are beyond the realms of normal feats.

Monster (SRD)
Monster feats are generally not intended for player characters, although some DMs may allow them for characters with a 'monster' race. They have prerequisites that are generally unavailable to characters, such as a spell-like ability, Large size, or the ability to fly.

Regional (NBOF)
Regional feats are a category of special feats that relate to a specific area or environment. In order to learn these you must either come from a particular location, or spend an appropriate amount of time learning the ways of the people there. In order to qualify for a regional feat, you must either begin play as a character from the region in question, or acquire at least two ranks of Knowledge (local) for that region and spend an appropriate amount of time there.

Racial (NBOF)
These are special feats that can only be taken by those who are of a specific race, or those who have received training from that specific race. While open to anyone, many racial feats are considered secrets. Very few are shared with those outside of that race.

Role Play (NBOF)
This feat type was created by the Netbook of Feats staff to identify feats that require a certain amount of adjudication on the part of the DM and/or a certain amount of role playing on the part of the player. Their benefits are often situational and subject to some interpretation.

Trait (NBOF)
Traits are very similar to general feats, but generally reflect on personality, history, and character type. Traits are based on inborn talents or birthrights and can only be taken during initial character generation.

Modern (NBOF)
Feats with the modern type are intended for a modern day or futuristic d20 setting and feats that refer to mechanics exclusive to the Modern System Rules Documents.

Weapon Group (OGC)
Weapon group feats are part of an optional rules system that replaces the normal system for weapon proficiencies. They are somewhat more powerful but perhaps more realistic than the traditional system.

In the System Reference Document weapons are divided into three categories: simple, martial, and exotic. While this system works very well for establishing the complexity of each weapon and balancing the class's abilities against one another, grouping weapons by similar type offers an exciting variant to determine what weapons a character knows how to use.

At its simplest, the Weapon Group feat variant establishes a small list of feats called Weapon Group proficiency feats. Each feat allows a character to use a small number of similar weapons without penalty. Although most characters using this system are proficient with fewer weapons than the character classes from the Player's Handbook, the weapons they know how to use will be grouped along similar theme, providing a little more flavor to each character's weapon choice at the expense of a small amount of versatility. Using Weapon Groups in place of Class Weapon Proficiencies

A number of Weapon Group proficiency feats substitute for each class's starting weapon proficiencies. These are given in the class descriptions in the Character Classes section. Weapon Group proficiency feats belong to the fighter's list of bonus feats.

Class Weapon Group Proficiencies at 1st Level
Barbarian Basic weapons, plus any other three
Bard Basic weapons, plus any other two
Cleric Basic weapons, plus any other two
Druid Basic weapons, plus either druid weapons or spears
Fighter Basic weapons, plus any other four
Monk Basic weapons, plus any other one
Paladin Basic weapons, plus any other three
Ranger Basic weapons, plus any other three
Rogue Basic weapons, plus any other two
Sorcerer Basic weapons, plus either spears or crossbows
Wizard Basic weapons or crossbows

Multiclassed Characters And Starting Weapon Proficiencies
When multiclassing, characters that do not possess enough Weapon Group proficiency feats to meet the new class's starting weapon proficiencies gain the difference in Weapon Group proficiency feats to meet those requirements. For example, a wizard proficient with Basic Weapons takes a level in Fighter. Since the Fighter class grants Basic Weapons plus any other four groups, the character gets to select four other weapon groups as bonus Weapon Group proficiency feats. In our example, the wizard/fighter selects Bows, Crossbows, Heavy Blades and Light Blades. If this same character were to take a level in Sorcerer, he would not gain any additional feats, as he would already know Basic Weapons and Crossbows, thus meeting the starting weapon proficiency requirements listed above. If this same character were to take a level in Druid instead of Sorcerer, the character would need to select either Druid Weapons or Spears, as he is already proficient in Basic Weapons, but in neither of the other two options granted by the Druid's starting weapon proficiencies.

Using Weapon Groups with Racial Favored Weapons
Some races gain free weapon proficiencies or are innately familiar with specific exotic weapons. These are described under a few of the individual races in the Character Races section.

Weapon-Specific Feats
Any feat that requires a character to choose a specific weapon to apply the feat's benefit to (such as Improved Critical, Weapon Focus, or Weapon Specialization) is instead applied to a weapon group. The character must still meet the prerequisites for the feat. Feat Descriptions

Following are the Weapon Group proficiency feats available to characters. They are presented in the normal format for feats.

Feat Description
Feat descriptions should give you a good idea of both the mechanic and the concept of the feat. Usually descriptions are a single sentence long. They are generally used in feat indexes to help quickly find a feat that does what you are looking for when building your character. Much like the feat name, you should avoid excessive “flavor.”

Feat Prerequisites
Prerequisites are conditions you must meet or exceed; both to acquire a feat and to use the feat. Their primary role is to make a feat “cost” more and thus balance feats with greater power against those with few or no prerequisites. Keep in mind that every feat has an implicit cost of one feat. Many characters will only ever have a handful of feats and so each feat slot is fairly precious.

Don’t create optional prerequisites or interchangeable prerequisites if at all possible.

Statistic Requirements
Many feats have statistic requirements. There are a few reasons why you might want to include one. The first is for the sake of balance. For instance, Combat Expertise requires Int 13, and this acts as a cost for combat characters that often have little need for intelligence. Another reason to have a stat requirement is for the sake of realism. Power Attack requires a Str of 13, a stat already useful to most combat characters, but is used because it would be unrealistic for a weak character to make a “powerful” attack.

Statistic requirements should always be odd values. This is to create some advantage for odd valued statistics since stat bonuses increase on even numbered values.

Feat Requirements
Some feats build upon one another, creating greater but similar benefits to those that are included as their prerequisites. These are often referred to as “feat chains”. In other cases feat’s use prerequisites simply as a way to increase the cost of the feat, much as how many prestige classes require certain feats. Often cost based prerequisites are some of the weaker feats available.

If a feat uses another feat as a prerequisite you should list all prerequisites needed for that feat as well. So if a feat requires Cleave, it should also list Str 13 and Power Attack as a prerequisite.

Skill Requirements
Many feats will require you to have a number of ranks in a skill. While sometimes this is done for the sake of realism it is more often a way to implicitly limit the minimum level of characters taking the feat. They can also represent a cost for a feat for classes that receive few skill points to spend. To some degree they also limit which classes can take the feat at a given level due to class and cross class skill designations.

Base Attack Bonus Requirements
Much like skill requirements these are most often used to create an implicit level limit for a feat. Also like skill requirements they tend to favor classes with stronger BAB progression and are often used in Fighter feats.

Ability Requirements
These are becoming more and more common as the number of feats grows. Requiring class abilities does not explicitly limit a feat to a specific class, but certainly excludes classes that don’t have that ability. The NBOF often groups feats with similar ability requirements into chapters so it’s easy to find feats your character can use. These kinds of requirements generally do not represent a cost but are there because the feat mechanics are dependent upon the ability.

There are some feats that have unusual prerequisites including race, region, class, level, base saves, or the like. Some of these are in opposition to the guidelines for creating feats, but there are always exceptions to the rules. It is best to avoid these kinds of requirements if possible. If you want to limit character level, try using BAB or a skill rank. If you want to limit race, choose a racial ability. If you want to limit class, choose a class ability. This makes the feat much more flexible and interesting. If you want to limit feats to certain backgrounds in a campaign world; that is best done by individual DMs and not in the feat description.

Feat Benefits
This is the real meat of the feat. The benefit should describe exactly what the feat does in game terms and how it can be used. Try to be as clear and concise as possible. The key to writing the benefits section is to know the rules as thoroughly as possible. It’s a good idea to read any rules pertaining to the feat mechanics before writing them to ensure you use the proper terms and language. If another feat has a similar mechanic you can pattern your language on that feat’s benefit.

This is where most of the twelve rules of feat design come into play. Be sure to consider each of them as you create the benefits. Sometimes you must break or bend a few to get the feat to be what you envision it as, but you want to minimize any deviation as best you can.

Feat Normal
The purpose of the normal section is to describe what the rules are if you didn’t have the feat. Sometimes this is useful for clarifying what the feat actually does, as not everyone always remembers some of the more obscure rules in the game. It is best to simply quote the rules from the SRD if that is possible.

Feat Special
The special section is a kind of catch all section to further detail how the feat works. Often it is used to describe how the feat works under special circumstances, thus answering questions that may come up in play. It is also where you might put tables used for the feat not included in the benefits section. Finally this is where you make any notes about how the feat may deviate from standard rules for acquiring feats.

Feat Example
When a feat has fairly complicated mechanics or when it is open to some interpretation you may want to include an example of how it is used properly that would clear up any confusion. This is especially useful when calculations are involved.

Feat Notes
The notes section is where the author can comment on the feat, usually describing what the feat was intended to simulate or how they think a DM should use it in their game. This is especially common with feats that require some judgment calls by a DM. Try to keep your notes to information you think will be useful to the reader.

NBOF Style Guide
The NBOF has its own format and style for printing feats, and it is extremely helpful for us if our authors follow the same conventions. We patterned our style on that of a certain publisher but we have a few differences and some items based on our database import program.

Feat names are in all capital letters and should not include comas.
Feat types are contained in brackets, separated by commas.
Both the feat name and type should be bold.
Don’t use brackets anywhere in the feat text other than to contain the feat types.
All feats should include a description.
Each section of a feat (except description) is bold and followed by a colon.
Do not include any colons “:” anywhere in the feat text except to follow a section name.
Don’t use the greater than or less than symbols in your text as separators.
Prerequisites should be separated by commas and should not include any non-separating commas in their text.
We default to Times New Roman size 12 and prefer you don’t use styles.

Spelling and Grammar
We use US standard spellings of English words, primarily because that is what the SRD is written in. We strongly encourage you to proof your feats for spelling mistakes before sending them in.

Use this format for BAB bonus requirements: Base attack bonus +4
Use this format for statistic requirements: Str 13
Use this format for skill requirements: Craft (Armor) 5 ranks
Don’t use “or” or “and”, separate prerequisites with commas.
When listing prerequisites included because of a feat you are including, list them prior to listing the feat they came from.

If you have a table as a part of your feat, it is quite helpful if you can format it in HTML as well as providing it as plain formatted text.

File Format
We’ll take word, txt, rtf, or html files, as well as most e-mail formats. If you compress a file please use .zip or .rar only.

Game Terms
Capitalize the first letter of each word in the name of a feat, spell, class, race, combat maneuver, statistic, or other game term.

Copyright Concerns
Don’t include the names of any places, persons, or things that are copy written by anyone other than yourself. That includes the names of publications, companies, monsters, characters etc... Don’t reference feats or rules published in products that do not use the Open Gaming License.

Prose Style
Please write in “second person” using the pronouns, you and your, instead of his, her, or their, as if you were describing how to use the feat to the character taking it.

NBOF Elements
The netbook of feats adds some additional elements to its feats that are not technically a part of the feat. We distinguish these elements by indenting them two spaces from the left margin. If you are using a feat from the netbook we prefer that you do not include these elements, and imagine most people would not want to.

We include a line indicating the author and copyright date for the feat. We do this to ensure that the author receives as much credit and acclaim for their feat as possible.
FEAT NAME Copyright XXXX, Author’s Name

We include a rating for the feat that represents the average score given to the feat by the members of our review board.
Balance: X.XX (Purp X.XX, Pow X.XX, Port X.XX, Comp X.XX, Rule X.XX)

Comments are a space for the NBOF staff to make comments about a feat, usually regarding rules questions and clarifications related to it.

Version 1.0a

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13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.
14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.
Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.;
Netbook of Feats Copyright 2000 Fantasy Netbook Community Council - Authors: Agustín Martín, Alan Sullivan, Alan Z. Eisinger, Albert Nakano, Anne Trent, B. Marcus Lindberg, Bill Browne, Bradley H. Bemis Jr., Brendan Quinn, Brian A. Smith, Carl Cramér, Chris Meravi, Curtis Bennett, Damon J Calhoun, Dan Hopkins, Daniel Langdon, David Sanders, David Spitzley, Dominique Crouzet, Don McKinney, Eric D. Harry, Ian Cheesman, Jason D. Kemp, Jason Spangler, Jerry M. Chaney II, John O. Lamping, Jonathan D. Woolley, Jose Lira, Joshua Turton, Marcus Lindberg, Mark Koh, Matthew Lee Shelton, Max, Michael J. Kletch, Paul W. King, Peter K. Campbell, Pier Giorgio Pacifici, Rafael Arrais, Rebecca Glenn, Rick Coen, Robert Michael Ogilvie, Scott Metzger, Scott Resnick, Sean Kelly, Sigfried Trent, Steven J. Damon, Sébastien Adhikari, Terje Kristian Backman, Timothy S. Brannan, Troy Lenze, Tyson Neumann, William Batok, William Setzer
Feats Copyright 2002, Alderac Entertainment Group
Alchemy & Herbalists Copyright 2002, Bastion Press
Arcana - Societies of Magic Copyright 2002, Green Ronin
Armies fo the Abyss Copyright 2002, Green Ronin
Battle Magic: the Eldrich Storm Copyright 2002, Mongoose Publishing
Black Flags, Copyright 2002 Avalanche Press
Blight Magic, Copyright 2002 Mystic Eye Games
Book of Eldritch Might Copyright 2001, Monte J. Cook
Broadsides! Naval Adventuring Copyright 2001, Living imagination Inc.
Burok Torn, Copyright 2002 Sword & Sorcery Studios/White Wolf
Chaos Magic: Wild Sorcery Copyright 2002, Mongoose Publishing
Codex Arcanis Copyright 2001, Paradigm Concepts
A complete Guide to Drow Copyright 2002, Goodman games
Constructs: It is Alive Copyright 2002, Mongoose Publishing
Crusaders of Valor Copyright 2002, Mongoose Publishing
Demonology: The Dark Road Copyright 2001, Mongoose Publishing
Doom of Odin Copyright 2002, Avalanche Press
Dragon Lords of Melnibone Copyright 2000, Chaosium Inc.
Dragons Copyright 2001, Alderac Entertainment Group
Dungeons Copyright 2001, Alderac Entertainment Group
Evil Copyright 2001, Alderac Entertainment Group
Fey Magic: Dreaming the Reverie Copyright 2002, Mongoose Publishing
Freeport: The City of Adventure Copyright 2002, Green Ronin Publishing
Gladiator, Sands of Death Copyright 2001, Mongoose Publishing
Gods Copyright 2002, Alderac entertainment Group
Hall of the Rainbow Mage Copyright 2002, Sword & Sorcery Studios/White Wolf
Hammer & Helm Copyright 2002, Green Ronin
Heroes of High Favor: Dwarves Copyright 2002, Badaxe Games
Hollowfaust Copyright 2001, Sword & Sorcery Studios/White Wolf
The hunt: Rise of Evil World Book Copyright 2002, Mystic Eye Games
Interludes, Brief expeditions to Bluffside Copyright 2001, Thunderhead Games
Jade & Steel Copyright 2001, Avalanche Press
Librium Equitis Copyright 2002, Mystic Eye Games
Mercenaries Copyright 2002, Alderac Entertainment Group
Monsters Copyright 2002, Alderac Entertainment Group
Mystic Warriors Copyright 2001, Mystic eye Games
Mythic Races Copyright 2001, Fantasy Flight Inc.
Necromancy: Beyond the Grave Copyright 2001, Mongoose Publishing
Occult Lore Copyright 2002, Atlas Games
Quintessential Cleric Copyright 2002, mongoose Publishing
Quintessential Dwarf Copyright 20002, Mongoose Publishing
Quintessential Elf Copyright 2002, Mongoose Publishing
Quintessential Fighter Copyright 2002, Mongoose Publishing
Quintessential Rogue Copyright 2002, Mongoose Publishing
Quintessential Wizard Copyright 2002, Mongoose Publishing
Relics & Rituals Copyright 2001, Clark Peterson
Seas of Blood Copyright 2001, Mongoose Publishing
Secret college of Necromancy copyright 2002, Green Ronin Publishing
Seven Strongholds Copyright 2002, Atlas games
Shaman's Handbook Copyright 2002, Green Ronin Publishing
Shamans: Call of the Wild copyright 2002, Mongoose Publishing
Slayer's Guide to Dragons Copyright 2002, Mongoose Publishing
Slayer's Guide to Trolls Copyright 2002, Mongoose Publishing
Slayer's Guide to Sahuagin copyright 2002, Mongoose Publishing
Spells & Magic Copyright 2002, Bastion Press
Spells & Spellcraft Copyright 2002, Fantasy Flight, Inc.
The Taan copyright 2001, Sovereign Press
Touched by the gods Copyright 2001, Atlas Games
Traps & Treachery Copyright 2001, Fantasy Flight, Inc.
Twilight of Atlantis Copyright 2002, Avalanche Press
Twin Crowns: Age of Exploration Fantasy Copyright 2001, Living Imagination Inc.
Undead Copyright 2001, Alderac Entertainment Group
Vlad the Impailer Copyright 2002, Avalanche Press
War Copyright 2001, Alderac Entertainment Group
Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker.
Rokugan Copyright 2001, Alderac Entertainment Group
The Tide of Years Copyright 2001, Michelle A. Brown Nephew
Seafarer's Handbook Copyright 2001, Fantasy Flight, Inc.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Way of the Witch Copyright 2002, Citizen Games; Authors Janet Pack, Jean Rabe, Megan Robertson, and Christina Stiles
The Shaman's Handbook Copyright 2002, Green Ronin Publishing; Author, Steve Kenson
Relic's & Rituals Copyright 2001, Clark Peterson
Unearthed Arcana, Copyright 2004, Wizards of the Coast Inc; Andy Collins, Jesse Decker, David Noonan, Rich Redman.
Mutants & Masterminds Copyright 2002, Green Ronin Publishing.
Swords of Our Fathers Copyright 2003, The Game Mechanics.

[End of License]