The Official T$R Book of Adventure Suggestions
(ie, the book of tricks and traps)
The content of this book should be pretty much self-explanatory.
Most of the ideas will need fleshing out for your own RPGs - by leaving out
all specific detail I keep T$R at bay and ensure that it's compatible with any
game system, killing two lawyers with one shotgun shell :-).
Almost none of the ideas here are my own. I've collected them from
ADND-L, books, movies, other people, and my own RPGs. I hope no one
minds, but the spirit of ADND-L - and AD&D itself - is the sharing of
ideas and information. Most of the stuff here is so generic it's hard to
copyright it anyway. Still, if anyone doesn't like it, mail me and I'll stop
distributing the book.
Like the rest of the AD&D files on the net, this book is free. You
can mangle it, copy it, share it, and use it in any way you like. _But not
sell it_. However, there is one charge :-) : If you think of any ideas that
could appear here, you have to send them to me at
for inclusion in the next version of TGNBODI (what an acronym!). Put
TGNBODI in the subject line to make sure I see your message. Thanks..
I'll post this to ADND-L every time I produce another version, and
will place it on the ADND-L archiveserver if it still exists and someone can
tell me how. If there are any RPG FTP sites still alive, mail me the address
and I'll upload it there. But _DON'T_ post the address to the list! T$R has
eyes everywhere..
I suggest you don't allow your players to read this book, for obvious
reasons :-). Some of the ideas here will still work if the players know about
them, but not many. On the other hand, ask your entire RPG group for
dungeon ideas and send them to me.
This book was originally compiled into the Tome of Vast
Knowledge, but after the Builder program crashed and murdered my
database for the second time, I lost faith and it's now kept in 70 column
.TXT format. Yeah, I know, it was all my fault. I should have kept a
backup. But this program's as safe as houses, isn't it? Isn't it? If anyone
wants to convert it to TOVK, go ahead, and good luck. You'll need it :-).
*Dud Door I*
The players find a hidden door. It's painted bright pink and has
hundreds of coloured lights and levers. Nothing can force it open, and
clairvoyance, teleport etc don't work beyond it. If anyone pulls a lever,
everyone within 10' gets a 1hp electric shock and all the lights change
Afterthought: The characters are being chased by a powerful
monster and they wind up in a dead end with this door as the only way out.
See how desperate they get to figure it out with the monster 15 seconds
behind them..
*Dud Door II*
Somewhere in the dungeon the players find a locked door they can't
force, pick, or whatever. Later the come across a large crystal key. If the key
is placed in the lock, it is ripped from the character's grasp and swallowed
by the door.
Afterthought: The key then reappears wherever it was before.
*Invisible Bridge*
An invisible bridge 1' wide and 50' long spans a deep chasm. The
players have to
1) work out that it's there.
2) convince themselves that it's there.
3) work out a system of ropes etc to make sure no one falls.
Use dex checks to determine chances of falling. Strong winds,
hostile flying creatures, and a fear of heights could make this harder.
Afterthought: There is a 3' long gap in the centre of the bridge, and
if the players assume that it's solid all the way and walk over... The gap can
be jumped easily once they know it's there.
*Appearing Bridge*
Scenario similar to 'Invisible Bridge', except that the bridge isn't
even there until someone tries to step on it. Then it appears, one foot at a
time, and everyone can see it.
Afterthought: The characters are being chased, and anyone running
along the bridge will move faster than the blocks can appear, and fall. The
blocks may disappear again behind the characters to stop the monster
*Guard route*
Guards patrol an area the characters must gain entry to. The guards
are too nasty to fight and the party cannot risk raising the alarm.
Sleep or charm spells
Impersonate guard
Impersonate high official and bluff
Kill a guard and take uniform
Invisibility or fly
*Object on high hook*
A valuable object (keys?) sits on a small hook 80' up an
unclimbable wall. An anti-magic field surrounds the room. Solution: fire an
arrow or throw something to knock the object off the hook.
Afterthought: Object is fragile and someone must be standing ready
to catch it.
*Sleeping guards*
The characters gain entry to a guardroom full of sleeping guards.
They must kill the guards or sneak past them to gain an object.
Afterthought: If any of the PLAYERS speaks to another player
(simulating character-character conversation) during this encounter, the
guards wake.
*Pit trap with trapdoor*
The first character falls into a pit trap for low damage. It's easy to
get out again, but if they stop to search, they find a trapdoor to another area
in the bottom of the pit.
*Archer attack at point-blank*
The party engages in combat with a few archers, who eventually
scatter and run for it. The characters don't pursue, and later open a door to
find one of the archers 2' behind it pointing a crossbow at his head for /lots/
of damage.
Afterthought: The archers are in fact scattered in ambush positions
right through the dungeon. Hear noise will detect them on the other side of
*Flammable slime*
Gooey green slime drips onto a character's head. It does no damage
(the player doesn't know that), but tell the player that it's itching and
stinging. The slime can be scraped off easily with a weapon. However, it is
highly flammable and attempts to burn it off are likely to end in disaster.
Afterthought: The players then collect the slime, put it in the
thumbscrews they found in a torture chamber a while back, and make
molotov cocktails!
*Wounded monster seen escaping*
The party turns a corner to see a wounded monster slinking off.
They can capture it and interrogate it, but it may try to escape later.
*Glory device*
The players find a statue of a fighter desperately trying to press the
button in the centre of an amulet he's wearing. The amulet is not petrified
and can be taken from the fighter (whose ghost later haunts them?).
Pressing the button obliterates everything within 15' - the fighter knew he
was going to die and was trying to take the monster with him.
Afterthought: To be fair, you should give the players some kind of
warning about the amulet rather than just killing them all off for
experimenting. Perhaps a loud siren sounds the first time they press the
button, and it explodes on the second?
*Statues abound; medusa?*
The players find serval statues scattered around a room. The door is
closed, and they should get the hint from the statues that the have to open it
with eyes shut and mirrors ready. If not, well, it's their own fault.
*Stone block & trapdoor*
A 5' x 5' x 5' stone block in the corner of a room with an 11'
ceiling. Stand on block, poke ceiling and find a trapdoor to another area.
(This is a really old trick, so expect the players to find it). Afterthought:
The block rises up after the characters, blocking the trapdoor and trapping
*Alice in Wonderland I*
The characters enter a room containing a potion labelled 'drink me'.
Searching the room will reveal a mousehole about 4” high. Solution: drink
potion. But how is the character going to get back to full size?
*Alice in Wonderland II*
The party finds that they are being followed around by a grin. They
can't hurt it in any way, or get rid of it, or escape it. It goes away by itself
after thoroughly terrifying them. Just a good interlude..
*Riddling Statue*
A room containing a statue of a sage and no doors (the door the
party entered by has disappeared). Teleport etc won't get them out of the
room. The statue will answer any question with 'what' in it (such as “What
is the easiest way to get out of here?”), even if the party did not intend it as
a question. One in four answers are false, and the statue will answer a
maximum of six questions.
The easiest way out is to ask the statue. If the characters waste
their questions, they'll have to find another way..
*Bottomless Hole*
For some reason (a bet? a spell?), the party has to find out whether
a hole is bottomless or not. Easy. Drop something down and listen.
Afterthought: If they watch it carefully, the party will find that the
hole is slowly but steadily moving towards them. Anyone who falls in will
probably never be recovered. The hole will chase them throughout the entire
dungeon, which raises an interesting question: how do you kill a hole? You
fill it in..
*Spiky Mat With Object*
A 3' x 3' mat covered in long poisonous spikes. Stuck to the
underside is a valuable object. Solution: Flip the mat over with a polearm.
Afterthought: The mat wakes up and starts chasing the characters.
*Timebomb About to Explode*
A room containing a 3' black sphere (a bomb), and a complicated
timing device. It will explode and destroy some valuable treasure if the
characters run. If they try to disarm it, either make an INT check or use this
The number needed to disarm the bomb is 330 (it will change each
time the bomb is disarmed, but is always 1-999). A guess may be used to
try a number, or find out if the answer is divisible by a number. They have
10 guesses and 60 seconds. If they run out of either the bomb explodes.
Afterthought: The players take the bomb with them (by rolling it
along the ground), and later reactivate it to destroy something.
*Equipment Must be Destroyed Quickly*
For some reason (about to summon a monster?), equipment in a
room must be destroyed quickly and completely. Solution: use the bomb
from 'Timebomb About to Explode'.
*Maths Puzzle*
The walls of a room are made of bricks with numbers engraved in
them, from 1-999. The party has already found three strange artifacts,
shaped like this:
------\ /-------\ \ /
| | | \ /
/-----/ \-------/ X
| | / \
\------ | / \
Push brick 18 (2x9) for a bonus - all others are traps.
*Capture Enemy Mage*
The party enters a mage's sleeping quarters to find him asleep on a
bunk. They can capture him and interrogate, but must beware of verbal-only
spells and sudden escape attempts.
*Glass Ceiling*
Stuck for a way to get out of the dungeon, the party enters a room
with a glass dome 50' up for a ceiling. Through the glass they can see the
sky. Solution: Smash glass and climb or fly up.
Afterthought: Shards of falling glass do some damage if they didn't
get out of the way in time.
*Dead Rat With Gem*
Inside a treasure chest the characters find: a dead rat. Inside the rat is a
1000GP gem - and if they don't cut it open they'll never know.
*Killer Veggies*
A good trap to use if the group isn't cooperating. The first character in line
opens a door to be grabbed by some strange vegetation. The victim will be
digested in 30 seconds, and the only way to free them is for EVERY
member of the group to assist in pulling them out.
*Scratches on Walls Near Lair*
Observant characters will spot long scratches on the walls. They should
thus be prepared for a surprise attack by a wererat, or equivalent. If nobody
commented on the scratches or what they could signify, the monsters
automatically get surprise.
*Invisible Force Field*
A valuable item sits in the centre of the floor. If anyone tries to get near,
they'll feel bars pushing against their chest and legs. Note that tall
characters will NOT feel bars against their head, but you don't have to tell
them this unless they ask. The bars are only 5' high, but it will take some
experimenting to figure this out. Once they know, magic or a good jump
should get them over.
Afterthought: It could also be set up so that the bars are 8' tall,
but only surround three sides of the item.
*Greed Trap I*
A 20'x10' room with a door at each end. The floor is covered with gold
pieces. The party can take as many as they can carry.
The problem is, the gold is what's holding the floor down. The
moment more than 150gp leaves the room (like when the first character
leaves, and the others are still there), the floor will shoot up and slam them
against the ceiling.
*Greed Trap II*
A gently sloping corridor 5' wide and 100' long. Darkened. Every 10 feet
there is a valuable item of some sort. The slope gradually steepens and
becomes slippery. After 60', the characters cannot get back up, and will
slide into a deep pit at the end of the corridor.
Afterthought: Roping the characters together will fix this problem.
They could also try descending into the pit and finding the treasure left
behind when previous people fell for this.
One of the adventurers (better make it an NPC, to be fair) is silently killed
and their place taken by a doppleganger. The doppleganger has all the
powers of the person it killed and will betray the group at a suitable
*Backstab Enemy Mage*
A powerful mage steps out in front of the party and threatens them. They
can't attack without getting roasted. Solution: a thief sneaks around and
backstabs the mage. Could also use invisibility, distractions etc.
*Humungous Fungus*
A 6'x6'x6' soft green lump in the centre of the room. Can climb over it -
carefully - with no trouble. If it's punctured, spores do LOTS of damage.
Afterthought: Several other, smaller, green lumps are seen
throughout the dungeon. They gradually grow and multiply..
*Another Adventuring Party*
The characters come across another adventuring party, of similar power to
themselves. Role-play the meeting: attack? merge groups?
*Trapped Demon*
A demon trapped in a magic pentagram tries to persuade the characters to
release it (promises gold etc, actually just kills them).
*Fill Room With Water*
A very small room with a trapdoor in the ceiling. An auto-refilling bucket
of water sits in the corner. The walls cannot be climbed and it's an anti-
magic zone. Solution: Fill the room with water and swim up.
*Player Controlled*
One of the characters picks up a sword (or whatever), and is immediately
controlled. The rest of the party must use unarmed combat to remove the
weapon, without killing the controlled character.
*Rescue Prisoners*
The party enters a jail of some sort. After killing the jailor, they rescue the
prisoners. Some may be reliable, some could try to betray the characters.
Afterthought: One of them is a lycanthrope. Or a vampire. Or a
polymorphed evil mage.
*Scroll Hidden in Picture*
A room lined with large, heavy tapestries. A scroll is either hidden behind
one, or WRITTEN ON THE BACK. The tapestry will be awkward to carry
around but the scroll cannot be removed..
*Dud Money*
Treasure chest full of copper coins. An illusion has been cast on the coins to
make them look like gold coins; it will fade within a few hours.
*Catch 22 pit trap:*
The player falls in, taking standard falling damage, then the roof
closes, sealing them in. Before them are two levers. The first lever throws
the player out of the traps with a minor fireball 3d6 dmg from the fire plus
3d6 dmg from the force of landing or hitting the ceiling. The other lever will
let off a full fireball above the trapped player, getting his comrades.
*Teleporting Pit Trap:*
When the player falls in he is teleported to a random location. If
his companions follow, they might go to a different location.
*The Egg Beater Pit Trap:*
There are three animated stone fists in the pit that grab the player
once he's down, attempt to strip him of everything he is wearing, and give
him a few good licks. The stone fists have a strength of 19 and 20 hitpoints.
They are immune to fire and lightening. There is usually a lot of bones and
treasure in the trap for those who are strong enough to take it.
*The delay trap*
Hit the third character or wait one round before going off.
*The offset trap.*
What happens if you open the door and a pit opens on either side of
the door? Those characters standing off to the side would get it! One version
of this had an entire hallway errupt into flame when a door around the
corner was opened. I thought it might get one character, but it got all but the
brave fool who opened the door. (He was met by three drow).
*The infinite loop!:*
Being a CSCI major, I was enlightened to the possibility of this
trap by a bad program. The character enters a teleporter that teleports him to
another teleport that teleports him back. The loop continues until acondition
is met (usually a dispel magic is cast or a lever somewhere down the
corridor is pulled. This will frazzle most players.
*Yellow Mold Death.*
Picture a room with Yellow Mold covering the floor. The room is
50x50 and 30 feet high. On the ceiling are Stalagmites(or stalagtites, I get
them mixed up). In reality they are piercers. In the back of the room is a
chest that id bolted to the floor, it is not covered by the mold. If the
characters walk on the floor then the mold will go off. So most of the time
they will choose to fly(They think it is so simple!!) That is when the fun
starts. When they get half way across the room the piercers start dropping.
If they hit the fool who is flying then so be it. They will probably fall into
the mold causing it to go off. But if the piercers miss, then they hit the
mold. Very bad for the characters indeed..
*Trapped Door*
First off, one of my own modification. When a character goes to
open a door, have him make a saving throw(you can decide against what.)
If he makes it, he takes half damage, if he doesn't, full. When the door
opens, have a large glowing fist slam into the lead character. Of course,
even if he makes the roll, he's going to go flying through the air. You can
even make him roll a Dex check to see if he does additional damage. But, in
order for your characters to truly appreciate this trap, you must explain that
then the hand grasps the door knob and pulls the door shut behind it. My
players get a kick out of it. They don't even feel bad for taking the damage(I
usually make it about 2d20, half if they make the saving throw.) Now,
assuming they have brains, they should realize the trap just reset itself. So,
what's the trick? You have two options. You could just make it susceptible
to dispel magic, but I prefer a little something different. Have them knock.
They'll get a kick out of it if they ever figure it out. If you want to make it
more difficult, have them have to then tell the hand a password, although if
they figure out that they have to knock, I'd let them go.
*The Pedestal*
Next, one I played in a Ravenloft module. Place some item of
value on a pedestal(sp?) in the middle of the room. Make sure the room is
pretty large, but otherwise featureless. Then tell them that there appears to
be a chimney-like hole in the ceiling above, but that you can't see where it
leads. Then, when they touch the item, have them make a saving throw vs.
Death. If they make it they notice that the ceiling just collapsed and were
able to jump back where the item was and stand under the chimney. If they
don't make it, then they don't realize there only chance is the chimney and
get flattened by the ceiling. They're most assuredly dead. Oh, and about that
escape. Now that they are so much closer to the chimney, they realize it is
only about eight feet tall...and air tight! They only have about an hour max
worth of air. So, unless that character is traveling with a mage that can
teleport, transmute rock or pass through it, they are pretty much dead.
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