Ninety-Nine Encounters at the Edge of the Forest

With a nod to both Raymond Queneau and Matt Madden for the idea, the following
is a rewrite of the first room of the Haon Dor, a stock area generally
encountered outside the west gate of Midgaard (another stock area). Not just
one rewrite, or nine rewrites, but ninety-nine rewrites, just to show it can be
done. (And to show would-be builders there's no excuse for rubber stamping the
same room description all over an area.)

Added to the original, this'll be one hundred different descriptions for the
very same room.

------------------------------------------------------------------ The Room* ---

What do we primarily know of this room?

We are at the edge of a forest, the Haon Dor. To the west is the forest proper,
and to the east is the West Gate of Midgaard. There is another trail going north
(which could be considered optional. We'll see.)

Here's the original description containing both the brief (title) description
and the long (look) description before each tilde (~):

The edge of the forest~
  You are standing at the eastern edge of a big forest. To the east is the
West Gate of Midgaard and to the west is a narrow trail, leading in through
the forest. A dimly lit path leads north.

I'll also be providing these, AND JUST THESE--no room extras, no exits, no
objects, sectors or scripts. The format, by the way, is what you'll generally
encounter in later DIKU MUDs (Circle, ROM, Smaug, etc.).

In addition, to explain what I'm doing, I'll add a brief comment before the room
itself using a semi-colon (;). 

By the way, I can't promise that every room description will light your fire.
This is merely an exercise in description, creativity and, to a lesser extent,

* If you haven't seen The Room, STOP RIGHT NOW, go to your favorite streaming
service and rent/stream this movie. It'll be worth your fee AND your two

** Then follow it up immediately with The Disaster Artist.

------------------------------------------------------------------ Rooms 1-9 ---

And aa-waAAaaay we go! Starting at numero uno...

; Removing 'you'--

The Edge of the Forest~
  The forest stands west of here, swallowing the trail that connects it with the
West Gate of Midgaard to the east. A second trail goes north into another part
of the wood.

; Being pithy (wouldn't recommend)--

The Edge of the Forest~
  The forest stands west of here at one end of a trail that also goes east to
Midgaard. Another smaller trail branches northward into some trees.

; Being brief and to the point (better)--

The Edge of the Forest~
  The forest of Haon Dor stands west of here, its lush vegetation closing over
the trail that heads into it. The trail also goes east to Midgaard. A small path
off the trail leads north into more trees.

; Four lines (a happy medium)--

The Edge of the Forest~
  The ancient forest of Haon Dor stands west of here, its lush vegetation
swallowing the well-used trail that connects the forest with the West Gate of
Midgaard a short distance to the east. A second trail, thinner than the one
here, can be seen heading north into some more trees.

; Five lines (aka reaching our recommended line max)--

The Edge of the Forest~
  The forest of Haon Dor stands west of here, its ancient trees standing silent
watch over the trail that makes its way in there. Many other trees, mostly
saplings with a few solitary older trees, abound in this field, including a
grove just north of a small path going in there. The main trail here also goes
east to the West Gate of Midgaard.

; Six lines (not recommended)--

The Edge of the Forest~
  The eminent trees of the Haon Dor stand west of here, their lofty branches
providing deep cover to lush vegetation and a well-used trail that passes out of
sight a short distance in. The vegetation, including many younger trees,
scurries out from the forest alongside the trail, their numbers dwindling as
they go further east and end at the West Gate of Midgaard. The vegetation almost
hides a second trail heading north into a small grove.

; Focusing on the outer edge of the forest--

The Edge of the Forest~
  Solitary trees and small thickets of shrubbery mark the edge of a light forest
just off to the west. A trail heads into the trees, and from there crosses this
field eastways to connect with the West Gate of Midgaard. There's another trail,
too, that heads north into an offshoot of the forest.

; Bringing the edge of the forest closer to town--

The Edge of the Forest~
  Scattered as they are, the trees here at the edge of this forest grow right up
to the stakewall of the town of Midgaard. The gate into town is a short distance
east, and from the gate a trail meanders west into the forest. In between some
of the trees to the north is a grassy path.

; Pushing the edge of the forest farther back--

The Edge of the Forest~
  A trail makes its way through small trees, shrubs and other vegetation on its
way west towards the younger parts of the Haon Dor in the distance. The trail
comes from the east, where stands the West Gate of Midgaard. Nearby is another
trail that goes north into a lighter offshoot of the forest.

---------------------------------------------------------------- Rooms 10-19 ---

; Changing the title with focus on the outer edge of the forest--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  The small trees standing in this grassy field grow in age and size as they
approach the forest to the west. A trail cuts between them as it heads into the
forest and then back east towards the West Gate of Midgaard. The trail also
branches off to the north where it enters a second, smaller forest.

; Another slight change in title, ie. 'at' vs. 'near'--

Near the Edge of a Forest~
  The forest looms to the west, its younger trees flanked by their much larger,
much older brethren. A trail comes out from there, heading past the edge of the
forest to the West Gate of Midgaard east of here. A second, narrower trail goes
north into another small forest.

; Naming the forest in the title--

At the Edge of the Haon Dor~
  The ancient forest that Midgaardians call the Haon Dor stands at the west end
of a trail that disappears into it. The trail also continues a ways in the
opposite direction, eventually coming to the West Gate of Midgaard itself. A
second, thinner trail heads north into some more woodland.

; Recognizing both Haon Dor and Midgaard in the title--

Between Haon Dor and Midgaard~
  A sprinkling of trees and shrubs across this grassy field forms the outer edge
of the Haon Dor, the large forest growing west of here. The western gate of
Midgaard stands at the opposite end of the field. A trail connects the two, and
an additional trail heads north into a grove.

; Acknowledging both trails in the title--

At a Crossroads Before a Forest~
  Two trails intersect here in this small field of trees and shrubs: the more
narrow of them heading north into a small woodland of trees, the longer of them
going west into the much larger Haon Dor. The trail also goes east to the West
Gate of Midgaard.

; Specifying two trails in the title--

A Meeting of Two Trails Before a Forest~
  Years of travel have made permanent a pair of trails that meet at this spot.
The smaller, more narrow of the two goes in one direction only: north towards a
sparse copse of trees. The other, more visited trail goes east to west, from the
West Gate of Midgaard towards the towering primeval forests of the Haon Dor.

; A three-way--

An Intersection at the Edge of a Forest~
  Two well-traveled trails, a larger trail going west to east and a thinner
trail going north, come together here at the forest's edge. Both the trails
going west and north head into various parts of the Haon Dor. The West Gate of
Midgaard is at the end of the trail heading east.

; Giving a sense of location near the home (default) town of Midgaard--

At the Edge of a Forest Near Midgaard~
  The edge of this forest is a porous boundary of saplings and younger trees
between a much denser woodland to the west and the town of Midgaard to the east.
Access to the town is through a gate that way. Access into the forest is
unimpeded, but it grows much darker in there. There appears to be a lit lantern
or two between some trees to the north.

; Same, but emphasizing the town over the forest--

Near Midgaard at the Edge of a Forest~
  The bright torches, the wooden palisade and the iron gates of Midgaard are a
short distance east from the edge of this forest. The forest itself grows and
deepens as the trail here goes west, enveloping the trail in foliage the farther
in it goes. Northways at the end of another, thinner trail is a narrow gap
between some trees.

; A tale of two forests--

A Convergence of Two Forests~
  Younger trees charge headlong into the outskirts of an ancient forest to the
north and west of here. The ancients belong to the Haon Dor, whose deep, rich
canopy of leaves shelter all who travel beneath it on a trail going west. The
younger trees have not yet been named by the denizens of this land, and given
time they may end up part of the older woodland. A smaller trail heads into that
younger forest. The main trail heads east out of the Haon Dor towards the West
Gate of Midgaard.

---------------------------------------------------------------- Rooms 20-29 ---

; What kind of forest?--

At the Edge of a Light Forest~
  Young trees, high grasses and weeds mark the edge of a light forest to the
west. A trail passes that way, losing itself under the shrubs and other
vegetation growing over there. The trail also wends its way east towards the
beckoning gates of Midgaard. There's a third trail, barely visible beneath the
grasses, that heads north into some more trees.

; What kind of forest? Redux--

At the Edge of a Deep Forest~
  Dense shrubbery and grasses run riot along the forest floor of the Haon Dor
west of here. A trail coming from Midgaard to the east makes its way into the
forest, but it's difficult to know from here what lies behind the thick veil of
vegetation. Another trail heads northwards into another, lighter part of the

; Forcing the player to learn the terrain--

A Land in Transition~
  This small field of grasses, wildflowers and shrubs also is home to trees that
have come from the forest of the Haon Dor to the west. A trail goes in there,
connecting the forest with the West Gate of Midgaard east of here. A second
trail goes north into some other trees that way.

; Bringing it back old-style with simple sentences--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  A narrow trail to the west leads further into the depths of Haon Dor. The
trail also goes east a brief distance to the West Gate of Midgaard. A much
smaller path off the trail heads north into a grove.

; Keeping it old-style with a compound sentence--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  Beyond the bounds of this forest to the east stand the walls of Midgaard and
the West Gate into the city. A trail heads west into the deeper regions of the
Haon Dor, and northwards is a lamp lighting a faint path that way.

; Keeping it old-style with a complex sentence--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  Due to travelers coming west from Midgaard into the Haon Dor even further
west, the trail in this small clearing has become a permanent fixture of the
land. There's also a thinner, more uneven trail heading north into a grove.

; Keeping it old-style with a single sentence--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  An irregular path of dirt here goes off in three directions: west into the
ancient depths of the Haon Dor, east towards the busy markets of Midgaard, and
north into a copse of young trees and brush.

; Keeping it old-style with a single sentence redux--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  Though the main trail at the edge of this forest makes a straight line between
the West Gate of Midgaard east of here and the ancient Haon Dor to the west,
part of the trail branches northwards into a dimly-lit grove.

; Proving a single sentence three-line description is not a fluke--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  Stretching east to west from the sights and sounds of Midgaard to the wilds of
the Haon Dor, the trail here connects with a second, more narrow trail that
beckons the curious towards a copse of young maple trees.

; Rewriting #1 as a single sentence--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  The forest stands west of here, swallowing the trail that connects it with the
West Gate of Midgaard to the east, while a second trail goes north into another
part of the wood.

---------------------------------------------------------------- Rooms 30-39 ---

; Passive voice--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  Parts of the forest were cut back recently, leaving tree stumps and litter all
along the ground. The trail to the main forest became more exposed as a result,
making it easily visible to anyone coming out of Midgaard east of here. Most of
the rest of the forest was left alone, which can be entered by going west.
Another trail can also be seen going north into more trees.

; Interjection--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  An old sign just off the main trail reads, 'Watch out for snakes!' Though the
grasses and shrubs around here can easily hide small animals, the trail itself
shows no evidence of snakes or any other creature. Just of people passing from
the Haon Dor to the west to Midgaard to the east. And onto a path that passes
north into a thicket of trees.

; Interrogative--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  At what spot does the forest end and the township begin? It's difficult to
tell as the trees of the Haon Dor, young as they are, march right up to the
boundary wall, whereas the citizens of Midgaard are always cutting down the
trees for firewood and other uses. Perhaps it doesn't matter? A trail here runs
east to west between town and forest, respectively, and between a pair of tree
stumps is a short path going north.

; Imperative--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  Go to the forest. The trail heading west enters there between a couple
gnarled, ancient trees, which should give a good indication of the kind of
forest Haon Dor is. Or go east to town. To Midgaard. Safety is there, as is
food, drink and other supplies. Or go north along the small path. It runs past a
small copse of trees, but there's no telling from here where it ends.

; Subjunctive--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  A sign near the trail running through these woods suggests that travelers take
care in watching for wolves, spiders and other nasties that have been reported
in the Haon Dor to the west. The protective walls of Midgaard beckon to the
east, but unless the adventurer be a coward, why flee there? There's another 
trail nearby to the north, however, and come what may, the curious best be 
prepared for some awful times.

; Dark mood--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  Like solemn giants shouldering the weighty matters of the world upon their
straining backs, the ancient trees of the Haon Dor stand silent, releasing an
occasional groan as the wind gusts past their soaring branches. The trail
passing past their roots rolls out from the west and goes east towards the West
Gate of Midgaard. There's a smaller grove of trees nearby, too, which gather
north at the end of a short path.

; Darker mood--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  The elder trees of the Haon Dor crowd in on the trail passing through them to
the west, so close in spots that they moan as their trunks chafe against one
another. Their verdurous branches soar into the sky, stifling whatever light
comes from above, blanketing the forest in darkness even at the height of day.
The trail passes this way as it heads east towards the West Gate of Midgaard,
and it splits off into some other trees north of here.

; Indifferent mood--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  The scent of detritus, moss and wet wood permeates the air, growing stronger
as the forest deepens to the west. A trail proceeds from the forest, connecting
the wilderness with the sights and sounds of Midgaard east of here. There's a
second trail north that ends among other trees.

; Light mood--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  There's a vibrancy of life here, as evidenced by the small trees and even
smaller shrubs, grasses and wildflowers that thrive across this meadow. At the
west end of this meadow, the trees grow in number and size, eventually joining
the lush verdure of the Haon Dor over there. To the east stand the western gates
of Midgaard, beckoning travelers to set a spell at any one of its many fine
taverns. Northwards past a wide patch of thistle is a narrow path passing
beneath the outstretched limbs of a grove.

; Delightful mood--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  Vegetation thrives beneath the ancient trees of Haon Dor, their vivacious
greens dotted with scarlets, oranges, yellows and many other colors imparted by
the profusion of flowers blossoming within their embrace. A trail skirted with
purple blooms frolics out from underneath the exultant tangle, making its way
across innumerable other flowers to eventually arrive at the affable gates of
Midgaard to the east. Another trail peeks out shyly from under a stretch of
groundcover north of here.

---------------------------------------------------------------- Rooms 40-49 ---

; Winter--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  The edge of the forest is a winter wonderland of snow mounds, snow-covered
shrubs and icicles hanging off tree branches. A stamped-down trail of ice and
slush heads into the woods west of here, and goes a similar distance east to the
frosty West Gate of Midgaard. A few intrepid travelers also appear to have
headed north into a lightly-wooded copse.

; Spring--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  Flowers are in full, fresh bloom here at the edge of the Haon Dor, their
numbers increasing as they escort a trail deeper into the forest. The trail runs
west to east, connecting the forest with the West Gate of Midgaard, and it
branches off to the north with many more colorful flowers in tow.

; Summer--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  The air is heavy with humidity and the pungent scent of vegetation. Small
trees and shrubs populate this small field, their numbers increasing as they
follow a trail west into the depths of the forest. The trail also heads east
towards the markets of Midgaard. Another trail, hardly more than a thin, jagged
line penetrating the dense grasses around it, goes north.

; Or fall--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  Dried leaves swirl about the the edge of the forest here, congregating in
small hollows, under bushes and along the edges of a trail that enters the
forest to the west. There are fewer leaves east around the entrance to Midgaard,
likely due to the constant swinging of the gates. Leaves also largely conceal a
short path going north into a small woodland.

; In transition--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  Green blades of grass, purple petals and semi-permanent puddles peep up
through the dregs of melting snow that cling to the shadows at the roots of
shrubs, trees and anywhere else they find cool. The trail west into the forest
is a muddy mess, and it's no better as it proceeds east towards the West Gate of
Midgaard. Buried under more thawing snow is a gossamer path going north.

; In transition redux--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  Fallen snow veils the edge of the forest in a fine, white powder, masking the
browning grasses and the dried leaves that litter this meadow. The snow
partially obscures a trail here, but not enough to see that it follows a rough
line west to east from the forest to the West Gate of Midgaard. Just past a
snow-covered pile of leaves is another path north.

; Dry season--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  A wayward spark could potentially set the edge of this forest ablaze. Or,
should relief come in the form of a thunderstorm, a misfortunate lightning bolt.
There's hardly any green in sight, from the gloom of the Haon Dor west of here
to the gate of Midgaard east. A trail of cracked dirt heads into a gathering of
parched trees to the north.

; Wet season--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  Water saturates this meadow at the edge of the Haon Dor, so much so that the
trail heading into the forest has become a series of puddles peppered with
isolated spots of mud. The trail dries out as it rises into Midgaard to the
east. A rusted lamp lights the way north at what may or may not be the end of
another path.

; Cold--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  An occasional breeze sends shivers among the dead and dying leaves that cling
to the trees of this clearing. Their chatter grows louder in the Haon Dor west
of here, where the leaves swirl, fall and pile among the fading verdure of the
forest floor. A trail heads east out of the forest towards the warming torches
of Midgaard's West Gate, and a thin line of dirt north of here forms a meager
path through frost-tipped grasses to a small grove.

; Hot--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  Thirst and exhaustion has set in among the many shrubs and lower-lying plants
of this field. They benefit neither from the heat nor the humidity, and so lie
about listless, a land of floppy-eared puppies with their tongues lolled out.
The depths of the Haon Dor look no cooler, and the gates of Midgaard east
provide no relief. A trail going north from here heads towards a languid stand
of trees.

---------------------------------------------------------------- Rooms 50-59 ---

; Ya Basic--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  A trail heads west into the forest, dropping out of sight nearly as soon as it
passes the forest's edge. The trail also heads east to the West Gate of
Midgaard. A dimly lit path leads past more trees to the north.

; Basic--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  The lush forest of Haon Dor beckons to the west. An overgrown trail comes out
of the forest and heads east to the West Gate of Midgaard. A dim path between
more trees goes north.

; Plain--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  The forest deepens as it goes west. It darkens as well, likely providing many
a hiding spot for anything lurking there. A trail heads through the forest and
comes back out east towards the West Gate of Midgaard. A gap in some trees to
the north reveals a small path between them.

; Simple--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  The forest of Haon Dor stands west of here, its murky interior home to immense
trees and tangles of vegetation. A narrow trail gradually vanishes into it, and
there's a second even smaller trail going north. The West Gate of Midgaard is to
the east.

; Unadorned--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  The trees here grow in number as they head west towards a much greater forest.
A trail follows them, avoiding their roots as it goes that way, and it extends
east to the West Gate of Midgaard. The trees also part for a path leading north.

; Hilly--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  The edge of the forest is a mix of flatland and small hills populated with
shrubs, high grasses, and trees, their numbers increasing as they head towards
the central forest west of here. A narrow trail goes through the forest as well
as to the West Gate of Midgaard to the east, and part of the trail breaks off to
go north into a tangled thicket of gnarled trees.

; Rocky--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  Boulders and broken rocks strew the land, providing cover to lichens, small
weeds and wildflowers. There are a few trees here as well, and even more come
together to form a forest to the west. The West Gate of Midgaard stands over
this rocky clearing to the east. A small path between a pair of boulders goes
north into more trees.

; Evergreen--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  Small pines and a few low-lying junipers dominate this otherwise dull and flat
field. A few rocks can be seen here and there, and a trail goes west towards
much larger pine trees in a forest that way. The walls and West Gate of Midgaard
stand against further progress by the trees to the east, and north past a rocky
outcropping and an overgrown juniper is a narrow path.

; Farmland--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  At the north end of a small trail is a gated fence. The fence marks the start
of pasture, and a little further on are rows of grassy crops. There are no trees
past the fence, but starting here and going further west the trees increase in
size and number, eventually coming together in the wilds of an old-growth
forest. To the east stands the West Gate of Midgaard.

; Wetland--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  Trees avoid the marshy grounds of the fen to the south, preferring instead the
dry land here and to the west in the forest of Haon Dor. Travelers, too, stick
to the trail that rides the edge of the fen between the forest and the West Gate
of Midgaard to the east. A second trail goes north towards a thicket of trees
and shrubs.

---------------------------------------------------------------- Rooms 60-69 ---

; Chopped forest--

At the Edge of a Cut Forest~
  The edge of the forest appears to be receding westwards, likely cleared by
woodsmen from the nearby city of Midgaard to the east. Stumps, broken branches,
wood chips and other debris litter the ground, some of it obscuring a trail
going north into a thicket of young trees. A wider, more visible trail connects
the city to the forest from east to west.

; Sickly Forest--

At the Edge of an Ailing Forest~
  A blight has taken hold of this land of field and forest, many of the trees
having lost their leaves and the yellowing grasses lying low and sparse. The
forest continues west along a trail, which also heads east to the looming gates
of Midgaard. A second trail goes north of here into another part of the forest.

; Insect-eaten forest--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  Tiny predators have been feasting on the vegetation of this region, leaving
behind naked trees and shrubs with branches chewed to the nub. Only a handful of
grasses and some wildflowers were unaffected by the devastation, as was an
odd-looking red oak marking a trail heading north. The western gates of Midgaard
stand east of here.

; Burnt forest--

At the Edge of a Burnt Forest~
  It may be some years before the forest that stood to the west recovers from
whatever fire burned it down. Only blackened trunks and charred logs remain, and
the grounds between them lie barren. A trail led into the forest; it continues
there now past endless ruin. The east end of the trail goes to Midgaard. There's
also an opening north into another part of the destruction.

; Storm-torn forest--

At the Edge of a Devastated Forest~
  Trees of various ages and sizes, including a massive conifer from deeper
within the Haon Dor, lie obliterated on the ground, their remains the work of
some recent, massive storm. No one has come to clear the debris, save for around
sections of trail that lead west into the forest and near the gate of Midgaard
to the east. Some downed branches also form cover next to a trail heading north.

; Fey Woods--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  Young trees, lush grasses and wildflowers of yellow, white and purple carpet
the landscape and grow more numerous as they head west into the Haon Dor. Off to
one side of the trail here, next to a log, grows a colorful patch of mushrooms,
all of them capped red with white dots. The trail connects the forest with the
city of Midgaard to the east, and it branches off north into a dense grove of
welcoming golden oaks.

; Undead Woods--

At the Edge of a Haunted Wood~
  A large tree at the edge of the forest is ailing. Or it has rotted to look
that way, its lush head of leaves long gone, its remaining branches grasping
hungrily towards the sky, a jagged hollow in its trunk resembling a scream. Its
sickly appearance is typical of the other trees of the forest, which grow over
the trail going west. Eastways are the closed gates of Midgaard, and a thinner
trail reluctantly goes north into a copse of dying trees.

; Troll Woods--

Near the Edge of the Haon Dor~
  Among a pile of weathered, ancient logs stands a slipshod sign. It warns
against further progress west into the forest, displaying two words prominently
amid all the others: DANGER and TROLS. There's a trail going that way, which
breaks and also heads north into another part of the forest. A third trail 
widens as it approaches the gates of Midgaard to the east.

; Goblin Woods--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  Strung along the branches of a pair of trees is a series of rooted and bony
claws. Or... hands. A sign hangs among them, and one word in particular stands
out: GOBLINS. Its maker warns of what lurks in the forest to the west should
anyone continue on the trail there. The trail also heads east to the waiting
gates of Midgaard, and a smaller trail disappears into underbrush and more trees
to the north.

; Spider Woods--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  Strands of webbing cling to the grasses and flowers of this tree-dotted field,
their quantities growing as the trees merge with the Haon Dor to the west. The
webbing diminishes along a trail going north into more trees, and just east of
here are the formidable gates of the city of Midgaard.

---------------------------------------------------------------- Rooms 70-79 ---

; Midgaard under seige--

An Embattled Landscape~
  Pockmarks, deep gouges and broken blades mar the surface of the thick palisade
surrounding Midgaard. The grounds at their bases show signs of recent battles,
likely indicating a city under siege. The battles look to have raged towards and
into the forest west of here, though there's no indication of who or what may be
there. A trail going north into some other trees is similarly scarred.

; Evil/Dark--

At the Border of a Dark Forest~
  A darkness emanates from the old forest to the west. Nothing tangible, but the
light of the sky struggles to reach the ground beneath its inky verdure. Perhaps
the darkness is why the townspeople of Midgaard regularly cut the tress here, to
prevent the forest from overtaking their walls. A trail leads east to west
between town and forest, and another, thinner trail heads north into a brighter
section of woodland.

; Good/Light--

The Edge of a Untroubled Forest~
  Near the trail just before it enters the forest is a unicorn whose horn glows
with a soft, celestial light. A sign adorning its pedestal welcomes all who come
to the forest and describes the various sites one might find within. Given its
looming presence, the forest is undoubtedly ancient, but doesn't look dangerous
to anyone traveling within. The trail also heads east towards the gates of
Midgaard, and connects with a second trail going north into more trees.

; Trail marked with sign by an evil priest--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  The trail coming west out of the city of Midgaard heads directly into the
ancient forest of Haon Dor. Embedded within the trail's surface, a step or two
before the edge of the forest, is a flat tablet of rock with several runes
carved upon it. And below the runes the name of this world's greatest evil,
Bane, god of blood and murder. One can go around the rock, of course, or avoid
the forest altogether by heading north onto a second trail.

; Trail marked with sign by a good priest--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  A pink boundary stone marks the edge of the forest looming west of here, and
on its face are a handful of wealful runes. A prayer to the Goddess of Healing,
Isis, heads the blessing, and some instructions border its bottom. A trail runs
past the stone and goes off in two other directions: east to Midgaard and north
into a small stand of young trees.

; Wizard Duel--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  Several blasts have laid to waste the trees of this region. The forest is
slowly reclaiming this land, and from the looks of the saplings, the weeds and
the weathering at the edges of the blasts, whatever fight took place here was
long ago. A trail winds its way past the blasts into the forest, and there's a
second snaking its way north towards a bridge. Eastwards stand the gates of the
city of Midgaard.

; Warrior Duel--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  Affixed to the ground south of the crosspath here is a small obelisk dedicated
to the warriors Grok and Lather. Or so says a brass plaque attached to its side.
The obelisk also marks the joining of two trails: one heading north into a small
copse of trees, and the other connecting the city of Midgaard east with the
forest of Haon Dor to the west.

; Battlefield--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  A melted, crumbling slag of swords, helms, gloves and shields sits at the head
of a dozen or so weathered gravemarkers that keep witness over this land. A
flagging sign atop the slag indicates this had once been the site of an ancient
battle. It appears the only visitation to this site is by travelers who make
their way along a trail west into the Haon Dor or east towards the high gates of
Midgaard. There's another trail wending its way north into more trees.

; Fallen Wall from Midgaard--

Outside the Walls of Midgaard~
  Part of the stone wall surrounding Midgaard seems to have spilled out onto
this field of grasses and young trees. The citizens of the city have since
repaired the wall, but appear to have given up removing the many rocks, chunks
of mortar and beams that fell, letting nature reclaim them. The trail coming out
from the gates of Midgaard heads west into an ancient forest, and another trail
goes north past a small <sign>.

; Junkyard (and/or debris from Midgaard)--

Rubbish Outside the West Gate of Midgaard~
  Thousands of jagged bits of metal, glass, stone and wood strew the land
bordering a trail here, making travel by foot a bit haphazard. This is where
Midgaardians dump their junk, which rests in numerous large mounds southwards
as far as the eye can see. What bits of trail there are peek out of the debris
going east and west, connecting the town with the ancient trees of the Haon
Dor. There's also a scraggly trail running north beneath more trash and weeds.

---------------------------------------------------------------- Rooms 80-89 ---

; An old rock wall--

A Trail at the Edge of a Forest~
  Running along the southern side of the trail are the remains of a stone wall,
broken in many spots and rising no higher than a man's waist. A berry bush grows
out of its western end towards the forest. The city of Midgaard is to the east,
and north of here at the end of another trail is a small bridge.

; A road coming out of Midgaard and ending--

Offroad Near the Edge of a Forest~
  A cobblestone road stretching out from the west gate of Midgaard ends abruptly
here, becoming a wide clearing of dirt then a narrowing trail heading further
west into an ancient wood. There's a second trail going north into more trees.

; Campsite--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  The remains of a campfire lay near this meeting of three trails going north,
east and west. The campfire looks to have been used numerous times, judging from
the large pile of ash next to a rocky outcropping. The trails connect the forest
of Haon Dor to the west with the city of Midgaard off to the east, and those
two with an opening between some trees to the north.

; An old dilapidated hut--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  Shrubs, ivies and even a pair of trees have taken up residence in what was
once a small one-room hovel on the edge of the forest. The doorway's collapsed,
leaving no way to enter, and besides, considering the fallen state of the roof,
it's unlikely safe. The vegetation becomes denser as it approaches the forest to
the west, diminishing eastways as it approaches the gates of Midgaard. Another
trail wends its way north into a small thicket of trees.

; A small wooden bridge over a ditch--

A Bridge at the Edge of a Forest~
  This small bridge passes over a shallow ditch cutting crossways against the
east-west trail connecting Midgaard with the Haon Dor. Going northeast, the
ditch eventually meets with the walls of the town, then goes straight north out
of sight. On the west side of the bridge is a second trail also going north,
itself disappearing beneath the thick foliage of some trees and underbrush.

; Japanese--

At the Edge of a Lush Forest~
  At the root of a large tree next to the trail is a small, flat stone, and atop
the stone is a tiny figure of the Buddha. Rains and long years have worn down
the jizo, but its features are recognizable enough that passersby have left a
crowd of stone towers at its feet, hoping for protection as they travel west
into the forest. The great gates of Matsuyama stand to the east, and at the end
of a trail going north is an opening into a large grove of bamboo.

; Native American (Pawnee)--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  Ceramic water pots hang by a leather strap from a tree branch, indicating the
entrance to the forest that stands west of here. Both are cracked with holes in
their bottoms, occasionally knocking together when a breeze passes by. A thin
trail meanders east from the forest towards the stake fencing of the nearby
village. Another such trail disappears beneath the tall grasses to the north.

; Colonial--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  Several barrels and a tall stack of wood sit next to a smokehouse just off the
trail here. It's unknown who owns the lot, but it's likely the owner built this
here just to keep away from the cottages of Middleton off to the east. Plus with
the forest so close by, it's probably easy to gather the materials needed to
make dried foods for the winter. The forest starts at the west end of the trail
and surrounds the north end of another trail.

; Sci Fi--

Depot at the Edge of a Forest~
  The digital sign hanging from the tridrone waiting station says it all:
ANCIENT WOODS. This neatly pruned relic of the past invites all visitors who
wish to see what a 'tree' looked like or who would have a laugh at how a 'bird'
might have sounded. And for those who would rather kick back with a few drinks
and dusters, there's Triffid's to the north. The transport back to Melnora comes
on the hour for those who are (unsurprisingly) bored.

; Western--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  A length of rope twitches in the wind off an old scaffold nearby. The wood's
all rotted and cracked, likely to give way if climbed on, and there's an open
square in the floor where a trap door used to be. A wisp of trail connects the
scaffold with the town of Meridian to the east. Other dust-laden trails go north
and west towards a brake of brambles and a rawboned old forest, respectively.

---------------------------------------------------------------- Rooms 90-99 ---

; Halloween (Walpulgris)--

Halloween at the Haon Dor~
  Pumpkin after pumpkin pops up across this wide field that borders city and
wood. Many of their numbers have been carved with faces, and in most of these
there flickers a candle. The Pumpkin King, a scarecrow whose head has been
exchanged with Midgaard's prize-winning jack-o-lantern, stands in the middle of
it all, his face a lit terror. The woods belong to the Haon Dor, which stands
west and north of the field, while Midgaard rises over the field to the east.

; Christmas--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  The sign reads, 'Ho Ho Ho!', and points north past a tunnel of fairy lights
towards a small clearing over there. The lights are part of greater strand of
many lights stretched out between the gates of Midgaard and the eastern edge of
the Haon Dor. A fir tree standing at the entrance to the forest is decked out in
blinking, colored lights and topped with a brilliant silver star.

; Holi, or a Festival of Colors--

Celebration at the Edge of a Forest~
  Ochres and vermillions and indigos and tyrians dye the landscape in their
lush, vibrant colors. The villagers from nearby Madura have been celebrating
their festival of love, twirling and tossing powders wherever they go, including
at each other. The powders cover most of this field of grass and small trees,
their vibrancy diminishing as the trees merge with the forest to the west. A
second stand of trees is north, and the village beckons from the east.

; Easter--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  Baskets surround an old tree stump just off the trail here. There's sitting
baskets, tipped baskets, baskets within baskets, baskets with hay inside... and
not a few of the baskets are laden with eggs. Brilliantly colored eggs. The 
trail itself goes past the eggs in a roughly straight line, connecting the 
protective gate of Midgaard eastways with the trees of the Haon Dor a short 
distance to the west. A lit lamppost swaddled in pink ribbons invites attention
from the north at the end of another, narrower trail.

; May Day--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  Among the trees forming the edge of the Haon Dor is a strange sight: a tree
whose branches are all the colors of the rainbow. Upon closer inspection,
however, you notice it isn't a tree at all, but a pole wrapped in brightly
colored strips of cloth. The pole forms a sort of marker for the start of the
forest and stands just south of the trail leading in there. The opposite end of
the trail leads eastways into the gates of Midgaard.

; Mirrored (ie. Mirror Realm)--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  There's a subtle ripple in the air, like heat coming off a sunny road, that
lends the trees a touch of the surreal, as if traveling in any direction will
dissolve the mirage. There's a trail here that's similarly affected, connecting
the East Gate of Draagdim with the shadowy, leafy depths of the Rod Noah east of
here. Another, smaller trail heads north into a small grove of warped trees.

; Shade of Faerie-- (see #65 above)

At the Edge of a Forest~
  Deep, vibrant greens, violets, blues and reds are everywhere in this short
field of small trees, shrubbery and brilliant flowers. A trail cuts through the
flowers, leading west quickly underneath the expansive towering boughs of the
Haon Dor. The trail also leads east into the city of Midgaard, and branches off
north towards a large fairy ring of toadstools.

; Shade of the Shadow Realm--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  Briars are a common feature of this gray clearing, outnumbering even the
scraggly trees coming east out of the gloomy forest of Haon Dor. Rocks, too, are
everywhere, and off the trail going east to Midgaard is a black runestone with
the carved figure of a man bearing a sword. Another trail peters out between
some ferocious-looking briars north of here.

; Shade of Dante's Hell--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  Wretchedness haunts the trees of the Haon Dor that stretch their gnarled and
grasping limbs this way. The West Gate of Midgard east of here shuts them out,
but it seems a mere matter of time before they reach the edge of the city. A
closer look at one of the trees reveals, not sap, but blood. A thin trail
connects the city with the wood, and another trail heads north towards a tree
covered in large birds' nests.

; Shade of Mechanus--

At the Edge of a Forest~
  A rusted out, dilapidated modron sits in a pile next to the trail here. One
of his arms points west towards the machine-grown forest of Haon Dor, and a sign
hanging from its wrist warns of danger therein. In the distance behind the dead
modron is a large hill of mechanical junk. The well-used trail connects the
forest with the gates of Midgaard a short distance east from here. Another trail
make a beeline north into what looks like a clockwork mill of some kind.

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